Exchange Rate Regime, Exchange rate performance, Policy Trilemma Economics Assignment Help

Exchange Rate Regime, Exchange rate performance, Policy Trilemma Economics Assignment Help. Exchange Rate Regime, Exchange rate performance, Policy Trilemma Economics Assignment Help.

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1.Write a summary of the Slovak Republic exchange rate regime based on information from the IMF
Annual Report on Exchange Rate Arrangements 2018, using the exchange rate regime
designation given in the country details on page 55 onwards, and Table 2 elaboration of the
country’s monetary policy arrangement on page 6 onwards. Use your own words and clearly
explain the concepts. (Approximately 200-250 words)

2.Write an overview of the nominal exchange rate over the period 2000 to 2019, referring to
Figure 1 (NEED A GRAPH). Explain how it reflects the type of exchange rate regime of this country. Note any
unusual movements and summarize the overall trend. Then explain the significance of the real
effective exchange rate and summarize its performance over this period based on Figure 2.(NEED A GRAPH) Again, note any unusual movements and summarize the overall trend. Speculate about why the
real exchange rate fluctuates and how this is likely to impact the trade balance. (Approximately
200-250 words.)

3.On the basis of your research on the exchange rate regime, exchange rate performance and the
capital openness graph(NEED A GRAPH), described separately, position the name of your country in the relevant
region of the Trilemma triangle. Explain why you have positioned your country where you did.
Your explanation should demonstrate that you understand the trade-offs of the trilemma(NEED A GRAPH), so
please discuss the reasons why your country can only choose two of the three policy goals.
(Approximately 500 words)

For trilemma graph, it should be a triangle, with Slovak Republic in the middle and “Fixed Exchange Rate” on the left side, “Capital Mobility” on the right side and “Monetary Polciy Autonomy” at the bottom of the triangle. Put the Conclusions at the three corners of the triangle to make the graph completed.

Exchange Rate Regime, Exchange rate performance, Policy Trilemma Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

persuasive essay about why college in the united states should be free. Writing Assignment Help

For your first paper you will be required to write an essay at least

9 pages long

using in

depth research to craft a persuasive argument. Choose a topic to research to gain a clear

understanding of its history, and how the topic has changed over time. Use your outside

evidence drawn from articles, news reports, internet sources, documentaries, interview, etc. to

education your readers about the subject. Your main objective for this essay is to explain how

your range of evidence works to prove a specific point about your subject. How can you

interpret and analyze the logical, ethical, and emotional evidence you have to make readers agree

with your thesis? How do you want readers to think, discuss, or act differently regarding your


Your essay needs to be clear and unified under your thesis. Make sure to include specific

evidence from your outside sources you read, to show how and why your sources support your

thesis. Use your own original ideas about your topic in conjunction with your outside evidence

to support your thesis. Make sure to review the section in your textbook on proper MLA citation

for any quotes or paraphrases you use from your outside source.

This essay will be scanned using the Vericite program to check for plagiarism. To avoid

losing points for partial plagiarism or the entire essay receiving a 0, make sure to properly

document all outside sources as you use them in your paragraphs and in your work cited page.

Whether paraphrasing or quoting a source, make sure to cite it. Make sure to upload your essay

only once to avoid inaccurate scans of your essay.

Grading Criteria

Successful papers will have:

1. A developed introductory paragraph, with a clear thesis. Explain what your topic is, and

what you will try and prove about your topic. Why is it important to accept your

argument? (20 points)

2. Well-supported, unified body paragraphs with specific examples that reinforce your

thesis. Express your original ideas and insight you’ve gained about your topic, to show

how and why readers should be persuaded by your argument. (140 points)

3. Smoothly integrated quotes and or paraphrases from at least three outside sources. At

least two of your sources must be print sources (articles or books that originated in print


(50 points)

4. A conclusion that summarizes your main point, and offers a final thought about the value

of your argument. What should readers do with the information you’ve given them?

(30 points)

5. Your paper will also be thoroughly edited for sentence-level errors. If you have any

questions on sentence structure or grammar, visit the Writing Center, or see me in my

office. (10 points)


Format: 2½–3 pages, 1” margins, double-spaced, 10-12 pt font. Please do not add a cover sheet. Simply include your name, course number (AIS 320), and Essay 1 at the top of the page (either centered or adjusted left). Humanities Assignment Help

DUE: THURSDAY, December 5 (by midnight via Canvas)

Format: 2½–3 pages, 1” margins, double-spaced, 10-12 pt font. Please do not add a cover sheet. Simply include your name, course number (AIS 320), and Essay 1 at the top of the page (either centered or adjusted left).

Also, no secondary sources are required. You need only refer to the reading assignments (and lectures, when appropriate). However, whenever you cite or quote from your textbook, The American Indian Intellectual Tradition, please state the page number in parentheses at the end of your citation or quotation. For example, “William Apess brings up the issue of a disputed deed to Marshpee land, which he makes the central part of his argument to the Massachusetts General Court that the state is responsible for redressing the Marshpee’s grievance against Phineas Fish (64-65).” Furthermore, whenever making a direct quote from the book, quotations should be brief, a sentence or two at a time. Please avoid using lengthy block quotes.

Instructions: Referring to the chapters assigned in The Sacred Hoop by Paula Gunn Allen, namely chapters 1-6, 8, 10, 12-14 answering the following questions.

In chapters 1-3, explain the relationship between the feminine origins of Creation (chapter 1) and the traditional leadership roles of women in Indigenous governance (chapter 2), and how women were disempowered by the colonizers (chapter 2), such that we have the lives of Indigenous women described in chapter 3.

In chapter 4, how does Allen define “ceremony,” complete with at least two examples, then how is this definition applied to at least two of the American Indian writers and novels that she talks about in chapter 5. In turn, how does Allen understand the concept of alienation in the American Indian experience, as described in chapter 6?

Lastly, in chapter 14, what does Allen mean by the “red roots” of “white feminism,” and what does it have to offer American society and gender relations?


Air pollution in San Joaquin valley Writing Assignment Help

Department of Geography and City and Regional Planning GEOG 115 Term Paper PART II Topic and Guideline

Air Pollution in San Joaquin Valley – Causes, Impacts and Mitigation Strategies Guidelines

1. The paper should be at least 1000 words. The word count does not include the title page, table of content and the bibliography. Any paper not meeting this requirement won’t be graded. To avoid any doubt, use the Microsoft Word count feature to check the number of words in your document and indicate it in the space provided at the lower right corner of your cover page (see below).

2. You are allowed to use figures for illustrations, but they only have to be referenced in the body of the document. All supporting figures and tables should be adequately labeled and must be attached to the document as appendix

3. The emphasis should be on ozone (O3) and particulate matters (PM), two of the air pollutants regulated by various local, state and federal rules that are of most concerns to the region.

4. The discussion should address, at minimum, the following issues

– sources and variation (diurnal and seasonal) of the pollutants

– why the region ranks poorly in air quality, stressing the roles of geography, meteorology and

agricultural activities in the region

– likely impacts of climate change on the pollution level

– economic, social and health impacts of air pollution in the region

– existing policies in place to address the pollution problem.

5. The discussion should be substantive, coherent and based on accurate presentation of facts and logic supported by appropriate and adequate references. This requires reading widely and analyzing the work of others, using as many sources as you can, synthesizing information from all the source materials and presenting it in your own words. This means quotes are not allowed.

6. Your sources should, at minimum, include three journal articles. This means you can have as many references as you could get and from various sources but at least three of them have to be journal articles. You will incur ten points deduction for each journal source less than the minimum required number. This will be strictly enforced. Watch the video clip at this link

1… if you don’t know what a scholarly journal article is, and should you have problem finding relevant journals, use appropriate keywords in the Fresno State Library Database Search, Google or Google Scholar search

7. Remember this is a science term paper so a scientific paper style is expected. Use APA format for in-text citations, reference section (“Works Cited” at the end of the paper) and headings/subheadings. You do NOT need to include an abstract.

8. An electronic copy of the paper in a Microsoft Word format is to be submitted by December 3. A submission link will be accessible from the Term Paper Module

9. Please note that only papers turned in as instructed and before the due date will be graded. There will be no exceptions.

10. The paper will be assessed on organization, coverage of the materials, clarity and accuracy of content, consistency of style and format, ability to synthesize information from various sources and present it in a logical manner.

11. Grading: Maximum 50 points

a. Content – 30 points

b. Organization, Format – 10 points

c. Grammar, Style – 10 points

12. A template for the cover page is provided on the next page



Air Pollution in San Joaquin Valley – Causes, Impacts and Mitigation Strategies


STUDENT NAME (Your Name Here)



Fall 2019

Word Count:



This is an Business excel assignment with a word evaluation found in the rubric, organize Data found below in pivot tables, and analysis tools like charts and graphs and talk about it in ward Business Finance Assignment Help

All the requirements are in the word file and the data talked about in the instructions is attached as well, “After you download the Excel data file associated with this assignment, please look through the data, and then respond to the questions in the rubric that are used to assess your information literacy skills. This assignment asks you to think about when analysis tools like charts, sorts, Pivot Tables are useful for business decisions”. In the rubric you will find the instructions for the word document( 2 pages or more excluding the images from the pivot tables that you created., etc). PLEASE read the instructions and the rubric carefully and follow them its an end of term assignment and use the data provided, along with the word document.



Final Paper Economics Assignment Help

Final Paper:

Similar to the group project paper, you are going to write a paper using “business” words
from the class (ie. synergy, innovators, laggards, innovation, mass customization, etc.).
You will bold face and underline these words in your paper. Your paper must be single-
spaced with 11-pt Calibri font. It shall be a minimum of 5-pages (which means please roll
into page 6).

In this paper you will:

  • – Use 50 words from class, in correct context… please number them as you use
    them. For example; Coke has three new product lines and two are in the growth
    stage1 of the product life cycle.
  • – The subject line of the e-mail you send when you turn this in… should be your
    name and the company you analyzed (Peterson – Amazon; Final).
  • – In addition to the 5+ pages, you will have calculations and graphs (excel)
  • – Your paper, at a minimum, should answer the following questions:

o Would you invest money in your company, why?

o Marketing: One product/service is the company offering and where is it in
the product life cycle? What strategy are they using? How would you
improve upon the current strategy? Does the current profitability match
the current position in the life cycle? Graph the best you can (separate

o Competition… are you playing catch up, are you an industry leader, how
much relevant market share do each of you have? What business decisions
do you think that you can make to better your position against what your
competition is doing… their products… ect.

o Research, what is public perception of your company, is its brand
recognized? Explain your research and the results.

o Ethics: Has the company had ethical challenges and what did they do to
overcome them? Are they involved in any law suits? Are these lawsuits
ethical in any way?

o Accounting: What is their EBIT and how does it change once you add in
interest & taxes? What are the company’s assets, liabilities, and equity?

o Finance: What is their P/E ratio and how does it compare to its nearest
competitor, industry, sector, and S&P500. What is their ROA and ROI and
how does it compare to its nearest competitor, industry, sector, and

Page 6 of 7

o Operations: Who makes up the executive leadership of the organization,
where did they go to school, what was their major, what do you think the
turning point in their career was? Pick three executives or board members.

o Quantitative Analysis: Do a Z-chart bell curve standard deviation analysis
(like the homework) on the stock price (look at the last two years) to
determine the probability that investing in the common stock will yield
more than 8%. Show your work. Comment on this analysis in your paper,
no calculations in your paper… 300-words or less.

o Economics: What economic challenges are they facing (think if the
economy is doing well how does the company perform, if the economy
does poor how does the company do, does a certain commodity effect
your results)? Does the Trump administration effect the company, if so

o Strategy: How would you grow your company beyond its current size
(SWOT matrix)? How will you overcome your weaknesses and threats
(internal and external)? How do you capitalize on your Opportunities and
Strengths (internal and external)?

o Risk: Describe the business risk and economic risk the company faces

o Draft a brief case involving this company (500-words or less).

Final Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

COMS 356 California State University Chapter 3 What Is White Privilege Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

The purpose of the reading is to provide a foundation for the material covered in class. Class discussion will build from the reading so it is assumed that the reading has been completed by the assigned date. For this assignment you will have needed to read: Chapter 3 from the textbook and the Grinde article, McIntosh article, and Martin article from the Course Reader.

  • You will be required to write a 5-6 page essay responding to a set of questions related to the readings (Ch.3, Grinde article, McIntosh article, and Martin article). All papers must be typed.
  • Papers will be evaluated on: 1.) demonstration that reading has been completed, 2.) application of concepts and ideas, 3.) clarity of writing.
  • Must include Introduction paragraph, Body paragraphs (with a., b., c., etc. in beginning of paragraph to identify which question you are answering, and Conclusion paragraph.
  • Paper must use and cite concepts, theories, terms from the textbook and course reader, which requires you to include in-text citations and a Reference Page/Works Cited page at end of paper.

Answer the following questions in your body paragraphs:

  1. Question A: Based on your reading of Chapter 3 and the article by Grinde (in the Course Reader):
    • How do people or groups in positions of power/authority contribute to the ways history is written? and,
    • Have you seen (either personally or in the news) current situations that resemble the experiences Grinde faced in the article? Give examples of what experiences you have seen that are either similar or different.
  2. Question B: Based on your reading of the article by McIntosh (in the Course Reader):
    • What is “White Privilege?”
    • How have you experienced White Privilege/lack of White Privilege? (either as an advantage/benefit and/or as a lack of advantage?)
  3. Question C: Based on your reading of the article by Martin (in the Course Reader):
    • What are characteristics of “White Identity?”
    • How do you see characteristics of “White Identity” in America?

    PS I believe the articles should be available online


essay Writing Assignment Help

For your final essay, you will visit a local art museum or gallery and choose at least one work of art to examine in your essay. You also have the option of choosing several works of art by the same artist, or from the same exhibition if it is curated around a theme. Please look at the work of art for at least 10 minutes and make notes, and take a photograph of the work to refer to if you can (though please be aware that some museums do not allow photography). If you are able to take a picture or find an image of the work online please include it so that I can better understand your essay, or offer help. Be aware that the San Diego Museum of Art does not allow photography. Also, the Museum of Contemporary Art in La Jolla is currently being renovated; the downtown branch of MCASD will be open however.

Your final essay should be about 3 pages and follow standard formatting guidelines.

Once again, I have given you a list of questions that you should consider about each work of art before you begin your essay. Not all of the questions will be relevant to every work of art, and some will be more crucial to your understanding of the work than others. When you write your essay, please make an outline and then use the information you’ve gathered to create a coherent response. Don’t just list your answers to the questions! Unlike your previous essays, you should consider your own response to the work. I encourage you to write about something that you respond strongly to, and also reflect on how your feelings change as you learn more about the artist and the work.

Learn a few pertinent details about the artist. Is their work autobiographical?
What does the title tell us about the work?
What is its subject matter?
What medium or material was used to make the work?
Does the medium or materials used have special significance?
What is the scale of the work (how big is it?)
What are its formal elements (line, color, composition, etc.)?
Is it abstract? Is it stylized? Is it representational? Is it naturalistic?
How does the style affect the way we interpret the subject?
Did the work of art have a specific purpose? Why was it made?
Does it communicate a message?
Is it trying to provoke a specific response from the viewer?
Does it contain symbolism?
If so, what symbols are used? What do they mean? What is their cultural context?
Can the symbols or imagery be understood together to imply a story?
What are the artist’s influences in terms of contemporary or historical art?
Can you relate the work to other works of art (contemporary or historical)?
Is the artist influenced by anything other than art (science, history, politics, etc.)?
How does the work make you feel? Why?


Initial Assessment of ESOL Child (both Girls) Writing Assignment Help

D. Initial Assessment of ESOL Child (both Girls)

This section is to be completed by students who skipped section F because they are working with an actual ESOL child.

A. Writing

Choose one of the following prompts based on the cooperating teacher’s recommendations, given the possible proficiency level of the student.


  • Write a story, fable, myth, fairy tale, poem, or play
  • Recount or summarize a newspaper article or a story
  • Write about an event that happened recently in your life

Language Arts:

  • Retell a story from the newspaper.
  • Give us the instructions for some particular procedures (building a model, using a DVD player, playing a particular game).
  • Write a report on the story we just read.
  • Does television promote crime in your community?

Social Studies:

  • Pretend you’re a famous person. Write a diary entry for that person.
  • How and why do you use a map?
  • Give us a report on oceans.
  • How does soil erosion occur?
  • Do you think the punishment for crimes in our society is appropriate?


  • Describe how you solved a particular problem.
  • How do you find the perimeter of the room we’re in?
  • How do you help your parents pay for electricity bills?
  • You need to go to Disney World. What is the best way to get there?


  • Record your exercises and eating for a day.
  • Give us a recipe for some healthy cookies.
  • How do you take care of yourself when you have a cold?
  • How do you help your family when they have a prescription?
  • Is smoking dangerous?


  • Explain what happens when chickens hatch.
  • Write the results of some experiments.
  • Give us a report on birds.
  • Explain how rain forms.
  • What is the relationship between electricity and magnetism.
  • Give the child somewhere between 1 and 30 minutes to write, depending on the anxiety level. If the child simply can’t write, then go ahead and stop the exercise, marking down the amount of time spent. If the child starts to look frustrated or exhausted, mark down the time and stop the exercise. If the child gets to 30 minutes, markdown 30 minutes and stop the exercise.
  • Collect the child’s work. Scan it as a jpg file.
  • Comment on the content of the message and its intelligibility, as well as its expressiveness of the child.
  • Then analyze the actual language of the child. Comment linguistically on specific excerpts from the writing.
  • Decide on the proficiency level of the child, based on the criteria discussed in class. Be sure to justify your decision, citing specific examples. You could even rescan in the exact example here.
  • Use one of the following two rubrics to help you analyze the child’s writing.

Elementary Written Language Matrix (grades K-3)

Elementary Written Language Matrix (grades K-3)

Support Level






Limited vocabulary

Vocabulary expanding but still limited

Some descriptive language used

Vocabulary more advanced

Content and organization

• Focuses on one idea

• Can be a collection of unrelated ideas

• Copies from a model

• Writes concrete descriptions

• Some descriptive language used

• Personal experiences included

• Sentences around one idea

• Developing elements of a story

• Connections in the story; uses connecting words

• Retelling of a personal experience, though not necessarily in order

• Beginning, middle, and end

• May contain some or all of the following: setting, characters, problems, events, solutions

• Many descriptive details

• Sequences, possibly including chronological order


Few used, usually not more than one per sentence

Limited use of tense

Subject verb agreement emerging

Variety of tenses

Sentence structure

Single words and phrases

Mostly simple short sentences

With simple patterns

Minor errors in word order and grammar

Some compound and complex sentences

• Correct grammar


Draw pictures

• Labels pictures

• Emergent spelling

• Regular spelling difficulties

• Spelling errors reflect L1

• Punctuation rules less evident

• Punctuation mostly correct

• Occasional spelling errors

Appropriate punctuation

• Few spelling errors, especially among common words

Elementary Written Language Matrix (grades 3-6)

Elementary Written Language Matrix (grades 3-6)

Support level






• limited vocabulary

• vocabulary expanding but still limited, usually consisting only of concrete words

• some descriptive language used

• abstract vocabulary use becoming evident

• idiomatic forms emerging

• extensive use of abstract vocabulary

• substantial use of idiomatic language

Content and Organization

• focuses on one idea

• ideas may be unrelated

• sentences around one idea

• copies from a model

• writes concrete descriptions

• some descriptive language used

• personal experiences

• beginning to organize paragraphs

• loosely organizes

• starting to use topic sentences, body, and conclusions

• main ideas clear but still lacking supporting ideas

• ideas clearly stated and supported

• paragraphs well organized

• drafts and re-drafts; student self-corrects


• few used, usually not more than one per sentence

• many agreement errors

• tense errors obscure meaning

• limited use of tense

• agreement errors

• subject/verb agreement emerging

awareness of simple tenses (present, past, future)

• wide variety of tenses

Sentence Structure

• single words or phrases

• words missing

•ranges from non-sentences to simple sentences, but subject/verb/

object patterns not yet established

• short sentences with patterns developing

• beginning to use connectors (and, but, or)

• words still missing (e.g., prepositions)

• complex sentences emerging

• connectors a regular feature

• meaning not always clear on first reading

• minor grammar errors

• complex sentences with some errors

• appropriate prepositions


• writing may be dominated by spelling errors

• little or no understanding of punctuation or capitalization

• regular spelling difficulties

• spelling errors reflect L1

• awareness of punctuation rules

• run-ons and sentence fragments

• some spelling errors

• few punctuation errors

• appropriate punctuation

B. Speaking

Story telling activity

  • Using a picture stimulus, asks the student to tell you the story of the picture in as much detail as possible. Record the student with a digital recorder.
  • Note: Hold on to this picture, as you’ll want to give the same stimulus at the end of the project in a few weeks.
  • Comment on the content of the message and its intelligibility, as well as its expressiveness of the child.
  • Then analyze the actual language of the child. Comment linguistically on specific examples from the recordings and transcriptions.
  • Then using the following two charts, identify where you think the child falls on both of the following two charts. Highlight the box (using the color of your choice) where you think the data leads you to. Be sure to justify your decision, citing specific examples, including the recordings and the transcriptions above.

Levels of language development

Levels of language development

Assessment outcome


Level 1: labeling

• continue to develop vocabulary orally and focus on basic communication with lots of concrete examples to support learning

Level 2: telegraphic speech

• may be about ready for basic reading but still has significant language gap

• uses phrase and pivot words to communicate (here, want, that, give ball)

Level 3: basic sentences

• tells what characters are doing (man is fishing; ducks are swimming)

Level 4: language expansion

• describes relationships between the characters and other things in the picture (main is fishing in the pond)

• should be introduced to basic reading and offered support focusing on language development

Level 5: connecting

• able to connect ideas on possibilities (man is fishing but he won’t catch any fish)

Level 6: story telling (concrete)

• perceive picture as part of larger story, responses include indications of time, place, and cause/effect

Level 7: story telling (abstract)

• combines all previous steps and adds responses that include mood, emotional reaction, and conclusion


Architecture Essay Writing Assignment Help

The text should be a provocative reflection on a particular issue from your final group presentation. Take one concept, one strategy, one issue from the architectural practice you researched and simply elaborate on it. But the key here is that this text should read as a mini-manifesto! Why is this work relevant? and how it can instigate change in the way we construct the city? In the way we construct spaces in contemporary culture? (800 words) (This is the link to the project!) Its on the Architect Junya Ishigami and analyzed the work Serpentine Pavilion 2019.


Exchange Rate Regime, Exchange rate performance, Policy Trilemma Economics Assignment Help

Exchange Rate Regime, Exchange rate performance, Policy Trilemma Economics Assignment Help

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