Essay #1 Assignment: Argument Synthesis Writing Assignment Help. Essay #1 Assignment: Argument Synthesis Writing Assignment Help.
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You are required to do 1 Page of Prewriting (can be done in handwriting) followed by 3 pages of Rough Draft as separate documents.
Please note that I would want to be able to invite you and work with you again for the outline, revision plan, and the final draft separately every week for next following weeks, so please make sure you will be available to do those before accepting this assignment. Thank you.
I have attached a Power point that is provided by the instructor about Prewriting, please review.
See Below Essay instructions from the course instructor
See Part One Chapter 11 or a variety of sources on the ways “thought experiments” in ethics—scenarios that ask you to decide on courses of right action (and to justify your decisions) — can serve as a guide for facing everyday ethical dilemmas. When there is no clear right and wrong choice, how do you decide? To what principles can you turn for guidance? Your task in the synthesis will be to wrestle with ethical dilemmas and to argue for a clear course of action based on principles you make plain to your readers. You must use at least two of the sources in Part One Chapter 11. You can use only one additional source; make sure that it is credible source (no Wikipedia!). All sources must be documented both in-text and on your Works Cited page. Only MLA format is allowed
See Part One Chapter 7 for more information on how to write an Argument Synthesis and a model Argument Synthesis essay.
i recommend handwriting the prewriting rather than doing it on the computer because research shows that we think differently when we hand write than we type on a computer and handwriting is more conductive to generating ideas.
Essay #1 Assignment: Argument Synthesis Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
social choice math homework questions Mathematics Assignment Help
Objective: The objective of this is to gain a better understanding of common fallacies and explore how they show up in everyday life, and consider how they can influence your (or others) decision making.
For each fallacy you choose, you must:
- Cite the reference of the fallacy. Note: The fallacy must come from actual media (not online textbooks) and cannot be a made-up example.
- Provide your reasoning as to why the statement is fallacious.
- Describe the intended audience and how the fallacious statement might affect their decision making.
- Choose 1 of the three fallacies listed below and find a real-life example (from the news, internet, etc) that corresponds to it.Be sure to complete steps 1-3 above.
- Choose 1 of the three fallacies listed below and find a real-life example (from the news, internet, etc) that corresponds to it.Be sure to complete steps 1-3 above.
- Appeal to emotions
- Appeal to popularity
- Circular reasoning
- Diversion
- Personal Attack
- False Cause
- Choose 1 of the three fallacies listed below and find a real-life example (from the news, internet, etc) that corresponds to it.Be sure to complete steps 1-3 above.
- Limited choice
- Appeal to ignorance
- Straw man
Then, answer the following question: Which of the fallacies do you feel is the hardest to understand and/or identify and why?
1.Draw a Venn diagram for the proposition. Label all regions of the diagram clearly
- Some students are not vegetarians.
- Social Choice is a math course.
- No classrooms have windows.
2.There are 62 classrooms in a building, 50 classrooms have Multimedia system, 31 classrooms have a Smart Board system, and 22 classrooms have both Multimedia and Smart Board.
- Draw a Venn diagram to represent the given information.
- Do you need to make any changes to your Venn Diagram if there are 67 classrooms in the building?Explain your answer.
Discussion: Estimating Models Using Dummy Variables Mathematics Assignment Help
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Review Warner’s Chapter 12 and Chapter 2 of the Wagner course text and the media program found in this week’s Learning Resources and consider the use of dummy variables.
- Create a research question using the General Social Survey dataset that can be answered by multiple regression. Using the SPSS software, choose a categorical variable to dummy code as one of your predictor variables.
By Day 3
Estimate a multiple regression model that answers your research question. Post your response to the following:
- What is your research question?
- Interpret the coefficients for the model, specifically commenting on the dummy variable.
- Run diagnostics for the regression model. Does the model meet all of the assumptions? Be sure and comment on what assumptions were not met and the possible implications. Is there any possible remedy for one the assumption violations?
use the attached files to do the homework. you may need to use SPSS software. it has to follow APA style and plagrizm free.
Globalization and Its Ethical Implications [WLOs: 1, 2, 3, 5] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 5] Humanities Assignment Help
Prepare: In preparing for this discussion, review the Week 1 and Week 2 required resources that focus on globalization, ethics, and moral reasoning. This will help assist you in examining your own development of ethical and moral responsibilities as they relate to your Final Paper and its topic.
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Reflect: The change of our world from a local economy to a national economy to a global, international economy means that increasingly diverse populations will have to work together to achieve common goals. However, as the economy becomes increasingly global, local economies and people may suffer economic disadvantage or may find themselves marginalized from the rest of the world. Globalization creates ethical dilemmas for which we will need to find solutions.
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Write: For this discussion, address the following prompts:
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length, which should include a thorough response to each prompt. You are required to provide in-text citations of applicable required reading materials and/or any other outside sources you use to support your claims. Provide full reference entries of all sources cited at the end of your response. Please use correct APA format when writing in-text citations (see In-Text Citation Helper (Links to an external site.)) and references (see Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)). |
Imitation writing a missing chapter of book. Writing Assignment Help
Write in imitation of As I lay dying style. Your goal is to sound as much like Faulkner as possible. At the end of the chapter, include a two paragraph analysis of your choices as a writer, entitled “Why i did what i did,”(WIDWID) in which you explain why you wrote as you did making specific reference to Faulkner’s work, ad to your own,Follow MLA format for the citations of Faulkner in your WIDWID.
Each chapter of the book is named by a character. Each chapter is taking about the story in that person’s point of view. My character is Addie. So please help me write a Missing chapter in Addie’s point of view. And WIDWID two paragraph at the end.
Discussion #1: Scientifically Testing Phenomena (Table 1.1) Writing Assignment Help
There are two parts to this question: 1) Go back and look at Table 1.1 on page 2 of your textbook. Using what you have learned in Chapters 1 and 2, and in the PowerPoints and other materials so far, how would you test claims related to these kinds of topics, scientifically? We are not asking how you would test whether these kinds of phenomena exist, but how would you test specific claims that people have about experiences that they attribute to these phenomena? 2) Do you think it’s always harmful to believe nonscientific claims about the world? Why or why not?
you should write 2 good paragraphs (4-5 sentence each)
Discussion #1: Scientifically Testing Phenomena (Table 1.1) Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Anthropology writing 220-1 Writing Assignment Help
Need to use at least 2 attached readings. And one outside resource. MLA format. Total word count: 650
Regarding your critical thought post, this should be 2 to 4 paragraphs in length. Be sure to include a few questions, references and citations when referring to course material or any material from other sources. Again, this post should be a well-composed critical response and reaction to the readings, videos, articles, lectures, etc. Explore the course readings and lectures in light of current events in the news, as well as relate the material we are covering in this course to your opinions, perceptions, and bring in new material to support your critiques and explorations. These critical thought posts are a good chance for you to develop questions and show your critical evaluation skills. This should not simply be a rehash of our readings and lectures. Be sure to include outside material, make connections between articles and lectures, illustrate critical thinking skills, and include references and citations.
Descriptive statistics Mathematics Assignment Help
Case Problem 1 Pelican Stores
Pelican Stores, a division of National Clothing, is a chain of women’s apparel stores operating throughout the country. The chain recently ran a promotion in which discount coupons were sent to customers of other National Clothing stores. Data collected for a sample of 100 in-store credit card transactions at Pelican Stores during one day while the promotion was running are contained in the file named PelicanStores. Table 2.19 shows a portion of the data set. The Proprietary Card method of payment refers to charges made using a National Clothing charge card. Customers who made a purchase using a discount coupon are referred to as promotional customers and customers who made a purchase butdid not use a discount coupon are referred to as regular customers. Because the promotional coupons were not sent to regular Pelican Stores customers, management considers the sales made to people presenting the promotional coupons as sales it would not otherwise make. Of course, Pelican also hopes that the promotional customers will continue to shop at its stores.
Table 2.19
Data for a sample of 100 credit card purchases at pelican stores
Most of the variables shown in Table 2.19 are self-explanatory, but two of the variables require some clarification.
Items |
The total number of items purchased |
Net Sales |
The total amount ($) charged to the credit card |
Pelican’s management would like to use this sample data to learn about its customer base and to evaluate the promotion involving discount coupons.
Managerial Report
Use the tabular and graphical methods of descriptive statistics to help management develop a customer profile and to evaluate the promotional campaign. At a minimum, your report should include the following:
- Percent frequency distribution for key variables.
- A bar chart or pie chart showing the number of customer purchases attributable to the method of payment.
- A crosstabulation of type of customer (regular or promotional) versus net sales. Comment on any similarities or differences present.
- A scatter diagram to explore the relationship between net sales and customer age.
Case Problem 2 Pelican Stores
Pelican Stores, a division of National Clothing, is a chain of women’s apparel stores operating throughout the country. The chain recently ran a promotion in which discount coupons were sent to customers of other National Clothing stores. Data collected for a sample of 100 instore credit card transactions at Pelican Stores during one day while the promotion was running are contained in the file named PelicanStores. Table 3.9 shows a portion of the data set. The proprietary card method of payment refers to charges made using a National Clothing charge card. Customers who made a purchase using a discount coupon are referred to as promotional customers and customers who made a purchase but did not use a discount coupon are referred to as regular customers. Because the promotional coupons were not sent to regular Pelican Stores customers, management considers the sales made to people presenting the promotional coupons as sales it would not otherwise make. Of course, Pelican also hopes that the promotional customers will continue to shop at its stores.
Table 3.9
Sample of 100 Credit Card Purchases at Pelican Stores
Customer |
Type of Customer |
Items |
Net Sales |
Method of Payment |
Gender |
Marital Status |
Age |
1 |
Regular |
1 |
39.50 |
Discover |
Male |
Married |
32 |
2 |
Promotional |
1 |
102.40 |
Proprietary Card |
Female |
Married |
36 |
3 |
Regular |
1 |
22.50 |
Proprietary Card |
Female |
Married |
32 |
4 |
Promotional |
5 |
100.40 |
Proprietary Card |
Female |
Married |
28 |
5 |
Regular |
2 |
54.00 |
MasterCard |
Female |
Married |
34 |
6 |
Regular |
1 |
44.50 |
MasterCard |
Female |
Married |
44 |
7 |
Promotional |
2 |
78.00 |
Proprietary Card |
Female |
Married |
30 |
8 |
Regular |
1 |
22.50 |
Visa |
Female |
Married |
40 |
9 |
Promotional |
2 |
56.52 |
Proprietary Card |
Female |
Married |
46 |
10 |
Regular |
1 |
44.50 |
Proprietary Card |
Female |
Married |
36 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
. |
96 |
Regular |
1 |
39.50 |
MasterCard |
Female |
Married |
44 |
97 |
Promotional |
9 |
253.00 |
Proprietary Card |
Female |
Married |
30 |
98 |
Promotional |
10 |
287.59 |
Proprietary Card |
Female |
Married |
52 |
99 |
Promotional |
2 |
47.60 |
Proprietary Card |
Female |
Married |
30 |
100 |
Promotional |
1 |
28.44 |
Proprietary Card |
Female |
Married |
44 |
Most of the variables shown in Table 3.9 are self-explanatory, but two of the variables require some clarification.
Items |
The total number of items purchased |
Net Sales |
The total amount ($) charged to the credit card |
Pelican’s management would like to use this sample data to learn about its customer base and to evaluate the promotion involving discount coupons.
Managerial Report
Use the methods of descriptive statistics presented in this chapter to summarize the data and comment on your findings. At a minimum, your report should include the following:
- Descriptive statistics on net sales and descriptive statistics on net sales by various classifications of customers.
- Descriptive statistics concerning the relationship between age and net sales.
I want the assignment completed as per instructions below and added excel file for reference Other Assignment Help
Background: This course is all about data visualization. However, we must first have some understanding about the dataset that we are using to create the visualizations.
- Use R/RStudio to generate a word document with basic data analysis of the following dataset: dataset_price_personal_computers.csv
- Use the following video to learn the simple commands to conduct basic data analysis with R/RStudio Part 1: As per attached below.
- Use the following video to learn the simple commands to conduct basic data analysis with R/RStudio Part 2: As per attached below.
- Create a summary of stats for the dataset. (provide a screenshot)
- Create a correlation of stats for the dataset. (provide a screenshot) (Hint: Transform may be needed)
- What is the Min, Max, Median, and Mean of the Price? (provide a screenshot)
- What is the correlation values between Price, Ram, and Ads? (provide a screenshot)
- Create a subset of the dataset with only Price, CD, and Premium. (provide a screenshot)
- Create a subset of the dataset with only Price, HD, and Ram where Price is greater than or equal to $1750. (provide a screenshot)
- What percentage of Premium computers were sold? (provide a screenshot)(Hint: Categorical analysis)
- How many Premium computers with CDs were sold? (provide a screenshot)(Hint: Contingency table analysis)
- How many Premium computers with CDs priced over $2000 were sold? (provide a screenshot)(Hint: Conditional table analysis)
Your document should be an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student’s name, University’s name, Course name, Course number, Professor’s name, and Date.
financial values and ethics Assignment Help
Jesse21 (hidden)
Tony Fortune, a tenured and well-respected turnaround guru, pondered his latest employment offer as he was driving home from an eventful meeting with a number of key electronic equipment executives. He had been asked to assume the presidency at a poorly performing company, Electronic Equipment Venture (EEV), which is owned by Electronic Equipment USA. Certainly he could refuse, but Tony flourished on reinventing and remolding underperforming companies. During the last 10 years, he was instrumental in overseeing three successful business turnarounds, four consolidations of business units, and five successful divestitures. This latest endeavor, based on his understanding, would be a challenge because the board of directors was seeking concrete data that would allow a quick resolution to the company’s problems.
Electronic Equipment Venture is a producer of electronic equipment dating back to the 1970s. During the company’s first 30 years, it was a pioneer in the development, design, and manufacturing of electronic equipment. The competitive environment changed tremendously in the late 1990s, however, and EEV’s market share eroded from 75% to 25% as other firms recognized this untapped market. Reacting to the loss in market share and unacceptable deterioration in profitability, management attempted to revitalize the company by increasing the level of research and development as well as acquiring two smaller but more sophisticated firms.
With the added research and development, along with the additional resources, profitability continued to worsen. Faced with slow stock growth at Electronic Equipment USA, primarily because of EEV, the board of directors has been pressed to make a decision regarding EEV. Recognizing that factual data is crucial to the decision process, the board proceeded with authorizing management to employ the appropriate resources needed to conduct the evaluation and valuation of EEV.
Accepting this challenge and knowing he has only 5 weeks to complete the analysis, Tony spent several days developing a strategy for generating a proper and thorough valuation and evaluation of the firm’s financial position.
Part I
Both of your presentations were outstanding and displayed your level of financial knowledge and expertise in the area of financial statement analysis. You have been asked to be a guest lecturer in a course at your alma mater college, NYC. As a result, you will have an opportunity to explain to students how they should tackle financial statement analysis. Prepare a presentation that will include the steps you went through to thoroughly analyze the financial statements so that you could make the recommendation—keeping in mind that you want to simplify the process as much as possible. You do not need to include how to do the financial calculations, but rather how you determined the recommendation based on the information you were given. Provide a list of potential “consultants” and resources they could reference to help them get through the assignments you have just completed.
Part II
Leaders and financial teams in organizations have an obligation to provide financial reports to meet the requirements and guidelines provided by a number of regulating bodies. In addition, they must uphold a high level of professional ethical standards when preparing reports that reflect the health of the organization to its stakeholders.
Include in your PowerPoint Presentation:
- At least 2 ethical issues that managers and financial teams face when preparing financial reports.
- What regulations should be considered when making a decision about each issue?
- Provide an ethical solution for each issue that you introduced.
Submit 15-17 PowerPoint slides with 500 words of speaker’s notes.
1 min ago
Essay #1 Assignment: Argument Synthesis Writing Assignment Help
Essay #1 Assignment: Argument Synthesis Writing Assignment Help