ES 007 CC MOD 4 Aerobic Fitness Distance & Time Fitness Device Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

ES 007 CC MOD 4 Aerobic Fitness Distance & Time Fitness Device Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help. ES 007 CC MOD 4 Aerobic Fitness Distance & Time Fitness Device Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help.

I’m working on a english question and need support to help me study.
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ES 007 CC MOD 4 Aerobic Fitness Distance & Time Fitness Device Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grove City College Immigrants in O Pioneers Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a literature case study and need support to help me learn.

my research topic immigrants is on the attached file

You need to integrate your topic: immigrants in O Pioneers! i have to edit/revise.

this semester will be to compose a researched essay on Willa Cather’s novel O Pioneers!

which you will read over the first few weeks of class. You will be required to turn in short observations of

the chapters you read, primarily main ideas, interesting points, observation on style, and one question or

observation for class discussion. You will find the format for this included in the syllabus. These

assignments will help you discover a topic you may want to research. You will use one chapter of Writing

About Literature to be your guide as your write your essay. For example, if you want to write about the

Alexandra as a model of patience and diligence, you would use Chapter 3 “Writing About Characters” to

help you find ideas and organize your essay. You might also work the other way: If there is a chapter you

really enjoyed, you might discover an idea from O Pioneers! that would work with that particular chapter.

For example, you may have enjoyed Chapter 16 “Writing About a Work in Its Historical, Intellectual, and

Cultural Context” and so you discover that you would like to write about O Pioneers! and the American

Immigrant. Whatever you choose, remember that all research begins in ambiguity, and the more you

read and research, the more refined your ideas will become.

The paper requirements are as follows:

Length: 3-5 pages

Format: MLA format, typed, double spaced etc.

Required sources: 3-5 Academic/scholarly sources which will be formatted in a

Bibliography according to MLA standards.


GC Organic Chemistry Meme with Scientific Content Pictures Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a chemistry question and need guidance to help me study.

I need you to create an organic chemistry meme that has scientific content.

You can choose of one of these topics to talk about.

Chapter 20

54) Rationalize the pKa trends among amines, and how this correlates to reactivity.

55) Rationalize the pKa trends among phenols and how this correlates to reactivity compared to alcohols.

56) Explain the difference between benzyne addition and nucleophilic aromatic substitution.

Chapter 21

57) Describe the basic organometallic mechanistic steps that are a hallmark of transition metal chemistry and apply to the mechanism of alkene hydrogenation

58) apply these steps to the major Cross-coupling (Heck, Suzuki) reactions.

59) apply these reactions in designed syntheses of simple pharmaceutical reagents.


NY State Confederate in The Attic Americas Unfinished Civil War Reaction Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

The first reaction Paper also 1pages in length, is on Tony Horwitz’s, Confederates in the Attic: America’s Unfinished Civil War. The questions you need to ask as you progress through the paper are: What does Horwitz discover in his travels about the memory of the war in the South? How do these memories affect us today? What does Horwitz see as the underlying problem in the remembrance of the war and race in the United States and how can these issues be addressed?


POLS M03 Moorpark College Winner Take All Electoral System Questions Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a political science multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1. California uses a winner-take-all system to allocate its Electoral College votes. Please discuss the consequences to the turnout of using this system.

2. Find out what system is used by Maine and Nebraska to allocate their EC votes. Explain it and discuss its consequences to turnout.

3. There are been proposals in some states, such as Colorado in the early 2000s, to change to a proportional allocation of EC votes. Discuss that system and its potential consequences to turnout.



COM 351 UCLA Maggie Lau HRM of Banking Sector Explains Interview Disciplines Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

There are two main components to this assignment.

At least 1500 words

The Interview Document:

1) Write out a clearly stated focus.

Write it as a headline for a publication. (Include their picture!) Write out the purpose as a sub-headline. (2 pts)

2) Write a well-written lead or introduction. (The sample report example labels this background.) (3 points) 4-8 sentences, 1 or 2 paragraphs. Include some parts of Who, What, and How.

DO NOT start your introduction/lead with the sentence “On this date, I interviewed this person.”

Start your sentence with something factual and interesting about the person. For example, ” HR Director Jan Lewis failed her first job interview. She told the interviewer about how much she looked forward to working for Microsoft. She was interviewing for a job with Apple. “

Hint: Often some of your most focused thinking comes when you are done and writing your conclusion. Sometimes you can take a good, detailed sentence from your conclusion and move it to the introduction.

3) The interview. ( 12 points)

Format: The interview can be in the style of a Q and A, edited fairly of course, or in the style of sections based on topics, with descriptions, paraphrasing, and quotes. Two-thirds of your final piece must be about your subject’s use and understanding of the interview. One third can be about other topics.

Be sure to tell a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end.

This section should reveal your efforts at probing and bringing out details that reveal the story. This is the heart of your interview.

Hint: Here is where you ask for details, stories, and examples. If you don’t ask specifically for details in your question and follow-ups, their answers will read like assertions. You need to make the request. ( “Tell about a time when….”; “Give me an example of how a person reacted to….”; “You said the best interviewees ask thoughtful questions. Give me an example of a time when an interviewee did ask you a great question.”

We should learn something here about the interviewee and your skills.

4) A short conclusion ( 3 points)

A conclusion is a restatement of your lead and focus, with a twist that lends itself to further thinking about the topic.

For Example; Artist Ziye Liu tweets have garnered attention around the world. One even got a response, offering 1 million dollars for her latest work. She says she plans on beating that record with her next set of tweets

Resource Document

5) At the top of the page again write out your clearly stated purpose and focus ( 2 points)

6) A bibliography of your research. 3 sources minimum. (3 points)

7) Your pre-planned questions. (4 points)

Ten is a good number. Organize this into some form of an arc that tells a story with a beginning, middle, and end.

8) Include your three research questions in that list of questions. (3 points)

Remember, the research questions should include aspects of your research- a quote or a paraphrase.

9) Take one research question and to show me your thinking as you developed that question. (1 point)

10) A Short self-assessment. ( 2 points)

Analyze how you did at executing the entire assignment. 5-10 sentences.

What worked? What didn’t work? How will you improve? What did you do well, what could you have done better in conducting the interview? Assess your performance. Did you create rapport? Did it go off-topic? Did it follow your plan? Did you like what you ended up with?

Write or produce as if for a magazine, a newspaper, or multimedia program (audio, video, slideshow).

Include at least one picture.

The focus statement- present it as a headline.)

The short purpose statement- present it as a sub-headline)

A lead is a well-written background/introduction/summary to show how well you have thought through the implications of your questions and the answers you received.

A news story, an interview, any story really, is someone doing something for a reason. That can be your lead, or in your introduction.

The interview report to follow will go into detail and depth, the what, where, when how, and why of their use of the interview in their work.

A thoughtful conclusion, restating what the person knows about the interview and what they might be planning next in their career or life.

COM 351 UCLA Maggie Lau HRM of Banking Sector Explains Interview Disciplines Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

WCSU Criminology Merton Strain Theory Strain in Achieving Cultural Goals Essay Law Assignment Help

1. One of the most compelling theories in Criminology is the sociological concept of anomie as applied to CRIME. Robert Merton is a criminologist who authored a simple but effective explanation of why people experiencing strain, friction, and conflict in their lives resort to “adaptations” that are sometimes deviant or criminal. This is called STRAIN theory and you can read about it here:

2. One of the prevalent concepts included in Merton’s Strain theory is the idea (proven through long-term statistics) that offending rates are higher among the lower classes. The idea is that fringe members of society (including racial minorities, the poor, the disenfranchised, ex-cons, etc.) are more likely to experience strain. For a “real world” example of this in film, you MUST WATCH the movie Blindspotting (2018) and take copious notes on any situations of strain, particularly focusing on the characters of Collin and Miles (although ANY characters or situations in the movie are fair game for this assignment). Since you do not have class on 11/26/20 (Happy Thanksgiving!) use THAT week to watch the movie if you don’t have time to see it earlier. It’s available on NETLFIX.

3.THOROUGHLY READ all the information (see above) on Merton’s Strain Theory, and now focus on the GRID that explains the five modes of adaptation which can result when a person has a cultural goal and experiences strain the process of reaching it:





Conformity – When individuals have conventional goals and means for attaining them


Innovation – Individual accepts the goals of society but rejects the legitimate means of achieving them – most associated with crime


Ritualism – Social goals are lowered in importance and the means are elevated

Retreatists – Reject both the goals and means of society



Rebellion – Substitute alternative goals and means for conventional ones


Write an APA college composition where you offer an introduction that explains Merton’s Strain Theory, followed by an overview of the cultural and criminal themes in the movie Blindspotting (don’t forget to introduce the characters that you will be using for evidence of strain). The body of your paper will systematically a) present each of the five modes of adaptation (see above), explain it briefly, and then b) provide an example from the movie that demonstrates that concept, followed by c) your thought process and logic to prove that the linkage between concept and example is there.

Then, summarize which modes of adaptation are most prevalent in the film, and conclude by determining which mode of adaptation you think explains most inner-city “lower-class” crime in the real world today—and WHY. Where is “real life” strain coming from? Be sure to back up your opinion with real-life examples and facts.

Your paper should run 3-5 pages (although more pages is fine…if you can’t get to three pages, you are definitely not doing enough). Remember this is NOT A MOVIE REVIEW. Your paper is not about the film, it is about STRAIN THEORY. Theory drives the paper; you simply use the movie to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the five modes of adaptation and concept of strain by plugging in examples that fit. Follow the assignment instructions carefully.


Banking and Insurance Company Accounting Principle of Subrogation Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment Scenario

Oman insurance sector contributed 1.63 per cent of the Sultanate’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2017,according to the Insurance Market Review 2017issued by CMA.

Highlighting the key events of the sector during FY 2017, the 14th edition of the Insurance Market Review covers indicators such as premiums, indemnities, number of policies, retention ratios, losses and financial indices of insurers, and their operational performances during the year.

Gross written premiums have increased by 0.3 per cent to reach RO451.57mnat the end of 2017, compared to RO450.24mn at the end of the previous year. The number of policies issued by insurers was 1.72 million policies, a 4 per cent increase compared to 2016 .

Total paid indemnities have increased by 14 per cent in 2017 to RO304.98mn. Additionally, Takaful insurance premiums increased by 9 per cent to RO45.76mn. Takaful comprises 10 per cent of the gross direct premiums in 2017 and 19 per cent of total paid indemnities. Insurance brokers collected 27 per cent of gross premiums, according to the report.

Average growth of insurance premiums in the last five years was 5.8 per cent, with motor insurance comprising 34 per cent of gross premiums, while health insurance reached 30 per cent of gross written premiums.

On the financial position of insurance companies (general and life) the indices indicate the total capital of insurance companies was OMR248.46 million in 2017, a 16 per cent increase compared to 2016. The total assets of insurance companies increased in 2017 by 22 per cent to RO1.048bn. The investments of insurance companies were RO581.32mn, including the investments of national and foreign insurers. Also, the retention ratio of insurers increased to 57.46 per cent.

The report also highlighted the Takaful business, covering areas such as gross written premiums of Takaful companies, total paid indemnities and the number of issued policies. The statistical data points out that the retention ratio of Takaful companies was 54.45 per cent in 2017, as its loss ratio increased to 392.82 per cent at the end of 2017. Total investments of Takaful companies have increased by 1.89 per cent in 2017 to RO35.50mn.

(“Oman’s insurance sector contributes 1.63 per cent of GDP | – Business News Middle East | BLME”, 2020)

TASK 1 :

The Insurance business work on 7 basic principles. The principles describe the relationship between the Insurer and the Insured in detail. Describe the given Principles of Insurance in detail with appropriate example for each :[(5 x 2)10 marks + 4 marks presentation]

  • Principle of Utmost Good Faith
  • Principle of Insurable Interest
  • Principle of Indemnity
  • Principle of Contribution
  • Principle of Subrogation

write in very simple way pleas ,use simple word
and the word limit is 1000
also each one you should do example for it
it will be in turnitin so write it in your way never copy and past


MGT 410 Grand Canyon University Creating a Personal Model of Leadership Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

Write a paper of 1,250-1,500 words that presents your complete personal model of leadership. Be sure to incorporate the instructor’s feedback from the draft of Part 1. The two parts involved in creating your personal model of leadership are as follows:

  1. Select values from the “Rokeach Values Survey” that will provide the foundation of your model and discuss the leadership behaviors that will result from those values. Be sure to select values for all four of the levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational, and societal. Be sure to incorporate the feedback from your instructor from your previous draft.
  2. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership influence individual and group behavior?
  3. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership positively influence organizations and society?
  4. How do servant leadership principles in accordance with the Christian World View, interact with essential management practices and how does servant leadership influence individual, group, and organizational behavior?

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


SPN 4313S Keiser University Week 3 Hypothesis and Research Design Discussion Writing Assignment Help

After reading the Chapters Hypothesis (pp. 68-82), Research Design (pp. 84-100) and Collection Techniques (pp. 102-121), develop a text in which you explain the following:

1. How would you define the hypothesis?

2. What are the criteria that a hypothesis must meet according to McGuigan?

3. How are the hypothesis and the research instrument related?

Write three full pages but no more than five pages. Your work should include two additional pages: Headline page and References page.

Please cite all your sources.

Varios autores. Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación. 1-121-37772-6





ES 007 CC MOD 4 Aerobic Fitness Distance & Time Fitness Device Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

ES 007 CC MOD 4 Aerobic Fitness Distance & Time Fitness Device Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

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