Explained Below Health Medical Assignment Help

Explained Below Health Medical Assignment Help. Explained Below Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Week Four Learning Assignment_Concept Map Part II

After completing the Week 3 Learning Activity_Part I, complete and submit the following:

1. Review the subjective and objective data for each Gordon’s Functional Pattern (Week 3 Learning Activity_Part I).

2. Using the template provided, develop a priority (most important) nursing diagnosis for EACH Gordon’s Functional Pattern. Remember, nursing diagnosis MUST be 2 or 3 part statements and need to be patient-specific (please use the learning resources folder for assistance). Use the handouts in the learning resource folder to help you identify which nursing diagnoses are applicable to each Gordon’s Functional Pattern.

This assignment is worth 60 points. Each box is worth 0-5 points.

Explained Below Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Write an essay on Autism. Use the links below and explain the following: (400-500 words) Writing Assignment Help

The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders is on the rise. Scientists believe that there are both genetic and environmental factors associated with the development of autism. The CDC has developed a surveillance system (Autism + Developmental Disabilities and Monitoring Network) to track this increase in cases.

Write an essay on Autism.

Use the links below and explain the following:

  • The prevalence (DATA) of autistic disorders.
  • Signs and Symptoms of Autism
  • The screening and diagnosis of autistic disorders
  • The possible genetic associations with the occurrence of autism
  • The possible environmental associations with the occurrence of autism
  • Treatment of autism

CDC – Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism Risk Factors: genes, environment, and gene-environment interactions

Watch VideoAutism — what we know (and what we don’t know yet) | Wendy Chung

User: n/a – Added: 4/28/14

YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKlMcLTqRLs

You may also conduct your own research to write the essay.

Cite your sources within the body of your paper and include a reference page using APA format.


  • The assignment must fully answer all questions using data to support your ideas.
  • Cite your sources within the body of your paper.
  • The paper should be a minimum of two full pages long not counting your reference page.
  • Include references in APA format.
  • This assignment will be checked for plagiarism via SafeAssign. It must have less than a 20% match in order to be graded.
  • Submit assignment through Blackboard as a word document.

Scoring Rubric (100 Points):

  • Research paper answering all required questions with data. (75 points)
  • Citations within body of paper using APA format. (10 points)
  • Reference page using APA format (15 points)


Find 5 different examples of punctuation and technical errors as noted on the Rules sheet and post on the Discussion Board. Writing Assignment Help

Punctuation and Technical Errors Rules Assignment

Find 5 different examples of punctuation and technical errors as noted on the Rules sheet and post on the Discussion Board. Your examples should be pictures that you take of the errors on advertisements (such as those you may get in the mail or see in magazines), billboards, text messages and Facebook posts you are willing to share. Please do not point out the errors. We will share examples in small groups. As a group, you will identify the errors, say what you would do to fix them, and tell which of the Punctuation and Technical Rules applies.

Please be sure to do your own work—this is not a group project. Any repeated examples among students will not count toward your grade for this assignment.

Why are we doing this? It is important that you recognize common errors so that not only can you catch and correct them, but so that you present yourself as a credible and careful writer.

Please see attached for samples.


Lab 2 please find an attachment for more info. Computer Science Assignment Help

You should have 10 screenshots in your Lab Report File.

To complete this lab, you must create a Lab Report file and submit the file in iLearn. The Lab Report file must be a Microsoft Word format (.docx), and have the filename with the following format:


  • SECTION is the section number of your current course (2 digits)
  • STUDENTID is your student ID number (with leading zeros)
  • LASTNAME is your last name
  • FIRSTNAME is your first name

To get started, create a Microsoft Word document (.docx) with the correct filename for this lab. You’ll be asked to enter text and paste screenshots into the lab report file.

please find attachment


RW discussion replies Business Finance Assignment Help

Please reply to each part with 150 words a piece

Part 1

The rising cost of healthcare in the United States is a crisis that the money-conscious millennial generation is not buying. With the heavy influence of technology and the higher expectations for quality and affordable healthcare, health insurance companies are having to adapt to the changing market by adopting marketing strategies that reach this ever-growing consumer base.

With the introduction of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, access to affordable health coverage was accessible to a more significant number of people. According to Young Invincibles, a lobbying group that spreads information about health coverage in America stated that the millennial generations had the highest rate of uninsured. At the same time, post-ACA saw a 45% decrease in the number of uninsured millennials (Schultz, 2017). According to the Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, millennials spend around eight hours a week on social media, making social media platforms the primary source for news, entertainment, influence, and advertisement for the target market (Leonhardt, 2015).

In addition to social media marketing, creating mobile-friendly access to information and accounts encourages the younger generation to stay connected. With a heavy reliance on smart devices for information, research, and applying to various services, it is essential for health insurance agencies to create mobile-friendly websites, apps, and software that allows the younger generation to connect on the go. Providing a mobile site that consumers can use to research and compare plans, speak to live agents, and complete the application process, will bridge the gap between the millennial generation and the seemingly out-of-reach health insurance coverage.

Overall, the ability of health insurance companies to “meet” their audience and at the market level will ultimately determine its success in signing up for the younger generation. Whether it’s influence from a social media campaign or the company’s mobile-friendly application, the more in touch a company is with the market’s user-trends, the better its ability to attract a specific audience. Health insurance companies must take advantage of advancements in technology to reach newer members of the population.


Leonhardt, J. M. (2015). Tweets, hashtags and virality: Marketing the affordable care act in social media. Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, 16(3), 172-180. doi:http://dx.doi.org.proxy.cecybrary.com/10.1057/dddm…

Schultz, S. (2017, June 23). Reports & Briefs: What’s Happened to Millennials since the ACA? Unprecedented Coverage & Improved Access to Benefits. Retrieved January 6, 2020, from https://younginvincibles.org/whats-happened-millennials-since-aca-unprecedented-coverage-improved-access-benefits/.

Part 2

Here is the truth, and even the young adults know this to be true, anyone can get the common cold, and many try to fight it off with over the counter (OTC) medicines. As outlined and explained about by Fink (n.d). “Adults know that colds are self-limiting and seldom serious.” It is important we understand who we are marketing the insurance plan for, even with encouraging the young healthy to enroll there are different markets within this age group, the young single and healthy individuals will have different position on insurance needs than young healthy married couple with or without kids, or even a young induvial with children. Each story is unique, not only within the healthcare industry having significant changes, these alone are hard to keep up with as a consumer, but each patient has their own needs and expectations of healthcare and insurance.

With the primary target for marketing being to the millennials we will be forced to make sure the marketing catches their attention, it not we will need to adjust the plan and reline. As we know the young adults are the typical consumer targeted for insurance and especially not the healthy consumer. As this generation is explained by Cartwright (January 24, 2018)These are tech-savvy individuals who can easily find out any information that they want with a simple Internet search, and they are much more connected than previous generations. When you have identified young adults as your target audience, you understandably need to find an effective way to reach out to these individuals. More than that, you need to grab their attention and convince them to make a purchase.” Again, this is the time of the of technology, which means as a company we need to get social within social media. Media marketing will be the primary focus. Hitting all the major social media sites with advertising not on the insurance but the importance of insurance of all ages. While this plan with hit most of the marketed audience this will not hit all of them, or be a repeat message, because of this we will have many back up marketing’s, for multiple touches, to include an email marketing plan, this plan can include not only consumers but also employers. We want to make sure we are having our current consumers use google reviews and rate the service, young adults today watch reviews, young adult consumers, simply want things immediately and online offers that, to include an online search engine search and reviews. I would also like to hire a professional blogger weekly to hit on the topic subjects of the target consumers, not only current issues but true healthcare issues, how to plan for unexpected, when it happens. Maybe even have guest bloggers on a regular basis, that have the personal experience in the same age group of the unexpected, from healthy to critical ill, or healthy to dealing with a lifelong diagnose.

We as a company understand how to reach the young adults, but the information we give them is the most important, understanding getting no one at any age wants to get hurt or sick, but unexpected things happen, and sometimes medical events do occur, and this is how we need to sell the importance of having a strong health insurance plan is for any individual. As a company we need to address the true cost of unexpected medical cost, we will need to explain the cost of a accident, surgery, life-long medical diagnose, and critical illness. Showing the true cost of these medical issues, and how insurance helps pay for some of those unexpected costs. The financial protection insurance can provide with the unexpected and many times ongoing large medical bills., this is the advantage we want to market for health insurance, as well as with young adults being the target and them thinking many health issues are for the aging, we will include young adults in our marketing with medical issues, allow for them to talk about the unexpected, how it affected them, having both sides with insurance and without insurance coverage. When using peers in marketing it is a critical instrument to be able effectively meet our target audience. We must develop with the trends for the consumer, and in order to do that it is important to understand what the future holds, examine the past, present and to calculate the future expectations in patients and healthcare.


Cartwright, Helen. (January 24, 2018) Marketing to Young Adults: What Factors to Consider. Retrieved from: http://blog.staylisted.com/marketing-to-young-adults

Fink, Jennifer.(n.d).5 Differences Between an Adult’s Cold and a Child’s Cold. Retrieved from: https://healthguides.healthgrades.com/managing-the-household-cold/5-differences-between- an-adults-cold-and-a-childs-cold.

Part 3

Marketing is a form of marketing that is specialized, it is marketing that focuses on accumulating and gathering information on potential patients or customers of different groups with common needs, and market to the group as a whole understanding that the group should or will respond to a similar marketing program. Because segment marketing has different components, it is important for a healthcare corporation to know t markets in several ways, as outlined Tarver, E (May 24, 2019) “Geographically by region or area, Demographically by age, gender, family size, income, or life cycle, Psychographically by social class, lifestyle, or personality and Behaviorally by benefit, use, or response.” To ensure healthcare being able to get its objectives marketing access positive to the right patients. Tarver, E (May, 2019) also speaks about the general ways to identify different market areas “homogeneity, or common needs within a segment, distinction, or being unique from other groups, and reaction, or a similar response to the market.”

Within the city of Auburn Hills, Michigan the average population is young professionals, college graduates, early 30’s, married with 1 child, average family size is 3 within the area, it is a young family area. However, it is Michigan and it cold during the winter months, with that average daily temperature 20 degrees, snowfall higher than the national average, and sunshine hours very limited during the day, this makes it hard for families with small kids to get out of the house in a safe environment with other younger families, in a warm safe surrounding. As a healthcare system, it is important to let the community understand that a system acknowledges the issues of young families.

Because young families, professional or not, do not typically do not have extra money, all events will be at low to no cost for the communities, remembering that the community is the future of the healthcare organization. It is important to remember that relationships can help build patient loyalty. Community events at healthcare locations allow for the community to see the organization, and events at outside locations allow for the community to see a different form of commitment to the community from the healthcare system. Because the holiday system is always extremely busy for all families, waiting until mid-January to start monthly community events allows for families to need some more activities for the January, February and March winter months.

During the month of January at an indoor play place will be a family day, for the first one will be at Peppa Pig World, admission will be covered for a family of 4 for set hours at the center. The cost of entry will be a collection of winter outerwear for a donation.

During the month of February a outing, at the local ski lodge in Auburn Hills, will allow for some family time with sledding, make snow angels, family snowball fights, because even when there is no natural snow, the lodge makes snow, along with this for inside warm-up time there will be homemade hot cocoa, snacks, and craft. The cost of entry will be a collection of cans food because the food banks are running low again after the Holiday months.

During the month of March, we will prepare for spring with a meeting for families and elderly, mixing the pairs, with lunch and craft of making pinecone bird feeders for hanging outside. For the first year will try to coordinate this with an assisted living home, such as the American House. Each family will be asked to bring an adult coloring book, crossword puzzle, or an item for a resident of the home.

All events will be marketed in the community and within the healthcare system itself. All information will go to staff members and be advertised around the system for the current patients to see. Each event will be marketed within the location to be held also; each location will post for all 3 events. Advertainments will be placed within all ambulatory offices, especially pediatrics offices. Advertainments will also be placed within local pre-school, private and public as private school enrollment is higher than public within the area. Advertainments will also be done on all social media sites, this is a generation of highly educated, technologically driven savvy parents, so marketing communications within the social media platform is a strong network. Special advertainments will also be done with marketing materials to be given at each event, from hats, gloves, mugs, bottles, shirts, sweatshirts, and bags, these items will have not only the healthcare labels but also all dates of events to promote the next event. Marketing actively that appeals to the younger professional family with activities and healthy ideas that are fun.

The important part of this is it will all be run by healthcare staff, with all departments present. The healthcare staff will run all the events, management will be on-site to interact with the community. These events are about marketing the healthcare system as one who values the community, family, and health. It is important that marketing is the truth, and the community is important. As a system appealing to the community and having an established relationship with help with growth. The service line will be implemented on a focus group implementation schedule, hosting 4 events with consumer questionnaires to determine the ongoing marketability and sustainability for this program.



TARVER, Evan (May 24, 2019) What Is Market Segmentation

Retrieved from: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/m/marketsegmentation.asp

Part 4

Market segmentation according to the MUSE (2020), is narrowing consumers into specific groups. This assists in marketing towards a certain population with the best outcomes. This is a two part process. First section includes defining characteristics, demographic, geographical, and psycho-graphic to personalize the marketing ad to these individuals they are trying to reach. After reaching a conclusion to the population base that is being reached out to. It needs to be broken down further into large segment of things they have in common or are interested in.

Behaviors include how often this population purchases a product, how expensive is it impulsive, or a thoughtful buy. Geographical can be anything from marketing towards a cold area versus a warm area. It could also include an entire nation or other countries. Demographics are looking at the marriage rate, how many people own homes, how many rent, how many have children, the age of individuals in the area. psycho-graphics include the beliefs of the demographic being targeted and their morals.

My area in Colorado Springs has a higher population of individuals that are age 35 and 60 years old. 5 years old to 15 years old is the highest population in the springs but marketing healthcare to that age group would not be feasible. We could however market healthcare to those individuals from 35-60 healthcare through telemedicine for themselves, family members, and their children. Telemedicine according to NCSL (2019), is efficient because it extends healthcare to rural areas. Telehealth offers real time communication with a provider, there are monitors that can obtain vital signs for patients that choose telehealth, patients can enter patient portals that store imagine, labs, and other information. It is convenient for those who have a hard time getting out in the snow or traffic that the springs is known for. It would offer healthcare to those who are farther on the outskirts of the springs that can not make it to their appointments or even have much access to physicians. It also decreases the days that a patient would have to wait to get into a primary care physician. One of the primary care physicians I established with here told me they couldn’t see me for three weeks when I had the flu and needed tamiflu and a not for work. I resorted to urgent care instead and spent far more money on that visit that should have been necessary while having a primary care physician.

Ultimately, telemedicine would be a great service line to push for in the area due to weather, traffic that can last hours, primary care physicians that are overbooked, and the convenience of having access to all your information, labs, and imaging at the tip of your fingers. The products that are offered through telemedicine services for vital signs make it easy for individuals that are not health care savvy.

City-Data. (2017). 80920 Zip Code (Colorado Springs, CO) Detailed Profile. Retrieved from http://www.city-data.com/zips/80920.html

MUSE. (2020). Market Segmentation. Retrieved from https://class.ctuonline.edu/_layouts/MUSEViewer/As…

NCSL. (2019). Increasing Access to Health Care Through Telehealth. Retrieved from https://www.ncsl.org/research/health/increasing-ac…

Part 5

These days, people live in social media, posting their entire lives. The things people post can provide useful information that businesses can use to advertise to the correct markets. Social intelligence tools can be used to extract demographic information such as age, gender, interests, tastes and lifestyle. Analysis can be performed to filter messages that are related to a certain brand based on certain criteria. This analysis includes the theme of the conversation, the type of social media used, and the location of the conversation (Anderson, 2018).

The data gathered is aimed at solving certain problems. Marketers can separate their customers into market segments using the information gathered by social intelligence tools. The benefits of social media are that the data is spontaneous. Online data can be updated in real-time, whereas print catalogs cannot be updated quickly. Furthermore, the data collected from social media is more realistic than traditional surveys (Anderson, 2018).

Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram can help businesses decide who to target with their marketing efforts. Social networking allows users to share interests, pictures, and other information with their friends, family, and colleagues. Blogs are one of the most popular forms of social media. A blog is an online journal where entries are categorized by “tags”. Tags are words or codes that helps search engines find specific entries easily. Blogs are used by instructors, marketers, and other professionals to promote their products or ideas (Thomas, 2014).

Microblogs are short posts consisting of only a few lines of text. They include pictures, short videos, or links to other products. They are used for quick updates and sending content via mobile devices. The most popular forms are Twitter, Instagram, and Vine. Content communities are text, images, and videos that are submitted by users or creators. The most popular platforms are Youtube, Flickr, or Scrbd (Thomas, 2014).

Social media plays an important role in healthcare marketing. 40% of people believe that social media helps them make decisions about their health. However, people aged 18-24 are more likely to use social media for these decisions than people that are 45-54. 19% of smartphone users also have a health app on their phone. The most popular apps deal with exercise, diet, and weight management. Finally, 26% of hospitals are on some form of social media for advertisement (Thomas, 2014).


Anderson, G. (2018, January 4). The benefits of customer profiling for brands. Retrieved from https://blog.digimind.com/en/insight-driven-market…

Thomas, R. K. (2014). Social media and marketing. In Marketing health services (3rd ed., pp. 321-341). Retrieved from https://online.vitalsource.com/#/books/97815679367…

Part 6

It is overwhelming within healthcare the industry with the changes that are unpredictable and quick. While the changes that happen have many different factors, one thing is always true, all changes within healthcare need to be marketed, fast and to the right region in the market. Current healthcare customers are significantly different from the customers even 5 years ago, the change within healthcare makes for considerable importance in marketing with understanding consumers, and their preferences and needs. To understand a healthcare market profile, understanding what the community needs and how the community responds to marketing. Because consumers are taking control of their healthcare decisions, it is important for a healthcare organization to have an understanding of the market, and the value of marketing, marketing the data in a profile that customers that will allow for the organization to be considered the leader in the industry. Having a strong marketing tool or program that attracts, creates patient volume, is relevant for the success of the organization. With, marketing is not just about a message, it is about who sees it, the right consumer, Adams (September 12, 2017) goes on to explain the importance of specific marketing “Want to get the word out there and boost your visibility on social media without taking years to build the audience? Then you should certainly leverage influencers. But the key is to find the right influencer. You don’t have to go with influencers with millions of followers. You could opt for micro-influencers with tens of thousands or even a hundred thousand followers. The trick? Find the right influencer in your niche so that you’re targeting the right audience.”.

In a perfect world, every patient would see the healthcare organization perfect, so marketing would not be necessary. Although, that is not true, marketing the organization within the right market is the key to a successful strategy that will be effective, pinpointing the right patient and their exact needs. To understand your market honestly, ask the target market audience, conduct direct data research from the community, patients, families, and even staff members. Staff members with direct patient care, from clinical to non-clinical, get information from patients, and families, many times in direct and indirectly. Using this information as a voice to grow the patient base, is a great form of primary information, and specific questions and room for change and growth. This data can be collected from in form of surveys also to not only existing patients but also to the community, with a SurveyMonkey or any web-based survey.

Center for Disease Control on the prevalence of specific disease rates as well as treatment rate nationally, to help understand the community needs. Having the right data is essential, we will utilize the data from all sources to communicate the message of the right treatment by the best in the medical field. It is important that this is primarily re-laid to the right audience in the community, and just as important at the right time. Having a deep understanding of the patient’s profile along with the hospitals specific training will lead to clarity within the market. A driven approach that is specific and separate from the competition, marketed towards the target audience, using multiple networks, will ensure the message is consistent and aligned with company goals. Using data-driven marketing will enhance patients and family experiences, leading to satisfaction. Using this type of data marketing considerably lessens the failure rates. This is about understanding the patient, community and giving them better-suited products that fit community needs. It is simple, spend time in the community, research within the community, research the loyal the market when doing this it is building the relationship as well using this opportunity to understand the need and expose the healthcare organization.

We know that healthcare is changing and deciding what to market within the organization is also about target patients within the community. Linsell, (December 2, 2019) describes a Market Analysis simply “Your comparative market analysis is a lot like that puzzle. Each piece represents a different market element you need to consider in determining the value.” After seeing the value of service will allow for strong marketing to the target market. Also using data for marketing for products, or medical care, in need form alliances with manufacturers that can also offer additional exposure to new patients. Partnering with another business for the common growth for the healthcare system could likely target a wider group of patients, it is a great a co-marketing strategy.


Adams, R (September 12, 2017 )10 Marketing Strategies to Fuel Your Business Growth Retrieved from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/299335

Linsell, Chris (December 2, 2019) How to Do a Comparative Market Analysis: A Step By Step Guide Retrieved from https://theclose.com/how-to-do-a-comparative-market-analysis/

How DO I conduct a Healthcare Market Analysis? (nd) Retrieved from https://www.wisegeek.com/how-do-i-conduct-a-healthcare-market-analysis.htm



Part 7

It is overwhelming within healthcare the industry with the changes that are unpredictable and quick. The United States is known within the industry to have the most complex healthcare system, because of this it is important to understand it completely. Customer service is still important within healthcare, patient value and respect for the patient as a person has changed as the patients demand more inpatient care, truth be told it is about the patient taking control of their own health. It is described by Morgan (January 9, 2018) a little more in detail on why this is important for each healthcare system “Healthcare is an industry that affects everyone, but one that has historically had a reputation for less-than-positive customer experiences. However, customer experience is now becoming a focus of many healthcare companies and clinics.” Within this change of patient-centered care, patients handle not only general healthcare concerns but also specific health needs and desired.

Patient-centered care is an active collaboration that encourages that all information about care is shared between provider and patient with a personalized plan of comprehensive care. As a healthcare system marketing this a strength is important, marketing would include having patient – center care in the organization’s mission statement. Allowing the community to understand that is part of the organization’s vision. Including this in the mission statement confirms that the organization holds a patient-provider relationships and respect as a principal quality. It is crucial when marketing this in all forms from social media and web site is that with patients receiving care that focuses on a healthcare system on provider-patient team-based values. The essential benefit of the patient-centered system is to improve individual health outcomes, caring about the individual.

Changes in the healthcare industry can be due to many items, however, there have many changes are about the direct effect on company, staff workload as well as individual patient care. Technological changes have been the top changes in healthcare for years, hospital systems are not using smart technology with the outpatient setting as well as the inpatient setting. The advances in technology have a new wide variety of new products. The new advances are supported by Morgan (January 9, 2018) “An overwhelming 94% of healthcare executives said in a recent survey that they plan to implement smart technology in their organizations. Smart technology comes in a variety of forms to increase comfort and efficiency and decrease risks. Hospitals around the country have started using smart beds that self-adjust to the correct pressure and support for each patient’s preferences and condition. Smart devices and applications will continue to grow and spread throughout the healthcare field.”

The future of healthcare is an advanced technology, improvement in all medical staff to include providers, there has been substantial growth in the number of physicians pursuing to use and understand the technology to improve clinical outcomes. The implementation of the smart hospital has been seen globally because of the enormous pressure not only from patients but also from insurance and reimbursement rates. Seeking ways for overall improvement, with productivity as well of efficiency. This change and improvement go along with patient center care, as patients are expecting more, hospitals are evolving to patient expectations. As explained the meaning with the improvements it is about with Taylor (Jun 13, 2017) “Aimed at improving existing patient care procedures and introducing new capabilities.”. Naturally the improvements encompass many departments of hospitals, the technologies are a solution to easy understanding some patient care. Taylor (June 13,2017) truly outlines the benefits of incorporating the technical with quality staff “The above is not simply about what the technology and tools can do, but what healthcare practitioners no longer have to do. By freeing up clinicians’ time, they can focus more on delivering face-to-face care and, with the help of technology, maximize levels of performance and health outcomes. The greatest potential comes from partnering human intelligence with probability tools and analytics to help improve the precision around diagnoses and treatment options and embedding quantitative data at the point of care.”

With some of the top innovations driving the change, of blockchain or what is known as peer to peer communication, bio-telemetry, collecting important medical data from the patient’s vital signs, helping them improve patients health, these can be personal monitors or monitors used at the hospital. Patient tracking system for inpatient tracking, Smart patient rooms that monitor and convey data from monitoring devices to smartphones for the providers, nurses, or any other healthcare staff. As a hospital marketing, this will be about serving the patient in both care for their health but also safety. Hospitals are seeking ways to improve their productivity and efficiency, in order to reduce operational costs, personnel salary, these improvements can do that but more importantly improves patient care, getting healthcare information in a timely matter to all medical staff involved inpatient care. Therefore, are a hospital that is busy will market their overall optimal customer satisfaction, because of their ability to handle medical issues in a fast manner, reducing injury and long term effects from a medical emergency,


Morgan, Blake (January 9, 2018 )The Top 5 Trends In Customer Experience For Healthcare. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/blakemorgan/2018/01/0…

Taylor, Karen (Jun 13, 2017 ) By 2020 the Smart Hospital will be a reality Retrieved from https://www.philips.com/a-w/about/news/archive/future-health-index/articles/20170613-by-2020-the-smart-hospital-will-be-a-reality.html



Instruction Health Medical Assignment Help

Instructions are among the most common types of documents in technical writing. Instructions are everywhere informing readers how to make, assemble or create something. You may have followed instructions on how to log onto a computer at work to download and use an App on your Smartphone or how to put together furniture. It is likely that you will create instructions often in your career if not as a formal document then at least in a variety of informal written and oral communications.

Keep in mind the differences among instructions, process descriptions, and procedures:

  • Instructions inform readers how to assemble, make, create something or perform a specific task
  • Process descriptions tell how something works (e.g., how a drug works to relieve systems of seasonal allergies). While instructions are about how to use something, descriptions are about how that thing works (e.g., how to take a prescription drug vs. how that drug works in the human body).
  • Procedures are standardized ways of doing things in organizations.

For this assignment, you will focus on writing and designing effective instructions.

Assignment Guidelines

Choose a Technical or Scientific Topic. Begin by reviewing the assigned reading for unit 4. You will then choose your own topic for this assignment. In order to give you practice in technical writing, you must choose a technical or scientific topic. Recipes are not technical or scientific, and thus are not allowed. Ideally, a topic requires a series of steps for assembly or various specific tasks to complete. A topic relevant to nursing may be a good idea, but topics such as “checking blood pressure” “collecting a urine sample” are too common and are not allowed for this assignment.

Choose a topic involving ten (10) or more steps. The following are a few examples of projects from previous classes:

  • Setting up a small network in your home office
  • Building and hosting your own website
  • Installing a solar heating system
  • Assembling a skateboard
  • How to change an electrical outlet
  • How to sew an A-line skirt

Write to a specific audience. You must specify an audience for your instructions. In most instances, your audience should be novice–someone who has never performed the task before. Sample audiences for the instructions mentioned above include home computer owners, small business owners, and homeowners.

Acknowledge all sources. If you use any sources for your instructions, acknowledge your sources on an APA reference page and include this page with your instructions. If you use or adapt illustrations from another source, use APA captions and provide a reference for each illustration.


Regardless of your task, you must include all of the following contents (any omission of the following contents will result in grade deductions):

  1. Introduction. Here you will give your reader the following information:

    1. The audience in terms of its knowledge and need for the instructions
    2. What the instructions will allow readers to do
    3. What skill level the audience should have to perform the task successfully
    4. An overview of the steps needed to complete the task
    5. A sense of how long the task will take
    6. Where they should perform the task, i.e., in a well ventilated area, outside, on a flat surface, etc.

  2. List of Materials, Tools, or Ingredients
  3. Figures (Diagrams, Drawings, Photographs, Illustrations, or Tables)

    1. Include captions for each figure
    2. Label figures using APA guidelines
    3. Give attribution to all figures in references

  4. List of Steps, in chronological order, with the following characteristics:

    1. Ten (10) or more steps
    2. Use of the imperative mood, i.e., “Attach the red wire” rather than “The red wire is attached.” With the second, passive sentence, readers will not know whether the wire is already attached or if they need to attach the wire.
    3. Each step must have one specific action only, e.g., “Turn the knob one complete turn.” and not an elaboration or comment, e.g., “Turning the knob will result in a better fit.”
    4. Each step must have one or two sentences max
    5. Use of the second person (you)
    6. Include warnings or cautions before readers will encounter problems
    7. Parallel form (see page 97 in the course textbook)

And, if needed, your instructions should also contain:

  • Warnings
  • Glossary of terms
  • References
  • Appendices

Document Design and Figures:

Give careful thought to figures and design elements that will make your instructions effective.

  • Make sure all of your steps are numbered, 1-2-3, throughout
  • Single space the text in paragraphs
  • You must include two figures. You may create your own or adapt from other sources. Make sure you provide figure information for each one and document with APA standards
  • Use as many of the four basic design principles, CRAP, as possible
  • Design your document for consistency (grid patterns, margins, justification, negative space, indentation, typeface, font style and size)
  • Design your document for navigation and emphasis (headings, color, shading, boldface, italic, and underlining, bulleted and numbered lists)
  • You must use a two-column format

Instruction Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CS4447Systems Analysis and Design Writing Assignment Help

Mini Case: Capstone Case: New Century Wellness Group

New Century Wellness Group offers a holistic approach to healthcare with an emphasis on preventive medicine as well as traditional medical care. In your role as an IT consultant, you will help New Century develop a new information system.


You began the systems analysis phase by conducting interviews, reviewing existing reports, and observing office operations. (Your instructor may provide you with a sample set of interview summaries.)

The New Century medical team performs services and medical procedures, which are coded according to the American Medical Association’s Current Procedure Terminology (CPT). CPT codes consist of five numeric digits and a two-digit suffix, and most insurance payers require the codes to be included with billing information.

The new system must be able to handle the new ICD-10 procedure coding system, which will be required by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) beginning October 1, 2014. ICD-10 codes consist of seven alphanumeric characters, which can be electronically transmitted and received. New Century’s information system must interface with 25 California health insurance providers. The new system represents an opportunity for significant cost saving for New Century, and more convenience for patients, who will be able to go online to update medical information, schedule appointments, and request medical records.

During your fact-finding, you learned that the clinic requires various reports, as follows:

  • Daily appointment list for each provider. The list shows all scheduled appointment times, patient names, and services to be performed, including the procedure code and description.
  • Daily report call list, which shows the patients who are to be reminded of their next day’s appointments. The call list includes the patient name, telephone number, appointment time, and provider name.
  • Weekly provider report that lists each of the providers and the weekly charges generated, plus a month-to-date (MTD) and a year-to-date (YTD) summary as well as profit distribution data for the partners.
  • Monthly patient statement, which includes the statement date, head of household name and address, previous month’s balance, total household charges MTD, total payments MTD, and the current balance. The bottom section of the statement shows activity for the month in date order. For each service performed, a line shows the patient’s name, the service date, the procedure code and description, and the charge. The statement also shows the date and amount of all payments and insurance claims. When an insurance payment is received, the source and amount are noted on the form. If the claim is denied or only partially paid, a code is used to explain the reason. A running balance appears at the far right of each activity line.
  • Weekly Insurance Company Report.
  • Monthly Claim Status Summary.

In addition to these reports, the office staff would like automated e-mail and text messaging capability for sending reminders to patients when it is time to schedule an appointment. Data also needs to be maintained on employers who participate in employee wellness programs. This information can be used for marketing purposes throughout the year. Finally, the new system needs to track employee schedules, attendance, vacation time, and paid time off.

Now you are ready to organize the facts and prepare a system requirements document that represents a logical model of the proposed system. Your tools will include DFDs, a data dictionary, and process descriptions.


  1. (30 pts) Prepare a context diagram for New Century’s information system. (Follow the textbook standards for diagram. Please see Fig 5-12)
  2. (45 pts) Prepare a diagram 0 DFD for New Century (See Fig 5-13). Be sure to show numbered processes for handling appointment processing, payment and insurance processing, report processing, and records maintenance. Also, prepare lower-level DFDs for two numbered process. (Follow the textbook standards for diagram. Please see Fig 5-14)
  3. (25 pts) Prepare a list of data stores and data flows needed for the system. Under each data store, list the data elements required. (Please read section 5.6 carefully not to miss any items. Please note that you don’t need to use any special software to create this list)


SAP screenshot to show each steps Business Finance Assignment Help

• Follow the CS1 instruction file attached under the CS1 link and complete the case study.

Use Microsoft Paint software (or other similar software) to do a

screenshot to show each of the following information on a Word document.

Do NOT need to do the SD Challenge on page 50.
– Step 1: your Business Partner number, your Customer number
– Step 2: the number of your contact person
– Step 4: your Inquiry number
– Step 5: your Quotation number
– Step 8: your Sales order number
– Step 9: your Outbound delivery number
– Step 14: your Invoice number
– Step 16: your Receipt number
• Number and Name each answer clearly for its related step.


Art history 101 recitation- impressions of Illuminated Manuscripts in Medieval Gospel books Writing Assignment Help

For this discussion please write some impressions of Illuminated Manuscripts as mentioned in Chapter 11.

2 short paragraphs, a full page is not needed.

I have attached chapter 11 for you. Please read it!

Consider the following questions for your discussion.

1. Discuss themes and subjects used for the paintings in early Medieval Gospel books by comparing two specific examples from different parts of Europe.

2. Choose two specific examples of Illuminated Manuscripts from different parts of Europe in your analysis.

*** NOTE- This discussion is for an Art History class!! Please analyze the artworks, themes and subjects shown in the artworks!!****


Use RStudio to generate a word document with basic data analysis of the following dataset (also included in separate section) : dataset_price_personal_computers.csv Questions/Requests: Computer Science Assignment Help

Background: This course is all about data visualization. However, we must first have some understanding about the dataset that we are using to create the visualizations.


Use RStudio to generate a word document with basic data analysis of the following dataset (also included in separate section) : dataset_price_personal_computers.csv


Create a summary of stats for the dataset. (provide a screen shot)

Create a correlation of stats for the dataset. (provide a screen shot) (Hint: Transform may be needed)

What is the Min, Max, Median, and Mean of the Price? (provide a screen shot)

What is the correlation values between Price, Ram, and Ads? (provide a screen shot)

Create a subset of the dataset with only Price, CD, and Premium. (provide a screen shot)

Create a subset of the dataset with only Price, HD, and Ram where Price is greater than or equal to $1750. (provide a screen shot)

What percentage of Premium computers were sold? (provide a screen shot)(Hint: Categorical analysis)

How many Premium computers with CDs were sold? (provide a screen shot)(Hint: Contingency table analysis)

How many Premium computers with CDs priced over $2000 were sold? (provide a screen shot)(Hint: Conditional table analysis)

Your document should be an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student’s name, University’s name, Course name, Course number, Professor’s name, and Date.


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