FNU Family & Health Concepts & Nurse Role in Promoting Health Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

FNU Family & Health Concepts & Nurse Role in Promoting Health Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. FNU Family & Health Concepts & Nurse Role in Promoting Health Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Just as the definition of family has changed over time, the definition of health has also changed. As lifestyles have evolved and education and health care has advanced the idea of health has had to change to meet the complex needs of the population. Before much was known about the disease process and how to prevent and treat diseases, health was simply seen as the lack of illness (Falkner, 2018). Now that health care is more advanced and education has provided more understanding, health has taken on an active role. Instead of just a state of being where an individual is free of disease, health can be viewed in an ever changing continuum between health and illness that involves physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. Where an individual falls in the continuum is determined by the active role they take in health promotion.

Because the idea of taking on health has become active instead of passive, health promotion also changed and not only focuses on individual health but the health of the public and communities as well. As stated by the WHO, health promotion is defined as “‘the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health’” (Falkner, 2018). The idea of health promotion encourages individuals to have control over their own health and focuses on disease prevention rather than managing disease.

The nurse’s role in implementing health promotion interventions has grown and with the focus on prevention, health promotion education has become crucial (Falkner, 2018). Nurses educate their patients constantly and they take on many different roles to provide the best care to their patients to ensure health promotion. One important tool for health promotion is utilizing evidence based practice. Evidence practice is based on scientific evidence to improve patient care and is the groundwork for health promotion (Falkner, 2018). Nurses are being pushed to implement EBP so strongly because it has proven to be the best way to care for and promote health for our patients. To not use EBP would be contrary to the role of a nurse because it would not be promoting health to the best ability.

Falkner, A. (2018). Health Promotion: Health and Wellness Across the Continuum. Health promotion in nursing care (chapter 2). Retrieved from: https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs429vn/health-promotion-health-and-wellness-across-the-continuum/v1.1/#/chapter/2

FNU Family & Health Concepts & Nurse Role in Promoting Health Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

A T Still University How Risk Impacts Operational Decisions Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Examine internal effectiveness and resources, and how they impact organizational strategies.


Your boss has asked you to speak at the quarterly board meeting about your experience with risk management.

Your job is to develop a PowerPoint presentation that showcases leadership skills and professional practice. The requirement is six slides that contain supportive notes that integrate discussion points and strengthen the content of each slide. The expectation is two slides for how risk impacts operational decisions, two slides on the benefits and limitations of internal assessments, and lastly, two slides on how risk can lead to opportunities.

The following link is a great resource for creating PowerPoints:
PowerPoint Presentations

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
No Pass No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted There are less than 6 slides. There are 6 slides, but they don’t follow the assignment requirements. There are 6 slides, and they mostly follow the assignment requirements, including some notes and discussion points. All 6 slides follow the assignment requirements, including notes and discussion points for each slide.
Not Submitted There is no mention of leadership skills. Some demonstration of leadership skills. A few clarity issues with integration of leadership skills. No clarity issues with use of leadership skills.
Not Submitted There is no integration of professional practice. Some explanation of professional practice application. Minor clarity issues with integration of professional practice examples. No clarity issues with use of professional practice examples.
Not Submitted None of the slides address risk or internal assessment. Some of the slides address risk and internal assessment. One slide addresses how risk impacts operational decisions, one slide on the benefits and limitations of internal assessments, and one slide on how risk can lead to opportunities. Two slides address how risk impacts operational decisions, two slides on the benefits and limitations of internal assessments, and two slides on how risk can lead to opportunities.


University of North Texas Computer and Internet Security Policy Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization. Your job is to develop a computer and internet security policy for the organization that covers the following areas:

  • Computer and email acceptable use policy
  • Internet acceptable use policy
  • Password protection policy

Make sure you are sufficiently specific in addressing each area. There are plenty of security policy and guideline templates available online for you to use as a reference or for guidance. Your plan should reflect the business model and corporate culture of a specific organization that you select.

Include at least 3 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. At least two of the references cited need to be peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the library.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least three scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.


UCSD History of Discrimination In Sectors of The Community Discussion Writing Assignment Help

To help us with the materials we have covered over the last two weeks, we shall be discussing as a group the materials from Week 4 and 5.

As a reminder here is the list of materials, we covered for Week 4 and 5:

  • First Generation (2015, YouTube)
  • Carol S. Dweck | “Brainology” (NAIS)
  • Angela Lee Duckworth | “Grit” (TED)
  • Paulo Freire | Chapter 2 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed
  • Bettina Love | “Hip Hop, Grit, and Academic Success”
  • Teach Us All (2017, Netflix)


After you have reviewed your notes/annotations on the videos and readings for this week, respond to the following questions:

  1. How did you feel reading through the articles and watching the videos? Were they easy or hard to read/watch? What did you like/dislike about them? What, if any, connections can you make between the experiences of the authors and speakers and your own experiences? (This answer should cover all sources for the week.)
  2. Share at least two points that stood out to you from the materials we’ve covered in Week 4 and 5?
  3. What was your biggest A-HA moment or takeaway? (This can be from any of the sources or involve all of them.)
  4. This question is optional, and thus you do not have to answer it to receive full points. Do you have any questions for me or your fellow classmates about any of the materials we have covered this week? (If you have questions from your Annotation Worksheets, you can post them here.)


  • Your initial response should be 150-300 words per question.


NCCU Background & Literature on Personality Scale & Competitiveness Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The study I am doing is on the Competitiveness Scale

I have to two test and two article summaries. I will provide the articles and what needs to be summarized.

I will attach the teachers instructions, the template she said to use for reference for writing the summaries (wants it like an annotated bib) and will also provide attachments of all the files needed to do this assignment.

First part needs to be the personality scale (there is details of what needs to be answered in that part), next needs to be the comparison scale (again all details of what needs to be answered will be attached)

Next will be the article, then the additional article.

So there is a total of four different sections of what needs a literature and test summary.



GCU Summarize the Concept of Missio Dei Missional Purpose Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to explain how to find your purpose by completing the “Finding Your Purpose” document.

Use topic study materials to support your claims.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Reminder: This is a templated document so the LopesWrite score will be higher due to the directions and questions.

GCU Summarize the Concept of Missio Dei Missional Purpose Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grand Canyon University Locating Database Content Practice Business Finance Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is to practice navigating and identifying database tables and related fields.

For this assignment, assume you have just been hired by Adventure Works Cycles company. As part of the orientation process, you have been asked to learn a little about the company by reading the “Adventure Works Cycles Company Story.” 

Your supervisor also wants you to gain an understanding of the content included in the company database. To do this, you must utilize SELECT and FROM statements like the example provided below.

EXAMPLE: SELECT * FROM [Database].[Schema_Name].[Table_Name]

Access the data dictionary titled “AdventureWorks Scripts for SQL Server,” located in Course Materials, and use SELECT and FROM statements to find the answer to each of the questions below. Create a Microsoft Word document that includes the SQL queries used to explore the database tables and answer the following questions using the queries completed in steps 1–5.

Please note that when SQL queries are run, results are generated in the form of data. This data should be exported and saved to an Excel file for a visual check of accuracy.

  1. Locate the “Person” table and run a basic SELECT query as listed in the example. List all the available fields and how many records exist in that table.
  2. On what table and schema would you locate an applicant’s resume data?
  3. When is the CEO’s Birthday?
  4. What is the list “ListPrice” of the product “HL Touring Seat Assembly”?
  5. Is “Holiday Skate & Cycle” a preferred vendor?


University of Connecticut W2 Social Capital of Chengdu Community Essay Writing Assignment Help

For this essay you will evaluate the level of social capital in your community.

To do this, you will need to examine various outlets like social media and local news outlets for specific examples that show how connected your community is. You should search through various feeds like Twitter, Instagram, and even Facebook (even though young folks don’t use Facebook much, older people who run municipalities and organizations still do.) Most towns have a small local newspaper that uses social media but also has a website where you can read stories. You should also check larger newspapers like the Hartford Courant or New Haven Register (you may need an account to read more than just a few stories). Be prepared to scour these sources going all the way back to February or March 2020.

As your search through social media and local news, be on the lookout for examples of elements of social capital like bonding, bridging, and linkages. Be on the lookout for examples of people sharing information and resources, providing assistance or establishing trust. My guess is there will be lots of examples including people making masks, providing food to front line workers, teachers driving by student homes, etc.

If the level of social capital is relatively high, then there will likely be lots of examples of cooperation, selflessness and unity, meaning members of the community will likely be wearing masks, practicing social distancing and staying at home. If the level of social capital is relatively low, then there will likely be examples of tension, selfishness and divisiveness, meaning residents will likely be anti-mask, not staying home and generally advocating for opening the state. This assignment is not meant to be a referendum on either of these viewpoints. Nor is it meant to be a venue for your personal, subjective viewpoints or even conspiracy theories. The purpose of this assignment is solely to assess the level of social capital in your community and therefore try to explain why your community tends to fall into one camp or the other.

Your essay should incorporate the following:

  • A reminder of the name of your community.
  • A reminder of the demographics of your community (race, median household income, college education, etc.). Also include the results of the last two presidential elections in your community, as this may be relevant for your assessment.
  • Several examples of the community in cooperation and unity or in tension and divisiveness.
  • Your initial assessment regarding the relative level of social capital in your community. How well does your community share the same values and beliefs? How much solidarity and togetherness do you feel in your community? Have there been tensions in your community regarding the stay at home order? Does the relative level of social capital fit with the results of the presidential election? If so how?

Format and Submitting the Essay

  1. The essay must be written in Google Docs.
  2. You will share the document with members of your peer review group.
  3. You will also need to download the document as a PDF and attach the PDF to the assignment at HuskyCT. If your essay is saved in another format, there’s no guarantee that I’ll be able to open in and therefore you will not receive a grade.
  4. See the syllabus for the late assignment policy.
  5. Be sure to save the file using the following naming structure: “Last Name, First Name – Mod02”.
  6. All papers must be double spaced in 10-12 point font with 1 inch margins on all sides.
  7. For in-text citations and your bibliography, you should use the Chicago Manual of Style, specifically the Author-Date Style

Available source:

  1. Robert Putnam (1993) The Prosperous Community: Social Capital & Public Life, American Prospect 13: 35-42 https://prospect.org/infrastructure/prosperous-com…
  2. Cornelia Flora & Jan Flora (1996) Creating Social Capital: Becoming Native to the Place. Creating Social Capital: Becoming Native to the Place. – Alternative Formats In Vitek (ed.) Rooted in the Land: Essays on Community & Place. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 217-225.
  3. the attached file is my last assignment, which is about Chengdu’s background and demographic information


Grand Canyon University Proposal for Process Improvement Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is to practice making proposals to communicate database needs to relevant stakeholders.

For this assignment, assume you work at Adventure Works Cycles. Your manager recently informed you that by law, all employees must have an emergency phone number on file. This information is not currently included in the company database, so you must submit a proposal to the IT Department detailing your request to have it added. 

Using the “Proposal for Process Improvement” template, construct a Microsoft Word document that outlines the requester, business problem, proposed solution, resources, implementation steps, benefits, and potential obstacles of the request.



HI 230 PUG Satisfaction & Performance Improvement Hospital Experience Survey Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need an explanation to help me study.


  • Read the following document: HIM Function Information.
  • Create a satisfaction survey for users, or customers, of a Health Information Department. Think about the services provided by HIM and all of the different types of users. Consider the examples of surveys found in your readings and view survey examples here to guide you in its presentation and set up.

In your survey be sure to:

  • Include instructions and a title
  • Create at least 6 close-ended survey questions
  • Include 2 open-ended questions
  • Format your survey and questions following the concepts and examples in your chapter reading


https://anyessayhelp.com/ to guide you in its presentation and set up.

In your survey be sure to:

  • Include instructions and a title
  • Create at least 6 close-ended survey questions
  • Include 2 open-ended questions
  • Format your survey and questions following the concepts and examples in your chapter reading


https://anyessayhelp.com/ to guide you in its presentation and set up.

In your survey be sure to:

  • Include instructions and a title
  • Create at least 6 close-ended survey questions
  • Include 2 open-ended questions
  • Format your survey and questions following the concepts and examples in your chapter reading


https://anyessayhelp.com/ to guide you in its presentation and set up.

In your survey be sure to:

  • Include instructions and a title
  • Create at least 6 close-ended survey questions
  • Include 2 open-ended questions
  • Format your survey and questions following the concepts and examples in your chapter reading


FNU Family & Health Concepts & Nurse Role in Promoting Health Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

FNU Family & Health Concepts & Nurse Role in Promoting Health Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

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