Florida International University Week 4 How CNO Impact Nurses In Their Duties Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. Florida International University Week 4 How CNO Impact Nurses In Their Duties Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Below is a Review the Institute of Medicine’s Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report. You may also download the IOM Future of Nursing report for free from the internet.
Will Chief Nursing Officers Hear the Call?
Although chief nursing officers (CNOs) typically are part of the hierarchical decision-making structure in that they have authority and responsibility for the nursing staff, they need to move up in the reporting structure of their organizations to increase their ability to contribute to key decisions. Not only is this not happening, however, but CNOs appear to be losing ground. A 2002 survey by the American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE) showed that 55 percent of CNOs reported directly to their institution’s CEO, compared with 60 percent in 2000. More CNOs described a direct reporting relationship to the chief operating officer instead. Such changes in reporting structure can limit nurse leaders’ involvement in decision making about the most important product of hospitals—patient care. Additionally, the AONE survey showed that most CNOs (70 percent) have seen their responsibilities increase even as they have moved down in the reporting structure (Ballein Search Partners and AONE, 2003). CNOs face growing issues of contending not only with increased responsibilities, but also with budget pressures and difficulties with staffing, retention, and turnover levels during a nursing shortage (Jones et al., 2008).
Nurses also are underrepresented on institution and hospital boards, either their own or others. A biennial survey of hospitals and health systems conducted in 2007 by the Governance Institute found that only 0.8 percent of voting board members were CNOs, compared with 5.1 percent who were vice presidents for medical affairs (Governance Institute, 2007). More recently, a 2009 survey of community health systems found that nurses made up only 2.3 percent of their boards, compared with 22.6 percent who were physicians (Prybil et al., 2009).3 While most boards focus mainly on finance and business, health care delivery, quality, and responsiveness to the public—areas in which the nature of their work gives nurses particular expertise—also are considered key (Center for Healthcare Governance, 2007). A 2007 survey found that 62 percent of boards included a quality committee (Governance Institute, 2007). A 2006 survey of hospital presidents and CEOs showed the impact of such committees. Those institutions with a quality committee were more likely to adopt various oversight practices; they also experienced lower mortality rates for six common medical conditions measured by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) Inpatient Quality Indicators and the State Inpatient Databases (Jiang et al., 2008).
The growing attention of hospital boards to quality and safety issues reflects the increased visibility of these issues in recent years. Several states and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, for example, are increasing their oversight of specific preventable errors (“never events”), and new payment structures in health care reform may be based on patient outcomes and satisfaction (Hassmiller, 2009; IOM, 2000; King, 2009; Wachter, 2009). Given their expertise in quality and safety improvement, nurses are more likely than many other board members to understand the issues involved and often can educate other members about these issues (Mastal et al., 2007). This is one area, then, in which nurse board members can have a significant impact. Recognizing this, the 2009 survey of community health systems mentioned above specifically recommended that community health system boards consider appointing expert nursing leaders as voting board members to strengthen clinical input in deliberations and decision-making processes (Prybil et al., 2009).
More CNOs need to prepare themselves and seek out opportunities to serve on the boards of health-related institutions. If decisions are taking place about patient care and a nurse is not at the decision-making table, important perspectives will be missed. CNOs should also promote leadership activities among their staff, encouraging them to secure important decision-making positions on committees and boards, both internal and external to the organization.
Institute of Medicine. (2010). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Report recommendations. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
For more information about CNOs roles and responsibilities, please read this article:
Please use the IOM report “The Future of Nursing”, and other references, to answer the following question:
How should the Chief Nursing Officer impact nurses in their everyday duties? focus on 3 most important/influential
The report should help you develop your discussion, and you must include your own experience as a healthcare professional to support your argument. Make sure to include your own critical and analytical ideas based on your experiences. Please do not attempt to address every aspect of the Chief Nursing Officer’s impact on nurses. Instead, focus on three areas you think are most important.
3 areas more important
Include a list of references in APA format, 6th edition, use at least 3 peer-reviewed references published within 5 years.
4 pages total cover page, 2 pages of content, one reference page
Florida International University Week 4 How CNO Impact Nurses In Their Duties Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Tocqueville in America Democracy Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Abstracts are an important part of academic writing. Think of an abstract as a snapshot of an argument, a brief summary of an author’s main contribution. As part of the paper writing process, you’ll write an abstract to give your reader the gist of your argument, including your main claim and key evidence. Remember, our paper engages with a definitional debate over civil society. You should ‘snapshot’ the definitional debate, identify the definition you have crafted, as well as your reasoning/evidence.
The point of this abstract is to express your paper’s argument in brief. I should know your argument based on this abstract. Sometimes students worry that they should keep the main takeaway of the paper hidden from the reader in the abstract; however, your abstract should capture the main points for quick reference.
Your abstract should be a short paragraph of about 6-7 sentences, 150-200 words. Be sure to read the guidelines for paper 1 (attached) titled (abstract) before crafting your abstract.
Readings mentioned in the paper 1 guideline
1.De Toqueville (2006) (attached)
2.Jezard (2019) , https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/04/what-is-civil-society/
3.Roginsky, S., & Shortall, S. (2009). (attached)
4.Härdig, A. C. (2015) (attached)
University of South Florida Spirograph HTML5 & Javascript Code Project Programming Assignment Help
Hi need help with HTML5 and Javascript code to do the following:
Using HTML5 Canvas, you are going to create a Spirograph. Start with a blank Canvas, and draw a spirograph pattern. To do this you will first need the equations that govern the location of the pen in a Spirograph. These are
x = (R+r)*cos(t) – (r+O)*cos(((R+r)/r)*t)
y = (R+r)*sin(t) – (r+O)*sin(((R+r)/r)*t)
R is the radius of the outer (fixed) circle,
r is the radius of the rotating (inner) circle, and
O is the offset of the pen from the center of the inner circle.
Since a pen moves the Spirograph, t is a variable that starts at 0 and increases (you can test different increments) to give the x and y location of the pen.
Increasing t will eventually start drawing extending the same line that was previously drawn. You should have a single button to start the Spirograph drawing. Valid random numbers for R, r, and O should be entered in text boxes by the user. If you have the user enter these numbers, be sure to seed the text box and indicate and validate acceptable ranges of values for R, r, and O.
Please note r cannot be greater than R.
CCJ 3032 Florida State University Criminal Cases and the Media Influence Discussion Law Assignment Help
The format is to include title page, abstract, body, and bibliography. References and citations are to be in APA format. The length of the body of each paper is to be 1500 words, written in 12-point font and double-spaced. must include in paper:
- A description of the crime in its historical setting. (What events would influence the media and courts at the time of the crime? (social unrest, civil rights, war etc.)
- A theoretical analysis of the crime event. (Choose a criminology theory that best explains the crime)
- A description of media involvement and coverage of the case from investigation to disposition.
- A perspective concerning the media effect on case outcomes.
- you must also use five other additional outside sources for your paper, and two of these should be scholarly in nature. For example, you may use a combination of the internet, academic journal databases, books, encyclopedias, videos, newspapers, etc., but primarily relying on a source like Wikipedia or a textbook is not acceptable.
BAS 490 George Mason University Cybersecurity Annotated Bibliography Writing Assignment Help
Annotated Bibliography for Research Paper
I already have my sources; I am looking for someone to annotate them in APA style. Here is the prompt from my instructor, please make sure to incorporate it into the annotations.
Prompt: Your annotated bibliography must contain a minimum of 10 scholarly sources. Remember, you’re using your annotated bibliography to think critically about your sources and analyze their quality. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the research? Are there any conflicts of interest? Is the research relevant and timely?
Here are some examples of annotated bibliographies to help: https://d101vc9winf8ln.cloudfront.net/documents/16…
The COVID 19 Stressor Descriptive Essay Health Medical Assignment Help
Organizational Policies and Practices to Support Healthcare Issues
Quite often, nurse leaders are faced with ethical dilemmas, such as those associated with choices between competing needs and limited resources. Resources are finite, and competition for those resources occurs daily in all organizations.
For example, the use of 12-hour shifts has been a strategy to retain nurses. However, evidence suggests that as nurses work more hours in a shift, they commit more errors. How do effective leaders find a balance between the needs of the organization and the needs of ensuring quality, effective, and safe patient care?
In this Discussion, you will reflect on a national healthcare issue and examine how competing needs may impact the development of polices to address that issue.
To Prepare:
- Review the Resources and think about the national healthcare issue/stressor you previously selected for study in Module 1.
- Reflect on the competing needs in healthcare delivery as they pertain to the national healthcare issue/stressor you previously examined.
By Day 3 of Week 3
Post an explanation of how competing needs, such as the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients, may impact the development of policy. Then, describe any specific competing needs that may impact the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected. What are the impacts, and how might policy address these competing needs? Be specific and provide examples.
By Day 6 of Week 3
Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by providing additional thoughts about competing needs that may impact your colleagues’ selected issues, or additional ideas for applying policy to address the impacts described.
student one
The national healthcare infrastructure is being stressed of its resources to provide needs to the opioid use disorder (OUD) patient population. Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is both a physical and psychological dependence and is recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) as a mental disorder (Kosten, & Baxter, 2019). An article by Horner, et al., discussed that due to the opioid epidemic, health care workers are encountering an increasing number of patients who have opioid use disorder in addition to complex social, behavioral and medical issues (2019). A different article by Cash further discusses the complex needs of OUD, “Patients with OUD have poorer overall health and worse health service outcomes, including higher rates of morbidity, mortality, HIV and HCV transmission, and 30-day re-admissions. With the rate of fatal overdoses from opioids at crisis levels, leading scientific and professional organizations have declared OUD to be a public health emergency in the United States (2019).”
The competing needs, such as the nursing shortage, ethical decision, limited resources, and no OUD cure have impacted the way institutions are addressing the opioid crisis. Both RN and hospitals, are having to face ethical dilemmas in treating OUD patients, as the treatment for OUD requires a complex amount of care. The American Nurses Association (ANA) suggests that RN aim for a restructured healthcare system that considers nursing as a specialized body of professional knowledge that attends to and cares for people’s physical bodies and mental health (Kelly, & Porr, 2018). Healthcare organizations need to develop further policies that consider the RN voice in the treatment plan of OUD patients. My organization currently is lacking policies that address the competitive stressors that RN are facing in providing treatment to OUD patients.
Cash, J. (2019). Ethical considerations in the care of hospitalized patients with opioid use and injection drug use disorders. Journal of hospital medicine, 14(2), 123.
Horner, G., Daddona, J., Burke, D. J., Cullinane, J., Skeer, M., & Wurcel, A. G. (2019). “You’re kind of at war with yourself as a nurse”: Perspectives of inpatient nurses on treating people who present with a comorbid opioid use disorder. PloS one, 14(10), e0224335.
Kelly, P., Porr, C., (January 31, 2018) “Ethical Nursing Care Versus Cost Containment: Considerations to Enhance RN Practice” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 23, No. 1, Manuscript 6.
Kosten, T. R., & Baxter, L. E. (2019). Effective management of opioid withdrawal symptoms: A gateway to opioid dependence treatment. The American journal on addictions, 28(2), 55-62.
student two:
Within healthcare there are needs that need to be met not just for the patient but for the organizations as a whole, such as staff and resources available. To address the needs of the organization those needs have to also align with the policy in this case lack of staffing. The staffing issue that is prevalent at my current occupation and within healthcare in general usually comes down to the available resources and financial constraints (Rafferty, 2018). The successful delivery of patient care in terms of quantity, cost, and quality are a direct result of the utilization of resources and staff within the workforce. Failure to provide these needs is what leads to the issue of shortage in clinical staff especially nurses.
A specific competing need that impacts nursing shortages at my current facility is the ability to place the right nurse with the right patient demographic. Research shows that the overall skills and knowledge of the nurse has a direct result of the patient outcomes. For example, within my current job there are instances where nurses are pulled from their assigned clinic due to low staffing and are placed in another clinic where minimal training was available leading to longer patient wait times and the risk of error especially in the immunization clinic. Patient acuity and nursing workload are entwined in clinical practice and in the literature because patient care needs demand nurses’ time and attention. Patient acuity is defined as assessing the nursing care requirements of patients to determine the amount of nursing time needed to meet those requirements (Paulsen, 2018). Ensuring the nursing capacity fits the patients who will be receiving care is a necessity and provides a balance in available resources to unavailable resources and in turn decreases the costs to the facility through positive care and decreased risk of error.
With workload impacting the patient, staff and organizations resources implementing a policy could help combat this competing need. A policy that ensures the optimal patient to nurse ratio including their education/skill level can improve the nurse turnover rate and improve patient outcomes. When health care employers fail to recognize the association between RN staffing and patient outcomes; laws and regulations become necessary (ANA, 2019). The policy for example could be outlined in a way that nurses with less than one year be assigned to clinics that are more task based and those with more experience handle the more complex clinics while being mindful of patient complexity and how many one single nurse can handle. For instance in the women’s health clinic that sees roughly 40 patient a day should have at least 3 interviewing nurses whereas the prenatal clinic may only need 2 since they see half as many patients. Being mindful of the available staff and their abilities in relation to patient ration would help lessen the burden to new nurses and decrease costs of providing increased training and turnover rates.
American Nurses Association. (2019). Nurse Staffing Advocacy. https://www.nursingworld.org/practice-policy/nurse…
Paulsen R. A. (2018). Taking nurse staffing research to the unit level. Nursing management, 49(7), 42–48. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.NUMA.0000538915.53159.b…
Rafferty, A. M. (2018). Nurses as change agents for a better future in health care: The politics of drift and dilution. Health Economics, Policy and Law, 13(3-4), 475-491. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1017/S…
The COVID 19 Stressor Descriptive Essay Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Sullivan College of Technology Business Law and the Legal Environment Discussion Law Assignment Help
In Colorado, on December 10, 2012 it became legal for any individual age 21 or older to possess up to an ounce a marijuana for “any purpose”. On January 1, 2014 it became legal for people to purchase marijuana from licensed retail outlets. In addition, while marijuana is still a federally prohibited substance, President Obama directed federal law enforcement agencies to refrain from enforcing the federal law in Colorado and other states that have legalized recreational marijuana. As a consequence, several new legal issues may arise.
Using your understanding of the concepts from Chapter 4, explain in as much detail as possible whether each of the following complaints would succeed or fail on Constitutional grounds. Do not rely on outside research for your original response.
1. The Attorneys General of Nebraska and Oklahoma argue that the Colorado law makes it easier for their state’s residents and other state’s residents who are traveling through their states to obtain marijuana which will increase their law enforcement costs. Therefore they petition the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the Colorado law.
2. The Attorney General of Florida argues that Colorado’s law makes it a more attractive vacation destination, thereby harming Florida’s commerical interests in violation of the Commerce Clause and demands the law be overturned.
3. The Colorado business association representing the marijuana industry spends several million dollars on public advertising and activities to get pro-legalization measures placed on several other state’s ballots and to elect pro-legalization representatives to both state and federal office. A concerned citizens association in one of these states charges that the consequences of these ads and activities will endanger the public health and welfare of the state’s residents and it asks the state court to prohibit these ads and activities.
In Colorado, the law in the constitution allows persons above 21years old to consume or be in passion of a limited quantity of marijuana. The government facilitates the licensing of marijuana cultivation, manufacturing, and processing facilities, testing farcicalities, and distribution and retailing. However, there are regulations and rules for using marijuana. In section 16. Article 5(e) of the constitution a licensed marijuana operator should establish a marijuana operation within the locality’s boundaries, and only licensed individuals are allowed to carry out these operations. Therefore, Oklahoma and Nebraska Attorney General may not succeed in prohibiting the use of marijuana in Colorado because the state of Colorado will argue that it has put strict regulation of the marijuana operation to be done only within the locality.
The argument from Florida’s Attorney General will be treated as null and void because it does not have bases. After understanding the Colorado law as it is clearly stated in the constitution, section 16 article 1(a), the purpose of legalizing cannabis is to give people freedom just like they have freedom in taking alcohol. Therefore, the law is not about the state attracting tourists, but it is based on personal choices. The tourists, just like in any other states they come to Colorado without being coursed but out of their own will.
In section 16, Article 5 (a) on regulation number (vIII), the constitution prohibits the advertisement and displaying of marijuana. This is a prohibition to persuading people to purchase marijuana. Therefore, the claim about marijuana being advertised is already addressed in the constitution as illegal, and in case there is an operator or individual doing an advertisement, it is illegal. The state passed the marijuana law not to coax people to use it but to give them the freedom to make a personal choice and that is why on the package there is a list of risks that come along with marijuana use. The state has the right to take the step of punishing such an individuaL
Great post…RESPONSE 1.
Concerning the first case, do you think a strong case could be made to argue that Colorado is not enforcing strict regulation? If hypothetically a strong case was found that Colorado was not enforcing strict regulations, do you think this might be enough to get a win for Nebraska and Oklahoma?
You mention that the legalization of marijuana had more to do with providing people the freedom of choice than economic gain from interstate transactions (tourists). Do you not think the same logic and argument could be applied to other drugs like cocaine? If freedom of choice is such a strong legal precedence, why is cocaine illegal? And could the same arguments against the legalization of cocaine not be made about drugs like marijuana? I personally think that no drugs should be illegal because we should have the freedom under the constitution to make our own decisions about how we use our bodies. My body, my choice, if people want to use drugs, who are we to try and stop them?
Do you think that Nebraska and Oklahoma could have a case and have the Supreme Court rule Colorado’s marijuana law unconstitutional if the states brought up the commerce clause? Could there be evidence that the legalization of marijuana in Colorado is causing a burden to both Nebraska and Oklahoma? Or is there no tie between the legalization of marijuana in one state and the potential disruption of commerce in the surrounding states?
For question 3, if the advertisements were not promoting marijuana at all, just the candidates (with no written information about their campaign, including their support for the legalization of marijuana), would the section of the constitution you cited still be valid for an unconstitutional ruling?
Great post!
Responses: A reminder, our goal in responses is to “seek to expand, clarify, or question the original post and are not repetitive of others’ responses.” Agreeing and alternative scenarios have some value but they don’t usually cause the initial poster to think more deeply about their strategy. Our aim is to encourage each other to think more broadly about our suggestions and opinions. To do so encourages greater learning, which a great strength of a cohort. The simplest strategy for accomplishing this is to ask specific questions about the initial post. These questions can be substantive or procedural but they should press the originator to think more broadly.
For situation one, I believe that this complaint might pass on Constitutional grounds. When medical marijuama was legalized in California, the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) was ruled unconstitutional becasue the marijuana use was only in one state (Mayer, 2014). This could also apply in this situation because Colorado was the only state allowing adults to possess marijuana, but Congress was later given the authority to prohibit marijuana because it was a part of certain class of activities. I feel that scenario two, is somewhat similar to this since it is also based on a state wanting Colorado’s law overturned because they think it may cause harm to their state in some way. With this, the complaint may pass, but it really all depends on the arguement that is formed for each side. In my opinion, I think that more states should follow in Colorado’s foot steps because people are already using marijuana and regulating it could make it more safe to use instead of buying it from people that they may not know. Situation three would fail in my opinion because I’m not sure that a citizens association has much power over how the state uses it’s money. I feel that these are usually the people who are not open minded and tend to only think of one side which will not always get you the outcome that you want.
1. The Attorneys General of Nebraska and Oklahoma argue that the Colorado law makes it easier for their state’s residents and other state’s residents who are traveling through their states to obtain marijuana which will increase their law enforcement costs. Therefore they petition the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the Colorado law.
“The commerce clause is the basis on which the federal government regulates interstate economic activity”(Mayer 20212). When Californina had passed the Compassionate Users Act, legalizing marijuna for medical use, this conflicted with medical use. In the Gonzales v. Raich (2005) case. It was majority ruled that Congress can regulate activities with a substantial effect on interstate commerce. The majority ruled Congress could ban local marijuana, but the problem in this complaint is not about something local being regulated. This complaint would not stand on constitutional grounds because there is not an economic exchange between states, therefore it is not constitutional to regulate who can visit from what state.
2. The Attorney General of Florida argues that Colorado’s law makes it a more attractive vacation destination, thereby harming Florida’s commercial interests in violation of the Commerce Clause and demands the law be overturned.
As stated above what the commerce clause entails, is the regulation of commerce between states and foreign nations. “Interstate commerce” can be subjective in this complaint. I am assuming the good being lost out on is tourists. But to be claiming a state as stealing your business because they have a law seen as attractive to some people is not a violation of the Constitution.
3. The Colorado business association representing the marijuana industry spends several million dollars on public advertising and activities to get pro-legalization measures placed on several other state’s ballots and to elect pro-legalization representatives to both state and federal office. A concerned citizens association in one of these states charges that the consequences of these ads and activities will endanger the public health and welfare of the state’s residents and it asks the state court to prohibit these ads and activities.
This is similar to the cigarette warning legislature that was passed in the 1960’s, there is when the federal government required warning labels on cigarette packages. If Colorado is working on getting other states on board this could be dangerous because what they are promoting, legal marijuana, is currently against Federal Law. I could see this complaint having some weight, and influencing the ability to advertise.
Don Mayer, Daniel Warner, George Siedel, and Jethro K. Lieberman. (2012). Business Law and the Legal Environment: Executive MBA Edition. Boston, MA: FlatWorld
SUNY Old Westbury Capital One & PSN Hacking Attacks Discussion Replies Computer Science Assignment Help
In your responses to your peers:
- Further expand on the claims of the original poster, and those who already responded.
- Then explain why it is difficult to conduct a quantitative risk assessment (RA) for an IT infrastructure.
in 2011 a group of black hat hackers who called themselves lulzsect hacked and released the personal information of thousands of PlayStation customers. Information included credit card numbers, addresses, email addresses, and corresponding names. This was a huge nightmare for gamers who had trusted playstation with their personal data, caused Sony millions in damages.
The hackers; who were very pompous and arrogant about their exploits, going as far as to brag about them on their own group twitter account. In it they exploited that hacking Sony had been very easy as Sony had been storing personal data without any sort of encryption of personal security keys or passwords. They had not used any sort of password hashing, scrambling, or encryption to hide users personal data. Peoples username and password combinations were just sitting there in plain text.
It is very obvious that Sony had never anticipated the possibility of something on such a large scale happening, it can only be attributed to total insubordination and arrogance why no security measures for peoples data was taken. It basic data security to provide some sort of encryption for this type of information.
For this weeks discussion on the topic of risk assessment I have chosen to research the Capital One breaches, where many customers data, including social security numbers, bank account information and more was stolen by hackers who had been able to compromise the security of Capital One banks. This breach had a multinational impact as it revealed the information of millions of Americans and Canadians alike.
While Capital One claims that this breach was solely due to the hacker’s expertise and skill to extract this amount of data, there was clearly a lack of security protocols being followed for this to occur. For this particular case, I believe that a qualitative risk assessment would have been useful to prevent this event from occurring. While quantitative risk assessments are excellent at what they do, there aren’t specific data points to look at when trying to predict the likelihood of a hack, this kind of risk requires a review regarding the quality of security currently implemented within the company.
In response Capital One’s CIO appeared to have controlled the situation as best they could and assured the media that this kind of breach will not be happening again as they have identified the kind of security failure within their systems and will adjust it accordingly. Their attitude towards the situation did seem appropriate but I do believe that there was some sort of improper risk evaluation of how risk assessment should be handled within the security department of Capital One. The company would greatly benefit from more qualitative risk assessments going forward, as this kind of security flaw would put up big red flags for anyone conducting this kind of assessment.
Campbellsville University Marketing Mix and Research Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help
Question: Select one element of the Marketing mix and discuss how marketing research could help that area. Be specific in your recommendations.
Instructions: All initial postings must have reference from at least two peer reviewed academic journal articles and it must be in APA format. Failure to have references or not having it in APA format will mean a deduction of 5 points.
Word counts must be met. Each 10 words short will incur a deduction of points from your total discussion score.
If any part of your postings is copied and pasted you will receive no credit for the assignment, and no re-submission is possible.
Respond to Classmate’s post:(Attached Below)
Instructions for response post: Respond to your colleague’s posts in one or more of the following ways:
• Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, research from academically reviewed journal articles.
• Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.
• Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
• Make suggestions based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.
• Expand on your colleague’s postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.
Herzing University Online Modeling Assumptions Paper and Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help
In this analysis, you will be generating multiple sales forecasts based on different modeling assumptions.
In this scenario, you will be working with a business that offers three types of services to the public. You will be evaluating the effects of different assumptions related to sales level, sales price and service mix.
Begin with the information below for 2017 (download the excel file with the information below here sales_forecast [Excel file]):
1) Using the information from 2017, create a sales and profit forecast based on each of the following three scenarios:
Scenario 1 (Good Year)
- Sales of Service A begin at their December 2017 levels, and increase as they did in 2017, but there is no seasonality decrease beginning in August, the climb continues through the end of the year.
- Sales of Service B begin at their January 2017 level but increase at twice the pace of 2017.
- Sales of Service C begin at their January 2017 level and remain constant throughout the year.
- Beginning in August, prices on all services are raised by 10%
- Margins on all products are 10% higher than 2017, and beginning in June margins on service B grow at 2% per month
Scenario 2 (Average Year)
- Product sales levels begin at their December 2017 level, and grow or shrink based on their percentage growth or reduction from 2017.
- All prices remain the same.
- Margins on Service A grow by 2%, while margins on Service B shrink by 1%
Scenario 3 (Poor Year)
- Product sales levels begin at their January 2017 level.
- Sales of Service A grow at 10% per month until August, then shrink at 15% per month.
- All other sales levels are flat.
- Prices for Service A and C are reduced 5% in March, the price for Service B is reduced 15% in February.
- Margins are cut across the board by 5% in September.