Felsic Volcanic Rocks Research Paper Science Assignment Help. Felsic Volcanic Rocks Research Paper Science Assignment Help.
I’m working on a Geology project and need a reference to help me understand better.
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List of 5 different annotated references
The annotations are to be one paragraph
summaries of each of the articles.
Assemble a list of references that you intend to use in a standard bibliographic form. These cannot just be
websites. The list must include at least five articles from the regular scientific literature—books (no more than
one other than the course text), government publications, or journal articles. These articles can be located
physically or on-line. For example, if one of your references is a U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper,
you could find it in the basement of the library and check it out or, in this case, access it on-line.
Felsic Volcanic Rocks Research Paper Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
South University Russia Direct Investment Fund & Strategic Development SND Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Due October 19 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time
The Week 4 installment of the final project will continue to evaluate the Alibaba organization introduced in Week 3.
Considering the course material presented in the course readings and discussion for the week, select two of the more prominent cooperative linkages that Alibaba has made. Make sure that there are meaningful differences between the two different alliances or joint ventures you have selected.
Begin your paper by summarizing key details about Alibaba’s two alliances or joint ventures that you are using for your paper.
Next, for each alliance or joint venture:
- Assess the type of business-level or corporate-level cooperative strategy the organization is following.
- Evaluate how the cooperative strategy enhances the competitiveness and performance of the organization relative to what could be done without the cooperative agreement.
- Evaluate the risks that arise from this alliance or joint venture.
Finally, summarize two or three important take-aways from your research into Alibaba’s alliances. In essence, what did you learn and what strategic development and implementation lessons might you apply?
Submission Details:
- Present your analysis as a 3–4-page report in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style.
- Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format.
Cultural Diversity Business and Professional Communication Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Just a reminder that our formatting is formal for the paper (APA) but the writing is from a first person point of view.
***Check out the RUBRIC located in the Writing Assignment so you are clear on how you will be graded!!!
Just so we are all on the same page your paper should look like this:
Page 1: APA Cover Page with running head (APA 6th edition), page numbering, your title, name and University. Author note is optional.
Pages 2-3: Two pages of APA formatted double-spaced writing critically exploring your own experiences, goals and career path. You should discuss how the assigned readings could enhance your personal journey, your future career path and your professionalism. Use APA formatted in-text citations whenever possible. (250-500 words)
Page 4: References in APA format. (Cite textbook)
Dominican University International Economics Discussion Economics Assignment Help
Please answer both questions about Argentina.
Important answer all the questions. For #1 about 1 paragrph for question #2 (2 paragraphs).
1. Do some general research (ok to start by “Googling it”). Get a general idea your country’s approach to tariffs and trade policy in general. Write one paragraph summarizing the tariff situation in your country. (Argentina)
2.How have the tariffs your country imposed played out politically-either at home or at the WTO? Can you find news coverage of whether or not tariffs are controversial in your country (like they can be in the United States)? More importantly, see if your country’s tariff policy has ever been disputed or challenged in the WTO? Which country filed the complaint against your country and why? How was the tariff dispute settled? Focus on how the WTO plays a role in trying to lower tariffs and solve trade disputes peacefully. Do your best and explain what you find using what we have learned so far this semester.
Ashford University NGOs Efforts and International Relief Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Please write 350 words comment in the case studies and the other reading that I attached only, you can answer some of the question in the assignment if you want.
and as i mention buddy please stay away from summery and be positive it should be your thought or opinion
Write 350 words comment in the case study and the reading
Assignment: Good and caring people from around the world work through NGOs to provide relief to victims of natural disasters, pandemics, and wars. In this unit we’ll learn how powerful forces – along with government policies – can impede that work. The AmeriCares case is about responding to a natural disaster in a country with a regime that worries about outsiders. The optional reading by Rob Buchanan describes his personal experience representing the NGO Oxfam in the Horn of Africa and trying to provide aid in what is known as a “complex emergency.” The television and newspaper reports help to deepen our understanding of such emergencies and their implications for NGOs providing relief. Some questions to consider: What do you think of the strategies used in the case studies? What have you learned about relief efforts that you didn’t already know?
1-Case study: AmeriCares in Myanmar and Sequel
Attached As PDF
2-NGOs and International Humanitarian Action by David Lewis and Nazneen Kanji- Alternative Formats
Attached As PDF
PBS interview International Rescue CommitteePBS interview International Rescue Committee
This link below takes you to a PBS interview with David Milibran of the International Rescue Committee, a global humanitarian relief organization, about fighting COVID-19 in conflict zones.
3-COVID-19 forces new era of development cooperation – Devex, May 26, 2020
Attached As Word document
4-Jose Andres Fed Puerto Rico and May Change How Aid is Given, New York Times- Alternative Formats
Attached As Word document
5-Attacks on aid workers – summary statisticsAttacks on aid workers – summary statistics
LIT 1000 FIU Young Goodman Brown Written by Nathaniel Hawthorne Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Using the plot diagram, walk us through “Young Goodman Brown” by Hawthorne. Identify (a) the initial conflict (what it is and where it occurs), (b) a point of rising action (what it is and how it moves story onward), and (c) climax (what it is and where it occurs). Lastly, (d) state the theme you found in this story and share what about the story led you to understand theme. As you respond to your peers, discuss similarities and differences in interpretations.
You must post an initial response to the prompt questions above and respond to at least two of your peers. Each of your posts must range between 100-200 words.
Respond to:
Lourdes Barile
Discussion 3
The short story “Young Goodman Brown,” written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, gives us a sense of suspense in a sequence of events. The Initial conflict is when Goodman – the protagonist- says goodbye to his wife Faith without explaining the reason or purpose of his nighttime journey. This conflict occurs at the threshold of the house where he has the option to choose between leaving Faith alone, who is begging him to stay and leave at sunrise, or to go on with his mysterious journey through the forest, alone, at night. The point of rising action occurs shortly after Goodman enters the forest and he runs into an old man/traveler carrying a snake-shaped staff who lead him to witness a series of unexpected incidents; Goody Cloyse, a known religious woman is revealed as a witch, a deacon and a minister worship the devil, and Goodman Brown hears what appears to be his wife’s voice. This event moves the story onward to the climax as Goodman now believes that his wife has turned evil, so he runs through the forest to convince his wife not to be persuaded and to resist the devil, but he was too late, and all he could catch through the air was her pink ribbon. The falling action occurs the next morning as Goodman returns to Salem village shaken by what he had witnessed and unsure if it was real; from there on, he had trust issues.
One could interpret the theme of this short story differently from many perspectives. One option could be hypocrisy since so many villagers presented themselves as puritans and pious with strict moral standards, but they secretly worshipped the devil. Psychological experiments prove that it is common for people to conform or comply due to peer pressure, feel accepted by others, appear good, or fit in society. Another optic to interpret the theme of this story could be losing faith. I don’t think it is a coincidence that Goodman Brown’s wife’s name was Faith, and the fact that Hawthorne emphasizes so much on her pink ribbons as a representation of her innocence. When Goodman saw Faith at the secret meeting, he simultaneously loses his Faith (wife), whom he thought was incapable of sin, and his religious faith.
Heather Vickers
Discussion 3
Whew!! The way these eighteenth-century characters speak is beyond me. It’s like they were speaking backwards, and I had a warm time trying to figure out what was really being said in this story. Anyway, I believe the initial conflict is a disagreement between Goodman and his wife. She simply had asked him to put off his journey for that day and stay home with her because for some reason she was feeling fearful. Goodman could not understand her fear, and questioned his spouse, if after three months of marriage she was becoming distrustful of him. He then told her to say her prayers and go to bed when it was bedtime. The conflict took place out in the street when faith looked out and stopped and spoke to her husband. The conflict also happened within Goodman himself, when he began to second guess his decision of going out that evening. I believe the rising action is when Goodman heard the devil called Faith upon the altar. This moves the story along because we get to see Faith’s secret actions through the eyes of the devil and knowing she is just as corrupt as all the people in the church and Goodman’s town of Salem. The climax is when Goodman shout out to his spouse to resist the devil and for her to look to God in the heaven for help. After shouting out these things, Goodman then finds himself alone in the woods. The theme of the story is good versus evil and how easily it is for us to be overtaken by evil. What gave this away for me is when, Goodman saw old Clousy his Sunday school teacher, who turned out to be a witch, and the Pastor and Deacon in various compromising positions, as well as, the so called virgins of Salem. These virgins were shown secretly defiling themselves, becoming pregnant, and secretly aborting the babies and burying them in their backyards.
LIT 1000 FIU Young Goodman Brown Written by Nathaniel Hawthorne Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Johor Matriculation College The Ron Clark Story Video Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I have essay homework about watch movie This is the Link about Movie
The thing you have to do is :
Movie Summary:
Briefly summarize the most important points of the Movie. Organize your thoughts carefully since you need to express yourself concisely.
Personal Reaction:
What is your personal reaction to the issue or topic presented? Tell what you thought about what you see in the Movie. Be specific about what you liked or didn’t like, and why. Support your ideas with at least one cited-APA style- refence from the Movie. This section should be no more than a third of the total paper.
American Academy of English 2nd Book Discussion Writing Assignment Help
reflecting on some other students comments on the book!
- I NEED a reflection on Each post and should be at least 100 words for each please .
- Should address a reaction(s) and/or question(s) about the course material based on what they posted
- I will attach the book Pages
post #1
Chapters 4 and 5 influenced my question. According to Gonzalez, Latinx immigrants and second-generation Latinxs were stripped of their cultures when they tried to integrate themselves into the school system (p.90-91). If they were connected, in any way, shape, or form to their culture, they faced repercussions. Sandra Garza gave a testimony of the first time she got detained, she said, “the first time I was made to sit on the sidewalk for speaking Spanish I was six” (p104). American customs were frequently forced, onto the Latinx community, which led them to conform, thus causing them to become more Americanized (p.91). Gonzales’s personal example of how Americanization affected him as a child really stuck out to me and got me thinking of all the possible effects it can have on a person.
Question: How did Americanization affect the Latinx community ? And do you think these effects still exist in today’s Latinx communities?
post #2
Chapter 4 influenced my question for this week. According to Gonzalez, Mexicans were the only real interaction with Latinx until Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans came to New York. I find it interesting that other than a few select baseball players, band singers and famous actors/actresses America really had no interaction with the Latinx. It wasn’t until World War 2 in 1946 that Puerto Ricans migrated to New York City. And within fifteen years there were at least 1 million Puerto Ricans in the United States. I personally did not know Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans coming to the United States had such an impact on on the Latinx community.
Question: In what ways do you think Puerto Rico influenced American culture in their immigration years between 1946 and the 1960’s? Do you still believe there is an influence on the United States today?
SUAMC World Literature Agamemnon Achilles Patroclus & Hector Exam Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Answer two of the following questions (with at least 200 words each), but do not attempt two questions from the same work. Each question carries 50 points.
1. Arete’ (excellence) leads to hubris (excessive pride), which in turn leads to ate’ (rash or imprudent behavior), which ultimately leads to nemesis (retribution or ultimate tragedy). Explain this statement in terms of all four heroes – Agamemnon, Achilles, Patroclus, and Hector – carrying them in the same behavior pattern. Provide specific examples from the text.
2.Describe Agamemnon as Achilles sees him. Is Achilles’ evaluation correct? Consider the following:
a)What makes Agamemnon apologize to Achilles?
b)Why does he give Achilles so many gifts?
c)Why does he send others to Achilles instead of going himself?
3.Why does Achilles refuse to fight for the Greeks when Agamemnon takes Briseis? Love of Briseis? Honor? Pride? Defend your opinion.
4.What does Odysseus learn from Agamemnon at the Underworld? Does he apply this learning in his own situation in Ithaca? How? Explain.
5.At the beginning of the Odyssey, Zeus states that mortals blame the gods when they bring their destinies upon themselves. To what extent does Odysseus’ personality cause his problems? Give examples.
6.Penelope is one of the great women in literature. Discuss with special reference to her two famous cousins, Helen and Clytemnestra. Do you like her? Why or why not?
CQU Mixed Methods Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Lab Assignment Due next week:
Web Exercise: Go to the home page of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research. At the bottom for, “Article Statistics” click on “Most Read”. When the most read article titles come up, read the abstracts for the top five articles. What main points do you see running through these articles? What are the most important issues currently being discussed or investigated by mixed-methods researchers? Based on the top five abstracts,
Web Exercise: Go to theNational Criminal Justice Reference Service website (www.ncjrs.gov (Links to an external site.)) and search for the termMixed Methods. Find at least two studies that have used a mixed-methods approach. What were the topics chosen for mixed-methods approaches? What strengths did this approach provide the study compared to using just one of the methods?
Lab Work Assignment Due: All web exercises and answer the following questions: What are the strengths and weaknesses of mixed methods research designs within criminology research? Explain your interpretive (theoretical) frame work and the research design (Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed-Methods) you will be utilizing in your research proposal. How did you decide which method was best suited for your research topic?
Felsic Volcanic Rocks Research Paper Science Assignment Help
Felsic Volcanic Rocks Research Paper Science Assignment Help