FNU Community Nursing Florida Health Interventions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

FNU Community Nursing Florida Health Interventions Discussion Writing Assignment Help. FNU Community Nursing Florida Health Interventions Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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Chapter 6: Epidemiology: The Science of Prevention

1. Jeff is 11 years old and slightly overweight. His father is a truck driver who was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. His mother is a licensed practical nurse at the local hospital. At a recent health science fair at his school, a student-led screening clinic documented Jeff’s blood pressure at 140/92 mm Hg.

a. Is Jeff at risk? If so, for what?

b. Utilizing the Guidelines for High Blood Pressure in Adults (American College of Cardiology, 2017), what is Jeff’s future risk from adolescence through adulthood?

c. How does epidemiologic data define hypertension in a child of Jeff’s age?

d. Are there health promotion activities that you would recommend?

FNU Community Nursing Florida Health Interventions Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PUB 610 NYU Wk7 Health Communication Intervention Opioid Crisis Essay Health Medical Assignment Help


Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.

Design a health communication intervention for a public health issue affecting your local community.

Create a 1,000-1,250 plan that includes the following:

  • Goal: Identify the overall communication intervention goal for your selected public health issue affecting your local community. This goal should serve as a brief description of the expected overall health improvement in mortality, morbidity, incidence, prevalence, or quality of life.
  • Objectives: Identify the specific social, behavioral, or organizational results supported by the overall goal that are expected by the intervention. Objectives should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic, and Time-Bound).
  • Situation and Audience Analysis: Provide an overview of the factors that influence the health issue and the adoption of new behaviors. Be sure to include an audience profile.
  • Communication Objectives: Describe the changes in knowledge, attitudes, and skills that lead to social, behavioral, or organizational changes that then support the overall intervention goal.
  • Communication Strategies: Describe the audience-specific communication actions to be taken to meet communication objectives. Articulate how and why you selected the communication strategies for your different audiences and sectors.
  • Action Plan: This should include a description of the communication messages, materials, activities, and channels that will be used. Describe key groups and stakeholders who will be involved and their roles and responsibilities. Address any potential barriers to implementation. Include a timeline for the implementation.
  • Budget: Prepare a line item budget for the resources needed to implement this intervention.

Incorporate SIX resources to support your plan.

In addition to your written paper, prepare a brief 5-7 slide PowerPoint presentation of your proposed health communication intervention, including speaker notes.

General Requirements

You are required to cite at least SIX sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the discussion question criteria and public health content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required.

While APA style is required, solid academic writing is expected as well, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

PLEASE make sure APA citation and permalink for articles are complete and correct.

PLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.


Read Chapters 12 and 13 in Health Communication: From Theory to Practice.



Read “Dimensions of Sustainability for a Health Communication Intervention in African American Churches: A Multi-Methods Study,” by Scheirer, Santos, Tagai, Holt, Bowie, Slade, and Carter, from Implementation Science (2017).



Read “Community-Based Interventions to Enhance Knowledge, Protective Attitudes and Behaviors Towards Canine Rabies: Results From a Health Communication Intervention Study in Guangxi, China,” by Wu et al., from BMC Infectious Diseases (2016).



Read “Theory Connections: A Theory-Based Computer Mediated Communication Intervention to Promote Mental Health and Reduce High-Risk Behaviors in the LGBT Population,” by DiNapoli, Garcia-Dia, Garcia-Ona, O’Flaherty, and Siller, from Applied Nursing Research (2014).



Read “Promoting Health Communication and Empowerment: Intervention Towards Malaria Mosquito Control,” by De Las Llagas and Portus, from International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society (2016).



Read “Community Engagement as a Process and an Outcome of Developing Culturally Grounded Health Communication Interventions: An Example From the DECIDE Project,” by Palmer-Wackerly, Krok, Dailey, Kight, and Krieger, from American Journal of Community Psychology (2014).



Read the SBCC How-to-Guide, “How to Develop a Communication Strategy,” located on the Health COMpass website.



Read Section 1 of Chapter 6 of the Community Tool Box, entitled “Developing a Plan for Communication,” located on the Community Tool Box website.



MUST haveat least 5 citations with the page numbers and 5 references in APA format.(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

I am a stickler for good organization in everything. I do not want to have to dig for your answers. For instance, if an assignment asks you to provide three examples of something, I suggest that you number them 1-3 so I can find them easily. I also expect that when you submit something as a narrative, you pay attention to how you organize your thoughts: use paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences; and change paragraphs whenever you introduce a new idea. Also, if there are multiple parts to an assignment, use sub-heads within the paper to organize them.

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.



Florida Atlantic University Nike Inc Cost of Capital Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Hello friend thank you for taking my question. You’ll find in my attachment the case for this assignment . I will need you to read the case and answer the following questions. I also have attached another file four how to study a discussion case.

Advance Assignment:

  • What is the WACC and why is it important to estimate a firm’s cost of capital? Do you agree with Joanna Cohen’s WACC calculation? Why or why not?
  1. If you do not agree with Cohen’s analysis, calculate your own WACC for Nike and be prepared to justify your assumptions.
  2. Calculate the costs of equity using CAPM, the dividend discount model, and the earnings capitalization ratio. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each method?

What should Kimi Ford recommend regarding an investment in Nike?


Strayer University Amazons FIFO Method Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Per the video summary, there are three (3) primary methods used by companies to assign costs to inventory and cost of goods sold: LIFO, FIFO, and Weighted Average. Each method assumes a particular pattern for how costs flow through inventory, but this is not a guarantee of how the inventory will actually flow. With each method comes a number of pros and cons that a company must consider when implementing its inventory management strategy. Select a company below to learn more about their chosen method. Then discuss the benefits of the chosen method taking into consideration how that particular method impacts the calculation of the inventory account, the cost of goods sold account, and the financial statements for that company.

Target – Uses LIFO

Amazon – Uses FIFO

FedEx – Uses Weighted Average

Target Amazon FedEx

Review Article

Review Article

Review Article


NYU wk7 Healthy Behaviors and Health Communications Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help


Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.

Identify an example of a health communication intervention that has addressed the needs of vulnerable or underserved groups in your community. What has been the impact of this intervention among these groups? What suggestions would you make for improvement?


PLEASE add the links/sites below to the reference list if you use any of these readings and make sure everything is in proper APA format.


Read Chapters 12 and 13 in Health Communication: From Theory to Practice.



Read “Dimensions of Sustainability for a Health Communication Intervention in African American Churches: A Multi-Methods Study,” by Scheirer, Santos, Tagai, Holt, Bowie, Slade, and Carter, from Implementation Science (2017).



Read “Community-Based Interventions to Enhance Knowledge, Protective Attitudes and Behaviors Towards Canine Rabies: Results From a Health Communication Intervention Study in Guangxi, China,” by Wu et al., from BMC Infectious Diseases (2016).



Read “Theory Connections: A Theory-Based Computer Mediated Communication Intervention to Promote Mental Health and Reduce High-Risk Behaviors in the LGBT Population,” by DiNapoli, Garcia-Dia, Garcia-Ona, O’Flaherty, and Siller, from Applied Nursing Research (2014).



Read “Promoting Health Communication and Empowerment: Intervention Towards Malaria Mosquito Control,” by De Las Llagas and Portus, from International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society (2016).



Read “Community Engagement as a Process and an Outcome of Developing Culturally Grounded Health Communication Interventions: An Example From the DECIDE Project,” by Palmer-Wackerly, Krok, Dailey, Kight, and Krieger, from American Journal of Community Psychology (2014).



Read the SBCC How-to-Guide, “How to Develop a Communication Strategy,” located on the Health COMpass website.



Read Section 1 of Chapter 6 of the Community Tool Box, entitled “Developing a Plan for Communication,” located on the Community Tool Box website.



MUST have at least three citations with the page numbers and three references in APA format and all questions clearly answered in paragraphs.(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.) Include at least one scholarly reference and appropriate in-text citations and Address all points on the DQ. One point will be deducted for not addressing each item mentioned above. Remember that presenting someone else’s work as your own is plagiarism.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

I am a stickler for good organization in everything. I do not want to have to dig for your answers. For instance, if an assignment asks you to provide three examples of something, I suggest that you number them 1-3 so I can find them easily. I also expect that when you submit something as a narrative, you pay attention to how you organize your thoughts: use paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences; and change paragraphs whenever you introduce a new idea. Also, if there are multiple parts to an assignment, use sub-heads within the paper to organize them.

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.




ENG 102 TUI Major Observations about Education Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I would like this question to be done by Friday Sep 25, 2020 if possible.

Think about your early years of education (elementary through high school) and identify that which influenced and/or impacted you. Consider your family life, friendships (or lack of), specific classrooms, teaching styles, teachers, other students, etc. What stuck with you and what have you let go? Do early experiences “build character” or perhaps linger?

This just need to be 3 to 5 Paragraphs.


Prepare an outline for the essay assigned for the Module 1 Case using the Formal Essay Outline.

No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first paper; it is to be entirely written based on one’s point of view and supported with body points and details.

Note: Module 1 SLP should be completed before the Module 1 Case.

After viewing “An Education in Equality,” “Learning Begins at Home,” “A Military Education,” and “an Education,” write an organized and well-supported essay in which you make three observations about education and what impacts (and enhances) student learning. Consider impacts and influences such as parenting, home life, society, race, technology, ethnicity, socioeconomics, etc.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. In this case, it might be the state of education today. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be what impacts/influences student learning.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the paper. Will you have a paragraph for each impact or enhancement? Will you divide the body of your paper into three paragraphs, one for each impact? In any case, each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must begin with a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. You may wish to offer suggestions to reader about what makes for exceptional student learning.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 1 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English found in the course syllabus.

Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins. A grade will be determined based on the Module 1 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English.

The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.

No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first paper; it is to be entirely written based on one’s point of view and supported with I would like this question to be done by Friday if possible.

Think about your early years of education (elementary through high school) and identify that which influenced and/or impacted you. Consider your family life, friendships (or lack of), specific classrooms, teaching styles, teachers, other students, etc. What stuck with you and what have you let go? Do early experiences “build character” or perhaps linger?

Prepare an outline for the essay assigned for the Module 1 Case using the Formal Essay Outline.

No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first paper; it is to be entirely written based on one’s point of view and supported with body points and details.

Note: Module 1 SLP should be completed before the Module 1 Case.

After viewing “An Education in Equality,” “Learning Begins at Home,” “A Military Education,” and “an Education,” write an organized and well-supported essay in which you make three observations about education and what impacts (and enhances) student learning. Consider impacts and influences such as parenting, home life, society, race, technology, ethnicity, socioeconomics, etc.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. In this case, it might be the state of education today. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be what impacts/influences student learning.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the paper. Will you have a paragraph for each impact or enhancement? Will you divide the body of your paper into three paragraphs, one for each impact? In any case, each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must begin with a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. You may wish to offer suggestions to reader about what makes for exceptional student learning.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 1 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English found in the course syllabus.

Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins. A grade will be determined based on the Module 1 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English.

The first person “I” is not used in a formal essay.

No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first paper; it is to be entirely written based on one’s point of view and supported with body points and details.

Assignment Expectations

Write an essay (no fewer than four pages in length) that states an original thesis statement on what impacts/influences student learning.

Demonstrate the ability to write clearly and cohesively when expressing one’s ideas and/or intended purpose.

Demonstrate the ability to clearly state and support a thesis in an organized and cohesive essay.

body points and details.

Assignment Expectations

  • Write an essay (no fewer than four pages in length) that states an original thesis statement on what impacts/influences student learning.
  • Demonstrate the ability to write clearly and cohesively when expressing one’s ideas and/or intended purpose.
  • Demonstrate the ability to clearly state and support a thesis in an organized and cohesive essay.

ENG 102 TUI Major Observations about Education Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SC Orson Welles instrumental figure in Theater & Film Best Shots Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The Assignment:
Please demonstrate your knowledge of the influence of Welles by citing an example of a trick shot from both The Best Years of Our Lives
AND a modern film. Please also post a link from the modern film
example to show your point. This assignment is not a lengthy writing
exercise and should be easily done in less than a page.

Please note one trick shot (deep focus, long tracking shot ( see here
for examples of long, unbroken shots), fast/slow motion photography,
long zoom, use of mirrors, etc.) in the film “The Best Years of Our
Lives” and, more importantly, a recent movie. What is really helpful is
when you can link an example of the shot via a YouTube URL or other
means. For example, check out some showmanship filmmaking in this trailer (Links to an external site.)

for the picture “Requiem for a Dream”.
If you are slightly confused about what to look for in a movie for
your analysis, let me help. The idea is that there are tons of really
creative “trick” shots in modern movies that originated in how Welles
and Tolland thought movies should look like. Think about City Lights, It Happened One Night or Casablanca.
They are shot very straightforwardly with the camera simply capturing
the action. Welles and Tolland changed all that by creating the idea of
a showman director who will do tricks with the camera that create a
whole different experience for the audience that they could never get,
say, from watching a stage play. A trick shot is NOT a pan or a tilt or
wind blowing through somebody’s hair. Nor is it a stunt. It is a shot
unlike others because it uses highly creative visual imagination and
great skill to accomplish. A long, unbroken take

can qualify as can the creative use of split screening, fast/slow motion, shooting “through” walls (here

combined with a long shot)
As discussed, Orson Welles created the whole trick shot showcase in Citizen Kane. Look at the opening of this shot (Links to an external site.)

as the camera soars over the rooftop, through a sign, through glass and
finally descending down into a close up. That is one trick shot. Or here

where we pull through a wall via the open window and then continue to see the action both inside and outside.
There are many other director stunts such as going for long stretches of no dialogue that are also common in film.
Consider this clip

, here we have all kinds of trick photography such as slow motion and

fast motion, stylized costuming, stylized color correction, etc. It is

an artistic leap way beyond It Happened One Night and is a direct child of Welles’ concepts of what a movie could and should be.

Now for a sample analysis:

Children of Men makes use of the long tracking shot throughout the
entire movie. The long takes give the film a real time feel and make the
scenes seem more dramatic. There are scenes throughout the movie that
go for more than two minutes without cutting. My favorite scene is where
the heroes are trying to escape with the pregnant girl but are
attacked. The entire car chase scene is film in one shot even with the
car escaping in reverse. This (Links to an external site.) is the longest clip I could find but the actual scene in the movie continues.

(There is more to this analysis where it cites The Best Years of Our Lives but I cut it so as to not give away a scene from that movie to you)

The influence of Welles is all over film, it should not be hard to
find some really fascinating examples! Try to have some fun with this


BUS 166 Mission College Wk 5 Value of Stakeholders in a Company Discussion Question Business Finance Assignment Help


  1. Do you agree that companies should create value for all their stakeholders, including shareholders, employees, customers, governments, and the communities in which they operate? Explain your reasoning.
  2. Respond to the following statement: “Effective stakeholder engagement makes firms more competitive.”
  3. Respond to the following statement: “In the long run those who do not use power in ways that society considers responsible will tend to lose it.”
  4. In your opinion, should companies embrace the idea of corporate social responsibility? Explain your reasoning.
  5. When we add up all the costs and benefits, is society better off as a result of globalization? Explain your reasoning.


Montclair State University Businesses and Market Competition Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment 1

Article link: https://bb.wpunj.edu/bbcswebdav/pid-2538861-dt-content-rid-18725332_1/courses/20204041860/Porter2008.pdf (The Five Competitive Forces that Shapes Strategy by Michael E. Porter)

In defending his famous 5-Forces model, Michael Porter had suggested that the airline industry was an example of a “bad” industry, where the five forces were against incumbents. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYF2_FBCvXw. Also, in his 2008 HBR article (attached), he has a chart on page 83 where airlines are at the bottom of the list (average ROIC 1992-2006 was 5.9%, the lowest, compared to >40% for security brokers, and >37% for soft drinks and packaged software).

However, in 2012, we heard a different story, as we can see in this NYT report


Now the incumbents were sitting pretty.

Please write a 550-words essay with an original title where I would like you to answer the following three questions:

  1. Did circumstances change since 2008, or was Porter’s argument flawed to begin with?
  2. Are there any technology issues that need to be addressed? (Remember, the internet was especially unkind to the airlines, when passengers used their enhanced access to information to bargain down prices. How did the airlines solve this problem? You can argue that technology is incidental here (regulation, fuel prices and other issues might be more explanatory), but do offer an assessment on the role of technology in this industry.
  3. What did you learn from this article and what is your opinion?





Due Date: 09/23/2020


ART 101 UCLA Steele of Naram Sin and the Narmer Palette Comparative Essay Humanities Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will draw on the information you learned in the readings and videos from the Week 4 and 5 Modules. Write a 700–1000-word essay that compares and contrasts one work of art from Mesopotamia and one work of art from Egypt. Use the Overview Pages for week 4 and week 5 to locate the specific pages and videos that contain information about the works you compare and contrast.

Choose specific works listed in the table below. Compare and contrast at least 4 things about these artworks.




A. Victory Stele of Naram-Sin


B. Palette of Narmer

A. Law Code Stele of Hammurabi


B. Palette of Narmer

A. Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions

Wall Reliefs


B. House Altar Depicting Nefertiti and Akhenaten


  • Paragraph 1: Introduction (State what the key ideas of what you are going to discuss in the first paragraph)
  • Body or Middle Paragraphs: (Discussion naming particular facts about the works from the course material and observations of the works. Probably 4 paragraphs)
  • Final Paragraph: Conclusion (Restate the key ideas and state a Conclusion)


If you are not sure how to write a compare and contrast essay, here is a link (Links to an external site.) to help you.

Download the PDF of the assignment for reference offline as you work on your essay.

A4-Compare and contrast Essay.


  • Use the works of art listed in the table above. Choose Option 1 or 2. Compare and contrast aspects of A and B.
  • All writing MUST be in your own words. (plagiarizing even part of a phrase will earn you a zero for the Assignment)
  • Use the facts you have learned from class readings, videos, podcasts, etc., but DO NOT copy and paste text.
    Note: If you use outside resources, you must cite that resource at the end of your document. If it’s determined that you have used other sources and not listed them or copied and pasted information without putting it into your own words, you will earn a zero for the assignment.


  • The political structure of the time
  • Time period/ dates
  • Geography
  • People
  • Economics
  • The subject matter (what is the work about)
  • Religion
  • Cultural groups
  • Evidence of writing

Point Value: 20

Due Date: Friday, September 25, at 11:59 No late assignments will be accepted.

File format: PDF File saved as: Lastname_Firstinitial AS4.pdf


Compare and Contrast




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTHESIS

4.0 to >3.5 pts

Above Average

The essay includes a thesis or organizing idea. Concept or thesis is based on significant similarities AND significant differences. The thesis accurately explains, in art historical terms, the similarities and differences observed. Incorporated Art historical Methodologies

3.5 to >2.5 pts

Above Average

The essays includes a thesis and or organizing idea that demonstrates individualized thought and articulation

2.5 to >0.5 pts


Minimally stated idea of thesis or organizing concept.

0.5 to >0 pts

Below Average

No submission and or No thesis stated.

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCLEAR COMPARATIVE POINTS

4.0 to >3.5 pts


The similarities and differences chosen help illuminate a significant art historical point relating to subject, style, context, function and patronage

3.5 to >2.0 pts

Above Average

The similarities and differences chosen are very interesting, and broad enough that they can be supported by visual and historical details relating to subject, style, context, function and patronage, etc.

2.0 to >0.0 pts


The similarities and differences chosen are interesting, but there isn’t much said about them in terms of description or explanation, and/or The similarities and differences chosen are minor details that don’t provide the structure for a good comparison.

0.0 pts

Below Average

No submission

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCONTENT

4.0 to >3.0 pts

Clear and detailed explanations

The essay clearly explains similarities and differences between the works of art in terms of the religious, political, social or economic circumstances of their production

3.0 to >2.5 pts

Attempts to explain

B level answer: The essay attempts to explain similarities and differences between the works of art in terms of the religious, political, social or economic circumstances of their production

2.5 to >0.0 pts

Minimal Explantion

C Level answer: The explanation of the similarities and differences is superficial, evolutionary or disregards the circumstances of artistic production.

0.0 pts

No Submission

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVISUAL ANALYSIS

4.0 to >3.0 pts

The essay uses at least four good visual points to support its thesis

3.0 to >2.5 pts

The essay uses at least one good visual point to support its thesis.

2.5 to >0 pts

Mentions appearance of the works of art, but does not analyze them.

The essay makes little to no reference to the appearance of the works of art. Has little to no analysis of the art, or, No submission

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSTRUCTURE

4.0 to >3.5 pts

The essay has an Introduction, body and conclusion

Conclusion is a strong resolution that demonstrates understanding of the period

3.5 to >2.5 pts

The essay has an introduction, body, and conclusion

Conclusion is cursory or weak.

2.5 to >1.0 pts

The essay has a somewhat coherent structure, but lacks fundamental components of introduction and conclusion

1.0 to >0 pts

Lists works with bullets or concepts, or not essay form, or, no submission

4.0 pts

Total Points: 20.0


FNU Community Nursing Florida Health Interventions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

FNU Community Nursing Florida Health Interventions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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