Final: Narrative Analysis Questions Why did the implied author make Maria an

Final: Narrative Analysis Questions Why did the implied author make Maria an. Final: Narrative Analysis Questions Why did the implied author make Maria an. Final: Narrative Analysis Questions

Why did the implied author make Maria an unreliable memoir

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I would like you to post your answer to the second question from your final assignment.

Then reflect on the question and what you found difficult or easy. 

This is my answer 2 please reflect on the questions 5 sentences will be good

Question 2. The implied author makes Maria unreliable to tap on the reader’s emotion in an attempt to alleviate it, and at the same stance achieve aesthetic control. According to narration theories, it is difficult to distinguish between reporting and perceiving without revealing attitudes that inherently help the reader emotionally attached to the discourse. The narrator describes Maria’s suffering in the mental hospital, which connects a patriarchal world and the gothic experience. The narrator first paints the character’s situation, which inherently forces them to empathize with their states.

Another / and another succeeded, in which explanations were not allowed relative to their present situation; but Maria, with sufficient explicitness, alluded to a former obligation; and they insensibly entered on an interchange of sentiments on the most important subjects. To write these letters was the business of the day, and to receive them the moment of sunshine (23).

Achieving the emotions of the readers is central in this passage. Maria has been forced into the “confines of madness,” which would later cause her to be at the brink of insanity. Throughout the novel, the author uses words such as “unmerited sufferings and the fate of some deserted females, placed within the sweep of a whirlwind, from which it was next to impossible to escape” (50). Such empathy-driven words are intended to possibly persuade the readers to identify with the protagonist, who, in the novel, it is clear that they are often driven to victimizing situations.

Next, please comment on another classmates post.

Identify something in their answer that you appreciate and your reasons.

Also, identify if you share in their experience of answering the question.

Make sure to reference the student by name. 

“i.e. Isabel, I agree with you….”

Replied to this 4 sentences please

2. The implied author makes Maria unreliable because she was presented as a knowledgeable woman and continues to make the same mistakes over and over. In addition, Maria had an amazing imagination which makes her character unreliable as she constantly applied fiction to her real life. She goes from fake romantic scenarios to her current situation. How can she even wonder about such of life with Darmford as women back in that time were not taken into consideration. Furthermore, she wanted her daughter not to make the same mistakes as she did, however, as the story advances, I can see how she repeatedly makes excuses for making the same mistake. “These memoirs to you, my child, uncertain whether I shall ever have an opportunity of instructing you” (26). This statement is big as she really wants to protect her daughter, however, her idea of getting a divorce will not allow her to protect her daughter. “He now seldom dined at home, and continually returned at a late hour, drunk to bed” (34). As a female during this present time, I completely agree with Maria no one should deal with a husband who does not respect his marriage. However, unfortunately for Maria, this was not the case as wives had to obey the unfair rules of man society. Once again Maria is unreliable as she is trying to educate her daughter however, she was not the best example of decency.


Final: Narrative Analysis Questions Why did the implied author make Maria an
(/0x4*p>Final: Narrative Analysis Questions Why did the implied author make Maria an

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