FL S0594 Preemption of Recyclable and Polystyrene Materials Policy Analysis Writing Assignment Help

FL S0594 Preemption of Recyclable and Polystyrene Materials Policy Analysis Writing Assignment Help. FL S0594 Preemption of Recyclable and Polystyrene Materials Policy Analysis Writing Assignment Help.

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Research a current public policy in your state or local area, either recently enacted or under consideration. These Resources will help you begin your work.

The list below provides examples of popular local and state public policy topics that may help you narrow your search:

  • affordable housing
  • care of the elderly or disabled
  • crime
  • homelessness
  • infrastructure
  • property taxes
  • school safety
  • zoning

Policy Analysis Template

Your Name:

Policy Analysis of (Insert bill identifying code, such as HR702 or S24, and Title)

Your first paragraph should:

  • introduce the issue or problem the policy or bill addresses
  • explain the public policy idea, including text from the bill
  • describe different perspectives on addressing the issue

Your next few paragraphs should:

  • describe who or what will be impacted by the policy idea (consider the people who engage in the behavior targeted by the policy, law enforcement agencies, businesses that may have to make changes to comply with the law, etc.)
  • discuss the costs and benefits of the policy idea

Your following paragraph should:

  • contain your recommendation to either support or repeal a policy that already exists, or vote for or against a policy idea
  • include as much strong evidence as possible, such as facts and data that you can find to support your position

Be sure to include MLA-style citations for your sources of information.

Be sure to include the following and Remember, your public policy analysis should be written about a new public policy or one currently in debate.:

  • an explanation of the public policy idea, including text from the bill itself
  • the costs and benefits of the policy idea for different groups of people
  • your recommendation on the policy idea
  • reasons for and evidence to support your recommendation
  • MLA citations, in MLA Format, for your sources of information

FL S0594 Preemption of Recyclable and Polystyrene Materials Policy Analysis Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGMT 420 Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Aerospace Industrial Management PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management presentation and need a sample draft to help me learn.

After you write your research paper, you will create a five minute narrated presentation using Powerpoint. Your presentation should meet this basic criterion.

  • Title slide with the topic, course number, and author (student) identified.
  • Overview or introduction slide to describe the presentation content.
  • A sufficient number of slides to convey the method and findings of the review.
  • Audio that further describes the slide content.
  • Summary or conclusion slide to close the presentation.
  • Reference list to show the sources cited within the presentation.
  • Video, animation, or other supporting elements as desired to enhance the presentation.


HRM 660 Ashford University Top Down Communication Style & Covid 19 Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Discussion 1

Change Scenario

In my current organization, senior leadership has communicated a change in our performance management system. The new approach empowers the company’s employees by enabling timely, meaningful, in-the-flow work conversations focused on progress. According to Palmer (2017), “managers introduce change to improve organizational performance in terms of profitability and higher company share prices.” Change can drive an increase in skills and knowledge, prompt enhanced skills training programs, and higher morale and employee engagement.

Change Rationale

Based on feedback the leadership received from the employees, the new process is more relevant and encourages regular and ongoing conversations initiated by employees. The new approach also comes from the change in the demographic trend seeking to understand manager expectations and career development opportunities better. The quarterly discussions are less formal and inspire conversations that are most meaningful to the employee. Instead of creating goals at the beginning of the year and looking back on the results at the end of the year, the organization seeks to change the performance culture to focus on continual alignment of company objectives and an individual’s energy to achieve them. The change will allow employees to prioritize their responsibilities to be flexible with the organization. In this scenario, the employee initiated the performance change by providing feedback, and the organization implemented the process by listening to the workforce’s desires. Kee (2008) calls for “leaders to balance the imperative for the change with an important organization and stakeholder values while ensuring that the changes made are in the general public interest.” The transformation was not a top-down approach but a collaborative effort with the employees. This approach holds people accountable for this performance and empowers individuals to take charge of this future career growth.

Internal and External Pressures

The organization faces both internal and external pressure to evolve the performance management system. Externally, social and cultural values required the company to maintain its competitive edge by retaining top talent. The marketplace conditions continue to change with decreased skilled labor, diverse generations in the workplace, and Baby Boomers remaining in the working environment longer than previous decades. The company has taken on a Nurturer role by adapting to the changes. Employees now need to think about what skills and experiences they need to make them more effective in their role and prepare for future work.

The internal pressure comes from recognizing that there is a shortage of talent in the labor market. Identifying the employee’s voice by helping them achieve advanced skills and knowledge will enable retention and lead to long-term succession planning. In this aspect, the company assumes the Coach role by generating continuous improvement for improved performance.

Single vs. Multiple Rationales

Depending upon the change situation, single and multiple rationales come into play.

My organization considered several motivations for making a change to the performance management process. The employee is in the driver’s seat with the company’s support to invest in their future. Both employee and manager have a stake in holding meaningful conversations to continue or adjust behaviors for successful outcomes. According to Palmer (2017), a “multiple perspectives approach can help generate fresh thinking and creative solutions.” An employee better understands the action steps to progress in their current and future roles. The employer can bring awareness to modifying behavior to move in the right direction. Kee (2008) states it is essential that “an organizational culture values and support change initiatives, reinforcing change-centric behavior.” The common vision enables all stakeholders to become involved, buy-in, and own the feedback process.

Discussion 2

Evaluation of Organizational Change

Intertek has updated and implemented changes to its Covid-19 policy regarding hygiene and prevention measures. Due to the increase in Covid cases, Intertek has mandated that all employees wear face masks (Intertek, 2020). This would include all employees wearing a mask on their way into work in their transportation. It is also required that at least 1m or greater be adhered to in social distancing. And finally, they have continuously communicated to their staff the importance of minimizing the risk of infection to themselves and others by taking effective hygiene measures and to avoid all situations where there could be a risk to be exposed to Covid-19 (Intertek, 2020).

The rationale for the Changes

The idea of the Covid policy and the updates is to keep everyone healthy and work to fulfill customer needs. Intertek (2020) states that they want to be true to their commitment to having the right protections for the employees and customers. Since the Covid-19 cases have been reported to have increased, Intertek has stepped up what they require of their staff. Even to the point of being unreasonable.

Internal and External Pressures

Internal pressures can come when a staff member is working alone and is still forced to wear a mask. Or for the employee who has worked at the company for years and has proven medical history they have allergies is now sent home to be tested for Covid-19 due to something as simple as a runny nose. It seems that a sneeze can send an employee home for Covid symptoms when it is sinus and allergies all along.

External pressures come when customers come from out of town or overseas, and the new policy of shorter meeting times makes assisting customers properly. However, other clients are not visiting the corporate office; it is business (Intertek, 2020).

The extent of Single vs. Multiple rationales used?

However, it would be due to multiple rationales that had Intertek make the changes to their company policies on social distancing and the employee’s and customers’ health. Internally the company wants to continue delivering top products to their clients but needs a healthy staff to provide top customer service. Externally, Covid-19 has been a global issue and does not appear to be subsiding soon. To keep the business flowing smoothly, taking precautions to keep the staff and clients safe while continuing to have the company moving updates to policies needed to be made and updated as the threat of Covid grows. As Palmer, Dunford, and Buchanan )2017) point out, a business must satisfy its shareholders in a competitive economy. By continuously updating as needed, the company’s health policies are the best way to find a balance.

Linda Cleven


Intertek (2020, December 7). Update on Covid-19. Retrieved from https://www.intertek.com/about/update-on-COVID-19/ (Links to an external site.)

Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. (2017). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (3rd ed.). Retrieved from https://redshelf.com/

Discussion 3

Common Change Initiative

Steager (2017) states when an organization has implemented change successfully, it can lead to a more effective and efficient company with more satisfied employees, customers, and stakeholders. In other words, change can become a strength rather than a weakness in the company when it is done successfully. A standard change initiative is business structure change. Most firms will go through some upper personnel changes such as HR, CEO, and other administrative positions. When this happens, the new staff member will want to make changes to the processes and how things are organized and performed in the company (Saez, 2019).

Possible Issues from those Implementing Change

When a new President of a company comes on board, he or she looks to make changes to the way things are run in the company to streamline processes and leave their mark on the company. When this happens, it could necessitate additional training for employees or learning new software and programs (Saez, 2019). Processes and policies will need to be updated to accommodate the changes, which will ultimately affect several staff and departments. For those employees that seem to be set in their ways, there could be resistance to new ideas and changes. Thus, causing those employees to be angry and affect their productivity. Resistance can also be due to a change causing fear, anxiety, and uncertainty about one’s position and the company. However, to know exactly how the staff will react to changes can be surprising (Heathfield, 2019).

However, to prevent staff resistance when changes happen, it is essential to have a strategy. Palmer, Dunford, and Buchanan (2017) state when companies are designed, they are built to last, but they should be made to change. In other words, if a firm is not flexible and can flow through changes, it will not last. The best way to prevent or minimize resistance is to communicate.

Linda Cleven

Discussion 4

Common Change Initiative

Several environmental pressures drive leadership to implement change initiatives. The one that is most common in all organizations is demography. According to Palmer (2017), “demographics affect workforce composition and motivation, pose some of the greatest challenges for organizational change management.” As the labor marketplace is evolving, diversity is more prevalent than ever. Early in career generation is more challenging to attract and retain, mainly due to the shortage of skilled labor. The baby boomers, the most extensive employee population, are aging and seeking to retire. They take much-valued skills and knowledge as they leave the organization. Both people have different preferences and interests. These viewpoints impact disciplines such as wages, benefits, and motivations. The ‘front line’ leaders must manage expectations and engage their team members to do their best work. Human resources professionals must develop flexible policies and work assignments meaningful, purposeful, and rewarding to this diverse employee base.

The speed and frequency that change initiatives occur in organizations can overwhelm management and employees. According to Meinert (2018), “when leaders take a more studied, deliberate approach, their efforts are more likely to achieve their goals, bringing greater benefits to their companies and higher employee engagement.” A Total Rewards Program is an example of an innovative approach to offering a wide array of benefits to a diverse population. The program can include flexible working hours, work/life balance plans, medical and dental coverage alternatives, tuition reimbursement, and retiree options. These choices allow for all age groups to select the most meaningful based on their needs. As change initiatives increase due to innovation, technology, and demographics trends, including all parties in the strategy and purpose of the change will enable buy-in. If employees are surveyed on what benefits are most relevant to them, they will feel better prepared to accept the change. There is less room for resistance since they had more control in the decision-making process.

Potential Issues regarding Change

It is vital that all employees understand the why’s for change. Changing behavior takes planning and communication as each participant process acceptance along different time continuums. The top-down approach demonstrates leaderships’ commitment and involvement in the transition. Additionally, leadership must be open to feedback and questions from employees, which will enable their contribution to the process. Employees may even embrace and champion the change effort. Establishing a plan and setting priorities can lead to a successful transformation. Meinert (2018) states, “it’s easy to underestimate the amount of work it takes to conduct change initiatives.” Those organizations that identify and communicate to all the stakeholders impacted are more likely to achieve the desired outcomes. Human resources play an integral part in implementing the change initiative. After receiving employee feedback from the benefits survey and understanding the generational differences, they can develop a strategy that aligns with the organizational values and employee needs. Defining the key priorities can drive the transformation process.

Discussion 5

How would you approach the issues identified of the cross-functional teams?

Cross-functional teams have different functional expertise and work together collectively to reach a common goal. Cross-functional teams provide better insight, have engaged employees, spur innovative ideas, exercise communication skills, develop management skills, and obtain leadership roles (Naydenov, P., 2019). The approach I would use if first identifying which issue has the greatest effect on what the cross-functional team is trying to accomplish. There are five areas in the information provided to consider. The areas correlate with the team’s issues, starting with too much or too little communication is important to address the misalignment of goals and priorities. Communication amongst the team needs to be even throughout the tasks and engaging. After these two areas are established, addressing the lack of trust would be a priority as the employees placed on this team will need to equally contribute to the day to day operations of getting things completed promptly. After building trust and having an adequate communication level, the team needs to balance the different technologies for collaboration and information management. Finally, collectively thinking of a method that would measure impact and strengthen the team should be assessed and monitored continuously.

What are some of the pros and cons of being an internal or external consultant?

The pro’s of an internal consultant include integrated understanding, follow-through/implementation, and proactive planning. An internal consultant’s cons are ambiguity and rocking of the boat when it comes to interaction with other employees. The pro’s of an external consultant include an established reputation, external objectivity, and expert status. An external consultant’s cons are the person missing the point and passing the buck/ implementation risk (Cerisano, R., 2014).

  • Explain the barriers of being an internal or external consultant as it relates to being a strategic partner in addressing the problem.

The initial barrier of being either an internal or external consultant as it relates to being a strategic partner is how the team sees you as a third party and what, if anything, the employees feel you could add, which won’t place their tasks behind. Another barrier is the communication style used and how the style collectively enhances the team’s performance. Communication contributes to the growth and performance of all teams and their ability to complete tasks. If a team’s communication is a barrier, the consultant’s ability to reach the needs of the team becomes less effective without a selected style.

Explain whether being an internal or external consultant is more effective. Support your rationale with sources.

An internal consultant in this scenario at Acme Inc. would be more effective as the internal consultant knows the different team members and can develop a strategy that will address their growth relating to meeting the team’s objectives and goals. The team was placed together. With this, they have strengths that the internal consultant can encourage them to utilize during the time in which they are working on the initiative collectively (Cerisano, R., 2014).

Discussion 6

Approaching the identified issues of the cross-functional team would require getting exact details for the CEO on what the exact desired outcome is. Once the communication is received, all teams should work together to assigned specific duties, project leaders, and come into agreement on what the final product will look like. Agreeing on what software and different technology to use and what the method for measuring process will be used, will also need to be agreed upon. They must communicate often to evaluate process and make modifications as needed. This will build trust in each other’s competencies.

Internal consultants experience can be regarding the organization that they may be with only. This can affect the way they tackle projects if they have become complacent to the organization’s culture and to avoid conflict with superiors. Internal consultants can be trusted as they know the organization well, along with goals and priorities. Software used is not an issue since they would be working with technology used in house. Communication for projects can be very informal both verbally and document wise. Communication is not an issue since they are direct hires and remain there after projects are completed.

External consultants often are more experienced due to having entered into contract with multiple organizations where they can draw their ideas from previous projects and apply as needed. They have a variety of experience and have a new set of eyes for evaluating problems. Unfortunately, this does not automatically make them trustworthy to organizations new to seeking outside services. Organizations are also not always happy to jump into the use of technology new to them. They prioritize tasks as they see it but only know what goals have been shared with them. Communication can be overwhelming as it is formal and documented. The downfall is not having them around after projects have been completed.

External consultants are more effective as they are more likely to enter into contract with an organization due to their reputation of providing successful results. “The external consultant is usually viewed as having higher levels of expertise and experience and credibility, especially if he or she is published, credentialed, and well known” (Scott & Hascall, n.d., para. 2). An agreement between the consultant and organization is created to layout what the consultant will do to deliver results desired. The contract will have specific details regarding how long it will take to reach success, along with the monetary amount to be paid in exchange for services provided. Organizations are more likely to get successful results from external consultant who must own up to their expectations and deliver results as outlined on the contract agreement between the company and the consultant. External consultants want to earn organizations business and have positive ratings and prestige reputation so that they can continue to provide services and expand their business.

Unlike external consultants, internal consultants are already on the company’s payroll and do not have to necessarily enter into any contract with the organization. They do not have the pressure to live up to their contract expectations as external consultants do. “Unfortunately, many organizations do not recognize the value of a strong and competent internal consulting function, so they hire less experienced or less competent junior consultants and place them in uninfluential lower positions in the hierarchy” (Scott & Hascall, n.d., para. 3)


Walden University Antecedents of Job Attitudes and LMX Paper Writing Assignment Help

Antecedents of Job Attitudes

Consider the following scenario: Joanne has been with the same company for 6 years, working her way to IT manager. She has had four people reporting to her, and she has had a good relationship with her own supervisor who works remotely, giving Joanne plenty of autonomy. The company has recently undergone restructuring, however, and Joanne has been called into a meeting to review some imminent changes. Instead of the promotion she had been anticipating as a result of many extra hours and special projects, Joanne now will have eight direct reports but no increase in pay, while the two other managers at her level only have five direct reports. Joanne will have a new supervisor in the same office—a known micromanager with a penchant for unprofessional outbursts. In addition, she and the rest of the IT department will no longer be eligible for bonuses, and the company can no longer afford to match retirement funds. Can you predict the impact of these changes on Joanne’s job attitudes? If you were told that Joanne had no plans to leave the company, could you understand why, or would you be surprised?

In this Discussion, you will explain how POS, LMX, quality of supervisor-subordinate relationship, justice, or trust in management affect job attitudes using an example from your experience.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Read the article “Organizational Justice and Readiness for Change: A Concomitant Examination of the Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Identification.” Think about POS and justice regarding readiness for change and more broadly the impact on job attitudes.
  • Read the article “Perception Is Reality: Change Leadership and Work Engagement.” Think about LMX and how it can impact engagement and perceptions of change.
  • Read the article “Perceived Organizational Support: Why Caring About Employees Counts.” Consider the impact on job attitudes of POS, LMX, quality of supervisor-subordinate relationship, justice, and trust in management.
  • Read the article “The Impact of Employees’ Values on Role Engagement: Assessing the Moderating Effects of Distributive Justice.” Consider the impact of justice on engagement and job attitudes.
  • Read the article “Leader Psychological Capital and Employee Work Engagement: The Roles of Employee Psychological Capital and Team Collectivism.” Think about the trickle-down relationship of leader psychological capital on supervisor relationship, LMX, and its effect on engagement and job attitudes.
  • In your response, prepare to respond to a colleague who chose a different variable.

The Assignment:

Post a response to the following:

Provide an explanation of how one of the following—POS, LMX, quality of supervisor-subordinate relationship, justice, or trust in management—has been shown to affect job attitudes such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Then, describe a work situation you (or someone you know) has experienced in which POS, LMX, quality of supervisor-subordinate relationship, justice, or trust in management (choose one) affected job attitudes.


Arnéguy, E., Ohana, M., & Stinglhamber, F. (2018). Organizational justice and readiness for change: A concomitant examination of the mediating role of perceived organizational support and identification. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1172. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01172

Caulfield, J. L., & Senger, A. (2017). Perception is reality: Change leadership and work engagement. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 38(7), 927–945. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1108/LODJ-07-2016-0166

Eisenberger, R., Rhoades Shanock, L., & Wen, X. (2020). Perceived organizational support: Why caring about employees counts. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 7(1), 101–124. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-012119-044917

Rice, B., Fieger, P., Rice, J., Martin, N., & Knox, K. (2017). The impact of employees’ values on role engagement: Assessing the moderating effects of distributive justice. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 38(8), 1095–1109. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1108/LODJ-09-2016-0223

Xu, J., Liu, Y., & Chung, B. (2017). Leader psychological capital and employee work engagement: The roles of employee psychological capital and team collectivism. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 38(7), 969–985. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1108/LODJ-05-2016-0126


Brite Divinity School Social Science Boston Marathon Bombing Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Assignment Details

Team Project: The Nature of Terrorist Acts

For this Assignment, you will be working in a team to examine the nature of a specific terrorist attack.

  • Boston Marathon Bombing, April 15, 2013

Your paper should include the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • A description of the attack and the aftermath
    • Include at least four characteristics specific to this attack
    • ****I am responsible for the introduction of the paper and also for the first section of the paper “A description of the attack and the aftermath, Include at least four characteristics specific to this attack.” Can you please assist. ******
    • Use at least four credible sources beyond the assigned reading and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of each source. You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations and references in APA style.100 of the total points available for the team Assignment are associated with the team submission, 30 of the total points are associated with quality of individual contribution, and 20 points are associated with your submission of the team evaluation form (total Assignment points possible: 150).

Use at least four credible sources beyond the assigned reading and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of each source. You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations and references in APA style.

100 of the total points available for the team Assignment are associated with the team submission, 30 of the total points are associated with quality of individual contribution, and 20 points are associated with your submission of the team evaluation form (total Assignment points possible: 150).



CRJS 2001 Walden University Social Control Crime and Social Media Essay Humanities Assignment Help

What are the implications of citizens broadcasting the events of a crime as it occurs or of a community tragedy being replayed on millions of phones in the moment? Consider the theories of social control in light of one of the most profound modern changes to human society: social media. Then, consider how social media may affect perceptions of crime, both as it occurs and in its aftermath.

In this Discussion, you analyze social control theory in relationship to crime and social media.

Your Instructor will point you to a current event that relates to the intersection of social media and social control. Or, your Instructor may provide the opportunity for you to contribute your own contemporary example.


  • Analyze the degree to which social media affects social control in the current event your Instructor has chosen or in the example you contributed.
  • Is it practical and/or ethical to attempt to mitigate the effect of social media or media on social control? How could your response change the current event or the example you contributed

CRJS 2001 Walden University Social Control Crime and Social Media Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Mandatory National Service Research Paper Other Assignment Help

Policy Assessment Report

CLO 1:
Demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements and organisation of the United Arab Emirates military and the role it has in and impact on the safety and security of UAE.

CLO 2:
Analyse and discuss the history of the threats to the UAE and how the current defence structures evolved from addressing these threats

Voluntary or Mandatory (Compulsory) National Service is an element of defence policy used by several countries globally. In this guided policy assessment report, identify and highlight discussions surrounding this policy and the role it plays in the organisation of militaries. Explore lessons that can be learned when comparing the UAE National Service Policy with different countries and its impact on defence.

 Word Count:
1000 – 1500 words excluding references

  •  Formulating arguments and providing evidence to support position taken
  •  Minimum 10 references required
  •  Total Marks: 100 Marks

please pick a couple of countries that have mandatory national service to compare to UAE.

I attached instructions sheet that has questions that need to be addressed and answered. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO COVER ALL THE QUESTIONS AND COVER ALL THE INFO NEEDED TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT.

a grading rubric is also attached for you to make sure you’re on the right track. please follow it carefully


BUSI 740 Liberty University Meditech Supply Chain Management Replies Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a supply chain discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

I am looking for 2 300 word replies to the two student papers that are attached. Very simple and straight forward. (one reply per paper that is attached. Please let me know if you need anymore guidance.

Reply Instructions:

Submit replies of at least 300 words each to at least 2 other students. Each reply must demonstrate a substantive discussion that meets grading rubric specification. Support your reply by citing at least 1 peer-reviewed journal articles.


CRJS 2001 Walden University Social Control Theory Paper Humanities Assignment Help

This week, you focused on how social control theories may explain behavior—deviant or criminal—and the different ways in which they are characterized or manifested by examining the origins of social control theories on behavior. In this Assignment, you write a paper that provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding of these concepts and how they are related.

Submit a 500- to 750-word paper in which you address the following:

  • Describe social control theory and include the following as part of your description:
    • 2 or 3 examples of social control
    • 2 or 3 systems of social control
    • 2 or 3 agents of social control
  • Choose two pairs of social control and compare the forms of social control within each pair:
    • Direct vs. indirect
    • Positive vs. negative
    • Conscious vs. unconscious
    • Formal vs. informal
    • Real vs. artificial


Greenpeace Environmental Interest Group Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

  1. Select an interest group and research its origins, policy positions, and membership. The following websites can help you find an interest group that focuses on an issue you care about:
  2. Consider whether the interest group would have supported a recent public policy change or court decision. You may use a law or program you have recently studied or search for one through newspapers, websites for Congress or your state legislature, or other Internet sites. You may find the Library of Congress–THOMAS and Supreme Court websites helpful.

    Tip: Do not expect to find a direct link between the policy or court decision and your interest group, such as the NRA example above. You will most likely need to evaluate for yourself what the group’s position would be, based on what you learn about the interest group.

  3. Write an article that could appear as a blog entry on the interest group’s website. This is an expository piece of writing, so be sure to write in the third person (do not use “I think” or “I believe” or similar phrases with “I”). Make sure your article addresses:
    • name and purpose of the interest group, and any key individuals
    • origins of the interest group, including how it was formed and how it has grown or changed over time
    • whether it has ties to political parties or other interest groups
    • description of the specific policy or court decision
    • rationale for the interest group’s position on the policy or court decision
  4. Cite the sources of your information in MLA Format. Include your sources with your article when you submit it to your instructor.


FL S0594 Preemption of Recyclable and Polystyrene Materials Policy Analysis Writing Assignment Help

FL S0594 Preemption of Recyclable and Polystyrene Materials Policy Analysis Writing Assignment Help

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