Finance Project Business Finance Assignment Help. Finance Project Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Assuming the role of an entering corporate officer, complete a financial ratio analysis for Inc.
This analysis should reflect a review of at least a three-year period of fiscal years ending with the most recently published Form 10K report.
Writing Instructions:
The discussion portion of the analysis should be three to five pages in length, double spaced, and should employ APA style and format for reference citations. Supporting data (e.g., figures, tables, etc.) and references should be limited to four separate items preferably presented in the written analysis.
Required Organization of Paper:
The following subheadings are to be used and the following topics must be addressed in the paper:
Introduction – The introduction needs to review the assignment or purpose of the paper. It also needs to include an overview of the contents that follow.
Presentation of the Ratio Analysis – Develop and present the ratio analysis for the company. It must include data for at least the most recent 3 years. Additional years should be included if available. The ratio data must include appropriate Solvency, Profitability, Activity, Capitalization, and Market Ratios.
It is necessary to prepare and incorporate a table(s) (tables are always numbered, titled, and show the source of the information) of the relevant criteria being examined in the ratio analysis and their present status. There must be comparisons to competitors or industry standards. Additional information can be included in the table. These data are to be presented in a table (numbered and titled and that shows the sources). The data are then to be discussed and explained in an accompanying written analysis.
Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis – This section needs to present a careful analysis of the strengths and weaknesses demonstrated by the ratio analysis. This section needs to conclude with a paragraph or two that explain and interpret what the analysis means on an overall basis and as the observations and conclusions are considered collectively.
Summary – Prepare a brief summary of the analysis and key findings.
References – Must clearly demonstrate use of a variety of the assigned readings and supplemental material.
Completeness of analysis:
The analysis must demonstrate understanding of financial ratio analysis. Use of academic and professional databases, business periodicals, analyst reports, and news articles.
The paper should be well-organized and follow a logical pattern of analysis and discussion.
Papers should meet professional business standards and meet APA formatting requirements.
Spelling, punctuation, and grammar:
There should not be errors in grammar and punctuation. All sentences must be complete and well-structured.
Finance Project Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Associate Music with an American Ethic Celebration, communications homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Associate Music with an American Ethic
-You will be given YouTube music links associated with holidays commonly celebrated in America.
-Your task is to be a look up the song title along with background information.
– Describe the music and action in detail
– Be as precise as possible; do not just grab the first thing that comes into your mind
-For example, people will over-generalize when it comes to the ethnic group. Also, it is all too easy to list the first celebration that comes to mind or one that is personal instead of public.
-Describe the music in detail. Use complete sentences.
There will be five songs which you are to answer the following 5 questions over:
Group identification:
Associated Celebration:
Type of Celebration:
Describe the music in detail:
The assignment is very short and will not take long. I uploaded an example of how it should be done.
This is only an example though and Part E should contain a little more detail.
WHO is William Gibson, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Some questions
1. WHO is William Gibson? Why is he an important science fiction writer, and why is he significant to issues of modern digital media? 2. Who was “Agrippa” in history (Herod Agrippa). What did he do? What’s his place in ancient history? 3. What is Gibson’s poem “about”? What does it say? 4. Why did Gibson choose “Agrippa” as the title? What is the connection between the subject of his poem and the historical figure of Agrippa? 5. How did Gibson present this poem? (It was a digital presentation that was designed to only last for a short time) 6. Why did he choose to present the poem in this manner? How did the presentation (in a temporary, digital form) relate to the subject matter of the poem and to the historical figure of Agrippa? 7. Was he successful in his intention to present the poem this way? If the poem was written/presented in 1992 and planned to be temporary and then disappear, how/why are we examining it now, a quarter century later? 8. Did Gibson really intend for the poem and its digital presentation to disappear, or was he creating a challenge for others to try to find a way to make sure that it did NOT disappear? 9. What does the existence of this poem and its digital presentation then and now say about our current digital culture?
Award-winning Case Studies in Workflow and Business Process Management – Case Study, homework help Computer Science Assignment Help
Write 3 pages of review of the white paper & produce objective summary in APA style format of the Paper – Award-winning Case Studies in Workflow and Business Process Management – Case Study. Students should also integrate answers to the following three questions in their papers:
§ What is the author trying to say?
§ What is the significance of what you read?
§ How does the material influence you?
§ How would you link this white paper to the course?
Papers will be graded for accuracy of interpretation, rigor of argument, and clarity of expression.
General Grading Rubric – Contents: 90% & Instructions: 10%
Managing Ancillary Utilization in managed care Health Medical Assignment Help
Managing Ancillary Utilization
Kongstvedt (2013) notes that the management of utilization is one of the most important aspects of controlling overall healthcare costs. Methods used vary from weak and mechanical to tightly managed.
Develop a policy and procedure for managing ancillary utilization in a managed care plan. Be specific regarding the type of ancillary service and explain how this policy and procedure will:
- Maximize resources
- Contain costs
- Ensure that appropriate care is provided
Create a presentation for the administration outlining your proposed policy and procedure.
Your presentation should comprise 6 to 8 slides (not including the title or reference slides), and should adhere to the APA Requirements. A minimum of three academic sources should be cited in text and referenced. Your slideshow presentation should also be accompanied by an audio track. Images used should include the source information in parenthesis below the image. (Example – Source: http: //
Business Form Worksheet, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Sample Business Forms Worksheet
There are seven forms of business: sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability partnership, limited liability company (including the single member LLC), S Corporation, Franchise, and Corporation.
1.Select one of the forms of business
2.Research and provide three advantages and three disadvantages for this business form.
3.Provide a 100- to 200-word summary in which you provide an example business for each form. Discuss at least one of the advantages and one of the disadvantages of that form and potential legal forms that might be required.
Business Form:
Business Form Worksheet, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Marketing strategies, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
I have project Marketing I do not know how can I do it I need a help
You are the Marketing Team for NEAR (Northeast Arkansas Rep). Ticket sales are down, and the Board of Directors for NEAR is on your case to increase ticket sales and get butts in seats! At the next board meeting, you have to present a new marketing plan/strategy for A-State Theatre.
You must create a digital presentation (using Keynote, PowerPoint, Prezi, Haiku Deck, or any other presentation program/app – be sure to save it as a PDF) that lays out your marketing strategy. You must include THREE specific ideas:
A strategy utilizing social media (something specific; not just “advertise on twitter”; choose/invent a specific marketing strategy—a special offer, contest, etc.)
A strategy that gets the involvement of a local group/ organization/ business
A strategy that involves a party, talkback, or other type of event that takes place in the theatre space either directly before or after a performance.
Upload your presentation as an attachment here in Blackboard; do not email it to me!
Additional guidelines:
Your presentation should have an introduction and a conclusion.
Include specific references to A-State Theatre and the Jonesboro/NEA community; how can you market to that specific audience? Think about that when you are planning your 3 events. What type of group might be interested in being involved with the shows?
Consider the issues raised in Chapter 12, the future of theatre. How do the concerns about the increase of digital and virtual communication, fewer theatre-goers, decreased budgets, etc. impact your marketing strategy?
Grading Categories:
Social Media strategy
Local Group strategy
Event strategy
and I will post the PowerPoint to see the mention chapter 12
The main question is: you have been asked to market to your own demographic = college students! So, what can this fictional theatre do to attract more college students and get them to purchase tickets to their theatre?
What you are to do is create a marketing plan SPECIFICALLY reaching out to this target audience and create a PowerPoint (or presenation) that answers in three parts (one social media idea, one event idea, and one partnership with a company/organization/group) that will allow this theatre to get the attention of that demographic (college students).
Think in terms of what is interesting to you! (If it is not going to grab your attention, then use your imagination to create something that will!) In addition, I may have confused some people: there is not an additional paper. I want you to create the visual for a presentation – BUT remember I will not be with you, I am looking at this on my own – so you may need to provide some notes in the notes section of PowerPoint or attach a short outline or explanation, if you feel anything is unclear or not explained in your visual guide. As I look at the PowerPoint Presentation, just make sure it is clear enough that I am not walking away with a bunch of questions.
**Finally, I want you to tell me WHY you are making these choices, and WHAT RESULTS you are expecting or hoping for. (THIS IS YOUR CONCLUSION.)**
Intro Political Science use SPSS (STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SOFTWARE), history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Need to use SPSS (STATISTICAL ANALYSIS SOFTWARE) to answer the questions below.
Once tutor is selected, I will provide you with the data that you need to use for 2 questions.
1. Your variables are gender and women_role2.
Here is your hypothesis: In comparison of individuals/respondents, females will more likely be in favor of women working than males.
- You need to test this hypothesis. Run an appropriate test (0.5pts if correct output included – include %).
- Find the variable relig_imp2. This is your control variable. Run an appropriate test with this control variable (0.75pt if correct output included – include %). Assess the relationship between gender and women_role2 (home) with those for whom religion is not important: tendency and strength (0.5pts), then with those for whom religion is important: tendency and strength (0.5pts).
- Compare the tables with and without your control variable. Does a spurious relationship exist between gender and women_role2? (0.5pts); if yes, why? if no, why? (0.75pts).
2. Your variables are Gdp_Cap3 and Polity.
Here is your hypothesis: In comparison of countries, those having high GDP will more likely be democratic than those having low GDP.
- You need to test this hypothesis. Run an appropriate test (0.25pts if correct output included).
- Find the variable EU. This is your control variable. Run an appropriate test with this control variable (0.75pt if correct output included). Does the Gdp_Cap3-Polity relationship have the same tendency at both values of the control? (0.5pts)
- Compare the tables with and without your control variable. Does a spurious relationship exist between Polity and Gdp_Cap3? (0.5pts); if yes, why? if no, why? (0.75pts).
reading and writing process discussion, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help
In a well-developed, well-thought-out paragraph or two that reflects on the reading and/or lecture materials as well as your own writing experience, tell us what your process looks like (do you need music or a quiet corner? Do you write late at night or very early? Do you write at work? Remember that your process is your process—there’s no right or wrong way to do this as long as it works for you). Why do you think you were most comfortable with the prewriting style you chose? (Clustering, free writing, outlining, reporter’s questions, etc.) Explain how you might address your writing process if it isn’t working, and then explain your reasons for choosing the essay topic you have selected.
Post a minimum of 200 words
searching only for a court case with specific conditions Business Finance Assignment Help
Please, I need court (case) must be about a legal issue facing schools today in term of (Discipline in relation to social media Instagram, twitter, snap chat,…….etc).
1- I want only link for the case it must have a Citation court number, the case goes through trail process in court and the judgment has been declared ( finished trail) Outline example (the offense and offender – the defence – guilty or not as court opinion and why – based on what )
2- Cases must look like Example this case down in the link in term of format.
3- Cases must be in Maryland (Baltimore) the USA. Also, it must be the new years 2014, 2015 or 2016 no older than these days
4- Cases must be Not about Sexual issues or anything related to it. Also not related to religion
5- Cases must be among the students in school. (Staff and teacher aren’t included) only student
Example case:…
( this example has been approved by professor, but the only problem it is not in Maryland State)
I need only one, but you can provide more the one link so I can ask the professor to approve any of them. otherwise, I will keep asking for more until the professor agree
Notice: I have to do a presentation about the approved case. if you interested let me know so I can invite you only.
[supanova_question] A minimum of three academic sources should be cited in text and referenced. Your slideshow presentation should also be accompanied by an audio track. Images used should include the source information in parenthesis below the image. (Example – Source: http: //