FSWSC Development of A Database System & Bike Rental Mobile Application Essays Business Finance Assignment Help. FSWSC Development of A Database System & Bike Rental Mobile Application Essays Business Finance Assignment Help.
I’m working on a management question and need guidance to help me understand better.
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Mobile systems are having a major impact on business and society today. Accordingly, mobile applications now form an important component of marketing and business processes for many companies.Assume that the owner of a bike rental shop at a popular summer resort wants to create a mobile application to aid customers who want to book bikes via their mobile systems. You have been hired as a consultant to recommend the best strategy for creating such an application.In an essay, describe some features you will include in this application to ensure a quality user experience. Make your recommendations specific to this application for this particular bike shop. In addition, propose either a thick-client or a thin-client application. Provide reasons to justify your choice.
Businesses of every size organize data records into collections called databases.The purpose of a database is to keep track of things. At one extreme, small businesses use databases to keep track of customers; at the other extreme, huge corporations use databases to support complex sales, marketing, and operations activities.Suppose that a county planning department wants to build a new database system to keep track of building permit applications for both residential and commercial projects. The database should be available to the applicants over the Internet. You have been hired as a consultant to recommend the best strategy for creating such a database.In an essay, describe the work that must be accomplished for the four stages of development of this particular database system—requirements definition, data modeling, database design, and implementation. Identify the inputs and outputs for each stage of development.
FSWSC Development of A Database System & Bike Rental Mobile Application Essays Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UC The Study of Human Actions in An Organizational Environment Project Business Finance Assignment Help
Groups should:
- Identify three (3) organizations known to successfully apply the chosen organizational behavior concept to their organizational structure. *At least one of these organizations should come from Forbes 100 Best Places to Work list for this year.
- Identify one (1) organization known to unsuccessfully apply the chosen organizational behavior concept to their organizational structure.
- Be prepared to discuss how this organizational concept is applied in your own workplace – or could be applied.
*While the main focus of your research should focus on the OB concept chosen, you may incorporate other OB concepts/theories that strengthen your research. Be sure to aim for depth rather than breadth regarding the use of additional OB concepts. Any additional concepts should NOT change the focus of your research but strengthen.
- Description of the OB concept. The history and theories behind the use of this concept, as well as any negative opinions or theories against the concept.
- What benefits do you see with the use of this OB concept?
- Identify three (3) organizational known to successfully apply the chosen organizational behavior concept to their organizational structure. *At least one of these organizations should come from Forbes 100 Best Places to Work list for this year. Please provide a description of the organizations chosen, their background, and how/why this OB concept was applied. Be sure to include examples of concept applied within each organization (answers may vary based on the organization)
- How has this concept impacted the organizations? (answers may vary based on the organization)
- Describe how the organizations are viewed as leaders in their industry because of the use of the OB concepts? (answers may vary based on the organization)
- Identify one (1) organization known to unsuccessfully apply the chosen organizational behavior concept to their organizational structure. Please provide a description of the organizations chosen, their background, and how/why this OB concept was applied and unsuccessful.
- Compare and contrast the organizations’ use of the OB concept. Written Component:
- Prepare a report to address all aspects of the assignment.
CJUS 650 Liberty University Social Services for Probationers Responses Law Assignment Help
Topic: Probation as a Social Service Approach
Thread: How would a social service approach for probation be more effective in helping to reduce recidivism? What additional trainings should a probation officer receive in order to be more effective using a social service approach? This is a 2-part question.
1. West- Without question, I would agree that bringing a social services approach to probation officers (especially juveniles) could help reduce recidivism. I believe this for many reasons, but the few stand out the most: even though the offender has had the benefit of being on probation and not continuing their time in jail, there are still many needs that have gone unmet. And when essential needs go unmet, it can make it that much easier to return to their old habits. It is often a mental health need that has gone undetected or a fear that they may have within their home, being jobless, which could further result in illegal activity to get their needs met, and the list goes on. “To address these concerns the criminal justice system has implemented goals for the offender to complete while on parole or if forgoing prison time on probation. These goals can include drug assessment and treatment, cognitive-behavioral classes, anger management, and drug screening” (Brinson, 2013). Additionally, an article created for Crisis intervention teams states, “Widespread crisis intervention strategies and techniques are critical to addressing rising rates of overdoses and suicides that continue to devastate families nationwide. Now, more than ever, we must break the all- too common cycle of sending those with mental health and substance use disorders through the criminal justice system” (Kimball, Cochran, & Dunpont, 2019).
I know I probably sound like a broken record from past posts, but while being relocated during the pandemic last year, I saw and worked with this firsthand for all the ages; sometimes it worked, and other times it did not. I found it massive using this approach because, when you arrive at a situation or a wellness check, being in “everyday clothing” and not a police uniform made the panic decrease. We built rapport quickly, which further made all visits more personal and more accessible for all of us.
I believe probation officers would benefit from additional training in the mental health fields and what precautions to take if they think that individual is in danger of themselves or others. Additional training on building rapport within the community can also help; that way, if there is a time when these officers are needs, it can be more efficient. “Countless law enforcement officers and mental health professionals have joined the fight for mental health recovery. It has all been driven by relationships and a sense of local ownership for the challenges of mental health crises in their own communities” (Kimball, Cochran, & Dunpont, 2019). Proverbs 3:27 NIV reads, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act (The Holy Bible, 2011)”.
Brinson, A. (2013). Success, Desistance and Relationships Between Probation Officers and Probationers: A Social Work Perspective. Retrieved from SOPHIA: https://sophia.stkate.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?arti…
Kimball, A., Cochran, S., & Dunpont, R. (2019, August). Crisis Intervention. Retrieved from CIT International: https://www.citinternational.org/resources/Best…
The Holy Bible. (2011). Proverbs 3:27. Retrieved from Bible Gateway: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=PROVE…
2. Glasster- A social service approach to probation would be beneficial for people because the officers chose the role as a service to others wanting to help them. Our text talks about social service to law enforcement and back. I am not saying that people with law enforcement backgrounds don’t want to help and serve these people. However, law enforcement believes that the legal and enforcement part of their role and are more likely to emphasize their authority, rule abidance, and enforcement of conditions (Gideon & Sung, 2011p. 107). There is nothing wrong with viewing probation that way. But this type of attitude may deter probationers from wanting to abide by the rules. Probation officers who have a more therapeutic perspective view their role as counselors to probationers to help them connect with community services and identifying appropriate treatment programs in their community (Gideon & Sung, 2011 p. 108). Since social service-oriented probation officers focus on the rehabilitative side of corrections and probation, we know that would help reduce recidivism. We have focused on what elements play a part in if an offender reoffends once released throughout this course. There are certain things to look at before assessing if an offender would be a good candidate for rehabilitation. Risk-related information is critical to consider for pretreatment planning (Gideon & Sung, 2011 p. 42). Based on the offender’s risk assessment, social service-based probation would be a practical approach to keeping people out of prison while providing them with rehabilitative treatment programs.
It takes a particular type of person to be in a rehabilitative role for another person. There should be specific training to ensure that someone is prepared to support people in this way because it can be detrimental to their success in probation. Looking at the training that social workers go through to prepare them for their field of work, the same type could be beneficial for probation officers. Social workers are ready for their occupation by institutions that are promoting respect for human diversity and education in diverse clients and communities (Cano, 2020). Preparing one for the diverse community they will be working in. This type of education would be beneficial across the board of social services, especially for those who work in probation in parole.
Manuel Cano (2020) Diversity and Inclusion in Social Service Organizations: Implications for
Community Partnerships and Social Work Education, Journal of Social Work Education, 56:1, 105-114, DOI: 10.1080/10437797.2019.1656577
Gideon, L., & Sung, H. E. (2011). Rethinking corrections: Rehabilitation, reentry, and
reintegration (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. ISBN: 9781412970198.
WU Autism Spectrum Disorder & Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Comment on your peers post
1) Anderson Household
The client, Artesia, a 2 month old, African American, female lives with her grandparents. The grandparents are having a hard time coping with the loss of their daughter and son in law. The grandparents share that before they took their daughter’s family in, the daughter and her family were homeless and living in a car for several weeks before Artesia was born. Both the newborn and the mother were hospitalized later due to complications from birth. Artesia has two older siblings, a 6 year old male who has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and an 18 month old male. The Grandparents believe it is their duty to raise their three grandchildren. Both grandparents are very involved in their Southern Baptist church.
Broderick & Blewitt, 2020 inform us how poor and minority children are more likely to experience community violence and other various deprivations. This can then have problematic effects on the child’s long term mental and physical health. Artesia and her siblings experienced homelessness for a short time. The grandparents should share this with health providers to ensure that each child is monitored for mental or physical effects. The grandmother also shared that her daughter “had a lot going on” at the time of pregnancy and birth. Knowing that Artesia’s mother neglected her emotions may have caused her to have lower levels of oxytocin and made her less likely to provide responsive caregiving to her children (Broderick & Blewitt, 2020). Due to the lack of sensitivity from the mother Artesia may experience problems with security (Broderick & Blewitt, 2020).
It is important to share information with the grandparents about the social and emotional development of infants and toddlers. By doing this you can address the concerns that you have for Artesia as she has experienced some events that may cause social and emotional delays later on. A major factor to consider when looking at the social and emotional development of infants and toddlers is their caregivers’ responsiveness. From what the grandparents have shared it sounds as if the mom may have been going through some mental health issues herself and therefore her maternal sensitivity and responsiveness to her children was lacking (Broderick & Blewitt, 2020). By providing the grandparents with this information they can talk with their health care provider and even their church to reach out for support to ensure that each of the children receives the sensitivity and responsiveness that they need to help them develop healthy skills. It is also essential to ensure that the grandparents understand the importance of providing the children with responsiveness and sensitivity to help them build relationships and gain positive representation of themselves, others and relationships (Broderick & Blewitt, 2020).
It would also be helpful to provide the grandparents with information on Autism Spectrum Disorder. Williams, Hartmann, Paulson, Raffaele, & Urbano, 2019, share that minority parents reported feeling less informed, understood, and included in making decisions about their child with ASD. There comes a lot of stress when providing care for a child with ASD. It may also be important to remind the grandparents of coping strategies to help them cope with the stress. African Americans historically draw upon cultural strengths to help them cope (Williams, Hartmann, Paulson, Raffaele, & Urbano, 2019). You may be able to provide how the grandparents’ church can support them in coping with stress as religion and spirituality are important factors in the African American community (Williams, Hartmann, Paulson, Raffaele, & Urbano, 2019).
As a younger, white female counselor one issue that I may face when working with this family is the difference in our race. I must be sensitive and address this to help reassure Ernie and Audrey, the grandparents, that I am aware of the racial/ethnicity difference but also share that I am open to learning about their culture. It is also essential that before meeting with this family that I meet with colleagues or do my research to become more familiar with the African American culture to ensure that I can provide the best support. Another factor that could be challenging is the age difference. I need to again do my research on how to interact with older individuals and older African Americans to ensure that I am respectful and understanding to help build our client and counselor relationship.
When working with Ernie and Audrey, the grandparents of Artesia, it is important to keep in mind the difference in race and age to ensure that I do my research to best support them and build their trust in our relationship. It is also important that the grandparents are provided with information about the emotional and social development of their grandchildren. They need to become aware of some of the at risk factors that Artesia has experienced. As Broderick & Blewitt 2020, shared a child’s early experiences with their primary caregivers help them to form their first representations of themself, others, and relationships. This will allow them to share this information with their health care provider to ensure Artesia and her siblings receive the care that they need.
Broderick, P., & Blewitt, P. (2020). The Life Span: Human Development for Helping Professionals (5th ed.). Pearson.
Williams, T. V., Hartmann, K., Paulson, J. F., Raffaele, C. T., & Urbano, M. R. (2019). Life After an Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis: A Comparison of Stress and Coping Profiles of African American and Euro-American Caregivers. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 49(3), 1024–1034. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1007/s10…
2 post
Emma Reeves is a 10-month-old infant who has been diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Emma is the youngest of 3 children. The family is Caucasian-American and of mixed European ethnic descent. The family also identifies as Protestant. Emma was born to her father, Lucas Reeves, and her mother, Anne, who struggled with alcohol abuse prior to and during her pregnancy with her. Lucas believes that Anne never wanted to be a parent and was distant and uninvolved as a parent. Following Emma’s diagnosis of FAS, Anne left the family and has not since contacted Lucas or her children. Lucas also has no family in the area and mentions that he feels overwhelmed.
Being aware of these influences can provide context in treating the family, because the parenting style that Emma and her siblings received from their mother may influence how they present or behave. The influences can also help in choosing appropriate treatment or resources for the family as well as individual resources for Emma’s development and care. According to Pancratz (1993), “Alcohol damage to the fetus during this stage can result in mental as well as growth retardation and heart damage or malformation. Damage to the central nervous system causes future problems in the area of behavior and disposition” (p. 4). Emma’s recognition may even be delayed due to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. This is important to know, because it may influence the type of treatment that Emma can receive or may need. Being aware of the influences within the family, as well as the consequences from those influences, can also help understand the challenges that may arise in providing treatment for Emma.
One challenge that I may encounter when counseling this family is Lucas’s response to stress, which may come in many forms. Lucas, already overwhelmed, may be resistant to implement strategies already agreed upon. Lucas may also struggle to be consistent with strategies, appointments, reporting on Emma, etc., as he has no close family to help him during overwhelming times. This may affect the family dynamic and Emma’s treatment.
Emma is a 10-month-old infant recently diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Emma’s father is struggling to raise her and her siblings after her mother, who suffered from alcohol abuse, left the family. Due to stress and a lack of family and support nearby, a challenge to Emma’s treatment may be her father Lucas’s response to stress.
Walden University (2019). Emma Reeves. Retrieved from https://mym.cdn.laureate-media.com/2dett4d/Walden/COUN/6215/WEEK02/reeves.html
University of the Cumberlands Divergence and Convergence Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
In this assignment, you are to critically read and evaluate a scholarly article’s strengths, weaknesses, and contributions to the study field. Learning how to critique a journal article has several benefits, including preparing you for publishing in the future and keeping you current on the literature in your field of study. The practical application is developing the ability to look at research within your organization and industry with a knowledgeable, critical eye.
Article –
Duysters, G., Lavie, D., Sabidussi, A., & Stettner, U. (2020). What drives exploration? Convergence and divergence of exploration tendencies among alliance partners and competitors. Academy of Management Journal, 63(5), 1425-1454.
Attached the article.
Cover page
- The cover page will include:
- Articles Title and Author (s)
- Name of Journal (s)
- Date of publication
- Your name
Executive Summary
- Summarize the significant aspects of the entire article, including:
- The overall purpose and general area of study of the article.
- The specific problem being addressed in the study.
- The main findings of the article.
Literature Review
- Briefly summarize the overall themes presented in the Literature Review.
- Was the literature review applicable to the study, current and thorough?
- Were there gaps in the literature review?
Data Analysis
- Identify the methodology used: qualitative, quantitative, mixed? Was the chosen methodology appropriate for the study? Why or why not?
- Did the data analysis prove or disprove the research questions? Explain.
- In this section, you will address the following:
- Describe the article’s relevance to the field of knowledge.
- Outline the strengths and weaknesses of the article. Be specific.
- Based on the article, what future research do you think needs to be accomplished in this area?
- What are your key points and takeaways after analyzing the article?
Columbia Southern University Unit 3 Motivational Ideas and Theories Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Review the motivational ideas or theories addressed in the readings for Unit III. Using yourself as an example, do you feel that one or more of the ideas or theories are particularly effective in motivating you, or is there a better way you can be motivated?
- Engage the reader in the topic with some form of creative “hook” (such as a story, quote, or example).
- Provide an example of a situation in which a leader used one of these theories to successfully motivate you.
- Next, provide an example of a situation where an attempted motivational tool did not work.
- What was it about the second example that did not work? Explain your answer.
Columbia Southern University Unit 3 Motivational Ideas and Theories Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Saddleback College Self-confidence: Nature or Nurture Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
There are six (6) Alternatives to Punishment listed in Faber, Chapter 3. Give specific, detailed explanations and words (what would the adult do and say) for each alternative for the three following situations (please use different explanations for each situation).
Please NUMBER the situations and the alternative in your discussion posting, so you will have situations #1, #2, and #3, with alternatives 1-6 listed for each.
Please respond to at least two classmates and post on at least two different days in order to qualify for the full amount of points possible.
The situations are:
1) A two-year-old is begging and whining for candy at the grocery store. You don’t want to give in but you also don’t want a full-blown tantrum in the middle of the store.
2) Your 5-year-old refuses to put away his toys…plopping down instead to watch T.V.
3) Your 10-year-old won’t do her homework. She says its too hard and she sulks around the house all afternoon making herself and everyone miserable.
Faber, Chapter 3
Be sure to make note of the “Alternatives to Punishment” in Chapter 3 of your Faber text. Of these, “letting the child experience the natural consequences of her behavior” I have found to be most helpful. Of course you can’t do this if the matter is safety, but if for instance, if you have a child who battles you about wearing a coat, then let them not wear one, and when they complain about being cold you can tell them that it was their choice. It doesn’t take long for them to change their mind if they think it is their idea, but if you force it on them it just triggers resentment.
Lastly, an important piece of the child guidance puzzle is helping children develop self-confidence. Both the process and the end result go a long way in preventing feelings of helplessness, being overwhelmed, frustration, and resentment in young children.
Self-Confidence: Nature or Nurture?
Are you born with self-confidence?
Is self-confidence something that you’re born with or is it taught and developed? It’s the classic nature vs. nurture question. While current wisdom has been for some time that it’s mostly nurture, there’s some surprising new research that indicates we may genetically predisposed to be self confident.
Smart children on balance to do well in school. That may seem obvious, but there are a lot of exceptions to that rule. Some kids with high IQs don’t ever become academic superstars, while less gifted kids often shine.
Why? Psychologists have focused on things like self-esteem and self-confidence–how good children think they are–to explain these outcomes. And the assumption has always been that such psychological traits are shaped mostly by parenting–by parents’ beliefs and expectations and modeling. Researchers like Albert Bandura have argued that the initial efficacy experiences are centered in the family. But as the growing child’s social world rapidly expands, peers become increasingly important in children’s developing self-knowledge of their capabilities. So, until now, an individual’s self-confidence was seen to be based on upbringing and other environmental factors.
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Behavorial geneticist Corina Greven of King’s College in London and her colleague, Robert Plomin of the Institute of Psychiatry, argue that self-confidence is more than a state of mind–but rather is a genetic predisposition. Their research, published in the June, 2009 issue of Psychological Science, is a rigorous analysis of the heritability of self-confidence and its relationship to IQ and performance.
They studied more than 3700 pairs of twins, both identical and fraternal twins, from age seven to age ten. Comparing genetically identical twins to non-identical siblings allows scientists to sort out the relative contributions of genes and the environment. Contrary to accepted wisdom, the researchers found that children’s self-confidence is heavily influenced by heredity–at least as much as IQ is. Indeed, as-yet-unidentified self-confidence genes appear to influence school performance independent of IQ genes, with shared environment having only a negligible influence.
The fact that self-confidence is heritable does not mean it is unchanging, of course. Siblings share a lot of influences living in basically the same home and community, but there are always worldly influences pulling them apart. A genetic legacy of self-confidence merely opens up many possible futures.
Greven and Plomin also found that children with a greater belief in their own abilities often performed better at school, even if they were actually less intelligent. They also concluded that same held true for athletes, with ability playing a lesser role than confidence.
So this study, supporting the nature argument for self-confidence should put the cat among the pigeons with coaches, psychologists, trainers and parenting experts, who have argued for some time that nurturing had the most significant influence on developing self-confidence.
Walden University Depression and Genomics in Patient Care Response Writing Assignment Help
Depression and genomics in patient care
The article Psychiatric Genomics and Mental Health Treatment: Setting the Ethical Agenda discusses the ethical concerns in translating genomic research and putting it into practice through patient care and developing policies. (Kong et al., 2017, p. 3) The first concern is genetic essentialism with regard to genomics revolution may play a role in the increased stigma on people with mental illness. (Kong et al., 2017, p. 3) Genetic essentialism is the tendency to infer a person’s characteristics and behaviors based on their perceived genetics. (Dar-Nimrod & Heine, 2011) Anti-stigma initiatives and campaigns exists to help reduce the stigma on mental illness. They compare having a mental illness to having diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and other conditions. The goal of these campaigns and initiatives are to held decrease the stigma through education and awareness and stress that individuals with mental illness are not to blame for their mental illness nor are they weak-minded. The second concern is with the advance in genomic medicine, the results could lead to psychosocial and therapeutic approaches and the clinical-patient therapeutic alliance being undermined. And lastly, using genomics in mental health treatment can potentially shift the attention away from the causal relationships between inequitable socioeconomic, political, and cultural structures, and negative mental health outcomes. (Kong et al., 2017, p. 3)
Nurses are and should always be patient advocates. In the mental health field, genomics and patient care can lead to a variety of interpretations and assumptions from the eyes of the patient and staff. Patients can use their diagnosis as an excuse for their behavior and continue to display the behavior and say things such as “I can’t help it”, “It’s in my genes”. Others will feel relieved there is a reason for their displayed behavior and will be willing to actively participate in treatment and therapy to control the signs and symptoms. Nurses should always provide education and remain free of bias in rendering patient care.
Hillsborough Community Beneficence in Moral Response to Disability Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Once again, we have a broad topic this week as we focus on moral issues regarding disability. In the interest of exploring a plurality of subjects within this topic, I’m offering several targeted questions for you to answer. Choose one of them or, if there’s another issue within the topic of disability that you’d like to discuss, please feel free to do so. Whatever question you answer, be sure to support it with moral arguments.
- Does Laura Purdy’s argument constitute disability discrimination?
- Was the hospitalist morally wrong to make the offer that he did to Bill Peace?
- Should we adopt the social model of disability over the medical model?
- Some argue that many conditions labeled as “disabilities” are in fact just different ways of being in the world that don’t need to be corrected. Can you think of any examples? Do you agree?
- Some argue that, when something is experienced as a disability, it is because society has not been structured to accommodate that way of being in the world. In such cases, should our aim be to “fix” the disability to fit into the parameters of society, or should we aim to restructure society to be more inclusive of different ways of being? Some examples could be helpful here.
- After thinking about this subject, and particularly after reading Bill Peace’s article, can you identify any of your own past comments or behavior as ableist? What do you think influenced your way of thinking in those moments?
- The four foundational moral principles of bioethics are: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. Choose one of these principles and offer concrete examples of ways we would apply them in our moral response to disability.
- Feel free to bring in a topic of your choosing relating to moral issues regarding disability.
Step 1: Your Initial Post – Respond to the question of your choosing (or construct your own). Be sure to give clear moral arguments for your view, with premises supporting your conclusion. Concrete examples can be very helpful in illustrating your position.
Disability is a tricky term. Not everyone agrees on what it means, or what constitutes a disability. Some argue we shouldn’t use the term at all, while others feel it’s a valuable marker of identity. Some common ways of classifying different types of disability include:
- sensory
- intellectual
- physical
- psychological
- neurological
- chronic illness
When studying moral issues involving disability, here are some (there are others) important principles, values, and concepts to keep in mind:
- medical model of disability
- social model of disability
- justice
- equal access
- impairment
- ableism
- healthy disability
- unhealthy disability
- quality of life
- procreative beneficence
Capella University Potential Ethical Dilemmas in The Workplace Exercise Humanities Assignment Help
Imagine management at your future workplace tasks you with making a formal presentation to your team, discussing a workplace ethical dilemma they might face. You consider an appropriate professional code of conduct, but only to the extent that it might offer useful guidance in this situation. The central task is to help everyone work together productively in resolving tricky issues. Fulfill the management task and create an audiovisual presentation that applies a professional code of ethics to common workplace situations.
- Apply a professional code of ethics to this workplace situation.
- Assess the advantages and disadvantages of the selected professional code of ethics.
- Explain methods for resolving ethical disagreements productively.
- Describe areas of personal disagreement with professional standards.