Factors in Nation Optimal Rate of Inflation and Unemployment Questions Economics Assignment Help. Factors in Nation Optimal Rate of Inflation and Unemployment Questions Economics Assignment Help.
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Think of this assignment as a debate. Your reading on the topic of unemployment and inflation should give you enough insights to pick your arguments and to find evidence or research to support your point of view in the matter. We have recently seen what a global pandemic can do to the U.S. economy and the world economy. The U.S. economy is very much linked with the rest of the world. The elected government has used various fiscal policies to stimulate the U.S. economy. The Federal Reserves (the Fed) have used various monetary tools to stimulate the economy as well.
Debate the actions of the government and the Fed regarding these issues.
1. What kinds of factors would you want to consider in determining a nation’s optimal rate of inflation and unemployment?
2. Pick a recent fiscal policy and a recent monetary policy. Discuss the purposes and the effects of the policies. Pros and cons? Winners and losers?
3. How would the policies affect inflation, unemployment, national debt, etc?
You are more than welcome to add many other aspects, data, facts, and analysis to the discussion.
REMEMBER: This is not a business ethic class or a law class or a religious study group or a personal story time. Use economics theories when you debate each point and argue your case.
Factors in Nation Optimal Rate of Inflation and Unemployment Questions Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UV Organizational Behavior Perception and Individual Decision Making Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Part 1: Organizational Behavior
Read any one of the chapters from Chapter 6: Perception and Individual Decision Making, Chapter 7: Motivation Concepts, Chapter 8: Motivation: From Concepts to Applications and choose a topic and write a brief summary on it.
Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
- Given that individuals tend to judge the favorability of their outcomes relative to what others receive, what can be the result of someone getting rewarded for their performance but yet being disappointed in the reward that they receive?
- Lewis Vacation Rentals has been experiencing a recent decline in its bookings. In an effort to increase sales, the company is offering its employees a 1 percent share in the company profit over the next six months in addition to regular employee salaries. Will this plan increase motivation? Why or why not?
Part 1 should be 450+ words.
Part 2: Initiating the Project
Read the chapter Chapter 11: Project Risk Planning. pick a topic and write a brief summary on it.
Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
- You are hosting a large dinner party. What are two possible risks you would encounter? Identify at least one trigger for each.
- Give an example of a risk you have chosen to accept on a previous project. How did you make the decision to accept it? In retrospect, was that the right decision to make?
Part 2 must be 450+ words
I am attaching both the text books below. Use Project Management for Initiating the project course.
Vellore Institute of Technology External Communication of Marketing Teams Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Question 1 :
Networking :
A. How do teams manage their team boundaries? What are the trade-offs between internal cohesion and external ties within each type of team? Support your discussion with at least two (2) external sources.
B. Consider the list of common roles for team members. Which of these roles do you think you play in your own team or group? Why?
Need 300-350 words with all references in APA Format.
Question 2 :
Ask a probing question/make suggestions from question 1 topics, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.
Need 100-150 words with all references in APA Format.
NOTE : Need both questions in different files.
Tennessee State University Architectural Engineering Digital Twin Researh Paper Writing Assignment Help
the Chosen major is Architectural Engineering
please read all instruction carefully. Also see rubric to guide you constructing your paper
General Information
- Research Requirements: 3 sources, two (2) of which must be scholarly and peer-reviewed. See below.
- Length: at least 1000 words and no more than 1200 words. shorter and longer papers will be penalized! Please adhere to the word count.
- Follow MLA. No works cited page=loss of at least a letter grade
Research and evaluate a current trend or issue in your projected profession. (If you are undecided, use “college student” as your profession.)
What does this trend or issues tell you about the state of your profession? What contributions need to be made to the field to improve it? Who is affected by this? How does this determine your job outlook? Do you know anyone in the profession already? What made you pick this major? What have you learned about your major thus far?
Example of a trend: A few years ago, in the field of English it was a trend to specialize in Rhetoric/Comp. Many people declared it as a specialty, which caused the job market to change. As a result, there were too many Ph.D.s graduating with this specialty and not enough jobs; therefore, many recent Ph.D. graduates were finding themselves teaching part time, which offered little pay, no benefits, and having to work at several colleges/universities just to make ends meet.
Example of an issue: The field of social work has a high burn-out rate. Why is that? What makes/causes people burn out? Are there any solutions (both short-term and long-term)? What have professionals who are working in the field tried to do to avoid burnout? How do college courses address this issue when preparing future social workers?
Make sure that you can clearly distinguish between a trend and an issue. Your introduction to your paper should establish this point, so your reader knows exactly what you are going to address in the body of your paper. While you could use a dictionary to define the words trend and/or issue, it will not count as one of your sources; however, you must include it on your works cited page.
Research Requirements:
You must use 3 outside sources. These 3 sources must consist of:
- One source. These can be web sites, on-line databases, CD-ROMs, etc., but can also be interviews with a professional colleague, pamphlets, press releases, etc. They may also be books, journal articles, newspaper articles, magazine articles, or any other print source.
- At least two peer-reviewed sources. “Peer-reviewed” means written and vetted by scholars and professionals, usually in the field to which the journal is dedicated. These will probably coincide with your print sources. Many databases allow you to limit your search to peer-reviewed sources. Each source must be cited at least one time in your paper. I will be looking for that. I will also look closely at your Works Cited page to make sure you followed MLA and properly cited your sources.
- sources will be looked at (both in–text documentation and your Works Cited page), I expect to see your in-text documentation match what’s on your Works Cited page. If they don’t match, then you risk receiving a low grade for this assignment, which can cause you to fail the assignment. If you list a source on your Works Cited page, then you should have it cited somewhere in your paper. If you cite a source in your paper, then you should have an entry for it on your Works Cited page. To emphasize: I will be checking for this.
Papers that do not fulfill the research requirements will be not accepted
Things to Remember as You Write:
- Papers that merely cut and paste work from your sources, but are correctly documented (including citations, quotation marks, and a works cited page), will receive an “F.” Papers that paraphrase badly will receive an “F” if correctly documented (including citations, quotation marks, and works cited) and will receive a ZERO if not correctly documented.
- Focus! Have a thesis and build around it. The purpose of the paper is to make an argument about a trend or issue, not merely to report on it.
- Use your research to support your thesis. Papers that simply summarize sources will receive an “F.” Use the research to back up your own arguments and conclusions, not to fill space. Padding your paper will earn a low grade. You must cite from your sources. You have to use each source at least one time.
- Organize your thoughts. The paper should not be a random collection of news about your profession. Make sense of the information. Connect it to your thesis and organize your research and argument accordingly. For example: In the field of social work, there is an issue of a high burnout out rate which can be attributed to extended work weeks with few days off, hospitals being under staffed, and the number of cases an individual is assigned increases their daily workload. After that sentence (the last sentence in your introduction), then your body paragraphs will support your points.
- The assignment asks you to evaluate an issue in your profession. Why you want to pursue the profession is irrelevant. However, you may want to include a brief (and I mean brief) narrative in your introduction that offers the reader some insight as to why you’ve chosen this profession.
- Give evidence to support your arguments. Use the research. Do more research if necessary and narrow it down to just 3 sources! And always, always, tell your readers what the evidence means!
- Document your sources properly. do proper academic citation.
You can use a citation engine such as Easybib.com
- Proofreading mistakes can make your writing difficult to understand and give the impression that the writer is unprofessional.
- Remember that even if you paraphrase or summarize your source material, you still must cite it.
Walden Week 10 Role of the Graduate Nurse in New System Development Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Hi all,
In Week 10 you will not have a discussion forum. There is an assignment due on Sunday at midnight EST. The assignment is listed below:
Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system is to be implemented. You want to ensure that the system will be usable and acceptable for the nurses impacted. You realize a nurse leader must be on the implementation team.
To Prepare:
- Review the steps of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and reflect on the scenario presented.
- Consider the benefits and challenges associated with involving a nurse leader on an implementation team for health information technology.
The Assignment: (2-3 pages)
In preparation of filling this role, develop a 2- to 3-page role description for a graduate-level nurse to guide his/her participation on the implementation team. The role description should be based on the SDLC stages and tasks and should clearly define how this individual will participate in and impact each of the following steps:
1. Planning and requirements definition
2. Analysis
3. Design of the new system
4. Implementation
5. Post-implementation support
My suggestion is to set up your paper using the bullets above as headings. This is a good organizational tip.
1. Review the sample formatted paper I have sent in many messages for the proper set up of the title page (use this formatted paper if you like and just write over)
2. The first heading is the title of your paper, bolded
3. The introduction paragraph includes the main points (consider the areas noted in the bullets above). Also include a purpose statement: The purpose of this paper is…….
4. Write about each area but do not do so literally. Writing in first person is frowned upon in academic papers. Just delete the “I”, “we”, “they”, “she”, “him” terms and the sentence should be fine.
5. ALWAYS include a conclusion paragraph that reminds the reader of the main points in your paper.
6. the References page. The heading is References, bolded, and should be centered. Review how to format references.
Please note the need to integrate credible, outside and course specific resources to demonstrate critical thinking and lend support to your ideas in your assignments. As a guide, you should integrate 3 or more peer-reviewed sources and 2 or more course resources for these assignments. The full statement on assignments from the syllabus is also provided below.
2. Assignments: The Assignments provide you with the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge gained through the Learning Resources and the practicum experience. See the Assignment area of specific weeks for detailed descriptions of the assignments. In grading the required Assignments, your Instructor will be using rubrics located in the Course Information area.
Note: The course Assignments will require that you completely and accurately demonstrate critical thinking via assimilation and synthesis of ideas when using credible, outside and course specific resources (i.e. video, required readings, textbook), when comparing different points of view, highlighting similarities, differences, and connections, and/or when lending support to your Assignment responses.
I look forward to reading your papers! Let me know if you need any more support!
ECON 201 SEU Consumption Tax and Saudi Personal Income Economy Case Study Economics Assignment Help
Case Study
When taxes induce people to change their behavior—such as inducing Jane to buy less pizza—the taxes cause deadweight losses and make the allocation of resources less efficient. As we have already seen, much government revenue comes from the individual income tax in many countries. In a case study in Chapter 8, we discussed how this tax discourages people from working as hard as they otherwise might. Another inefficiency caused by this tax is that it discourages people from saving.
Consider a person 25 years’ old who is considering saving $1,000. If he puts this money in a savings account that earns 8 percent and leaves it there, he would have $21,720 when he retires at age 65. Yet if the government taxes one-fourth of his interest income each year, the effective interest rate is only 6 percent. After 40 years of earning 6 percent, the $1,000 grows to only $10,290, less than half of what it would have been without taxation. Thus, because interest income is taxed, saving is much less attractive.
Some economists advocate eliminating the current tax system’s disincentive toward saving by changing the basis of taxation. Rather than taxing the amount of income that people earn, the government could tax the amount that people spend.
Under this proposal, all income that is saved would not be taxed until the saving is later spent. This alternative system, called a consumption tax, would not distort people’s saving decisions.
Various provisions of the current tax code already make the tax system a bit like a consumption tax. Taxpayers can put a limited amount of their saving into special accounts—such as Individual Retirement Accounts and 401(k) plans—that escape taxation until the money is withdrawn at retirement. For people who do most of their saving through these retirement accounts, their tax bill is, in effect, based on their consumption rather than their income.
European countries tend to rely more on consumption taxes than does the United States. Most of them raise a significant amount of government revenue through a value-added tax, or a VAT. A VAT is like the retail sales tax that many U.S. states use, but rather than collecting all of the tax at the retail level when the consumer buys the final good, the government collects the tax in stages as the good is being produced (that is, as value is added by firms along the chain of production). Various U.S. policymakers have proposed that the tax code move further in direction of taxing consumption rather than income. In 2005, economist Alan Greenspan, then Chairman of the Federal Reserve, offered this advice to a presidential commission on tax reform: “As you know, many economists believe that a consumption tax would be best from the perspective of promoting economic growth—particularly if one were designing a tax system from scratch—because a consumption tax is likely to encourage saving and capital formation. However, getting from the current tax system to a consumption tax raises a challenging set of transition issues.”
Q1: What should be taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why? Provide your opinion based on the case given below. (200 words)
Q2: How may it affect Saudi Economy if an income tax is imposed in KSA? (200 words)
ECON 201 SEU Consumption Tax and Saudi Personal Income Economy Case Study Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Rasmussen College Evaluate the Capital Investment Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Project: Evaluate the Capital Investment
Shoals Corporation puts significant emphasis on cash flow when planning capital investments. The company chose its discount rate of 8 percent based on the rate of return it must pay its owners and creditors. Using that rate, Shoals Corporation then uses different methods to determine the most appropriate capital outlays.
This year, Shoals Corporation is considering buying five new backhoes to replace the backhoes it now owns. The new backhoes are faster, cost less to run, provide for more accurate trench digging, have comfort features for the operators, and have 1-year maintenance agreements to go with them. The old backhoes are working just fine, but they do require considerable maintenance. The backhoe operators are very familiar with the old backhoes and would need to learn some new skills to use the new backhoes.
The following information is available to use in deciding whether to purchase the new backhoes:
Old Backhoes |
New Backhoes |
Purchase cost when new |
$90,000 |
$200,000 |
Salvage value now |
$42,000 |
Investment in major overhaul needed in next year |
$55,000 |
Salvage value in 8 years |
$15,000 |
$90,000 |
Remaining life |
8 years |
8 years |
Net cash flow generated each year |
$30,425 |
$43,900 |
1. Evaluate, discuss, and compare whether to purchase the new equipment or overhaul the old equipment. (Hint: For the old machine, the initial investment is the cost of the overhaul. For the new machine, subtract the salvage value of the old machine to determine the initial cost of the investment.)
- Calculate the net present value of the old backhoes and the new backhoes.
- Discuss the net present value of each, including what the calculations reveal about whether the company should purchase the new backhoes or continue using the old backhoes.
- Calculate the payback period for keeping the old backhoes and purchasing the new backhoes. (Hint: For the old machines, evaluate the payback of an overhaul.)
- Discuss the payback method and what the payback periods of the old backhoes and new backhoes reveal about whether the company should purchase new backhoes or continue using the old backhoes. Calculate the profitability index for keeping the old backhoes and purchasing new backhoes.
- Discuss the profitability index of each, including what the calculations reveal about whether the company should purchase the new backhoes or continue using the old backhoes.
2. Identify and discuss any intangible benefits that might influence this decision.
3. Answer the following: Should the company purchase the new backhoes or continue using the old backhoes? Explain your decision.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Analyze the financial condition of a company using vertical, horizontal, and ratio analysis to make informed decisions.
Ferris State University Income Between Businesses and Workers Discussion Writing Assignment Help
This is 2 assignment.
1st Assignment:
***Please generate a question about leakage & injection, with a short description. (50 words description)
(A leakage is when money leaves the circular flow of income between businesses and workers/ An injection is when money enters the circular flow of income between businesses and workers.)
***Respond to the students post below: (50 words each)
Hannah A.
Is the U.S. welfare spending out of hand?
This seems like an odd question but can a country spend too much on the welfare of the people? Who actually needs the welfare money and who doesn’t? It seems as though the U.S. should have a better and more thorough system to make sure people who are receiving welfare truly need it over those who don’t.
Billy K.
How do we tell when an economy is doing well?
During the module we have learned how to recognize some signs that a repression is coming. Two big ones are taxes and savings being higher than spending. A countries’ currency inflating or reaching hyperinflation. But how do we recognize when an economy is doing well or is going to do well? What are the different things we can look for before a country’s economy does well or to tell that a country’s economy is doing well?
2nd Assignment:
**Please generate a question about NAGPRA, with a short description (50 words description)
**Respond to the student post below : (50 words each)
Madison T.
Is NAGPRA enough?
In lecture, we learned quite a bit about what NAGPRA is and the benefits of it. Yet, is this really enough after everything that Native Americans have been victim of? What could be improved within NAGPRA? And, what else should still be done in order to guarantee Native Americans receive justice as it pertains to stolen artifacts?
David S.
Why not remove NAGPRA?
I’ve noticed that NAGPRA has been causing a lot of issues politically and socially. For example, the legislation doesn’t affect private owned institutions therefore they do not have to return stolen artifacts. Additionally, a lot of those artifacts are from Native Americans, which are rightfully owned to them, but they can’t receive them because of the laws under the act. I was wondering why not completely remove NAGPRA and come up with a better act? Why is there no action to remove this act?
VIT The Leadership Paradox & Participative Management in The Workforce Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Question 1 :
A. What is the leadership paradox? Give some reasons why a leader can encounter difficulty in newly formed teams or groups using a participative management system. Support your discussion with at least two (2) external sources.
B. Discuss of the strategies for encouraging participative management in the workforce, and how to implement each of these strategies. Support your discussion with at least two (2) external sources.
Need 300-350 words with all references in APA Format.
Question 2 :
Ask a probing question/make suggestions from question 1 topics, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.
Need 100-150 words with all references in APA Format.
NOTE : Need both questions in different files.
PHIL 434 West Coast University Death with Dignity Scenario Paper Writing Assignment Help
needs to be APA 7!! I have attached a link that you need to watch.
In the scenario assignments, you are asked to reflect on responses to the presented scenario. This should not just be writing down your first reaction or what you already know. Reflection involves critical thinking, which means rethinking your existing knowledge and previously held opinions in light of what we have learned about theories of ethics, logic, and reasoning. You will need to question your existing knowledge and beliefs.
To complete each scenario assignment:
- Complete the entire scenario.
- Compose your reflection in a Word document and be sure to address, at a minimum, the following questions:
- Why do you feel the way you do about the issue presented?
- Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you feel is the most ethical and why?
- Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, as well as other sources as needed.
- Your reflection must be 1-2 pages in length and follow APA formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate.
https://anyessayhelp.com/ as appropriate.