Final ESSAY HELP Humanities Assignment Help. Final ESSAY HELP Humanities Assignment Help.
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The Task: Please answer the three essay questions below (please see) using college-level writing skills. Be sure that your answers are backed with specific historical evidence drawn from the works we’ve read so far – evidence that convinces me that you’ve read the Foner textbook and all relevant assigned books and documents. In completing this assignment, use no other materials than those assigned in our course.
Citing Your Sources: Be sure to correctly cite the words you borrow. This is not optional but mandatory. To do this, please see the “About Plagiarism” tab under the week-1 Module for an explanation of plagiarism. If you borrow another author’s words, data, or ideas, use quotation marks to make clear what you’ve specifically borrowed, then immediately give a parenthetical citation telling me the work you’ve used, the author, and the page number. To NOT do this is to plagiarize, and that can lead to failing our class.
Using another person’s words or ideas without citing their work or without using quotation marks to identify precisely what you’ve borrowed is plagiarism. Ignorance of the term is no excuse and it will earn you an “F” for the paper and a black mark on your academic transcript – the one that is sent to the college you hope to transfer to.
I will submit all Final (Final Essay Papers) to an anti-plagiarism service.
In short, Good Student, do not plagiarize.
Other Specs: Each of the three mini-essays must each be, at minimum, 700 words long. If you have any question about this statement, contact me BEFORE you start this Assignment. It’s your grade.
If you wish to exceed the minimum word requirement, please do. In calculating your word total, I will not count your bibliography or title page, only the main body of the mini-essays themselves — your answers. Also know that the essays must be double-spaced throughout, typed, and that you must use Times New Roman. Be sure the file is in rich-text format (.rtf). No exceptions. If I can’t open your document for any reason, you will lose two full letter grades. (If you’re paper would have gotten an “A,” it can now only get a “C,” etc.)
When you are done answering the three questions in three mini-essays of, at minimum, 700 words each, please submit them in ONE RTF FILE, not 3 separate ones. Read that again as well.
Do the best work you can, start early in drafting your essays, and use your own words. Your answers must use as much historical evidence as possible from as much of the assigned work as possible, so long as it’s relevant. All of the textbook chapters we have covered so far, up to the deadline, should be utilized in framing your answer so long as they are relevant and improve your essay. Those who ignore the Foner, our main textbook in the class, will lose points.
Your assignment containing all three mini-essays must be saved as an .rtf file and then uploaded as an attachment using the button at the bottom of this page — the page you are now on. The assignment must be submitted before 11 pm (PST) on May 25th, 2016.Late essays will not be accepted. (For info on the .rtf format, see the syllabus again.)
Here are the Second (i.e. Final) Paper questions. Answer ALL THREE QUESTIONs for this Second and Final Essay Assignment.
- Lincoln observed in 1864 that “we all declare for liberty, but in using the same word, we do not all mean the same things.” He continued to explain what the North meant and what the South meant, and how victory meant a national norm as defined by the North. Clear differences in what liberty meant can be found between the 1.) North and the South, 2.) between Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, 3.) between planter and factory-owner. What were those differences in the three groups I’ve just numbered? List at least 4 for each groups and discuss each separately and at length.
- What does Foner say about the typical Southern Planter in the period from 1840-1860? Summarize his key points and cite what you borrow. In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, how did Colonel Edward Lloyd fit Foner’s generic profile? How did he not? Get into facts, names, and dates. Show me you’ve read both sources carefully. Cite what you borrow.
- A key theme in our course is the rise of Jacksonian America – a period that Douglass lived through. Where do we see evidence of Jacksonian America in his autobiography? First, define the term. Then list four instances in the Douglass work where it appears clearly and significantly. Discuss each instances separately and convincingly
700 words each section total 2100 words and 3 1/2 pages
Final ESSAY HELP Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Certified Ethical Hacking Executive Proposal, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help
NO PLAGIARISM. This has to be submitted to my instructor via a plagiarism checker.
Please see the attached grading rubric and “Executive Proposal Instructions” for detailed requirements. I am purposefully giving plenty of time for this assignment, so please dont start on it the day that it is due. I will tip generously for quality work.
Here is a summary of the proposal…
“Students will complete a three to five page executive proposal summarizing the purpose and benefit of a chosen security software. The purpose of this project is to evaluate the student’s ability to research and evaluate security testing software and present a proposal for review by executive team members. By completing the document the student will also gain practical knowledge of the security evaluation documentation and proposal writing process. The project will enable the student to identify and understand the required standards in practice, as well as the details that should be covered within a proposal.”
English 1984 to Modern Day after 9/11, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help
The Assignment
Write a paper of ten or more pages discussing an aspect of the life Winston experienced in 1984 which has a parallel in contemporary, post 9/11/2001 American life. If you choose you may use the ideas explored in class this term. You are required to incorporate the ideas set forth by Bly or Sanford (shadow), Huxley, and Orwell into your paper; you must include one other academic journal article for a minimum of four required citations.
- Use MLA style,
- Include a Works Cited list
- Write in third person and literary present
- Integrate at least one quotation from each of the four required sources.
Four Required Citation Sources: Use as many other sources as you choose
The following may be cited anywhere in the paper
1.One Academic journal of your choice
2. Orwell, George: 1984
3. Human shadow
Bly, Robert: A Little Book on the Human Shadow
Sanford, John: “What the Shadow Knows” Sun Magazine Interview
4. Huxley, Aldous Propaganda under a Dictatorship”
Huxley, Aldous “Propaganda in a Democratic Society”
Use your journal article, Huxley and/or the shadow either in the 1984 section or in the contemporary America section.
Papers of fewer than ten pages will receive a lowered grade. Late final papers -10
- 9 pages -2
- 8 pages -5
- 7 pages -10
- 6 pages -15
- 5 pages -20
Final paper suggested structure
Introduction about 1 page
Thesis statement includes the area of 1984 that is present in contemporary America
1984 section about 3.5 – 4 pages
Written as an analytical report/summary and establishes the ground for the contemporary parallel
Covers the events, practices and qualities present in the novel that also operate in the contemporary American area you have chosen to cover
General questions to address
What is the significance of the aspect in 1984 regarding
the novel as a whole?
how it functioned in Big Brother’s world?
how it served Big Brother’s and the Party’s purposes?
its influence on how the people of Oceania lived?
how it contributes to Orwell’s overall message?
Use your journal article, Huxley and/or the shadow either in the 1984 section or in the contemporary America section. All sources must be used in the paper.
Contemporary America section about 3.5 -4 pages
Written in a comparison/contrast mode
Introduce and discuss the contemporary American life parallel you chose to write about and how it plays out in contemporary American life
What makes the quality you chose parallel to 1984?
How does its function compare to Big Brother’s world?
What Orwellian purposes does it serve?
How does the aspect influence how the American people live?
Show how that aspect is parallel to some aspect of the life Winston experienced in 1984
discuss the similarities and differences between the novel and present day
explicitly state the parallels and demonstrate functional similarity between the two
explicitly connect the dots between Orwell’s novel and American contemporary culture
Use your journal article, Huxley and/or the shadow either in the 1984 section or in the Contemporary America section. All sources must be used in the paper.
Conclusion about 1 -2 pages
Sum up your findings and argument including
your observations regarding 1984 and today
the connections you made between both 1984 and today
the message you intended for your reader
1984 not 1984 unless you are referring to a calendar date
Capitalize the following; do not use quotation marks:
Inner Party, Outer Party, Big Brother, Thought Police, Newspeak
Do not capitalize the following or use quotation marks:
telescreens, thoughtcrime, doublethink, proles,
Slogans: “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH” or “Ignorance Is Strength”
Write in third person ONLY
Use literary present when quoting or discussing the words and ideas of sources
John Stnadford
Huxley in Dictaorship
Propaganda in a Democratic Society
SciTech Connect is primarily a database for finding? Engineering Assignment Homework Help Engineering Assignment Help
“Simulations Of Flow And Noise xGenerated By Automobile Outside Rear-view Mirrors” in the following citaion is:
Simulations Of Flow And Noise xGenerated By Automobile Outside Rear-View Mirrors in the following citation is Kuo-Huey Chen, et al. “Simulations Of Flow And Noise Generated By Automobile Outside Rear-View Mirrors.” International Journal Of Aeroacoustics 11.1 (2012): 137-156. Web. 24 July 2012.
The title of the article. |
The title of the journal. |
The author. |
The volume. |
What is the most effective prior art patent search?
Keyword Searching. |
Classification Searching. |
Google. |
Subject Searching. |
When would you search for patents?
To find out about a specific patent. |
To learn about recent inventions in a particular field. |
To find out if your invention has already been patented. |
All of the answers. |
None of the listed answers. |
To what does the following citation refer?
Hoffman, Peter. Tomorrows energy: hydrogen, fuel cells, and the prospects for a cleaner planet. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2001. Print.
A book. |
A chapter in a book. |
Newspaper article. |
You are in a class where the professor requires that your research be strictly based on scholarly resources. Which of the following search/engines/databases would be most appropriate for you to use?
Bing. |
YouTube |
Wikipedia |
All of the answers |
None of the answers |
It is important to cite all work you use in your papers to:
To prove that your work has a solid, scholarly basis. |
To show the research you have done and allow others to locate the material themselves. |
To give credit to the author and avoid plagiarism. |
All of the above answers |
None of the above answers |
Of the following types of information, which one does NOT need to be cited?
A word-for-word quotation from The New York Times online about economic recovery. |
A photograph of Rosa Parks that you found in Women in World History: A Biographical Dictionary. |
A paragraph you wrote summarizing information from a Newsweek article about bioengineered food. |
A list of three most important things you think students can do to succeed in college. |
Which of the following are advantages of scholarly articles available by library subscription over free resources available over the Internet?
They have passed a peer review by one or more professionals with academic credentials in that scholarly discipline. |
They have been indexed by professional catalogers to allow retrieval of all relevant articles on a given topic. |
They cite other scholarly work upon which their research is based, allowing readers to verify methodology and trace related research. |
All of the above. |
None of the above. |
Trademarks are directed toward protection of:
Manufacturer’s or service provider’s goodwill and reputation. |
Book or manuscript. |
Software. |
Musical composition. |
When evaluating a resource which is NOT a reason for selecting the resources for an engineering class?
Author affiliation. |
Recent copyright date. |
Featured as a cover article in Newsweek. |
Includes a bibliography. |
What is the best way to find an article on a given subject?
Page through print volumes of academic journals. |
Search the Web search engine Google or Yahoo. |
Search an online database like IEEE or Compendex. |
Search the online library catalog. |
Intellectual Property laws are in place to:
Define intellectual creations that are entitled to protection. |
Define how to obtain or lose intellectual property rights. |
Define how to obtain enforcement and compensation when the rights are violated. |
All of the above answers |
None of the above answers |
A Patent is:
A form of protection provided to authors of original works of authorship including literary∧ certain other intellectual works, both published and unpublished. |
A word, name, symbol, or device that is used in trade with goods to indicate the source of goods and to distinguish them from the goods of others. |
A device or technique used in a particular trade or (transf.) occupation and giving an advantage because not generally known. |
A property right granted to an inventor to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention. |
Which database was created specifically for engineers?
Compendex. |
Academic Search Complete. |
Web of Science. |
Science Direct. |
Which library tool searches all library resources in one place?
Knovel |
SciTech Connect |
Compendex |
Summon |
To what does this citation refer:
Thompson, Kelsey R., et al. “Distracted Driving In Elderly And Middle-Aged Drivers.” Accident Analysis and Prevention 45 (March 2012): 711-717. Print.
A journal article. |
A book. |
A chapter in a book. |
A newspaper article. |
Which is of the following is a scholarly publication
Engineering News Record. |
Newsweek. |
Journal of Heat Transfer |
Chemical marketing reporter. |
When can you copy a chart into your technical report?
When you found it in your textbook. |
When you found it on the Internet. |
When you cite the orginal. |
When your friend used it for a different class. |
The Task, history Essay Question Help Humanities Assignment Help
The Task: Please answer the three essay questions below (please see) using college-level writing skills. Be sure that your answers are backed with specific historical evidence drawn from the works we’ve read so far – evidence that convinces me that you’ve read the Foner textbook and all relevant assigned books and documents. In completing this assignment, use no other materials than those assigned in our course.
Citing Your Sources: Be sure to correctly cite the words you borrow. This is not optional but mandatory. To do this, please see the “About Plagiarism” tab under the week-1 Module for an explanation of plagiarism. If you borrow another author’s words, data, or ideas, use quotation marks to make clear what you’ve specifically borrowed, then immediately give a parenthetical citation telling me the work you’ve used, the author, and the page number. To NOT do this is to plagiarize, and that can lead to failing our class.
Using another person’s words or ideas without citing their work or without using quotation marks to identify precisely what you’ve borrowed is plagiarism. Ignorance of the term is no excuse and it will earn you an “F” for the paper and a black mark on your academic transcript – the one that is sent to the college you hope to transfer to.
I will submit all Final (Final Essay Papers) to an anti-plagiarism service.
In short, Good Student, do not plagiarize.
Other Specs: Each of the three mini-essays must each be, at minimum, 700 words long. If you have any question about this statement, contact me BEFORE you start this Assignment. It’s your grade.
If you wish to exceed the minimum word requirement, please do. In calculating your word total, I will not count your bibliography or title page, only the main body of the mini-essays themselves — your answers. Also know that the essays must be double-spaced throughout, typed, and that you must use Times New Roman. Be sure the file is in rich-text format (.rtf). No exceptions. If I can’t open your document for any reason, you will lose two full letter grades. (If you’re paper would have gotten an “A,” it can now only get a “C,” etc.)
When you are done answering the three questions in three mini-essays of, at minimum, 700 words each, please submit them in ONE RTF FILE, not 3 separate ones. Read that again as well.
Do the best work you can, start early in drafting your essays, and use your own words. Your answers must use as much historical evidence as possible from as much of the assigned work as possible, so long as it’s relevant. All of the textbook chapters we have covered so far, up to the deadline, should be utilized in framing your answer so long as they are relevant and improve your essay. Those who ignore the Foner, our main textbook in the class, will lose points.
Your assignment containing all three mini-essays must be saved as an .rtf file and then uploaded as an attachment using the button at the bottom of this page — the page you are now on. The assignment must be submitted before 11 pm (PST) on May 25th, 2016.Late essays will not be accepted. (For info on the .rtf format, see the syllabus again.)
Here are the Second (i.e. Final) Paper questions. Answer ALL THREE QUESTIONs for this Second and Final Essay Assignment.
- Lincoln observed in 1864 that “we all declare for liberty, but in using the same word, we do not all mean the same things.” He continued to explain what the North meant and what the South meant, and how victory meant a national norm as defined by the North. Clear differences in what liberty meant can be found between the 1.) North and the South, 2.) between Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, 3.) between planter and factory-owner. What were those differences in the three groups I’ve just numbered? List at least 4 for each groups and discuss each separately and at length.
- What does Foner say about the typical Southern Planter in the period from 1840-1860? Summarize his key points and cite what you borrow. In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, how did Colonel Edward Lloyd fit Foner’s generic profile? How did he not? Get into facts, names, and dates. Show me you’ve read both sources carefully. Cite what you borrow.
- A key theme in our course is the rise of Jacksonian America – a period that Douglass lived through. Where do we see evidence of Jacksonian America in his autobiography? First, define the term. Then list four instances in the Douglass work where it appears clearly and significantly. Discuss each instances separately and convincingly.
I will send you the all the chapters related to this assignment once I select you as my tutor.
Please cite within your answers like so: (Foner, pg. #).
This assignment should be 3 1/2 pages long (2100 words, 700 words per question).
Project Planning, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
You have been tasked with the project of organizing a company offsite 2-day training session in which people are brought in from different parts of the country. This entails everything from preparation, accommodations, and facilities.
Create a Microsoft® Project file for the project that includes the following:
- Create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) that includes all project tasks (hierarchically grouped) and durations.
- Establish task precedence relationships.
- Show milestones and deliverables.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
NOTE: The project plan should have a minimum of 25 tasks total. Each project phase (i.e., analysis, design, etc) should have a minimum of 5 tasks.
Think about all the activities (trainers, accommodations, food, presentations, etc) that need to be accomplished in order to host a 2 day training event. Don’t forget to add the actual training event plus wrap-up activities.
Project Planning, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Internal Controls, accounting homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
All work must be 100% original and include references. Both bullets must be answered. No cover page is need.
“Internal Controls” Please respond to the following:
- Examine the importance of the audit committee oversight related to the quality of the internal controls of an organization. Analyze the audit committee’s responsibilities regarding risk assessment and internal control monitoring. Indicate whether or not the audit committee is the best to perform the function.
- Contrast the opinion provided by the independent auditor concerning management’s assessment of internal controls over the financial reporting system with the audit opinion on the financial statements in general. Argue for providing both a qualified opinion over the financial reporting system and an unqualified opinion on the financial statements.
THEODORE ROOSEVELT, about 700-1000 words, Essay amercian history Humanities Assignment Help
An essay about THEODORE ROOSEVELT including these points:
about 700-1000 words
Also name important acts as the square deal
Present a clear thesis. In your
introduction, you must clearly express a view about the question you are being
asked. (10 points possible)
Demonstrate an understanding of
Progressivism by summarizing its goals and objectives. (Hint: to what were the
Progressives reacting, and what did they hope to accomplish?) (15 points possible)
Discuss economic issues. How
did this president deal with businesses and the economy, and also labor issues
if applicable. (15 points possible)
Analyze social reforms, such as
public services, health and sanitation, and political reforms. (15 points possible)
Evaluate the president’s
handling of foreign relations. (15
points possible)
Explain why this president’s
contributions to Progressivism were most important. (15 points possible)
Use essay format. Follow the
introduction-body paragraphs-concluding paragraph style. Your paper should read
smoothly, and your word choice should reflect your ideas and beliefs. (10 points possible)
Use proper spelling, grammar,
and punctuation. (5 points possible)
Accounting/ Taxation, Assignment homework Help Business Finance Assignment Help
Extra Credit
You are the top political advisor to Governor Billy Ray Pickins, (aka
“The Kingfish”) the Governor of Florizona, a southern state with a large
population of retirees. Florizona is
facing a large budget deficit for its fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016 (the
2017 fiscal year) and needs to raise tax receipts. A logical target is to attempt to collect
more sales or use taxes. As you know,
many Florizona senior citizens, with lots of money, limited mobility, and with
all kinds of time on their hands are buying lots of stuff from mail order
companies, over the internet and from TV “informercials.” These purchases are not giving rise to tax
collections to Florizona. At last
night’s poker game, the Governor told you about a conversation he overheard at
the national Governor’s conference:
“There was this big fat guy there, Chris Chris or something like that
who was blathering about sales taxes—something about an Amazon case in New York and a Direct
Marketing case in the 10th Circuit, whatever that is. Anyway, fat guy was saying that these cases
were a “roadmap” to collecting more tax.
So here’s what I need you to do.
Look into these cases and recommend something that gets us lots of
money—for the 2017 fiscal year.”
Kindly put together at least two legislative proposals for the Governor.
In your analysis, explain what the proposals will accomplish in terms of taxes
collected, how the proposal will work, how it can be enforced, and the political
consequences the proposals may generate.
Your analysis should also, of course, considerer whether the United
States Supreme Court will consider the laws constitutional and whether it would
be useful to obtain the assistance of the United States Congress and the
President of the United States.
An organized well written reply will be appreciated.
Creative thinking will be rewarded.
– Make sure there is no plagiarism
– It is referring to the most updated Direct Marketing case – the one from few WEEKS ago not years
– Amazon case must be referred to
– Proposals must be coherent and make sense
Fundamentalism in the media, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help
Discussion Prompt:
- Find an online example of an individual or group being labeled “fundamentalist” in a mainstream media source: in an NY Timesstory, or by a commentator on CNN, etc. Post a link to that source.
- Given the context in which it occurs, describe why the author/speaker of this source uses the word “fundamentalist” in their piece.
- Do 10 minutes of internet research on the individual/group labeled as “fundamentalist” in the source you found. Briefly summarize who they are today, what their background is, and what their stated goals (if any) are.
- Which of Mathven’s “family resemblances” of fundamentalism (traditionalist struggles with difference, doctrines of textual inerrancy, control of women as a visual boundary of group identity) does this group exhibit, if any?
- In your opinion, is the source’s use of the word “fundamentalist” to describe this group/individual appropriate?
400 words