ERAU Information Security Elements Discussion Writing Assignment Help

ERAU Information Security Elements Discussion Writing Assignment Help. ERAU Information Security Elements Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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Here are the instructions for this discussion. Since this is for a discussion post, there is no need for a title page.

Organizations must have controls in place to protect the information that resides within the systems being utilized. The collection of these controls make up the security program. Sometimes it is easier to identify what is not in a security program than what should be in a security program as every organization has different risks, threats, and business drivers. Even though every security program is different, they are usually made up of the same elements. These elements are explained in the first two chapters of your text. Based on these common elements and your own organization’s needs, explain at least three essential information security elements and what you would do to protect your organization against threats using these elements.

After posting your initial response and reading your classmate’s individual organizational needs and protections, respond to two of your peers with your own recommendations based on what you learned from this module’s readings and additional resources.

Here is the grading rubric:

Analysis and Interpretation

30.0 pts

Excellent (A) 27 to 30 points – Identifies and explains all of the main issues in question with an insightful and thorough analysis of all of the issues. Responses demonstrate new understanding of the topic.

26.9 pts

Satisfactory (B) 24 to 26.9 points – Identifies and explains most of the main issues in question with a thorough analysis of most of the issues. Responses demonstrate some new understanding of the topic.

23.9 pts

Passing (C) 21 to 23.9 points – Identifies and explains some of the issues in question with a superficial analysis of most of the issues. Responses demonstrate little to no new understanding of the topic.

20.9 pts

Near Failing (D) 18 to 20.9 – Identifies and/ or explains very little of the issues in question with no analysis present. Responses demonstrate weak understanding of the topic.

0.0 pts

Failing (F) 0 – Identifies and/ or explains irrelevant information. Responses demonstrate no understanding of the topic.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLinks to Course Readings and Additional Research & APA Style

20.0 pts

Excellent (A) 18 to 20 points – Excellent research into the issues with clearly documented links to class readings and appropriate outside materials. References properly documented in APA format.

17.9 pts

Satisfactory (B) 16 to 17.9 points – Proficient research into the issues with clearly documented links to class readings or appropriate outside materials, but not both. References documented in APA format with one or two errors.

15.9 pts

Passing (C) 14 to 15.9 points – Limited research or documented links to course readings or appropriate outside materials. References documented in APA format with more than two errors.

13.9 pts

Near Failing (D) 12 to 13.9 – Limited to no references or connections to readings. Did not use APA format.

0.0 pts

Failing (F) 0 – Provided no references or support of analysis. No evidence of APA use.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeParticipation and Originality

20.0 pts

Excellent (A) 13.5 to15 points – Completes more than the minimum amount of required responses. Responses are articulate, well thought out, and encourage discussion.

17.9 pts

Satisfactory (B) 16 to 17.9 points – Initial post contains original content but is posted later in the module week, leaving other students little time to post their responses.

15.9 pts

Passing (C) 14 to 15.9 points – Initial post contains mostly original content but is posted early in the module week giving other students the opportunity to post their responses.

13.9 pts

Near Failing (D) 12 to 13.9 – Initial post contains mostly unoriginal content and is posted late in the module week.

0.0 pts

Failing (F) 0 – Initial post contains unoriginal content and is posted late in the module.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResponses to Peers

15.0 pts

Excellent (A) 13.5 to15 points – Completes more than the minimum amount of required responses. Responses are articulate, well thought out, and encourage discussion.

13.4 pts

Satisfactory (B) 12 to 13.4 points – Completes the minimum amount of required responses. Some responses contribute to ongoing conversations while others are disconnected. Student may post a significant number of messages that do not contribute substantively.

11.9 pts

Passing (C) 10.5 to 11.9 – Completes the minimum amount of required responses. Responses are disconnected with what others are saying. Student does not reply to messages directed towards them.

10.4 pts

Near Failing (D) 9 to 10.4 – Student does not complete the minimum amount of required responses.

0.0 pts

Failing (F) 0 – No responses to peers.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle & Mechanics

15.0 pts

Excellent (A) 13.5 to15 points – Chooses words for their precise meaning and uses an appropriate level of specificity. Sentence style fits audience and purpose. Sentences are clearly structured and carefully focused. Almost entirely free of errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

13.4 pts

Satisfactory (B) 12 to 13.4 points – Uses words accurately and effectively but may be too general. Sentences are for the most part clear, structured, and focused, though some may be awkward or ineffective. May contain a few errors which may annoy the reader but does not impede understanding.

11.9 pts

Passing (C) 10.5 to 11.9 points – Uses relatively vague and general words and may use some inappropriate language. Sentence’s structure is generally correct but sentences may be wordy, unfocused, repetitive, or confusing. Usually contains several spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors which may temporarily confuse the reader but not impede overall understanding.

10.4 pts

Tends to be vague and abstract, or very personal and specific. Usually contains several awkward or ungrammatical sentences. Usually contains either many mechanical errors or a few important errors that block the reader’s understanding and ability to see connections between thoughts.

0.0 pts

Failing (F) 0 – Misuse of words and awkward sentences throughout. Contains many errors in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation.

15.0 pts

ERAU Information Security Elements Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

?Marketing Strategies Marketing Strategies Analytical Review Business Finance Assignment Help

Using Marriott as the topic and write this paper:

Cover each point that listed below

If can, you can talk some current events: The global pandemic.

A. Primary Target Market and Marketing Mix

Primary target market: ________________________________________________

This target’s primary need:

Identifying characteristics (demographics, geography, psychographics):

Purchasing/shopping habits and preferences:

Consumption/disposition characteristics:

Product: _______________________________________________

Major features and benefits:

Sustainable competitive advantage:

Differentiation / positioning strategy:

Brand name and packaging:

Customer service strategy:

Complementary products:

Pricing: ________________________________________________

Pricing objectives:

Description of per unit costs:

Discount/markdown policy:

Distribution: ____________________________________________

General supply chain strategy:

Intermediaries and channels to be used:

Elements of customer convenience:

Promotion: _____________________________________________

General IMC strategy:

IMC objectives and budget:

Elements of the advertising/publicity strategy:

Elements of the personal selling strategy:

Elements of trade sales promotion (push) strategy:

Elements of consumer sales promotion (pull) strategy:

Elements of the sponsorship strategy:

B. Secondary Target Market and Marketing Mix

Secondary target market: ______________________________________________

This target’s primary need:

Identifying characteristics (demographics, geography, psychographics):

Purchasing/shopping habits and preferences:

Consumption/disposition characteristics:

Product: _______________________________________________

Major features and benefits:

Sustainable competitive advantage:

Differentiation / positioning strategy:

Brand name and packaging:

Customer service strategy:

Complementary products:

Pricing: ________________________________________________

Pricing objectives:

Description of per unit costs:

Discount/markdown policy:

Distribution: ____________________________________________

General supply chain strategy:

Intermediaries and channels to be used:

Elements of customer convenience:

Promotion: _____________________________________________

General IMC strategy:

IMC objectives and budget:

Elements of the advertising/publicity strategy:

Elements of the personal selling strategy:

Elements of trade sales promotion (push) strategy:

Elements of consumer sales promotion (pull) strategy:

Elements of the sponsorship strategy:


Look for Other Business Related Databases as Well that Can Help You in Your Search Memo Writing Assignment Help

Begin this discussion by reviewing the assignment instructions for Project #3. Attach the job posting you have chosen for Project #3 to your response to this discussion.

This is the job listing:…

Helpful source on how to write one:

Next conduct research on the industry in which your job posting falls. This research should be found from the SDSU Library as well as sources online related to your chosen industry. To find industry information in the library, focus on databases including BusinessSource Premier, IBIS World, and Mergent Online. Look for other business related databases as well that can help you in your search.

As you research focus on any information that might help you to better tailor your resume and cover letter to the job you are seeking. You can also look for information that might be helpful in a job interview. More specifically, your memo needs to contain information on:

  • The size, location, and customers of the organization you are targeting in Project #3
  • A brief history of the company (you can usually find this on their website)
  • Basic information on the occupation—accountant, manger, lab tech, etc. (look for this in the Occupational Outlook Handbook)
  • Industry information (IBIS World in the SDSU Library)
    • Typical industry products and services
    • A brief overview of industry performance
    • A brief overview of the industry outlook

Other Guidelines:

  • Your assignment should be in standard memo format
  • Single spaced, no indentations in paragraphs—just a space in between paragraphs
  • 2 pages
  • Business writing style—direct, concise, clear
  • Use APA or MLA to cite your sources


ITS 83603 University of the Cumberlands AETNA Big Data and Data Analytics PPT Computer Science Assignment Help

ou will demonstrate your understanding of the importance of the final

two phases of the Data Analytics Lifecycle: Communicating the Results

and Operationalizing. You have studied various analytic methods, along

with surveying various available tools and techniques. But as a Data

Scientist, you must also communicate what your team has accomplished.

For your Final “Exam”, you will create a Final Sponsor Presentation.
You have been hired by Aetna to use big data to improve patient health.
The case study you will use can be found at: .

Your assignment is to take this case study and create a PowerPoint
Presentation of the Final Sponsor Presentation, as described in Chapter
12 of your text. (Make sure to use the format presented in Chapter 12.)

You will submit a PowerPoint Presentation file (ppt or pptx) with at
least the following slides: (You can submit more, but I’m mainly
looking for these six slides)

  1. Title (Your name + other info)
  2. Situation and Project Goals
  3. Executive Summary
  4. Approach
  5. Method Description
  6. Recommendations

Note: There is no direct information in the case study that covers
the specific analytics methods used. You will extrapolate from the
provided information in the case study and provide your own
interpretation of the method (or methods) the Data Science team used.
Draw from what we have covered this semester and map what you learned to
what that team probably did. There is no rubric for this assignment. I
want you to be as creative as possible. Tell the story. Inspire your


PSU Approaches to Harassment in the Workplace Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

I think this outline will help you to make final paper

If this is difficult to read at here I send again at Microsoft word

Please only work on Harassment topic don’t different topic. thank you

Outline, Individual Project

The topic I intend to research for this project is ‘Corporate Action against Harassment’ This research topic should involve deciphering how the interactions between corporations and their anti-harassment policies have changed, on a general scale over the past two decades. It seeks to identify the various forms of harassment that exist, who they affect and the relevant policy provisions that are pre-dominant and applied in most modern corporations. The central question in the research is how do modern corporations (management and board of directors) deal with cases of harassment? Do they use company-based policies to handle such cases or do they, generally, approach the same via lawsuits? Why do they use the chosen approach? What are some of the major forms of harassment in the modern corporate world?

These questions are based on the corporate approach and corporate culture towards cases of harassment. It is important to understand the legal provisions- what the law regards as harassment in a corporate setting and how the law requires an organization’s management is required to approach such cases. It also seeks to decipher the interactions between management, the board of directors, employees and other relevant parties such as trade unions in dealing with harassment in the workplace. It also seeks to identify the roles and responsibilities of management in dealing with such cases- in terms of company policy or any other forms of settlement that may not require lawsuits.

To effectively explore this research topic, I developed a research model that will form the basis of my research. As described above, I will look at the different forms of harassment in a corporate setting. I will also look at the trends and historical approaches to cases of harassment- involvement of trade unions, legal provisions and strategies incorporated by most companies. This will require research using the university’s libraries, textbooks and other credible digital sources that can provide current supporting information. Below is a brief outline of how the final research paper should look like upon completion.

Executive Summary

  • The executive summary will include a summary of the paper. The information contained in the executive summary includes- the research questions (the questions I intend on answering) answered, the research process and findings.
  • This will be the first heading after the table of contents. It should include a short legal description (and definition) of harassment in a workplace environment. Harassment is the use of intimidating, often aggressive or coercive behavior (words and actions) against an individual. It should also include a description of the most common forms of harassment (sexual harassment, verbal and physical abuse, coercion & duress and the like). Harassment often stems from prejudicial ideologies and opinions regarding a person- based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion and the like. This section should also include available data and statistics on harassment- historical as well as current prevalence.
  • This section will look at the current legal provisions that protect individuals in corporate settings against harassment. In particular, it will describe the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as well as state laws) as the major laws that seek to protect individuals from harassment in a corporate setting. The Civil Rights Act (1964) prohibits harassment in several corporate situations- recruitment, job evaluations, career development and promotions, remuneration and disciplinary action. The act cites discriminatory ideology as the root cause of treatment and actions that may be considered harassment- unfair dismissal, pay reductions and even sexual advances and behavior (often with work-related consequences if denied). In general, it will describe the different basis of discrimination and harassment- age, race, gender, pregnancy, national origin, disability, citizenship status, sexual orientation and religion.
  • This section will involve describing the various approaches and strategies that may be used by victims of harassment in a corporate setting. This section will fault the lack of direct constraints of the private sector by the Constitution on matters harassment, despite the legal provisions that seek to protect individuals against harassment. It describes how corporations are legally capable of developing their anti-harassment (and by extension anti-discrimination) policies within the company setting that often require procedures such as reporting cases, filing harassment complaints, an inquiry by human resource and determination that often provides leeway for corporations (and perpetrators supported by a company’s upper echelon) to escape liability. Also, it explores lawsuits as another option. In most cases, employees and clients do not have the financial capacities to file harassment lawsuits against perpetrators. Employees generally rely on trade unions, volunteers and rights groups to help them sue companies in cases of harassment. However, very few cases end up in retribution for victims (such as arrests for extreme cases of harassment and abuse) as most cases are ultimately settled out of court. This section should also include examples of harassment lawsuits filed against companies and management and how these cases were handled and ultimately settled.
  • The conclusion section will present a brief statement of the main idea/finding in the paper. It will also include brief answers to the questions presented above using supporting evidence from the information gathered on the paper.

Harassment in the Workplace

Legal Provisions against Harassment in a Corporate Environment

Management Approaches to Harassment in a Corporate Setting




HA4050D Northcentral University Creating a Culture of Innovation Essay Writing Assignment Help

Research Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) litigation cases. Choose one case, and provide the following information:

  1. An overview of the federal EMTALA legislation
  2. Identify the parties involved in the EMTALA case and their respective interests.
  3. Discuss the basic facts of the case.
  4. Detail the main issue(s) of the case.
  5. Summarize the Court Ruling/Holding for the case.
  6. Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the Court’s ruling and the rationale for your opinion.
  7. Discuss the practical significance/implications of the Court Ruling/Holding taking into consideration the background materials for this module and current research.

APA Format, must 5 pages in length.

HA4050D Northcentral University Creating a Culture of Innovation Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Arizona Transport Vehicles Start of Shift Operations Paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a set of instructions using one of the three options below. Include all appropriate design elements for instructions. You can use the table/column approach described in the Instructor’s Notes, or you may design your instructions based off one of the examples you’ve found during the research discussion question process. Please note that this is a stand alone document, meaning that you will not use a memo layout or letterhead.

Option A

Write a work instruction for use where you currently work or have worked in the past.

Write a discrete instruction of 2-3 pages with illustrations, appropriate design elements, formatting, and detailed information.

Option B

TechCon has been hired to develop a set of instructions for operating several pieces of equipment in the shop at Widget Associates, a firm making custom parts (you can make these parts something you know about). Although this will be a large project taking several weeks, write a set of instructions for operation of one piece of equipment by using something you know about or pertaining to your major.

Write a discrete instruction of 2-3 pages with illustrations, appropriate design elements, formatting, and detailed information.

Option C

Transport Services is a business that provides non-critical medical transportation for individuals. They provide for transportation to medical appointments. They also provide for needs like transfers to a nursing home or to rehab facilities. They are not an ambulance service, but they have specialized vans to accommodate medical needs. They have about 20 vans and about 40 operators since they provide 24/7 availability.

TechCon has been hired to write operating and service instructions for the operators of these vehicles used at Transport Services. These instructions will be in a 3-ring binder used by the operators.

Select an operation dealing with one of the following:

  • Close of shift operations
  • Maintenance checks
  • Start of shift operations
  • Operations about record keeping
  • Operations about securing passengers before transport

Write a discrete instruction of 2-3 pages with illustrations, appropriate design elements, formatting, and detailed information.


MGMT191w UCirvine Product and Country Memo Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

The first step of the business report is to write a memo to your Teaching Assistant, describing the product you want to use and the country you want to expand into for the report. Please think carefully about the choice of country and product you will use.

The memo must include a logical, well-structured argument for expanding into the country you have selected. In order to do so, you must learn as much as possible about the country where you plan to market the product. Think carefully about whether it makes sense to introduce your product into the country.

Your memo must include a separate page with a bibliography of references you have gathered for the report so far, as well as any you used to support assertions made in the memo. Please use APA format for the citations, both in-text and for the bibliography(…)

For more details about the hw see the attachment: There is also an example that the professor uploaded(Kevita Finland)

-No more than one page long (single space)

-Include a separate page with a bibliography of references

-the country where you plan to market the product must be a country you have not been before.


AAS33B SJSU Discriminatory Treatment Of People Essay Writing Assignment Help

Please follow the instructions carefully, use only the documents and lecture videos provided by the professor when sourcing.


To complete midterm #2, you will write a standard long format essay (at least 1000 words, 5-6, pages, 12 point Times New Roman font, double space) to answer the following prompt:

  • Analyze and assess the four types of institutionalized discrimination (immigration exclusion, economic discrimination, political disfranchisement, mass incarcerations) that applied to Asians and Asian Americans during the era of exclusion (1882-1943) and the efforts of Asian Americans to resist and defend their constitutional rights.

Your essay will need to take into consideration the following documents:

Document #1:

“The true bond which connects the child with the body politic is not the matter of an inanimate piece of land, but the moral relations of his parentage. . . . The place of birth produces no change in the rule that children follow the condition of their fathers, for it is not naturally the place of birth that gives rights, but extraction … To what nation a person belongs is by the laws of all nations closely dependent on descent; it is almost an universal rule that the citizenship of the parents determines it — that of the father where children are lawful, and, where they are bastards, that of their mother, without regard to the place of their birth, and that must necessarily be recognized as the correct canon, since nationality is, in its essence, dependent on descent.”

Document #1: Dissenting opinions of Justice C.J. Fuller of the Supreme Court in the case of Wong Kim Ark v. The United States (1898)

Document #2:

“My honesty and industriousness are well known among my Japanese and American friends. In name Benedict Arnold was an American, but at heart he was a traitor. In name I am not an American, but at heart I am a true American”

Document #2: Takao Ozawa’s brief in the Ozawa v. United States Supreme Court Case (1922)

Document #3:

“Any native-born Filipino [or any alien, or any Porto Rican not a citizen of the United States] of the age of twenty-one years and upward who has declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States and who has enlisted or may hereafter enlist in the U.S. Navy or Marines Corps or the Naval Auxiliary Service, and who, after service of not less than three years…are eligible of citizenship.”

Document #3: The Act of May 9th, 1918

Document #4

“Korematsu was born on our soil, of parents born in Japan. The Constitution makes him a citizen of the United States by nativity, and a citizen of California by residence. No claim is made that he is not loyal to this country. There is no suggestion that, apart from the matter involved here, he is not law-abiding and well disposed. Korematsu, however, has been convicted of an act not commonly a crime. It consists merely of being present in the state whereof he is a citizen, near the place where he was born, and where all his life he has lived

Even more unusual is the series of military orders which made this conduct a crime…A citizen’s presence in the locality, however, was made a crime only if his parents were of Japanese birth. Had Korematsu been one of four — the others being, say, a German alien enemy, an Italian alien enemy, and a citizen of American-born ancestors, convicted of treason but out on parole — only Korematsu’s presence would have violated the order. The difference between their innocence and his crime would result, not from anything he did, said, or thought, different than they, but only in that he was born of different racial stock.”

Document #4: Justice Robert Jackson, Dissent in Korematsu v. United States (1944)

Document #5

“It may be true that the blond Scandinavian and the brown Hindu have a common ancestor in the dim reaches of antiquity, but the average man knows perfectly well that there are unmistakeable and profound differences between them today, and it is not impossible, if that common ancestor could be materialized in the flesh, we should discover that he was himself sufficiently differentiated from both of his descendants to preclude his racial classification with either….

The words of familiar speech, which were used by the original framers of the law, were intended to include only the type of man whom they knew as white. The immigration of that day was almost exclusively from [Europe], whence they and their forebears had come… It was the descendants of these, and other immigrants of like origin, who constitute the white population of the country when the naturalization law of 1790 was adopted, and, there is no reason to doubt, with like intent and meaning.

When we now hold is that the words “free white persons” are words of common speech, to be interpreted in accordance with the understanding of the common man, synonymous with the word “Caucasian” only as that word is popularly understood. As so understood and used, whatever may be the speculations of ethnologist, it does not include the body of people to whom the appellee belongs.”

Document #5: U.S. Supreme Court Decision in the U.S. v Bhagat Singh Thind (1923)

Document #6

paper son

Document #6: A picture of the Lee family and their “paper son” (1920)

Document #7

and they still come

Document #7: “And Still They Come!” by The WASP, December 4, 1880

Document #8:

oliver roldan

Document #8: Salvador Roldan and his fiance Majorie Rodgers.

Your grade (200 points) for this assignment will be based on the following criteria:

  • Thesis: Present a thesis that makes a historically defensible claim and response to all part of the question. Your thesis must consist of one or more sentences located in the introduction.
  • Argument Development: Develop and support a cohesive argument that recognizes and accounts for the historical complexity by explicitly illustrating relationships among historical evidence such as contradictions, corroboration, and/or qualification.
  • Use of Documents: Utilize the content of at least six documents to support the stated thesis or a relevant argument. For every document below the minimum of six quota, 30 points will be deducted from your total score.
  • Sourcing the documents: Explaining the significance of the author’s point of view, author’s purpose, historical context, and/or audience for at least six documents.
  • Contextualization: Situate the argument by explaining the broader historical events, developments, or processes immediately relevant to the question.
  • Outside Evidences: Provide examples or additional evidence (key terms/concept from the reading and class lectures) beyond those found in the documents to support your argument.

[Double Check Your Submission] double-check your submission to make sure it meets all of the criteria for the assignment.

  • [Proofread] Please proofread your essay utilizes at least six documents to answer the essay prompt in a clear, organized, detailed, and cohesive essay format (short essay response includes a short introduction including a thesis statement, body paragraphs with supporting evidence, and conclusion statement)
  • [At least 1000 words] Your submission must be at least 1000 words and include specific details, key terms, and contents from class readings and lectures. Any submission with fewer than 1000 words will automatically receive a zero
  • [Include citations of at least six documents] When quoting or citing from the document, a simple in writing MLA citation (source #) at the end of the sentence is sufficient. Any essay that does not include a citation of assigned documents and discuss relevant information/content beyond the documents and written in a vague and broad manner will not receive partial credit


HUM 105 Glendale Community College Human Happiness and Feelings Journal Humanities Assignment Help

Happiness Journal: Part One

The Situation: What makes us happy and can we make ourselves happier? For the next four weeks you will be keeping a happiness journal thinking about what brings you happiness. Once you have completed the journal, some of the ideas will be the basis for your next take-home writing assignment on the concept of happiness.

The Purpose: As we are reading Frankenstein and How to Practice we can see lots of ways that the characters and authors are addressing concepts of happiness, peace, and struggles. While the focus of this course is on the human struggle, I’m hoping that you will also end class with some strategies to feel like life is less of a struggle.

The Details: Do something each week to improve your happiness and write about your feelings. This completed assignment is worth 5 points. Just as in the case of our previous journal assignments you can write about it in a way that works best for you (type, handwritten, graphically organize, include pictures, you do you, Humanities 105 students; you do you.

Week 1: Take the character strengths test here: (Links to an external site.). Find your four biggest strengths. Focus on using at least one each day. Write each day in your journal about what you found. Note: the test is free and you can opt out of receiving information from the organization.Week 2: This week, savor one intense experience (a good meal, a walk, a meditation, etc. once per day) write briefly about your experience. In addition, each day this week write down one thing you are grateful for and write a bit about this (no repeats allowed! Find a new thing you’re grateful for each day J). Week 3: Make time at least once this week to connect with a family member or a friend. Take the time to practice being a good listener and listen to what is going in in their life. If you aren’t able to meet in person (understandable given where we are right now in the world!), write an email or a letter to a friend or family member writing to catch up and checking in with how they are doing. After you’ve done this, write about how this made you feel. Week 4 Take one of the things we’ve done for the happiness project this semester that resonated with you and tell a friend, family member, coworker, or someone you care about this thing which has become meaningful to you. Share with them that you are going to commit to doing it each week for the rest of the semester. We’ll check in with each other at the end of the semester to see how things are going with keeping up with our happy habits

Happiness Project

The Situation: Building on your experience from your weekly happiness project journal you’ve been keeping for the last few weeks, it is time to connect your thoughts about yourself with some of the ideas we’ve read about and art and music we’ve discussed. Even though this class is all about the human struggle recall that the many of these struggles are to achieve peace, tranquility, knowledge and truth.

The Purpose: For your assignment, expand on what you found in your happiness journal by writing about the most profoundly happy experience you had when keeping your happiness project journal. Your goal in this assignment is to answer the following question: what made the experience so profound to you and how does it connect to some of the ideas we have been discussing in class?

The Details:

Part 1: It’s time to get personal while still engaging in academic scholarship! Connect your personal reflections about what brings you happiness and joy to at least two of the readings we have read in the course. One of these readings should be How to Practice and the other(s) are totally up to you. You’re welcome to bring in more than one reading and creative, out-of-the-box choices are encouraged. This section of your project should be about 1.5 pages in length. Please note: while you can definitely choose to discuss faith and religion within this essay, if you choose to do so make sure that your personal thoughts and beliefs are grounded in connections to course texts and ideas discussed in the course. Don’t fall down the rabbit hole of merely discussing your personal experience with religion. Immanuel Kant would want you to be careful of this, am I right? Part 2: Your project should connect your ideas about happiness and textual connections to one work of art, architecture (building? Church? Temple?) or piece of music that we’ve discussed in class, read, about or is a part of the time periods we have discussed. Remember that thus far we have looked at the Enlightenment and Romanticism in Europe, Buddhist art and architecture Asia—especially in India and China. In this this section of your project which should be about 2 pages in length, you will want to think about finding a work of art or music that does two things:

1) it should resonate with you giving you that feeling of “yes! This speaks to me and connects to what I feel when I am living my best life and am profoundly happy!” and

2) you should feel confident enough to write about it including being able to:

write a brief summary of what is happening in the work of art or describing a building or musical work’s purpose,

analyze some of the relevant elements of the work like its use of lines, space, color, and form (more here (Links to an external site.))connect to its purpose,

and make a connection to how these features and the purpose connect to some of the textual evidence and personal ideas you came up with in part one of your project.

3) (bonus) consider how any relevant historical events connected to your work of art may also enhance its meaning and connect to your own life experience, the texts you’re writing about, etc.

[supanova_question] to its purpose,

and make a connection to how these features and the purpose connect to some of the textual evidence and personal ideas you came up with in part one of your project.

3) (bonus) consider how any relevant historical events connected to your work of art may also enhance its meaning and connect to your own life experience, the texts you’re writing about, etc.

[supanova_question] to its purpose,

and make a connection to how these features and the purpose connect to some of the textual evidence and personal ideas you came up with in part one of your project.

3) (bonus) consider how any relevant historical events connected to your work of art may also enhance its meaning and connect to your own life experience, the texts you’re writing about, etc.

[supanova_question] to its purpose,

and make a connection to how these features and the purpose connect to some of the textual evidence and personal ideas you came up with in part one of your project.

3) (bonus) consider how any relevant historical events connected to your work of art may also enhance its meaning and connect to your own life experience, the texts you’re writing about, etc.


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