Forecasting Techniques and Applications Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Forecasting Techniques and Applications Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Forecasting Techniques and Applications Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Demand forecasting results in an estimate of future demand and gives an organization a basis for planning and making sound business decisions. Since the future is unknown, it is expected that some errors between a forecast and actual demand will exist, so the goal of a good forecasting technique would be to minimize the difference between the forecast and the actual demand.

Articulate the difference in short and long-term forecasts, forecasting techniques, and the benefits and challenges of each technique. Finally, create a forecast for a situation with which you are familiar (personal or professional) explaining the situation and why you chose the method of forecasting that you did.


– only one page.

– support your article with 2 resources and your personal view.

Forecasting Techniques and Applications Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HIST 111 UE Wonders of Tenochtitlan City of the Aztecs Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

Your essay should incorporate (not simply list) the following elements:

– Who is the author?

– If an identifiable person, what is his or her background?

– What kind of text is it?Political?Historical?Satire?Fiction? Something else? A combination of genres?

– Who is the author’s audience?It is always possible, and in fact likely, that there will be more than one audience.You may list others, but focus your essay on what, in your view, is the most significant one and explain why.

– What does the document tell you about the wider society or broader social concerns?

– What is the thesis or main argument of the work?Based on your reading of the document and your knowledge of the society and time period being written about, do you detect any bias?Explain.

– Does the work do its job?In other words, are you convinced by the argument?Do you find the history accurate and informative?If it’s satire or fiction, are you entertained or enlightened?How might the intended audience have reacted to the work?

– In your work with the document, what did you as the reader/historian find most difficult about understanding/interpreting the document?

(I will send you the documents to choose from once you start the assignment so you do not get confused)


UMUC Technological Advancements in Cybersecurity Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Advanced persistent threats (APTs) have been thrust into the spotlight due to their advanced tactics, techniques, procedures, and tools. These APTs are resourced unlike other types of cyber threat actors.

Your chief technology officer (CTO) has formed teams to each develop a detailed analysis and presentation of a specific APT. Your APT will be APT 38, aka, un-usual suspects. APT 38 is a financially motived North Korean regime-backed group.

Your part of the assignment will be:

Part 1: Introduction to APTs

Identify the problem to be solved.

Explain the significance of the issue or problem.

Part 2: Threat Landscape Analysis

Provide a detailed analysis of the threat landscape.

What has changed over the past year?

Describe common tactics, techniques, and procedures to include threat actor types.

What are the exploit vectors and vulnerabilities threat actors are predicted to take advantage of?

Also, use additional sources of information but also describe the concept in layman’s terms and use visuals where appropriate.

Attached are two examples and a PDF of what APT 38 is.


Ohio State University Museums and Art History Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Assignment Details: (read these directions carefully!)


• The essays for this class have specific prompts. Make sure that you read the questions carefully and consider your answers.

• You must reference and cite the readings that you have chosen to discuss in your Essays

• Essays must be at least 350 words in length

Topic: Museums


• Museums in the community – we need them and they need us

• The role of museums in society

• Handout 2 – Protecting Peace Through History and Museums


TedTalk: Seeing the Past as Present: Why Museums Matter

• What Work of Art Inspired You?

• TedTalk: Reconsidering the Art Museum in the 21st Century


Look up 4 artworks in American museums or by American artists (in a museum anywhere in the world). One great way to do this is by choosing a museum and taking a virtual tour (many American museums have these available on their websites). Another way to do this is to look up more famed pieces of art that you know about and like and see what pieces by the same artist are in American museums. A third option is to look up an artist whose work you admire and then to search for their work in an American museum. You can start with this list of American artists as well –…

Essay 3 Prompts: Museums play an important role in communities as the protectors of history and culture, and as places where citizens can take in history and culture. Often, the greatest connection in a museum experience is with a particular piece of art – the image within a frame or a sculpture. For this essay I want you to think about what you read and watched, and also about the artworks that you researched. Answer the following – what drew you to choose the artworks that you did in your research? How do you feel connected to these artworks? Are you drawn to them because of how they look, how they make you feel, the subject matter? In your upcoming speeches you will have the opportunity to talk about one of these pieces with more depth, but here I would like you to talk about the artworks that you chose, and why as a society we need museums.


DeVry University Audit and Accounting Questions Writing Assignment Help

Chapter 10: Exercise 15 page 10-29

Auburn Furniture Company makes a variety of wood furniture for the home and office. The company uses a standard costing system for its manufacturing costs. During a recent unexpected surge in demand, the company decided to use temporary employees from a local employment agency. The company used the temporary employees for two months, after which managers stopped using them. There were many complaints from production foremen that the temporary employees were not very efficient. Additionally, customer service staff noted that during the two month time period when the temporary employees were working there was an increase in the number of units that had to be reworked and the number of units being returned by customers. Management is considering filing a lawsuit against the temporary employment company for providing workers who did not perform at the level of regular employees as had been promised by the employment company. Before filing the lawsuit, management would like to have some information about the possible damages in the case.

What accounting and other information would you look at to assist management in evaluating possible damages?

Chapter 11: Exercise 14 page 11-23

A whistle-blower in her allegations made in a qui tam suit, alleged that her former employer fired her because she told the company that it was “padding the bills” to the federal government for the cost-plus contract it had to build ejection seats for fighter aircraft. She alleges that the company overcharged for materials, ran up labor costs, threw “all kinds of stuff in overhead,” and illegally plugged corporate administrative costs into the contract billings. As the forensic accountant hired by the U.S. Justice Department to litigate this case, answer the following:

a. What documents will you seek during discovery to address the whistle-blower’s allegations?

b. What will you be looking for in each of the requested documents?

c. What will be the basis/foundation for the opinions you will provide in this case?

d. How will you utilize the whistle blower in pursuing your opinions in this case?

Chapter 12: Exercise 30 page 12-21

Jimmy Jones was on his way to work when he was hit broadside by a truck that ran a red light. Jimmy suffered twenty seven broken bones, numerous lacerations, and a variety of other medical problems. Mr. Jones was in the hospital for two months and he has been recovering at home for the past four months. He is certain that he will never be able to work again. At the time of the accident, Mr. Jones was 35 years old. The insurance company for the trucking company that hit Jimmy Jones is not sure that he is completely disabled and they intend to contest that issue. You have been hired as a financial expert witness by the attorney of Jimmy Jones to assist in this case. You have visited Jimmy several times and you are certain he is never going to return to his pre-accident health.

What is your role in supporting Jimmy’s disability claim?

What are the possible/probable components of Jimmy’s economic damage claim?

What information will you seek from Jimmy/his lawyer and what information/research will you pursue on your own?

What information, if any, will you seek from Jimmy’s attorney about the nature and severity of Jimmy’s injuries and the extent of his disability?



American Military University Service Transition Discrimination Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

CO1 Define the legal environment that is applicable to the business world.

CO2 Review basic business law concepts CO3 Describe the litigation system in the United States.

Many businesses today, as corporate entities other than sole proprietorships, voice their political and social views in various ways. Chick-fil-A is an example of a business that voiced prominent views on the issue of gay rights, a perception it since has tried to reverse. This news article briefly summarizes the Chick-fil-A controversy.

The subject of gay rights is an evolving issue of constitutional implications. Another business, a Colorado bakery, stepped into center ring of controversy asserting that First Amendment free exercise of religion overrode Colorado’s discrimination laws requiring equal access of service to the public. For this Forum, consider this case: the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, 138 S.Ct. 1718 (2018). Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. was a small bakery, whose owner refused to create and sell a wedding cake to a same-sex couple for their wedding because the marriage was against his religious beliefs.

  • Explain the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in this case. Do you agree with the Court’s decision? Explain.
  • Compare the outcome of this case to the Court’s finding of race discrimination under the Commerce Clause in Katzenbach v. McClung, 379 U.S. 294 (1964)
  • Do you agree that a business entity (other than a sole proprietorship) should have the same First Amendment rights as individual human citizens? Why or why not?

American Military University Service Transition Discrimination Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

American Military University Unisys Corporation Investing in the Stock Exchange Report Business Finance Assignment Help

Looing at the attached prior work (attached) Your task is to produce an Investment Analysis Report (with a maximum of 2,200 words, tables/graphs not included) appraising the return on equity of the firm you selected for review over the past two years using the latest 10-Q and the corresponding 10-Q from the previous year (so if you are using the 3rd quarter 10-Q, the comparison should be the 3rd quarter 10-Q from the previous year). You are required to employ financial statement analysis to break down the return on equity into its key parts using the basic Du Pont formula. spreadsheet and word document.

Details instructions attached

Prior work and company attached.


American Military University Week 3 Management Communication Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

3 page paper (not including title and reference pages so a total of 5 pages) in proper APA format. For your paper, please take a look at the video and article presented in the lesson for Week 3 (I attached a link here also). Pay particular attention to the video and article, as you watch/read, take notes on some of the topics presented that interest you. This is a short paper, think of it as a warm-up for your longer paper due in Week 7.

video: https://search-alexanderstreet-com.ezproxy1.apus.e…


Requirements this assignment:

Your paper should utilize appropriate course material:

Article and/or Video from Week 3

Ensure you address the following topics in your paper:

Pick three areas of interest from the article or video and discuss why you find it interesting, if you have seen any personal examples of it (i.e., someone who covers their mouth while talking).

This paper should be fun, I would suggest that you read/watch the materials as soon as possible and then start observing others around you for some non-verbal clues.

Remember your paper must include (all in proper APA 7th edition format):

Cover Page

Body ( 3 pages a minimum discussion of non-verbal areas of interest)

Reference Page

Make sure to use two additional resources from APUS online library or internet (Google Scholar is a great source)

Wikipedia, or similar sites are NOT acceptable sources for this paper


Keiser University Living in A Balanced Economy Essay Humanities Assignment Help

“After hoeing, or perhaps reading and writing, in the forenoon, I usually bathed again in the pond, swimming across one of its coves for a stint, and washed the dust of labor from my person, or smoothed out the last wrinkle which study had made, and for the afternoon was absolutely free. Every day or two I strolled to the village to hear some of the gossip which is incessantly going on there. . . As I walked in the woods to see the birds and squirrels, so I walked in the village to see the men and boys. . . The village appeared to me a great news room. . . I observed that the vitals of the village were the grocery, the bar‑room, the post‑office, and the bank; and as a necessary part of the machinery, they kept a bell, a big gun, and a fire engine, at convenient places…. “

B Walden, Thoreau

A. Preparation to write B Spend some time observing the “village of Keiser University.” Make notes regarding what is important around here. Thoreau mentions places like the post‑office and the bank. What are the comparable “vitals” of this place? What criteria are you using to assess relative importance? What do your assessments say about what this community values? About whom it values?

B. Journal B Consider how viewing a place through that which is “vital” to it shapes our perceptions of that place. After doing your preparatory work for this journal, do you see Keiser in any ways different from before?

What are the “vitals” of the village of Keiser University? How would they compare to the vitals in a real village like Thoreau’s?

What do these “vital” places say about what or whom this community values?

Do you see Keiser in any way different than before?

Responses should be 3-4 paragraphs. Respond to 2 classmates to create a dialogue.


Incenters of an Arbitrary Convex Quadrilateral Problems Mathematics Assignment Help

I will upload what I’ve worked.…

1. A light beam is reflected (angle of incidence = angle of reflection) against three flat mirrors according to the figure. Determine the angle β expressed in the angle α.

2. ABCD is a convex quadrilateral. This means that the distance between two is arbitrarily chosen points in the quadrilateral are inside the ABCD. In a concave quadrilateral can a piece of the line lie outside the area. Each side of the quadrilateral is divided into three equal parts, which gives rise to to eight new points E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L. By connecting these points in pairs (see figure) four new lines are created that intersect at the points M, N, O, P. What can you say

about the quadrilateral MNOP?

3. Let the ABCD be a parallelogram. From corner A you draw the line AN perpendicular to

CD and the distance AM perpendicular to CB. Point N lies on the line CD and point M is on the line CB, see figure. Show that the triangles MAN and ABC are uniform. Management:

Use theorems: In a circle, peripheral angles that stand on the same arc are equal.

The peripheral angle of a semicircle is right.

4. A right-angled triangle, T has catheters a and b and hypotenuse c. Three new triangles, all

uniform with the original, is created as follows: the first new triangle, T1, is obtained by multiplying all the sides of T by the factor a. In the same way, T2 and T3 are obtained by to multiply the sides in T by b and c respectively. Now puzzle these three new triangles together

to a rectangle. Show with a figure how you did. Enter the sides of the rectangle. What are you drawing for a Conclusion?

5. Two well-known trigonometric formulas are

sin 2α = 2 sin α cos α,

cos 2α = cos2 α – sin2 α

Show these formulas when α is an acute angle.

Lead: Consider an isosceles triangle with apex angle 2α.

6. A circle touches three of the sides of a rectangle and cuts the fourth side into three equal parts. Determine the relationship between the sides of the rectangle.

7. In a circle with radius r, an arc of a circle with a center angle of 90 degrees is dashed in the figure below. It is folded over (downwards) and this arc of a circle is solid in the figure. Then one is entered smaller circle symmetrically in the figure. Two equal claw-like areas are then formed. Calculate area of these.

8. Two radii in a circle form 45 degrees with each other. A chord is divided by these radii into three equal parts. Determine the relationship between the chord and the diameter of the circle.

9. An equilateral triangle ABC has side 1. A point D has the distance 2 to C and the distance

3/2 to A. Determine the maximum and minimum value of the section BD. Note that you must answer exactly. Utilize the trigonometric relationships such as cos (α + β) = cos α cos β –

sin α sin β.

10. The three bisectrices in a triangle always intersect at the midpoint, 0, of the inscribed

the circle. Let AA1 be the bisector of the angle A in ∆ABC where A1 lies on the side BC (see

figure). Show that

11. In a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse is divided into two parts A and B of the inscribed circles tangent point. Show that the area of the triangle is AB.

12. Two circles with radii of 13 cm and 1 cm touch each other on the inside. A chord in

the larger circle is tangent to the smaller circle and forms an angle of 30 degrees with the line

through the centers of the circles. Determine the length of the cord. See figure.

13. In a square with side a, a portrait of a bee has been drawn (see figure).

What is the radius of the circle depicting the head? The wings are bounded by two semicircles

with diameter a and a quarter circle with radius a and center in the upper right corner. The

the three arcs of the circle intersect at three points and the small circle passes through these three points. The small circle depicts the hind body. The large circle (head) touches two

of the sides of the square and the two semicircles.

14. A mirror has broken, see figure. The EF GH mirror is a square and the ABCD is also one

square. In all four triangles that make up the frame, one catheter is twice as long the other, AF = 2AE and so on. For the crack EIJKLG it applies that EI = 12, IJ = 6, JK = 8, KL = 3, LG = 7. The segments in the crack are perpendicular to each other so EI⊥IJ, IJ⊥JK and so on. Determine the side of the square frame AB.

15. Four equally long rods (solid lines in the figure) are laid out along an isosceles triangle (see figure). How large is the angle at A?


1. A light beam is reflected (angle of incidence = angle of reflection) against three flat mirrors according to the figure. Determine the angle β expressed in the angle α.

2. ABCD is a convex quadrilateral. This means that the distance between two is arbitrarily chosen points in the quadrilateral are inside the ABCD. In a concave quadrilateral can a piece of the line lie outside the area. Each side of the quadrilateral is divided into three equal parts, which gives rise to to eight new points E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L. By connecting these points in pairs (see figure) four new lines are created that intersect at the points M, N, O, P. What can you say

about the quadrilateral MNOP?

3. Let the ABCD be a parallelogram. From corner A you draw the line AN perpendicular to

CD and the distance AM perpendicular to CB. Point N lies on the line CD and point M is on the line CB, see figure. Show that the triangles MAN and ABC are uniform. Management:

Use theorems: In a circle, peripheral angles that stand on the same arc are equal.

The peripheral angle of a semicircle is right.

4. A right-angled triangle, T has catheters a and b and hypotenuse c. Three new triangles, all

uniform with the original, is created as follows: the first new triangle, T1, is obtained by multiplying all the sides of T by the factor a. In the same way, T2 and T3 are obtained by to multiply the sides in T by b and c respectively. Now puzzle these three new triangles together

to a rectangle. Show with a figure how you did. Enter the sides of the rectangle. What are you drawing for a Conclusion?

5. Two well-known trigonometric formulas are

sin 2α = 2 sin α cos α,

cos 2α = cos2 α – sin2 α

Show these formulas when α is an acute angle.

Lead: Consider an isosceles triangle with apex angle 2α.

6. A circle touches three of the sides of a rectangle and cuts the fourth side into three equal parts. Determine the relationship between the sides of the rectangle.

7. In a circle with radius r, an arc of a circle with a center angle of 90 degrees is dashed in the figure below. It is folded over (downwards) and this arc of a circle is solid in the figure. Then one is entered smaller circle symmetrically in the figure. Two equal claw-like areas are then formed. Calculate area of these.

8. Two radii in a circle form 45 degrees with each other. A chord is divided by these radii into three equal parts. Determine the relationship between the chord and the diameter of the circle.

9. An equilateral triangle ABC has side 1. A point D has the distance 2 to C and the distance

3/2 to A. Determine the maximum and minimum value of the section BD. Note that you must answer exactly. Utilize the trigonometric relationships such as cos (α + β) = cos α cos β –

sin α sin β.

10. The three bisectrices in a triangle always intersect at the midpoint, 0, of the inscribed

the circle. Let AA1 be the bisector of the angle A in ∆ABC where A1 lies on the side BC (see

figure). Show that

11. In a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse is divided into two parts A and B of the inscribed circles tangent point. Show that the area of the triangle is AB.

12. Two circles with radii of 13 cm and 1 cm touch each other on the inside. A chord in

the larger circle is tangent to the smaller circle and forms an angle of 30 degrees with the line

through the centers of the circles. Determine the length of the cord. See figure.

13. In a square with side a, a portrait of a bee has been drawn (see figure).

What is the radius of the circle depicting the head? The wings are bounded by two semicircles

with diameter a and a quarter circle with radius a and center in the upper right corner. The

the three arcs of the circle intersect at three points and the small circle passes through these three points. The small circle depicts the hind body. The large circle (head) touches two

of the sides of the square and the two semicircles.

14. A mirror has broken, see figure. The EF GH mirror is a square and the ABCD is also one

square. In all four triangles that make up the frame, one catheter is twice as long the other, AF = 2AE and so on. For the crack EIJKLG it applies that EI = 12, IJ = 6, JK = 8, KL = 3, LG = 7. The segments in the crack are perpendicular to each other so EI⊥IJ, IJ⊥JK and so on. Determine the side of the square frame AB.

15. Four equally long rods (solid lines in the figure) are laid out along an isosceles triangle (see figure). How large is the angle at A?


1. A light beam is reflected (angle of incidence = angle of reflection) against three flat mirrors according to the figure. Determine the angle β expressed in the angle α.

2. ABCD is a convex quadrilateral. This means that the distance between two is arbitrarily chosen points in the quadrilateral are inside the ABCD. In a concave quadrilateral can a piece of the line lie outside the area. Each side of the quadrilateral is divided into three equal parts, which gives rise to to eight new points E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L. By connecting these points in pairs (see figure) four new lines are created that intersect at the points M, N, O, P. What can you say

about the quadrilateral MNOP?

3. Let the ABCD be a parallelogram. From corner A you draw the line AN perpendicular to

CD and the distance AM perpendicular to CB. Point N lies on the line CD and point M is on the line CB, see figure. Show that the triangles MAN and ABC are uniform. Management:

Use theorems: In a circle, peripheral angles that stand on the same arc are equal.

The peripheral angle of a semicircle is right.

4. A right-angled triangle, T has catheters a and b and hypotenuse c. Three new triangles, all

uniform with the original, is created as follows: the first new triangle, T1, is obtained by multiplying all the sides of T by the factor a. In the same way, T2 and T3 are obtained by to multiply the sides in T by b and c respectively. Now puzzle these three new triangles together

to a rectangle. Show with a figure how you did. Enter the sides of the rectangle. What are you drawing for a Conclusion?

5. Two well-known trigonometric formulas are

sin 2α = 2 sin α cos α,

cos 2α = cos2 α – sin2 α

Show these formulas when α is an acute angle.

Lead: Consider an isosceles triangle with apex angle 2α.

6. A circle touches three of the sides of a rectangle and cuts the fourth side into three equal parts. Determine the relationship between the sides of the rectangle.

7. In a circle with radius r, an arc of a circle with a center angle of 90 degrees is dashed in the figure below. It is folded over (downwards) and this arc of a circle is solid in the figure. Then one is entered smaller circle symmetrically in the figure. Two equal claw-like areas are then formed. Calculate area of these.

8. Two radii in a circle form 45 degrees with each other. A chord is divided by these radii into three equal parts. Determine the relationship between the chord and the diameter of the circle.

9. An equilateral triangle ABC has side 1. A point D has the distance 2 to C and the distance

3/2 to A. Determine the maximum and minimum value of the section BD. Note that you must answer exactly. Utilize the trigonometric relationships such as cos (α + β) = cos α cos β –

sin α sin β.

10. The three bisectrices in a triangle always intersect at the midpoint, 0, of the inscribed

the circle. Let AA1 be the bisector of the angle A in ∆ABC where A1 lies on the side BC (see

figure). Show that

11. In a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse is divided into two parts A and B of the inscribed circles tangent point. Show that the area of the triangle is AB.

12. Two circles with radii of 13 cm and 1 cm touch each other on the inside. A chord in

the larger circle is tangent to the smaller circle and forms an angle of 30 degrees with the line

through the centers of the circles. Determine the length of the cord. See figure.

13. In a square with side a, a portrait of a bee has been drawn (see figure).

What is the radius of the circle depicting the head? The wings are bounded by two semicircles

with diameter a and a quarter circle with radius a and center in the upper right corner. The

the three arcs of the circle intersect at three points and the small circle passes through these three points. The small circle depicts the hind body. The large circle (head) touches two

of the sides of the square and the two semicircles.

14. A mirror has broken, see figure. The EF GH mirror is a square and the ABCD is also one

square. In all four triangles that make up the frame, one catheter is twice as long the other, AF = 2AE and so on. For the crack EIJKLG it applies that EI = 12, IJ = 6, JK = 8, KL = 3, LG = 7. The segments in the crack are perpendicular to each other so EI⊥IJ, IJ⊥JK and so on. Determine the side of the square frame AB.

15. Four equally long rods (solid lines in the figure) are laid out along an isosceles triangle (see figure). How large is the angle at A?


1. A light beam is reflected (angle of incidence = angle of reflection) against three flat mirrors according to the figure. Determine the angle β expressed in the angle α.

2. ABCD is a convex quadrilateral. This means that the distance between two is arbitrarily chosen points in the quadrilateral are inside the ABCD. In a concave quadrilateral can a piece of the line lie outside the area. Each side of the quadrilateral is divided into three equal parts, which gives rise to to eight new points E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L. By connecting these points in pairs (see figure) four new lines are created that intersect at the points M, N, O, P. What can you say

about the quadrilateral MNOP?

3. Let the ABCD be a parallelogram. From corner A you draw the line AN perpendicular to

CD and the distance AM perpendicular to CB. Point N lies on the line CD and point M is on the line CB, see figure. Show that the triangles MAN and ABC are uniform. Management:

Use theorems: In a circle, peripheral angles that stand on the same arc are equal.

The peripheral angle of a semicircle is right.

4. A right-angled triangle, T has catheters a and b and hypotenuse c. Three new triangles, all

uniform with the original, is created as follows: the first new triangle, T1, is obtained by multiplying all the sides of T by the factor a. In the same way, T2 and T3 are obtained by to multiply the sides in T by b and c respectively. Now puzzle these three new triangles together

to a rectangle. Show with a figure how you did. Enter the sides of the rectangle. What are you drawing for a Conclusion?

5. Two well-known trigonometric formulas are

sin 2α = 2 sin α cos α,

cos 2α = cos2 α – sin2 α

Show these formulas when α is an acute angle.

Lead: Consider an isosceles triangle with apex angle 2α.

6. A circle touches three of the sides of a rectangle and cuts the fourth side into three equal parts. Determine the relationship between the sides of the rectangle.

7. In a circle with radius r, an arc of a circle with a center angle of 90 degrees is dashed in the figure below. It is folded over (downwards) and this arc of a circle is solid in the figure. Then one is entered smaller circle symmetrically in the figure. Two equal claw-like areas are then formed. Calculate area of these.

8. Two radii in a circle form 45 degrees with each other. A chord is divided by these radii into three equal parts. Determine the relationship between the chord and the diameter of the circle.

9. An equilateral triangle ABC has side 1. A point D has the distance 2 to C and the distance

3/2 to A. Determine the maximum and minimum value of the section BD. Note that you must answer exactly. Utilize the trigonometric relationships such as cos (α + β) = cos α cos β –

sin α sin β.

10. The three bisectrices in a triangle always intersect at the midpoint, 0, of the inscribed

the circle. Let AA1 be the bisector of the angle A in ∆ABC where A1 lies on the side BC (see

figure). Show that

11. In a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse is divided into two parts A and B of the inscribed circles tangent point. Show that the area of the triangle is AB.

12. Two circles with radii of 13 cm and 1 cm touch each other on the inside. A chord in

the larger circle is tangent to the smaller circle and forms an angle of 30 degrees with the line

through the centers of the circles. Determine the length of the cord. See figure.

13. In a square with side a, a portrait of a bee has been drawn (see figure).

What is the radius of the circle depicting the head? The wings are bounded by two semicircles

with diameter a and a quarter circle with radius a and center in the upper right corner. The

the three arcs of the circle intersect at three points and the small circle passes through these three points. The small circle depicts the hind body. The large circle (head) touches two

of the sides of the square and the two semicircles.

14. A mirror has broken, see figure. The EF GH mirror is a square and the ABCD is also one

square. In all four triangles that make up the frame, one catheter is twice as long the other, AF = 2AE and so on. For the crack EIJKLG it applies that EI = 12, IJ = 6, JK = 8, KL = 3, LG = 7. The segments in the crack are perpendicular to each other so EI⊥IJ, IJ⊥JK and so on. Determine the side of the square frame AB.

15. Four equally long rods (solid lines in the figure) are laid out along an isosceles triangle (see figure). How large is the angle at A?


Forecasting Techniques and Applications Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Forecasting Techniques and Applications Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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