EVR1001 Ecosystems Science Assignment Help

EVR1001 Ecosystems Science Assignment Help. EVR1001 Ecosystems Science Assignment Help.

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  1. Use the attached log for this assignment. Open the blank spreadsheet and log at least 6 material goods and 4 services you use or take advantage of in your daily life. Example; Shoes.
  2. For each material good and service, determine if it is absolutely necessary for survival or if it is just a good or service that you want or would just like to have. Example; Shoes are not necessary for survival.
  3. Describe where the material good or service comes from in the natural world.
  4. Explain how a material good is made and include any chemical, energy, transportation, etc. that is involved (Hint: think of raw materials or what the good is made of) Example; Shoes made of raw leather from cowhide.
  5. Briefly describe the outcome if the ecosystem suddenly ceased to supply the good or service. Example; Assume cowhide is no longer available, then possibly use other materials to make shoes like plastic.

EVR1001 Ecosystems Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

2 Pages Essay – History of kansas Humanities Assignment Help


1.Why does the author state “the territorial period in Kansas was enormously complex”?

2.Why did Robert Richmond comment that the Kansas territorial era was “one of the most confused and confusing in American history”?

Be sure to include the role of border fighting in this era, as well as, all of the legislative problems encountered.

Please give details and concrete examples.

Be sure to read over the territorial timeline and look over the key terms.

Your essay must be detailed and specific. You must tell me who, what, when, where and why. Dates are essential. Your answer must be in essay form with an introduction, supporting paragraphs and a conclusion. You must answer all questions asked. Your essay should be approximately two pages in length. Please be sure to look over the sample essay in the announcements.

Outline for Essay
Be sure to list the dates of the territorial period of Kansas.
Be sure to explain and mention the significance of the Kansas Nebraska Act.
Be sure to explain and mention what was Bleeding Kansas. How many people died, when and where.
Be sure to explain and mention the four territorial capitals.
Be sure to explain and mention the succession of governors during the territorial period in Kansas.
Be sure to mention the writing of four constitutions and why.
Be sure to mention and explain the Wakarusa War, tell when, where, and why.


CEFS 521 Assessment Techniques in Couseling Writing Assignment Help

Hello, I am writing a test critique on Trauma Symptom Inventory-2. I have already written some of the paper which is the TSI critique document. Also in that document you will find the critique of SASSI-3 as a guide to help you know exactly what to write about. Attached as well is a powerpoint on TSI-2, the instructions, and rubric. THIS ASSIGNMENT NEEDS TO BE COMPLETE BY 11:00 PM tonight if it is completed later I will request a refund, no exceptions.

These links are some info on TSI-2.




Digital Portfolio- Unitarian Universalisim Humanities Assignment Help

To organize your digital portfolio, you can use a website editor, like Wix (wix.com) or WordPress (wordpress.com) or you can just create a Google Drive and share it with me. Put the link in the assignments page on BlackBoard. (Here is a YouTube tutorial on how to use Wix if you need: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTdK9q_iuE0)
The main content of your portfolio is your final paper –

    1. Your essay should be 1500-2000 words, should use MLA citation style and should reference at least 5 academic sources. What is an academic source? Find out here: https://libguides.usc.edu/c.php?g=235208&p=1560699b
    2. The essay should include a brief history of the denomination, the relation of the denomination to other Christian groups, the status of the denomination in San Diego, and information about the political stance that you researched about your denomination – either historically or more recently.

The rest of the content should be the images, videos, new articles, or other digital material that you have collected over the semester about this denomination. It should at the least include the materials from the assignments (citations for the academic sources; on-line evidence of the position of your chosen denomination took on the political issue you chose; media evidence of the types and style of worship in your denomination) and any other relevant on-line/digital archive that you think is pertinent or interesting, and is somehow tied in to your essay.


Discussion 2 Writing Assignment Help

Welcome to the world of academic writing. Please use the Castille, Buckner, and Thoroughgood (2018) article and the Bachrach (1989) article to address the following questions.

  1. Using the diagram of a theory provided in the Bachrach (1989, p. 499) article, clearly identify the Castille et al. (2018) article’s constructs, propositions, and theory boundary(ies). (See Figure 1, Components of a theory).
  2. What does the term operationalize mean? How were the Castille et al. (2018) constructs, propositions, and theory boundary(ies) operationalized?
  3. How were (Castille et al.’s (2018) hypotheses tested? Do the tests of hypothesizes appear to be appropriate?
  4. What were the research’s findings? Are the findings generalizable?


Bachrach, S. B. (1989). Organizational theories: Some criteria for evaluation (Links to an external site.). The Academy of Management Review, 14 (4),496-515.

Castille, C. M., Buckner, J. E., & Thoroughgood, C. N. (2018). Prosocial citizens without a moral compass? Examining the relationship between Machiavellianism and unethical pro-organizational behavior (Links to an external site.). Journal of Business Ethics, 149(4), 919-930. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-016-3079-9

By Thursday of this week, submit substantive initial posts of at least 250 words that answer or address the issues in the discussion board



Social Psych select one or two central topics discussed during the semester and write about how the topic(s) is relevant to you and your life. Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

In addition to reading and thinking about the concepts covered in the text, an important part o f the learning process includes applying these concepts to your own life and experiences. To facilitate this process, a personal application paper must be uploaded on Canvasno later than 11:59pm on Sunday,December 13. The paper should be typed (12 characters/inch font), three to five pages in length, and double-spaced with one inch margins. Late papers will not be accepted and students not turning in papers will receive a 0.The personal application paper will count for 20% of your final grade.For the paper, students should select one or two central topics discussed during the semester and write about how the topic(s) is relevant to you and your life. For example, for the chapter on prejudice, you might write about a time you directly or indirectly experienced some form of prejudice. Alternatively, you could analyze a television commercial with an eye toward the material covering the use of persuasion to increase compliance. Remember, this assignment is intended to help you recognize how the material covered in class is personally relevant, as well as to encourage you t o think critically about the concepts presented instead of passively accepting them as truths. Thus it is acceptable (and commendable) to include in your paper a discussion of the reasons why you agree/disagree with what the author is saying. To reiterate, each paper must have the following two components: a review (including proper citation) of the concept from the text to be discussed; and second, your thoughts/feelings on t his topic and a discussion of how it applies to your life including whether you agr ee/disagree with what the author has said.

Social Psych select one or two central topics discussed during the semester and write about how the topic(s) is relevant to you and your life. Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

800-900 word essay, DEBATE: Is “global citizenship” the best way forward in the 21st century? Take a stand. Humanities Assignment Help

Write a 800-900 word essay for or against “Global Citizenship”

Review all directions and requirements carefully!!!

0 Plagiarism accepted


ESSAYS: All written work for this class should be submitted through Canvas in MS WORD.doc format, single-spaced, font size 11, with standard paragraph breaks and margins and must include a header with name, essay topic, due date, and section number. Each essay will be one single-spaced page (800-900 words).

  1. Use one global problem throughout your paper to make your case, e.g. population, war, climate change, poverty, pandemic etc. Draw support for your grasp of the problem from at least one film assigned in the course.
  2. Define “global citizenship” by a substantive value or values using one or more of the following:
  • Kant’s “Perpetual Peace”
  • UN Declaration of Human Rights
  • Earth Charter / Singer / Leopold
  • “Sustainable Development”
  • MacGregor’s Procedural Definition

Note: the values by which you define G.C. should provide the basis for helping to solve the problem you have designated (in 1 above).

3. Briefly distinguish for & against positions according the values in conflict.

4. State your position/thesis/conclusion. (Last sentence of intro paragraph)

5. Make at least one argument for your position drawing support from at least one of the arguments in the course readings.

6. Present and respond to your opposition’s best argument drawing support from at least one of the arguments in the course readings.

EXAMPLES of definitions for the paper:


“For the purposes of this paper, “global citizenship” means standing as one for the values of respect and caring for life on earth, including ecological integrity, justice, democracy and peace.”


“I will argue against “global citizenship” defined in the interests of global capitalism as “sustainable development.”


  • Be sure you read & understand the VALUES intro to this unit, pp. 385 – 387.
  • “Global citizenship” is an essentially contested concept. Part of the challenge of the essay is for you to make it clear what definition you are supporting. Please use only the readings for this course to define the concept.
  • Making your case based on solving a global problem does not mean you should ignore the local implications or personal experience. The persuasiveness of your case depends on bringing the global home.
  • This is not a paper about the efficacy of ethics, i.e. whether ethics can or cannot solve our problems. Rather it is about which values you stand for, i.e. your ethics. Hence, you would be missing the point if you argued that ethics cannot save us.


ENG_105_Technical Writing Humanities Assignment Help

1- Feasibility Report

A local coffee shop in your town, Buzzed, decides that it wants to meet the needs of customers who are intolerant to gluten. The owner, Heather Halo, has asked you to research the feasibility of offering some gluten-free baked goods for these customers. Currently, the coffee shop does not have a baking facility; all baked goods are contracted through other vendors. Research the feasibility of this gluten-free addition to the store’s offerings and write a feasibility report directed to Heather Halo. Be sure to follow the strategies for feasibility reports in Chapter 16.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using Dropbox.

2- Interview

Interview two or three individuals working in your chosen career. Ask each person the following questions:

  • What type of reports do you receive and prepare?
  • How do these reports tie into your decision-making process?
  • Who reads the reports you prepare?

Write a two-page summary of your findings.

When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor using Dropbox.


Music Theory Exam Humanities Assignment Help

1. Figured Bass Realization in SATB(Soprano, Alto,Tenor,Base) style. Use the boxed chord as a common chord to modulate. Apply the Roman numerals and name the type of cadence.

2. Melody harmonization in SATB style. Use the boxed chord as a common chord to modulate.

Your chord progression should include: 1) a modal mixture chord 2) V+(7) chord, 3) Aug 6th chord 4) Common Tone diminished chord.

Apply the Roman numerals and name the type of cadence.

3. Music Analysis: Beethoven Piano Sonata Pathetique mvt. 3

1) fill the box

2) fill the box

3) Exposition Part

4) retraction vs transition

5) key changes (modulations) in the Recapitulation Part

6) Harmonic analysis (with the Roman numerals) : mm.1-17

* Exam in PDF attached.


TWO 750 Word Sociology Theory Responses Humanities Assignment Help

Two separate questions/answers:

1. How does Lenin develop the ideas of Marx and Engels with regard to (a) the state and (b) the transition to communism? Begin by summarizing Marx and Engels’ ideas.

2. How does Gramsci develop Lenin’s theory of (a) the state and (b) revolution by introducing such ideas as hegemony, ideology, civil society, war of movement vs. war of position? Begin by summarizing Lenin’s ideas.

***Each answer must be no longer than 750 words***

– For each, write a single paragraph-long abstract (no more than 150 words) that summarizes your answer and a precise word count (excluding the abstract). An answer that exceeds the word limit or is missing an abstract or a word count will be penalized.

thank you!


EVR1001 Ecosystems Science Assignment Help

EVR1001 Ecosystems Science Assignment Help

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