FIU Adobe when I See Black & Coca Cola America Is Beautiful Ad Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

FIU Adobe when I See Black & Coca Cola America Is Beautiful Ad Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. FIU Adobe when I See Black & Coca Cola America Is Beautiful Ad Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a marketing project and need a sample draft to help me study.
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Diversity marketing refers to any marketing strategy that recognizes the differences within the subgroups of a target market, including age, gender, disability, religion, ethnicity, and sexual identity.

Multicultural marketing, more specifically, refers to a marketing strategy that recognizes the differences in culture and ethnicities of a target market.

Now that you understand how important a multicultural marketing strategy is doesn’t mean that it’s easy to create one and land among the best diversity ads out there. To put it all in context, here are a few multicultural marketing examples from brands that got their multicultural marketing campaigns right.

Successful inclusive marketing campaigns aim to break advertising norms by highlighting people or groups that may be under-or misrepresented. Accurate representation allows for your target consumers to feel seen, heard, and understood — and enables them to trust your brand and personally identify with your products.

For each of the following campaigns, answer the following questions. All questions must be answered to receive full credit.

  1. Based on your own analysis, how did each brand get it right and how are they targeting a multicultural audience?
  2. What stands out to you the most?
  3. What do you think the message is that each brand is trying to disseminate?
  4. Give an example of how each brand is catering to a multicultural market in their ad.

Adobe – “When I See Black”

Coca Cola – “America Is Beautiful”

Proctor and Gamble – “The Talk”

Fenty Beauty – “Beauty for All”

Bumble – “Find Me on Bumble”

Adidas “Here to Create”

FIU Adobe when I See Black & Coca Cola America Is Beautiful Ad Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UPD 00303 Higher Colleges of Technology Marketing Strategy Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a entrepreneurship report and need support to help me study.

  • 1700 words required .
  • You must work on the template given and do not change the template.
  • The space break given in the guidelines indicates that you must start a new paragraph.
  • The Course Work word limit is 1700 words:
  • Use black colour for the text
  • Use Arial font and size 11
  • 1.5 spacing between lines
  • Leave single space between paragraphs.
  • Leave 1-inch margin on all side
  • Make Sure the Name of Group Members, Student Numbers, Contribution and
  • Signatures are all filled appropriately


    Florida International Chapter 1 Development of Workplace Dynamics and Executive Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me learn.

    Syllabus Description:

    Current Affairs in Executive Development: The professor will provide a reading to the entire class about a topic in the news that relates to issues in executive development and workplace dynamics. EVERYONE MUST READ THE ARTICLE!

    All student must provide one response to the posting. You will need to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate the article’s importance to our understanding of current trends in executive development and workplace dynamics. DO NOT SUMMARIZE! Use the readings form the class (i.e., text, PDFs, and videos) to help provide a vocabulary for understanding executive development.

    You will be assessed on your ability to clearly identify the problems of the case, provide clear solutions, and generally apply the material from this course to understanding and solving issues in executive development and management more generally.

    In addition, you will need to comment on the responses of at least two others (three postings minimum). The purpose of the response is to demonstrate your ability to explain and apply the topics of this course (readings, videos, etc.). Therefore, if all you say is something to the effect of, “I agree!” “She has a point” or “I don’t agree” and fail to provide any further explanation or context, well, then you can expect NOT to get any points for that type of response…sorry, not sorry.

    Article to Read:The Ultimate Guide to Micromanagers

    use these for references to use in discussion:

    and the two pdfs


    Georgia Christian University Module 13 Implementation of Single Payer System Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    I’m working on a health & medical question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

    You must also respond to one of your classmates’ posts prior to Saturday night at 11:59 pm. For follow up posts, you want to add something new to what was already posted (find a case study on the topic and summarize the findings, find a research study and share the statistical findings with the class, provide a real world example of the topic to the class, etc). The post should be at least 250 words.

    the advantages of a single-payer system. Why are any attempts to reform the US Healthcare system not based on the single-payer approach?

    As our book states, a single-payer system in the United States would be similar to Medicaid’s program, in which beneficiaries get tax-financed healthcare, but with more controls on how that healthcare is delivered. An advantage of a single- payer system is “universal coverage” for all. Everyone would have health insurance under a one health insurance plan, and have access to necessary services including doctors, hospitals, long-term care, prescription drugs, dentist and vision care. However, individuals may still choose where they receive care. It is a lot like Medicare however, a single-player system would not have any eligibility criteria like Medicaid and Medicare. Another advantage to a single-player system would be a healthier population. People would have access to coverage meaning they would be able to obtain preventative services. When people do not have coverage or access to quality coverage, they lose out on many benefits. When compared to other countries the healthcare spending per capita in the US is significantly higher than any other nation in the world. With a single-payer system there would be reduced spending per capita. Although universal coverage for all Americans sounds ideal tax burden would roughly double for tax payers. Another reason the US healthcare system is not based on a single-payer approach is due waiting times for procedures increasing. In 2017, Canadians were on a waiting list for an estimated 1,040,791 total procedures including surgery for, hip, knew, ankles and shoulders. The estimated wait time was 20 weeks to 52 weeks. Lasty, many believe government-run health care cannot deliver on its promises and that it would impose unprecedented taxes on Americans, deliver subpar care to patients, and put government in charge of personal health care decisions.


    Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2010). Essentials of the US health care system. In Essentials of the US health care system (p. 341). Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett.

    Baldacci, M. (n.d.). Why single-payer would make health Care worse for Americans. Retrieved April 15, 2021, from…


    MGT 324 Saudi Electronic Code of Ethics for the Maintenance of Society Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a management presentation and need support to help me study.

    read the file clearly and please don’t copy or paste anything. please use the same file with the same cover page.

    assignment question is:

    Write an essay in about 1000-1200 words on the following topic.

    Provide a statement explaining your own personal code of ethics. Include at least 4 codes in your answer with enough explanation and examples. Refer to concepts learned in class or in the textbook and link them to your justification.

    In addition, discuss whether personal code of ethics could clash with organizational ethics. Some people believe, that personal ethics and organization’s ethics are two different and



    The Workplaces and Private Government Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    I’m working on a philosophy writing question and need support to help me learn.

    Essay Prompts for the Final Paper

    Develop a defensible, interesting thesis in response to this prompt, and write a 6 to 8 page paper that supports your thesis.

    Q- Anderson argues that workplaces can function as “private governments”. What are her arguments for this claim? In what ways is she building on the republican theory of freedom developed by Pettit? Give a critical assessment of her ideas: in what ways is she right and in what ways is she wrong?

    The Workplaces and Private Government Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Jawaharlal Nehru Technology International Business Machines Corporation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a communications project and need support to help me learn.

    Develop a disaster recovery plan for an organization. There are many different templates available online for you to use as reference and guidance. Your plan should cover the following sections (these sections detail the elements in a DR plan in the sequence defined by industry compliance standards ISO 27031 and ISO 24762).

    This section should summarize key action steps (such as where to assemble employees if forced to evacuate the building) and list key contacts with contact information for ease of authorizing and launching the plan.

    • Introduction
    • Roles and Responsibilities
    • Incident Response
    • Plan Activation
    • Document History
    • Procedures

    Your paper should meet the following requirements:

    • Be approximately six to eight pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
    • Follow APA 7 guidelines. paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion..
    • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques.


    University of North Carolina at Pembroke MOD3 Marketing Strategy Plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a marketing project and need a sample draft to help me study.

    Table of Contents: Major headings – maybe 6 – 10 with reference to the correct page number. Of course, this requires that you PUT page numbers on all pages. (Note: page numbers start AFTER the table of contents, so page 1 will be your executive summary)

    Executive summary (1/2 – 1 page): The “if they only read one page, this is what they need to know” page.

    Section 1: This is your IMPROVED version of the MODULE 3 homework where you addressed MAJOR issues in your work. Anything where you received 1/2 credit or less should be addressed.

    Section 2: This is your IMPROVED version of the MODULE 5 homework where you addressed MAJOR issues in your work. Anything where you received 1/2 credit or less should be addressed.

    Channels: THIS WILL VARY GREATLY depending on your business, but some guidelines:

    Main channel: Describe it thoroughly (i.e., you do not need to name your distributor, but you must state that you are using one; you do not need to list all the retailers, but help us understand the type – discount chains such as Wal-mart). Why did you use this chain? If you are a retailer – or certain other links directly to the customer – you should describe to some extent the buyer experience (location, ambience, etc.) (1/2 page to several)

    Additional channels: most of you will likely use multi-channel marketing. You’ve defined your main one in detail; for this section, list the other options you will use with a sentence or two. (1/2 page)

    MARKETING COMMUNICATION: You have studied a dozen or so marketing techniques. Use Advertising and one other major method and describe how you will use them in detail. Let’s use Disney for an example for advertising.

    * What is the message and how is it encoded? If the message is “Disney is family fun” then I might encode by using bright colors, a happy family in the park laughing and holding hands with Disney characters.

    * What is the objective? Look at response hierarchy models or communication objectives (pg 225 & following). Continuing with my Disney example, I’m probably in the affective stage of most hierarchy models – wanting to generate interest, desire, preference, liking. Not cognitive as Disney is well known (in most parts of the world, anyway). And probably not behavioral unless my ad includes a special promotional price, etc.

    * What media? The above example could be television or print ads. I might use it on my Website or e-mail (using my marketing database), post on certain social media, mail . . . Lots of options – but radio would definitely change the encoding I suggested earlier.

    *Provide a draft: Okay, I know you are not all artists, but can describe (as I did above, but with a bit more detail), do a stick figure sketch, write a draft script or press release, describe how you’ll use your database, describe how you connect with the customer, etc. etc..

    NOTE: As the methods differ considerably, you may need to rethink some of the terms particularly in conjunction with your objectives . For example, a “2-for-1” promotion seems pretty obvious for encoding, but if your objective is to get the customer to purchase/try the product, “2 for 1” is an excellent way to encode that, but rebate might not be. I’m really looking for coherency with your whole plan (e.g., database marketing may not be a key method for a hot dog food truck – but maybe it is? Convince me!) Moreover, I am looking for SUPPORT for your decisions: “Since my target market is millennials, I will focus on social media.”

    Page length: for some this might be a page per method. For others, it might be several pages per method. If you do want to include a sketch, a link to your radio ad, etc. that’s great.

    Other Planned Marketing Communication: Okay, you have thoroughly described two. In a paragraph, briefly touch on other forms that you might use. (what and why)

    As before, we will be looking for coherency, proper grammar, good spelling, professional writing, objectivity (no I, we, etc.) etc. Don’t forget your references! Pull them from all section to the end of the document.


    Excelsior College Wilson Family Budget Summary Excel Task Computer Science Assignment Help

    I’m working on a computer science question and need guidance to help me understand better.

    n this activity, you will help a fictitious family in preparing their

    family budget. For this, you will first read the following scenario,

    and then complete the steps given below.

    Thomas and Alison Wilson are a recently married couple in San
    Diego, CA. Thomas is currently working and attending college online.
    Alison is an Account Representative for Sleek Clothing Co. They want to
    manage their family budget, but they need help.

    You volunteered to help them using MS
    Excel to set up the formulas and functions to project their monthly
    expenses and help them meet their financial goals. Complete the

    1. Open the Wilson workbook. Select the following link to access the Wilson workbook: Wilson Workbook


      [XLS file size 13.2 KB] There are two
      worksheets. The first is labeled “Documentation” and the second is
      labeled “Budget.” Save the workbook as Wilson_Budget.xlsx.
    2. In cells B3 and B4 of the Documentation sheet, enter your name and the date.
    3. Go to the Budget worksheet. In cell B7, calculate the couple’s total monthly income.
    4. In row 23, use AutoFill to replace the numbers 1 through 12 with the month abbreviations Jan through Dec.
    5. In rows 24 and 25, enter the couple’s monthly income in each cell by
      referencing the monthly income estimates in cells B5 and B6. Use an
      absolute cell reference.
    6. In row 26, calculate the couple’s monthly income.
    7. In row 37, enter formulas to calculate the total estimated expenses for each month.
    8. In row 38, calculate each month’s net cash flow, which is equal to the total income minus the total expenses.
    9. In row 39, calculate the running total value of the net cash flow so
      that Alison and Thomas can see how their net cash flow changes as the
      year progresses. In the first month, the running total value is equal to
      the net cash flow value. For the remaining months, the running total is
      equal to the previous month’s running total plus the current month’s
      net cash flow value.
    10. In the range B10:B19, calculate the average monthly expense for each line item based on the values in rows 27 through 36.
    11. In cell B20, calculate the total of the average monthly expenses.
    12. The couple currently has $7,350 in their savings account. Each
      month, the couple will take money out of their savings account or
      deposit money into their savings account. In row 41, calculate the
      end-of-month balance in their savings account. In the first month, the
      end-of-month balance is calculated by adding the value in cell E5 to the
      Net Cash Flow value in row 38. For the remaining months, the
      end-of-month balance in their savings account is equal to the previous
      month’s end-of-month balance plus the current month’s Net Cash Flow
    13. In cell E6, enter a formula to display the value of the savings
      balance at the end of December.Thomas and Alison would like to have
      $15,000 in their savings account by the end of the year. Alison is
      planning to ask for a raise at her job. Determine the new value of
      Alison’s monthly salary that will achieve a final savings balance of
      $15,000 (Hint: Use the what-If analysis, goal seek – don’t click OK
      write down the answer and click cancel). Enter the correct answer you’ve received after using goal seek in cell 16.
    14. Save and close the workbook.
    15. Once you have successfully completed all the steps in this assignment, submit your Wilson_Budget workbook.


    San Diego State University Global Citizens Discussion Post Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a communications question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

    Discussion Post #11: Global Citizens (GRADED ASSIGNMENT)

    201201 unread replies.201201 replies.

    For the final discussion of this semester, I want you to self-reflect on what it means to be a global citizen and how you can take what you have learned from this course to better the world that we are all a part of. (500 words min. for your response).

    First, please read my thoughts on the matter.

    At times I’ve felt optimistic. At times I’ve felt pessimistic. At times I’ve loved and yearned to be loved. At times I’ve avoided human connection and sulked in a self-perpetuated solitude. Life is dynamic, as are my feelings; as are your feelings. The world is full of hate yet paralleled by an infinite abundance of love. It is easy falling into feelings of despair as there are many reminders all around to the destructive tendencies of humans toward one another and also our planet. Yet, within these reminders to the inherent darkness that permeates our existence there are moments of hope, moments of encouragement, moments that remind us that we, the human species, possess the ability to make the world a better place. Whether it is changing the life of one, or positively changing the lives of many, every single one of us is capable of so much more than we realize.

    I actively remind myself to be the change I hope to see in others. Although I’m far from perfect and have days where I feel down and would rather sulk in my own sorrows than remind myself to love and practice gratitude, I will never give up on doing what I can to make our world a better place.

    This week, I encourage and invite you to reflect on how you can also make a positive impact in your life and the lives of others. The website located below contains 3 global issues (“Defeat Poverty”, “Defend the Planet”, and “Demand Equity”). Click on the one you feel most connected to, read more about this topic, and then respond to the prompts below.



    1. Why do you feel connected to this topic?
    2. How can contributing toward this cause benefit yourself and others?
    3. Explain the relationship between your communication skills and your ability to contribute toward this cause.
    4. How can your communication skills be enhanced to better align with your role as a global citizen?
    5. What is the biggest takeaway you have gained from this course?



    1. Why do you feel connected to this topic?
    2. How can contributing toward this cause benefit yourself and others?
    3. Explain the relationship between your communication skills and your ability to contribute toward this cause.
    4. How can your communication skills be enhanced to better align with your role as a global citizen?
    5. What is the biggest takeaway you have gained from this course?



    1. Why do you feel connected to this topic?
    2. How can contributing toward this cause benefit yourself and others?
    3. Explain the relationship between your communication skills and your ability to contribute toward this cause.
    4. How can your communication skills be enhanced to better align with your role as a global citizen?
    5. What is the biggest takeaway you have gained from this course?



    1. Why do you feel connected to this topic?
    2. How can contributing toward this cause benefit yourself and others?
    3. Explain the relationship between your communication skills and your ability to contribute toward this cause.
    4. How can your communication skills be enhanced to better align with your role as a global citizen?
    5. What is the biggest takeaway you have gained from this course?


    FIU Adobe when I See Black & Coca Cola America Is Beautiful Ad Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    FIU Adobe when I See Black & Coca Cola America Is Beautiful Ad Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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