Ferris State University Bullying Essay Writing Assignment Help

Ferris State University Bullying Essay Writing Assignment Help. Ferris State University Bullying Essay Writing Assignment Help.

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5 full page essay

Article (attached) is enough to make a five page essay. Please describe as much as possible when doing the review portion.

Essay Expectation:

*Intro- why you pick the article (capture the readers attention)

*review of the article- (summarize full detail, what they did)

*critique of the study- (was it good or bad? could the article be better? you can critique the intro? method? result? conclusion? )

*defend your critiques- (why did you think something is a problem?how do you think it can be done better? use personal experience or outside sources to defend your critiques)


Ferris State University Bullying Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MKT 221 NVCC Communications Plan Characters Misconceptions Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


(Be sure to read the purpose above and incorporate where appropriate.) In public relations, perception is everything. If your company, or brand, has a reputation or image, publicity can enhance that image. PR people can identify the main ideas about a brand or reputation and apply those as they support marketing efforts in the company. Each of the following 5 choices has its own brand or reputation. Using the worksheet and tactics matrix listed below, prepare a brief outline of a marketing plan.

Choose ONE of the following characters as your client. Find their bio and information on line. Decide on your goals and objectives for marketing your client. Assess their current marketing position and decide what your objectives are for your plan. Prepare an integrated mini-marketing plan for one of them. Use the attached worksheets, fill out with a well-thought out approach to integrating events, promotions, media relations, social media and more. Be sure to target your audience in order to narrow down your planning.

Character List (In no particular order, OK, well, they are alphabetical!)

  • Cap’n Crunch (Captain Crunch).
  • Captain America.
  • Oscar the Grouch.
  • Winnie the Pooh.

FYI: Information in the handouts for each of the writing assignments may be of value to you in thinking and writing. While these resources are specifically on media release format, familiarity with the tone/style of the writing tips can be of assistance in helping you focus for strong statements and descriptions.

Save your completed worksheet and tactics in a single document in .doc or .docx format and submit it as a file upload.


ACCT 301 SEU Cost Accounting Activity Based Costing & Special Orders Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting case study and need support to help me understand better.

  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • – no plagiarism . no match please


ANTH Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District Mosuo Society Discussion Humanities Assignment Help


each discussion will take about 5 minutes or less

watch this video and answer the following 5 times: this should be a pretty easy one since the video is about 12 minutes. thank you. basically i have to submit 5 different discussions for this. so answer each question 5 times.

1. Identify one way that Mosuo society seems to empower women.

2. Identify one way that Mosuo society does not empower women.

3. In your opinion, does Mosuo society demonstrate gender equality? Why/why not?

each discussion only has to be 6 sentences which is 2 sentences per question. one paragraph is enough for all 3 questions which means i need 5 paragraphs. you can bs it, i don’t mind


Northern Virginia Community College Marketing Mental Awareness Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

This project provides you an opportunity to gain practical experience developing a public relations strategy appropriately tailored to the needs of the client and appropriate stakeholders/audiences. You will demonstrate your mastery of all of the course learning objectives.


A public relations plan identifies a problem, opportunity or challenge and analyzes what needs to be addressed to meet a goal regarding that challenge. It lays out the objectives that must be accomplished, identifies a strategy of how to get them done and the tactics by which to accomplish them. It also presents how to measure the results. Public relations people must plan how to identify the audiences for their messages and then plan how to reach them with the right messages.

Our text book refers to the R.A.C.E. process for planning PR: Research; Action; Communications; Evaluation.

Once such a plan is in place, communicators must create the written tools for publicizing their planned activities to execute the strategy they’ve devised. One of the workhorse tools of a PR person is a press release, or media release, written to send out news. This release can be part of a media kit about the organization or news that is being shared.

In this assignment you will create a plan for publicity (PR plan), write basic elements of a media kit you would use to implement the plan, and adapt the plan to create a PowerPoint Presentation you would use to pitch the plan to management. Make sure to cite sources including the textbook following the MLA style (Links to an external site.).

Please follow the detailed directions on the public relations project. Here is a sample PR Plan.

This project will be due one week before the end of the course. Please find the due date on the Course Summary on the Syllabus page.



A T Still University Strategic Management Plan Business Finance Assignment Help

part 1:

As you’ve learned this week, the control process is essential to the achievement of goals. It allows a business to track their progress, make adjustments, and stay on schedule for what they’re trying to achieve. Your chosen goal from the strategic management project needs these same types of controls. This course project assignment will task you with creating a detailed control process for that goal. Think through all of the departments that might be involved in the completion of the goals and how they’ll need to be tracked. The course content from this week can be very useful in providing details on strategies and ideas for control processes. Some additional research will also prove useful. This assignment should be at least two pages in length and complete the following:

  • Identify four separate strategies that you will use to control your strategic goal.
  • For each strategy:
    • Identify which aspect or metric of the goal they’re controlling.
    • Explain the reasoning and value behind the control choice.
    • Identify the control as feed forward, concurrent, or feedback.

As an example, if my goal is to “decrease the amount of defective parts made on my assembly line by 5%”, I could control it through regular maintenance checks (feed forward), thorough employee training on the machines (feed forward), and a software system that monitors production while it’s happening and can print off detailed reports after work is completed (concurrent and feedback). You will need to go into much more detail on the structure, process, and purpose of your control methods, but this should give you a good idea of how to complete this assignment. Really think through how you’ll keep up to speed with company progress on your strategic management goal.

part 2:

Before you submit the final version of your Strategic Management Plan, the last piece you need to create is an Executive Summary. This should be the first page in the final version of your plan. It’s meant to be something that an executive could quickly read in order to get a basic understanding of the overall strategic management plan. Due to its purpose, the executive summary should be a thorough and concise summary clearly depicting the content of the plan. Give an overview of the goal you’re trying to accomplish, any major findings in your research, the reasoning behind the goal, and any major obstacles you foresee. It should be treated as a document ready to be turned into an executive director, board of advisors, investor, etc. Therefore, format and style (presentation) is very important.

Please see attached previous assignments for reference

A T Still University Strategic Management Plan Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FSMT 362 American Military University Changes in Management Essay Writing Assignment Help

After reading the links below and the attached document, we know that change in the fire service is inevitable. Without change, people and organizations would become stale and unresponsive. The challenge is to learn how to steer through the transition as easily and creatively as possible. To successfully navigate the changes that will be needed under fire leadership, chief officials must understand the importance of culture, vision, and the need to possess a global view.

Consider this scenario:

A new fire chief was just hired at your department. The new chief replaced a chief that just retired after twenty-five years of service. During the chiefs last few years, you noticed the department moving in the wrong direction. You realize that with the new chief, change will have to be made to create a successful organization.

For this essay, you are to explain three things the new chief should change in your department and how the chief should implement or process those changes. use a fictional department.

3 full APA 7th Edition formatted pages not counting the title page or the reference page and include 3 academically recognized sources.

include the following:

1. Title Page
2. Main Body – (Introduction, main body, and conclusion) – You must also include headings in the paper so that the reader can distinguish between your key points. Also, correctly cite your sources.
3. Reference Page (Be sure to pay attention to the indentions for each source).

1. Times New Roman font throughout the paper
2. 12 Point font size throughout the paper
3. Double Spaced
4. 1 inch Page Margins: Top, Bottom, Left and Right (Not 1.25 inches)

For this assignment, it is very easy to use first person and personal pronouns, such as “I think” or “We will”, but as with most college papers, it must be avoided





York University Graphic Novel Art Question Writing Assignment Help

Your Tasks:


create a 2-4 page graphic novel/ comic strip that tells the story of an experience where you felt that you did not fit in OR were

stereotyped by someone. You must include at least 5 panels in your creation. You may draw your panels, take pictures, collage, or use

pictures from the internet to create your graphic novel. What is important is that you create it in graphic novel style (ie. Speech bubbles,

gutters, frames, etc.) and that you tell your story from start to finish. Your creation should be visually appealing.

2. You will write a short paragraph (artist statement) that describes the story of your graphic novel/ comic strip.

3. You will give a 3-5 minute presentation on your graphic novel/ comic strip that discusses and describes the story behind your graphic

novel/ comic strip, and the visual and story elements used. Make sure to use graphic novel terms in your presentation.


Moraine Valley Community College Behavior Modification Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

To facilitate discussion, engagement with peers, and application of psychology to understand the broader social world, we’ll be engaging in online discussions via Canvas. You will also be asked to post at least three of your own original prompts which tie psychology concepts discussed in our class to the real world. Your prompt should include a link to a media/social media/etc social issue (e.g., news article, blog post, opinion piece, youtube clip, etc), followed by your interpretation of its connection to our course, followed lastly by a question or series of questions posed to the class. Please only post or screenshot comments that are public. Any private conversations should not be posted unless all identifying information is removed. Please generate your posts as you come across the relevant topics in the media, although you can also post older material as you find it relevant to current course topics.

Requirements: not too long but not too short


CHCC Musicals of American Birth as Nation Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Due by 3/19. Unless you have been living in Mars, you have probably heard of the Broadway musical phenomenon, Hamilton, written, produced, and performed by Lin Manuel Miranda, a NYC artist of Puerto Rican descent. Based on an acclaimed biography by historian Ron Chernow, the musical combined rap, hip hop, and R&B to produce a modern account of the founding fathers and the birth of the American nation. For this discussion forum you must listen/watch a couple of videos from the musical and read the song lyrics and answer one or all of following questions: How does the musical help make the American founding fathers so alive? In which ways does the musical challenge or reinforce the narrative of the American Revolution as a new chapter in world history? What does strike/surprise/ impress you most about the way in which Miranda retells the story of the American founding fathers?

Below are the recommended videos and resources for this forum. Feel free to explore more on your own.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5VqyCQV1Tg video of the Battle of Yorktown

https://www.themusicallyrics.com/h/351-hamilton-the-musical.html lyrics ( focus on Alexander Hamilton lyrics, The story of tonight, Right hand man, Guns and ship and Yorktown)



Ferris State University Bullying Essay Writing Assignment Help

Ferris State University Bullying Essay Writing Assignment Help

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