Explain and evaluate different recruiting and selection methods and systems. Business Finance Assignment Help

Explain and evaluate different recruiting and selection methods and systems. Business Finance Assignment Help. Explain and evaluate different recruiting and selection methods and systems. Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Read the entire case study carefully and then respond to the four Discussion Questions.

1. Answer all questions and all parts of each question.

2. Develop each answer to the fullest extent possible, including citations from outside resources and course resources, where applicable, to support the arguments

3. Submit the assignment as a separate MS Word document

4. Include a Cover Page with Name, Date, and Title of Assignment.

5. Do not include the original question. Use the following format: Question 1, Question 2, etc.

6. Each response should be written in complete sentences, double-spaced and spell-checked. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on all sides

7. Include page numbers according to APA formatting guidelines when using in text citations.

8. Using the resources provided, include citations in APA format at the end of each answer

Explain and evaluate different recruiting and selection methods and systems. Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

stagflation of the 1970s Economics Assignment Help

Watch the above video. Once you have done this post a response to each of the bullets below.

  • What factors contributed to the stagflation of the 1970s?
  • How did Volker deal with the high inflation?
  • Did high oil prices cause the stagflation or was it something else?
  • Is the Fed independent? If so, how do our leaders ensure they maintain the best interests of the public?
  • How does Milton Friedman establish his view that inflation is a monetary issue?
  • According to Friedman, do trade unions cause inflation by pushing up wages and the cost of production?
  • After you post your narrative, reply to at least two other student’s comments. Explain why you agree, or better yet, find others that take a different position and explain why you disagree.


simple writing Writing Assignment Help

Total two part,

Part 1: Reading R&Q

Reading Q&R stands for “Reading Question and Response.” This exercise is to help the student get as much out of the reading as possible. There are a few steps to doing the Reading Q&R each week. To complete them, follow these easy steps:

  1. Start a Word Document. Place your name, date, class, and professor at the top left hand corner of that document. Save to your computer.
  2. Locate the “Class Notes” Google Doc for the course on the course site. Copy and paste the Q&R Questions that correspond to the reading for the week into your Word Document.
  3. Read the assigned texts for the week and answer the questions.

Hint: it is strongly suggested that you be aware of the questions in advance of the reading so you know what to look for! This may save you much time.

Word Count: The student is not expected to answer the questions with more than a 50-word response. Keep it short, clear, and understandable.

Part 2: Reading Reports: Check the attached file for detailed writing report

Each week, the student will finish the required readings and watch any assigned videos or podcasts. All reading and videos for the week must be completed before Wednesday at midnight. If the student wishes to turn in a late reading report, they can. It must be turned in in physical form in class with the word LATE written at the top of the paper. Simply email to the professor directly any late reading reports.

Required Reading:

  • Royce, “The Moral Insight”;
  • Melville, “Billy Budd”;
  • Nietzsche, “Beyond Good and Evil”;

1. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+…

2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fU0dPXnH777oSPgUF…

3. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=genes…

4. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=genes…

5. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=genes…


the stagflation Economics Assignment Help

Watch the above video. Once you have done this post a response to each of the bullets below.

  • What factors contributed to the stagflation of the 1970s?
  • How did Volker deal with the high inflation?
  • Did high oil prices cause the stagflation or was it something else?
  • Is the Fed independent? If so, how do our leaders ensure they maintain the best interests of the public?
  • How does Milton Friedman establish his view that inflation is a monetary issue?
  • According to Friedman, do trade unions cause inflation by pushing up wages and the cost of production?
  • After you post your narrative, reply to at least two other student’s comments. Explain why you agree, or better yet, find others that take a different position and explain why you disagree.


class discussion for soc Humanities Assignment Help

Inequality is often the result of multiple, intersecting factors, making the sociological analysis of inequality complex. For example, the intersection of race, class, and gender is often studied as a compound factor of experiences of inequality. Link to this article on race and class, and this youtube video on race and gender, and then respond to the following discussion questions.

http://www.urbanhabitat.org/node/834 (Links to an external site.)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17fEy0q6yqc (Links to an external site.)

1. What is the article about? What critical point(s) does the article make about the intersection of race and class?

2. Is Wal-Mart good for people of color (e.g. for jobs and cheap goods)? Why or why not?

3. What is the youtube video about? What critical point(s) does the article make about the intersection of race and gender?

4. How does the intersection of race and gender complicate the issue of identity and self-expression?

5. How are these links related? In particular, why are sociologists interested in the intersection of race, class, and gender especially when studying forms of inequality?

Directions: You must submit ONE primary post for this discussion topic (minimum 300 to 500 words)



Psych 321 Final Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I need a paper for my psych 321 class. Below are the directions:

Observation of Social Behavior

Conduct an observation of human social behavior in a public place (i.e., supermarket, church, nightclub) but not in a private area (i.e., bathroom, bedroom). Specific references should be made in the observation to principles discussed in class. These may include: altruism, attraction, conformity, gender, group influence, persuasion and/or prejudice.

Project Components

  1. Title page: On your title page, in addition to your name, e-mail address, course title and number, and title of your observation, name the site of the observation.
  2. Goals: In this section, list two to three goals for your observation. You might want to view social behaviors between genders; examine social behaviors among ethnic/racial groups; or determine age related social behaviors in a group. Useful terms include investigate, discover, reveal. (one page max).
  3. Research question: For this observation , you must have a specific question or set of questions that you are trying to answer. You might explore, for example, whether participants in your setting have any characteristic behaviors which are observable. In this section, state the question you are trying to answer. Your question must be detailed and specific. For example, are there distinguishable behaviors that lead a man to ask a woman to dance in a bar setting? What are the specific behaviors of people who are paying attention in church? Do older people influence the behavior of younger people? Please state your research questions clearly at the beginning of your discussion.
  4. Populations: Are there specific typologies that can be formed based on the social behaviors observed? For example, “Cautious Carl” is the driver who has both hands on the wheel, drives no faster than the speed limit, and maintains a serious look on his face. “Smiling Samantha” is the woman who talks to all the people she passes in the supermarket aisle.
  5. Introduction (the setting): In this section, discuss the setting in which your observation will occur. Include sufficient detail so that it is clear how the setting might have affected behaviors discussed throughout the paper.
  6. Observational sessions: In this section, detail the behaviors which occurred during your observation. You should have between 1 to 3 sessions in your setting.
  7. Abstracts: Locate five abstracts from social psychological literature relating to your observation. Use the abstracts to explain how the research applies to your observation. You may embed the abstracts as part of your discussion or simply present each single-spaced abstract paragraph individually, then discuss its relevance to your observation. Note that the abstract itself on a separate page does not count toward the required page length. However, you may include the single-spaced abstract on the same page of your respective discussion. As with all abstracts, it should not exceed a paragraph in length.
  8. Results: In this section, state the results you observed related to your research question. Also, explain why you drew the conclusions you drew based on the behaviors. Include theories from social psychology that point to these results. Discuss the influence of your own experiences on your observation results.
  9. References: In this section, list the references you quoted in your paper, including books, articles, and websites that you used in your observations. Make sure to include your selected abstracts in your reference list.
  10. Page length: Paper should be 8-10 pages, double-spaced (with the exception of the single-spaced abstract), with 12-pt font. Format should in be in APA style, including citations and references.
  11. File type: Submit your assignment in either Word or pdf format. Any file that is not accessible will result in a zero grade.

Checklist of expectations

To successfully complete this project, be sure to address all of the following:

__ Use APA style for your entire paper, including title page, body, citations, and references.

__ Support your ideas with citations from the text or your peer-reviewed resource(s).

__ Be sure that your ideas are put together in a coherent and logical way.

__ Proofread carefully to ensure that your paper is free of misspellings and typos.

__ Proofread carefully to ensure that your paper has proper sentence structure.

__ Please review to ensure that all work is original. Turnitin will be applied and implemented accordingly.

Psych 321 Final Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Case Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Read the assigned topics, then conduct further research into((( Aviation Safety Statistics ))) over the Evolution of the Airline Industry, as you will use this knowledge in writing your Case Analysis (CA).

You will access (( an aviation accident statistic )) over many decades, analyze it, and provide an assessment.

Consider accessing the NTSB website (Links to an external site.) and scholarly journals to perform this task.

    • Provide a summation of the major events and findings. (in Summary)
      • Describe the various metrics that could be used to describe quantitative safety data. (in Summary)
      • Demonstrate your understanding of which benchmark metric is used to measure overall safety. (in Summary)
    • What was one major problem addressed? (in Problem)
    • What is the significance to the airline industry? To general aviation? (in Significance)
      • Evaluate this problem with respect to the airline industry changes over multiple decades via the ( inferential statistical data ). (in Significance)
        • What has been the impact? Is this a new problem? Similar to an old one? (in Significance)
      • Compare and contrast safety data over the history of human flight with respect to changes made through accident investigation. (in Significance)
        • Has it gotten safer through analysis of accidents and the process of mitigating weaknesses? (in Significance)
        • Could accident investigation on previous accidents have prevented this? Are there examples where this happened before? (in Significance)
    • Based on a review of all major issues, choose two and expound on solutions provided and possible additions. (in Alternatives)
      • Do the solutions apply to risk management as it relates to airline safety initiatives and FAA mandates? (in Alternatives)
    • Make your recommendation going forward based on lessons learned. Could something else be added? (in Recommendations)

    Submission Criteria:

Write a 2-3 page case analysis and include;

  • Properly cited sources using the APA current edition.
  • A References page include the three pages.
  • Appendices, as needed
  • Resources from the major agencies to support your work.

Include these elements:

  1. Summary
  2. Problem
  3. Significance of the Problem
  4. Two Alternative Actions
  5. Two advantages and disadvantages per alternative action
  6. A Recommendation
  7. Reference page

Please write only two pages and one sources page. Total three. A very easy task.

I have attached an example showing you. I want you to create the same shape as in the example. Three pages including the reference , please file Word.The paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin so make sure that every thing is good. Please answer all questions with absolute clarity. Please answer each section clearly, according to the questions asked.


Santorini Final Project – Artificial Intelligence Project Programming Assignment Help

Answer all questions

General Instructions:

  • You may not use code or solutions from any source (i.e. originating from colleagues, internet etc.). You may consult various sources to obtain the state of the art or interesting ideas.
  • The report that you will compose must be self-contained
  • Generally speaking it is a good idea to reach some conclusions as a result of your analysis

Q1: Game Playing and Search (LO2) – 70%

Santorini (default game but without deity powers and no limit on building pieces) is a two-player based game, played on a board of 5×5 squares and it is round based. Each player has two workers. At each round the player picks one of his workers to move to an adjacent spot (horizontally or vertically) and then must build to an adjacent spot from the one that he has moved to; building increases the height of a building by one level (initially all squares start with no buildings, i.e. height is zero); the maximum height of a building is 4 levels high. If a player cannot move one of his workers and then build then he loses the game.

Restrictions on movement: you may move down or stay at the same level, but you may not climb up by more than one level high, for example if the square you start has a level 1 high building, then you can move to an adjacent square with no building (height=0), with a level 1 or 2 height building, but not higher.

2nd restriction on movement: it is impossible to move to a height 4 building, or to a square that already has another worker.

Restriction on building: you may not build on a square that has a worker and you cannot increase a building past height 4.

A player wins immediately after moving to a building of height 3, or if the opponent loses because none of his workers can move or build.

You can find the rules of this game online, e.g. http://roxley.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Santorini-Rulebook-Web-2016.08.14.pdf

Note that you will not use deity powers, and you will not have a limit on how many building pieces you have (so in theory you could build the whole board!)

Instructions for the Design and Implementation

You will be given code that models/plays the game. You must write the AI for the game.

  • First, you should implement a greedy algorithm for playing the next move of the game. Implement this in the method that returns the next move of the computer. The hardest part of this process is to implement also an appropriate heuristic function for evaluating board positions. (15%)
  • Then extend your previous design by implementing the min max algorithm. You should use a different class in order to preserve both the min-man and greedy methods. (15%)
  • Test your two AIs (greedy vs minmax) against each other and report on what you observe; please remember to run several runs in your test as the game includes randomness. For full points not only report on what the scores were, but also give intuition regarding what you observe and which AI outperforms the other. (10%)
  • You can also try implement further improvements like using alpha-beta cutoffs (10%). In fact in part c you may include a-b minmax in you comparison.
  • Finally, the last 20% of your grade will depend on your code’s performance in the class tournament. You should aim to create a good heuristic (in part a) and implement the most efficient algorithm (e.g. a-b minmax – part d) in order to outperform your opponents.

For full points in each part a-e you need to describe in your report what you implemented and a short evaluation of your efforts (part c will include this for parts a and b potentially, or you can have a different section).


Q2: Prediction Task (LO3) – 30%

You have been assigned to build a prediction model of 6 dermatological diseases based on 34 symptoms. The point of this model is to predict the dermatological disease of a person, once the model is fed with all the symptoms. To build the model, which is also the domain theory, you will consider some historical data that you can obtain from the UCI repository[1]. For this task you will use machine learning techniques, and in particular decision trees (and another one of your choice such as neural networks).

The Weka machine learning library can be used. This will result in two models which you will have to compare and evaluate in terms of prediction accuracy, complexity as well as other parameters that you may consider. The experiments, as well as your conclusions will be described in a brief report of about 1000-1500 words.

Your report will need to contain at the very least, a description of the data you have collected, any pre-processing you have performed, the models you considered, relevant parameters, and evaluation results. The Weka library can be used in the aforementioned analysis.

[1] UCI repository, Dermatology data set: http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Dermatology


expansion analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Walmart Expansion Analysis Final Project, Part 1: Walmart Case Study Paper

You have been tasked with collecting and analyzing key data points that will assist Walmart in their decision to expand to your chosen region. In Part I, you will gather data from various sources, use the tools learned throughout this class to analyze data, and determine the best way to present this data to the Walmart executive team. Finally, you will make a recommendation on whether or not this foreign market is a viable option for a Walmart expansion.

Expansion region is Egypt

Step 1: Data Collection
As a data analyst, you will be required to locate data from multiple sources. It is recommended that you use the Mergent Database in the Ashford University Library, the Business Insight Global database in the Ashford University Library, and Walmart’s latest Annual Report to begin your data collection. These databases should serve as a guide for your research. You are expected to identify additional data sources that will be useful in your analysis.

Accessing Mergent database:
You can locate current Walmart data from the Mergent database in the Ashford University Library. Review the Mergent Database Tip Sheet for instructions on accessing and searching the database. Search for “Walmart” and select “Walmart Inc.”

Navigate to the Company Financials tab. You may want to review the Income Statement for items such as net sales, operating expenses, projected income, etc. It is recommended that you review data from at least the last five years.

If you wish, you can export this data into an excel document by selecting the “Download” option in the upper right corner of the Mergent page.

Accessing Business Insights: Global database:
To access the Business Insight Global database, access the Ashford University Library and select to the “Find Articles and More”. Next, select “Databases A-Z”, then find the “Business Insights: Global” database. In the search bar, type “Walmart”, ensuring the “Company” tab is selected from the dropdown menu. You may want to review items such as gross profit, interest expense, net income, etc.

Business Insights: Global also has some information on Walmart in particular countries that may be useful in your research. To search, type Walmart or Wal-mart into the search bar at the top of the Business Insights: Global homepage, ensuring “Country” is selected from the drop-down menu. This will provide results that cover Walmart in areas such as China, Brazil, Chile, India, Puerto Rico, Argentina, and Canada. You may wish to gather data for countries that are closest to your region for comparison.

Accessing Walmart’s annual report:
You can find Walmart’s most recent annual report on their Financial Information (Links to an external site.) page. You can use the annual report to gather additional international data.

Here are some examples of data that may be useful to an analyst:

  • Under “Item 1: Business,” in the “Walmart International Segment,” you may wish to gather data for retail unit count and retail square feet for all available fiscal years for the country or continent closest to your region. For example, if you are looking to expand in Egypt, you will use the data for Africa.
  • In the “Item 2: Properties” section of the report, you may wish to gather data for the owned and leased properties for the country or continent closest to your region.
  • In the “Results of Operations” section of the report, look for “Walmart International Segment.” You may wish to gather data for net sales, operating income, and unit counts at period end for all available fiscal years.

You will likely need to gather more data to make your case. You are encouraged to seek out additional data points that will assist you in your analysis. Other data points you may want to consider include, but are not limited to

  • Gross national income
  • Population and demographic data
  • Key economic metrics, including current economic status, inflation, etc.
  • Labor market data, including average wage, unemployment rate, cost of living, etc.
  • Market environment
  • Foreign exchange
  • Credit environment outlook

Here are some suggested databases to get you started. These databases may not have all the information you need to make a full evaluation. You may need to conduct your own research to find useful databases that house the data you need to conduct your analysis.

Step 2: Analyzing the Data
Now that you have gathered your data, you will need to determine the best way to compile the data for analysis. Using the tools and skills you have learned in this course, create graphs and tables that will assist you in making sense of the data. You will use these tables to assess the data and support your analysis.

In your paper,

  • Summarize the background of the country or region, including what makes it unique and why it is a viable option for Walmart expansion.
  • Assess the data sets and include any charts or graphs used in your evaluation.
    • Measure outlook sales, interest, and other trends to make a determination on the regional outlook. Is the outlook improving, remaining stable, or deteriorating? For example, how will this expansion affect sales trends, interest cost trends, etc.?
    • Calculate whether Walmart will have favorable or unfavorable currency translation adjustments. For example, how strong is the country’s currency against the U.S. dollar?
    • Create revenue projections and sales projections based on the data. Consider the currently translation adjustments in your projection.
    • Propose a recommended course of action based on your interpretation of the data.

The Walmart Expansion Analysis Final Project, Part 1: Walmart Case Study Paper

  • Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title page, reference pages, or tables and graphs) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.


[Movie Reflection] Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Humanities Assignment Help

(Great English is a must!! No grammar errors!)

(Reflect on the movies: Brokeback Mountain and Boys Don’t Cry)

(The psychological disorder is Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder)

(5 Pages, Double Spaced, APA Format)


Subject of the paper: Movie reflection based on psychiatric disorder ( Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder)

Requirement: You will be assigned a specific diagnosis of a sexual disorder ( male hypoactive sexual desire disorder)

You will develop a treatment guide for this disorder. The guide will include the following information:

• An overview of the etiology of the disorder
• Exact DSM V criteria for diagnosis
• Available treatments for the disorder
• Overall outcomes for each treatment

And the most important part of the project:

  • Create a Case study
  • Diagnose the patient
  • Design a treatment plan. It must contain 3 GOALS and for each GOAL create 3 measurable OBJECTIVES or (interventions) for therapy with its target date.

You must be specific in each category and provide enough detail that a clinician could use your guide to diagnose a client, explain to that client all possible causes of the disorder and develop and implement a treatment plan for a client with alternative treatments to be used if the treatment is initially unsuccessful.
You will submit both a hard copy as well as an electronic copy of this assignment. Your treatment guides should be distributed to your fellow classmates so that each student ends this course with a file of all sexual disorder diagnosis, frequently used interventions and detailed instructions for how to apply them.
It is expected that every element of your guide will be supported by citations and references. Pictures and diagrams should be included to illustrate complicated points.

Other information

Paper must be APA style along with references.

minimum of 5 pages.

The case study will be the way this psychiatric disorder is presented in the movies.


  • APA Format
  • No plagiarism is accepted
  • Only academic resources should be used, no older than 5 years old
  • Adhere to the requested number of words/pages
  • No Grammar errors ( refunds will be asked for incoherent/ full of grammar errors papers)

*** The work will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin by the professor. It is essential for everything to be free of plagiarism otherwise sanctions will be imposed***


Thank you for your support


https://anyessayhelp.com/ resource.


[Movie Reflection] Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Humanities Assignment Help

(Great English is a must!! No grammar errors!)

(Reflect on the movies: Brokeback Mountain and Boys Don’t Cry)

(The psychological disorder is Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder)

(5 Pages, Double Spaced, APA Format)


Subject of the paper: Movie reflection based on psychiatric disorder ( Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder)

Requirement: You will be assigned a specific diagnosis of a sexual disorder ( male hypoactive sexual desire disorder)

You will develop a treatment guide for this disorder. The guide will include the following information:

• An overview of the etiology of the disorder
• Exact DSM V criteria for diagnosis
• Available treatments for the disorder
• Overall outcomes for each treatment

And the most important part of the project:

  • Create a Case study
  • Diagnose the patient
  • Design a treatment plan. It must contain 3 GOALS and for each GOAL create 3 measurable OBJECTIVES or (interventions) for therapy with its target date.

You must be specific in each category and provide enough detail that a clinician could use your guide to diagnose a client, explain to that client all possible causes of the disorder and develop and implement a treatment plan for a client with alternative treatments to be used if the treatment is initially unsuccessful.
You will submit both a hard copy as well as an electronic copy of this assignment. Your treatment guides should be distributed to your fellow classmates so that each student ends this course with a file of all sexual disorder diagnosis, frequently used interventions and detailed instructions for how to apply them.
It is expected that every element of your guide will be supported by citations and references. Pictures and diagrams should be included to illustrate complicated points.

Other information

Paper must be APA style along with references.

minimum of 5 pages.

The case study will be the way this psychiatric disorder is presented in the movies.


  • APA Format
  • No plagiarism is accepted
  • Only academic resources should be used, no older than 5 years old
  • Adhere to the requested number of words/pages
  • No Grammar errors ( refunds will be asked for incoherent/ full of grammar errors papers)

*** The work will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin by the professor. It is essential for everything to be free of plagiarism otherwise sanctions will be imposed***


Thank you for your support


https://anyessayhelp.com/ resource.


[Movie Reflection] Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Humanities Assignment Help

(Great English is a must!! No grammar errors!)

(Reflect on the movies: Brokeback Mountain and Boys Don’t Cry)

(The psychological disorder is Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder)

(5 Pages, Double Spaced, APA Format)


Subject of the paper: Movie reflection based on psychiatric disorder ( Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder)

Requirement: You will be assigned a specific diagnosis of a sexual disorder ( male hypoactive sexual desire disorder)

You will develop a treatment guide for this disorder. The guide will include the following information:

• An overview of the etiology of the disorder
• Exact DSM V criteria for diagnosis
• Available treatments for the disorder
• Overall outcomes for each treatment

And the most important part of the project:

  • Create a Case study
  • Diagnose the patient
  • Design a treatment plan. It must contain 3 GOALS and for each GOAL create 3 measurable OBJECTIVES or (interventions) for therapy with its target date.

You must be specific in each category and provide enough detail that a clinician could use your guide to diagnose a client, explain to that client all possible causes of the disorder and develop and implement a treatment plan for a client with alternative treatments to be used if the treatment is initially unsuccessful.
You will submit both a hard copy as well as an electronic copy of this assignment. Your treatment guides should be distributed to your fellow classmates so that each student ends this course with a file of all sexual disorder diagnosis, frequently used interventions and detailed instructions for how to apply them.
It is expected that every element of your guide will be supported by citations and references. Pictures and diagrams should be included to illustrate complicated points.

Other information

Paper must be APA style along with references.

minimum of 5 pages.

The case study will be the way this psychiatric disorder is presented in the movies.


  • APA Format
  • No plagiarism is accepted
  • Only academic resources should be used, no older than 5 years old
  • Adhere to the requested number of words/pages
  • No Grammar errors ( refunds will be asked for incoherent/ full of grammar errors papers)

*** The work will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin by the professor. It is essential for everything to be free of plagiarism otherwise sanctions will be imposed***


Thank you for your support


https://anyessayhelp.com/ resource.


[Movie Reflection] Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Humanities Assignment Help

(Great English is a must!! No grammar errors!)

(Reflect on the movies: Brokeback Mountain and Boys Don’t Cry)

(The psychological disorder is Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder)

(5 Pages, Double Spaced, APA Format)


Subject of the paper: Movie reflection based on psychiatric disorder ( Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder)

Requirement: You will be assigned a specific diagnosis of a sexual disorder ( male hypoactive sexual desire disorder)

You will develop a treatment guide for this disorder. The guide will include the following information:

• An overview of the etiology of the disorder
• Exact DSM V criteria for diagnosis
• Available treatments for the disorder
• Overall outcomes for each treatment

And the most important part of the project:

  • Create a Case study
  • Diagnose the patient
  • Design a treatment plan. It must contain 3 GOALS and for each GOAL create 3 measurable OBJECTIVES or (interventions) for therapy with its target date.

You must be specific in each category and provide enough detail that a clinician could use your guide to diagnose a client, explain to that client all possible causes of the disorder and develop and implement a treatment plan for a client with alternative treatments to be used if the treatment is initially unsuccessful.
You will submit both a hard copy as well as an electronic copy of this assignment. Your treatment guides should be distributed to your fellow classmates so that each student ends this course with a file of all sexual disorder diagnosis, frequently used interventions and detailed instructions for how to apply them.
It is expected that every element of your guide will be supported by citations and references. Pictures and diagrams should be included to illustrate complicated points.

Other information

Paper must be APA style along with references.

minimum of 5 pages.

The case study will be the way this psychiatric disorder is presented in the movies.


  • APA Format
  • No plagiarism is accepted
  • Only academic resources should be used, no older than 5 years old
  • Adhere to the requested number of words/pages
  • No Grammar errors ( refunds will be asked for incoherent/ full of grammar errors papers)

*** The work will be checked for plagiarism through Turnitin by the professor. It is essential for everything to be free of plagiarism otherwise sanctions will be imposed***


Thank you for your support


Explain and evaluate different recruiting and selection methods and systems. Business Finance Assignment Help

Explain and evaluate different recruiting and selection methods and systems. Business Finance Assignment Help

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