GBA 440 FL National University US Strikes & Screening Broad Factors Questions Business Finance Assignment Help. GBA 440 FL National University US Strikes & Screening Broad Factors Questions Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Write a short answer for each question, no less than 80 words per answer.
1-What are three broad factors the companies are usually concerned about when they are screening applicants for jobs?
2-Explain why strikes have declined in the United States.
3-Describe four different historical time periods in which international business activities occurred.
4-How is education provided in cultures?
5-Why do companies in different countries use barter or countertrade?
6-In what situation would a union probably be unnecessary?
7-Describe the differences between a command economy and a market economy.
8-What is the difference between an international corporation and a global corporation?
9-How do different cultures view technology?
10-Describe two relatively low-risk methods of getting involved in international business.
11-Distinguish between patent law, trademark protection, and copyright law.
12-What is comparative advantage?
13-How does inflation affect interest rates and why?
14-Cheryl Cluxton has been making a wooden document organizer in her home workshop for friends. Lately, other friends and acquaintances have been requesting that she make one for them. She is considering starting a business to manufacture and sell these organizers. After considering all the factors, she will begin as a sole proprietorship. Explain why she probably made this decision. Then briefly describe the circumstances under which she might want to expand to a proprietorship or corporation as the business grows.
15-What does a company do when it finds that none of the applicants for a job possesses the perfect combination of qualifications for the job?
16-How do planning and decision making work together in the management function?
17-What are some steps a company can take to minimize a negative effect of spouses and children on an employee assigned to another country?
18-Describe the difference between demand-pull and cost-push inflation.
19-Describe the characteristics of an autocratic manager and explain why U.S. workers often do not work well under this style of manager.
20-What are some problems faced by global companies when they evaluate employee performance?
GBA 440 FL National University US Strikes & Screening Broad Factors Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
West Virginia Junior College Morgantown Bad Student Cover Letter Writing Assignment Help
Attached is the internship posting, cover letter, and resume of a former student. The student submitted the perfect “bad” example to use in class. The student’s information has been changed, of course.
I want you to read the qualifications listed on the internship posting, read the cover letter focusing on the main paragraph only (paragraph 2), and determine what is wrong with the main paragraph. 1. Answer the question…Why does this paragraph not work or fit the criteria that we have been talking about in the PowerPoint lessons on Cover Letter writing?
Next, I want you to look at his resume and determine what he actually should have focused on when he wrote the 2nd paragraph of his cover letter. 2. Revise the 2nd paragraph to focus on the transferable skills from the work experience on his resume as they relate to the qualifications listed on the posting. Make sure to not only list the transferable skill, but explain how he demonstrated that skill in his work experience.
material to help:
COMM 120 Cuymaca College Communication Failures Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
COMM 120 Analysis Paper
Assignment Description
I want two Due/ 11/21
Understanding how to identify and respond to the communicative patterns of others is necessary when one seeks to improve their interpersonal relationships. However, it is just as important to develop the ability to understand and adjust your own patterns of communication if you desire to become a better communicator. Therefore, in this assignment you will be required to write a 3 to 5 page paper analyzing your own patterns of interpersonal communication. You will identify and apply specific course concepts and/or theories from the textbook to conduct your analysis while providing your own personal insights on how you can use this knowledge to improve your communication skills.
This assignment is designed to get you to reflect on what you have learned about interpersonal communication throughout the semester and to come up with a plan for how you can improve your interactions with others. Thus, there should be two distinct parts to your paper:
1.) Your reflective analysis. This section will make up the bulk of your paper. In this section, make sure to explain what aspects of your own interpersonal communication style you are analyzing by providing relevant examples. You must choose (3) three specific areas of your own communication that you feel you need to improve on and select (3) three concepts from the Chapter Outlines located on Canvas that relate to these three areas.
2.) Your plan for improvement. In this section, your plan for improvement, you will provide a minimum of three (3) specific ways you plan to improve your communication with others by using what you have learned throughout the semester. For example: if you decided you need to work on being a better listener in section 1, then you need to explain how you intend to do that? You cannot just write, “I plan to be a better listener by listening more when my partner is speaking”. That is redundant and obvious. Instead, you would write something like, “ I plan to become a better listener by putting away environmental distractions like my cellphone and my laptop when communicating with my partner. By avoiding these forms of “noise” I will be able to focus my attention on whoever is speaking and reduce potential interruptions”. This would be a much better plan.
When completing this assignment, you may decide to analyze one specific experience, or a small set of related experiences, thus you should home in on course concepts/material that help articulate how you intend to improve your communication based on these textbook concepts in whichever scenario(s) you choose.
You may choose to write about topics such as: a set of work-related experiences you have had in the past in which you did not communicate as effectively as you would have liked to (i.e. getting into arguments, unclear communication with co-workers that resulted in mistakes being made, being misperceived by a supervisor because of something you said or how you communicated, etc.); your tendency to be a poor listener and how it has had a negative impact on your relationships; a time when you failed to articulate yourself well enough and wanted to improve the clarity of your communication with others; etc.
Since you will be choosing textbook concepts for this assignment, you will need to provide in-text references that include the definition of each of your concepts as well as a reference page including citations in APA style. Please refer to the APA Template on Canvas as well as the Sample Analysis Paper for examples of in-text citations and reference page citations. Both are found in the “Modules” section under “Analysis Paper”.
- Your ability to support your analysis through the use of relevant examples
- Your ability to connect classroom learning to your own patterns of communication
- The application of appropriate communication concepts and/or terminology from lecture or the textbook
- The demonstrated ability to think critically about your communicative style and to create a specific plan for improvement (quality of your writing/insights)
- Proper grammar, spelling, and overall format
Learning Objectives
This assignment is designed to help you:
- Apply interpersonal communication concepts in order to improve your interactions with others
- Organize information and facts into a cohesive, coherent essay
- Improve your critical thinking and writing skills
Assignment Requirements
Page limit: 3-5 pages, double-spaced, typed, 12-point font, with APA-style references using the APA Template located on Canvas in the Modules section
Points: 100 points
sample/ I can sent it to you
CMN 504 University of New Hampshire Syllogisms Argumentation Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
For each of the following items, determine if the argument is valid or not. If invalid, identify as many fallacies as you can find. If identifying unequal distribution, specify which end-term commits the fallacy.
1. All burglars are unsocial
All burglars are enterprising
All enterprising persons are unsocial
2. No credit-card holders are deprived persons
No credit-card holders are slum dwellers
All slum dwellers are deprived persons
3. No saints are selfish
Francis is not selfish
Francis is a saint
4. All con-artists are amiable
All car salesmen are amiable
All car salesmen are con-artists
5. All republicans are conservative
Some members of the student senate are not republicans
Some members of the student senate are not conservative
6. Some stamp-collectors are unmarried
No unmarried people are good drivers
Some good drivers are not stamp-collectors
7. Some workers are homeless
All homeless people are poor
Some poor people are workers
8. Some women are celibate
Some students are not women
Some students are not celibate
9. No orations by Webster are obscure
All orations by Webster are orations with merit
No orations with merit are obscure orations.
10. Some ethnic food is delightful
Some ethnic food is spicy.
Some spicy food is delightful
Seattle Teamwork and enhancing synergy Communications Personal Reflection Analysis Writing Assignment Help
Just reflect on this as if you had a great group and everything went well and you can make things up as you go.
You will be required to write a 2-page reflection (double-spaced) in which you describe your strengths and weaknesses in a particular area. The contents of this journal will remain confidential with the instructor, so please work to create genuine observations and comments in these journals. Each entry will be worth 50 points.
Answer the following questions:
1. Were you pleased or frustrated with your group’s relationship? Why?
2. How has the group’s dynamics impacted your life outside of the “classroom”?
3. What did you do (or what should you have you done) to manage the conflict(s) and/or solve the problem(s)?
Reflection Paper
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Reflection – Depth Analysis-facts are consistently linked to thesis with highly effective explanations |
25.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Quality-very clearly highlights main points to follow (without providing details) |
15.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle – Syntax and Mechanics-correct spelling, grammar and sentence structure used effectively almost all of the time |
10.0 pts |
Total Points: 50.0 |
EDU 624 The University of Tampa Teaching Students Finding Jobs on Social Media Paper Humanities Assignment Help
In the final course EDU 624, candidates specializing in Adult Education and Training will be designing and creating a complete TRAINING MANUAL for a brand new subject.A training manual is like a textbook to learn a skill.It works independently with no classroom to help a learner master a particular skill or knowledge set.The manual must, at a minimum, include the following elements:
a.Company process, policy standards, or research study that demonstrates the need for this manual
b.learning outcomes/objectives in ABCD format, at least 2-4 terminal course objectives for the manual and 2 enabling objectives for each unit.
c.materials for at least 4 units
1. Content materials originally created by the candidate (i.e. books, workbooks, practice sheets, presentation materials)
2. Detailed description of the content
3. Methods of practice for the learner addressing multiple learning modalities
4. Nine steps of instruction components within the design of activities
d.assessments and answer keys to show mastery of each objective
e. design evaluation of the project showing how and what data to collect and setting at least 2 objectives to be met to show success of the manual.
The TRAINING MANUAL must contain a minimum of four units and maximum of ten units.Format and overall look is at the discretion of the candidate but must be done in Microsoft Word.The project must be original work, created and completed by the candidate during the EDU 624 class session, and reflect mastery of specialization skill sets. The final product format is at the discretion of the student but must reflect completeness, professionalism, and mastery of curriculum design.It will be due as the final IP project for this class and will be worth a maximum of 500 points. This is your culminating project experience that must reflect all facets of your M.Ed. journey. On average, successful projects have ranged in length from 20 to 30 pages to accommodate the expected depth appropriate to reflect mastery.
EDU 624 The University of Tampa Teaching Students Finding Jobs on Social Media Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HIST 1302 The Great Depression Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
The core assignment of this course is a documented research paper (1500-2000 words in length = approx. 6-8 pages double-spaced, 12-point font).
- The paper should support a thesis statement with information gained from research or investigation.
- The paper will not be just a report presenting information but will be a paper that carefully examines and presents your own historical interpretation of the topic you have chosen and your interpretation of the information you have gathered.
- The paper may include consideration of problems and solutions, define key terms, or refute arguments against your thesis statement.
It will be important to choose a topic of interest to you.
- Approach this assignment with an open and skeptical mind, then form an opinion based on what you have discovered.
- You must suspend belief while you are investigating and let the discoveries shape your opinion. (This is a thesis-finding approach.)
- Once you have found your thesis, write the paper to support it.
You will use some of the following critical thinking skills in this process:
- Choosing an appropriate topic, limiting the topic
- Gathering information, summarizing sources
- Analyzing and evaluating sources
- Defining key terms
- Synthesizing information, comparing and contrasting sources
- Testing a thesis, making a historical argument, using refutation
- Amassing support for a position
- Documenting sources
Because this may be a longer paper than you have written before and a complex process is involved, it is recommended that you complete this paper using the following steps:
- Choose a topic related to U.S. History after 1877 (Chapters 16-28) that you would truly like to explore and that you are willing to spend some time on. Your chosen topic should be focused. Pose a question that you really want to answer. You may want to begin with more than one topic in mind.
- Do some preliminary reading on the topic(s). You may begin with the textbook, then further explore the information available. Refine your topic. Summarize your topic, your interest in the topic, the questions you want to answer, and a hypothesis you want to test.
- Gather information from a variety of sources. Use a minimum of four sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary source.
- Examples of primary sources are ones that are used in our discussion forums 2-8.
- They are sources that are contemporary to the times under investigation.
- An example of a secondary source is our textbook, though the textbook also contains excerpts of primary sources, which you may use as a source in your paper.
- Outline the results of your research and the plan for your paper (you are not required to submit the outline).
- Write the final draft and be sure to include a Works Cited List, and use the correct MLA documentation style.
For some reason the absolute necessity of in text citing sources used in a research paper (on both directly quoted AND paraphrased material) either isn’t getting taught anymore or (and this one is my personal theory) it just isn’t sinking in anymore. You MUST both in text cite your sources AND provide an MLA style bibliography at the end. Failing to do either/both is a form of plagiarism, whether you mean it that way or not, and it will be treated as such so please just make sure to take care of business and in text cite those sources as you go while writing the paper, and include that MLA style references/bibliography at the end of the paper.
Grade Rubric
INTRODUCTION & THESIS: Includes a clear thesis statement, an assertion or position. The topic is original and manageable in a short research paper. /15
FOCUS AND DEVELOPMENT: Body of the essay focuses on this thesis and develops it fully, recognizing the complexity of issues and refuting arguments in opposition to the thesis. /20
SUPPORT AND SYNTHESIS: Uses sufficient and relevant evidence to support the thesis (and primary points), including facts, inferences, and judgments. Quotes, summarizes, and paraphrases accurately and effectively–appropriately introducing and explaining each quote. /25
RESOURCES: Shows a clear understanding of the sources; has evaluated each source and used it appropriately. Uses a wide variety of sources reflecting significant research. /10
CONVENTIONS: Uses MLA format correctly; includes internal citations and a Works Cited list; is free of errors. /15
CORRECTNESS AND STYLE: Introduces the topic in an interesting way; shows critical thinking and depth of understanding; uses appropriate tone; shows sophistication in language usage and sentence structure. /15
TOTAL: 100
Submission Instructions
Complete your assignment using word-processing software such as MS Word 365 (download free software at, LibreOffice (download free software at, or other per course requirements.
UDC Board Members Contribution to Strategy Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Please respond to the following:Top executives and members of a corporation’s board of directors have different roles and responsibilities. Traditionally, executives have been responsible for determining the firm’s strategic direction and implementing strategies to achieve it, whereas the board of directors has been responsible for monitoring and controlling managerial decisions and actions. Some argue that boards should become more involved with the formulation of a firm’s strategies. How would the board’s increased involvement in the selection of strategies affect a firm’s strategic competitiveness? What evidence you offer to support their position?
ECE 657 Ashford University Wk 4 Checklists Rating Scales and Rubrics Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Week 4 – Discussion 1
1 unread reply.
1 reply.
Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.
Checklists, Rating Scales, and Rubrics |
There are many commonly-used teacher-designed assessments in early childhood education. Three of the most commonly-used informal evaluation tools designed by teachers are checklists, rating scales, and rubrics. “Informal evaluation measures are useful for teachers who need specific information about their students to use when planning instruction” (Wortham & Hardin, 2015, p. 184). Having an understanding of all three of these assessments is important to being able to monitor the growth and development of the children you work with. As a leader, it is important that you ensure your staff understands when to use each of these assessment tools. To prepare for this discussion, begin by reading Chapter 7 of your course text, Assessment in Early Childhood Education. Then, complete the checklists, rating scales, and rubrics chart with the mindset of creating this chart as a resource you could share with your staff about these assessment tools. Within the chart, use at least one scholarly or credible source to support your ideas.
Rating Scales
Explain the assessment and how you can use it to evaluate learning and development of children.
Discuss how the assessment is developed, including important considerations for each age group.
Explain one advantage of this assessment.
Explain one challenge with using this assessment.
Analyze how the assessment allows you to ensure the cultural and social needs of the children you work with are being met.
After completing the chart, copy and paste it into your initial discussion response and address the following:
- Briefly describe three situations/lessons/activities you might come across in your work with children. For each of the situations, explain whether a checklist, rubric, or rating scale would be the most appropriate to use to evaluate and assess the learning and development of the child(ren) you are working with and why.
HLS 405 Trident University International From Classroom to the Workforce Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Discussion: Integrity: From Classroom to the Workforce
Throughout your journey as a student and during your professional journey, one of the many qualities that you must embrace is integrity. According to Telford and Gostick (2005, p. 13), “Integrity is a tough taskmaster. . . . [T]he ability to consistently act in accordance with their own principles is one thing that sets people of integrity apart.”
This assignment has 3 parts.
1.Begin by reviewing and completing the tutorial on how to recognize and avoid plagiarism at the following source:
Frick, T., Dagli, C., Barrett, A., Myers, R., Kwon, K., & Tomita, K. (2019). How to recognize plagiarism: Tutorial and tests. Bloomington, IN: Department of Instructional Systems Technology, School of Education, Indiana University. Retrieved from
Helpful Hints:
a.Set aside at least 2 hours for the tutorial and quiz, whether it’s all at once or in a series of shorter study sessions.
b.Go through the entire tutorial and practice questions before attempting the quiz.
c.Pay attention to the feedback you get regarding incorrect responses on the practice tests.
d.NOTE: Module 1 Discussion has no time limit. You will not be penalized for timeliness if you have to retake the quiz until you pass.
2.Once you have completed the tutorial and passed the quiz, you will receive a certificate. Submit the certificate to your Case 1 Dropbox. (Note: You can submit multiple files, so you will still be able to submit your Case paper, as well.)
3.NEXT: In the “Discussion section,” discuss the benefits of having completed the tutorial and quiz, both in your educational journey and as a leader in the homeland security field upon graduation.
A. Identify how your integrity as a leader has a direct impact on the culture and values of the organization of which you are a part.
B. Explain the importance of adhering to a standard of ethics.
Frick, T., Dagli, C., Barrett, A., Myers, R., Kwon, K., & Tomita, K. (2019). How to recognize plagiarism: Tutorial and tests. Bloomington, IN: Department of Instructional Systems Technology, School of Education, Indiana University. Retrieved from
Telford, D., & Gostick, A. R. (2005). Integrity works: Strategies for becoming a trusted, respected and admired leader. Salt Lake City, UT: Gibbs Smith
Initial post REQUIREMENTS for module discussion:
At the beginning of each module, address the discussion topic, making sure to meet all of the criteria on the rubric.
A substantive comment should be approximately 250 words or more.
Cite sources within your comment to support your statements.
Include at least one reference, properly formatted, not just a link.