FIN 101 Saudi Electronic University Finance Question Economics Assignment Help. FIN 101 Saudi Electronic University Finance Question Economics Assignment Help.
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Assignment questions:
Q1. ABC company is issuing eight-year bonds with a coupon rate of 6.5 percent and semiannual coupon payments. If the current market rate for similar bonds is 8 percent, what will be the bond price? If the company wants to raise $1.25 million, how many bonds does the firm have to sell?
Q2. You are interested in purchasing the common stock of Inch, Inc., which is currently priced at $ 40. The company is expected to pay a dividend of $3 next year and to grow at a constant rate of 8 percent.
- What should the market value of the stock be if the required rate of return is 15.75 percent?
- Is this a good buy? Why or why not?
Q3. Raneem owns shares in HP Inc. Currently, the market price of the stock is $36.34. Management expects dividends to grow at a constant rate of 6 percent for the foreseeable future. Its last dividend was $3.25. Raneem’s required rate of return for such stocks is 16 percent. She wants to find out whether she should sell his shares or add to her holdings.
- What is the value of this stock?
- Based on your answer above, should Raneem buy additional shares in Honda Inc.? Why or why not?
Q4. Discuss the idea of diversification in investments and how can Saudi Arabia’s economy benefit from this concept?
FIN 101 Saudi Electronic University Finance Question Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Webster University General Dynamics Organizational Development Paper Writing Assignment Help
Final Project: My OD Intervention Project
The purpose of the final project is to help you demonstrate competencies in conducting an OD intervention. This project is called “My OD Intervention Project.” Although the project is hypothetical, you should write reports as if you are engaged in an actual project. You are required to apply the concepts learned in this course to undertake a major change program in a hypothetical organization.
Assume the hypothetical organization is facing dramatic challenges for which top management is asking for your expertise. As an OD professional, you are required to make an intervention that will help the company return to profitability, increase its market share, and enhance employee morale. The duration of the project is six weeks.
This week:
Select an organization. The organization can be hypothetical or your current organization or any organization you are familiar with. Write a three-page report including the following:
- Name of your selected organization. General Dynamics
- Provide background information on the organization. How many people does it employ? In which industry does it operate? Is it a market leader? What types of products or services does it sell?
- Identify the problem(s) the selected organization faces. What is the nature of the problems the organization faces? How severe are these problems? Are these problems specific to the organization or common to most organizations in the industry? What do you think are the root causes of these problems?
Mississippi University for Women Sympathy Literature Essay Writing Assignment Help
Essay Instructions:
Write an essay, a minimum of 400 words and no more than 700, in response to and analyzing (Paul Laurence Dunbar “Sympathy” pp. 1099, Vol. C). In your analysis of the piece you chose, speak back to it from your own critical thinking, personal experience, and values. Think of your response as your analysis of how the text tries to influence its readers rhetorically and how your wrestling with the text has expanded and deepened your thinking about its ideas. The essay must be in MLA style with use proper in-text citations. No outside sources allowed. Only use the textbook (Norton Anthology of American Literature, Vols. C, D, and E, 9th Edition), properly cited on your Works Cited and in your parenthetical citations.
Stratford Nursing Research Critical Appraisal for Evidence Based Practice Questions Health Medical Assignment Help
1. Minimizing bias and decreasing threats to internal validity is important to experimental designs. How will a researcher use the three criteria, manipulation, randomization, and control to minimize bias and decrease threats to internal validity?
2. Many times, researchers state that randomized clinical trials (RCT) provide the strongest level of evidence for an individual study when using an evidence-based model. As a researcher, why do you think this statement is true?
3. When conducting an experimental design, how will you as a researcher, use intervention fidelity to increase the strength and quality of the evidence provided by the findings of the study?
4. What is your cosmic question? (This is a question you ask your peers to respond to based on the chapter discussed in class this week i.e. Quantitative studies).
PA 6601 AMU What Led to The Development of The Belmont Report Case Study Writing Assignment Help
Attached is a document that summarizes the Belmont Report. This report is known throughout the world as the ultimate articulation of the ethical standards for conducting research using human subjects. Read the document carefully and then do some additional research to find out more about the work of the commission in developing the full document. Prepare an essay response to each of the following questions based on this document and your additional research.
- What led to the development of the Belmont Report?
- How exactly does the Belmont Report seek to protect human subjects of research?
- Why is it important to consider the ethical implications of conducting research on human subjects?
Responses are expected to be comprehensive (minimum 300 words per question), supported and defended with references to academic sources, and formatted in accordance with APA requirements. For grading considerations, refer to the grading rubric in your syllabus.
SEU Apples Jobs Resignation Case Study Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a finance multi-part question and need support to help me study.
Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs announced he was taking a leave of absence for health reasons. Jobs has been fighting cancer and also recently underwent a liver transplant. Even though the computer giant is in good hands with Chief Operating Officer Tom Cook taking over the stock price fell by US$6.40, or nearly two percent, on the news.
Jobs is widely known as a visionary and a micromanager. Under his leadership Apple has transformed the computing industry. While Jobs’ health outlook is unknown many investors are betting on his recovery and return. Those who bought Apple stock when Jobs stepped down in 2004 for health reasons made a nice profit when he returned to the helm.
Question 2 Marks
“When a financial manager makes good or bad financial decisions the impact of these decisions will be reflected in the company’s Stock price”.
Do you agree with the decision taken in the above case? What decisions you will take to improve the stock price of Apple Computers in this situation?
SEU Apples Jobs Resignation Case Study Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Capella Univ Supervisory Relationships Employees Intimacy with A Client Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Human services professionals have the unique role among most professionals of serving as an ally to clients, friends, and employees working together. The potential for engaging in dual roles (the professional and the personal-intimate) is a challenge to the profession, since human relations do depend on emotions as well as rational actions.
Consider the scenario of the counseling psychologist and her daughter, a mental health counselor, from the case example on pages 329–330 of the Becoming an Ethical Helping Professional text. This case study requires your decision on the most appropriate approach to solving the dilemma produced by the daughter’s relationship to her client. Suppose that you are responsible for supervising the psychologist in her relationship to her daughter and the daughter’s relationship to the client.
Evaluate and discuss the complex relationship between the members of this case, expressed in terms of dual-role analysis. Present your decisions for how best to resolve the dilemma posed by the case.
ISSC 411 AMU PCI DSS Requirements and Security System & Internet Security Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science question and need support to help me understand better.
In 1-2 pages, Identify what tools you would use, along with the testing procedures provided, to evaluate Requirement 6 of the PCI DSS. Make sure to identify a tool (as applicable) for testing procedure and state the tool you would use to verify compliance.
Below is the table the textbook: Internet Security: How to Defend Against Attackers on the Web
TABLE 9-1 PCI DSS principle and requirements. |
Building and maintaining a secure network. |
Requirement 1: Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect cardholder data. Requirement 2: Don’t use vendor-supplied defaults for system passwords and other security parameters. |
Protect cardholder data. |
Requirement 3: Protect stored cardholder data. Requirement 4: Encrypt transmission of cardholder data across open, public networks. |
Maintain a vulnerability management program. |
Requirement 5: Use and regularly update antivirus software or programs. Requirement 6: Develop and maintain secure systems and applications. |
Implement strong access control measures. |
Requirement 7: Restrict access to cardholder data by business need to know. Requirement 8: Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access. Requirement 9: Restrict physical access to cardholder data. |
Regularly monitor and test networks. |
Requirement 10: Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data. Requirement 11: Regularly test security systems and processes. |
Maintain an information security policy. |
Requirement 12: Maintain a policy that addresses information security for employees and contractors. |
Additional textbook info:
Requirement 6: Develop and Maintain Secure Systems and Applications
The sixth requirement under PCI DSS is to develop and maintain secure systems and applications. Hackers often gain access to networks through security vulnerabilities. Often security vulnerabilities in programs and software are addressed by the vendor, and they provide security patches to correct these inconsistencies. Continuous updates and regular maintenance of systems and applications can stop hackers in their tracks. By applying the latest patches and updates immediately, an organization maintains the security of its system by fixing flaws within software programs. This prevents employees, hackers, and viruses from exploiting program and software flaws. Appropriate patches must be tested and evaluated to determine if they sufficiently fix security vulnerabilities.
A few tips on maintaining application security include:
Remember, attacks can come from other sources besides hackers. Employees and viruses can be the cause of internal malicious activity within your network. You should consider insufficient training, human error, and intentional circumvention of controls as possibly introducing vulnerabilities.
• Keep patches up to date—Ensure all system components have the most recently released vendor-supplied patches installed. Patches should be installed soon after the release date. In a business environment it is important to first test all patches and service packs in a test system before applying to a production system.
• Develop patching and update policies—Many organizations choose to develop firm update policies that administrators follow. Systems and applications that are patched and updated are far less likely to be vulnerable.
• Monitor vigilantly—Administrators must spend time reviewing and monitoring for the latest threats and vulnerabilities. The monitoring of logs and system errors is often audited in a corporate environment. IT managers who fail to perform and document this kind of monitoring may find themselves subject to discipline by their employers, and may even lose their jobs.
• Configure automatic updates—Many systems and applications can be configured to be updated automatically. This takes the human error out of the equation and helps ensure that applications are current.
• Ensure development follows guidelines—Develop all Web applications based upon secure coding guidelines. Review custom application code to reveal security threats. Cover prevention of common coding vulnerabilities.
Implement Strong Access Control Measures
The fourth principle of PCI DSS requires organizations to implement strong access control measures. The requirements include enforcing the principle of need to know and enforcing technological and physical access controls.
Taft College Criminal Justice Criminals Behaviors Discussion Law Assignment Help
A 100 word repsonse to the following paragraphs
Part 1
The idea of “hard determinists” is one that I feel is accurate enough. I mean people are capable of making their own decisions and realizing that they are capable of committing a crime or not. Since everyone does for themselves. I believe people can be forced to commit crimes but, they choose to act upon it and commit it. Of course legally if someone is being forced to commit a crime and can be proven. Then other legal matters come to play. Yet, people are capable of making their own decisions. I personally do not think people are born criminals. Since everyone is who they choose to be. Anyone can be born in a bad community and be surrounded by dugs or alcohol. Yet, the way one decides to be is who they will be. I mean no one forces someone to be otherwise. Of course with years and experience one should understand the idea of right and wrong and should be mature enough to see what is a crime and what is not. I think criminals are different then those who are not criminals. Since, of course maybe their mentality is different and the way they understand crime.
I do not think it is okay to incarcerate people who could or have the crime gene. Since they have not committed any type of crime. I think people should be incarcerated if they have committed a crime but, not if they have not. I mean it would be a big legal issue. Since, what if those tests go wrong and what if people are incarcerated and then they realize that there tests were wrong? I mean that would be a big issue. It would cause more problems, in my opinion. I think this whole idea is complicated alone. I mean how would one be treated differently just because they do not have a crime trait. A crime is a crime not matter who committed it. I think this trait should not have an impact of society or the way people are being incarcerated.
I honestly think the theories for this week do not really go along with why I decided to engage or not engage in criminal behavior. Since, I believe last weeks theory was the one who really went with why I did what I did. This weeks theories states something else, that crimes are committed because one decides to. Which is why but at the same time its not why I decided to engage in criminal behavior. I wanted to fit in. I did it basically to win something back. To be part of a group one I could call friends. I did decide to do it. It was my decision but, I feel like I go ore with the hedonistic theory then this weeks.
part 2
the nature vs. nurture debate is basically stating that if criminals were either born to be criminals or were they nurtured to become that way. In my honest opinion, I believe it’s both. I have seen evidence that shows that biological futures in the brain can cause criminal acts or at least higher statistically to make impulsive acts. Which ties to having more of a tendency to being a criminal. But evidence also prove that people have the same biological futures but come out way different lifestyles. I watches a video of a professor explaining that his brain scan resembled that of Ted Bundy’s and yet he’s not a serial killer. Which is why maybe it’s more true that it is has a lot more to do with nurture than is does with nature. I of course do not believe people are born criminals, but I do believe people (even starting from infants) have different problem solving skills/emotional control. I think that can add to how a baby is nurtured, and if done poorly, I think that can statistically raise the percentage that that baby may commit criminal acts as a minor or even as a adult. So I think that goes to show I don’t think that criminals are biologically different than non-criminals, like law abiding citizens. “Law-abiding citizens” just haven’t “been caught”. In my opinion it is NOT ethical to pre-emptively punish individuals for having biological traits associated with criminality, it is far from it. I don’t believe in a “crime-gene”. But more or less i do believe in poor parenting. I think the theory of a “crime-gene” is the most weak mentioned this week. I just could not imagine someone incarcerating my child (having two) just because they have same biological features as criminals. That’s just insane.
Florida International University Tesoro Corporation Refinery Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
read the short case study and please answer the following questions:
- It was noted that Tesoro conducted its own internal investigation. From a legal standpoint, why do you think that this was an important item to note?
- Postponing maintenance and operating older equipment can result in an accident to a worker. What examples are you aware of when an accident occurred because of these factors?
- Companies often contest a government agency when they are cited for safety violations. This practice occurs in the refinery industry, as well as in coal mining. Instead of paying the fine or fixing the problem, the company fights the agency in an effort to stall the process of making improvements to equipment. What can be done to address this problem?
FIN 101 Saudi Electronic University Finance Question Economics Assignment Help
FIN 101 Saudi Electronic University Finance Question Economics Assignment Help