final paper essay AND EXTRA-CREDIT paper before April27 for HISTORY(western Civilization ) ASAP Humanities Assignment Help. final paper essay AND EXTRA-CREDIT paper before April27 for HISTORY(western Civilization ) ASAP Humanities Assignment Help.
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I Need someone to do me the essay paper and the extra-credit paper !!
FINAL PAPER (( please read the instructions carefully and do as asked point to point !!!! ))
Please read the entire assignment carefully before you begin writing and follow its
instructions faithfully. Be sure to review the assignment again before you submit
your paper.
(The extra-credit assignment is on page 7.)
In order to make the assignment as easy as possible to understand, I have divided it, like the
midterm, into six sections: an introduction that explains the purpose of the assignment and tells
you which questions you need to answer, the rules for how to format your paper, the questions
themselves, eleven commandments for writing and submitting your paper, the extra-credit
assignment, and an explanation of how to submit a draft of your final paper.
Since the Enlightenment, the quest for the meaning of life, for a just society, and for truth itself
has become increasingly contentious. This quest is now our own, and to embark upon it with
any hope of success demands that we understand both its promise and its perils. This is why I
would like you to grapple once again with the great issues that our journey raises by comparing
the ideas of some of the prominent figures we have studied. To do this, please write a brief essay
of approximately three pages about one of the two topics below.
Each topic asks you answer three sets of three questions. Remember to answer all three sets of
questions for the one topic you have chosen. Keep in mind that although many of the questions
are based primarily on the primary sources, you will need to draw on the textbook and your
class notes as well. Together these sources offer all the information you need to answer the
questions effectively.
Before you begin, make sure that you understand and obey the following rules for formatting your paper:
1. Use a 12-point font such as Palatino, Times, or Times New Roman.
2. Double space your paper throughout except footnotes or endnotes.
3. Use standard one-inch margins.
4. Do not put extra spaces between paragraphs.
5. Print your answers on only one side of the paper.
6. Answer each set of questions separately; identify each set of answers by its number and letter;
e.g., 1a.
7. Do not use a cover sheet. Simply put your name and section on the first page of your paper.
8. Staple your paper together.
Topic I. Giuseppe Mazzini, Karl Marx, and Adolf Hitler
Take careful note of each of the questions I have asked. Before you submit your paper, review your work to
insure that you have answered all of them and that you have provided evidence for your answers
from the appropriate sources. Please keep in mind that these questions do not ask you to say with
which of these figures you agree or disagree.
1. Giuseppe Mazzini (An Essay on the Duties of Man Addressed to Workingmen)
a. According to Giuseppe Mazzini, why had the spread of individual liberty in his day been of
little benefit to ordinary people?
b. What did Mazzini believe is the relationship between love of one’s country and love of
c. The textbook describes Mazzini as a romantic nationalist. From what you have learned in
class about romanticism and nationalism, and from what you have read in the textbook about
these movements, why do you think this is an apt description?
2. Karl Marx (The Communist Manifesto)
a. In The Communist Manifesto, how did Karl Marx reject the liberal (“bourgeois”) understanding
of individual freedom? How did he respond to the complaint that he and the communist
movement were denying the “eternal truth” of freedom?
b. According to The Communist Manifesto, and from what you have read in the textbook and
learned in class, how did Marx believe that capitalism enslaves people and denies them their
true humanity?
c. According to the textbook, what did Marx learn from the conservative philosopher Georg
Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel about the goal of history? How did Marx believe this goal would be
3. Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf; Speech to the National Socialist Women’s League)
a. In Mein Kampf, how did Adolf Hitler describe the role of nationality and race in human
affairs? From what you have read in Mein Kampf and in the textbook, and from what you have
learned in class, what do you think was Hitler’s opinion of the character of ordinary people?
b. What did Hitler say is the just and natural fate of weak and sickly individuals?
c. In his speech to the National Socialist Women’s League, what did Hitler say is the proper
relationship between men and women?
Topic II. William Wordsworth, Social Darwinists, and John Paul II
Take careful note of each of the questions I have asked. Before you submit your paper, review your work to
insure that you have answered all of them and that you have provided evidence for your answers from
the appropriate sources. Please note that these questions do not ask you to say with which of
these figures you agree or disagree.
1. William Wordsworth (“The Tables Turned”)
a. In “The Tables Turned,” what images did William Wordsworth use to depict the natural
world? Do they suggest that nature is benevolent or malevolent?
b. From your reading of the poem, and from what you have learned in class and from the
textbook, what do you think Wordsworth and the romantics believed was the best way to
understand the deep truths of nature?
c. Wordsworth wrote that “one impulse from the vernal wood may teach you more of man, of
moral evil and of good, than all the sages can.” What do you think Wordsworth and the
romantics believed was the lesson nature can teach us?
2. Social Darwinists (William Graham Sumner, What Social Classes Owe Each Other; Karl
Pearson, National Life from the Standpoint of Science)
a. What did Social Darwinists such as William Graham Sumner and Karl Pearson believe is the
fundamental principle governing the progress of society?
b. From your reading of Sumner and Pearson, and from what you have learned in class and
from the textbook, how did they arrive at this belief?
c. In what ways did the advice Sumner offered for improving society differ from Pearson’s?
Based on your reading of the textbook, with which of Sumner’s and Pearson’s views do you
think the Social Darwinist writer Herbert Spencer would have agreed?
3. John Paul II (Fides et Ratio)
a. According to John Paul II, what are the fundamental questions that people of all cultures ask,
and what are the fundamental principles on which most philosophers of the past have agreed?
b. What did John Paul believe is the role of reason in the pursuit of truth? Where did he believe
modern philosophy has gone astray?
c. How did John Paul contend that the uncertainty that pervades modern civilization can be
overcome? In what ways is his analysis of our situation different from, or similar to, what the
conclusion to the textbook suggests?
The purpose of these commonsense commandments is to help you express yourself as effectively as
possible. For your convenience, they are divided into three parts. Please make sure that you understand
them and obey them as you write your essay and your extra-credit paper. If you have any questions about
the commandments, we shall be happy to answer them.
When you have finished your paper, it is essential that you go over your work again, using the
commandments as a checklist. Doing so will insure a better paper and a higher grade.
1. Answer the questions. History consists of more than random facts about dead people.
Historians tell stories that seek to explain what the facts we discover about the past mean. Do
not write a history paper that consists of undigested gobs of information.
Because you are writing a short paper, do not begin with an introductory paragraph or tack on an
unnecessary concluding paragraph. These will only lead you far afield. Get to the point, offer only
facts that are relevant to the questions you are answering, and be careful to tie those facts
together in a logical and meaningful way.
Your notes, the textbook, and the primary source readings have all the information you will
need for your paper. Keep in mind that the questions ask you, among other things, to analyze
the primary sources that you received at the beginning of the semester. Do not use any other
version of these primary sources, whether online or in print. Your grade will suffer otherwise.
This is not a research paper. The questions are straightforward and your answers should be likewise. You
do not need to go to Wikipedia or to other sources I did not assign to do your thinking for you or to amass
irrelevant facts. Such sources are sometimes misleading, often unreliable, and are almost always more
difficult to understand than the textbook and the primary sources. This is not an outright prohibition, but
you will be wasting valuable time and students who rely on other sources consistently earn much
lower grades than students who do not.
Please note. as the next two commandments explain, that if you decide to use another source for any
reason, you must cite it, just as you must cite the textbook and the primary sources.
2. Your paper must be your own work (this is not a collaborative project), it must be in your
own words, and you must cite all of your sources. Of course, we want you to demonstrate that
you used the primary sources and the textbook, and we expect you to quote or paraphrase them as
you answer the questions we have asked. These sources will provide the evidence you need to support the
arguments you are making. The same holds true for any other sources you may use. But keep in mind
these two very important points:
a. Your paper should be more than a mere compilation of quotations. Only quote
material that supports your argument and make sure that you make clear why the
quotation is relevant. Do not merely repeat what the quotation says.
b. When you do use someone else’s words or ideas, you must cite your source in a
footnote or an endnote even if that source is the textbook. This way, credit is given where
credit is due. You do not need to cite your lecture notes nor should you include a
3. When citing sources, be sure to use footnotes or endnotes as historians do, following the
University of Chicago form as described in Kate A. Turabian’s A Manual for Writers of Term
Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. It is different from the in-text MLA and APA forms with
which you may be familiar. You will find a helpful summary at http://
The correct form for citing a book is: author’s name, title in italics, name or number of edition if
other than the first, place and date of publication in parentheses, and page numbers; e.g., Joshua
Cole et al., Western Civilizations, Their History and Their Culture, Brief 4th ed. (New York: W.W.
Norton, 2016), 642. If you cite the book again, simply give the author’s last name and the page number.
To cite one of the excerpts from the collection of primary sources that we emailed to you, use
this form: author’s name (if there is one), title of the excerpt in quotation marks, Primary
Sources in italics, and the page number; e.g., John Paul II, “Fides et Ratio“ Primary Sources, 97. If
you cite the same source again, simply give the author’s last name (or the title if there is no author) and
the page number.
If you need to cite a webpage, please use the link to Turabian’s manual to learn the proper form.
Do not use in-text citations. Use only footnotes or endnotes. If you do not know how to insert a
footnote or an endnote in Microsoft Word, this YouTube video will explain the process to you.
If you are using Apple’s Pages, you will
find footnotes explained here
Please make sure that you do not use a footnote or endnote number more than once. Your footnotes or
endnotes should be numbered consecutively and in Arabic rather than Roman numerals (1, 2, 3, not i, ii,
Your footnotes or endnotes are the only citations you need. Do not include a bibliography or a
works cited page.
Plagiarism, the use of another’s words or ideas as if they were your own with intent to
deceive, is a serious offense and a violation of the university honor code. If you plagiarize,
you will receive NO credit for your paper and I may refer suspected cases to the honor court.
There will be NO exceptions to this rule.
4. Watch your logic. Do not announce a conclusion without clearly stating the evidence that
supports it. Merely using the word “therefore” will not suffice.
5. Beware of broad generalizations. Remember that not all philosophers or all theologians all or
all the members of any group believed exactly the same things. Phrases such as “throughout
history” usually indicate sloppy thinking.
6. Write simply and directly. Proofread your work carefully. Your spelling and grammar should
be as impeccable as is humanly possible. This means, among other things, that your paper
should have no sentence fragments, no run-on sentences, and no plurals formed with an
apostrophe; e.g., There were two soldier’s.
a. Do not use vague, awkward, and misunderstood expressions such as “factor,” “due
to,” “focus,” “lifestyle,” and “in terms of.”
b. Do not use the word “intellectual” when you mean “intelligent.”
c. Do not use the word “simplistic” when you mean “simple.”
d. Do not use the verb “quote” when you mean the noun “quotation.”
e. Do not use the word “impact” when you mean “have an impact on.”
f. Do not use the word “societal” when you mean “social”
g. Do not use the words “versus” or “contra” when you mean “against.”
h. Do not use the term “time period.” “Time” and “period” are synonymous, so write
one or the other.
i. Do not use contractions; e.g. write “cannot” rather than “can’t.”
j. Do not use a semicolon when a comma or a period would be more appropriate.
k. Do not refer to historical figures by their first names unless they are monarchs or have
no last names.
l. Be careful when using the phrase “based on.” “Based on The Communist Manifesto,
Karl Marx believed X” means something very different from “Based on my reading of
The Communist Manifesto, I think that Karl Marx believed X.” In most cases, it would be
wise to avoid using “based on” altogether. Simply say, “Karl Marx believed X,” and then
provide the evidence for your assertion.
m. Do not begin a sentence with “also.”
n. When writing about the past, it is usually best to write in the past tense. Whatever
tense you use, do not wander from the past to the present and back again.
Murky prose, bad grammar, and consistently poor spelling will obscure your meaning and will
lower your grade.
7. Do not use what I call dangling pronouns. If, for example, you write “In Sartre’s book he
says,” it is not clear to whom the pronoun “he” refers. Instead, write something like: “In his
book, Sartre says.”
8. Do not write long convoluted sentences or resort to obscure language. Do not use many
words when a few will suffice. Do not use words you do not understand.
9. Avoid the passive voice as much as possible. “The romantics believed” is more compelling
than “It was believed by the romantics.” At all cost, stay away from the phrase “considered to be” and
phrases like it unless you understand how to use them. If, for example, you write, “Giuseppe Mazzini
was considered to be a prominent nationalist,” you are suggesting that he might not have been
an prominent nationalist. You are also raising the inevitable question, “Considered by whom?” If
Mazzini was a prominent nationalist and you think it is important to say so, say so and be done
with it.
10. Remember to use a standard font, standard margins, and to staple your paper together.
Your paper should be printed in a twelve-point font on one side of each page, double-spaced
throughout except footnotes and endnotes (no extra spaces between paragraphs), with one-inch
margins. Your paper must be stapled together. We will not accept papers that are not stapled.
11. Your essay and your extra-credit paper (the extra-credit assignment is below) are
due at the beginning of class on Thursday, May 1. If you submit your paper after this date, there
will be a penalty of 5 points for each day your paper is late unless you have a documented excuse. We
shall notify you by email if we have not received your paper. This is the only reminder we shall send.
Please note that although you may email a paper if it is late, we will not accept papers submitted by e-mail
alone. If your paper is late and you send it by email, you must make arrangements to submit a hard copy
as soon as possible.
********EXTRA-CREDIT PAPER (( I need you to do it as well with the essay ))
Watch the BBC documentary “Stalin: Inside the Terror.” (
v=SIzApqzlP3Q). Then, in a double-spaced printed paper of about two pages stapled to your final
paper, answer the following questions.
1. In what ways does the documentary’s portrayal of Stalin and his career agree with or differ
from that offered by the textbook?
2. What were the two most significant things about Stalin that you learned from the
documentary that you did not learn from the textbook or in class? Why are they significant?
3. How does the documentary explain the love that many people in the Soviet Union felt for
If you do this assignment, up to five points may be added to your final paper grade.
If you would like us to review your work, you may email a draft of what you have written
about one of the three people you are discussing. Should you decide to do so, please keep the
following five points in mind:
1. You may only submit a draft of your answers to the questions about one person. If you have
not answered all the questions, you are welcome to submit the part you have finished. You may submit
your draft only once and only to one person.
as follows:
2. You must cite your sources in your draft or at least indicate what they are. We will not
tolerate plagiarism in any form.
3. To insure that we have time to respond thoughtfully to your draft, you must send it by 11:00 PM on
Saturday, April 28. You may, of course, send questions about your paper at any time.
4. Although we are happy to offer advice, we will not rewrite your paper for you. It is up to you
to apply our suggestions as you revise your work.
5. You may not submit a draft of your extra-credit paper.
final paper essay AND EXTRA-CREDIT paper before April27 for HISTORY(western Civilization ) ASAP Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
How are financial ratios the principal tool of financial analysis, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Must be 8 pages APA formate
Financial ratios are the principal tool of financial analysis. Ratios standardize the financial information of firms so comparisons can be made between firms of varying sizes. Choose two firms in the same sector; locate their current financial information both in terms of current financial statements and stock market prices. With the information, do a paper of 8 pages, with the following headings:
- How liquid are the firms?
- Are the firm’s managers generating adequate operating profits on the company’s assets?
- How are the firms financing their assets?
- Are the firm’s managers providing a good return on the capital provided by the shareholders?
- Are the firms’ managers creating shareholder value?
Whether to use clickers in the classroom or not, psychology homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Write a literature review describing and analyzing the literature relevant to a specific topic of research interest. Write the literature review consistent with APA style and formatting. It must be sufficient in length to provide the reader with a clear understanding of the problem you wish to address and the various issues related to it. The literature review should integrate knowledge and present it in a clear, organized manner. Do not use extensive quoting in your literature review. Limit your direct quotes to three or less, and use block quotations sparingly (no more than two in a paper) and even then they are part of the three direct quotes and must pertain directly to the topic in full. The draft literature review must include no less than 15(sources peer-reviewed journal articles on the topic you are addressing.
“Mark as Private Question/Answer” Final Strategic Plan Presentation, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Final Strategic Plan Presentation
Please Follow the instructions based on decision to complete the Strategic Plan.
Final Strategic Plan Power Point Presentation
Create the Final Strategic Plan. The Final Strategic Plan contains the elements of all the previous weeks’ components and incorporates instructor feedback. The strategic recommendations will be evaluated and the best options chosen for recommendation. The final strategic plan contains:
- Table of Contents
- Executive Summary (350 to 700 words)
- Company Background
- Mission Statement
- Vision Statement
- Value Statement
- Environmental Scan
- Internal and External Environmental Analysis
- Strategic Recommendation
- Implementation Plan
- Organizational Change Management Strategies
- Risk Management Plan
- Conclusion
- References
Create a 25- to 35-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes to present the strategic plan, combining all relevant elements from previous weeks. The objective is to sell the strategic plan to investors or company directors.
Slides must be presented in the exact order of the bullets provided above.
Required Resources:
Strategic Plans 1 –3 (Which I’ve provided in the Attachments)
Formal and Informal Emails, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help
Communication is big part of professionalism. Work communication (written and spoken) should always be professional. For this assignment, draft a formal (work related) and informal (to a friend or family member) email. Feel free to choose the topic of each message. Your emails should be at least 4-5 sentences each.
In addition, write a one to two paragraph response explaining the differences and similarities between the two. Would you use the formal voice found in a work email when sending a message to a friend or vice-versa? Why or why not? How does professional written communication compare to professional verbal and/or nonverbal communication?
Effects of Advertising Presentation, homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
- Fast food
- Research the Internet to analyze how that product or service has been advertised.Prepare a 15- to 20-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you investigate the role of advertising in a culture of consumerism. Be sure to discuss the following:
- Who determines ethical standards for advertising?
- In what ways has advertising affected American culture?
- What are the key persuasive techniques used in consumer advertising? Illustrate with specific examples, explaining how each technique works.
- Discuss some of the critical issues that may arise from the following areas:
- Children and advertising
- Advertising in schools
- Health and advertising
- Political advertising
- Find one example of a commercial that strikes you as particularly creative and appealing:
- What are the elements that are unusual?
- What is the target group of the commercial?
- How does the commercial appeal to consumers?
- Why do you believe this commercial to be effective in brand name recognition?
- How are ethical standards met (or pushed to their limits)?
Illustrate your findings with specific examples. List any references on the last slide.Format consistent with APA formatting guidelines
Effects of Advertising Presentation, homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Discussion Board Question Science Assignment Help
Question description
Throughout this course, many opportunities are available to post an initial response to a Discussion topic as well as to respond to your classmate’s responses.
After you have completed the reading, and without reviewing your classmate’s responses, post your initial response to the following Discussion. Your post should be at least 200–250 words in length and should extend the discussion of the group supported by your course materials and/or other appropriate resources.
After you have submitted your initial post, review some of your classmate’s posts and respond to at least two of your classmates. Refer to your Discussion Board Rubric in your Syllabus for specific grading explanation.
Beginning with the Big Five, compare and contrast Cattell’s 16 personality factors and Eysenck’s three personality traits with the big five (listed below). Explain which of Cattell’s and Eysenck’s traits are similar and which do not match any of the others. All 16 of Cattell’s and all 3 of Eysenck’s traits should be discussed. If a trait does not match any of the Big Five, discuss it separately.
The Big Five:
- Openness
- Conscientiousness
- Extroversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
Using trait theory, create a treatment plan for a hypothetical client who has problems getting along with others. In the technique section fully explain the trait assessment or trait tool you would use and why you believe that is the best tool to use.
about Comp and Modern English, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help
Assignment 1:
I have a class called Comp and Modern English. I need to finish a essay(Argumentation).
This assignment is very important to me. You need to have good writing skills and a essay without grammatical mistakes.
Note: You can not copy any sentence from anywhere, you have to complete it independently, and I will check if it has plagiarism. Please make sure you have a good writing skill.
Minimum Length: 1,200 words
Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt
Choose a subject that you can both evaluate and make a confident judgment about. Write an essay evaluating this subject. State your judgment clearly and back it up with reasons and support. Describe the subject for readers unfamiliar with it, and give them a context for understanding it. Your purpose is to convince readers that your judgment is informed and based on generally accepted standards for this kind of subject.
Topic ideas:
– A film or group of films by a single director or actor
– A hit song or music CDopy
– A live or videotaped concert or theatrical performance
– A magazine or newspaper
– A book
– A club or organized activity
– A contemporary political movement
– A proposed or existing law
– A noteworthy person
– An artist, a writer or his or her works
– A website
– A particular product or brand
– An article or an essay
Assignment 2:
Please write a grammar Assessment Journal : Self-assessment of this essay (at least 220 words). Like you think your essay where to write good, where to write a bad place need to be promoted later. Grammar and sentence. A self-evaluation analysis of the essay.
Assignment 3:
Practice building an argument. This discussion board offers a very low key approach to argumentation, but is a good way to practice argumentation. Choose a movie that you think is an excellent film OR a poor representation of film makng. Not a movie that you love or hate necessarily but one that you believe was done well or done poorly. Write a paragraph offering an evaluation of this film explaining why it is or isn’t successful in what it is trying to accomplish. Before writing your evaluation, write a one to two sentence summary of the film and its purpose and then give your evaluative, reasoned judgment. (at least 250 words)
persuasive research essay on why Syrian refugees should be allowed to come into the U.S, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help
These are two pages of a persuasive research essay on why Syrian refugees should be allowed to come into the U.S., with the goal of humanizing refugees as persons instead of terrorists (and why the link between the two is very low) as well as counter-arguing any form of opposition mainly coming from Americans that oppose their coming. However, many think that this came off rather confusing, with too much high vocabulary, and in terms of explaining my points.
Please keep the length approximately the same, and add any desired or necessary revisions of your own, for instance adding more supporting information, but primarily re-wording this for a freshmen in college.
The whole essay is available if you would like for your better understanding, but only the two pages highlighted in black frames must be fixed. That is all.
Discuss the relative importance of four of the following factors in causing the American Civil War, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Discuss and analyze the relative importance of four of the following factors in causing the American Civil War, providing specific historical examples to make your case. Discuss the four in order of importance, from most important to least important.
(A) Economic Differences between North and South, (B) Slavery, C) State Rights and Constitutional factors, (D) National expansion, (E) cultural or religious factors, (F) changes to political parties.
Your essay should consist of four paragraphs of six to eight sentences per paragraph. Because the question is distributed in advance, greater specificity and detail will be expected than if this fact was not the case. Make sure not to provide a minimum of quotations, no more than one or two for the entire essay, and make them very brief.
If any quotes used, please provide Work Cited