Extracredit Business Finance Assignment Help

Extracredit Business Finance Assignment Help. Extracredit Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Here’s the way it works. Submit a minimum of one full page, in Microsoft Word format, SINGLE SPACED, one-inch margins, 12pt type research paper on the following subject. “In the last few years; the Obama Administration began initial talks with communist Cuba on the normalization of trade relations. The Pope even visited there. But what was really going on? Should the U.S. continue or hold off a while? Was this political grandstanding? What is the background and what are we giving up? What should we get? What is your recommendation and why?

Forget the tired humanitarian argument. Support your choice of position with reasons and logic, NOT MERELY RAMBLINGS. Despite not being in full control Raul still has an important bearing on “his” people in Cuba. Send it to me as a standard message attachment, within this course, just the normal way you’ve been doing. No exceptions if you want the points.Why am I doing this? To give you a better advantage as you proceed with the remainder of our class.

Extracredit Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

collect around totally 200 professors from all these 10 universities. Science Assignment Help

Hello there, this is a biomedical engineering class, we have to do research of the different universities of BME department research, basically each student will take 10 universities and search and collect around totally 200 professors from all these 10 universities. So, me the first 10 university from this link http://colleges.startclass.com/d/o/Bioengineering-… , gotta do it by using excel to be more organized. If you take a look for what I have attached you will see more information and examples how it should look like. First do the excel and let me see and I will discuses it with my professor then I will update you how the pp should be. I beleive it will be the same, so there will be no more work one you got the excel. Best wishes.


Choose at least one object of art on display in the museum and describe/analyze it What is it Humanities Assignment Help

From your Evaluation Paper, please post one (1) paragraph to answer each of these questions on the Discussion Board. That is a total of three (3) paragraphs.

(1) Choose at least one object of art on display in the museum and describe/analyze it What is it? What material/s is it made of? What is the size, shape and color? Where was it made? Who made it? Why was it made? What does it represent?

(2) Relate/compare your chosen art object/s to the broader collection of African art in the museum

(3) Draw a connection between the chosen object and an aspect of class discussions thus far.


Report on Bellamy’s Australia Business Finance Assignment Help

Write a 6000 word (Max) report, including 200 words of Executive Summary, but excluding references and appendix. You will use the findings from your first assignment of all your group members to propose one strategic initiative for the organization encompassing a three-year time horizon. Your focus should also be on integrating the findings and feedback from your first assignment and then building upon these to create an actionable strategy implementation plan. The plan has to be achievable and realistic. You have to clearly demonstrate what the strategic initiative is, why your plan can help the organization achieve and maintain a sustainable competitive advantage, and how this plan can be implemented. In this report, you are required to perform the following tasks:

1. Identify and discuss the current generic type of business strategy the organisation implements by examining its strategy statement and/or its value chain activities.

2. Propose ONE new strategic initiative for the organisation to implement. The organisation (Bellamy) is currently considering its market development in China. Thus, propose your strategic initiative around Chinese market development. Describe the contents of your strategic initiative in details.

3. Evaluate the suitability of your strategic initiative through conducting a brief environmental analysis of Chinese market AND referring to the findings of your assignment 1, particularly the strategic capabilities of Bellamy, and its current overall business strategy as identified in this assignment.

4. Develop a strategy implementation plan that primarily focuses on the following areas: 2 a. What needs to be changed to implement the strategy? and Why? b. How will the changes proposed be managed and implemented?

5. Explain how the organization will measure the strategic initiative you proposed. Focus specifically on: a. A set of key success measures for the strategic initiative, using Balance Scorecard. b. Draw a strategy map that indicates the key success measures and their hierarchical relationships. References should be utilised within this Report to validate the information presented, and should be drawn from academic sources and organisational information such as the website and annual reports. The business press may be used sparingly to identify relevant issues.

Advisory notes for this assignment

• You should conduct an extensive information search on the organisation selected.

• Company websites, annual reports, and media reports are important sources of such information, but their objectives, and thus credibility, should be carefully analysed and evaluated.

• You should use appropriate concepts and analytical tools in your report.

• The report should be written in prose; however limited use of dot points is acceptable.

Guide for assignment presentation

Written assignments must be presented in a professional format. Quality of presentation, especially literacy, will be considered in the marking criteria. All sources of information must be fully referenced using standard Harvard or APA referencing systems. You are encouraged to use referencing software such as Endnote for referencing and formatting. The assignment should be in report format and use Times New Roman font size 12, 1.5 line spacing.


comedy of error assignment Humanities Assignment Help

First this is an assignment about the play the comedy of errors by Shakespeare

Second DO NOT use outside sources. Only read and use the file I attached.

Third this is assignment is only responses so it is not more than TWO pages

here are the instructions:

  1. READ: “From the Production Team” (pg 6-15) (the report i attached
    1. Starting on pg. 6 with the “Director’s Concept” through “Note on Staging Technique” on pg. 15
    1. Based on the Director’s Concept, what is the dramatic intention of this production?
      1. In other words, what themes of Comedy of Errors is this production highlighting and exploring?
      2. What creative choices are the directors and production team making, to bring those themes to life on stage?
    2. How did the “Note from the Dramaturg deepen your understanding of Shakespeare’s play?
  1. READ: “Questions for Further Exploration” (pg 23)
  2. RESPOND: Choose TWO questions from this section, and write a written response. ( but the question and the response below)
  1. READ: “More! Background Information” (pg 24- pg 29)
  2. RESPOND: Create THREE guiding questions for your Production Response Paper. ( only write questions not a response)
    1. After you see OSU’s Production of Comedy of Errors, you will write an essay responding to the production.
    2. Use this study guide to help you create questions, that you can discuss in your response paper to the production.
    3. Possible topics and areas of focus in your response paper may include: Design, Acting, Staging, Production Concept.
    4. Question Examples:
      1. How will the production’s design bring the world of the play to life?
      2. How will this production successfully reach their intended audience?
      3. What will the actors do to differentiate between the twins, and make it clear for the audience?



Analyzing syntax quotes Humanities Assignment Help

Directions: Read the quotations below and respond to the questions that follow. When applicable, identify and explain the effects of any syntax-based rhetorical devices in your discussion. Your responses must be in complete sentences and include evidence to support your analysis.

“We should not forget that it will be just as important to our descendants to be prosperous in their time as it is to us to be prosperous in our time.”— Theodore Roosevelt

What is the effect of the phrases “prosperous in their time” and “prosperous in our time”?

Explain how it would change the effectiveness if Roosevelt had said, “We should not forget that it will be just as important to our descendants to be prosperous in their time as it is to us now.”

“While we do these things, these deeply momentous things, let us be very clear, and make very clear to all the world what our motives and our objects are.”— Woodrow Wilson

What is the purpose of placing the main clause (“…let us be very clear, and make very clear to all the world what our motives and our objects are.”) at the end of the sentence?

Explain how it would change the effectiveness if Wilson had said, “Let us be and make our motives and objects clear to all the world while we do these deeply momentous things.”

“If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time—a tremendous whack.”— Winston Churchill

What is the effect of sentences 2–5?

Explain how the effect on the audience would be different if Churchill had said, “If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever; use a pile driver to hit the point once, then come back and hit it again, and hit it a third time—a tremendous whack.”

“Never in the history of this nation have the people been so forceful in reversing the policy of our government in regard to war. We are indeed on the threshold of a new day for the peacemakers.”— Coretta Scott King

What is King’s primary emphasis—the people’s force in reversing policy OR the new day for peacemakers?

Explain how the meaning and effect would be different if King had said, “We are indeed on the threshold of a new day for the peacemakers. Never in the history of this nation have the people been so forceful in reversing the policy of our government in regard to war.”

“Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference.”— Jane Goodall

What is the effect of using short, declarative sentences?

Explain how it would change the effectiveness if Goodall had said, “Every individual matters, has a role to play, and makes a difference.”

Analyzing syntax quotes Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

American Revolution and the French Revolution short essay Humanities Assignment Help

You should focus your review on the American Revolution and the French Revolution.

Conduct research on two more revolutions on your own: the Russian Revolution and the Chinese Revolution.

Make use of the resources such as graphic organizers. Especially focus on paraphrasing sources and making use of in-text citations. For more information on how to do this, visit:


First, you will include a chart with four sections. You must include the review you conducted on the American and French Revolutions, including facts :Quotes or paraphrased notes are acceptable. The other two sections will show your research on the Russian and Chinese Revolution.

Now that your review and your research are completed, you can move on to the writing stage

Choose only one of the revolutions we studied (American or French) and one that you researched independently (Russian or Chinese). Write a compare and contrast essay comparing the two revolutions. Choose three points of comparison (three things they have in common or different) for your body paragraphs.


Review Essay in a CHICAGO STYLE FORMAT Humanities Assignment Help

I attach 2 Documents to be revised and work them with a Chicago Style Format, plus any better information that you may think. Each document is related to a Chapter which at the end I will include too

I also attach information of support to be used in the Chicago Style Format of Writting for you to follow it


Sample paper – https://owl.english.purdue.edu/media/pdf/1300991022_717.pdf

I include additional 12 pages of the Information from the first 2 documents were written, I will send them in part due to the amount



technology leadership r Business Finance Assignment Help

Look for research in the following content areas:

i. Technology Leadership on dutch

The mind map should identify concepts from the articles and tie them together with your personal insight. Use a screen capture tool (e.g. Windows Snipping tool, MAC Command-Shift-4, keyboard PrtSc button, MAC Grab tool, etc.) to copy and paste your mind map into the MSWord file from your article summaries.

Along with the mind map draft, this paper should begin to include a paragraph narrative description of each article, including a connection to ideas for a final group project in draft form. References should include both scholarly and periodical sources. Utilize instructor and peers as needed and available for assistance in your search process. You will be assessed on your thoughtful use of resources (e.g. narrative description of references and/or citation in mindmap) and evidence of depth in thinking about your mind map and content in your draft work. Emphasis will be on providing feedback to improve on future drafts. You will not be assessed on your grammar or fluency unless there is little evidence that editing or formatting were not taken into consideration.

A sample is included in the Module Resources is given below.

  • Find a Peer reviewed article
  • complete Article Annotation
  • Complete Mind Mapping
  • Complete the final document for review


cybercrime Explain how the various jurisdictions coordinate and partner to address jurisdictional differences Business Finance Assignment Help

a 10-slide presentation (title and reference slides will not be
included in this quantity requirement) with speaker’s notes (150 or more
words per slides) in which you compare the relationship of the
investigative policing function between the local, state, and federal
organizational levels as it relates to the investigation of cybercrime.
In your comparison, be sure to:

  • Explain how the various jurisdictions coordinate and partner to address jurisdictional differences.
  • Identify possible future changes in local and federal cyber related laws
  • Explain the overall impact these changes will have on the field of policing.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Use three (3) or more referenes to support your paper.



I include additional 12 pages of the Information from the first 2 documents were written, I will send them in part due to the amount



technology leadership r Business Finance Assignment Help

Look for research in the following content areas:

i. Technology Leadership on dutch

The mind map should identify concepts from the articles and tie them together with your personal insight. Use a screen capture tool (e.g. Windows Snipping tool, MAC Command-Shift-4, keyboard PrtSc button, MAC Grab tool, etc.) to copy and paste your mind map into the MSWord file from your article summaries.

Along with the mind map draft, this paper should begin to include a paragraph narrative description of each article, including a connection to ideas for a final group project in draft form. References should include both scholarly and periodical sources. Utilize instructor and peers as needed and available for assistance in your search process. You will be assessed on your thoughtful use of resources (e.g. narrative description of references and/or citation in mindmap) and evidence of depth in thinking about your mind map and content in your draft work. Emphasis will be on providing feedback to improve on future drafts. You will not be assessed on your grammar or fluency unless there is little evidence that editing or formatting were not taken into consideration.

A sample is included in the Module Resources is given below.

  • Find a Peer reviewed article
  • complete Article Annotation
  • Complete Mind Mapping
  • Complete the final document for review


cybercrime Explain how the various jurisdictions coordinate and partner to address jurisdictional differences Business Finance Assignment Help

a 10-slide presentation (title and reference slides will not be
included in this quantity requirement) with speaker’s notes (150 or more
words per slides) in which you compare the relationship of the
investigative policing function between the local, state, and federal
organizational levels as it relates to the investigation of cybercrime.
In your comparison, be sure to:

  • Explain how the various jurisdictions coordinate and partner to address jurisdictional differences.
  • Identify possible future changes in local and federal cyber related laws
  • Explain the overall impact these changes will have on the field of policing.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Use three (3) or more referenes to support your paper.



I include additional 12 pages of the Information from the first 2 documents were written, I will send them in part due to the amount



technology leadership r Business Finance Assignment Help

Look for research in the following content areas:

i. Technology Leadership on dutch

The mind map should identify concepts from the articles and tie them together with your personal insight. Use a screen capture tool (e.g. Windows Snipping tool, MAC Command-Shift-4, keyboard PrtSc button, MAC Grab tool, etc.) to copy and paste your mind map into the MSWord file from your article summaries.

Along with the mind map draft, this paper should begin to include a paragraph narrative description of each article, including a connection to ideas for a final group project in draft form. References should include both scholarly and periodical sources. Utilize instructor and peers as needed and available for assistance in your search process. You will be assessed on your thoughtful use of resources (e.g. narrative description of references and/or citation in mindmap) and evidence of depth in thinking about your mind map and content in your draft work. Emphasis will be on providing feedback to improve on future drafts. You will not be assessed on your grammar or fluency unless there is little evidence that editing or formatting were not taken into consideration.

A sample is included in the Module Resources is given below.

  • Find a Peer reviewed article
  • complete Article Annotation
  • Complete Mind Mapping
  • Complete the final document for review


cybercrime Explain how the various jurisdictions coordinate and partner to address jurisdictional differences Business Finance Assignment Help

a 10-slide presentation (title and reference slides will not be
included in this quantity requirement) with speaker’s notes (150 or more
words per slides) in which you compare the relationship of the
investigative policing function between the local, state, and federal
organizational levels as it relates to the investigation of cybercrime.
In your comparison, be sure to:

  • Explain how the various jurisdictions coordinate and partner to address jurisdictional differences.
  • Identify possible future changes in local and federal cyber related laws
  • Explain the overall impact these changes will have on the field of policing.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Use three (3) or more referenes to support your paper.



I include additional 12 pages of the Information from the first 2 documents were written, I will send them in part due to the amount



technology leadership r Business Finance Assignment Help

Look for research in the following content areas:

i. Technology Leadership on dutch

The mind map should identify concepts from the articles and tie them together with your personal insight. Use a screen capture tool (e.g. Windows Snipping tool, MAC Command-Shift-4, keyboard PrtSc button, MAC Grab tool, etc.) to copy and paste your mind map into the MSWord file from your article summaries.

Along with the mind map draft, this paper should begin to include a paragraph narrative description of each article, including a connection to ideas for a final group project in draft form. References should include both scholarly and periodical sources. Utilize instructor and peers as needed and available for assistance in your search process. You will be assessed on your thoughtful use of resources (e.g. narrative description of references and/or citation in mindmap) and evidence of depth in thinking about your mind map and content in your draft work. Emphasis will be on providing feedback to improve on future drafts. You will not be assessed on your grammar or fluency unless there is little evidence that editing or formatting were not taken into consideration.

A sample is included in the Module Resources is given below.

  • Find a Peer reviewed article
  • complete Article Annotation
  • Complete Mind Mapping
  • Complete the final document for review


cybercrime Explain how the various jurisdictions coordinate and partner to address jurisdictional differences Business Finance Assignment Help

a 10-slide presentation (title and reference slides will not be
included in this quantity requirement) with speaker’s notes (150 or more
words per slides) in which you compare the relationship of the
investigative policing function between the local, state, and federal
organizational levels as it relates to the investigation of cybercrime.
In your comparison, be sure to:

  • Explain how the various jurisdictions coordinate and partner to address jurisdictional differences.
  • Identify possible future changes in local and federal cyber related laws
  • Explain the overall impact these changes will have on the field of policing.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Use three (3) or more referenes to support your paper.


Extracredit Business Finance Assignment Help

Extracredit Business Finance Assignment Help

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