Essay for Marketing Business Finance Assignment Help. Essay for Marketing Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Essay for Marketing Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
4G LTE telecommunications system Other Assignment Help
Overview: Elder Care Services (ECS) is a new firm with the objective of providing elderly people medical
care in the privacy of their homes. Doctor visits are conducted virtually using a computer or
smartphone. Peripheral devices are provided to the patient for the purpose of measuring heart rate and
blood pressure. This information, along with the actual video consultation, is provided to the doctor
located in EC facilities via secure communication means. Patients that are prescribed drugs will receive
them via terrestrial robot vehicles or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) on the same day. Since these
drugs are controlled, vehicle location data must be continuously monitored by the ECS operations
center. In the event that the vehicle is damaged, or its contents robbed, the vehicle will capture a video
of the incident, and immediately send it to the operations center. ECS wishes to serve urban, suburban
and rural areas.
Need: ECS is asking your team to pull together a national communications capability that enables 24/7
connectivity to elderly patients within their homes. The goal is to begin national operations in one year.
I. Project Overview
II. Requirements for the proposed communications system (identify constraints as needed)
III. Assumptions made
IV. Description of the proposed solution/recommendation (with created supporting diagrams),
V. Identification of requirements based upon limitations that cannot be reasonably satisfied by the
proposed system
write a chemistry full lab report about Spectrometric Analysis of Cobalt(II) Chloride Science Assignment Help
please read the attachments before writing the report.
Read the instructions that we followed for lab experiment to know the tools we used and the chemicals.
Also read the attached slides which is also about Spectrometric Analysis of Cobalt(II) Chloride, it will help.
Report sheet are attached which include all the data that we collected for this lab report please insert them in a table
Report Style:
1-Cover Page (50 points)
2-Introduction (50 points) (should include what is the lab about, how the report will cover the experiment. General information about the topic)
3- Typed data and observations (400 points) (should include all the data attached as report sheet with further information like what you think of the reaction and how we got these numbers. Also, pictures while doing the experiment will be attached)
4- What’s Up (200 points) (how can we involve this experiment in our daily life in engineering) ( a real life example in engineering)
5-Conclusion (100 points) (explanation of the experiment and what you learn from this experiment and what you think) (explosions of how you thing the data are, and explain what error occurred in the experiment)
(More pictures will be attached for during the experiment)
(Example of the complete work will be attached
(There will be a plagiarism check)
discussion post on failures Business Finance Assignment Help
A couple paragraphs like maybe a page.
As your group analyzes the data collected from respondents for your final project, think about what you are reporting. What can it be used for?
For our discussion this week, we are going to focus on some failures in Marketing. Some were the direct result of “bad” marketing research or the company disregarding what was reported.
Choose one of the following products to research. Provide a paragraph summary of what happened. In another paragraph, tell us thoughts on what might have been done by the decision maker of the company. Please make sure to use proper APA formatting, spelling, and grammar in your submission. You will be required to use citations and references in this submission.
The product choices are:
Colgate Frozen Entrees
Starbucks Mazagran
Wow! Chips
Celery Jell-o
Apple Newton
Ford Edsel
Crystal Pepsi
New Coke
Patio Diet Cola
Cosmopolitan Yogurt
Microsoft Zune
The Nook
EZ Squirt Ketchup, Heinz
*If you know of a different product you are interested in, feel free to use that one instead.*
For this assignment, you may create any type of art form that you find pertinent Humanities Assignment Help
For this assignment, you may create any type of art form that you find pertinent. By this time in
the semester, you have reached a broader understanding of what sociology is, a deeper sense of
the sociological perspective, an increased understanding of socialization, and better knowledge
of social problems. Inspire yourself by any of the course chapters, course concepts, or theories,
and create an art project where you explain your understanding of this.
Most students focus on a recurring theme, on something that has deeply impacted them, or
something that has been significant in their life.
Some of the art forms you may consider can b
Case study: An example of how an international destination develops its strategy to deal with the impact of MICE tourism on the destinations(mainly on negative aspects) Business Finance Assignment Help
Case study: An example of how an international destination develops its strategy to deal with the impact of MICE tourism on the destinations(mainly on negative aspects) .The requirement for this assignment is to give a case of a specific tourist destination. First identify an obvious MICE destination as a case.Write an easy-to-understand article about 300 words, answer and satisfy each of the following requirements, and summarize each requirement point, such as negative 1:… , negative 2: …… The topic is about mice tourism
1. Introduce the destination situation and show the particularity and obviousness of the destination in MICE tourism
2. The impact of MICE tourism (Meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions) on this destination, positive and negative aspects
3. How does the destination management company (DMO) and the government respond to and solve this problem and issue?
References Requirements: at least 4 References
Case study: An example of how an international destination develops its strategy to deal with the impact of MICE tourism on the destinations(mainly on negative aspects) Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
1,000 word argumentative essay Humanities Assignment Help
Write a 1,000 word argumentative paper in which you take a position
on one the following topic A Religious Custom that should be opposed based on moral issues. Your paper must take the form of a
reasoned argument, as described in Anatomy of an Argument. Most importantly, your reasoning must include one of the ethical theories from the course. Finally, Your essay must also include a one
paragraph description of a counter-argument to your assertion, which
you must then show to be wrong or mistaken. NOTE: for this essay, the
counter-argument MUST be a real one made by someone. IT CANNOT be a
hypothetical counter-argument.
The essay should use at least two of the Learning Resources from Weeks 4 through 6, plus one more scholarly source. Finally, the essay must be referenced using MLA format. See Perdue’s University’s OWL for details.
Family Psychosocial Assessment Writing Assignment Help
Assignment 5: Family Psychosocial Assessment
The purpose of this assignment is for students to complete a family-focused psychosocial assessment. This will involve you watching a movie from pop culture that highlights family dynamics. The movie to watch is listed below:
– Madea’s Big Happy Family (selected movie NOT THE PLAY)
1. Please be sure to indicate the movie selected, including year of release, at the beginning of your assignment.
2. Write the assessment as if you were a social worker writing about a family that you had just interviewed. In your assessment, apply systems theory and the GIM Model to generate a better understanding of the family. Your assessment should include the following components:
a) Agency context: Identify the agency where the family is receiving services. Briefly describe the agencies mandate and mission. (1 paragraph)
b) Names of family members and a description of their relationships to each other. (1 paragraph)
c) Presenting Problem: Identify a presenting problem from the movie you watched. (e.g., a child who is being bullied at school for being “a sissy,” a parent who loses his/her job and can no longer support the family, a teenager who abuses cannabis, or a family that is experiencing discrimination from neighbors). Keep in mind that your movie may involve several family subsystems. Please focus on one or two specific presenting problems. Describe the presenting problem as if it were a real problem: What motivated the family to come for services? How does each family member view the presenting problem, concern, or issue? What is the history of the problem (how did it emerge, how has it changed over time, how serious is it now, and what has the family tried to do to manage this problem in the past)? (1 page)
d) Family Structure and Dynamics: Apply family systems concepts, for instance, linking the concepts of boundaries, subsystems, triangles, norms, life cycle challenges, acculturation, rules, and roles to your family of origin. (2 pages).
e) Family Stressors and Needs: Identify the family’s biopsychosocial-spiritual needs and stressors, as they perceive them (e.g., medical concerns, emotional issues, anxiety, conflict within the family, sense of meaning or purpose, lack of resources). If there are differences in their perceptions, indicate how different family members have different views of their needs. (1 page for content, 1 page genogram, one page ecomap=3 pages in total)
f) Family Strengths: Identify the family’s strengths, including individual and family characteristics and resources that it can use to address the presenting problem and underlying needs. Make sure that nurturing support systems are included in the ecomap.
(1 to 2 paragraphs)
g) Diversity: Identify at least one diversity group to which this family belongs (e.g., culture, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status). Describe how the family’s diversity background may relate to the family’s needs, concerns, or strengths. Make use of at least one scholarly article related to the family’s diversity. (1 page-additional culturagram if appropriate)
h) Overall assessment: Provide your overall assessment of the family’s situation, from a systems perspective. Avoid blaming or judgmental language and highlight the reciprocal effects that different parts of the family system have on one another. (1 page)
i) Intervention plan: Develop an intervention plan that would help the family deal with the hypothetical presenting problem and related concerns. The plan should include at least one primary goal for work and three specific objectives. The plan should also identify what specific interventions will be used and who will be responsible for which tasks (for instance, if the family needed advocacy, who would act as advocate and what approach would that person use for advocacy; or if the family needed parenting skills training, who would act as trainer and what model of training would be used?). Provide references for the models of intervention that will guide your interventions and theorists. Make sure your goals, objectives, models of intervention, and action plan build on one another in a logical manner. Your intervention plan should include family systems approaches (e.g., strengthening specific relationships, helping the family adapt to life cycle adjustments, fostering a better fit between the family and its social environment, or referring the family for specific types of family therapy). Although your intervention plan may include individual counseling or therapy, individual work should not be the only form of intervention. (2 pages)
j) Evaluation plan: Describe how you plan to evaluate progress towards the goals and objectives identified above: how you will gather information; what measures you will use; and how you will ensure that your measures for evaluation are feasible, valid, and reliable. (half a page).
k) Reference page.
For this assignment, you may apply information from our class readings, but you will also need to make use of other scholarly research and readings. This paper must include 2-4 references. You may find useful journal articles by using the library’s online SocIndex or PsycARTICLES databases and searching for topics specifically related to your family’s dynamics – e.g., its ethnic background, structure, presenting issues, risks, or resilience. Family theory and family therapy textbooks may also be useful. Further, you may consult with immediate or extended family members to gather information for the genogram, ecomap, demographic information, important events/turning points, and emotional perspectives of others in the families. The paper will be 12-15 pages in lengthmaximum (no papers will be accepted if they are longer than 15 pages. Points will be deducted if they are less than 12pages) including any references, using APA format; no abstract needed). The assignment is to be submitted via Canvas. A hard copy is to be brought to class and submitted as well. With hard copy, please submit proof that this paper was reviewed by you and the writing center.
Grading for this paper will be based upon: Clarity and conciseness of your understanding of family systems and the GIM (in your own words); Synthesis and integration of information from various readings and class materials; Accuracy of definition and application of concepts; Comprehensiveness of the psychosocial assessment; Creativity and originality in the critique; Following APA format and rules of grammar [for APA Formatting Help, see link at]. One additional point will be awarded with proof that you have had your paper proofed at the learning center.
E-Commerce Business Finance Assignment Help
– IT Management
Type of service:
Case Study
Double spacing
Paper format:
Number of pages:
2 pages
Number of sources:
2 sources
Paper detalis:
The on-demand
economy is certainly alive and well, both domestically in the U.S. and
globally as well. We live in a time when mobile E-commerce is shaping
both the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B)
marketplaces. Today it is a common activity for shoppers and commercial
buyers to access Internet websites utilizing mobile smartphones or
tablets to purchase a product or order a service. Consumers frequently
use their smart devices to conduct research as a preamble to visiting a
brick and mortar store before purchasing a product or ordering a
Legacy brick-and-mortar companies have had to get on board the ‘online shopping bandwagon’ in order to stay competitive.
Conduct research on ONE of the following technology trends that
influence today’s on-demand economy mobile E-commerce and compose a
scholarly case study paper that provides details on the topic.
Location-Based Marketing
Mobile Retargeting
Virtual and Augmented Reality on Mobile
Mobile SEO
Chatbots, AI, Shopping Assistants
Internet of Things (IoT)
Scholarly paper
Microsoft Word® (DOCX)
Current APA style
Times New Roman font
12 pt font
Double-spaced lines
Title Page
Page Headers on all pages
Abstract page
Body of the Text
Introductory paragraph
Reference List page
MINIMUM of TWO FULL pages in the Body of the Text
Provide data from research utilizing a minimum of TWO primary sources OUTSIDE of the course textbook.
(Business Plan) BUILDING AN INFLUENCER MARKETING FIRM Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
5-7 pages which will include:
• Your in-depth analysis of the issues of the case in a strategic communications management context
• Your recommendations for addressing the issues of the case
– Clear explanation of key strategic issues
The problems, scope, and seriousness was clearly identified
• There was a well focused diagnosis of strategic issues and key problems that demonstrated a good understanding of the organization’s current situation and strategic issues.
• Effective Executive Summary/Overview
• Did not waste space repeating already found in the case – focusses on implications
– Valid arguments; analysis of performance with emphasis on communication/reputation, including relevant supportive detail
The problems, scope, and seriousness was clearly identified
• There was a well focused diagnosis of strategic issues and key problems that demonstrated a good understanding of the organization’s current situation and strategic issues.
• Effective Executive Summary/Overview
• Did not waste space repeating already found in the case – focusses on implications
– Appropriate analysis, evaluation, synthesis for the specific corporate communication issue(s) identified
- There was data on which to base a thorough analysis
- Key drivers underlying the issues were identified.
- Synthesis, analysis, and evaluations were clearly presented and supported in a literate and effective manner.
– Conclusions and recommendations are congruent with strategic analysis
- Specific recommendations and/or plans of action provided.
- Specific data or facts were referred to when necessary to support the analysis and conclusions.
- Recommendations and conclusions were presented and supported in a clear and effective manner.
- Linkages are made to supporting theories and text chapters
– Proper organization, professional writing, and logical flow of analysis. APA formatting