Florida International University Role of A Nurse Practitioner Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. Florida International University Role of A Nurse Practitioner Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.
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- Select and describe an Advanced Nurse Practitioner role.
- Why are you becoming a Nurse Practitioner?
- Find one research article, expert opinion about the Nurse Practitioner role and summarize the article.
- What does the Institute Of Medicine (IOM) say about the need of Nurse Practitioners?
- Identify and describe the effects that you will have as an advanced practice nurse in terms of healthcare industry and patient outcomes.
Submission Instructions:
- The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
- The paper is to be no shorter than 4 pages; nor longer than 5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
- Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.
Florida International University Role of A Nurse Practitioner Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Houston Community College American Government Civil Rights Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Civil Rights
Please view and take notes on It’s a Free Country Video and/or Professor Patterson’s lecture on Civil Rights and read the Civil Rights chapter in the textbook. After doing so, answer the following questions:
- Explain the purpose and role of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution. How did this amendment change the relationship between the States and the Bill of Rights? What was the context of this amendment? And why is it so significant to equality for all?
- Discuss one additional action taken by the government to advance equality for all. Which branch was responsible for this advance?
In order to receive credit, you are required to:
- Answer the questions in a discussion thread divided into paragraphs following the aforementioned questions.
- Penalties for not following this requirement will range from 5 to 10 points.
- Provide comprehensive answers by using the videos and the textbook as primary sources of information.
- Penalties for not using the textbook as the primary source of information will range from 5 to 20 points
- Submit your main response in at least 250 words.
- Penalties for not following the length requirement for any response/reply will range from 5 to 30 points.
- Reply to at least three classmates in at least 70 words per reply.
- In your reply, identify something you had not previously been aware of or something which challenges you to think differently.
- Each reply will be worth five (5) points.
- Submit all discussion posts within the due date.
- No late submission will be allowed or graded unless it involves a documented emergency or accommodation.
- Avoid copy-and-paste and unnecessary quotations.
- Use paraphrasing instead of quoting.
- You should use a quote only when the same idea cannot be stated differently or when doing so would diminish its academic value. The latter is not applicable in our case and the former is rarely needed.
- Use paraphrasing instead of quoting.
- Provide, when paraphrasing, in-text citations and references in the APA writing format.
- Penalties for not providing in-text citations and/or references will range from 10 to 40 points.
IT 272 Southern New Hampshire University Virtualization of PPD Presentation Writing Assignment Help

In this milestone, you will explain the concepts of virtualization based on the business scenario provided. This milestone will prepare you for your Project One that is due in Module Five. If you have questions or want to share ideas about this project, please post them to the General Questions discussion.
The company you work for, Packages Plus Delivery (PPD), currently houses its physical computing environments on site. Packages Plus Delivery is growing, including the number of packages delivered and the number of employees hired each quarter. As a result of this growth and to better meet the needs of the clients, organizational leadership recently made the decision to virtualize all computing environments.
Leadership is deciding between internal virtualization and the use of an external vendor. They are also considering a move to cloud-based architecture but want to know more about the risks and cost benefits of moving to a cloud environment.
As a virtual solutions analyst at Packages Plus Delivery, you serve on the Virtualization Transition Committee. This group has been asked to create a presentation that emphasizes how the decision to move to virtualization will improve business strategy, and what the options are if the company considers moving the infrastructure to a cloud environment. Your presentation will ensure that leadership makes an informed decision.
You have been asked to create a presentation that supports the company’s decision to move to virtualization. Within the presentation, you must address each of the following critical elements:
- Describe how the company’s decision to move to a virtual computing environment will impact its business strategy. If you use sources, be sure to provide a citation.
You must include:
- The benefits of your company’s decision to move to a virtual computing environment
- The constraints of the decision to move to a virtual computing environment
- An explanation of how moving to virtualization will impact the scalability of the business
- The costs of moving to virtualization
- The hardware and software, and other technologies involved
- In order to provide the most detailed information, you need to compare the implications of the organization moving to a virtual environment using its hardware servers in-house with the implications of using a third-party vendor to virtualize. You may create a visual (such as a Venn diagram) or write a passage to explain these concepts. You will need to compare the following factors and describe the advantages, disadvantages, and risks associated with each:
- Cost: equipment such as hardware and software, maintenance (e.g., upgrades and backups), licensing, security (e.g., shared responsibility, on premises)
- Capacity
- Agility
- Service availability
Guidelines for Submission
Your submission should be a presentation file (.ppt, PDF, .doc).
Your presentation must include:
- The evidence that supports your company’s decision to move to virtualization
- A comparison of creating a virtual environment in-house to using an external vendor
FSSC How Online Professors Can Promote Retention in an Online Course Outline Business Finance Assignment Help
Hey again! so I have a group speech project and under it says and has an outline what to do.. I only have to do the second body and some references…. I can attach the outline when you accept my question.. its not to much… if you want to take a look at what we started then add the second body.. so you would just go under speech and press group project.. then after you read it there is a tap on the left that says group.. you can read the discussion we started and see what everyone is doing.. then you go to collaborate and select the speech group project I created..
IT 272 SNUH Examples of Cloud Based Architectures Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Throughout the last two modules, you have learned about cloud-based architectures, cloud computing, and cloud service models. Whether you have thought about it or not, you have likely used a cloud-based architecture in your personal, academic, or professional life. For instance, if you have a Google account, you’re using a cloud-based architecture for your email communications or for shared documents. You may even upload your photos on Google Drive or Apple’s iCloud, which are cloud-based environments.
For this week’s discussion post, reflect on the cloud environments that you already engage with, whether in your personal or professional life.
In your post:
- Identify one to three cloud-based architectures and their brand names that you already engage with on a frequent basis
- Describe how you know that they use cloud computing
- Explain how these cloud technologies are helpful in your personal or professional life
- Provide at least one citation to support your rationale
Walden University Week 7 Research Article Analysis Health Medical Assignment Help
Welcome to week 7 where the task to be completed is the Week 7 Assignment. To complete the Assignment an analysis of the elements of the research article you identified will be completed. Follow the inclusion items listed in the directives of the Assignment (be specific). Remember to review the feedback provided on your previous Assignments. Do not turn in a paper with mistakes that could have been corrected. By week six everyone who needed to receive the services of the Walden Writing Center should have received such, since the directive was given in week one. Consider also that if you have been provided with information that instructs how to correct an infraction for more than three weeks it may not appear on the paper for week seven if it has not been corrected.
Please save your Assignment using the following naming convention: WK7Assgn+last name+first initial.
- Browse your computer to find and attach your Assignment file. If you are submitting multiple files, repeat until all files are attached.
- From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
- Note: Checking this box is only an agreement to help prevent others from plagiarizing your work. Your Assignment will be checked by SafeAssign automatically regardless of whether you check this box or not.
- Finally, add any appropriate comments pertaining to your Assignment and click the corresponding button to submit your Assignment for review.
Walden University Week 7 Research Article Analysis Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MKT 271 Arizona State University Coca Cola on Facebook Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
You should assume that you have been hired by the leadership at Coca-Cola. as a marketing consultant and you have been selected to answer several questions related to their marketing efforts. You must advise the company on what to do.
In late 2008, executives at Coca-Cola had to decide what to do with a fan-created page on Facebook that had amassed over one million followers in three months. From a legal point of view the fan-created page was in violation of Facebook’s terms of service, because a non-copyright holder was using the imagery and logo associated with a known brand. Facebook contacted Michael Donnelly, Group Director, Worldwide Interactive Marketing for The Coca-Cola Company, to let him know that he was in the position to take down the hugely popular fan-created site or, conversely, he could take it over and make it an official marketing channel for the company. Coke was already revisiting its social media policies, with the Diet Coke and Mentos user-generated video incident fresh in its memory. Those videos, which featured elaborate geysers with Diet Coke as their main ingredient, were among the most viewed online videos at the time but were not initially sanctioned by the company. Donnelly knew that opening up the brand to creative consumers was necessary, but he and his team had to figure out how and to what extent they should do so while still protecting one of the world’s most valuable brands.
The Challenge
You must read the HBS case and prepare a response.
You should analyze the case and address these questions as a part of your response:
- What are Coke’s primary internet promotional objectives? Have Coke’s objectives changed significantly over the years and, if so, how?
- What do you feel are the most valid measures for assessing the success of Coke’s internet advertising? Explain why you feel that these are the best means of determining effectiveness.
- Many of Coke’s competitors are attempting to imitate aspects of its internet advertising and integrated promotional program. (a) Does this present a threat to Coke? (b) Why or why not, and how should Coke respond?
Read the scenario carefully and develop your position using supporting arguments from the text reading material and any supporting videos. You must outline your position clearly. Any questions at the end of the case are suggestions to prompt your thinking and do not need to be answered in sequence.
GB 610 North Carolina A & T State University System Thinking Discussion Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
- Conduct a search for exercises or methods that will encourage you to start thinking differently, as suggested in the Gladwin video and in your readings. You can use the University Library or any other source you uncover in your research. The Barlow Video in your reading is one example that was found in the Library and you should be supplying at least 2 other sources in addition to this week’s readings and videos.
- Share at least 3 results of your work in this discussion area for your main post. Select at least one of these exercises or methods and in your post show how you have used it to address an issue that you faced in the simulation
York University Organizational Behavior on Teams Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
1.- Based on Team’s competences classification what kind of team is the one that has been presented on the example. (1 point)
2.- What type of autonomy / self-management has the team that has been presented on the case/ explain why (1 point)
3.- What type of task interdepence (interaction and coordination) can you see on the team presented in this case. Give an example (1 point)
4.- What levels on Goal interdependence can you describe in the team presented on the case. (1 point)
5.- What degree of outcome interdependence can you describe in the team presented on the case (1 point)
Can you identify at least 3 individualistic roles on the team presented on the case? How the team diversity affecting the performance of the team presented in the case? (5 points)
PART 2 – Case analysis
How does Team characteristics like member diversity, task interdependence, team size affect team processes? ( 10 points)
What type of Teamwork processes can you describe in the case? Transition / Action / Interpersonal Processes. Choose one category and give examples. (10 points)
If you were the manager of this team what strategies would you apply to improve team effectiveness? Explain why. (10 points)
the rest of the question is posted in the word document attached.
University of Central Florida Taiye Selasi Video Essay Humanities Assignment Help
For this essay I will ask you to experiment with and attack it from an entirely different perspective. I’m not asking for merely a revision of the earlier draft, but instead a totally new treatment of the subject. Perhaps you’d like to take a travel narrative and turn it into a how-to essay. Perhaps you’d like to argue from an opposing side of an issue that you focused on in an earlier essay. Perhaps you’d like to rethink your entire perspective on something that happened in a memoir event. Perhaps you’d like to shift the point of view of the essay. What sort of radical shift you make in the approach to the subject matter is up to you. Be as creative and experimental as you like. I’ll reward you for taking a rhetorical risk and penalize you for playing it safe and sticking close to the design of the old essay. Feel free to run any ideas you have by me if you’re so inclined.
It should be between 500-750 words
For this essay . Include one-paragraph analysis in which you explain what you learned about writing from the assignment and progression of that particular essay. In the analysis paragraph, be sure to include literary vocabulary you’ve learned along the way when discussing the essay (e.g., hook, point of view, structure, diction, grammar, imagery, dialogue, setting, hyperbole, personification, metaphor, etc.)
Florida International University Role of A Nurse Practitioner Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Florida International University Role of A Nurse Practitioner Paper Health Medical Assignment Help