FNU Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management Types of Budget Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

FNU Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management Types of Budget Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. FNU Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management Types of Budget Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Bibliographic have to be in APA Format, minimum 3 references citations with 3 years old or less.

No short answers!!

Read Chapter on Davis Plus:Finance

1-Mention the types of budgets that you know and give examples of then?

2- What is budgeting?

3- What is directed and indirect cost?

4- Give examples of productive and non-productive hours?

5- What does HMO, PPO, POS means?

A) Mention one example of each of then in your city, or state?

6- What is DRGs.?

7- Give some examples of strategies for Cost-conscious nursing practice that your Nursing unit use to lower medical care cost?


Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management


Sally A. Weiss, MSN, EdD, RN, CNE, ANEF

Professor of Nursing

Nova Southeastern University Nursing Department Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Ruth M. Tappen, EdD, RN, FAAN

Christine E. Lynn Eminent Scholar and Professor

Florida Atlantic University College of Nursing Boca Raton, Florida

F. A. Davis Company 1915 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 www.fadavis.com

FNU Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management Types of Budget Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENC 1101 UCF Rhetorical & Text Analysis of The Everyday Use by Alice Walker Essay Writing Assignment Help

Write an academic essay in which you inform your audience how a text works, rhetorically—or how it creates its message. For this rhetorical analysis essay write it on this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10pCdYTe7MB567-…

You’ll need to quote from the text you’re analyzing directly. Quote from the text often. Also compose an MLA Works Cited or APA References page for the text you’re analyzing. Document should be in MLA or APA format. Do not summarize the message of the text or give your opinion about the subject matter. The author and the text are the subject of your analysis. 1,000 word minimum.


BA 371 CTC Group Building Training Methods Discussion Replies and Article Review Business Finance Assignment Help


Think about traditional training methods: presentational, hands-on, and group building training methods. What method do you feel works best for you? explain.

Your initial response should be a minimum of 175 word response with minimum one citation and reference. Your response will be due no later than Wednesday of this week. Please note that unless you respond, you will not be able to see other responses from your peers. Special note: If your response does not meet the minimum requirement may reduce credit for any of your responses

Article review:

Please post a current article related to training and development. Post a link to your article and write a minimum of two paragraphs relating to the article. The first paragraph should be a quick summary of the article and the second paragraph should be about how the article relates to class.


Herzing University Health Care Human Resource Management Process Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

After reading Chapter 3 in the text and the articles under this unit’s Supporting Lesson Links (“ICD 10 Conversion: Do or Die” by McGee and “A Look Back on the ICD-10 Transition” by Bowman), prepare a written assignment based on the following:

A huge challenge facing healthcare providers is the October 2015 deadline for transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 – expanding medical diagnosis codes from the current 14,000 to more than 67,000 codes, and expanding procedure codes from 13,000 to 85,000. This huge change involves not only the medical coding profession but almost every aspect of the healthcare provider’s world. In addition to IT professionals who’ll deal with the hardware and software platforms, coding, billing, quality measurement, administrative and patient care processes will all be affected.

Experts suggest that “much of the work will be process-oriented rather than technology oriented”. (McGee, 2012). Many areas of the hospital and many different professionals will need to work together to make sure the ICD-10 implementation happens by October 2015. (If it doesn’t, your hospital will not be able to bill for its services!).

For this assignment, you will take the role of project manager for ICD-10 conversion for Herzing Hospital, a small community medical center. You are not a Health Information Technology professional; your training and expertise are in quality management and teamwork. Your role is to create and manage a team of your fellow employees who will plan for the ICD-10 conversion.


  • Create a plan for forming a Performance Improvement Team (minimum 3 pages excluding cover and reference page) paper using APA style that includes the following elements:
  • Introduction: why is this teamwork important for a project of this size and scope?
  • Body: Create a plan Performance Improvement Team by answering the following questions:
    • What type of team will you use, and why?
    • How will you select the team members, what process will you follow?
    • Create a Performance Improvement Team Charter for your team. (you can follow the format in Example 3.1, or create your own)
  • Conclusion: Summarize the importance of process-management for this project, and how your expertise in teamwork will contribute to the quality of the project.
  • Your paper should be a minimum of three pages (excluding cover and reference pages), written in APA style with Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
  • Use in-text citations where appropriate. Your references should include at least one outside resource in addition to the textbook and the McGee and Bowman articles.


MKTG 3553 Financial Costing Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help



How price determined — what middlemen, special taxes etc. Refer to the price calculation worksheet if appropriate


How is volume sold calculated? what assumptions have you made?


What will happen to your sales volume and why? This spread sheet assumes a 50% growth year one to year two and then 20% year over year;


What are basic materials and labor cost of product/service


Calculate shipping cost PER ITEM … OR add total shipping costs to “Other” under operating costs


What unique costs are there for starting your business: opening a store or restaurant, setting up manufacturing


Roll up of marketing costs per year.


Overhead cost of running the business


If you do this on your own and assume all costs and profits this will be your operating profit

k f you do a JV or other partnership, how will you share the profits(loss)

If you license … your profit will be licence fee plus royalty minus any start up expense

you do not need to do the questions, just fill in the excel



HU Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Research the current status of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).

  • Write a one-page paper discussing the current status, any new developments, barriers to implementation, etc.
  • APA style must be used.
  • Your paper should be in Microsoft Word format.
  • Cite all sources in APA format.
  • Submit your paper for grading.
  • Reminder: You must upload your completed document using Browse My Computer. Then, hit the Submit button to successfully complete the assignment submission process. Do not copy and paste text into the text box.

Part 2

  • Review the information provided for an example EHR implementation, including each activity’s duration and predecessor(s):
Activity Duration (days) Predecessor
A Create the EHR vision 5
B Identify the planning horizon 10 A
C Obtain buy-in from affected parties 30 B
D Develop a financing and acquisition strategy 10 C
E Develop functional, data, and technical strategies 45 C
F Conduct vendor selection 45 D, E
G Plan the EHR implementation 15 C, E, F
H Conduct benefits realization study 10 A-H
  • Draw the PERT or GANTT chart for this implementation based on the information provided.
  • Indicate the critical path on the PERT or GANTT chart.
  • Your file should be in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, or Adobe Acrobat format.
  • Cite all sources in APA format.
  • Submit your PERT or GANTT chart for grading.
  • Reminder: You must upload your completed document using Browse My Computer. Then, hit the Submit button to successfully complete the assignment submission process. Do not copy and paste text into the text box.

HU Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grossmont College Surrealism and Covid Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Respond to a minimum of 2 other student Posts.

Points will be distributed in this manner: Your initial Post can earn you up to 10 points, and each response is worth up to 5 points max. Maximum points is 20. Extraordinary posts and responses will be rewarded with extra points, making totals larger than 20, but no more than 24 points. Poor spelling and grammar will result in the loss of points. Entries with any errors in spelling and grammar will receive no higher than 17/20. Be sure to make your entries perfect.


SEC 420 Strayer University Vulnerability Management Life Cycle Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Evaluate the types of assessments, select one that you might use, and explain why it is important. (Vulnerability Assessment And Vulnerability Management Life Cycle)

Of the top nine areas to research when conducting an assessment, select no less than three and explain how one should approach the research and why it should be approached that way.

Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Answer 2 classmates

Robert Newkirk JR.

Hello Professor Peavy and Class!

Here is my thought on this week’s discussion topic!

Evaluate the types of assessments, select one that you might use, and explain why it is important.

After evaluating the information that we have learned this week from our readings, I would defiantly lean towards the Vulnerability Assessment.

The Vulnerability Assessment is essential to all organizations because it helps identify a weakness in a systems infrastructure. The Vulnerability Assessment will include identifying weaknesses to the web server, the application running on the system, and any liability to the operating system. The main goal of the Vulnerability Assessment is not only to identify the weakness but to make a plan of action and to mitigate the weaknesses found during the Vulnerability Assessment. Doing a Vulnerability Assessment of your company’s infrastructure is a proactive way to help safeguard sensitive information.


TestOut Ethical Hacker Pro. 2020. 7.1.2 Vulnerability Assessment Facts. This is our SEC 240 Textbook.

Of the top nine areas to research when conducting an assessment, select no less than three and explain how one should approach the research and why it should be approached that way.

Misconfiguration: Is a big area to do research because Human error is likely to be the primary cause of a misconfiguration. Applications platforms, Servers, Databases, and networks are all at risk due to human errors. Other areas to research for misconfigurations like outdated software and applications are services running in the background. You need to check to see if unnecessary services are running regularly; if so, then stop the service that is running. External systems that have incorrect authentication, applications with disabled security settings, and debugging enabled on application. You can use the task manager to check to see what services are running on your computer. You can use the internet to search to see what services are running and to determine if they need to be running all the time. Regularly use Windows Security and Update to check for new drivers, security patches, and application software and updates. The Windows update and security tool are located in Windows setting in Windows 10. Vulnerability scanners come in all flavors, and they all have different features. Some are free, and some cost money. The following link shows all kinds of Vulnerability scanners, and you can check the difference between each one to see what is best for your organization.


OWASP. 2020. Vulnerability Scanning Tools. https://owasp.org/www-community/Vulnerability_Scanning_Tools

Default Settings: All appliances, routers, switches, and network equipment are shipped from the manufacturer with default usernames and passwords. The safety of your organization must have these settings changed when you install them. It is not hard to get the default username and password to equipment on the internet. They have websites that list every manufacture’s equipment default usernames and passwords. It would be best if you researched the equipment that you are in charge of at work. Having strong passwords will help fight against the Vulnerabilities of your network. The following link will give you an example of how easy it is to find default passwords.


PortScanner.com. 2020. Default Usernames and Passwords. https://portscaner.com/router-password-default

Open Services: Open ports are essential to check regularly. Port scanners like n-map will help you to find what ports are open. As a security professional, you need to know what each port is and what service is using on that port. All ports not being used should be closed. Managing this will help tighten your network from unauthorized access and help stop attacks on connected nodes or devices.


TestOut Ethical Hacker Pro. 2020. 7.1.1 Vulnerability Assessment. This is our SEC 240 Textbook.

Have a great week!

Robert C. Newkirk, Jr.

Delante White

Vulnerability is defined as the process of understanding and preparing for any kind of attack/damage that could happen to particular software.

There are various types of vulnerability assessments and are required in every kind of business. Small small business, large scale businesses all require vulnerability assessments. Some of the types of vulnerability assessment are:

Database vulnerability assessment: This type of assessment is required when the work is related to the database i.e. backend. In this kind of assessment, the user analyses the possible attacks that could occur to the database. The problems the user can witness while ensuring the security of the database and the data stored remains consistent.

Front-end vulnerability assessment: This type of assessment is required when working with front end designs like web pages, websites, front-end applications. In this assessment, the user is required to under the security threats, issues, and problems that could occur with the front-end of the page.

Wireless vulnerability assessment: In this assessment, the user deals with the issues related or could occur with the wireless setup and hence prepare solutions priorly for the possible issues or plans.

There are various other multiple types of vulnerabilities depending upon the business type. According to me, all the vulnerability assessment are important but then if to choose one specif could be database vulnerability assessment. Testing the software if they are updated regularly, data stored should be consistent, data stored is secured and threat free. The database vulnerability ensures that the business never fails as the data nowadays is the most important. Everything nowadays revolves around the data.

Hence database vulnerability assessment is very important.

Of the top nine areas to research when conducting a vulnerability assessment, some of them are:

Analyzing the business type and understanding the types of security threats or issues that are possible in the business.

Finding or planning optimal solutions that could be used for the threats or issues that have been discovered so that those methods could be used and the solution could be used to that problem.

When performing vulnerability assessment, it’s important to understand the business and also the hardware and the software being used in the business so that optimum backups could be planned if at some point of time there is an issue in hardware or software of the company/business.

Ensuring there are regular vulnerability assessments so that the solutions for the problems are latest and regularly updated.


Capella University Psychological Conditions Schizophrenia Prognosis Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

All posts need to be in APA Format

Templates for assignments are attached

1. Respond to the following in your initial post:

  • If you were working in the emergency room of a hospital, how would you distinguish between three individuals, one of whom presents with schizophrenia, another with a schizoaffective disorder, and the third with a brief psychotic disorder?
  • What is the basic ICD-10 code (the number) for each of these diagnoses?
  • Create a brief PowerPoint presentation you could provide to families that explains the prognosis for two of these disorders and any treatment issues of which the family needs to be aware. Remember that, when using PowerPoint, the slide should present headlines, rather than paragraphs. The idea is that you would walk through the slides with the family, filling in the details as you speak. The Notes section should be used to store your details. Upload your PowerPoint presentation as an attachment to this discussion.
  • Identify, analyze, and discuss both sides of one current controversy related to cultural and ethnic issues in the diagnosis of schizophrenia.

2. Review the Case Study of Ben, Part 3. Imagine now that you had not seen Part 2 but instead, after Ben Part 1, you read Part 3. For your initial post in this discussion, submit your response to these questions:

  • Describe how the new information alters the picture presented in the original case study. Before posting, you might want to review Ben Part 1, the case you discussed last week (u06d2).
  • Describe your new diagnostic hypotheses, and justify your conclusions.
  • What further diagnostic evaluation do you believe is warranted?


MGT 322 SEU Why Manufacturing Companies Emphases Lean Thinking Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
  • refrences



Open Services: Open ports are essential to check regularly. Port scanners like n-map will help you to find what ports are open. As a security professional, you need to know what each port is and what service is using on that port. All ports not being used should be closed. Managing this will help tighten your network from unauthorized access and help stop attacks on connected nodes or devices.


TestOut Ethical Hacker Pro. 2020. 7.1.1 Vulnerability Assessment. This is our SEC 240 Textbook.

Have a great week!

Robert C. Newkirk, Jr.

Delante White

Vulnerability is defined as the process of understanding and preparing for any kind of attack/damage that could happen to particular software.

There are various types of vulnerability assessments and are required in every kind of business. Small small business, large scale businesses all require vulnerability assessments. Some of the types of vulnerability assessment are:

Database vulnerability assessment: This type of assessment is required when the work is related to the database i.e. backend. In this kind of assessment, the user analyses the possible attacks that could occur to the database. The problems the user can witness while ensuring the security of the database and the data stored remains consistent.

Front-end vulnerability assessment: This type of assessment is required when working with front end designs like web pages, websites, front-end applications. In this assessment, the user is required to under the security threats, issues, and problems that could occur with the front-end of the page.

Wireless vulnerability assessment: In this assessment, the user deals with the issues related or could occur with the wireless setup and hence prepare solutions priorly for the possible issues or plans.

There are various other multiple types of vulnerabilities depending upon the business type. According to me, all the vulnerability assessment are important but then if to choose one specif could be database vulnerability assessment. Testing the software if they are updated regularly, data stored should be consistent, data stored is secured and threat free. The database vulnerability ensures that the business never fails as the data nowadays is the most important. Everything nowadays revolves around the data.

Hence database vulnerability assessment is very important.

Of the top nine areas to research when conducting a vulnerability assessment, some of them are:

Analyzing the business type and understanding the types of security threats or issues that are possible in the business.

Finding or planning optimal solutions that could be used for the threats or issues that have been discovered so that those methods could be used and the solution could be used to that problem.

When performing vulnerability assessment, it’s important to understand the business and also the hardware and the software being used in the business so that optimum backups could be planned if at some point of time there is an issue in hardware or software of the company/business.

Ensuring there are regular vulnerability assessments so that the solutions for the problems are latest and regularly updated.


Capella University Psychological Conditions Schizophrenia Prognosis Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

All posts need to be in APA Format

Templates for assignments are attached

1. Respond to the following in your initial post:

  • If you were working in the emergency room of a hospital, how would you distinguish between three individuals, one of whom presents with schizophrenia, another with a schizoaffective disorder, and the third with a brief psychotic disorder?
  • What is the basic ICD-10 code (the number) for each of these diagnoses?
  • Create a brief PowerPoint presentation you could provide to families that explains the prognosis for two of these disorders and any treatment issues of which the family needs to be aware. Remember that, when using PowerPoint, the slide should present headlines, rather than paragraphs. The idea is that you would walk through the slides with the family, filling in the details as you speak. The Notes section should be used to store your details. Upload your PowerPoint presentation as an attachment to this discussion.
  • Identify, analyze, and discuss both sides of one current controversy related to cultural and ethnic issues in the diagnosis of schizophrenia.

2. Review the Case Study of Ben, Part 3. Imagine now that you had not seen Part 2 but instead, after Ben Part 1, you read Part 3. For your initial post in this discussion, submit your response to these questions:

  • Describe how the new information alters the picture presented in the original case study. Before posting, you might want to review Ben Part 1, the case you discussed last week (u06d2).
  • Describe your new diagnostic hypotheses, and justify your conclusions.
  • What further diagnostic evaluation do you believe is warranted?


MGT 322 SEU Why Manufacturing Companies Emphases Lean Thinking Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
  • refrences



Open Services: Open ports are essential to check regularly. Port scanners like n-map will help you to find what ports are open. As a security professional, you need to know what each port is and what service is using on that port. All ports not being used should be closed. Managing this will help tighten your network from unauthorized access and help stop attacks on connected nodes or devices.


TestOut Ethical Hacker Pro. 2020. 7.1.1 Vulnerability Assessment. This is our SEC 240 Textbook.

Have a great week!

Robert C. Newkirk, Jr.

Delante White

Vulnerability is defined as the process of understanding and preparing for any kind of attack/damage that could happen to particular software.

There are various types of vulnerability assessments and are required in every kind of business. Small small business, large scale businesses all require vulnerability assessments. Some of the types of vulnerability assessment are:

Database vulnerability assessment: This type of assessment is required when the work is related to the database i.e. backend. In this kind of assessment, the user analyses the possible attacks that could occur to the database. The problems the user can witness while ensuring the security of the database and the data stored remains consistent.

Front-end vulnerability assessment: This type of assessment is required when working with front end designs like web pages, websites, front-end applications. In this assessment, the user is required to under the security threats, issues, and problems that could occur with the front-end of the page.

Wireless vulnerability assessment: In this assessment, the user deals with the issues related or could occur with the wireless setup and hence prepare solutions priorly for the possible issues or plans.

There are various other multiple types of vulnerabilities depending upon the business type. According to me, all the vulnerability assessment are important but then if to choose one specif could be database vulnerability assessment. Testing the software if they are updated regularly, data stored should be consistent, data stored is secured and threat free. The database vulnerability ensures that the business never fails as the data nowadays is the most important. Everything nowadays revolves around the data.

Hence database vulnerability assessment is very important.

Of the top nine areas to research when conducting a vulnerability assessment, some of them are:

Analyzing the business type and understanding the types of security threats or issues that are possible in the business.

Finding or planning optimal solutions that could be used for the threats or issues that have been discovered so that those methods could be used and the solution could be used to that problem.

When performing vulnerability assessment, it’s important to understand the business and also the hardware and the software being used in the business so that optimum backups could be planned if at some point of time there is an issue in hardware or software of the company/business.

Ensuring there are regular vulnerability assessments so that the solutions for the problems are latest and regularly updated.


Capella University Psychological Conditions Schizophrenia Prognosis Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

All posts need to be in APA Format

Templates for assignments are attached

1. Respond to the following in your initial post:

  • If you were working in the emergency room of a hospital, how would you distinguish between three individuals, one of whom presents with schizophrenia, another with a schizoaffective disorder, and the third with a brief psychotic disorder?
  • What is the basic ICD-10 code (the number) for each of these diagnoses?
  • Create a brief PowerPoint presentation you could provide to families that explains the prognosis for two of these disorders and any treatment issues of which the family needs to be aware. Remember that, when using PowerPoint, the slide should present headlines, rather than paragraphs. The idea is that you would walk through the slides with the family, filling in the details as you speak. The Notes section should be used to store your details. Upload your PowerPoint presentation as an attachment to this discussion.
  • Identify, analyze, and discuss both sides of one current controversy related to cultural and ethnic issues in the diagnosis of schizophrenia.

2. Review the Case Study of Ben, Part 3. Imagine now that you had not seen Part 2 but instead, after Ben Part 1, you read Part 3. For your initial post in this discussion, submit your response to these questions:

  • Describe how the new information alters the picture presented in the original case study. Before posting, you might want to review Ben Part 1, the case you discussed last week (u06d2).
  • Describe your new diagnostic hypotheses, and justify your conclusions.
  • What further diagnostic evaluation do you believe is warranted?


MGT 322 SEU Why Manufacturing Companies Emphases Lean Thinking Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
  • refrences



Open Services: Open ports are essential to check regularly. Port scanners like n-map will help you to find what ports are open. As a security professional, you need to know what each port is and what service is using on that port. All ports not being used should be closed. Managing this will help tighten your network from unauthorized access and help stop attacks on connected nodes or devices.


TestOut Ethical Hacker Pro. 2020. 7.1.1 Vulnerability Assessment. This is our SEC 240 Textbook.

Have a great week!

Robert C. Newkirk, Jr.

Delante White

Vulnerability is defined as the process of understanding and preparing for any kind of attack/damage that could happen to particular software.

There are various types of vulnerability assessments and are required in every kind of business. Small small business, large scale businesses all require vulnerability assessments. Some of the types of vulnerability assessment are:

Database vulnerability assessment: This type of assessment is required when the work is related to the database i.e. backend. In this kind of assessment, the user analyses the possible attacks that could occur to the database. The problems the user can witness while ensuring the security of the database and the data stored remains consistent.

Front-end vulnerability assessment: This type of assessment is required when working with front end designs like web pages, websites, front-end applications. In this assessment, the user is required to under the security threats, issues, and problems that could occur with the front-end of the page.

Wireless vulnerability assessment: In this assessment, the user deals with the issues related or could occur with the wireless setup and hence prepare solutions priorly for the possible issues or plans.

There are various other multiple types of vulnerabilities depending upon the business type. According to me, all the vulnerability assessment are important but then if to choose one specif could be database vulnerability assessment. Testing the software if they are updated regularly, data stored should be consistent, data stored is secured and threat free. The database vulnerability ensures that the business never fails as the data nowadays is the most important. Everything nowadays revolves around the data.

Hence database vulnerability assessment is very important.

Of the top nine areas to research when conducting a vulnerability assessment, some of them are:

Analyzing the business type and understanding the types of security threats or issues that are possible in the business.

Finding or planning optimal solutions that could be used for the threats or issues that have been discovered so that those methods could be used and the solution could be used to that problem.

When performing vulnerability assessment, it’s important to understand the business and also the hardware and the software being used in the business so that optimum backups could be planned if at some point of time there is an issue in hardware or software of the company/business.

Ensuring there are regular vulnerability assessments so that the solutions for the problems are latest and regularly updated.


Capella University Psychological Conditions Schizophrenia Prognosis Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

All posts need to be in APA Format

Templates for assignments are attached

1. Respond to the following in your initial post:

  • If you were working in the emergency room of a hospital, how would you distinguish between three individuals, one of whom presents with schizophrenia, another with a schizoaffective disorder, and the third with a brief psychotic disorder?
  • What is the basic ICD-10 code (the number) for each of these diagnoses?
  • Create a brief PowerPoint presentation you could provide to families that explains the prognosis for two of these disorders and any treatment issues of which the family needs to be aware. Remember that, when using PowerPoint, the slide should present headlines, rather than paragraphs. The idea is that you would walk through the slides with the family, filling in the details as you speak. The Notes section should be used to store your details. Upload your PowerPoint presentation as an attachment to this discussion.
  • Identify, analyze, and discuss both sides of one current controversy related to cultural and ethnic issues in the diagnosis of schizophrenia.

2. Review the Case Study of Ben, Part 3. Imagine now that you had not seen Part 2 but instead, after Ben Part 1, you read Part 3. For your initial post in this discussion, submit your response to these questions:

  • Describe how the new information alters the picture presented in the original case study. Before posting, you might want to review Ben Part 1, the case you discussed last week (u06d2).
  • Describe your new diagnostic hypotheses, and justify your conclusions.
  • What further diagnostic evaluation do you believe is warranted?


MGT 322 SEU Why Manufacturing Companies Emphases Lean Thinking Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
  • refrences


FNU Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management Types of Budget Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

FNU Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management Types of Budget Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

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