Essay Project 2 Final Draft Writing Assignment Help

Essay Project 2 Final Draft Writing Assignment Help. Essay Project 2 Final Draft Writing Assignment Help.

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Write a final draft of my rough draft.

Follow the guidelines in the assignment letter for the essay. Use all of the information you have learned so far in the course about writing to improve your final product. This should be a complete draft, not the just the initial draft used for the draft submission.

essay instructions:…

article that I wrote about:

My rough draft:…

Teach comments on my rough draft: Thank you for submitting your draft. Please be sure to include the following: For an essay about literature, you need to have these elements in your title:  Your own unique title suggesting your key insight.  The name of the author(s) of the work(s).  The title(s) of the work(s) For Example: The Gluttony of Ignatius in A Confederacy of Dunces by Toole Thesis statement. You need to include a clear and concise thesis statement. It should include:  Your limited subject  Your distinctive approach to the to that subject  The name of the author(s)  The work(s) of literature being discussed This essay should be 500 to 600 words long. It must be in the third person. Include an MLA reference page.

Essay Project 2 Final Draft Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Information Technology Computer Science Assignment Help


The purpose of this lab is to practice examining traffic using a protocol analyzer and recognize a SYN attack.

The SYN flood attack is one of the common Denial of Service (DoS) attacks in the Internet. In the SYN flood attack, an attacker sends a large number of SYN packets to the server, ignores SYN/ACK replies and never sends the expected ACK packet. Basically, the attacker overwhelms the server with many half-established connections and exhausts the server resources, and hence the attack is known as a DoS attack.

The tool you will be using is known as Wireshark, a well-known open source packet analyzer. The exercise will demonstrate that recognizing an attack requires sophisticated tools (such as Wireshark), hard work (what you are about to put in) and knowledge of the domain (TCP/IP network).


If you want to perform the exercise on your home computer, download wireshark from Select all installation options. (Note: These files are about 20 MB and may take a long time to download on a slow link.) You may also download the documentation.

Wireshark can both capture packets and read trace files of packets that have already been captured. However, this is not a packet capturing exercise. This is a packet analysis exercise of packets that were previously captured.

1. Obtain trace files of the TCP handshake process.

  1. Get the files: “tcpshake.cap” (TCP: Handshake Process) and “tcp-syn-attack.cap” (TCP: TCP SYN Attack) from the LEO Lab 2 assignment folder. The .cap files are the ones you really need in this exercise. The .cap files are in the proprietary Sniffer format and can be read only with Wireshark.
  2. There are also two other files, ending in .prn in the LEO Lab 2 folder. The two .prn files are text files corresponding to the respective .cap files; you can read it with Notepad or Wordpad.

2. Read the tcpshake.cap trace file. This trace file captured three packets of a successful connection handshake. Become familiar with Wireshark’s interface.

  1. Double click tcpshake.cap. This will automatically bring up wireshark, since the .cap files are associated with Wireshark.
  2. Explore the trace in the three cap filespanes of the analyzer. These three panes are standard to most analyzers. They are the summary pane, the protocol tree pane, and the hex pane.
  3. Explore the preferences and configuration options in Wireshark.

3. Read the tcp-syn-attack.cap file and answer the following 10 questions (10 points each):

  1. Is this a two-way conversation?
  2. Are there any ACK’s?
  3. How long is the data portion of each packet? Why?
  4. Why is the sequence number zero (seq=0) in every packet?
  5. Why do the port numbers change in every packet?
  6. Look at the “Time” column in the summary pane. Explain the various options it supports?
  7. Click the “View” menu and select “Time Display Format”. “Seconds since beginning of capture” is checked. Select “Seconds since Previous Captured Packet”. How frequently are these packets being sent?
  8. Where in the protocol tree pane would you find the protocol “Type” field?
  9. Look in the flags section of the transport layer (Transmission Control Protocol” in the protocol tree section for one of the packets. What flags are set?
  10. How does a SYN attack deny service?

Post your answer in the Lab 2 assignment folder.

If you are getting stuck with the assignment, here are a few links that may be useful:

YouTube videos: (This is perhaps what is most relevant for Lab 2)

A “how to” tutorial:


REFECTIVE ESSAY , answer all the question in a pdf format Writing Assignment Help

my major is MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 400 – to 500 word reflective essay that addresses 1)- what the students hopes to gain from taking the course and 2)-why it matters that the student gains what she hopes to gain.the essay must be submitted in PDF format AND THE CLASS NAME IS GLOBAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. My name is samira soumahoro and this is my last semester to get my MBA degree.

additional information:

writen assigmrnt should include the following (single space ) at the top left of the first page:


BGMT 529-02

[assigment due date ]


FONT size: 11

paragraph aligment :justified

paragraph identation : 0.5 inch

line spacing : double

margins: 1inch


ROI Evaluation for Block chain Usage in e-commerce (both written and Excel file) Writing Assignment Help


You are the Director of IT & Security for an eBook distributor. Your CEO has come to you asking when you are going to use Blockchain as it is the “hottest technology” out there. He heard by using Blockchain, the eCommerce site would be more secure and still stay PCI-DSS compliant. You will conduct a Cost Benefit Analysis to determine whether Blockchain usage is viable at your company.

You will conduct Cost Benefit Analysis for using Blockchain at your company. Specifically, in your eCommerce site for selling eBooks. As you work through the cost benefit analysis, you will also identify any technical or security risks for your company. In your analysis, you will answer questions (see below) to include financial and other evidence to support your answers. By answering these questions, it will help your company make a decision regarding “what” to do.

  1. Is Blockchain a viable solution to enhance security for your eCommerce site?
  2. Is now the time to use Blockchain?
  3. Do benefits of using Blockchain outweigh the costs?
  4. Is incorporating Blockchain beneficial to your organization as a whole?

Your analysis should include all costs (including personnel). It should also include all benefits. Benefits should be quantified. This is much easier for tangible benefits, but it is important to not ignore intangible benefits. The intangible benefits can be used to supplement your analysis.

Assignment Requirements

You will create a 2–3 page report of your Cost Benefit Analysis including a summary of your conclusions. Provide as much evidence to support the assertions that you make. In Excel®, you will show all your work including financial calculations. Please make sure all of the information in Excel is organized and titled accordingly.

*********Important I need help with the Excel file for this Cost Benefit Analysis.


1. Gathering and Analyzing Public Opinion 2. Generic Steps for Developing Simulation Models Computer Science Assignment Help

1. Gathering and Analyzing Public Opinion ( 4 Pages or Minimum 1000 words)

Table 7.4 shows the opinion mining tools that have been developed to analyze public opinions. Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015) tells us that these mining tools can policymakers and decision-makers with making more informed decisions.

Select and elaborate on 1 or more of the Opinion Mining Tools. See what you can find with a google search. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the opinion mining tools that you select.

2. Generic Steps for Developing Simulation Models (4 Pages or Minimum 1000 words)

Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015) shows the generic steps for developing simulation models (Fig. 6.1). Some of the generic steps in the process can be skipped or combined depending on the policy being modeled. However, the appropriate experience is needed by the designer to determine which steps can and should be manipulated.

Elaborate on the generic steps for developing simulation models.



POLI113A East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective Humanities Assignment Help

Choose only one of the following questions. All questions draw on lecture materials, and one on Yao. Do not use outside sources. 6-7 pages. No more than 7 pages.

1 explain seven core Confucian concepts

2 explain the paradox of proper order

3 explain the Confucian conception of international politics.


1. Yao, X. 2000. An Introduction to Confucianism. Cambridge University Press. (Read entire book)

2. de Bary, W.T. et al. 1999. Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 1: From Earliest Times to 1600. Columbia University Press. (Read Confucius, Mencius, and Xun-Zi sections)


Please double-space your exam answers and do not go over seven pages. Comic Sans would look pretty silly.

Some words of warning as you go forth to exercise your formatting freedom:

-Triple-spacing your essays or using four inch margins is something of a giveaway that you don’t have enough content.

-We should be able to tell what sources you’re citing, but we’re not going to dock for putting something that should be underlined in italics.

-Using interesting quotes or stats from outside sources is okay, but build your argument using in-class readings. Use of outside sources at critical points in your arguments will compel us to check your sources. The rule constraining sources is intended to spare your poor graders the task of double-checking quotes on 900 midterm papers.

POLI113A East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

essay writing Humanities Assignment Help

Write a scintillating, well-written essay of 6 pages in response. You must narrow the scope of your thesis and argument to fit the page limit. You may want to look up the meaning of words in the Oxford English Dictionary, if your interpretation of a passage depends upon the meaning or connotation of a certain word.

Your essay should feature the following:

  • a focused interpretive argument about the meaning of Shakespeare’s plays. Keep plot summary to a minimum; assume that your reader has read the plays once, but may be unaware of deeper implications.
  • a clearly-stated thesis statement early in the essay which articulates your argument. This statement should do more than just announce the topic of the paper, and it should avoid the”similarities and differences” formula. Underline your thesis statement.
  • at least one passage in which you analyze a passage from the playscript closely at some length. This section of your paper should demonstrate your attention to nuances of language and imagery, subtleties of characterization, and key ideas and issues. Fully explain the meaning of all details or quotations you cite, and place details and quotations in their dramatic context.

Choose your supporting quotation carefully, and explain the meaning of the passages you choose to cite. Where you choose to quote directly, please cite the act, scene and line number(s) parenthetically after the quotation.

Example: When the Archbishop of Canterbury declares that his long discussion of Salic law is”as clear as the summer sun” (Henry V 1.2.86), his tone is one of sarcasm rather than sincerity.

For the correct conventions about citing passages from Shakespeare, please consult the “Guidelines for Writing Papers and Quoting Correctly” posted on Blackboard, which I will expect you to follow closely. Please consult the class Blackboard site for the grading rubric for this essay.

Writing question:

At first glance, Sir Toby Belch from Twelfth Night and Sir John Falstaff from I Henry IV andHenry V are remarkably similar characters–both are fallen knights, both enjoy copious drink and hearty merriment, both are ringleaders of a small community of fellow revelers, both have vexed relationships with figures of authority. Compare and contrast these figures, focusing on ONE element or quality that you find particularly important, revealing, or significant. Develop a thesis about how and why Shakespeare revises this popular character type across the two plays. Pay some attention to the question “so what?” as you are developing your analysis: why is the element or quality you’ve analyzed important to our understanding of these characters and the plays in which they appear?

DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS: This question might be developed in several ways:
• treat Sir Toby Belch as a revision of Sir John Falstaff: what element(s) did Shakespeare choose to change when he returned to this character in Twelfth Night? Exactly how did he change him? Why?

  • you might trace the development of each character in the course of his particular play–do you sense a change in our attitude toward these characters as the play progresses? What accounts for that change (or lack of it)?
  • you might trace this character’s relationship with another character–say, Toby’s with Aguecheek and Falstaff’s with Prince Henry–paying close attention to what that relationship reveals about Toby’s and Falstaff’s character or function within the play.
  • you might trace how these characters illuminate one of Shakespeare’s central ideas, themes or issues within both plays, though in perhaps subtly contrasting or vastly different ways.

This list is certainly not complete: you may choose other ways of developing your comparison and contrast.


write a paper Writing Assignment Help

PROGRESSION TWO – “Texts‐in‐Context, an Argument” (6-7 pages)

collection: “The Opposite of Loneliness” by Marina Keegan

Please read the instruction very carefully and go through the rubric before you start because this is not an analytical paper. instead, you need to create your own argument and develop it using textual evidence from the collection and outside sources.

The whole paper should be in MLA format, including in-text citations and works cited page.

This assignment asks you to read a body of work by a single essayist and write an essay analyzing and interpreting that body of work in the context of a critical or scholarly conversation about it.

In this essay, you will play the role of a critic and develop an argument about the work by your chosen essayist based on careful, close reading and contextual research. A critic, for our purposes, is not someone who criticizes a writer’s work, but an engaged and attentive reader who is sincerely interested in both what the writer says and how s/he says it. You will be asked to listen to your writer’s voice on the page, to notice nuances of language, to understand what preoccupies his or her mind. Most importantly, you will attempt to recognize patterns across several texts by the same author: patterns of syntax, vocabulary, and imagery, yes; but also patterns of thought. You can think of this kind of criticism as detective work: your job is to read evidence from the texts and decipher the bigger picture behind it. What common thread do you see running through the whole body of work, even when the writer addresses subjects seemingly unrelated to one another? What questions do you see all these texts responding to, even if these questions are not asked explicitly? What hidden desires motivate the writer of these texts? What secret beliefs do these texts uphold? Any good text creates a world of its own, with its own laws, a set of beliefs, and a unique logic, not to mention its unique poetic atmosphere – the “feel” of this world, the colors that set it apart from other “worlds” created by other writers. What do you notice about the universe of your chosen essay collection?

Doing research on your author and reading academic articles and critical essays about your chosen collection will help you recognize the things you are noticing and articulate their importance. You will engage with several sources in your essay to create a context for your own reading of the primary texts, but will ultimately rely on your own observations and analysis to build a nuanced argument.

Research requirements: In addition to 6 essays from your chosen collection, you will need to identify 2-3 texts (essays, articles) written about the work by your chosen essayist and 2-3 sources that would help you better understand the issues that your chosen author is addressing in his/her work, or can be put in conversation with the writer’s work.

Skills Practiced:

-Developing an interpretation that considers evidence from several primary texts by an author, rather than one primary source.

– Using library resources to locate appropriate sources to contextualize this interpretation.

– Carefully and ethically selecting and engaging with scholarly and critical sources.

– Identifying, understanding, and contributing to a specific critical or scholarly conversation.

– Developing an essay that offers an interpretive argument—and that therefore reflects curiosity, concession, and elasticity of thought without sacrificing analysis and the clear and compelling development of an idea.

Note: you need an argument at the beginning of the paper and develop the argument to a deeper extent, not just focus on the analysis of the writer’s work/sources.

Here are the 6 essays from the collection. Other than that, you need to find 5-6 outside sources, please see the instruction for more details.


Please provide a brief response to the following assessment question? Computer Science Assignment Help

Q1. In order to interpret the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) diagram. It is recommended that we start from the outside of the diagram.

Briefly name three (3) components required to successfully conceive a complex set of inter-operable processes and implementable procedures and structural elements.

Q2. In chapter seven (7), we have learned from “The Path to Information Value” that Seventy percent of managers and executives say data are “extremely important” for creating competitive advantage.

In addition, it is implied by the authors that, “The key, of course, is knowing which data matter, who within a company needs them, and finding ways to get that data into users’ hands.”

Looking at the Economist Intelligence Unit report, identify the three (3) phases that led to the yard’s rebirth.

— Above are the discussion questions please read carefully and provide brief response for each question with references in APA format. Attached textbook for your reference. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Business Model Generator-Customer Relationships and Key Activities Writing Assignment Help

Customer relationships:

  1. What are Customer Relationships as they relate to the Business Model Generator and the Business Model Canvas?
  2. Research 2 companies. One should have over $10 million in revenue a year, and one should have less than $10 million in revenue a year. You may use your chosen company as one of these companies.
  3. Compare and contrast the customer relationships of each of these companies. This should be in depth and may require additional in-depth research or resources. Please provide your documentation.

Key activities:

  1. What are Key Activities as they relate to the Business Model Generator and the Business Model Canvas?
  2. Research 2 companies. One should be a company based in America, one should be a company based overseas. You may use your chosen company as one of these companies.
  3. Compare and contrast the key activities of both companies. This should be in-depth and may require more in-depth research. Please provide your documentation.



REFECTIVE ESSAY , answer all the question in a pdf format Writing Assignment Help

my major is MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 400 – to 500 word reflective essay that addresses 1)- what the students hopes to gain from taking the course and 2)-why it matters that the student gains what she hopes to gain.the essay must be submitted in PDF format AND THE CLASS NAME IS GLOBAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. My name is samira soumahoro and this is my last semester to get my MBA degree.

additional information:

writen assigmrnt should include the following (single space ) at the top left of the first page:


BGMT 529-02

[assigment due date ]


FONT size: 11

paragraph aligment :justified

paragraph identation : 0.5 inch

line spacing : double

margins: 1inch


ROI Evaluation for Block chain Usage in e-commerce (both written and Excel file) Writing Assignment Help


You are the Director of IT & Security for an eBook distributor. Your CEO has come to you asking when you are going to use Blockchain as it is the “hottest technology” out there. He heard by using Blockchain, the eCommerce site would be more secure and still stay PCI-DSS compliant. You will conduct a Cost Benefit Analysis to determine whether Blockchain usage is viable at your company.

You will conduct Cost Benefit Analysis for using Blockchain at your company. Specifically, in your eCommerce site for selling eBooks. As you work through the cost benefit analysis, you will also identify any technical or security risks for your company. In your analysis, you will answer questions (see below) to include financial and other evidence to support your answers. By answering these questions, it will help your company make a decision regarding “what” to do.

  1. Is Blockchain a viable solution to enhance security for your eCommerce site?
  2. Is now the time to use Blockchain?
  3. Do benefits of using Blockchain outweigh the costs?
  4. Is incorporating Blockchain beneficial to your organization as a whole?

Your analysis should include all costs (including personnel). It should also include all benefits. Benefits should be quantified. This is much easier for tangible benefits, but it is important to not ignore intangible benefits. The intangible benefits can be used to supplement your analysis.

Assignment Requirements

You will create a 2–3 page report of your Cost Benefit Analysis including a summary of your conclusions. Provide as much evidence to support the assertions that you make. In Excel®, you will show all your work including financial calculations. Please make sure all of the information in Excel is organized and titled accordingly.

*********Important I need help with the Excel file for this Cost Benefit Analysis.


1. Gathering and Analyzing Public Opinion 2. Generic Steps for Developing Simulation Models Computer Science Assignment Help

1. Gathering and Analyzing Public Opinion ( 4 Pages or Minimum 1000 words)

Table 7.4 shows the opinion mining tools that have been developed to analyze public opinions. Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015) tells us that these mining tools can policymakers and decision-makers with making more informed decisions.

Select and elaborate on 1 or more of the Opinion Mining Tools. See what you can find with a google search. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the opinion mining tools that you select.

2. Generic Steps for Developing Simulation Models (4 Pages or Minimum 1000 words)

Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015) shows the generic steps for developing simulation models (Fig. 6.1). Some of the generic steps in the process can be skipped or combined depending on the policy being modeled. However, the appropriate experience is needed by the designer to determine which steps can and should be manipulated.

Elaborate on the generic steps for developing simulation models.



POLI113A East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective Humanities Assignment Help

Choose only one of the following questions. All questions draw on lecture materials, and one on Yao. Do not use outside sources. 6-7 pages. No more than 7 pages.

1 explain seven core Confucian concepts

2 explain the paradox of proper order

3 explain the Confucian conception of international politics.


1. Yao, X. 2000. An Introduction to Confucianism. Cambridge University Press. (Read entire book)

2. de Bary, W.T. et al. 1999. Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 1: From Earliest Times to 1600. Columbia University Press. (Read Confucius, Mencius, and Xun-Zi sections)


Please double-space your exam answers and do not go over seven pages. Comic Sans would look pretty silly.

Some words of warning as you go forth to exercise your formatting freedom:

-Triple-spacing your essays or using four inch margins is something of a giveaway that you don’t have enough content.

-We should be able to tell what sources you’re citing, but we’re not going to dock for putting something that should be underlined in italics.

-Using interesting quotes or stats from outside sources is okay, but build your argument using in-class readings. Use of outside sources at critical points in your arguments will compel us to check your sources. The rule constraining sources is intended to spare your poor graders the task of double-checking quotes on 900 midterm papers.

POLI113A East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

essay writing Humanities Assignment Help

Write a scintillating, well-written essay of 6 pages in response. You must narrow the scope of your thesis and argument to fit the page limit. You may want to look up the meaning of words in the Oxford English Dictionary, if your interpretation of a passage depends upon the meaning or connotation of a certain word.

Your essay should feature the following:

  • a focused interpretive argument about the meaning of Shakespeare’s plays. Keep plot summary to a minimum; assume that your reader has read the plays once, but may be unaware of deeper implications.
  • a clearly-stated thesis statement early in the essay which articulates your argument. This statement should do more than just announce the topic of the paper, and it should avoid the”similarities and differences” formula. Underline your thesis statement.
  • at least one passage in which you analyze a passage from the playscript closely at some length. This section of your paper should demonstrate your attention to nuances of language and imagery, subtleties of characterization, and key ideas and issues. Fully explain the meaning of all details or quotations you cite, and place details and quotations in their dramatic context.

Choose your supporting quotation carefully, and explain the meaning of the passages you choose to cite. Where you choose to quote directly, please cite the act, scene and line number(s) parenthetically after the quotation.

Example: When the Archbishop of Canterbury declares that his long discussion of Salic law is”as clear as the summer sun” (Henry V 1.2.86), his tone is one of sarcasm rather than sincerity.

For the correct conventions about citing passages from Shakespeare, please consult the “Guidelines for Writing Papers and Quoting Correctly” posted on Blackboard, which I will expect you to follow closely. Please consult the class Blackboard site for the grading rubric for this essay.

Writing question:

At first glance, Sir Toby Belch from Twelfth Night and Sir John Falstaff from I Henry IV andHenry V are remarkably similar characters–both are fallen knights, both enjoy copious drink and hearty merriment, both are ringleaders of a small community of fellow revelers, both have vexed relationships with figures of authority. Compare and contrast these figures, focusing on ONE element or quality that you find particularly important, revealing, or significant. Develop a thesis about how and why Shakespeare revises this popular character type across the two plays. Pay some attention to the question “so what?” as you are developing your analysis: why is the element or quality you’ve analyzed important to our understanding of these characters and the plays in which they appear?

DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS: This question might be developed in several ways:
• treat Sir Toby Belch as a revision of Sir John Falstaff: what element(s) did Shakespeare choose to change when he returned to this character in Twelfth Night? Exactly how did he change him? Why?

  • you might trace the development of each character in the course of his particular play–do you sense a change in our attitude toward these characters as the play progresses? What accounts for that change (or lack of it)?
  • you might trace this character’s relationship with another character–say, Toby’s with Aguecheek and Falstaff’s with Prince Henry–paying close attention to what that relationship reveals about Toby’s and Falstaff’s character or function within the play.
  • you might trace how these characters illuminate one of Shakespeare’s central ideas, themes or issues within both plays, though in perhaps subtly contrasting or vastly different ways.

This list is certainly not complete: you may choose other ways of developing your comparison and contrast.


write a paper Writing Assignment Help

PROGRESSION TWO – “Texts‐in‐Context, an Argument” (6-7 pages)

collection: “The Opposite of Loneliness” by Marina Keegan

Please read the instruction very carefully and go through the rubric before you start because this is not an analytical paper. instead, you need to create your own argument and develop it using textual evidence from the collection and outside sources.

The whole paper should be in MLA format, including in-text citations and works cited page.

This assignment asks you to read a body of work by a single essayist and write an essay analyzing and interpreting that body of work in the context of a critical or scholarly conversation about it.

In this essay, you will play the role of a critic and develop an argument about the work by your chosen essayist based on careful, close reading and contextual research. A critic, for our purposes, is not someone who criticizes a writer’s work, but an engaged and attentive reader who is sincerely interested in both what the writer says and how s/he says it. You will be asked to listen to your writer’s voice on the page, to notice nuances of language, to understand what preoccupies his or her mind. Most importantly, you will attempt to recognize patterns across several texts by the same author: patterns of syntax, vocabulary, and imagery, yes; but also patterns of thought. You can think of this kind of criticism as detective work: your job is to read evidence from the texts and decipher the bigger picture behind it. What common thread do you see running through the whole body of work, even when the writer addresses subjects seemingly unrelated to one another? What questions do you see all these texts responding to, even if these questions are not asked explicitly? What hidden desires motivate the writer of these texts? What secret beliefs do these texts uphold? Any good text creates a world of its own, with its own laws, a set of beliefs, and a unique logic, not to mention its unique poetic atmosphere – the “feel” of this world, the colors that set it apart from other “worlds” created by other writers. What do you notice about the universe of your chosen essay collection?

Doing research on your author and reading academic articles and critical essays about your chosen collection will help you recognize the things you are noticing and articulate their importance. You will engage with several sources in your essay to create a context for your own reading of the primary texts, but will ultimately rely on your own observations and analysis to build a nuanced argument.

Research requirements: In addition to 6 essays from your chosen collection, you will need to identify 2-3 texts (essays, articles) written about the work by your chosen essayist and 2-3 sources that would help you better understand the issues that your chosen author is addressing in his/her work, or can be put in conversation with the writer’s work.

Skills Practiced:

-Developing an interpretation that considers evidence from several primary texts by an author, rather than one primary source.

– Using library resources to locate appropriate sources to contextualize this interpretation.

– Carefully and ethically selecting and engaging with scholarly and critical sources.

– Identifying, understanding, and contributing to a specific critical or scholarly conversation.

– Developing an essay that offers an interpretive argument—and that therefore reflects curiosity, concession, and elasticity of thought without sacrificing analysis and the clear and compelling development of an idea.

Note: you need an argument at the beginning of the paper and develop the argument to a deeper extent, not just focus on the analysis of the writer’s work/sources.

Here are the 6 essays from the collection. Other than that, you need to find 5-6 outside sources, please see the instruction for more details.


Please provide a brief response to the following assessment question? Computer Science Assignment Help

Q1. In order to interpret the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) diagram. It is recommended that we start from the outside of the diagram.

Briefly name three (3) components required to successfully conceive a complex set of inter-operable processes and implementable procedures and structural elements.

Q2. In chapter seven (7), we have learned from “The Path to Information Value” that Seventy percent of managers and executives say data are “extremely important” for creating competitive advantage.

In addition, it is implied by the authors that, “The key, of course, is knowing which data matter, who within a company needs them, and finding ways to get that data into users’ hands.”

Looking at the Economist Intelligence Unit report, identify the three (3) phases that led to the yard’s rebirth.

— Above are the discussion questions please read carefully and provide brief response for each question with references in APA format. Attached textbook for your reference. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Business Model Generator-Customer Relationships and Key Activities Writing Assignment Help

Customer relationships:

  1. What are Customer Relationships as they relate to the Business Model Generator and the Business Model Canvas?
  2. Research 2 companies. One should have over $10 million in revenue a year, and one should have less than $10 million in revenue a year. You may use your chosen company as one of these companies.
  3. Compare and contrast the customer relationships of each of these companies. This should be in depth and may require additional in-depth research or resources. Please provide your documentation.

Key activities:

  1. What are Key Activities as they relate to the Business Model Generator and the Business Model Canvas?
  2. Research 2 companies. One should be a company based in America, one should be a company based overseas. You may use your chosen company as one of these companies.
  3. Compare and contrast the key activities of both companies. This should be in-depth and may require more in-depth research. Please provide your documentation.



REFECTIVE ESSAY , answer all the question in a pdf format Writing Assignment Help

my major is MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 400 – to 500 word reflective essay that addresses 1)- what the students hopes to gain from taking the course and 2)-why it matters that the student gains what she hopes to gain.the essay must be submitted in PDF format AND THE CLASS NAME IS GLOBAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. My name is samira soumahoro and this is my last semester to get my MBA degree.

additional information:

writen assigmrnt should include the following (single space ) at the top left of the first page:


BGMT 529-02

[assigment due date ]


FONT size: 11

paragraph aligment :justified

paragraph identation : 0.5 inch

line spacing : double

margins: 1inch


ROI Evaluation for Block chain Usage in e-commerce (both written and Excel file) Writing Assignment Help


You are the Director of IT & Security for an eBook distributor. Your CEO has come to you asking when you are going to use Blockchain as it is the “hottest technology” out there. He heard by using Blockchain, the eCommerce site would be more secure and still stay PCI-DSS compliant. You will conduct a Cost Benefit Analysis to determine whether Blockchain usage is viable at your company.

You will conduct Cost Benefit Analysis for using Blockchain at your company. Specifically, in your eCommerce site for selling eBooks. As you work through the cost benefit analysis, you will also identify any technical or security risks for your company. In your analysis, you will answer questions (see below) to include financial and other evidence to support your answers. By answering these questions, it will help your company make a decision regarding “what” to do.

  1. Is Blockchain a viable solution to enhance security for your eCommerce site?
  2. Is now the time to use Blockchain?
  3. Do benefits of using Blockchain outweigh the costs?
  4. Is incorporating Blockchain beneficial to your organization as a whole?

Your analysis should include all costs (including personnel). It should also include all benefits. Benefits should be quantified. This is much easier for tangible benefits, but it is important to not ignore intangible benefits. The intangible benefits can be used to supplement your analysis.

Assignment Requirements

You will create a 2–3 page report of your Cost Benefit Analysis including a summary of your conclusions. Provide as much evidence to support the assertions that you make. In Excel®, you will show all your work including financial calculations. Please make sure all of the information in Excel is organized and titled accordingly.

*********Important I need help with the Excel file for this Cost Benefit Analysis.


1. Gathering and Analyzing Public Opinion 2. Generic Steps for Developing Simulation Models Computer Science Assignment Help

1. Gathering and Analyzing Public Opinion ( 4 Pages or Minimum 1000 words)

Table 7.4 shows the opinion mining tools that have been developed to analyze public opinions. Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015) tells us that these mining tools can policymakers and decision-makers with making more informed decisions.

Select and elaborate on 1 or more of the Opinion Mining Tools. See what you can find with a google search. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the opinion mining tools that you select.

2. Generic Steps for Developing Simulation Models (4 Pages or Minimum 1000 words)

Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015) shows the generic steps for developing simulation models (Fig. 6.1). Some of the generic steps in the process can be skipped or combined depending on the policy being modeled. However, the appropriate experience is needed by the designer to determine which steps can and should be manipulated.

Elaborate on the generic steps for developing simulation models.



POLI113A East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective Humanities Assignment Help

Choose only one of the following questions. All questions draw on lecture materials, and one on Yao. Do not use outside sources. 6-7 pages. No more than 7 pages.

1 explain seven core Confucian concepts

2 explain the paradox of proper order

3 explain the Confucian conception of international politics.


1. Yao, X. 2000. An Introduction to Confucianism. Cambridge University Press. (Read entire book)

2. de Bary, W.T. et al. 1999. Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 1: From Earliest Times to 1600. Columbia University Press. (Read Confucius, Mencius, and Xun-Zi sections)


Please double-space your exam answers and do not go over seven pages. Comic Sans would look pretty silly.

Some words of warning as you go forth to exercise your formatting freedom:

-Triple-spacing your essays or using four inch margins is something of a giveaway that you don’t have enough content.

-We should be able to tell what sources you’re citing, but we’re not going to dock for putting something that should be underlined in italics.

-Using interesting quotes or stats from outside sources is okay, but build your argument using in-class readings. Use of outside sources at critical points in your arguments will compel us to check your sources. The rule constraining sources is intended to spare your poor graders the task of double-checking quotes on 900 midterm papers.

POLI113A East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

essay writing Humanities Assignment Help

Write a scintillating, well-written essay of 6 pages in response. You must narrow the scope of your thesis and argument to fit the page limit. You may want to look up the meaning of words in the Oxford English Dictionary, if your interpretation of a passage depends upon the meaning or connotation of a certain word.

Your essay should feature the following:

  • a focused interpretive argument about the meaning of Shakespeare’s plays. Keep plot summary to a minimum; assume that your reader has read the plays once, but may be unaware of deeper implications.
  • a clearly-stated thesis statement early in the essay which articulates your argument. This statement should do more than just announce the topic of the paper, and it should avoid the”similarities and differences” formula. Underline your thesis statement.
  • at least one passage in which you analyze a passage from the playscript closely at some length. This section of your paper should demonstrate your attention to nuances of language and imagery, subtleties of characterization, and key ideas and issues. Fully explain the meaning of all details or quotations you cite, and place details and quotations in their dramatic context.

Choose your supporting quotation carefully, and explain the meaning of the passages you choose to cite. Where you choose to quote directly, please cite the act, scene and line number(s) parenthetically after the quotation.

Example: When the Archbishop of Canterbury declares that his long discussion of Salic law is”as clear as the summer sun” (Henry V 1.2.86), his tone is one of sarcasm rather than sincerity.

For the correct conventions about citing passages from Shakespeare, please consult the “Guidelines for Writing Papers and Quoting Correctly” posted on Blackboard, which I will expect you to follow closely. Please consult the class Blackboard site for the grading rubric for this essay.

Writing question:

At first glance, Sir Toby Belch from Twelfth Night and Sir John Falstaff from I Henry IV andHenry V are remarkably similar characters–both are fallen knights, both enjoy copious drink and hearty merriment, both are ringleaders of a small community of fellow revelers, both have vexed relationships with figures of authority. Compare and contrast these figures, focusing on ONE element or quality that you find particularly important, revealing, or significant. Develop a thesis about how and why Shakespeare revises this popular character type across the two plays. Pay some attention to the question “so what?” as you are developing your analysis: why is the element or quality you’ve analyzed important to our understanding of these characters and the plays in which they appear?

DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS: This question might be developed in several ways:
• treat Sir Toby Belch as a revision of Sir John Falstaff: what element(s) did Shakespeare choose to change when he returned to this character in Twelfth Night? Exactly how did he change him? Why?

  • you might trace the development of each character in the course of his particular play–do you sense a change in our attitude toward these characters as the play progresses? What accounts for that change (or lack of it)?
  • you might trace this character’s relationship with another character–say, Toby’s with Aguecheek and Falstaff’s with Prince Henry–paying close attention to what that relationship reveals about Toby’s and Falstaff’s character or function within the play.
  • you might trace how these characters illuminate one of Shakespeare’s central ideas, themes or issues within both plays, though in perhaps subtly contrasting or vastly different ways.

This list is certainly not complete: you may choose other ways of developing your comparison and contrast.


write a paper Writing Assignment Help

PROGRESSION TWO – “Texts‐in‐Context, an Argument” (6-7 pages)

collection: “The Opposite of Loneliness” by Marina Keegan

Please read the instruction very carefully and go through the rubric before you start because this is not an analytical paper. instead, you need to create your own argument and develop it using textual evidence from the collection and outside sources.

The whole paper should be in MLA format, including in-text citations and works cited page.

This assignment asks you to read a body of work by a single essayist and write an essay analyzing and interpreting that body of work in the context of a critical or scholarly conversation about it.

In this essay, you will play the role of a critic and develop an argument about the work by your chosen essayist based on careful, close reading and contextual research. A critic, for our purposes, is not someone who criticizes a writer’s work, but an engaged and attentive reader who is sincerely interested in both what the writer says and how s/he says it. You will be asked to listen to your writer’s voice on the page, to notice nuances of language, to understand what preoccupies his or her mind. Most importantly, you will attempt to recognize patterns across several texts by the same author: patterns of syntax, vocabulary, and imagery, yes; but also patterns of thought. You can think of this kind of criticism as detective work: your job is to read evidence from the texts and decipher the bigger picture behind it. What common thread do you see running through the whole body of work, even when the writer addresses subjects seemingly unrelated to one another? What questions do you see all these texts responding to, even if these questions are not asked explicitly? What hidden desires motivate the writer of these texts? What secret beliefs do these texts uphold? Any good text creates a world of its own, with its own laws, a set of beliefs, and a unique logic, not to mention its unique poetic atmosphere – the “feel” of this world, the colors that set it apart from other “worlds” created by other writers. What do you notice about the universe of your chosen essay collection?

Doing research on your author and reading academic articles and critical essays about your chosen collection will help you recognize the things you are noticing and articulate their importance. You will engage with several sources in your essay to create a context for your own reading of the primary texts, but will ultimately rely on your own observations and analysis to build a nuanced argument.

Research requirements: In addition to 6 essays from your chosen collection, you will need to identify 2-3 texts (essays, articles) written about the work by your chosen essayist and 2-3 sources that would help you better understand the issues that your chosen author is addressing in his/her work, or can be put in conversation with the writer’s work.

Skills Practiced:

-Developing an interpretation that considers evidence from several primary texts by an author, rather than one primary source.

– Using library resources to locate appropriate sources to contextualize this interpretation.

– Carefully and ethically selecting and engaging with scholarly and critical sources.

– Identifying, understanding, and contributing to a specific critical or scholarly conversation.

– Developing an essay that offers an interpretive argument—and that therefore reflects curiosity, concession, and elasticity of thought without sacrificing analysis and the clear and compelling development of an idea.

Note: you need an argument at the beginning of the paper and develop the argument to a deeper extent, not just focus on the analysis of the writer’s work/sources.

Here are the 6 essays from the collection. Other than that, you need to find 5-6 outside sources, please see the instruction for more details.


Please provide a brief response to the following assessment question? Computer Science Assignment Help

Q1. In order to interpret the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) diagram. It is recommended that we start from the outside of the diagram.

Briefly name three (3) components required to successfully conceive a complex set of inter-operable processes and implementable procedures and structural elements.

Q2. In chapter seven (7), we have learned from “The Path to Information Value” that Seventy percent of managers and executives say data are “extremely important” for creating competitive advantage.

In addition, it is implied by the authors that, “The key, of course, is knowing which data matter, who within a company needs them, and finding ways to get that data into users’ hands.”

Looking at the Economist Intelligence Unit report, identify the three (3) phases that led to the yard’s rebirth.

— Above are the discussion questions please read carefully and provide brief response for each question with references in APA format. Attached textbook for your reference. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Business Model Generator-Customer Relationships and Key Activities Writing Assignment Help

Customer relationships:

  1. What are Customer Relationships as they relate to the Business Model Generator and the Business Model Canvas?
  2. Research 2 companies. One should have over $10 million in revenue a year, and one should have less than $10 million in revenue a year. You may use your chosen company as one of these companies.
  3. Compare and contrast the customer relationships of each of these companies. This should be in depth and may require additional in-depth research or resources. Please provide your documentation.

Key activities:

  1. What are Key Activities as they relate to the Business Model Generator and the Business Model Canvas?
  2. Research 2 companies. One should be a company based in America, one should be a company based overseas. You may use your chosen company as one of these companies.
  3. Compare and contrast the key activities of both companies. This should be in-depth and may require more in-depth research. Please provide your documentation.



REFECTIVE ESSAY , answer all the question in a pdf format Writing Assignment Help

my major is MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 400 – to 500 word reflective essay that addresses 1)- what the students hopes to gain from taking the course and 2)-why it matters that the student gains what she hopes to gain.the essay must be submitted in PDF format AND THE CLASS NAME IS GLOBAL STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT. My name is samira soumahoro and this is my last semester to get my MBA degree.

additional information:

writen assigmrnt should include the following (single space ) at the top left of the first page:


BGMT 529-02

[assigment due date ]


FONT size: 11

paragraph aligment :justified

paragraph identation : 0.5 inch

line spacing : double

margins: 1inch


ROI Evaluation for Block chain Usage in e-commerce (both written and Excel file) Writing Assignment Help


You are the Director of IT & Security for an eBook distributor. Your CEO has come to you asking when you are going to use Blockchain as it is the “hottest technology” out there. He heard by using Blockchain, the eCommerce site would be more secure and still stay PCI-DSS compliant. You will conduct a Cost Benefit Analysis to determine whether Blockchain usage is viable at your company.

You will conduct Cost Benefit Analysis for using Blockchain at your company. Specifically, in your eCommerce site for selling eBooks. As you work through the cost benefit analysis, you will also identify any technical or security risks for your company. In your analysis, you will answer questions (see below) to include financial and other evidence to support your answers. By answering these questions, it will help your company make a decision regarding “what” to do.

  1. Is Blockchain a viable solution to enhance security for your eCommerce site?
  2. Is now the time to use Blockchain?
  3. Do benefits of using Blockchain outweigh the costs?
  4. Is incorporating Blockchain beneficial to your organization as a whole?

Your analysis should include all costs (including personnel). It should also include all benefits. Benefits should be quantified. This is much easier for tangible benefits, but it is important to not ignore intangible benefits. The intangible benefits can be used to supplement your analysis.

Assignment Requirements

You will create a 2–3 page report of your Cost Benefit Analysis including a summary of your conclusions. Provide as much evidence to support the assertions that you make. In Excel®, you will show all your work including financial calculations. Please make sure all of the information in Excel is organized and titled accordingly.

*********Important I need help with the Excel file for this Cost Benefit Analysis.


1. Gathering and Analyzing Public Opinion 2. Generic Steps for Developing Simulation Models Computer Science Assignment Help

1. Gathering and Analyzing Public Opinion ( 4 Pages or Minimum 1000 words)

Table 7.4 shows the opinion mining tools that have been developed to analyze public opinions. Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015) tells us that these mining tools can policymakers and decision-makers with making more informed decisions.

Select and elaborate on 1 or more of the Opinion Mining Tools. See what you can find with a google search. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the opinion mining tools that you select.

2. Generic Steps for Developing Simulation Models (4 Pages or Minimum 1000 words)

Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015) shows the generic steps for developing simulation models (Fig. 6.1). Some of the generic steps in the process can be skipped or combined depending on the policy being modeled. However, the appropriate experience is needed by the designer to determine which steps can and should be manipulated.

Elaborate on the generic steps for developing simulation models.



POLI113A East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective Humanities Assignment Help

Choose only one of the following questions. All questions draw on lecture materials, and one on Yao. Do not use outside sources. 6-7 pages. No more than 7 pages.

1 explain seven core Confucian concepts

2 explain the paradox of proper order

3 explain the Confucian conception of international politics.


1. Yao, X. 2000. An Introduction to Confucianism. Cambridge University Press. (Read entire book)

2. de Bary, W.T. et al. 1999. Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 1: From Earliest Times to 1600. Columbia University Press. (Read Confucius, Mencius, and Xun-Zi sections)


Please double-space your exam answers and do not go over seven pages. Comic Sans would look pretty silly.

Some words of warning as you go forth to exercise your formatting freedom:

-Triple-spacing your essays or using four inch margins is something of a giveaway that you don’t have enough content.

-We should be able to tell what sources you’re citing, but we’re not going to dock for putting something that should be underlined in italics.

-Using interesting quotes or stats from outside sources is okay, but build your argument using in-class readings. Use of outside sources at critical points in your arguments will compel us to check your sources. The rule constraining sources is intended to spare your poor graders the task of double-checking quotes on 900 midterm papers.

POLI113A East Asian Thought in Comparative Perspective Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

essay writing Humanities Assignment Help

Write a scintillating, well-written essay of 6 pages in response. You must narrow the scope of your thesis and argument to fit the page limit. You may want to look up the meaning of words in the Oxford English Dictionary, if your interpretation of a passage depends upon the meaning or connotation of a certain word.

Your essay should feature the following:

  • a focused interpretive argument about the meaning of Shakespeare’s plays. Keep plot summary to a minimum; assume that your reader has read the plays once, but may be unaware of deeper implications.
  • a clearly-stated thesis statement early in the essay which articulates your argument. This statement should do more than just announce the topic of the paper, and it should avoid the”similarities and differences” formula. Underline your thesis statement.
  • at least one passage in which you analyze a passage from the playscript closely at some length. This section of your paper should demonstrate your attention to nuances of language and imagery, subtleties of characterization, and key ideas and issues. Fully explain the meaning of all details or quotations you cite, and place details and quotations in their dramatic context.

Choose your supporting quotation carefully, and explain the meaning of the passages you choose to cite. Where you choose to quote directly, please cite the act, scene and line number(s) parenthetically after the quotation.

Example: When the Archbishop of Canterbury declares that his long discussion of Salic law is”as clear as the summer sun” (Henry V 1.2.86), his tone is one of sarcasm rather than sincerity.

For the correct conventions about citing passages from Shakespeare, please consult the “Guidelines for Writing Papers and Quoting Correctly” posted on Blackboard, which I will expect you to follow closely. Please consult the class Blackboard site for the grading rubric for this essay.

Writing question:

At first glance, Sir Toby Belch from Twelfth Night and Sir John Falstaff from I Henry IV andHenry V are remarkably similar characters–both are fallen knights, both enjoy copious drink and hearty merriment, both are ringleaders of a small community of fellow revelers, both have vexed relationships with figures of authority. Compare and contrast these figures, focusing on ONE element or quality that you find particularly important, revealing, or significant. Develop a thesis about how and why Shakespeare revises this popular character type across the two plays. Pay some attention to the question “so what?” as you are developing your analysis: why is the element or quality you’ve analyzed important to our understanding of these characters and the plays in which they appear?

DEVELOPMENT QUESTIONS: This question might be developed in several ways:
• treat Sir Toby Belch as a revision of Sir John Falstaff: what element(s) did Shakespeare choose to change when he returned to this character in Twelfth Night? Exactly how did he change him? Why?

  • you might trace the development of each character in the course of his particular play–do you sense a change in our attitude toward these characters as the play progresses? What accounts for that change (or lack of it)?
  • you might trace this character’s relationship with another character–say, Toby’s with Aguecheek and Falstaff’s with Prince Henry–paying close attention to what that relationship reveals about Toby’s and Falstaff’s character or function within the play.
  • you might trace how these characters illuminate one of Shakespeare’s central ideas, themes or issues within both plays, though in perhaps subtly contrasting or vastly different ways.

This list is certainly not complete: you may choose other ways of developing your comparison and contrast.


write a paper Writing Assignment Help

PROGRESSION TWO – “Texts‐in‐Context, an Argument” (6-7 pages)

collection: “The Opposite of Loneliness” by Marina Keegan

Please read the instruction very carefully and go through the rubric before you start because this is not an analytical paper. instead, you need to create your own argument and develop it using textual evidence from the collection and outside sources.

The whole paper should be in MLA format, including in-text citations and works cited page.

This assignment asks you to read a body of work by a single essayist and write an essay analyzing and interpreting that body of work in the context of a critical or scholarly conversation about it.

In this essay, you will play the role of a critic and develop an argument about the work by your chosen essayist based on careful, close reading and contextual research. A critic, for our purposes, is not someone who criticizes a writer’s work, but an engaged and attentive reader who is sincerely interested in both what the writer says and how s/he says it. You will be asked to listen to your writer’s voice on the page, to notice nuances of language, to understand what preoccupies his or her mind. Most importantly, you will attempt to recognize patterns across several texts by the same author: patterns of syntax, vocabulary, and imagery, yes; but also patterns of thought. You can think of this kind of criticism as detective work: your job is to read evidence from the texts and decipher the bigger picture behind it. What common thread do you see running through the whole body of work, even when the writer addresses subjects seemingly unrelated to one another? What questions do you see all these texts responding to, even if these questions are not asked explicitly? What hidden desires motivate the writer of these texts? What secret beliefs do these texts uphold? Any good text creates a world of its own, with its own laws, a set of beliefs, and a unique logic, not to mention its unique poetic atmosphere – the “feel” of this world, the colors that set it apart from other “worlds” created by other writers. What do you notice about the universe of your chosen essay collection?

Doing research on your author and reading academic articles and critical essays about your chosen collection will help you recognize the things you are noticing and articulate their importance. You will engage with several sources in your essay to create a context for your own reading of the primary texts, but will ultimately rely on your own observations and analysis to build a nuanced argument.

Research requirements: In addition to 6 essays from your chosen collection, you will need to identify 2-3 texts (essays, articles) written about the work by your chosen essayist and 2-3 sources that would help you better understand the issues that your chosen author is addressing in his/her work, or can be put in conversation with the writer’s work.

Skills Practiced:

-Developing an interpretation that considers evidence from several primary texts by an author, rather than one primary source.

– Using library resources to locate appropriate sources to contextualize this interpretation.

– Carefully and ethically selecting and engaging with scholarly and critical sources.

– Identifying, understanding, and contributing to a specific critical or scholarly conversation.

– Developing an essay that offers an interpretive argument—and that therefore reflects curiosity, concession, and elasticity of thought without sacrificing analysis and the clear and compelling development of an idea.

Note: you need an argument at the beginning of the paper and develop the argument to a deeper extent, not just focus on the analysis of the writer’s work/sources.

Here are the 6 essays from the collection. Other than that, you need to find 5-6 outside sources, please see the instruction for more details.


Please provide a brief response to the following assessment question? Computer Science Assignment Help

Q1. In order to interpret the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) diagram. It is recommended that we start from the outside of the diagram.

Briefly name three (3) components required to successfully conceive a complex set of inter-operable processes and implementable procedures and structural elements.

Q2. In chapter seven (7), we have learned from “The Path to Information Value” that Seventy percent of managers and executives say data are “extremely important” for creating competitive advantage.

In addition, it is implied by the authors that, “The key, of course, is knowing which data matter, who within a company needs them, and finding ways to get that data into users’ hands.”

Looking at the Economist Intelligence Unit report, identify the three (3) phases that led to the yard’s rebirth.

— Above are the discussion questions please read carefully and provide brief response for each question with references in APA format. Attached textbook for your reference. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Business Model Generator-Customer Relationships and Key Activities Writing Assignment Help

Customer relationships:

  1. What are Customer Relationships as they relate to the Business Model Generator and the Business Model Canvas?
  2. Research 2 companies. One should have over $10 million in revenue a year, and one should have less than $10 million in revenue a year. You may use your chosen company as one of these companies.
  3. Compare and contrast the customer relationships of each of these companies. This should be in depth and may require additional in-depth research or resources. Please provide your documentation.

Key activities:

  1. What are Key Activities as they relate to the Business Model Generator and the Business Model Canvas?
  2. Research 2 companies. One should be a company based in America, one should be a company based overseas. You may use your chosen company as one of these companies.
  3. Compare and contrast the key activities of both companies. This should be in-depth and may require more in-depth research. Please provide your documentation.


Essay Project 2 Final Draft Writing Assignment Help

Essay Project 2 Final Draft Writing Assignment Help

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