Forensic case using class concepts Law Assignment Help

Forensic case using class concepts Law Assignment Help. Forensic case using class concepts Law Assignment Help.

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Please be sure to follow the rubric and write the paper in detail. The rubric focuses on the course terms specifically. I will include an attachment of the modules so please make sure to look through the topics and make sure to include class concepts/terms and explain them in detail, this requirement have the more grades. Also, look at the Example formats attachment and choose one of them to follow as the paper format. And there is a list of cases to choose from if you want.

This final case requires no less than 6 pages. It is focused entirely on the class modules. please, make sure to go through the modules and provide the number of concepts required in the rubric. In-text citations. NO outside sources.

Forensic case using class concepts Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

presentation about (How covid-19 effects on hospitality industry) in PowerPoint + Out line + answering some questions related to pretension. Business Finance Assignment Help

Informative Speech

The purpose of this informative speech is to increase your audience’s knowledge of a topic or to teach your audience something new about the topic. In this speech, you are not trying to change your audience’s attitudes, actions, or beliefs. For this speech, you should choose a topic that is related to your academic major or intended career and that teaches your audience something that can potentially benefit them.When brainstorming ideas and selecting a topic for your informative speech, you should begin by asking yourself a series of questions about each topic that you should consider.

1. Is this topic about something related to your major or career?

2. Is this an appropriate topic for an informative speech in a scholarly setting?

3. Is this a topic in which I am interested? Is this topic important to me?

4. Do I have expertise in this area or want to learn more about this subject?

5. Will my audience be interested in this topic?

6. How much does my audience already know about this topic? Will this teach them something new?

7. Will learning more about this topic help or improve my audience in some way?

Research: You should orally cite at least 2 different types of sources and use at least 2 different types of support materials.Presentation Aids: You must use power point or some other form of visual aid.Notes: You may use up to 3 note cards.Length: 4-6 minutes


Informative Speech Outline

Please upload your completed informative speech outline. Remember to follow the example template EXACTLY. The outline is the entire speech written out (including verbal citations & transitions between points) but written in outline form.

An essay is not an outline and will receive and automatic 50% grade deduction.


Answer those question

Instructions: After reading the textbook chapter, answer the prompts below. To receive full credit, each response should be written as a complete paragraph (4-7 sentences in length) and incorporate key concepts and vocabulary from the textbook. Save the file to your computer, and then upload a copy to Canvas to submit your responses. Be prepared to share some of your thoughts during our class discussion.

  1. Soon you will be asked to give an informative speech to your classmates. Your speech will need to be about something related to your major or intended career, and the topic should be something about which you have greater expertise than your classmates. List three possible topics that you might choose for this speech and briefly explain why each would be appropriate for you, your audience, and the occasion.
  2. For your speech, you will need to do an interview with an expert on the topic that you choose. For each topic that you listed above, identify one person that you could talk to who would be an expert and explain why you might choose to interview them as part of your research for this speech.
  3. Choose the topic that you are mostly likely to use for your informative speech assignment. For this topic, explain how you might use each of the four types of supporting evidence in your speech.
  4. At this point, you should have begun to narrow down the topic that you plan to use for your informative speech for this class. In the space below, write the topic, specific purpose statement, and thesis statement that you plan to use for your speech.

    Specific Purpose Statement:


  5. Write two different attention getters that you could use in the introduction to your speech. Highlight the attention getter that you think is strongest.
  6. Think about what you want to teach your audience. How will you organize your main points and subpoints to help your audience understand and remember your speech as much as possible?
  7. Find a video example of a speech online. Paste the link here. Describe which aspects of verbal and physical delivery were done well and which needed improvement.
  8. Which of the four forms of delivery was used in the speech that you selected? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this particular type of delivery?
  9. Think about what your upcoming informative speech. Explain how you could use three different types of presentation aids in your speech to enhance the audience’s understanding of your topic.
  10. What are the five patterns of organization for informative speeches? Give an example of a topic that would be ideal for each pattern (not the one used in the book) and list the three main points you would use with that pattern of organization.
  11. Which pattern of organization will be most effective for your speech? Why? Explain how you will use it to organize your main points and subpoints.
  12. What is one concept in your speech that will be difficult for your audience to understand? Which of the three strategies for explaining difficult concepts will you use in your informative speech? Write out how you will use this strategy to explain the concept in your speech.
  13. Give examples(not the same as the ones in your book) of a speech that would be arguing a question of fact, one that would be arguing a question value, one that would be arguing a question of policy, and one that would be a refutation.
  14. For one of the speech examples that you identified in question 1, which pattern of organization would be most effective if you were giving a speech in which you were trying to make that argument? Why would this be the most effective pattern? What would your main points and sub points be?
  15. Find an example of a commercial that relies on a fallacy to persuade viewers. Paste a link to that video here. Explain which fallacy you believe is being illustrated and provide a rationale for that choice.
  16. _________________________________________________

    Please use the completed example outline and template to help prepare your outline. Outlines should be structured exactly like the examples and contain the exact same elements (including at least 2 credible sources and support).

    Research: You should orally cite at least 2 different types of sources and use at least 2 different types of support materials.Presentation Aids: You must use power point or some other form of visual aid.Notes: You may use up to 3 note cards.Length: 4-6 minutes


cha-assignment Computer Science Assignment Help

write the same question in 2 ways.

Cybersecurity Planning and Management

Creating Company E-mail/WIFI/Internet Use Policies

You have just been hired as the Security Manager of a medium-sized Financial Services company employing 250 people in New Hampshire, and have been asked to write two new security policies for this company. The first one is an e-mail policy for employees concentrating on personal use of company resources. The second policy is that of WIFI and Internet use within the company.

There are many resources available on the web so researching these topics and policies should be easy. The most difficult part of this exercise will be determining how strict or how lenient you want to make these policies for this particular company.


Module 05 Lab Assignment – Documentation of an Assessment of the Head, Ears, and Eyes Science Assignment Help

96 year old female in an assistive living facility comes to the nursing station and is C/O pain. She states increased pain in her right ear and decreased hearing. She denies ear discharge. She endorses vertigo for 7 months that is precipitated by sudden changes in head position. Her weight is down 5 pounds since last week to 105 pounds. Her vitals are 141/88, HR 83, temp 99.0, RR 16 and O2 sat of 97% on room air. On physical exam …

Module 05 Lab Assignment – Documentation of an Assessment of the Head, Ears, and Eyes

You will perform a history of a head, ear, or eye problem that your instructor has provided you or one that you have experienced and perform an assessment including head, ears, and eyes. You will document your findings, note any abnormal findings, finding one strenght and one weakness with reasons.

HEENT Assignment


Use whatever software resources make the most sense (Tableau, Excel, R, etc.) given that you are working with more than 500 time series. Science Assignment Help

1.Plot all the series (an advanced data visualization
tool is recommended) – what type of components are visible? Are the
series similar or different? Check for problems such as missing values
and possible errors.
2. Partition the series into training and
validation, so that the last 4 years are in the validation period for
each series. What is the logic of such a partitioning? What is the
3. Generate naive forecasts for all series for the
validation period. For each series, create forecasts with horizons of
1,2,3, and 4 years ahead (Ft+1, Ft+2, Ft+3, and Ft+4).
4. Among the
measures MAE, Average error, MAPE and RMSE, which are suitable if we
plan to combine the results for the 518 series?
5. For each series, compute MAPE of the naive forecasts once for the training period and once for the validation period.
The performance measure used in the competition is Mean Absolute Scaled
Error (MASE). Explain the advantage of MASE and compute the training
and validation MASE for the naive forecasts.
7. Create a scatterplot
of the MAPE pairs, with the training MAPE on the x-axis and the
validation MAPE on the y-axis. Create a similar scatter plot for
validation MASE vs. MAPE. Now examine both plots. What do we learn? How
does performance differ between the training and validation periods? How
does performance range across series?
8. The competition winner, Lee Baker, used an ensemble of three methods:
• Naive forecasts multiplied by a constant trend (global/local trend: “globally tourism has grown “at a rate of 6% annually.”)
• Linear regression
• Exponentially-weighted linear regression
(a) Write the exact formula used for generating the first method, in the form Ft+k=…(k=1,2,3,4).
(b) What is the rational behind multiplying the naive forecasts by a constant? (Hint: think empirical and domain knowledge)
(c) What should be the dependent variable and the predictors in a linear regression model for these data? Explain.
(d) Fit the linear regression model to the first five series and compute forecast errors for the validation period.
(e) Before choosing a linear regression, the winner described the following process
examined fitting a polynomial line to the data and using the line to
predict future values. I tried using first through fifth order
polynomials to find that the lowest MASE was obtained using a first
order polynomial (simple regression line). This best fit line was used
to predict future values. I also kept the [R2] value of the fit for use
in blending the results of the predictor.”
What are two flaws in this approach?
(f) If we were to consider exponential smoothing, what particular type(s) of exponential smoothing are reasonable candidates?
The winner concludes with possible improvements, one being “an
investigation into how to come up with a blending [ensemble] method that
doesn’t use as much manual tweaking would also be of benefit.” Can you
suggest methods or an approach that would lead to easier automation of
the ensemble step?

(h) The competition focused on minimizing the
average MAPE of the next four values across all 518 series. How does
this goal differ from goals encountered in practice when considering
tourism demand? Which steps in the forecasting process would likely be
different in a real-life tourism forecasting scenario?

Study Assignment #2 is based on the second case presented in Chapter 11
of the Practical Time Series Forecasting textbook (pages 215-218). This
case is to practice forecasting multiple time series, all related to
tourism demand. Read the information on those pages of the textbook. The
data can be found in tourism_data.csv. You may also want to view the
article Athanasopoulos et al. – 2011 – The tourism forecasting

Your assignment is to address the questions on
pages 216-218. Use whatever software resources make the most sense
(Tableau, Excel, R, etc.) given that you are working with more than 500
time series. (Remember that for the regression model in 8(d) you are
only to forecast the first 5 series). Your response to the case will be
answers to the text questions (upload Excel or Tableau files, along with
a Word file or .pdf with responses to the written questions). Document
any sources used.



Contract Law: IRAC Format Problem Law Assignment Help

Leo is a manufacturer of electric guitars who annually produces a new line of limited-edition
guitars for sale in music shops. The guitars are so popular that they sell out every year. Jimi is a
well-known guitar player who plans to open on online store selling guitars. Jimi has always
liked Leo’s guitars and uses them for his own gigs. He knows Leo’s guitars are popular among
other guitar players, too, and wants to distribute an exclusive line of Leo’s guitars through his
online store.
Jimi calls Leo and says, “I am thinking of opening an online music store. I know how popular
your guitars are, and I would like to purchase your entire output of guitars for next year so I can
sell them exclusively through my store. If you agree, I will pay you $750 per guitar. Are you
interested?” Leo responds, “I’ve been doing this a long time, and I may retire before next year. I
don’t know how many guitars I will manufacture next year; I may close up my shop. But I like
the terms you are offering, so if I am still in business next year, you have a deal.” Jimi responds,
Jimi follows up his conversation with Leo with a signed letter memorializing the terms of their
agreement. Leo never responds to the letter.
Two months later, Leo informs Jimi that he received a better offer for his guitars from a different
music store, and he will not perform his agreement with Jimi. Jimi sues Leo for breach of
contract. Will he prevail?

Contract Law: IRAC Format Problem Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENGL001 Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

Outcomes for the Annotated Bibliography:

  1. Cite the text accurately, according to MLA Guidelines
  2. Summarize and paraphrase the author’s main ideas as they relate to the thesis of your research paper
  3. Analyze and appraise the author’s argument as it relates to the argument you are making
  4. Position this author’s argument in your paper, determining in which paragraph you will use this text.

Topic: Women in the Middle East? Can we bring Western ideals of feminism to the Middle East? Will it work? Is it offensive to their culture to do so?

Choose one article/source from your research and follow the steps outlined to do an annotated bibliography entry:

  • Write the source in MLA Works Cited format
  • One short paragraph summarizing the main arguments of the source
  • One short paragraph analyzing the argument in the context of the argument you are making for your overall argument. Does it refute your argument? Support it? How? What’s missing? Indicate for which paragraph you will use this source (ie. Counterargument, paragraph 4).


One discussion by Wednesday (1 pm EST) and one assignment (Friday 10pm EST) Engineering Assignment Help

Hi ,

If i find any plagiarism, i won’t pay


I need Discussion post by Wednesday afternoon (1 pm EST)

Consider the mean of a cluster of objects from a binary transaction data set. What are the minimum and maximum values of the components of the mean? What is the interpretation of components of the cluster mean? Which components most accurately characterize the objects in the cluster?

Please ensure to cite the Author, YYYY with any content brought into the discussion. All discussions should contain at least one reference (and matching in-text citation in APA format).


I need assignment by Friday 10 PM (EST)

Chapter 9 Check Point

Answer the following questions. Please ensure to use the Author, YYYY APA citations with any content brought into the assignment.

  1. For sparse data, discuss why considering only the presence of non-zero values might give a more accurate view of the objects than considering the actual magnitudes of values. When would such an approach not be desirable?
  2. Describe the change in the time complexity of K-means as the number of clusters to be found increases.
  3. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of treating clustering as an optimization problem. Among other factors, consider efficiency, non-determinism, and whether an optimization-based approach captures all types of clusterings that are of interest.
  4. What is the time and space complexity of fuzzy c-means? Of SOM? How do these complexities compare to those of K-means?
  5. Explain the difference between likelihood and probability.
  6. Give an example of a set of clusters in which merging based on the closeness of clusters leads to a more natural set of clusters than merging based on the strength of connection (interconnectedness) of clusters.


reasrch paper for english class Humanities Assignment Help

This project has 5 Steps:

1) Choose an Debatable Topic and Pose an Effective Research Question

2) Conduct Research on the Web and in Library Databases

3) Evaluate and Summarize your sources in an MLA Annotated Bibliography (3-4 pages)

4) Outline your findings

5) Write a Research-Supported MLA Argument Essay (5-7 pages)

In this module we will be completing Steps 1 through 3. In particular, we will focus on Information Literacy, or a set of skills to which includes learning how to research effectively, knowing how to use multiple means to find information (books, magazines, libraries, online databases), and recognizing traits of credibility in a source (the author cites sources, the author makes it clear that sources are relevant, the author’s bias is controlled).

The primary assignment for this module will be to create an MLA Annotated Bibliography. This assignment will require you to locate and evaluate three credible sources for your research project. We will start that assignment next week. For the moment, go to the Week 5 folder to help you begin choosing an effective topic.


Sales and Leases of Personal Property Continued Business Finance Assignment Help


I like the situation about The Return Season. How many times have you ever returned something to a store?

At Saks Fifth Avenue , they call it the “return season.” Return season occurs within the week following a major fund-raising formal dance. Women who have purchased formal eveningwear return the dresses after the dance. The dresses have been worn, and the tags have been cut, but the women return the dresses with requests for a full refund. Neiman Marcus, also experiences the same phenomenon of returns.

Some stores have implemented a policy that formal eveningwear may not be returned if the tags are cut from it. Others require a return within a limited period of seven days. Others offer an exchange only after five days.

Does a right of rejection under Article 2 cover the women? What do you think of the conduct of the women? Is it simply revocation of acceptance? Is there good faith on the part of the women?


Forensic case using class concepts Law Assignment Help

Forensic case using class concepts Law Assignment Help

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