FIU Resources Analysis Niantic Inc Case Study Write Up Writing Assignment Help

FIU Resources Analysis Niantic Inc Case Study Write Up Writing Assignment Help. FIU Resources Analysis Niantic Inc Case Study Write Up Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a management Case Study and need an explanation to help me understand better.
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Your task for your write-up is to do a resource analysis of Niantic Inc. (Links to an external site.) -AS INCLUDED IN THE CASE BELOW [i.e. no need to do research- and only to the time of the case]. To do that, you can follow the following steps.

  1. Reread your chapter on internal analysis and view the video linked below.
  2. List ALL the resources and capabilities of Niantic Inc. [The company AFTER it became independent from Google- and not before]. I have not counted them but there may be up to TWO DOZZENS. Think of which resources and capabilities the firm owns, and which is borrows/get right to use via its partnerships but that it does not own or cannot guarantee perpetual use or need to pay for. DO NOT LOOK ON THE WEB for information about the company. It will only confuse you as I base my grade on YOU FINDING THE Resources and Capabilities IN THE CASE.
  3. Then follow the guidelines in this lecture (Links to an external site.). which gives you guidance on how to use VRIN to value resources.
  4. Read the Niantic case (Links to an external site.) and identify each of dozzens of resources and capabilities identified.
  5. Make sure to do a VRIN analysis on EACH of the resource or capability identified. Your first step will be to explain WHY this resource or capability is valuable:
    1. Remember here that some may be very valuable and others less so.
    2. Pay attention to which resources are OWNED by the company and which are borrowed/rented.
    3. Make sure to pay attention to which will remain valuable in the future.
    4. Remember that the RIN part of the VRIN requires using a lots of personal judgment and an understanding of gaming. If you don’t play video games ask your friends who do what makes a video game company (A) and a video game (B) successful (i) and successful in the long run (ii). So that is 4 answers you are seeking Ai, Aii, Bi, Bii. You can also do research on this part in the press or analyst’s reports.
    5. Here is an example: For example, one of FIU’s College of Business is a high level of competence in international business (a capability). It is evident in the high level of research publications of faculty in top international business journals. It is also evident in the high level involvement of faculty in the profession (many are famous and do highly visible activities..). The school also offers lots of courses with international and global content. All this culminates in a high ranking of the college in international business. This is valuable because it increases the knowledge of students in ib and also the value of their degree in the marketplace… It is rare and hard to imitate because not many schools have been able to achieve a top 5/10 ranking or stay there but it could be substituted with other schools attracting students and employers by being the best in other fields such as entrepreneurship. For example Babson specializes in being one of the best in entrepreneurship. Columbia one of the best in finance..Note that in the RIN part you are benchmarking to competitors. Another resources is its global reputation in IB. While the reputation is valuable, the problem is that not everyone, even in Miami, knows how amazing and highly ranked the school in. So the value of the reputation is not as high as it could be.
  1. Based on the above, identify THREE possible strategies that the firm could be used to create, maintain or sustain competitive advantage. Make sure to tie these strategies to the resources and capabilities analysis you just did. Talk about the PROS and CONS of each of these strategies. For example, FIU can remain focused on IB but advertise to increase the general and global population’s interest in IB and make sure it’s reputation for excellence in IB is well know locally and globally. This would capitalize on its excellence in IB (a capability) and improve one of its weaker resources: its global reputation in IB. The pros could be an increase in its reputational capital that would attract more resources and students to the school and increase even more the value of their degree. The con would be the cost of marketing and global marketing that is in an era where budgets are cut and many universities are cutting out faculty and staff to survive… ANOTHER OPTIOn would be to develop a new expertise in entrepreneurship. The pros would be to build an important skill local entrepreneurs could benefit from…. the cons would be that it diverts the limited college resources away from its current core competency which is IB…
  2. CHOOSE one of your three strategic options you identified to recommend to the CEO. SAY WHY this is better than the other two you proposed. Tell the CEO about the risk associated with the strategy and how they could be dealt with if they arise..
  3. You can submit up to 4 pages with as many attachments/graphs/figures as you want. You can use bullet points for your arguments and tables for oyur VRIN analysis.

FIU Resources Analysis Niantic Inc Case Study Write Up Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UCI The Birth of the Civil Rights PowerPoint Presentation Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me learn.

I. Assignment:

Even though its height was in 1950s and 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement actually began during WWII. Focus your presentation on Chapter 22 of the Foner text, pages 695-698 (Blacks and the War – An American Dilemma).

1. In the presentation, explain the 6 Ws of the Birth of the Civil Rights in the following format:

a. Why (the event happened)
b. Who (was involved)
c. What (are the main aspects of the event)
d. When (did it occur)
e. Where (did it happen)
f. Why (this is important in American history)


St Petersburg College Non Compete Contract Clause Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business law writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

You are partners inToo Strange To Eat a bakery in Tampa, Florida that specializes in exotic, expensive pastries. The business has grown quickly in its first 4 years and now sells products to stores and restaurants throughout Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas. Your bakery is well known in these areas for its secrecy regarding the recipe for your famous “Ant” cake. Your customer list is one of your prized possessions, with customers from all over this region, some from word of mouth, others from online. Sandra has applied for a management position and appears to be the perfect candidate. She has 5 years experience as a food wholesaler and a reputation as a superb amateur chef. Sandra would be hired to analyze the market for new products, create new pastries and other foods, and assist in selling new and existing products. Sandra would work with company chefs, sales people and customers –just about everyone.

You and your partners are concerned that if Sandra leaves, she will have confidential information about your business. You are concerned that she may either start her own company with this information or work for a competing business.

**draft a non-compete clause for Sandra’s contract that a court would enforce. Your non-compete clause should be no less than a half a page single spaced and Times New Roman: 12-point font. You may have sub- sections to your clause. Please include at least three resources that assisted in your drafting this clause on a separate page. Of the three resources, please discuss in detail (250+ words) why this resource served you best, e.g. why did you trust it, where was it from, why is it reliable, etc.). **


MHAFP 5020 Capella University Client Negotiation and Approval Assessment Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing question and need support to help me understand better.

Meet with a health care professional in your prospective client organization to present your data review project proposal. Then, submit a summary of the required changes, with the client’s signature. There is no page limit for this assessment.

Note: Each assessment of your capstone project is built on the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

This assignment requires signatures, but do not worry about that. Once you complete the assignment, I will take care of that. Just need it to make it look like we presented it.

Assessment Instructions

Note: In this assessment, you will present the project proposal that you developed in Assessment 2 to the client for negotiation and approval.


Document Review

To prepare for this assessment, read the following:

The information provided in this document will help you in preparing for the meeting, presenting your data review project proposal, and obtaining approval for your project from the client. In addition, it provides guidance, recommendations, and examples that are crucial to successfully completing this assessment. You are encouraged to download this document and keep it on hand as a ready reference.

In addition, download and review the template you will use for this assessment:

Key Preparatory Tasks for a Successful Meeting

Thorough preparation will ensure that your meeting is productive. Take the following steps to prepare for the meeting:

  • Conduct background research on your prospective client organization. Identify a first and second choice for connecting with a practicing health care professional in that organization.
  • Research best practices for professional communication and feedback to prepare for the interview.
  • Reflect upon your experience in human services and health care administration relevant to your proposed project. Based on the NCHL competencies, is your proposed project realistic?
  • Prepare a list of questions that you would like to ask the practicing health care professional. Refer to the Client Meeting and Project Approval Guide [PDF].

Note: You should arrive at the meeting with proposed performance indicators related to the health care issue you have identified. However, it is possible that you have chosen the wrong indicators, that the indicators are not included in the organization’s data sets, or that the client thinks different indicators might be more helpful. It is your job to verify, discover, or redefine your performance indicators so that you can proceed with your data review.


You will need to take the following steps to complete this assessment. Details and supporting information for completing each step are contained in the Client Meeting and Project Approval Guide [PDF].

Step 1: Schedule a meeting with the prospective client.

Step 2: Meet with the client and present your project proposal (your combined Assessments 1 and 2). You may wish to send your proposal to your reviewer prior to the meeting.

  • Provide evidence-based support for your assertions and conclusions.
  • Be clear about the project scope, execution, and focus.
  • Be clear about the value of your proposed project and how you will measure the outcomes for each of the four areas of the balanced scorecard.
  • Be prepared to answer questions that the client asks.

Step 3: Work with the client to refine your project proposal as necessary, including any negotiated changes, using the Assessment 3 Client Meeting and Review Template [DOCX]. Summarize the feedback offered by your client during the meeting, and provide any substantive, relevant details needed for clarification. (You will integrate the client feedback into your final project report.)

Step 4: Submit the changes noted in your Assessment 3 template to the client for their approval and signature. (The client’s signature, title, and contact information are required.)

Step 5: Scan and submit the signed copy of the Assessment 3 template as the deliverable for this assessment.

Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that you address each point, at a minimum, during the client meeting and project approval process. You may also want to read the assessment scoring guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

  • Identify the appropriate health care professional in an organization from whom to seek approval for a proposed project.
    • Consider the people with the requisite decision-making authority who are best able to provide guidance and recommendations.
  • Negotiate changes to project scope, execution, or focus, based on feedback solicited from the client.
    • Use this meeting as an opportunity to refine your proposed project.
    • Solicit feedback on key aspects of the project:
      1. Problem Statement.
      2. Relevance of Factors and Units of Measurement.
      3. Method Selected in Literature v. Organization/Public Domain.
      4. Industry Considerations/Comments.
      5. Strengths.
      6. Areas for Improvement.
      7. Insights/Other Observations.
    • Verify, discover, or redefine your performance indicators and outcome measures.
    • Ensure that negotiated changes are feasible and do not present obstacles to successful course completion.
  • Obtain approval for a proposed project.


ARTS 1301 Lone Star College Art Museum Virtual Visit Analysis Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a art Essay and need support to help me understand better.

You can select one of the two ways to analyze and criticize your visit:
 Approach A: Do your analysis using the modified template from the in-person visit
 Approach B: Focus more on the virtual visit experience
Approach A: Virtual Visit Museum Analysis (similar to in-person museum visit)
 Museum visited:
 Museum’s Virtual Tour Link:
 Physical Location of museum: (city, state, providence, country, region)
 When you visited:
 Name or subject matter focus/theme of the virtual tour:
 Anything to improve about first locating and identifying the virtual museum? (can’t say nothing)
 Other comments or observations at this stage about the virtual museum…
Virtual Exhibition/Installation Analysis
Try to focus in on a possible exhibition/installation at the virtual museum
 Name of the exhibition/installation:
 Link if specific to this exhibition/installation:
 Note the artists in the exhibition/installation:
 Note the mediums used in exhibition/installation:
 Why you liked or did not like the exhibition/installation (be insightful and analytical):
 Your overall grade on a scale of 1-5, 1 denoting ‘don’t bother’, 5 ‘denoting must see’
 Anything to improve on it? (c



University of Southern California Organizational Behavior Elon Musk Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business writing question and need support to help me understand better.

Complete the Problem-Solving Application Case, “Leadership Matters,” in Chapter 13.

Be sure to review the Assignment Expectations page for more information on successfully completing this assignment.

Working through the case study analysis process, you will have the opportunity to take an in-depth look at the Organizational Behavior issues that impact the outcomes associated with the decision-making process, thereby driving morale, motivation, and productivity.


The assigned cases focus on specific (real-life) Organizational Behavior issues like motivation, culture, and ethics encountered by managers and leaders that can be applied to your everyday encounters in the workplace and at home.

This is 5 to 7 pages in length, the assignment expectations is attached, along with the Problem Solving application case, “Leadership Matters.

University of Southern California Organizational Behavior Elon Musk Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENG 12020 CC 1999 Monster Book Analysis & Rhetorical Context Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Due Date: Sunday by 11:59pm

Optional Step 1:

If you need to watch the following video to refresh yourself on how to annotate your chosen text, particularly concerning fiction.

Step 2:

Look at the reading schedule you turned in Week 4: Create & Submit a Reading Plan, and set aside time during the week to read and annotate the chapters or time you have listed under Week 6. Then, fill out an annotation worksheet for the reading as you work through your chapter(s). This Annotation Worksheet needs to include/cover the chapter(s) for Week 6 in your plan/schedule.

Blank Annotation Worksheet here. (DOCX)

Blank Annotation Worksheet here. (PDF)

(You can download it, type in your responses, and save your file or you can print it out, write your answers on the worksheet, and post a scan of the document.)

please choose from this is book about this assignment


ENG 12020 CC Lack of Parental Involvement & Child Education Working Thesis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Due: Sunday by 11:59pm

To get us started on writing essay 1, I would like to get us to:

  1. Write a working thesis
  2. Narrow down which sources you want to include in our essay
  3. Practice writing an academic summary

This thesis proposal should include all three parts to receive full credit.

Thesis Proposal

Step 1: Review How to Write a Working Thesis

First, for Essay 1, you are going to be answering either of the following prompts:

  • Describe how you have worked to face and overcome an educational barrier in your life and why it is important to stick with your educational goals. (This is piggybacking on the paragraph you just wrote last week.)
  • Describe one educational barrier that effects student success and how one might overcome that barrier (either from a student or instructor perspective).

A clear, well-written thesis will answer the prompt, so let’s get started on how to write a strong thesis.

A thesis is your main insight or idea about a text or topic, and the main proposition that your essay demonstrates. It should be true but arguable (not obviously or patently true, but one alternative among several), be limited enough in scope to be argued in a short composition and with available evidence, and get to the heart of the text or topic being analyzed (not be peripheral). It should be stated early in some form and at some point recast sharply (not just be implied), and it should govern the whole essay (not disappear in places).

A claim that is not debatable does not qualify as a thesis—for example:

  • “Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a play about a young man who seeks revenge”.
  • That doesn’t say anything-it’s basically just a summary and is hardly debatable.

Here is an example of a stronger, more debatable thesis:

  • “Hamlet experiences internal conflict because he is in love with his mother”.
  • This is arguable, controversial even. The rest of a paper with this argument as its thesis will be an attempt to show, using specific examples from the text and evidence from scholars, (1) how Hamlet is in love with his mother, (2) why he’s in love with her, and (3) what implications there are for reading the play in this manner.

Note that a thesis, just like the Point in your paragraph is an opinion/claim. The difference is that the thesis is the claim of the whole essay while a Point is the claim of that specific paragraph. Often the Points are reasons/sub-claims for the big thesis.

I like to think about the thesis in terms of a limited subject (what you are talking about) and an attitude (what you have to say or argue about the topic.) For our purposes for Essay 1, the limited subject is the education barrier and the attitude is how to overcome it.

Please be sure to view all three tabs before clicking Next.

Once you have completed all three steps, submit a document or text submission which clearly outlines all three steps.

  • Working Thesis:
  • Sources for Essay 1:
  • Academic Summary of One Source:


FNU Social Determinants Contributing to The Family Health Status Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Refer back to the interview and evaluation you conducted in the Topic 2 Family Health Assessment assignment. Identify the social determinates of health (SDOH) contributing to the family’s health status. In a 750-1,000 word paper, create a plan of action to incorporate health promotion strategies for this family. Include the following:

  1. Describe the SDOH that affect the family health status. What is the impact of these SDOH on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family.
  2. Based on the information gathered through the family health assessment, recommend age-appropriate screenings for each family member. Provide support and rationale for your suggestions.
  3. Choose a health model to assist in creating a plan of action. Describe the model selected. Discuss the reasons why this health model is the best choice for this family. Provide rationale for your reasoning.
  4. Using the model, outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion. Include strategies for communication.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Ashford University Psychology Research Design Discussion & Responses Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Be very detail and do apa format Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please read the required articles by Skidmore (2008) and Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan (2010). Carefully review the PSY635 Week Two Discussion Scenario. Apply the scientific method to the information included within the scenario and develop a null and a research hypothesis based on it. Using the hypotheses you have developed, compare the characteristics of the different experimental research designs discussed in the Skidmore (2008) article and choose the one that is most appropriate to adequately test your hypotheses. Identify potential internal threats to validity and explain how you might mitigate these threats. Apply ethical principles to the proposed research and describe the implications of this type of research in terms of the population(s) and cultural consideration(s) represented in the sample(s) within the scenario.

[supanova_question] Apply the scientific method to the information included within the scenario and develop a null and a research hypothesis based on it. Using the hypotheses you have developed, compare the characteristics of the different experimental research designs discussed in the Skidmore (2008) article and choose the one that is most appropriate to adequately test your hypotheses. Identify potential internal threats to validity and explain how you might mitigate these threats. Apply ethical principles to the proposed research and describe the implications of this type of research in terms of the population(s) and cultural consideration(s) represented in the sample(s) within the scenario.

[supanova_question] Apply the scientific method to the information included within the scenario and develop a null and a research hypothesis based on it. Using the hypotheses you have developed, compare the characteristics of the different experimental research designs discussed in the Skidmore (2008) article and choose the one that is most appropriate to adequately test your hypotheses. Identify potential internal threats to validity and explain how you might mitigate these threats. Apply ethical principles to the proposed research and describe the implications of this type of research in terms of the population(s) and cultural consideration(s) represented in the sample(s) within the scenario.

[supanova_question] Apply the scientific method to the information included within the scenario and develop a null and a research hypothesis based on it. Using the hypotheses you have developed, compare the characteristics of the different experimental research designs discussed in the Skidmore (2008) article and choose the one that is most appropriate to adequately test your hypotheses. Identify potential internal threats to validity and explain how you might mitigate these threats. Apply ethical principles to the proposed research and describe the implications of this type of research in terms of the population(s) and cultural consideration(s) represented in the sample(s) within the scenario.


FIU Resources Analysis Niantic Inc Case Study Write Up Writing Assignment Help

FIU Resources Analysis Niantic Inc Case Study Write Up Writing Assignment Help

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