Franklin Pierce College Make Voting Compulsory in the United States Essay Writing Assignment Help

Franklin Pierce College Make Voting Compulsory in the United States Essay Writing Assignment Help. Franklin Pierce College Make Voting Compulsory in the United States Essay Writing Assignment Help.

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You must take the Affirmative position on the issue.

Affirmative: The team that is for the resolution. Always agrees with the resolution statement.

In a 3-4 page essay, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the ill? Discuss the significance of the ill. What is the problem in the status quo that you feel needs to be addressed? How many people/animals are affected by this problem? How are they affected by the problem?
  2. What is the blame? What causes the problem? What is the current policy regarding this problem? Why does this current policy fail or not work?
  3. What is the cure you propose? What specific action are you proposing? How does it directly address your ill? What grounds/support do you have that the proposal will reduce the problem? (Shouldn’t be a hypothetical cure; You should research and look for a cure that has been proposed by a representative or large organization. Suggestion: look at other countries to see if they have implemented a cure)
  4. What are the potential costs to the cure you propose? How can we address those costs?


  • 3-4 pages
  • At least three outside sources needed (credible & current)
  • Essay format (Intro, Body, Conclusion)
  • Double-spaced
  • 12pt. font
  • Times New Roman or Calibri font
  • Standard margins
  • In-text citations and Works Cited page required
  • MLA or APA format

Franklin Pierce College Make Voting Compulsory in the United States Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Lewis University Ethics and Fairness Question Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a other discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

  1. How do the authors describe the pillars of an ethical culture?
  2. How are strategies and practices anchored to principles?
  3. Discuss the value of a mission statement as it relates to an ethical organization.
  4. List at least two examples in which HR may put ethical design into practice in an organization.

minimum 2 page paper double spaced, reference page.The paper should include evidence of course content derived from the links attached, as well as answer the following four questions

  1. sources:


Florida International University Social Identity Interview Paper Question Writing Assignment Help

You are required to interview someone who is different from you on at least one of the following social identity groups to which you belong: age, disability, religion, nationality, gender, gender identity, race/ethnicity, weight, sexual orientation, and social class. This person can be a friend, family member, partner, or other acquaintance. The interview should take place over the course of an hour and you should prepare 10-15 questions to ask in advance of the interview.

  1. You should ask the interviewee about the social identities s/he feels comfortable discussing (must include the social identity that you differ on) and how his/her group memberships influence his/her life experiences and how s/he views the world. You can feel free to consider some of the same topics and questions you reflected on in completing the identity paper earlier this semester.
  2. You should ask the interviewee about how his/her social identities influence his/her experiences of subtle and overt prejudice, discrimination and/or privilege .
  3. You should ask the interviewee about how his/her social identities have influenced (or will influence) his/her career plans and any issues s/he has faced (or expects to face) in the workforce.
  4. You should write an informal 3-4 page paper summarizing the interview (be sure to cover points 1-3 above in your summary).
  5. Please also discuss your reactions to the interview (i.e., what you learned, what surprised you, what gave you concern or bothered you, and whether this exercise was comfortable).
  6. Please attach your interview questions as an Appendix (not included in the 3-4 pages).
    Submit your paper through Canvas by the due date. Please put your full name and FIU e-mail at the top of the first page.

Note: Before conducting the interview, please obtain permission to quote them in your paper. Please inform them that you will be summarizing the interview in a paper and discussing the interview on the class discussion board. Please keep the identity of the interviewee anonymous.

Additional Note: Note that your discussion of privilege should be based on its definition (i.e., unearned advantage derived from one’s group membership). This would come from being a majority group member of whatever identities you choose to discuss (i.e., for gender the majority group is men, for race the majority group is White people, for sexual orientation the majority group is heterosexual people, etc.). Also note that the “majority group” in this sense is defined in terms of access to power, which in most cases is associated with being the numeric majority (e.g., [in the U.S.] White people, heterosexual people, etc.), but in some cases is just based on access to power (e.g., gender since men and women are generally equal in numbers). Group-identity based privilege does not refer to being financially well off unless you are specifically discussing the privilege associated with being from a higher social class/socio-economic status.


Stratford University The Self Care Deficit Nursing Theory Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Read the article by Patricia Benner Novice to Expert Theory Explained

HW: in Discussion 1, write about ONE of the nursing theories discussed in class, in the videos, or in the Text book. Be sure to state the level of theory (grand, middle, etc) then a paragraph that explains the basics of the theory, then a paragraph in which you give your thoughts and impressions about the theory. You can compare it to other theories, or cite your experience in health care (either as worker or patient).

You must cite all references used in the discussion. I will prefer if you can write on Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory


HCS 370 UOP Wk 5 Organizational Change Waste Management Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Read the following scenario to complete this assignment.


The health care industry, like other industries, is a very competitive environment. As organizational behavior within health care companies evolves, it will be even more important to consider the future use of learning about/applying concepts of organizational behavior and the need for continuing education.


After a productive year with the medical waste management company, Justin has now been tasked with implementing a company-wide policy change to require continuing education. Each employee will now be required to complete 2 hours of continuing education each year. Justin’s supervisor has asked for an analysis and plan for the implementation of this company-wide change. This analysis will be presented to company leadership as a tool for understanding and implementing this change.


Answer the following prompts.


Cite 2 reputable references. Reputable references include trade or industry publications; government or agency websites; scholarly works; your textbook, Organizational Behavior in Health Care (4th ed.); or other sources of similar quality.


Format your references according to APA guidelines.


  • Explain the importance of continuing education regarding organizational change (100–175 words).
  • Explain the impact this policy change may have on the organizational behavior and organizational culture of the company (100–175 words).
  • Explain barriers to change and how to address the barriers (100–175 words).
  • Explain how this change may affect individual job performance and job satisfaction (100–175 words).
  • Explain a motivational strategy that might be used for implementation (100–175 words).
  • Explain how teams or groups could be used to implement this policy change. Include a review of two approaches managers can use to build team performance and two organizational barriers to team effectiveness (100–175 words).
  • Identify communication methods to be used to support this policy change implementation (45–90 words).


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Submit your assignment.



State College of Florida Casablanca & World War II Films Questions Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I need assistance in assuring I have the correct assessment of the film. here we will be performing a diagnosis of the film calablanca and World War II. All information needed is down below. Thank you.

(200-250 words)

Discussion- Casablanca and World War II

In July 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Office of War Information (OWI) whose purpose was to communicate to the general public, through print, radio, and film, what the war effort was all about and to bolster American support for the common Allied cause. As part of the OWI, the Bureau of Motion Pictures (BMP) worked directly with the film industry regarding the representation of patriotism, tolerance, duty, and sacrifice in film. The BMP’s handbook for film scripts was sent to all studio bosses, directors, writers, and producers. It contained a vision and guidelines for the film world’s contribution to the war effort through entertainment. The BMP also reviewed Hollywood films to determine if they promoted an appropriate message- generally one of patriotism and sacrifice. While the OWI didn’t have directly ban films, it could throw up obstacles to overseas distribution and cut into Hollywood profits if studios didn’t cooperate with their objectives. The OWI ceased to operate at the end of the war, in 1945. (source: (Links to an external site.) )

Here again are the highlights of the OWI review of Casablanca as seen in the lecture:

1. The film presents an excellent picture of the spirit of the Underground movement.

2. Some of the chaos and misery brought by fascism are graphically illustrated.

3. It shows that personal desires must be subordinated to the task of defeating fascism.

4. It is brought out that many French are by no means cooperating whole-heartedly with the Nazis.

5. America is shown as the haven of the oppressed and homeless.

6. The film presents a good portrayal of the Nazis. (This doesn’t mean the Nazis are good guys. It means the film does a good job of showing the true evil nature of the Nazis)

* Select two of these and with specific detail (description of visual and/or quote from dialogue) from the film, provide examples of how the film accomplishes these points. If you can’t remember an exact quote, and I don’t expect you to, an approximate paraphrase is fine. 3-4 time stamps are required.

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State College of Florida Casablanca & World War II Films Questions Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

RNBSN Indiana Wesleyan University Incvility in Nursing Education Discussion Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

  1. Review the rubric that is linked below to make sure you understand the criteria for earning a maximum of 30 points for this discussion.
  2. Review the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses.
  3. Review the Netiquette section in your student handbook.
  4. Read the article titled: “Incivility in Nursing Education: A Systematic Review” by click on the provided URL:
  5. Search the nursing databases and choose a second article to read on the topic of incivility in nursing. The following reference list will assist you in finding information on this topic: Incivility References
  6. After reading on this topic, address the following prompts in your initial forum post:
    1. Provide a comprehensive definition of incivility.
    2. Describe examples of both student and faculty incivility that may occur in academic settings.
    3. Discuss three negative outcomes associated with incivility.
    4. What are key strategies to prevent uncivil behavior from occurring?
  7. Your initial post should be four paragraphs in length, with a minimum of three sentences in each paragraph. Your post should be submitted by the end of day #4 of this workshop.
  8. Cite and reference two current scholarly sources to support your insights and answers. (Wikipedia is not permitted, as it is not considered a scholarly source.)
  9. Read and respond to at least two classmates’ initial posts by the end of the workshop. You are encouraged to respond to the follow-up instructor questions directed to you. Your responses to classmates should be a minimum of six sentences in length.
  10. Forum participation (including initial post and responses) occurs on at least two different days of the workshop.


Mission College Bean Trees Book Review Writing Assignment Help

At the start of this quarter, you wrote a movie review for your favorite film. We learned that movie reviews 1) inform the audience about the film (who directed it, what it is about, who the main characters and actors are, etc.) and 2) persuade the audience to either see or avoid the film based on clear argumentation throughout and persuasive language. Write a book review for The Bean Trees, applying much of what you learned for your film review, in which you tell your audience about Barbara Kingsolver’snovel and whether you think itis worth recommendation and why. Your review should have a wellwritten introduction (with a summary of the book and a thesis offering your overall evaluation of the book and including the specific points of your body paragraphs)and at least two body paragraphs that are centered on a single element of the novel (character development, plot, setting, theme, etc.) that you then analyze to persuade your audience to read The Bean Tresor not. In these paragraphs, you’ll want to use specific evidence from the book (such as quotations or paraphrases or detailed examples) to support your ideas. For instance, if you say readers will really love to witness the evolution of the main characters in the story, you will want to provide an example of one such evolution. Remember that your tone in this essay is extremely importantyou want your position on the novel to be very evident and convincing to your reader. You want to have strong, clear arguments (such as this strong thesis statement: Readers will be blown away by Kingsolvers giftfordeveloping complex, likable characters who go through some terrible challenges and still manage to find a joy in lifeand friendshipthat inspires readers).In addition to writing clear arguments, your stance on The Bean Treeswill beunderscored if you fillyour paper with persuasive language like “fantastic,“dreadful,“illuminating,“boring,” etc. that suits yourattitude toward the book.


University of Utah Comparison Between Lucille Ball and Jon Hamm Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Your reading for the week can be found in the Marriott Library electronic-reserve system, author: Stark, title: “Glued to the Set” (you’ll have to log in with your UNID and password to have access). You can access course reserves by selecting the course reserves tab in the Marriott Library catalog. Additional information on using course reserves can be found in the Marriott Library Course Reserve “How to Guide.” Here is a walkthrough that will explain searching courses, filtering courses and finally how to access copyrighted material from off campus. (Links to an external site.)

Here’s a pdf of the article as well: Glued to the Set 2.pdf.

Please also look at this article on Lucy: (Links to an external site.)

And this one on a show that changed television: (Links to an external site.)

These chapters each discuss various “icons“, in television, from successful shows. A person who is an “icon” needs to fit the following parameters: S/he is an important and enduring symbol, is regarded as embodying the essential characteristics of an era or group and has staying power. These icons became larger than the actual shows they were part of and left an indelible mark on tv programming that can still be seen today. The stars discussed in the article all qualify, according to these descriptions. Please also watch the following clips to prepare to answer the assignment questions.

Here’s a clip of Milton Berle, with Lucy:

Uncle Miltie IS Auntie Mildred! (Links to an external site.)Uncle Miltie IS Auntie Mildred!Below are clips from I Love Lucy (Links to an external site.)

The Cosby show:

The Cosby show – Funny moment with Theo Huxtable (Links to an external site.)The Cosby show - Funny moment with Theo HuxtableArchie Bunker (All in the Family):

Archie Bunker gives us a history lesson (Links to an external site.)Archie Bunker gives us a history lesson

Seinfeld clips:

Funniest Seinfeld Moments Part 1 (Links to an external site.)
Minimize Video
Funniest Seinfeld Moments Part 2 (Links to an external site.)
Minimize Video

Your assignment is to choose one of the people discussed in the reading or in the clips and compare that person with a TV actor or actress whom you predict will eventually attain that type of status (choose an actor who is in one of the TV shows listed on the syllabus). Find at least three ways to compare them. These comparisons can either point out similarities or differences between your two choices. You only have to choose one person to compare to the person from the reading. Your main objective is to be specific in your comparisons (in other words, give examples from the character on a TV show, and incidents on that TV show, that illustrate your point). It is your choice completely whom you decide to compare to one of the people in the readings. Try to be a little daring with your prediction. Don’t choose someone that is already iconic (for example, Jerry Seinfeld is already iconic). It is a prediction or a guess. It should be a person that is recognized from television more than film, since this is a television course. Note: Keep your work as concise as possible while still covering the subject matter. Make your choices, address the specific requests in the instructions above and use well-chosen examples to support your ideas. Be sure to clearly tell me the name of the person you’re comparing, and the name of the icon (from the reading) to whom you’re comparing them. Be sure to break up your ideas into manageable paragraphs rather than one LOOONG paragraph–make the response presentable and easy for me to read. Always (throughout the term assignments) remember to capitalize and italicize titles of TV shows, films or plays (eg: Mad Men, rather than mad men, Seinfeld rather than seinfeld). Some publications put quotations around the episode title (for example “The Contest” for a Seinfeld episode). You could also choose to put the show and episode titles in quotes (eg: “Seinfeld”). But be consistent (either italicize or put in quotes, but not both.

I repeat here what I said on your syllabus about these bi-weekly responses: To earn 20 points your response must be on time and show evidence of critical thinking in your answer. The use of specific examples to support your ideas is required. I care about clearly written responses–don’t just text or be sloppy in your response writing. Basic punctuation and complete sentences are essential, and clearly written, well-thought out responses will help you get full points. You can be concise and to the point, but don’t be incomplete or vague–you must fully answer all the questions in the assignment for full points. Also, avoid passive voice or wordiness–clear, active voice and straightforward wording is optimal.

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UCLA Chinese American Before and After Second World War Article Humanities Assignment Help

Write a 1500 words article, comparing Chinese Americans before and after the Second World War. What happened to their lives? Why is the Second World War a turning point in the history of Chinese Americans? What is the significance of World War II to Chinese Americans? You can think about problems from multiple angles of the mainstream economy, military opportunities, immigration, culture, etc.

You also need to submit another two-page paper, which may be written informally, explaining why you made that choice and what you gained by exploring your topic/theme through this approach.


Franklin Pierce College Make Voting Compulsory in the United States Essay Writing Assignment Help

Franklin Pierce College Make Voting Compulsory in the United States Essay Writing Assignment Help

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