Financial Contagion and the Global Financial Crisis Writing Assignment Help. Financial Contagion and the Global Financial Crisis Writing Assignment Help.
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Read the Financial Contagion and the Global Financial Crisis case study in Chapter 9 of International Business: The New Realities, 4th edition. Then answer the following questions found at the end of the case.
1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the globalization of finance. How did it contribute to the global financial crisis?
2. Describe how the fall of AIG exemplifies contagion. How did the U.S government bailout of AIG benefit foreign as well as U.S firms and investors? Experts are advocating increased regulation to prevent contagion. At the national and international levels, what types of regulation might prevent future crises?
3. Several European countries have adopted a single currency, the euro. Describe how adopting the euro might benefit countries in Eastern Europe. What are the advantages and disadvantages of single currency regime in international financial transactions?
4. As the world emerges from the global financial crisis, what is the potential role of each of the following: firms, banks, central banks, national governments, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank? What is the role of national governments in stimulating national economic growth?
When writing your paper, be sure to follow these guidelines:
- It should be 4-6 pages in length, organized, and well-written in conformity with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.).
- Support your answers using 4-6 peer-reviewed articles/professional sources in addition to the textbook.
- Include a title page, section headers, introduction, conclusion, and reference page.
Financial Contagion and the Global Financial Crisis Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
write 2 lesson plans one for interest and another one for profile Writing Assignment Help
attached my readiness lesson plan and you will use most of the information almost the same just modify the tiers to be interest and profile
Also, I’ll give you a student example for interest lesson plan
for more details:
1. Only write one lesson for each – 1 class period
2. Have three tiers based on topic – Interest, Profile
3. Keep the same lesson plan that I did for readiness, just modify to reflect the topics discussed
4. Make sure the following are in your lesson plan
5. While I am not making you use the standards, I do want you to be sure your grade level aligns to your content you are teaching.
Grade Level/ Topic | |
Objective |
Know Understand Do |
Essential Question | |
Procedure | |
Materials | |
Performance Task | Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 |
Additional Notes |
Write up a half page summary of (each chapter). for 7 short books easy A Writing Assignment Help
Write up a half page summary of each chapter. for each book bellw
Double space and no larger than 12 font times/calibri. Upload summaries of each book in one document.
HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Emotional Intelligence (with featured article “What Makes a Leader?” by Daniel Goleman)(HBR’s 10 Must Reads), May 5, 2015, by Harvard Business Review
- Write up a half page summary of each chapter. Upload summaries in one document.
HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Emotional Intelligence (with featured article “What Makes a Leader?” by Daniel Goleman)(HBR’s 10 Must Reads), May 5, 2015, by Harvard Business Review and Daniel Goleman
Why So Slow? by Virginia Valian
- Write up a half page summary of each chapter.
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry. (Author), Jean Greaves (Author), Patrick M. Lencioni
- Write up a half page summary of each chapter. Upload summaries in one document.
HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself (with bonus article “How Will You Measure Your Life?” by Clayton M. Christensen) Paperback – January 3, 2011, by Harvard Business Review (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Author), Peter F. D
- Write up a half page summary of each chapter. Upload summaries in one document.
- HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing Yourself (with bonus article “How Will You Measure Your Life?” by Clayton M. Christensen) Paperback – January 3, 2011, by Harvard Business Review (Author), Peter F. Drucker (Author), Clayton M. Christensen (Author), Daniel Goleman (Author)
Principle-Centered Leadership by Stephen R. Covey
Please write a half page summary of each chapter. Upload summaries in one document.
Principle-Centered Leadership by Stephen R. Covey
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business Paperback – January 7, 2014, by Charles Duhigg
- Write up a half page summary of each chapter. Upload summaries in one document.
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business Paperback – January 7, 2014, by Charles Duhigg
Exploring Leadership: For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference, 3rd Edition Susan R. Komives, Nance Lucas, Timothy R. McMahon, ISBN: 978-1-118-39947-7, (COUNTS AS 2 BOOKS)
Please write a half page summary of each chapter. Upload summaries in one document.
- Exploring Leadership: For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference, 3rd Edition Susan R. Komives, Nance Lucas, Timothy R. McMahon, ISBN: 978-1-118-39947-7, (COUNTS AS 3 BOOKS)
self assessment paper Writing Assignment Help
. This paper will review and reflect on skill acquisition and the
culmination of your role-play experiences. This paper will serve as a global
assessment of your skills and areas for growth.
• The final assessment paper is to include the following:
Assessment of strengths and weakness of the session
o Reflection on the changes in your counseling style over the course of the
semester, including detailed exploration of what might account for
differences in your:
▪ Counseling style, such as client’s race, ethnicity, age, religion,
gender, sexual orientation
Content issues, such as Was the topic similar or dissimilar from
your own life? Did the topic hit your hot button? etc.
o Review your readiness to move forward in the school counseling program
Plan for the development of therapeutic skills
information of the role -play will attached shortly.
Case Question on Ethical theories. Writing Assignment Help
the question that must be answered:
Regardless of the conclusions reached in questions 5 and 6, has Frontier Gym acted ethically?
Also, attached is the document I will be turning in, you can read that to get more information on the case.
Read the case attached and answer the question using this:
Q. 7. Regardless of the conclusions reached in questions 5 and 6, has Frontier Gym acted ethically?
Use 3 Theories
- Stakeholder/utilitarian Theory
- Front Page Test
- A gym that knows people die inside? Or the one that saves??
- Categorical Imperative
You need to use each theory and decide separately if they were ethical or not. So not all theories are going to have the same conclusion.
Use the below in each theory
- What are the issues?
- Who are the stakeholders??
- Who will be impacted?
- What are their choices???
- Mission statement, who they stand for, obligations to the community, etc.
- AED cost, battery replacements, etc.
- HUGE COST to include AEDs inside gyms
Visual Learning Business Finance Assignment Help
Students will be expected to give a 5-minute PowerPoint presentation on the following:
Comprehensive information of the topic
How students can utilize or apply the information as a student and/or professional
Why it is important to discuss the topic in a First Year Experience course
Students will be evaluated on the following:
Introduction and Conclusion – 20 points
oIntroduction of self and topic
oConclusion of presentation
Comprehensive Content – 20 points
oEvaluates and explains the topic
oStates at least 3 main points
oProvides personal and relevant examples that demonstrate understanding of the topic
oDiscusses the importance of topic in a FYE course
Presentation Style – 20 points
oProfessional appearance
oEye contact with entire audience
oMinimal use of notes
oEffective and engaging style that enhances the presentation
Visual Aids – 15 points
oVisual aids are used in presentation
oVisual aids that enhance the audience’s understanding of the topic
oVideos are encouraged, however, they must be appropriate and no longer than 1 minute
Organization and Structure – 15 points
oPresentation is organized
oTopics of the presentation transition naturally
oPresentation is grammatically correct
oPresentation contains a Works Cited slide
Length of Presentation – 10 points
oPresentation meets the time requirement
Students who are not prepared to present on their scheduled day do not have an opportunity present on a different day and will receive 0 points for the presentation.
Students will not be permitted to email their presentation for partial credit.
In our efforts to be respectful, students are asked to refrain from entering the class when a presentation is in progress.
Visual Learning Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Modern Art (no reference, only book) Writing Assignment Help
Reading assignment: For the next two classes, read chapter 6, pages 111-135; you can skip the section on sculpture (pages 130 to 131).
- Next week on November 26th, I will discuss the material on pages 111-121.
- The following week on December 3rd, I will cover pages 121-130 and 132-135.
On the 26th I will also cover the precursors to Expressionism (Ensor, Munch, etc.) that I didn’t discuss during the Art Nouveau lecture, so you might want to take another look at that material.
Writing assignment: Compare the Expressionist art that’s covered in chapter 6 with the Fauvism we’ve already looked at. What do the two styles share, and how do they differ?
To explain these similarities and differences, compare one Fauvist painting from last week and one Expressionist painting from chapter 6. There are various things you could choose to talk about, such as:
- Similarities and differences in the basic visual elements of each style (such as painting techniques and the use of colors)
- Similarities and differences in things like subject matter or the emotional tone of each style
- The different artistic and social goals that each group had.
colt presentation word part Writing Assignment Help
This is a presentation word part, need total 350 words. The detailed writing instruction is post in the attached file, please check. This is like a final proposal and I choose to do the writing essay for my final project. The topic of my final project would be racism problem and inequity in US.
Here is the reading that can use in this writing :
Ta-Nehisi Coates, Between The World and Me (attached in file, please check). The other readings you can choose are:
Patisse Khan Cullors and asha bandele, When They Call You a Terrorist,
Claudia Rankine Citizen: An American Lyric,
Trevor Noah Born A Crime,
John Okada No-No Boy,
or Lynne Kutsukake’s The Translation of Love.
Write an Argumentation Essay Writing Assignment Help
Write an Argumentation Essay with more than 1200 words. Must use the 2018 MLA format. Use precise words and avoid grammatical errors. Three sources should be used in the essay, but the kinds of the sources are unlimited. References must not beyond 20% of the content of the essay, and must add the original reference materials at the end of the essay. The article needs high quality and original completion, absolutely eliminate plagiarism. There are 200 prompts to choose from, and you must choose one of the prompt into these 200 prompts to write. The 200 prompts have been uploaded to the document below in the form of images. Thank you!
What is a Designing a Compensation Package Business Finance Assignment Help
Designing a Compensation Package
Using the job description and evaluation method that you created for the exercises in weeks 2 & 3, and the feedback from peers, design a proposal for a competitive compensation package for the position, including the following elements:
- Job description
- Method of Job evaluation
- Intrinsic and extrinsic benefits
- Compensation package and rationale for same
- How performance will be measured
- Why the proposal you have created is appropriate for the market at this time.
- Compensation strategy.
The proposal should be formatted in accordance with APA, 6th edition, and the guidelines of the template provided at the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.). It should be between 2000 – 2500 words in length excluding title page and references. Be sure to include at least 6 scholarly and/or popular sources, one of which must be the course text
[supanova_question] It should be between 2000 – 2500 words in length excluding title page and references. Be sure to include at least 6 scholarly and/or popular sources, one of which must be the course text