Fundacao Getulio Vargas Ferrari F8 Tributo Positioning Statement Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Fundacao Getulio Vargas Ferrari F8 Tributo Positioning Statement Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Fundacao Getulio Vargas Ferrari F8 Tributo Positioning Statement Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Positioning Statement paper

I have a final paper for my marketing class. We have to write two positioning statements for two different products. One is the Ferrari f8 Tributo, the other product is Dior’s Pure poison perfume. I have also uploaded an example file of the format that is needed to be used.

Final Exam- You may use any resource except another human being. Papers should not exceed 4 pages in length excluding any exhibits required. Note, I have not said how short a paper could be, but you must answer the questions. Single Spaced, 12-point type.

If any links don’t work, please navigate to the product sites on your own.

Please answer both questions.

Q1. The Ferrari F8 Tributo

Please navigate to the Ferrari website. Again google is a good source of product information. Please write a positioning statement for this supercar and discuss the TA, FOR and UPD issues associated with this car. In addition answer the following question. Why does Ferrari produce a car like this?

Q2 – Pure Poison…

Please use the above link to review the details associated with the above women’s fragrance. Write a positioning statement and review the CB theories associated with TA, FOR, and UPD for this popularly priced product.

Please consider the value of this item to the Dior line. What is it?

Is operant conditioning a key component to the sale of this item? Why or why not?

Fundacao Getulio Vargas Ferrari F8 Tributo Positioning Statement Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Steve Job 2005 Speech in Stanford University Argumentative Essay Humanities Assignment Help


Write an Argumentative Essay where you will agree or disagree with Job’s appeal to take risks and follow your dream. Your essay will NOT use any other sources except Steve Job’s speech and will ONLY cite Steve Jobs.

Your essay should have 700 words or more.

Your essay will have

Introduction: hook, background info: who is Steve Job, when he gave this speech, one sentence summary of the speech, and your thesis stating if you agree or disagree and giving two reasons why.

Two body paragraphs that support your position. Make sure to cite Job’s speechand agree or disagree with what he says. Give reasoning and examples.

One body paragraph of counter-argument and rebuttal.

Counter-argument: What will people who disagree with you say?
Rebuttal: What would you say to them?
Cite Steve Jobs in this paragraph.

Conclusion: Briefly restate your thesis and make a prediction or suggestion (or both). No need to cite anything.

there’s just a two link I think that’s important to do the essay.

my own words with using the video , I think that’s what I understand from the prompt

15 hours ago

Your essay will NOT use any other sources except Steve Job’s speech and will ONLY cite Steve Jobs.


Liberty University Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct Paper Writing Assignment Help


Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. (2017). American Psychological Association. (Required sections: Preamble, General Principles, Section 3.10, and all of Section 8: Research and Publication). If the link does not work, here is the url:

You have learned the federal ethical guidelines regarding research in your CITI course training as well as the ethical standards set forth by the American Psychological Association in week 1 of this course. However, your personal ethics and worldview also shape how you interpret the standards in our field. In complex real-life scenarios, professionals may differentially weigh threats to our professional ethics code that result in various outcomes. The following scenarios are meant to help you develop and reflect on how you would choose to act in a professional research-related ethical dilemma. Note: the following scenarios were modified from a publication written by Hammersley and Traianou (2012) for the British Educational Research Association.

  • When studying educational challenges when working with special needs students, a researcher is faced by a young adult with severe learning difficulties who demands to be included in the research project along with fellow members of the class, even though her parents have already refused on her behalf. The young adult is 18 years old. What should be the researcher’s response?

Write a professional letter to your graduate research advisor discussing the hypothetical situation (scenario) and how you think it should be handled. Make sure to include the following:

  • A professional salutation and tone throughout the letter.
  • Briefly describe the scenario and how you think it should be handled.
  • Cite at least one ethical standard from the APA Code of Conduct (using both the number and its title – for instance 1.01 Misuse of Psychologists’ Work). Discuss its relevance specifically as it relates to your situation and your chosen response.
  • State the name of the principle from the APA Code of Ethics you believe is most at risk in your selected scenario and if applicable, the federal principle most affected (from the Belmont Report). Discuss your rationale.
  • Include citations throughout your letter and a complete reference section at the end of your letter using current APA style format.

Your thread must be at least 400 words.


American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (2002, Amended June 1, 2010 and January 1, 2017). Retrieved from

Hammersley, M. and Traianou, A. (2012) Ethics and Educational Research, British Educational Research Association on-line resource. Retrieved from


Boston College Global Importance of Social Media Article Essay Humanities Assignment Help

First, instead of a title, include the APA article citation at the top of the page.

Second, write an 150-200 word abstract (academic summary) of the article. This should be a single paragraph. The most important information (i.e., author, article name, and argument/main idea) should be restated in your own words in the first sentence of the paragraph. Include the article’s main points and evidence in your own words.

Third, in a separate paragraph from the abstract, evaluate the article in 250-300 words. Is it informative? Persuasive? Ineffective? Who might find it useful? Can you tell what type of audience for which the article is intended (one hint for this—in what type of magazine/journal did it appear?)? Do you agree or disagree with the author’s points; why or why not? To what extent? What kinds of detailed, specific evidence from your personal experience and observations can you use to support your reading of the article?

This is graded according to the Abstract and Evaluation Rubric:

  • What kind of conversation can you see happening between your sources? If you put these authors in a room, how would their discussion sound based on the sources you’ve chosen?
  • Are any sources “updating” or revising points made in a source that was published earlier?
  • Are your nonacademic sources “translating” or making clearer to a broader audience the ideas in an academic source?
  • How are sources in your bibliography communicating with one another?
  • Do you find one source more convincing than another; in what ways? To what extent does the way the information is presented affect its credibility?


PHIL 1010 IRSC Mind and Body Problems Philosophy Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Discussion Board Topic

1) Explain the mind/body problem. Why is it a problem? Do you think it can be adequately solved within the confines of Descartes’ dualism? If you answer yes, then explain why. If you answer no, then explain why not.

2) Explain the Identity Thesis. Do you think the Identity theses solves the mind/body problem in an adequate manner? If you answer yes, then explain why. If you answer no, then explain why not.

3) Which do you think is most defensible: Physicalism or Dualism? Offer an argument in defense of your answer.

Discussion Board Guidelines

Answer the set of questions above in a minimum of three full paragraphs



Harp instrument Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Find and submit ten (10) Web sites related to ONE instrument you’d like to research. You may choose from any of the instruments featured in the course. Examples of valid instruments include (but are not limited to) the oboe, the mezzo-soprano voice, and the guitar.

Your submission must include:

  • Two sites for each one of the categories listed below
  • A short paragraph presenting your research in each category

The categories are:

  • History and/or Manufacturers: Information about well-known makers and the instrument’s history. If you choose the voice, concentrate on its history.
  • Famous Performers: Do not restrict yourself to any particular period or style. For example, if your favorite instrument is guitar, you may choose Eric Clapton and John Williams.
  • Famous composers: Again, do not restrict yourself to any particular period or style. An example of a relevant website is the Leonard Bernstein site at the Library of Congress. Did Bernstein write any pieces for your favorite instrument?
  • Repertoire: What are the most famous pieces written for your chosen instrument? Submit a list of five famous pieces written for the instrument, and two (2) sites that were sources for the information. Here’s a site that might help:
  • Famous Orchestras: Your favorite instrument will likely be part of a traditional symphony orchestra, such as the one you studied in the Orchestral Timbres class. Please submit and comment on two (2) orchestra websites.

To recap:

  • Decide which instrument you are going to research. The choice of an instrument should be made AS SOON AS POSSIBLE in order to allow the most time for research.
  • For your selected instrument, research two (2) sites in each of the above five categories.
  • Submit the 10 sites you have come up with, along with a paragraph for each category. In each paragraph, analyze the content of the corresponding web sites along with why you chose those particular sites.

Harp instrument Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Tort Law Under Liability Insurance Case Discussion Law Assignment Help

Assignment 2: Torts – Spot the Issue(s)

Assignment 2 Scenario

Dora is an avid skier who recently took her dream vacation to a resort in the Canadian Rockies to ski. Each day that Dora went skiing, she bought a lift ticket that allowed her access to the lifts that took her to the top of the mountain. The ticket contained a waiver of liability on the back of it, but she did not read it.

On her second day of skiing, Dora decided to try the hardest ski run on the mountain. Halfway down the run Dora hit a patch of ice, which made her lose control, and she hit a tree at full speed. Dora suffered a severe head injury and a broken leg, and she was transported off the mountain by emergency services.

In the ensuing month, her leg healed well. However, unfortunately this was the third head injury that Dora had suffered in recent years, and she was not able to continue working in her job because of continuous headaches and cognitive problems.

Using your knowledge of torts and contracts, advise Dora as to her legal options. Be careful to identify any claims that she may bring against the ski resort and any defences that the resort may have to her claims.

Instructions and Submission

In Assignment 2, you will apply your knowledge and critical analysis skills to resolving torts and other legal issues you identify in the case study. This assignment is graded out of 100.

Spot the Issue Assignments

A spot the issues question presents you with a brief scenario and asks you to identify any legal issues as well as provide your opinion on how the legal issue may be resolved. Use the IRAC formula to work through the scenario. This question format will also be on the mid-term and final exam.

The IRAC Formula

The method you will use to answer spot the issue(s) questions in this course is the IRAC formula. The IRAC formula presents a structured way for you to organize your thinking and your answer. The formula contains the following steps:

F (FACTS): Read the case and state the facts and nothing but the facts.

I (Issues): Identify the legal issue(s) succinctly, each in one short sentence. Sample wording could be: “…whether or not there has been a breach of contract…”, etc. Use a bullet format. Use citations were applicable. No further comments are required.

R (Rule – THE LAW): Identify the law that applies to the issue(s). This may arise from legislation or from common law. For example, negligence.

A (Critical Analysis): Apply reflective thought and critical analysis to the facts and the application of the law. (This is where the money is!!!) For example, if the tort of negligence was an issue, e.g., “…whether or not there was negligence…” you would have a discussion proving or disproving there was 1) a duty owed, 2) that a breach of that duty took place, 3) and that as a result, damages flowed – three essential elements of negligence.

C (Conclusion – FINDINGS/RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSIONS): In succinct, short sentences, state your findings for each issue. An “executive summary” of a few short sentences containing the key points supporting your position for each of the issues, is expected.

The IRAC formula is used in the grading rubric for all of the “spot the issue(s)” assignments.


  1. Read the following scenario carefully.
    • Assignment 2 Scenario
  2. Use your knowledge of torts and contracts to advise Dora as to her legal options. Be careful to identify any claims that she may bring against the ski resort and any defences that the resort may have to her claims.
  3. Your answer should be 1500 words in length. Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
  4. Make sure you thoroughly address all of the steps in the IRAC formula providing complete explanations for each issue.

Writing Guidelines

Use legal referencing when citing any material from the course readings (this includes both paraphrasing and direct quotes). Use the following online guides to format your citations to the McGill Guide: The Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citationstyle:

Grading Rubric

This assignment is graded with a total of 100 marks. The following criteria, based on the IRAC formula, will be used to grade this assignment.



FACTS: The relevant facts of the case are clearly stated, without drawing any conclusions or providing opinions.


ISSUES: Each of the issues has been clearly identified in succinct, short sentences.


THE LAW: The legal rule(s) that apply to the issue(s) are identified in a bullet format, without analysis. Citations have been used as applicable.


CRITICAL ANALYSIS: Critical thinking about the factors and their application to the law is demonstrated. Analysis on how the legal issue could be resolved is provided. The conclusion of your analysis is sound and clearly stated.


THE FINDINGS: The conclusion of your analysis is sound and clearly stated in succinct, short sentences for each issue. An executive summary of a few sentences containing the key points/elements supporting each of the issues is provided.


Writing: Writing is clear and well-organized and has been checked for spelling and grammar.





Strayer University Lithonia Business Analyst Job Description Paper Writing Assignment Help

First thing fist –This assignment will be used as a basis for the remaining assignments in the course. Make sure you take this into consideration when doing the work for this assignment. That means I will need to use you again for the future assignments since you are the one creating the position and everything

A new position has been approved for creation; this position will be eligible for full benefits and may even need to be sent to foreign countries.

You have been given the opportunity to create a detailed job description for your job, a former job, or a job you would like to move into.

Based on what you know about a job analysis, employment laws, and safe working environments, include the following categories:

  1. Job overview
  2. Responsibilities and duties
  3. Qualifications
  4. Explain how you determined the duties and qualifications for the job and which laws were considered when creating the job description.

This assignment should be 2-3 pages and accurately reflect an actual job description in the workplace today.

NOTE: This assignment will be used as a basis for the remaining assignments in the course. Make sure you take this into consideration when doing the work for this assignment.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.


Ford Motor Company Financial Model Paper Writing Assignment Help

Select a publicly traded company that you will work with in various modeling projects throughout the course. The following should be considered when making your selection:

  • Publicly traded
  • Listed on Yahoo or MSN Money
  • Do not pick a conglomerate with many diverse divisions if possible
  • Look at both balance sheet and income statement of the company and be certain the various entries are consistent and simple enough to identify.
  • Be certain the firm has adequate history (at least 5 years).
  • Best if the firm pays dividends
  • Profitability is good, but not essential

The right company selection (with instructor’s approval) at the beginning of the course will prove to be critical at the end of the course. A topic will be provided within the scope of study of Financial Modeling Methodologies. You are expected to use your selected company as a basis for your final project. Research, answer any questions asked, build a related model (some of the work already done may be incorporated into the model where appropriate) and in a written paper (APA format is required), describe how you built your model, how it works, and why you arrived at and selected their model as the best possible solution to the problem.

Submit your company selection to the discussion board by the end of Intersession 1. You may not use the same company as one of your peers. (Your company selection is not graded. However, your company selection must be approved before continuing work on the final project.)

Your final project consists of two deliverables: a written report and an in-class presentation.

Your written reflection should be at least 2 pages and follow proper APA format. Show your work for any calculations and cite any outside references used. Be sure to thoroughly address all of the items listed above.

Note: In general terms take a company, research how the company’s financials have been progressed over few fiscal years and do some analysis that looks at an issue that looks interesting. one idea: Look at the changes in the company’s capital structure and compare these changes to how comparable firms were capitalized?

what impact did chosen capital structure have on this financials?


UCI Labor Market Analysis Report Of A Dentist Writing Assignment Help

Purpose of the Assignment: To allow you to examine the rhetorical situations involved in communicating technical information to a lay audience. To do this, you will complete a labor market analysis of your chosen career field.

Step 1: Go to the Web site for the Bureau of Labor Statistics (

Step 2: Answer the following questions about your career field in paragraph form:

  • What is the nature of the work?
  • What training, other qualifications, and/or advancement are needed for you to enter and progress in your career field?
  • What is the outlook for the job you want to seek in your career field?
  • What are the earnings and wage projections for your job or career field?
  • What are some related occupations you can consider as an alternative (choose three), and what are the training requirements/qualifications for those positions?

Step 3: Use the formatting guidelines for a short report, including the title page, headings, line spacing, and the integration of charts and graphs into your report. The paper will be approximately eight to ten pages long, single-spaced.

Report Components: These components must be included in your report:

  • Title page
  • Answers to the six questions above, each designated with a heading and discussed in paragraph form.
  • Two charts, tables, or graphs that display pertinent quantitative information.
  • Conclusion that summarizes your discussion and answers these questions:

Why do you want to pursue the career you have chosen? Why do you think this career is a good fit for you? What are your strengths and weaknesses and how do they enhance and/or hinder your chances of gaining employment in your desired career field?

Key Outcomes Met with This Assignment

Students will:

  • Identify individual discourse communities and find and analyze their characteristic texts, evaluate their credibility and principles, and apply relevant aspects of their information to other contexts and arguments
  • Analyze the details of a wide variety of writing situations (textual elements such as tone, evidence, organizational patterns, diction, even visuals) according to the author’s purpose as well as the audience’s needs and tastes
  • Identify how a writer uses rhetorical strategies in various genres of writing
  • Interpret, analyze, and evaluate demanding texts

  • Apply critical thinking skills and reading strategies to evaluate their own writing and the writing of fellow students
  • Reflect on their own progress as a working writer in relation to critical thinking and reading strategies
  • Develop flexible strategies for creating, revising, and editing texts
  • Write with an awareness of audience and purpose
  • Identify how discourse communities employ particular strategies for conveying, researching, evaluating, and presenting information
  • Analyze and choose the appropriate conventions for a range of audience expectations
  • Integrate a variety of appropriate sources into their writing in a way that accurately reflects the writer’s meaning and purpose
  • Document sources appropriately
  • Sustain reasonable correctness in grammar and mechanics to perform well in a variety of writing contexts and professional settings

*** My major is biology and I am a pre-dentist, please follow up with this report as I am preparing to be a dentist.

Also please look at the attached examples so you can have idea what my professor want for this report, and I have attached some notes regarding this report.

My professor also attached this video for us:…





Fundacao Getulio Vargas Ferrari F8 Tributo Positioning Statement Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Fundacao Getulio Vargas Ferrari F8 Tributo Positioning Statement Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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