Final Project Computer Science Assignment Help. Final Project Computer Science Assignment Help.
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I make a website and now i have to write the following project of 10 pages. i need assistance from anyone who can handle this.
1. Problem Statement: Analyze the problem you identified and explain why the problem is significant.
2. Overview of Solution: Provide a clear, high-level description of your proposed solution. The solution should use innovative ideas and apply emerging technologies where appropriate (collaboration tools, social media, cloud-based technology, mobile technology, virtualization, etc.).
3. Methodology: Describe the operating environment including any existing technology that is used now. How will the proposed solution replace, enhance, or be integrated with the existing system or environment? Propose an adoption plan that supports the successful implementation of the technological solution within current processes, architecture, and environment. Explain the methodology, strategy, or approach you plan to use to develop your proposed solution. Your approach could include agile methodologies, creating prototypes, using traditional project management strategies, and so on. This section should also include frameworks and standards such as NIST, ISO, IEEE, and COBIT, if applicable. Identify risks that can impact the success of your project and develop appropriate risk mitigation strategies.
4. Tools: Describe the tools and technologies you plan to use to develop your solution, addressing data security, systems, networks, and other IT components in the design. Consider virtualization, cloud technologies, integrated development environments, collaborative tools, project management software, software programming languages, simulation environments, etc.
5. Requirements: Document functional, security, and performance requirements for your project at a high level. In addition, identify gaps between any existing systems and the existing operating environment, and the environment and system that you plan to create.
6. Compliance (if appropriate): Identify any standards, regulations, or laws with which your project must be in compliance. For example, if applicable to your project, consider FERPA, HIPAA, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, etc.
you will imagine that the key stakeholders for which you wrote your proposal gave you the go-ahead to implement your information technology solution to the problem you identified. You have designed and developed your project solution; now you must report to the stakeholders. In other words, for this capstone component, you will design and develop your project solution and then report on it. If you implement your solution, in your report you should include a summary of your implementation and testing. If you are not able to implement your solution, you may develop a model, simulation, prototype, or proof of concept as an alternative to developing a fully implemented project. In this case, in your report you should include a plan for implementation and testing. Your report must provide clear evidence that your project was implemented and tested (or is implementable and testable). This can be achieved by documenting a demonstration of the project in use or documenting an explanation of the model, simulation, or prototype. Consider using video or screenshots to demonstrate and explain your project. If the implemented project is to be supplied to the instructor, you could provide a user manual that explains how to install, configure, and run the software. You are encouraged to submit artifacts of the project such as diagrams, software applications, database designs, and process documents. Make sure to include clear instructions for accessing and using these artifacts. The design and development of your project solution should demonstrate professional-level knowledge and skills. Your project report should include at least one recommendation for future enhancements. Explain what you might add to the project if you had more resources? What risk(s) would you need to consider before the enhancement was implemented at some future point in time? What would first have to happen before the future enhancement was seriously considered?
The following sections are required in your project report, although you are not limited to only these sections:
1. Project Design
2. Project Implementation: If you implemented your project, describe the implementation. If your project was not implemented, how would you implement it?
3. Project Test Plans and Results: If you implemented and tested your project, describe how you tested your project. If your project was not implemented or tested, how would you test it?
4. Recommendations for Future Enhancements
5. Appendix: Supporting Evidence of Project Implementation: Include your supporting documents in this section. For example, your screenshots or user manual should be included here.
Capstone Component 3: Project and Professional Reflection For the third and final component of your capstone, you will write an essay in which you discuss the process and outcomes of this project, as well as how your coursework culminated in the capstone project. This may include discussions of unforeseen problems or obstacles and any unexpected surprises. The essay should also discuss your identified strengths as well as problems that you encountered while completing the project. Additionally, the essay should also explain why this project is important to your discipline and how it could contribute to positive social change. Finally, the essay will examine how the capstone project will be useful in the job market or for furthering your education. You should envision this component as a personal reflection on the capstone and your experience in the Information Technology program as a whole. For instance, relative to the capstone, you could discuss what you did (or intended to do), and then consider what worked well, what challenges you faced, and what you would change or do differently to make your experience better. In reflecting on your time here at SNHU, you might discuss where you started, where you have ended up, or where you see yourself going. Note that this component is not about evaluating the capstone itself but rather your experience within the capstone project.
Some of the issues that you could address in the final component of this capstone may include:
Overall, what was your capstone experience like? Focus on the big picture.
What unforeseen problems or obstacles did you encounter during your capstone experience? What challenges did you face? What would you do differently?
Reflect on the significance of the capstone in relation to your own experience at SNHU. How can you leverage your capstone project to lead to conference papers, full-time jobs, or news interviews?
What connections do you see between your capstone and the IT program?
How will you apply what you have learned to your future academic and/or professional life?
How have your current experiences and education prepared you for a career in the IT field?
What ethical considerations did you make or should you have made during your project? Why?
How did this capstone support positive social change, further or use emerging technologies, and demonstrate your strengths as an IT practitioner?
Final Project Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
simple question just 250 words …………………………. Writing Assignment Help
First part
Question 1- 1page
This first question will allow you to introduce yourselves and express a little of your pre-understanding of religion. First, share with us your program of study and how far you are in your program. Second, most people are taking this class to fulfill core or elective requirements, but what do you hope to take away from this class? That is, how might this class benefit you in the future? Third, when you hear the word “religion” do you have a positive or negative reaction? Based on the questions found on page 5 in your text, how can you explain your positive or negative reaction to the word “religion?”
Some information u might need my name sami im Muslim im sophomore. Maybe u will need information from the book
Here is the book
second part
Question 2-1page
After viewing the videos “Charter for Compassion” and Madeleine Albright’s interview on religion and diplomacy, answer the following:
How do these videos relate? What role does religion have in violence? What role can it have in tolerance and peace?
here is the videos
I need help with entire course Business Finance Assignment Help
Course Objectives
Course Objectives. Students who apply themselves and successfully complete this course will be able to
- Understand personal communication styles and adapt their own styles to the situation.
- Analyze and use an audience-centered approach.
- Listen and respond thoughtfully, including to those with differing perspectives.
- Create concise and clear messages to achieve different goals.
- Organize content logically and provide credible supporting evidence.
- Build messages across various communication channels.
- Incorporate visuals in presentations and documents.
- Recognize and manage the ethical challenges of communicating with others.
- Produce messages with minimal errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics.
#6 Assignment Writing Assignment Help
Writing the Compensation and Benefits Paper
This essay must reflect what is considered the current “state of the art” systems, reflecting both academic and professional (practical) orientations. The Final Paper must be 8-10 double-spaced pages (not including the title and reference pages) and be formatted according to APA style guidelines. This paper may be written in first person. This Final Paper should review the available research, discuss the implications of that research for the topic area, and provide conclusions. The paper should be organized into the following areas (use section headings to organize your key points):
- Introduction: The area of research should be described and the purpose of the research. That is, describe the topic area in terms of (a) its relationship to the topic and (b) what you want to be able to contribute to the training literature by writing this paper. Your introduction must include a succinct thesis statement.
- Review of the literature: Students must provide a brief historical view of the organization and assess the company’s current challenges. This review will include an examination of other organizations with similar situations, including the strategies used to address their issues. Students need to explore theories and strategies that could address the situation. Identify any areas that may have not been addressed in the literature used for review.
- Implications: Assess any implications. Organize the implications of the literature in a manner that logically builds the case for your recommendations. For each of your implications be sure to reference the literature related to that implication. Be sure to indicate whether the implication is one that has already been made in the literature or if this is one that is original to you through your own analysis.
- Recommendations: Based on the research, students must make recommendations for a comprehensive solution to the problem. This is where you tie all the pieces together. Make sure your recommendations are organized in a logical order that synthesizes your major points relative to the purpose of your paper. Be sure that your recommendations are justified and have credible support. Inspire your audience to think about the practical application of your topic. Remember, this is the last thing you are leaving with your reader so make the context of your message clear, communicate the impact of your topic, and leave a lasting impression.
- Conclusion: Be sure your conclusion summarizes your paper and explains how you have addressed the thesis statement.
Your paper should include:
- Must include a title page according to APA style.
- Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
- Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought and analysis.
- Must include section headings to organize your key points clearly.
- Must include citations to references that support the assertions made and facts presented in the paper.
- Must conclude a conclusion paragraph that ties directly back to your thesis statement.
- Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources.
- Must include, on the final page, a reference list that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
*Try to “connect the dots” between what was happening at Arthur Andersen and Enron, and discuss how each business entity’s set of events was separate yet impacted by the other. Discuss the issue of the partner responsible for the engagement being a relati Law Assignment Help
*have to give scholarly reply to the answer below based on the question in the question line above*
As I see it, the Enron Corporation leak of Internal Controls and Sr. employee’s with concern over the stock price and not the appropriate accounting treatment for Debt and Losses from the SPE’s which should have been consolidated into Enron was the failure and if there was a true moral compass held by Sr. level Management with a solid Internal accounting function reviewing quarterly results and reporting of those results reporting would have corrected this activity. I am also of the belief that the Arthur Andersen Consulting relationship directed the auditing relationship gave room for a blind eye to Enron miss reporting and lack of consolation of the SPEs’. It was only after the split of the Consulting Division to its own Company in Aug 2000 that resulted in a loss to Andersen Auditing of major revenue that was from the Consulting group. I do wonder if Andersen did not split off the consulting arm would the audit group have demanded that Enron report losses from the SPEs’ not consolidated and Debt / Losses for that 5 year period of over $500 Million in 2001. Maybe the Consulting control of Andersen would have continued and dwarfed the auditing group’s revenue and controlled much of their actions.
PIA on CAT4 of PenCS Computer Science Assignment Help
This assignment is to undertake a Privacy Impact Assessment PIA on Project/Product CAT4. The information about this project and its privacy policy can be found in (check under ‘products’ and you will see CAT4 then for privacy and policy check under ‘Privacy and Policy’ .The main purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to investigate a practical project, examine its risks in protecting data privacy by doing a data compliance analysis following attached documnet which contains 13 APPs (Australian Privacy Principles, Page 19-27 of [2]), and finally give your recommendations based on your understanding and knowledge learnt from this course.
Your PIA report should include 5 parts.
- Describe the project (Refer to ANRDR template [3]
- Map information flows (Refer to ANRDR template [3])
- Privacy impact analysis and compliance check (Follow each principle in APPs [2], refer to the table and questions in NPP-PIA-report-template [4], some example contents to be filled in the table has been included in page 2-4 of 7905ICTassignment-2020-2 [1])
- Privacy management — addressing risks and recommendations (Refer to the table in NPP-PIA-report-template [4], page 4 of 7905ICTassignment-2020-2 [1])
- Conclusion (What is this PIA about? How many risks are identified? What are the critical ones? How many security controls were suggested?
PIA on CAT4 of PenCS Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
A+ Tutor needed, no guess work and full working should be shown Mathematics Assignment Help
Problem 1: Solve the equation: (4? − 5)4 = 81.
Problem 2: Determine the inverse of the function: ℎ(?) = 2?−31−?3
Problem 3: Solve the equation: (1 − ?)2 = 8
Problem 4: Find the domain of the function: ?(?) = ???4 (4 − 3?).
Problem 5: Evaluate the expression: ???82
Problem 6: Find the real value(s) of x that verify: √? + √7? + 2 = 0
Problem 7: Evaluate the expression: ???1(1)
Problem 8: Solve: 3√6? + 9 + 8 = 5
Problem 9: Determine is the following function is one-to-one (explain your answer);
F = {(-2,1), (-5,-1), (3,-5), (1,-2), (0,5), (-1,6), (-6,7), (7,-6)}
Problem 10: Let ?(?) = √? − 3 and ?(?) = (? − 3)2, find (???)(7).
Is We Have Always Lived in the Castle a haunted house story? What does it mean for a house to be haunted, and how does Shirley Jackson build on or challenge the Gothic tradition in this novel? Humanities Assignment Help
Background In his seminal essay, “Supernatural Horror in Literature,” H.P. Lovecraft claims that “[t]he oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear.” Certainly, fear has played a powerful role in shaping the arts. As we have seen so far this semester, the literature of fear has a rich history and continues to play a significant role in modern culture, and we can trace many contemporary horror tropes, themes, and styles to the Gothic tradition. Continuing this examination will be your task for this project.
The Assignment For this essay, you will conduct individual research in order to respond to the question: How has the Gothic tradition influenced modern horror?
This is a broad question, so in order to craft an effective essay, you will have to narrow your focus and examine specific examples. Select at least one work of horror (short story, poem, novel, or film) to analyze. Through your research you will examine how the text you chose demonstrates the way contemporary horror responds to, evolves, or challenges the Gothic tradition and/or specific Gothic texts.
Is We Have Always Lived in the Castle a haunted house story? What does it mean for a house to be haunted, and how does Shirley Jackson build on or challenge the Gothic tradition in this novel? Remember, you may also find other primary texts on your own, and you may also make comparisons between modern texts and classic Gothic texts (either that we have read or that you find on your own). Some places to look for other texts that you can read for free include:
Nightmare Magazine (Links to an external site.) (for contemporary short horror fiction) Kanopy (for films, accessed through the library databases; first, create your individual account) Project Gutenberg (Links to an external site.) (for classic Gothic short stories, poetry, and novels in the public domain) Professor Parypinski (for personalized reading recommendations) The Research This essay will require substantial research in order to create an informed argument about your chosen text(s) that demonstrates awareness of what other scholars have said about your topic. You must include cited information (quotation and paraphrase) from at least 6 sources (including the primary text(s) you are analyzing). Your research will involve both primary and secondary sources.
Primary Sources include original literary texts and works of art (novels, short stories, poetry, films, etc.), as well as any historical documents from the time period in which the work was created (letters, diary entries, news articles, etc.). Secondary Sources include scholarly books and articles about the literary work, historical information written after the time period in question, and biographies. Assignment Requirements Your essay should be at least 8 full double-spaced pages with 1” side margins, 1” header and footer margins, Times New Roman, 12 pt font. Your introduction should include a thesis that gives your readers a main claim or guiding idea specific to your focus, which will be developed throughout. Your essay must include direction quotations from your chosen contemporary text and should include summary where relevant. It must also include cited references (quotation and/or paraphrase) of at least 5 sources that you have found in your research. Cite all sources in MLA format (in text), in addition to a Works Cited page. Use Purdue OWL (linked on Canvas) to look up proper MLA in-text citations and Works Cited formatting. Proofread for mistakes and edit for clarity. Consider paragraph organization and appropriate transitions to lead your reader through your discussion.
Knowledge Based Web Design Programming Assignment Help
Please follow my proposal in the attach and the questions also in the attachment.
My electronic shop of mobile accessories is “Emax”
Font – Times New Roman
Font – Style – Regular
Font – Size – 12
Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Capital and Underline.
All resources should be cited using CU Harvard style.
The final assignment must have a Title page, Table of Contents, References/ bibliography using CU Harvard Style and page numbers.
Title Page must have Assignment Name, Module name.
This week’s article provided a case study approach which highlights how businesses have integrated Big Data Analytics with their Business Intelligence to gain dominance within their respective industry. Computer Science Assignment Help
This week’s article provided a case study approach which highlights how businesses have integrated Big Data Analytics with their Business Intelligence to gain dominance within their respective industry. Search the UC Library and/or Google Scholar for a “Fortune 1000” company that has been successful in this integration. Discuss the company, its approach to big data analytics with business intelligence, what they are doing right, what they are doing wrong, and how they can improve to be more successful in the implementation and maintenance of big data analytics with business intelligence.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
• Be approximately 3-5 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
• Follow APA guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
• Support your response with the readings from the course and at least five peer-reviewed articles or scholarly journals to support your positions, claims, and observations. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
• Be clear with well-written, concise, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
The paper should be zero plagarism
[supanova_question] .The main purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to investigate a practical project, examine its risks in protecting data privacy by doing a data compliance analysis following attached documnet which contains 13 APPs (Australian Privacy Principles, Page 19-27 of [2]), and finally give your recommendations based on your understanding and knowledge learnt from this course.
Your PIA report should include 5 parts.
- Describe the project (Refer to ANRDR template [3]
- Map information flows (Refer to ANRDR template [3])
- Privacy impact analysis and compliance check (Follow each principle in APPs [2], refer to the table and questions in NPP-PIA-report-template [4], some example contents to be filled in the table has been included in page 2-4 of 7905ICTassignment-2020-2 [1])
- Privacy management — addressing risks and recommendations (Refer to the table in NPP-PIA-report-template [4], page 4 of 7905ICTassignment-2020-2 [1])
- Conclusion (What is this PIA about? How many risks are identified? What are the critical ones? How many security controls were suggested?