Environmental Practices on Agricultural Land Questions Law Assignment Help. Environmental Practices on Agricultural Land Questions Law Assignment Help.
I’m working on a law multi-part question and need guidance to help me understand better.
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A half-page and single space for total answers.
Consider the 2012 annual report for the USDA Conservation Reserve Program (Links to an external site.) and the website showcasing projects around the country at the CRP is 30 website (Links to an external site.).
Which policy tool is being used to influence environmental practices on agricultural land? Why?
What do you think of the public outlay of funds to support these environmental practices? Consider your answer from the perspective of an agricultural producer, then consider the answer from the perspective of a consumer/citizen.
Note that 2012 is the most recent annual report, but if you want more statistics about recent years, they are at the USDA FSA Conservation Reserve Program Statistics (Links to an external site.) page.
Environmental Practices on Agricultural Land Questions Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Walden University Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing Discussion and need support to help me study.
Respond in 3-5 sentences to at least four of your colleagues’ posts in one or more of the following ways:
- Validate an idea with your own experience or an example from a specific organization.
- Expand on your colleague’s post by providing an additional benefit.
UCLA Global Climate Change Mitigation and Action Plans Presentation Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a powerpoint Presentation and need support to help me understand better.
The project:
Each team will concisely and effectively share the highlights and key concepts or ideas of the article that they are assigned. I will be looking for a concise description of the article’s main points–this is a skill–which will be worth 85% of the grade. In addition, approximately 15% of your presentation needs to analyze the article–not just summarize it. By analysis, I mean, what are the strengths and weakness of the article’s argument? What connections can you make to the readings, videos and discussions that we’ve covered in this class? Your analysis may also make connections with a public policy issue in the news, if that’s relevant to your article.
Check your assignment for the following format before submission:
Length: 15-20 PowerPoint slide presentation of around 15 minutes.
This assignment will help you master the following learning objectives:
- Summarize the key concepts or findings from a public policy article or book chapter.
- Analyze an article in the field of public policy
The article: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2018.06.023
UCB Inflation And Biden Administration Analytical Review Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing Essay and need support to help me understand better.
In March 2021, the Biden Administration signed a fiscal stimulus package to help in the economic recovery.
While our models in general argue that higher spending leads to higher prices; in reality the exact quantitative impact of fiscal stimulus on inflation is debated.
For this activity you are asked to read and discuss the following article where such debate is discussed: Inflation and the Biden Stimulus.
Specifically:undefinedDiscuss the different views presented in the article with respect to INFLATION and the STIMULUS.
DMTS Vaporfly Sporting Shoe Age of Technology Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing Discussion and need a sample draft to help me study.
Chapter 11 of your textbook examines the ethical debate over performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs). While substances like anabolic steroids have invited much public comment—and criticism—other forms of performance enhancement lead to their own philosophical debates about fairness, skill, and the nature of competition.
Task: Read Jeré Longman’s article in the New York Times entitled, “Do Nike’s New Shoes Give Runners an Unfair Advantage?” (PDF under this week’s “Reading” tab). The piece focuses on the Nike Vaporfly, a shoe designed to help distance runners achieve faster times by propelling them forward and returning energy more efficiently to their legs.
CJUS 535 Liberty University Using the Crime Funnel Discussion Law Assignment Help
please respond to EACH of the discussion post responses with 250 EACH, at least one reference EACH and also a biblical viewpoint EACH.
This is the original post… please do NOT respond to the original just to the TWO classmates: Topic: Using the Crime Funnel
As you have learned from the ‘Crime Funnel,’ a generalization is that for every 1,000 crimes that occur, only about half are reported to the police, and even fewer are ultimately recorded. Of these, less than 10% are detected, and only about 5-6% of offenders will ultimately receive a court appearance. Additionally, the ‘Crime Funnel’ avows that the majority of offenders are ‘bottom level’ offenders rather than criminal elite. It stands to reason that if more of the criminally elite could be targeted, arrested, and prosecuted, that it could have a dramatic impact on crime. Explain how strategic intelligence can be used to develop strategies to attack the ‘top’ of the ‘Crime Funnel,’ and subsequently making more arrests of the criminal elite in contrast to low-level offenders. Please be sure to support your position with scholarly research and apply a Biblical worldview or perspective.
1. Harvey Jacques- When explaining how strategic intelligence can be used to develop strategies to attack the ‘top’ of the ‘Crime Funnel,’ It is easy to see how the “low hanging fruit” criminal, always gets arrested. Meanwhile, the criminal elite always seems to get a pass. Law enforcement intelligence is an important component to successfully solving these disparities in crime, as well as criminal punishment. The “Crime Funnel” is where law enforcement places intelligence it gathers from a variety of outside sources and data basis. The crime funnel is a way to describe whether or not a person or persons will be arrested and actually convicted of a crime. We would think that every serious crime should result in a conviction that is usually not the case. Most cases are usually pleaded out before, and to avoid, a trial with a less appropriate conviction that should have been deserved for the crime committed. These can also be called drop-off; where you can picture them as a picture of a funnel. Picture the funnel as the largest on top where there are a number of incidents reported. Below that is a smaller part of the funnel being arrests, then convictions. After convictions would come incarcerations being a small number compared to the number of reported incidents. This intelligence is vetted and used as a blueprint for future operations in solving crime. With that being said, affluence and social status can be the deciding factor of if you will do jail time for any crimes you might commit or committed. Case and point, The New England Patriots owner, Robert Kraft was arrested in Jupiter, Florida in a massage parlor engaged in improper sexual activity. The case, according to the Orlando Sentinel newspaper, Robert Kraft, a widower, paying for sex acts at the Orchids of Asia spa on consecutive days in January 2019. Kraft pleaded not guilty but issued a public apology for his actions. (Orlando Sentinel)
The reason I used the Kraft case was this was a situation where Intelligence was gathered and placed through the crime funnel. After filtering through all the information, a strategic plan was put into effect. The plan that was placed in effect was deemed illegal, and all of the intelligence gathered from the recordings that was from inside of the building was also disallowed. This is where policing yourselves comes into place. This also reveals that with the right amount of financial backing as well as lawyers, you get a “pass”. Because the intelligence was gathered illegally, the case was thrown out. This was a tough lesson for the Jupiter Police Department, however some of the original intelligence gathered that alleged there was human trafficking, was addressed. Too many times the underserved poor arrested subject, is usually not afforded the same luxuries as the affluent.
Ratcliffe, J. (2016). Intelligence-led policing. Routledge.
Using Intelligence. Sign in to your account. https://learn.liberty.edu/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_647079_1
Orlando Sentinel. “Patriots Owner Robert Kraft Cleared of Massage Parlor Sex Charge.” Orlandosentinel.com, Orlando Sentinel, 25 Sept. 2020, www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/hc-sp-patriots-robert-kraft-2020924-20200925-4pyuc6c4cjewxo27n5wo4dvrji-story.html.
2. Chad Burden – The crime funnel is a way to describe whether or not a person or persons will be arrested and actually convicted of a crime. If you picture a funnel and think of it as the crimes fall from the top into the bottom of the funnel. Then you can have an idea of how it works. The average person thinks that every serious crime should result in an arrest, trial and finally a conviction. However, more often than not, that is usually not the case. Most cases usually pleaded out before the defendant even makes it to a trial. Thus resulting in a conviction of something much less serious that what the actual crime itself was. So as your picture the funnel as the largest number of crimes on top where there are a number of incidents reported. Then as you travel down the funnel to the smaller portion where more arrests tend to happen. You get the plea deals area for the convictions. After these convictions would come incarcerations being a small number compared to the number of reported incidents. Lastly, comes prison, which most avoid and are usually put-on probation (Bessette, 2016).
In order for the police to focus more on the top-end offenders when it comes to crime, intelligence-led policing could be the key that may be used to open that door. Usually, police officers patrol their jurisdictions and are looking for low-level crimes such as public drunk or reckless driving. The major incidents more commonly come from 911 calls where an investigator or detective would investigate as patrol officers do not have the time away from calls to do so. The top ring of the criminal elite is harder to convict for crimes as they can be smarter than your average criminals. It takes time and resources to prove guilt that the police sometimes do not have (Ratcliff, 2016).
Crime prevention is something that many a politician brags about changing or fighting in order to get elected or reelected. It is also a key issue in order to prevent long term crime issues. Intelligence-led policing can help compile information in order to bring more serious offenders from arrest to prison (Ratcliff, 2016). However, there are many factors between the arrest phase and prison that can take place. Females are less likely to be convicted than males, which is why most low level drug offenses or convictions are done by females who take the charge for their boyfriend or spouse. The risk of arrest for females is approximately 3 percent whereas the arrest risk for males is more around 49 percent. Diversity also takes a role in prison time or not. 42 percent of offender population is black. They also have a higher risk of continuing into the crime funnel and are 1.6 times more likely to be incarcerated than other ethnicities (Charette & van Koppen, 2015).
As criminal justice professionals we must remember that while there are certain characteristics about a person that can keep them in or out of the crime funnel, crime prevention is a key part in putting the higher-level offenders in prison instead of their high-paid attorneys keeping them out. As it is often said, if you have enough money you can get away with anything. With intelligence-led policing, we can use this information to put more of these types of offenders in prison; however, it would come at a price that most departments do not have the resources for. Smaller agencies may not have the manpower to investigate high-level crimes where they must be referred to a state agency. These state agencies may also be burdened by other, smaller, agencies’ crimes as well.
Romans 13:4 reminds us “For he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.” Even if law enforcement cannot punish those who commit crimes, eventually, they will answer to God.
Bessette, J. (2016) The Crime Funnel. Rose Institute of State and Local Government. Claremont McKenna College.
Charette, Y., & van Koppen, M. V. (2015). A capture-recapture model to estimate the effects of extra-legal disparities on crime funnel selectivity and punishment avoidance. Security Journal, 29(4), 561-583.
Ratcliff, J. (2016) Intelligence-led policing. 2 ed. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor, & Francis Group. ISBN: 978-1-315-71757-9.
King James Bible, (2020) King James Bible Online retrieved from: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Sitemap.php (Original work published 1611)
CJUS 535 Liberty University Using the Crime Funnel Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ACH Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function Trauma Infection & Neoplasms Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing case study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Case Study: Disorders of Musculoskeletal Function: Trauma, Infection, Neoplasms
Marvin is a healthy, active 36-year-old who belongs to a martial arts club. Once a week, he takes lessons in Judo, and on the weekends, he participates in local competitions. At his last competition, Marvin was paired with a skilled participant from another club. His rival threw him to the mats, and as Marvin struggled, came down hard to pin him down. Marvin heard a snap, followed by instant pain in his left forearm. Radiographs at the local hospital confirmed that he suffered a transverse fracture of the distal aspect of his left ulna.
1. What are the typical signs and symptoms of a fracture?
2. How does a hematoma form, and what function does it serve in the process of healing a fracture?
3. Marvin was told he would be seeing a physiotherapist as his healing progressed. What are the muscular and joint changes that occur during immobilization and the ways Marvin and his physiotherapist can work to address these changes?
4. Discuss why shortly after a fracture does the pain temporarily subside and compare a transverse fracture with one other type of fracture of your choice.
University of California Irvine Kendrick Duckworth Lamar Duckworth Song Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Use your active listening skills to analyze one of the following songs and write a short-form critique in the style of The Source Mind Squad. Be aware that you are reviewing a song, and not an entire album. For this review, focus in and describe the beat (the production) and not the lyrics. If you want to mention what’s occurring lyrically to frame your discussion of the beat, that’s fine, but your point of emphasis is on the work of the producer/beatmaker or engineer.
Remember, this is not about your own likes or dislikes, but about quality assessment based on what you hear. You may offer insight to your preferences, but realize, some may disagree with you (that’s the idea, but we’re not doing threaded responses).
Use the reviews you read as your guide.
Start by listing the song name, with it’s year of release, and who the producer/beatmaker or engineer is. Next give us the mic rating based on the listed descriptions in the magazine ( 4 and a 1/2 mics for Dr. Dre)
Then write one to two concise paragraphs of description and critique.
ENG 1101 TU New Music Has Negative Effects on American Culture Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Just choose one of these, and write an essay in response. Remember, the essay should be in MLA style (as shown in A Writer’s Reference and like the format assignment), should be at least 850 words, and should cite at least three sources (including one of the articles from the textbook). This essay focuses on the comparison/contrast mode of composition.
- Cotharn: Discuss how damaging discrimination can be, either to the person being discriminated against or the person actually doing the discriminating–or both.
- Tecson: Compare/contrast two web sites the way Tecson does, and use Tecson’s article as the basis for your comparison (use the same kinds of criteria).
- Williams: Discuss whether you agree with Williams that new music has negative effects on current American culture.
- Chua: Discuss whether you think Chua is right about “Chinese mothers.”
- Laird: Compare/contrast in-person vs. on-campus classes. Is one kind better than the other?
- Tannen: Agree or disagree with Tannen’s approach to communicating between genders. Another option on this topic–what if you’re non-binary?
- Wilkerson: Discuss the changes the U.S. has seen in race relations since the Great Migration. Have the changes been more positive or negative?
UOFM Serena Williams Racism in Sports Essay Writing Assignment Help
Page Requirement: 2 pages or roughly 700 words
Formatting Requirement: This must be formatted according to MLA (Times New Roman 12 pt. font, 1” margins on all sides, and double spaced) with a proper heading (your name, instructor’s name, course name, date) and header (last name + page number). You need to include MLA-style in-text citations and a Works Cited for the readings you summarize.
**Consult the Purdue Online Writing Lab website for the correct way to format and cite in MLA.
Content Requirement:
This assignment will be the seedling of your Formal Essay Cycle. For this short essay, you’ll exhibit a pairing of ONE in-class reading of your choice (from any point in the term) and ONE outside source that you find to illuminate the question at issue/topic you choose to explore. You will need to demonstrate that you can effectively summarize a source and make critical connections between multiple sources. You will use AT LEAST ONE QUOTE from one of the class readings and connect the underlying concept to your outside source. You’ll want to use more than one quote to give me as your reader a strong concrete sense of what your outside source offers (since I won’t have read that one). You don’t need to state a question at issue explicitly, but you do need to have some critical question at the heart of your thesis statement, which should be at the end of your first paragraph. Since this Critical Connection short essay will help set you up for the first version of the Formal Essay, you want your topic to be one that can be easily adapted to an argumentative draft (complete with enthymeme and at least one counterargument—more on this soon). This essay doesn’t need those formal components, but it should give me as the reader a sense of what kind of debatable topic you’re taking up and why your outside source is a good choice of evidence for an argument about that topic.
**The structure of this essay is not prescriptive, but I will definitely be evaluating this assignment on the basis of:
- The strength of your choice of an outside source
- How well you incorporate and analyze quotes
- Your ability to choose a critical topic that is appropriate in scope (not too narrow, and not too broad)
- How well you structure your paragraphs.
Class reading :
1.Malcolm Gladwell, “Offensive Play”, link: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2009/10/19/offe…
2.Claudia Rankine, “The Meaning of Serena Williams: On Tennis and Black Excellence”, linnk: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/30/magazine/the-me…
3.Mary Cain, “I Was the Fastest Girl in America, Until I Joined Nike”, link: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/07/opinion/nike-ru…
4.Kenny Jacoby, “Why Oregon’s Title IX Investigation of Kavell Bigby Williams’s Alleged Rape Stalled Before It Began”, linkn: https://www.si.com/college-basketball/2017/10/25/o…
5.Susan Elizabeth Shepard, “The State v. Robertson: How Four Football Players Beat the Rap and Changed Free Speech in Oregon”https://www.sbnation.com/2015/10/28/9620514/the-st…
6. 30 for 30 Podcast: “The Sterling Affairs Part 4: Fallout”https://30for30podcasts.com/episodes/sterling-part…