Environmental Science International Convention & Global Warming Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

Environmental Science International Convention & Global Warming Bibliography Writing Assignment Help. Environmental Science International Convention & Global Warming Bibliography Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a environmental science Bibliography and need support to help me learn.
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The annotated bibliography and proposal are to be posted in your group collaboration page by the due date for faculty and peer input. In addition to writing a final paper, you will also prepare an oral or poster presentation with zoom video. (This is submitted through its own assignment tab)The learning objectives are to prepare you for professional scientific conferences in academia or professional careers. Oral and Poster presentations are integral to the scientific process of sharing results, marketing new ideas and technologies, and presenting ideas at professional meetings. If your paper topic is lengthy or complex, you may select a sub-component of your paper for the oral/ poster presentation

  • There are examples of student papers and presentations on Canvas.

Required Structure of Paper

  • April 19 250-500 word proposal for paper + 10 reference Annotated Bibliography

Environmental Science International Convention & Global Warming Bibliography Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Shoreline Community College Inpatient Database Statistics Questions Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a other spreadsheet and need support to help me learn.

  1. Explore the Inpatient database.
    • Script for determining proportion of asthma admits:
      • Go to: https://hcupnet.ahrq.gov/#setup (Links to an external site.)
      • Click on: Create a New Analysis
      • Click on: Inpatient
      • Click on: Trends
      • Click on: Yes – statistics about specific conditions or diseases
      • Click on: Diagnoses by Clinical Classification Software (CCS)
      • Click in search box and select “Tuberculosis”
      • Click on: Each Code Separately
      • Check: Create Analysis

Which year has the largest number of discharges?

Export to Excel and create a graph that shows the overall data trend. Make sure to properly label and format your graph.

2. Use the NIS database to review the ED data.

  • How do the results compare between the three categories listed?
    • All ED Visits
    • Discharged from the ED
    • ED Visits with Admission to the Same Hospital

Export to Excel and create a data display that compares the results for all three categories.

3. Explore the Community database.

    • Go to: https://hcupnet.ahrq.gov (Links to an external site.)
    • Click on: Create a New Analysis
    • Click on: Community
    • Click on: Single Year
    • Select the most recent year available
    • Choose your state
    • Click on: Counties
    • Click on: Quality Indicators
    • Select Prevention Quality Indicators
    • Select Composite PQIs
    • Click on: Create Analysis

What are three trends you note in your data?

Export to Excel and create a graph that highlights one of the trends you outlined. Make sure to properly label and format your graph.

4. Use the KID database to determine the top procedures.

    • Go to: https://hcupnet.ahrq.gov (Links to an external site.)
    • Click on: Get Quick Statistics Tables
    • Click on: Inpatient
    • Click on: Children Only
    • Click on most recent year
    • Click on: Yes (for most specific data)
    • Click on: Procedures – Clinical Classification Software (CCS)
    • Click on: Detailed Table
    • Click on: Create Analysis

Which procedure has the most discharges?

Which procedure has the most charges?

Export to Excel and create a graph that shows the top ten procedures based on discharges. Make sure to properly label and format your graph.

5. Now that you have explored the HCUP datasets, design a dashboard using that data. Follow the steps from the Linkdin Learning tutorial on creating a basic dashboard to sketch out your dashboard layout in Excel. Make sure to include a mix of data and graphs.


Los Angeles City Recommendations by the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Like most subjects, there are many opinions about the topic of nutrition. However not everyone sharing their opinion are experts in the field. In fact, most of what is promoted on television and the internet is not evidence-based and is often nothing more than quackery. For this discussion board, please read Controversy 1: Sorting Imposters from Real Nutrition Experts at the end of Chapter 1 in our textbook Nutrition Concepts and Controversies, 15th ed. After reading that section, discuss what you have learned regarding who the real nutrition experts are and who are the imposters. Also, discuss how you can spot quackery and where you can get reliable information. Use only the textbook to support your statements and be sure to cite the source properly using APA formatting.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words.
Back up your answers with textbook references, and cite your sources!


Grossmont College Classical Persian Music by Muslims Discussion Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a other discussion question and need guidance to help me study.

Choose an AUDIO example (not video clip) from Unit 2: India and write a 150 word journal about it. Please utilize the listening guides in your textbook for this assignment. Include information about the audio example including the genre or style, instruments and form. What culture creates this music? What behaviors or activities are associated with this music? Also include your personal thoughts or feelings about your chosen audio example. Do you like it/dislike it? Why did you choose this particular example?

Your Journal should be around 150 words


UCLA Our Relationship with Experts The Idols of the Cave Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation to help me learn.

Write a worthwhile, issue-based, academic essay WITHan appropriately narrowed focus that fits within the following general topic: Our relationship with experts(and/or expertise).

Use one or more of our four invention strategies (focused freewriting, group brainstorm, the forced perspective method (in the form of a probing question), or the CCA method of Collecting data, Categorizing that data in various and creative ways, and Analyzing that data (through comparison and contrast, perhaps) to find your narrowed, appropriate focus and, hopefully, produce some initial development of that focus. Making a large list of “experts” that come to mind can be a useful place to start. One of the possible (but not required) outcomes for this assignment is a connection between a broader, more theoretical knowledge of human behavior (the respective essays of Bacon and Dunning, for example) and specific, problematic aspects of life today. The following thoughts and questions are listed for your benefit. You may use one of these if you are struggling to produce your own topic or thesis through the invention methods and the readings:

A) Which of Francis Bacon’s four idols is most relevant to a significant problem today, regarding experts (or expertise)? Use Bacon’s observation as a starting point/touchstone for your essay and then explain how present-day habits encourage this problem? Finish with an explanation as to why this is significant?

B) Which common activities empower one or more of the problems noted by David Dunning?

Argue that several of today’s lifestyle habits promote the very weaknesses identified by Dunning? Connect this often subtle and persistent influence to a larger, significant problem?

C) We don’t have enough shared experts… Why not? Why is this a significant problem?Can a civilized society that benefits a clear majority of its members exist in the face of divisiveness and uncertainty regarding “truth”?

D) Many of our “experts” live in the world of pop culture. Why have we turned to such an obviously inferior source? What costs are we experiencing as a result?

E) What type or types of experts have been actively discredited? Why? To what end? What is the cost of diminishing of this particular group of experts?

F) A fundamental change in our sense of self has dangerously altered our relationship with experts (less humility, more ego-centrism). Can you identify influences that champion a more confident approach to life? A more ego-centric approach?

G) We rely too much on the expertise of others? We’re creating a dependent society of people who need to always be told what to do? Problem-solving skills are diminishing…

H) We encounter too much information, hear from too many experts, and listen to too much noise… This weakens us in a few ways, which leads to the larger problem of…

I) The expertise we seek is largely oriented towards practical, mundane tasks, rather than towards a larger, “big picture” understanding (philosophical, theoretical, psychological…).You could connect this idea to my in-class comments about the difference in GE coursework at highly selective private schools and the GE coursework at many state schools. This reveals a significant problem because…


Font: Times New Roman, size 12

Margins: 1″ top, bottom, left, right. You may have to adjust these in your word processor

Pagination: MLA style, in the header, upper right, ½” down, as discussed in class

Spacing: Double

Justification: Left justification only (except for title and pagination)

Minimum length: 4 pages of text (22 full lines = 1 page; the first page will only have 17 lines)

Maximum length: 6 pages of text


As always, consider the fundamental essay instruction that you have been given throughout thesemester, including the following pieces of advice:

Offer a message that adds to a worthwhile conversation, instead of summarizing what someone else has already said. In other words, I expect you to create and construct your argument or analysis rather than “looking it up”. The majority of the ideas and writing should be yours. Sources support you; they should not do most of the hard work (the reasoning and the insightful claims).

Do you understand what is considered “worthwhile” (from the opening sentence of this assignment)? Do you know the conventions of an “academic essay”? Is your essay should be anchored by a strong, worthwhile thesis?

The three step “action plan” can be a helpful guide for essay content: 1) What is happening, and how do you know it is happening? Show me… 2) Why is it happening (reasoning). 3) Why is significant? Why should we care? That said, the reader should have a clear sense of issue throughout the essay, not just at the end.

An argument is typically built on claims that are supported by reasons that are, in turn, supported by evidence. Too many students offer incomplete reasoning and limited evidence. Sometimes students argue solely in claims; don’t be one of those students. A connection to historical and/or societal events can be an effective development tool. An argument should develop and progress as the essay moves forward. Don’t offer a repetitive list that repeats a basic claim instead of developing it. There should be a clear progression or logical sequence to the development of your thesis statement.

Avoid a list-like structure – or creating the sensation of one. List-like essays follow the structure of their sources rather than an strong argumentative one. These essays often have a descriptive thesis rather than an argumentative one. Paragraph openers that use “time” words (“first,” “next,” “after,” “then”) or “listing” words (“also,” “another,” “in addition”) indicate the presence of a list-like structure, or they create the impression one. They suggest that the essay simply reproduces the chronology of a source text (in the case of time words: first this happens, then that, and afterwards another thing . . . ) or simply lists one example-based paragraph after another. It most cases, it is wiser to develop each body paragraph around a separate secondary claim (argumentative or analytical) rather than developing each paragraph around a separate example.

Do you need to acknowledge one or more counterarguments? If so, where in the essay should this acknowledgement take place? Counterargument should connect directly to the specifics of your own argument, rather than loosely relate to the general topic. It is not just a different viewpoint; it is a counter to your argument.

Avoid a conversational writing style; avoid the second person POV. Rely on a third-person POV approach. Avoid weak words such as “nowadays”, “stuff”, “things”, and “get”. Also, avoid words that suggest you are speculating or guessing. “May”, “might”, “can”, “could”, and “would” are commonly used words that undermine your ethos and, ultimately, the persuasiveness of your argument.

Do not make a habit of interrupting the development of the ideas in the essay with the unnecessary introduction of an author. Only the occasional author warrants an intro, usually due to their ethos. In most cases, rely on the in-text citation to do the work you normally do with a wordy intro.

End the essay with a conclusion instead of a summary.



History Through Conflict Napoleon Bonaparte the Illusion of Ruling the World Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a history Essay and need a sample draft to help me study.

Country: France Pick one themes to write the history Year will be 1789-1945, Also it has to choose a person in this year and talk about this person.

All writing assignments should be in Chicago format (typed, double-spaced). Be sure to use Times New Roman 12 point font. All pages must be numbered. At the top left of the first page include your full name, the class title, the assignment title, the date, and a word count.In general

In General

  • The assignment is meant to explore some details of your chosen nation and to use those details to reflect back upon the themes of our course
  • The assignment (s) also give you some freedom to tailor the course to your interests and to the approaches to history that you prefer
  • The 4 themes

  • History through Biography
  • History through Conflict
  • History through Culture
  • History through Food
  • Starting with History through Biography

  • Familiarize yourself with the rough outline of the history of your chosen nation
  • Think about your chosen nation relative to the different approaches to nation (first text)
  • Think about the role of the individual in history
  • –Does the individual make history

    –Do the times shape the individual

    –Some of both (sitting on the fence)

    –Inclined towards…

    Choosing a Person

  • “Great man” or not
  • Political, Cultural, Economic…
  • Sub-altern?
  • When do they fit the history chronologically
  • –Short time?

    –Life story mimics nation?

    My example

  • Doing Latvian nation
  • Brainstorm ideas:
  • Political: Ulmanis, Skujenieks, Stučka, Rainis
  • Cultural: Rainis, Aspāzija, Padegs, Čaks, Barons
  • Economic: Bergs
  • “Sub-Altern”: Pīpiņa, Schiemann, Peter the Painter
  • Choice: Rainis
  • Thinking about my choice

  • Rainis, lived from 1865-1929
  • Cultural hero, poet, playwright, editor
  • Émigré
  • Social Democrat
  • How does his experience mirror nation
  • Translating to Paper

  • Brainstorm ideas about Rainis
  • Early Social Democrat
  • Early Revolutionary
  • Émigré
  • Cultural production
  • Wife
  • Return to Latvia as hero, politician
  • Relationship between cultural role and political
  • Translating to paper, part 2

  • Use word count as a guide
  • 1,000 to 1,500 words
  • –My paragraphs are about 250 words, 4 to 6 paragraph paper

    –If paragraphs long, should they be two.

    –If short, can i flesh them out more

    –Keyhole structure or no

    Remember the course!

  • Write paper to be interacting with text (s)
  • Write paper to be interacting with class
  • Have other assignments added? Can I scaffold or ladder assignments?
  • What does (or does not) this person tell us about the history of the nation
  • Loading…


  • More detailed the outline, the easier the jump to writing
  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Start wide, narrow. Finish from narrow back to wide
  • What works for you, not a formula
  • Drafts

  • Multiple rough drafts
  • Multiple edits
  • –Nails the link to the course?



    –Read out loud,


  • I prefer footnotes, but be consistent
  • Bibliography so I can follow

    Last hints

  • Follow what interests you
  • Persuasive argument, not prosecutorial
  • Viewpoint, but balance
  • Neat and tidy
  • History Through Conflict Napoleon Bonaparte the Illusion of Ruling the World Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Management Information System Python Guess the Number Game Program Programming Assignment Help

    I’m working on a python question and need guidance to help me study.

    You have to create a python program to implement’ guess the number’game according to the condition :

    Python generates a number randomly in the range from 50 to 100.

    There will be 3 attempts to guess a number in the range from 50 to 100.

    If the user’s guess matches with the number, then print message ‘ won’

    If the user’s guess did not match with the number, then print message’ lost’

    To generate a random number in a range, you have to use following function

    random.randint ( lower limit, upper limit)


    MGT 4440 Troy University Quest to Build the Perfect Team Question Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a management project and need an explanation to help me learn.

    Please read the attached article (“What Google Learned from Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team” by Charles Duhigg) and respond to the questions below:

    1. What was the major finding discovered by Project Aristotle regarding data patterns and what were some additional findings discovered?
    2. In trying to discover what made a team successful, what was one thing Project Aristotle consistently found identified in their research as important?
    3. The article described two very different sample teams (i.e., Team A and Team B) and asks which team you would rather join. Which team would you rather join?
    4. Did it surprise you which team the article suggested you should join if given the choice? Why/Why not?
    5. In studying groups, what two specific behaviors were generally shared among the teams considered “good”?
    6. Reflect on/Discuss the concept of psychological safety that is identified and discussed toward the end of the article. This is also a concept discussed in your Chapter 6 textbook material.
    7. How important do you think psychological safety is in team interactions? Why?
    8. Please discuss any concluding thoughts, take-aways, and/or new ways of thinking about team interactions resulting from this article. For example, were there points with which you particularly agreed or disagreed?
    • A minimum of 3 full double-spaced pages. .


    MTSU Technology Is Changing the World by Thomas Friedman Essay Writing Assignment Help

    Prepare a typed, single-spaced one page (one page at the most) executive summary of the major points made in the following articles and websites and YouTube video below.

    Friedman, Thomas L. “ It’s a Flat World, After All” New York Times Magazine, April 3, 2005 (this is a classic business read of epic proportions):






    Hans Rosling’s 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes – The Joy of Stats – BBC Four (make sure you mention this video in your executive summary and you will see some very general questions on your final exam). Again, just a one page summary that covers all of the above.

    Note, this video uses a presentation format and technology that will eventually become the “norm” for giving presentations (watch out PowerPoint).

    In the last concluding paragraph, indicate three implications for international business of a “flat world”. Note, Friedman’s entire model of being driven by profits has come under fire. A lot of companies are claiming to shift their corporate strategy away from being profit driven towards social responsibility. If this shift becomes mainstream, it will have an impact on the ISM curriculum and your careers (https://fortune.com/longform/business-roundtable-ceos-corporations-purpose/). It would blow away a manager if you could even remotely have this type of high level business strategy conversation.


    GSC Police Brutality Killing of Daunte Wright Essay Law Assignment Help

    I’m working on a criminal justice project and need support to help me understand better.

    Find an example, within the last 2-3 years, of police use of deadly force (not a high-profile case that’s been in nationwide news).

    1. Provide a brief overview of the case.
    2. Based on your review of the example, determine whether the use of force was justified, using the U.S. Supreme Court case discussed in Chapter 5, Tennessee v. Garner, as your main reference points.
    3. Explain your position and provide your justification.
    4. If the case was ruled justified by officials, did that conflict with your findings?
    5. Do you feel that the current climate and attitudes towards police affected your thoughts on the matter?


    Environmental Science International Convention & Global Warming Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

    Environmental Science International Convention & Global Warming Bibliography Writing Assignment Help

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