ETST 100 Colorado State University Race and Class in United States Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help. ETST 100 Colorado State University Race and Class in United States Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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Reflection papers (40%): each student is expected to write 4 reflection papers based on readings, videos, and personal experience. The main point of the exercise is two-fold: one, to demonstrate one’s understanding of the key points; two, to apply the lessons learned by integrating insights from personal experience or other venues. Please remember that these reflection papers should not be a summary of historical events, but they should be largely an analysis of an issue. A good persuasive essay offers author’s perspective based on a body of reasonable evidence, well-constructed arguments and supporting statements, and personal style or creativity. Each reflection paper should be no more than 2-pages, double-spaced using 12-point font.
In the first module, our goal is to raise some fundamental questions about how American history is framed and narrated in our educational system and how such a narrative impacts the worldviews of individuals and communities. We begin with a simple doll test that was conducted by Mamie and Kenneth Clark whose experiment was used as proof against racial segregation during the Brown v. Board of Education case. Unfortunately, the relevance of these experiments in today’s context speaks volumes about the persistence of race as both concept and reality in people’s lives. This module takes us back to the period in American history when the concept of race was used to justify the genocide of Native Americans.
Learning Objectives
- Draw a connection between the present and the past in terms of the salience of race in everyday life
- Understand the metaphysics of colonization, conquest and genocide of Native Americans
- Identify and challenge the master narrative of American history
Key Terms and Events
- Race, Racialization, Racism
- Theory of negative self-identification
- Trail of tears
- Master narrative
- Errand into wilderness
- Puritan work ethic
- Race: The Power of an Illusion, Part II, The Story We Tell (Be sure to watch the episode 2)
ETST 100 Colorado State University Race and Class in United States Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SUNY Brockport Negative Stereotypes Essay Humanities Assignment Help
- Moody/Sasser 2-17, 37-48
- Video: Up (Disney Pixar) film
Assignments due:
- Short essay: [476-3pts/576-2pts]: “Up” reflection questions
1. Describe 2 negative stereotypes of older adults & how these stereotypes were challenged. 2. Identify two of Carl’s major life transitions & describe his support network for coping with these transitions. 3. Provide one example of the life course perspective (earlier life events that shape the main character’s persona in later life), disengagement theory, and activity theory. 4. Describe one lesson from this film that may help you ‘age successfully.’
UCF The Power of People by Guenole Book Report Business Finance Assignment Help
You will read a book that is related to people analytics/workforce analytics/HR analytics. Then write a book review (summary 1000-1200 words pages and critique 300-500 words).In the summary, succinctly summarize what the author is saying in the book (no student voice, only author voice).
1、Use section headings.
2、Under each section describe what the author is saying under that section.
3、Use subheadings when necessary
In the critique, share their thoughts of what you think about the book (no author voice, only student voice)
1、What you agree or disagree about the book and why,
2、What you liked or disliked about the book and why,
3、What you will use or not use from the book and why.
NOTE: Answering the why is very important. Give reasoning.
(the price includes book price)
Global Citizens Global Music and Jazz International Music Style Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Global Music and Jazz
This assignment is a research and writing assignment that asks you to find a Jazz artist who is combining an International music style with Jazz music to create/explore a new Jazz sound in a specific project (recording or concert) IT IS IMPORTANT YOUR READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS ASSIGNMENT – YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR A JAZZ ARTIST THAT IS CREATING JAZZ MUSIC WITH AN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC INFLUENCE. The artist can be American OR from another country, but must be creating JAZZ music, not using international music influences to create other styles of music (which is interesting, BUT not in the scope of this class.) The international music needs to be indigenous music from a specific country or region/culture – Irish folk music, or Calypso music from Trindad/Tobago, or music from the Basque region of Spain, etc.. It can not be a music that is already a mixture of styles (Afrobeat for instance), or a music from an International urban area that has lots of different ethnic groups (like London.) So, for instance, an artist creating dance club music using Indian musical influences (from India) is NOT someone you can use for this paper.
As you have discovered in your text readings and other assignments in this course, Jazz music developed in America from the combining of different musical influences, which came about as a result of the numerous International cultures that played a part in the development of the country. As the music grew, Jazz continued to incorporate musical elements from other styles of music, including world music influences. Examples include Dizzy Gillespie, who collaborated with Cuban congero Chano Pozo to explore new sounds in Jazz. In the 1960’s the Brazilian music style of Bossa Nova influenced artists like Stan Getz, and became a popular new sound in Jazz. The combining of International music styles and Jazz in this way is continuing today, creating interesting new Jazz sounds. Many international musical influences can be heard in modern Jazz music.
Research and find an artist or group that is combining an international music with jazz to create a new Jazz sound for a specific project (usually a recording, but could be a concert) Limit your research to music created in the 21st Century (since the year 2000.)Pick a culture or country whose music you would be interested in learning about and see if you can find an artist or group who is combining that music with Jazz music to create a new Jazz sound. BE SURE YOU FIND A JAZZ ARTIST OR GROUP THAT IS COMBINING AN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC AND JAZZ, TO CREATE A NEW JAZZ SOUND. There are a number of examples of non-jazz artists using international music in their folk music, rock music, hip hop etc.., so be sure your choice of artist/group is a JAZZ artist. The artist can be an American that is using International music as an influence or it can be an artist who is from another country that is an accomplished Jazz artist who is exploring combining music from his/her culture with Jazz. Be SURE the artist is a Jazz artist and the specific music project you write about is a combination of Jazz and an International music style.
This assignment is requires you to do collegiate level research to find an appropriate artist who has a specific project/composition(s) that combines Jazz and an International music.
- Write a 1000-1500 word paper ( this is the body of the paper, not including the discography and references, etc..) which describes the artist/group and their music. (NOTE: word count is the least important part of the grading of this paper. Any paper that covers all of the requirements will be at least 1000 words, this is just a suggestion so that you don’t feel like you have to write a LONG paper. The content, quality of writing, inclusion of required information and following the writing style guidelines are the most important part of this paper). The paper should be well written, following general rules and formatting for a Research Paper (see suggested format below). Citations should be in MLA or APA format. You can get help and information about writing a Research Paper from the USF Writing Center.
- Use your research to write a description of the artist/groups concepts and ideas for combining the international music with Jazz. It is important that find descriptions of the concepts and ideas from the artist and/or reputable experts reviewing the project/composition. You need to do significant research to be able to write about the ways the artist or group is combining the international music elements with Jazz elements to create the new music. Be sure you write about a specific composition or musical project (can be a whole album.)
- Include your own description of what you hear in the music. Describe the ways the music moves you.
- Include a general description of the artist/groups, what they are known for and other relevant projects/recordings they have produced. Include a selected discography as part of your reference citations. A discography is a list of important recordings by the artist or group. (You can find examples of discographies online.) You need to include the artist/group name, title of the recording, record label (company), year it was released, and important personnel on the recording.
- Include information about the recordings you write about:
- Date released
- Record label
- Musicians on the recording
- How readers can find this music (purchase, listen, etc)
American Sentinel University Aurora Healthcare Delivery Quality Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help
Activity 4
Healthcare Delivery and Quality Case Study
Landmark studies To Err is Human (1999) and Crossing the Quality Chasm (2001) from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) identified medical errors are causing harm and death to almost 45,000 Americans and costing over $29 billion every year. Other studies have indicated preventable healthcare associated conditions (HACs) such as infections, sepsis, CHF, and pneumonia are main contributors for increasing the length of patient stays, the cost of care, and the likelihood of mortality (death).
Consider the below case study:
Margret Spinner-Ramirez is a 66 y/o female Hispanic-American who speaks both Spanish and English fluently. She is retired, lives alone, and has Medicaid as her primary insurance. Ms. Spinner-Ramirez was scratched by a stray cat that she feeds on her back porch daily. She has been cleaning the wound daily; however, after 2 days she went to her local ER for increased pain, redness, and swelling in her left lower leg wound where she was scratched by the stray cat. Ms. Spinner-Ramirez explained she recently had her left knee replaced about 6 months ago and verbalized new difficulty with baring weight on that extremity to the point that she was having to use her cane again. Her vital signs at the ER visit were stable. Her left leg wound was cleaned and redressed. After 5 hours in the ER, Ms. Spinner-Ramirez was discharged to home on oral Keflex for her left lower leg infection and was instructed to call her primary care physician for a follow-up appointment. Five days later Ms. Spinner-Ramirez was taken back to the same ER via ambulance. Her neighbor found her lethargic, short of breath, and was experiencing difficulty being able to move. A CT scan and blood work revealed that Ms. Spinner-Ramirez’s knee replacement in her left leg was infected secondary to the cat scratch. She was admitted as an inpatient for sepsis. She needed to have a second left knee replacement surgery with wound irrigation and debridement, which extended her inpatient stay to 3 weeks. Once she was discharged to home, she required six weeks of IV antibiotics, extensive rehab, and home health.
If you were in charge of a healthcare insurance company:
- Explain why insurance companies (which are considered payers) should or should not pay (reimburse) for injuries, extended costs, readmissions, or death (mortality) from a hospital-acquired infection or medical error. Support your why or why not?
- Describe two ways (initiatives) healthcare quality can be improved to help reduce errors and improve patient safety.
- Discuss how creating incentives for providers (healthcare organizations) can improve quality and reimbursements (payments) for services/care.
- Understanding Health Insurance
- What’s Behind the Health Insurance Rankings
- Hospitals will have to Pay for their Mistakes
- Medical Errors: Focusing More on What and Why, Less on Who
- National Business Coalition on Health: Health Care Purchaser Toolkit
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Additional Instructions:
- All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
- Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
- Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
- Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
- Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.
Submission Options:
Choose One: |
Instructions: |
Paper |
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation |
Other media (Prezi, etc.) presentation |
Video Presentation |
Table |
Graphs or other illustrations |
Poster |
Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements. Baccalaureate Generalist will discuss the impact of universal health insurance coverage and explain |
ENGL City College of San Francisco Writing an Effective Introduction Discussion Writing Assignment Help
part 1 ( Compassion and El Applied)
You’ve read several chapters this week regarding how Emotional Intelligence (or lack thereof) shows up in various contexts, ranging from healthcare and school settings to our intimate relationships. You’ve also listened to Daniel Goleman discuss E.I. and compassion.
Drawing on your reading and our TED TALK, identify one instance where practicing the skills outlined in Emotional Intelligence could improve the situation/could have improved the situation in your own life. For instance, you might discuss something that happened at work or with your significant other, and how the skills we have been discussing could have been or could be applied there.
Make sure you connect your narrative with our text and/or video; that is, how does what you are saying/telling us about connect to what you have read and watched?
part 2 ( Writing Effective introduction
In your own words, describe what to include an in effective introduction. Once you have covered all the key concepts, draft your own introduction and include it here.
Reply to at least two classmates, offering a thoughtful and thorough review of their response. Make certain your review addressed all four components of the introduction as outlined in the module this week.
Is there a hook? Is it effective? Does the author provide enough background/context? What else might they need to include? Are the topic sentence clear and supporting a clear thesis statement?
In your replies for this week’s discussion, see if you can identify each of the parts of another’s introduction, and offer suggestions for improvement.
Remember, you can also use the video feature (above, in your tool bar) to record your responses, especially when reviewing your classmate’s work. We love seeing your smiling face! 🙂
ENGL City College of San Francisco Writing an Effective Introduction Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Global Earthquake Occurrence Activity Questions Science Assignment Help
- There are two parts to this homework:
- Part 1: Magnitude, Frequency and Position of Major Earthquakes on Earth
- Use the tables and maps provided in the PDF to help you answer the questions.
- Part 2: The USGS Real-Time Live Earthquake Map
- Use the map and website link ( (Links to an external site.)) in the PDF to help you answer the questions.
- Part 1: Magnitude, Frequency and Position of Major Earthquakes on Earth
UNAHVS Compensation Strategy for a Middle Level Manager Position Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
3 page essay on compensation strategy for a mid-level manager position
For this assignment, write an essay explaining your new compensation strategy for the mid-level manager position you still need to fill. Your audience is the chief executive officer (CEO) and other supervisors in your organization. In this essay, include the items listed below.
- After a brief introduction, explain how equal employment opportunity laws impact the organization’s compensation strategy.
- Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of pay-for-performance and competency-based pay. What strategy would you recommend for your organization, and why?
- Explain how various motivational theories can factor into your development of a multi-generational compensation package for your whole organization that includes indirect benefits. Be sure to give specific examples of how different generations of applicants or employees will be affected.
- Explain your proposed compensation package, which should include direct and indirect benefits and how the package will affect hiring and retention. Be sure to specifically identify how much you will pay the mid-level managers, and indicate how it compares to your state and the federal minimum wage. You can search the Internet for sites that list comparable pay data. You should identify a low, medium, and high pay range for the mid-level manager.
- Explain how you will assess the effectiveness of the compensation strategy a year from now.
Your essay will contain a one-page appendix in which you will create a chart of your compensation strategy. This chart should have three columns, which should address the areas listed below:
- legally mandated benefits,
- direct benefits (include how much you will pay the mid-level managers), and
- indirect benefits.
Your essay will be a minimum of three pages in length, not counting the appendix, title page, or references page. You must use at least two sources to support your essay. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, and make certain to include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.
PSY 3002 SU Tampa The Forget It All Along Effect Metamemory Experiment Humanities Assignment Help
*** Be able to access zip file and run it ****
The final project will be due in Week 10. You will select an experiment from the CogLab CD accompanying your course textbook and perform the experiment. Next, you will create a report on the topic on which the experiment is based. The report will include four sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
When choosing the experiment make sure to review the weekly experiments first. Your project cannot be one that will be used in the weekly experiments. It is recommended that you start working on the final project early. If you have any questions regarding its development please ask your instructor for guidance.
For Weeks 2-5 you should be working on a literature review of research related to your experiment. It is recommended over the next several weeks to find and review peer-reviewed journal articles on your experiment. For the final project it will require at least 5 peer-reviewed journal articles on current research (within the last 5 years) on your topic.
By Week 6, you should be working on the methods section of the project. Include information about the participants and the stimuli, and a brief description of the procedures followed to complete the experiment successfully.
By Week 7, you should be completing the results section. It would explain your finding in the experiment in detail. It shouldn’t contain an analysis of the results. That part is done in the conclusion section.
By Week 9, you should be developing your conclusions. Here are a few points to consider:
Final Project
In Week 1 you began with choosing an experiment to complete. Over the last several weeks you have been working on your project in preparation to complete the work for this week.
Your project should adhere to the following guidelines:
For the main sections, it should have:
- A title page
- An abstract (not more than 250 words)
- An introduction
- A literature review
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion or conclusions
- References
Introduction: This should be one to two pages in length. The introduction provides a brief overview of what will be covered and the purpose of the research.
Literature review: The literature review is taken in part from what you researched from the scholarly journal articles. It is a synthesis of the material you found into a cohesive review of the literature on your chosen experiment.
Methods: This section provides information on how the experiment was conducted.
Results: The results section should explain your finding in the experiment in detail.
Discussion and conclusions: The difference between a great research paper and a marginal one is the depth and originality of the discussion and conclusions section. This is where you bring together what you have learned through your research as well as through the course regarding your topic in the concluding remarks of your paper. The discussion and conclusions section should be one to two pages in length.
- Were the results of your final project experiment the same as your expected hypotheses?
- Mention any results that run counter to your expected hypotheses. In your opinion, what factors could have influenced the results?
- What real-life psychological phenomena might be explained or modeled by the findings of this experiment? How?
From your course textbook, Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience, (4th ed.), read the following chapters:
From your course textbook, CogLab on a CD, read the following experiment:
CS/SB 614 FIU Arising Issues with Prescriptive Authority of Controlled Substances Essay Writing Assignment Help
CS/SB 614 authorizes an ARNP to prescribe, dispense, administer, or order any drug, which would include controlled substances.
ARNP disciplinary sanctions are added to the bill in s. 456.072, F.S., (Section 5) to mirror a physician’s sanctions for prescribing or dispensing a controlled substance other in the course of professional practice or failing to meet practice standards. Additional acts for which discipline may be taken against an ARNP relating to practicing with controlled substances that are added to the Nurse Practice Act (Section 10) include:
Presigning blank prescription forms.
Prescribing a Schedule II for office use.
Prescribing, dispensing, or administering an amphetamine or sympathomimetic amine drug, except for specified conditions.
Prescribing, dispensing, or administering certain hormones for muscle-building or athletic performance.
Promoting or advertising a pharmacy on a prescription form unless the form also states that the prescription may be filled at the pharmacy of your choice.
Prescribing, dispensing, or administering drugs, including controlled substances, other than in the course of his or her professional practice.
Prescribing, dispensing, or administering a controlled substance to himself or herself.
Prescribing, dispensing, or administering laetrile.
Dispensing a controlled substance listed in Schedule II or Schedule III in violation of the requirements for dispensing practitioners in the Pharmacy Practice Act.
Promoting or advertising controlled substances.
After reading the following news article…
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**** Identify what issues may arise with prescriptive authority of controlled substances and how you may avoid these situations?