FIU American Literature Robert Fros & Carl Sandburg Realism Essay Humanities Assignment Help. FIU American Literature Robert Fros & Carl Sandburg Realism Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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Please answer ONE of the following in an essay approximately five paragraphs long. Be sure to use specifics from the work to support your points.
For your answer to any of the questions below, be sure to include a discussion of the themes of the work.
Focus on the work of one or more of these writers:
Robert Frost
Carl Sandburg
Susan Glaspell
William Faulkner
Ernest Hemingway
Ralph Ellison
Sandra Cisneros
Alice Walker
Maxine Hong Kingston
1. Define one of the terms below, and discuss its relevance to the work of one or more ofthe writers above.
The Code
Iceberg Theory
Coming of Age
2. Discuss the style of one or more of the writers above, and how the writer uses thisstyle to develop his themes.
3. Discuss how the work of one or more of the writers above reflects and comments on a specific context (a specific place and time).
FIU American Literature Robert Fros & Carl Sandburg Realism Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Colorado Technical University Unit 3 Marketing in the Digital Age Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
The e-business’s board of trustees wants Will Learner to provide assurances that the e-business health institute’s traditional customer constituents will be served well by its e-marketing process. Mr. Learner has turned to your team to provide current information on the ability of online portals, such as the e-business health institute’s Web site, to facilitate more adaptable links among the e-business customer types. More broadly, the board of trustees and Will Learner want to determine the student target market that MedEd should attract.
Develop a PowerPoint slide(s) that provides a few illustrations, and their justifications, for the following exchange for MedEd/CHC:
- 1–2 slides: C2B-pattern e-marketing processes that entail exchanges between individual consumer students/users and business/organizational customers (e.g., administrative records management for health care organizations, online advertising graphics for advertising sponsors)
Slide(s) should be based on how Med Ed/CHC could market C2B in general.
1) What is it?
2) How would the college be involved?
Scenario attached for reference, Slide should be formatted like the example slide attached.
PUAD 7035 Capella Fear and Leadership in Union Organizing Campaigns Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
Working With Unions Now and in the Future
Assignment Introduction
Today’s social and economic conditions in the workplace differ
greatly from when unions developed. Over time, changing societal and
economic conditions have affected perspectives on the value a union
might bring to the workplace, as well as what roles they might have in
the future. Laws and regulations dealing with compensation, benefits,
and working conditions have been developed, which address many of the
concerns unions dealt with in the past.
Despite this, unions have continued. Private sector union
membership has ebbed, but public sector unions are still robust in many
areas. This assignment calls for you to consider what issues public
sector unions are likely to face now and in the future, what perceived
value they might have in the workplace of the future, and how changing
mindsets, societal values, and an evolving legal and regulatory
environment will impact public administrators seeking to work
effectively with public sector unions in the future.
Assignment Instructions
In previous assignments, you explored the development and evolution
of unions from past to present. In this assignment, you will reflect
upon the continued evolution of unions into the future. In an 8–10-page
paper, complete the following:
- Evaluate the workplace issues unions are likely to address now and in the future.
- Provide examples to support your arguments.
- Evaluate how public and private sector unions are viewed
differently today and how they may be viewed differently in terms of
relevance and function in the future. - Consider that historically, disputes between labor and management
have been resolved in a contentious manner. Evaluate how dispute
resolution between labor and management will evolve in the future, based
upon modern leadership theories and changing expectations of
labor-management relations in the workplace and society. - Consider that when unions were initially formed, compensation and
benefits were largely unregulated by law. Analyze how evolving
legislation and regulatory acts at the local, state, and federal levels
have affected the relevance of public sector unions.
- Provide analysis of how the public sector union role in this area will evolve over time.
Submission Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
- Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA format: Resources and
citations must be formatted according to current APA style and
formatting. When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. - Resources: Your ideas must be supported with
relevant scholarly sources that are dated within the past five years and
are properly cited and referenced in current APA style. There is no
minimum number of citations for this paper. - Length of paper: 8–10 typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page, references, and if included, an abstract.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
CNCC Leadership Ethical Practices Discussion Engineering Assignment Help
In this discussion question you have the opportunity to be creative and to relate what you have learned to your professional lives. Please explore and critically think about some of the learning objectives and concepts presented in this course. Please effectively communicate how you would lead an organization (or a group of people within the organization) by applying the knowledge you have learned ethically and responsibly. Your discussion should also include innovative thinking, and information-technology aspects (such as the Internet, social-media, computers, and so forth) that may assist you in decision-making. You may frame your discussion around any functional component of business, and in any context; problem-solving, management, leadership, organizational behavior, and so forth.
University of Puerto Rico Database Excel Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing exercise and need guidance to help me learn.
Objetivo de la actividad
Mediante la actividad de laboratorio, los estudiantes practicarán las destrezas básicas de la hoja de cálculo, tales como:
- Crear hojas electrónicas con funciones predefinidas de Microsoft Excel.
- Crear ingresar, almacenar y organizar data alfanumérica.
- Utilizar tipos de fórmulas para automatizar los procesos.
- Utilizar representaciones gráficas de los datos en las hojas de cálculo.
Acceda al documento.
Laboratorio hoja de calculo.docx
Recuerde, si surgen dudas debe publicarlas en el foro Dudas y Preguntas en o antes del miércoles para que reciban de forma oportuna la retroalimentación.
La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Cada estudiante debe entregar un (1) sólo libro (workbook). El libro tendrá, a su vez, tres hojas (sheets) de cálculo.
Para desarrollar los tres (3) ejercicios siga las instrucciones.
Una vez completado el laboratorio, debe guardar el archivo con el nombre Laboratorio Excel.
No copiar y pegar.Gracias
University of California Irvine Lazarus by Rennie Harris and Alvin Ailey Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Follow the details below:
1. Go to link and watch all 7 videos.
2. After watching and learning about the piece “Lazarus” Choreography by Rennie Harris and performance by Alvin Ailey Dance Company.
Respond to these questions: Discuss the performance, briefly discuss the dancing, dancers, costumes, lighting, story/plot and anything else that stood out to you about the performance. How did learning about the process of making the work and background information with the choreographer change the way you viewed the work?
Your response should be written in one paragraph format, minimum of 8 complete sentences.
University of California Irvine Lazarus by Rennie Harris and Alvin Ailey Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MKT 113 Southern New Hampshire University Good Life Pet Food Company Marketing Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Continuing with the scenario from your product overview, report your findings and recommendations to the stakeholders of your company.
Your job is to help the company launch a new pet food line. The food line will be for both cats and dogs, and the company is excited because the product is made of all natural ingredients. You will need to make some key strategic recommendations about how to launch and promote this new product line. Create a presentation to share your recommendations with the stakeholders within your company.
The following aids are provided for guidance:
- A complete example presentation called Part II Exemplar – Tip Top Bakery Marketing Recommendations PPT for presentation ideas and guidance
- A presentation template, the Final Project Part II Final Submission PPT template, for your own marketing recommendations
Prepare your marketing recommendations presentation using the Final Project Part II PowerPoint template provided. Ensure that your presentation addresses all of the critical elements in the Final Project Part II Guidelines and Rubric document.
To complete this assignment, review the Final Project Part II Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.
Purdue University Organizational Skills Business Question Business Finance Assignment Help
Project 2 Instructions
Note: If you did not purchase a new textbook, you may not be able to use the access code.
Step 1
1.Once you log into Connect, you will be taken to the home page. Under your assignment list, there will be a link titled “Project 2 Assessment,” which is required in its entirety for Project 2. Please note that faculty can track your progress in the assessment. This assessment is much lengthier than the previous one, so be sure to take the time to access and take it, remembering to save as you go along. The assessment does not have to be taken in one sitting; you can save and pick up where you left off, but do not process the submit button until completely finished.
2.Note, that the assessment titles will not match the bullet points listed below for the required parts of your paper. The assessment has many embedded questions and it is up to you to critically analyze where the results are indicative for your paper. The results are evident from the Connect assessment to the bullet points listed, however it is not as narrowed down for you in Connect. Be sure to analyze the embedded questions for your results so you accurately place where you feel the scores should be in regards to the provided bullet points for the paper.
3.Because the assessment is synced with the course through Connect, the score will automatically show in the course gradebook. This will show a 0/0 score but the assessment points are included in the project paper grade. You must complete the assessment by Wednesday, preferably before, of the module week in order to complete on time. A paper cannot be accepted for grading unless the assessment has been completed. (NOTE: The assessment will show a different deadline because it is synced for the length of the course term, please submit on the stated instructed day).
4.Part I must discuss each of these points below from data gathered on the assessment. Please make the proper, current APA heading and title it: Personality Insights
Big Five with Myers-Briggs
Attitude and Core Values Insights
Motivation Insights
Decision Making/Problem Solving Insights
5.Part II must discuss each of these points below from data gathered on the assessment. Please make the proper, current APA heading and title it: Working with Others.
Communication Competency and Listening Style
Leadership Readiness and Team Insights
Conflict Tendencies/Style
- Part III must discuss each of these points below from data gathered on the assessment. Please make the proper, current APA heading and title it: Life in Organizations
Organizational Politics
Organizational Needs-Employee Satisfaction, Job Fit, Core Skills
Organizational Change and Climate
7.For each of the aforementioned parts, use the assessment results to write at least 1 full paragraph for each bullet point pertaining to the things you have learned about yourself. There is a lot to cover in each of these sections, so focus on the most significant things you have learned about yourself from each area. Use headings for each section, as in “Part I: Personality Insights,” etc. so that there are subheadings per the bulleted areas for each Part. Provide your statistical/percentage results for a comparison of letters within your discussion. Any adverse personal opinions on the assessment tools must be respectful and scholarly with supportive research.
Step 2
1.Now that you have learned these things about yourself, apply them to your workplace behavior and interactions with others and give specific examples.
2.In a new section in your paper (labeled Step 2), answer the following questions with specific correlation to the assessment. To do so, provide a separate paragraph for each of the following questions:
In general, what have you learned from these personality tests about organizational behavior that will help you be a better employee, coworker, and/or manager?
In particular, what have you learned about yourself from this personality test that will help you be a better employee, coworker, and/or manager? Provide specific examples.
Step 3
- The assessments help us label our strengths and their corresponding weaknesses, which was identified in Project 1. Therefore, it would be easy to simply accept the fact that we have weaknesses. After all, “No one is perfect,” we say. On the other hand, God through the Holy Spirit continues to conform us to the image of Jesus Christ.
For step 3, explain how the Holy Spirit has worked in your life to transform your weaknesses into strengths. See II Corinthians 12:7–10 as a scriptural example of this paradoxical truth. Be specific with your example(s) and faith integration.
NOTE: It is understood that not all of our students are Christians. If that is your situation, read the assigned article and Bible verses and ponder the relevance of the ideas found in both. Refer to ideas from the article as you complete this step, and consider how your own personality weaknesses have been or can be transformed into personality strengths.
1.Use proper, current APA format for every element of the paper. Be sure to include the APA-formatted cover page, abstract, and reference page. Refer to your APA manual for help or this site for assistance:
2.First person is allowed due to the personal nature of the assignment.
3.To facilitate the Instructor’s grading of these assignments, you must have major headings for Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3. Additionally, under the major heading of Step 1, you must have subheadings for each separate section of the assessment: Personality Insights, Working with Others, and Life in Organizations. That means that you need 3 subheadings for Step 1.
4.The exact number of paragraphs that you include in each section is your decision; your Instructor will not be grading you on how many paragraphs you used per section, but rather the extent to which you specifically addressed each of the areas above.
5.The minimum of 6 required pages does not include the title page, abstract page, or reference page. Those must be counted as additional pages. You will likely find that it will be difficult to address all of these things in only 6 pages, but that constraint is part of the exercise itself. Learning to write succinctly and efficiently will improve your communication skills, regardless of the setting. Because you only have 6 pages to discuss all these components, be concise.
6.Be sure to double-space, using Times New Roman 12-point font only and 1-inch margins; avoid bold font (except for headlines, per current APA format), underlining, and contractions.
7.The reference page must include a minimum of the 5 following references in current APA format (all sources must be evident within the paper and less than 5 years old):
Type Talk at Work
Organizational Behavior,
The McGraw-Hill Connect assessment,
2 scholarly sources from a peer-reviewed journal,
Note: For further questions regarding current APA format, visit Liberty University’s Online Writing Center.
Students may, although not required, submit Project 2 to the appropriately labeled SafeAssign draft link first to review your percentage of originality.
Submit Project 2 to the appropriate link for grading by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned module/week.
UC Irvine Fundamental Part of World Politics & Reigns Supreme Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Make a passage as a response to 3 papers. (Compare, contrast or discuss) Minimum 170 words, Maximum 230 words . Each response should be typed, single-spaced, using 12-point font, Times New
Roman and one-inch margins.
choose three paper and tell me which one you choose. Make your response sound more like a “response”. Provide more direct comments to each of the 3 papers. ex)I find paper 1’s argument weak because…. I suggest the author of paper 2 read Chapter 3 of…
Find weakness/strength of each paper and Provide comments that can help improve their papers.
EDP UPR Conseguir Una Dieta Saludable Y Equilibrada Bibliografía Anotada Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing exercise and need guidance to help me study.
Objetivo de la actividad
Evaluar los conocimientos adquiridos sobre la bibliografía anotada.
Para esta actividad van a realizar una bibliografía anotada sobre el tema seleccionado en el módulo anterior, van a acceder a EBSCO o a OCENET, las bases de datos de EDP University o Google Scholar, y allí identificarán cinco artículos de ese tema y harán una bibliografía anotada de esos cinco recursos.
En esta bibliografía anotada deberán aplicar el formato APA en la referencia y lo que aprendieron de cómo parafrasear en la creación del resumen descriptivo del contenido del recurso identificado en la base de datos.
La actividad es de carácter individual. El trabajo debe ser entregado a tiempo, sin errores ortográficos ni gramaticales. Los trabajos serán sometidos a la herramienta para detectar similitud de contenidos (ahora Urkund). Entregar las respuestas en un documento de Word, letra Times New Roman, tamaño 12, el espaciado y alineado de acuerdo a lo requerido para cada parte, referencia, portada y resumen descriptivo . Debe incluir las referencias en formato APA, de tres años o menos.
No copiar y pegar.
Students may, although not required, submit Project 2 to the appropriately labeled SafeAssign draft link first to review your percentage of originality.
Submit Project 2 to the appropriate link for grading by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the assigned module/week.