Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help

Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help. Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help.

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Coffee trees grown in the shade of taller forest trees produce fewer coffee beans than trees grown on cleared forestland. However, unlike coffee grown in full sun, shade-grown coffee preserves some habitat for forest birds and other organisms. What is one advantage of growing coffee in the shade?

A. It costs more than other growing methods. 

B. It harms the environment. 

C. It provides farmers with greater profits. 

D. It helps maintain forest biodiversity.

Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help

Which of the following is a sustainable method of human societal development?

  A. Degrading resources with pollution
  B. Limiting unnecessary resource use
  C. Encouraging a throwaway culture
D. Using only nonrenewable resources


Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help

Which type of society is most likely to produce a great number of crops?

A. Hunter-gatherer
B. Pastoral
C. Postindustrial
  D. Agrarian


Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help

Fracking is a way to obtain oil and natural gas trapped in rock. During fracking, a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals are forced into the rock, causing it to fracture and release the natural gas or oil it contains. Fracking can harm the environment when it releases water pollution or air pollution. 

How could governments best cooperate to help prevent this problem?

A. They could educate citizens on the dangers of pollution caused by fracking.
B. They could warn other governments about the pollution they have produced.
C. They could fine individuals for using fossil fuels obtained through fracking.
D. They could set limits on the pollutants that can be released while 


Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help

Which of the following is a result of globalization?

A. Advances in technology allow energy resources to produce less pollution. 
B. Goods are seldom transported far from where they were made. 
C. People often travel far from where they were born. 
D. It can take months for information to be carried to different places on Earth.



Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help

Which of the following outcomes is a benefit of conventional agriculture?

A. Heavy fertilizer use
B. Overly irrigated soil
C. Overuse of monoculture
D. Inexpensive food

Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help

Which of these practices does the most to decrease the amount of water needed to farm?

A. Cash crops
B. No-till farming
C. Crop rotation
D. Drip irrigation


Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help

What is the main goal of sustainable agriculture?

A. To rely heavily on mechanization, pesticides, and fertilizers
B. To produce cheap and abundant food at a high cost
C. To feed a growing world without damaging the ecosystem
D. To increase farming efficiency and profits


Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help

Which of these factors is associated with sustainable farming?

A. Intensive farming
B. Monoculture
C. Desertification
D. Food security


Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help

Which kind of farming is associated with less soil erosion?

A. No-till farming
B. Monoculture farming
C. High-density livestock farming  
D. Intensive farming


Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help

Environmental Science Question Science Assignment Help

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