FGC Income Statement Analysis & Balance Sheet of Altria Group Inc Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

FGC Income Statement Analysis & Balance Sheet of Altria Group Inc Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help. FGC Income Statement Analysis & Balance Sheet of Altria Group Inc Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help.

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A. Income Statement Analysis

1. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations (last 2 years)

2. Footnote to Financial Statements: Segment Reporting

B. Financial Condition- Balance Sheet Analysis

1. Management’sDiscussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations – Liquidity and Capital Resources (last 2 years)

2. Footnotes to Financial Statements

a. Debt

b. Commitments and Contingencies


FGC Income Statement Analysis & Balance Sheet of Altria Group Inc Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MBI 111 MU Amerithrax Was a Series of Mailed Attacks Containing Anthrax Essay Science Assignment Help

Position Statement based on “Amerithrax”

to research the 2001 anthrax attacks (a.k.a. Amerithrax). Find out what happened; who, what, where, when, and why. After reading about this terrorist act, summarize what you found out.

Here a few questions you may want to consider in defining your position:

  • Who was responsible? Are you confident that the FBI solved the crime? Why?
  • What specific evidence was used to identify the alleged perpetrator? Why? Based on your analysis of the evidence, do you think the FBI and federal prosecutors identified the right perpetrator?
  • Do you think a jury would have been convinced “beyond a reasonable doubt” and convicted the alleged perpetrator of being the anthrax killer? Why or why not?

explain your position based on the questions posed (250 words – a ½ single-spaced page using 10 to 12 point font and one-inch margins will be sufficient).


George Washington University Goals of American Public Health Association Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Student Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how knowledge is transmitted within a discipline
  • Identify important ethical considerations in your discipline

Building a career can be enhanced by membership in one or more professional associations in your discipline. These groups offer an opportunity to share scholarship and professional concerns with like-minded practitioners by sponsoring conventions and other meetings, as well as publishing both scholarly and trade/professional publications in the field.

Each student should find a professional association in their field (they may also be called “institute” or “society”). The easiest way to do that is google “association” and the name of your major. The library also has a database entitled “Associations Unlimited” but it includes more than just membership associations the last time I checked (a while ago). The library’s subject guide for your discipline may also list one or more professional associations. Be sure the association you choose publishes a scholarly journal! You will need that for the rhetorical analysis paper. Let me know if you need help with that.

Create a Word document with your name, your major, and the name of the association on the top of the page, then answer the questions below:

This is my association: https://ajph.aphapublications.org/

Please note that not all associations may have all the information; if that is the case, skip that question).

  • Check to see if there is an “Advocacy” tab. This will help you identify issues of importance to the group that will help you find a current conversation in the field you may use for your own research. Name one or more specific problems they are seeking to address. What types of educational services does it provide (usually workshops & conventions)? If you can find a conference program it will provide ideas on issues of concern to the membership.
  • What publications does it provide for its members? (This is important!) Most associations have a flagship scholarly journal and any number of trade/professional publications (newsletters, bulletins, or other non-peer reviewed sources of professional information). List the titles (in italics!) of a journal and one or more other publications. These will be great resources for your own work! You will see that you won’t have access to the content of these publications unless you are a member of the group; however, most will be available through the Mason databases.
  • Finally, most associations have codes of professional conduct. Briefly explain a few of the main points of those you found. If you can’t readily access this on your association’s web site, write what you think ethical practices would entail for your future profession.


Rhetorical Analysis Paper Guidelines

1. Audience: Academic, specifically advanced undergraduate and graduate students in your discipline.

2. Purpose:This assignment is designed to meet the Students as Scholars objective that you

3. learn “how knowledge is situated and shared in relevant scholarly contexts” and to

understand how genre functions in your future professional discourse community.

4. Requirements: Select a recent issue of a peer reviewed journal published by your association and select either a primary (original) research article or a secondary literature review and follow the instructions below. If you can find something on your research topic all the better, but that is not a requirement. Your response to this assignment should take the form of a well organized 2-3 page essay (double-spaced, Times New Roman12-point font).

5. Citations: Please use correct APA or MLA format both in-text and on a separate references page at the end

6. asignment explination: Now that you have found a professional association in your field and considered how these groups functioned as discourse communities to advance the objectives of their disciplines, you are well prepared to complete this paper. The assignment outlined here is designed to help you discover how those goals are achieved through the scholarly genres employed by writers in those communities. A useful way to think about this is to consider James Martin’s comment that “genres are how things get done when language is used to accomplish them” (as cited in Swales, 2010, p. 221). Thus, genres are purposeful and their rhetorical features reflect the values and expectations of their discourse communities. For this paper consider the mission statement of your association (this may be under “aims” or similar language on the publication’s web site) and make a point of your own about how the article found in your journal’s issue meets the group’s stated goals. What does the genre “get done”?

The purpose of the following is to guide your examination of the journal and the article:

  • Your introductory paragraph should mention your association and its goals, as well as the journal and its audience. Be as specific as possible about the journal’s readers; for example, the American Medical Association’s publications are obviously written for physicians, but who else would read them? Include the name of the publication’s editor and supply his or her credentials. Organize the information requested below into coherent paragraphs; each item does not require a separate paragraph.
  • Review the table of contents (ToC) and report on various topics represented (just some examples); is there a wide variety of subject matter, or are the articles more narrowly focused? Is yours a special issue devoted to a single topic?
  • What genres does the journal contain? Are there editorials, book reviews, or other material in addition to the scholarly articles? If so, name them.
  • Select an article that interests you the most (this may also help with your choice of a research project if it is in your area of interest) and be certain it is peer reviewed (the genre should tell you that). In addition, provide a sentence or two on its topic and biographical information on the lead author with a few of his or her other publications (e.g. John Smith, professor of planetary harmony at Sky University, has also written …..). Then carefully review the article and identify its genre (is it primary, or original material from a study of some sort, or secondary because it reviewed lots of others’ work? Be careful because even primary sources include many references to earlier research before beginning to talk about their own; think about our “Types of Sources” handout). Include what you feel is the authors’ purpose in selecting this particular genre.
  • Conduct a short rhetorical analysis of the piece. Find and quote examples of the specialized vocabulary used by their discourse community. Remember to correctly cite quotations and paraphrases in APA or MLA style and provide a references page.
  • Finally, as suggested in the prompt above, reflect on how what gets “done,” as Martin put it, by the genre you examined. How did it help their writers advance knowledge in your discipline and meet the goals of the association’s membership? In other words, connect their goals with the genres they choose.

Please let me know if I can help.

Swales, J. (2011). The concept of discourse community. In Wardle, E. & Downs, D. (Eds.), Writing about Writing (pp. 215-227). Boston: Bedford St. Martins.


Critical Comparison Between Digital Natives & Digital Learners Comparative Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a English project and need support to help me understand better.

Plz follow the instruction ty!


In this assignment, you are required to develop an 800-word critical comparison of two articles. You can choose any two of the following articles for your critical comparison essay. Make sure your essay is formatted in the proper APA style.

Bennett, S., Maton, K., & Kervin, L. (2008). The ‘digital natives’ debate: A critical review of the evidence. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(5), 775-786. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2007.00793.x

Bullen, M., Morgan, T., & Qayyum, A. (2011). Digital learners in higher education: Generation is not the issue. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 37(1), 1-24. Retrieved from http://www.cjlt.ca/

You are encouraged to use the four templates discussed in Unit 2 to develop your critical comparison essay: 1) Reverse Outline, 2) Identifying Issues and Debates, 3) Critical Thinking Questions, and 4) Critical Comparison Outline.


MGT 521 SEU Managing Dynamic Environments in Saudi Aramco Company Essay Writing Assignment Help

Each organization has its own background perceptions, ethics, values, history, and ambitions. Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization.

Given this understanding, we need to research and assess when, and if, an organization is ready for change, and then adopt a process to best facilitate the change process. Choose a Saudi organization at which you are currently working or one in which you are familiar. (If neither is possible, conduct an internet search to identify a Saudi organization which has gone through a transformation process within the last three years.) Then address the following:

● Provide a brief summary of the organization (its history, culture, industry, product, and services).

● Explain why a change was needed. What is the gap between the present state and the desired future state?

● How strong is the need for change?

● What is the source of this need? Is it external to the organization?

● If the change does not occur, what will be the impact on the organization in the next two to six years?

● Explain the change process that was created and implemented, identify the outcome of the change in terms of success, failures, cultural outcomes, and human resource changes.

● Finally, based on what you have learned thus far in the course, evaluate the company’s readiness for change and then offer constructive advice on strategies the organization may/should have considered to create/implement a more successful change process.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

● Be 4-5 pages in length

● Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines including in text citation.

● Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.



Grossmont College Social Media Marketing New Promotional Strategy Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

I want someone to make a 5 minutes length of presentation which include minimum of 4 slides of PowerPoint and presentation manuscript. Below is the topic and instruction that I should follow. Also I put the link of textbook to see what I’m done so far. This week is public speaking which is why I need to make presentation and it’s in module 7. I want the both PowerPoint and manuscript by noon on this Saturday, October 17th.


Part 1: Your Presentation

Your task is to create a five minute presentation supported by PowerPoint slides. Imagine you are the general manager of a grocery or clothing store and you are going to conduct a team meeting to teach your staff about a new policy or procedure. Select one of the following topics for your presentation:

  • a new loss prevention policy
  • a new promotional strategy
  • a new cash handling policy

If you wish to present on a different topic you must first get permission from me.

Your PowerPoint presentation should have a minimum of 4 slides: a title page, content slides, and conclusion. You will Studio to record your presentation. You will also post your presentation in the discussion board for your classmates to provide feedback. Presentations should be 5 minutes long (see grading rubric for specifics).

Grossmont College Social Media Marketing New Promotional Strategy Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Arizona State University Leadership Development & Evolution Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Does not have to be a paper just responses to question

  • Why is continual development, learning, and evolution needed as a leader?
  • How do you see the act of individual and collective reflection linked to the act of change?
  • What are the best practices you have employed (or seen others employ) to support personal growth and change as a leader?
  • Who have been leaders (either you know personally or historically) who have had the courage to change themselves, modeling personal development for you and others? What have you learned from them for your own leadership practices?


Personal Trainer & Fitness Certifications Pre Season Football Training Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Choose one of the activities or events listed below for which you would be training a small group of people. All of the events are at the beginner level; improving general fitness (strength, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness) should be a major goal of the training in addition to the specific training goal.

  1. pre-season training for a flag football league

Describe the group you will be training. Give an example of two to three different specific microcycles (ie, strength, hypertrophy, long steady distance training, interval training, event specific conditioning) you would use to train for the event you chose. Next, explain how you would arrange these microcycles over time to train for a specific event. You must include appropriate strength, endurance, and activity specific training. Descriptions can be general.

300 word minimum.


Event: 5-mile charity hike

The participants will be a group of 10 senior citizens at a local senior center who want to boost their strength and endurance and have chosen this event as an opportunity to train for something and boost their overall fitness level. Training time period: 12 weeks.

  1. Walking endurance and “agility” training: Build walking endurance, improve multi-directional movement, and increase ability to navigate uneven terrain using cones, low hurdles, and steps. Incorporate longer distance walking on a track two days per week. Incorporate “agility” training one day per week, which can be done in combination with one of the strength days.
  2. Strength training: Goblet squats to a chair, pushups off a bar, body rows, kettlebell deadlifts, step-ups, overhead presses, rotational core work. Add in appropriate accessory work as needed: triceps, biceps, and rotator cuff work, medicine ball slams and throws, additional core and back work.
  3. Event-specific conditioning: Shorter trail hikes and walking on the track combined with lighter resistance exercises as in the strength training segment

Train microcycles 1 and 2 simultaneously for the first two months: Long walks on the rack on Monday and Thursday, gradually increasing distances from one to four miles. Strength circuits on Tuesdays (goblet squats, pushups, and rows) and Fridays (kettlebell deadlifts, overhead presses, and rotational core work).

In month three, strength train on Monday, perform walking and agility work on Wednesday, and perform event-specific conditioning on Friday or Saturday, working up to four miles.


Santa Clara University Potential Toxicity of a Novel Chemotherapeutic Agent Report Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a Biology project and need an explanation to help me learn.

7 Full pages.

this assignment is a resit as i have failed the first one however it is very much alike. so i have uploaded the old one and the new one with the questions if you just read through comments so you are not redoing the same silly mistakes i did.

All references should be very easily accessible and free please.
i have put 7 references HOWEVER YOU CAN USE LESS OR MORE i am not too fused

I also want the excel document sent to me please


Collin County Community College The Film Schindlers List Discussion Programming Assignment Help

Collin Film Series – “Schindler’s List” – Oct 12-16

Collin College Auteur Film Series

presents a free screening of

Schindler’s List

Online discussion takes place Oct. 12-16, 2020

(R, 1993, dir. Steven Spielberg, 195 minutes)

Businessman Oscar Schindler employs over a thousand Jewish refugees during World War II, saving them from the Nazis.

All films in this year’s series are free to students, faculty, and staff to stream individually at any time via the Collin College libraries. Some material may not be suitable for all audiences. For each film, there will be an online discussion forum featuring faculty panelists.

Links to stream the films and forums for the online discussions are available within a college-wide Canvas “course” created for the film series. Use this LINK, then simply click the “Enroll” button that appears to gain access to the course. The course will be placed on your Canvas Dashboard, where it will remain available throughout the academic year. (Note: If you’ve already followed the “Enroll” procedure for an earlier film, you don’t need to do it again. The “course” for the Film Series should still be on your Canvas Dashboard.)

You can receive up to 15 points of extra credit for posting a comment or a question in any of the discussion threads located in the Online Discussion for the film. You can receive up to an additional 15 points of extra credit for submitting a report on the film within one week of the conclusion of the discussion period, using either of the report forms below.

(NOTE: If you post a comment or a question in one or more of the discussions, but choose not to submit a report, you must send me an email through Canvas Inbox, within one week of the conclusion of the discussion period, telling me which discussion or discussions you participated in.)

Report Forms

(One report form below is an MS Word file you can download, fill in, and return to me as an attachment using Canvas Inbox. The other form is a PDF file, which you can print out, fill in, scan or photograph, and then send as an attachment using Canvas Inbox. If neither of those options work for you, simply send a message through Canvas Inbox with the questions from the form and your responses.)

Film report – Schindler’s List (MS Word)

Download the form, fill in your responses, then send the form to me as an attachment through Canvas Inbox within one week of the conclusion of the discussion period.

Film report – Schindler’s List (PDF)

Download the form, write in your responses, scan or photograph the form, then send the form to me as an attachment through Canvas Inbox within one week of the conclusion of the discussion period.


FGC Income Statement Analysis & Balance Sheet of Altria Group Inc Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

FGC Income Statement Analysis & Balance Sheet of Altria Group Inc Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

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