GCCCD Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Endometriosis Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

GCCCD Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Endometriosis Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. GCCCD Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Endometriosis Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Start by reading and following these instructions:

  1. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.
  2. Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it.
  3. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.


Assignment Guidelines:

  • This assignment must be in APA format.
  • The assignment should be in paragraph form using complete sentences and avoiding bullet points and numbered list.
  • Use a Level 1 heading to separate your sections (Page 47 of the APA Publication Manual).
  • Title and reference pages do not count toward the total word or page count.
  • At least one textbook source and two and outside sources must be referenced and cited in the paper.

Essays: (at least 300 words per prompt)

  1. An 18 year old female is being seen in the office for lower abdominal pain and irregular menstrual bleeding. The physician wants to rule out PID and endometriosis. What are the sign and symptoms, and etiology of PID and endometriosis? What diagnostic test would the physician order? The physician also orders a CA125, what is this test used for?
  2. A 19 year old male is being see in the office for a red, swollen, and painful left scrotum. What are the risk factors, diagnostic test, treatment, and prevention for epididymis and orchitis? Which STD scares you the most especially if you have teenagers and young adults, why?
  3. Identify and discuss the function of hormones of the anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary. If a 10 year old patient is in anterior pituitary failure, what would you expect to see?
  4. What are the signs and symptoms of thyroid cancer? After a thyroidectomy, what medications will be required from the rest of the patient’s life? What purpose does the parathyroid have? If during the thyroidectomy, the parathyroid glands also removed, what does this mean for the patient?
  5. Why are cortisone-like steroids effective in treating diseases?

GCCCD Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Endometriosis Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen College Operations Cost Advantage over Competitors Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

*Grading rubric attached please follow it


Formulate differentiation strategies based on workflow across the value chain.


In your role as a Business Process Consultant at Bryce-Kingston, the management team at JBH Electronics has asked you to create a presentation for their new Operations Executive. The new leader is in the process of looking at alternative strategies that JBH can employ in the value chain area of operations for the company. You will be tasked with researching differentiation strategies that JBH could use to build a value chain strategy.


You will develop a presentation that outlines a differentiation strategy based on workflow across JBH Electronics’ value chain. Include the following:

  • Title slide (1 slide)
  • Evaluate how JBH could use a competitive advantage strategy. Include a discussion of the following: (2-3 slides)
    • Cost advantage
    • Cost leadership
  • Examine the primary activities of value chain that JBH could use. Include a discussion of the following: (2-3 slides)
    • Inbound logistics
    • Operations
    • Outbound logistics
  • Examine the drivers of value chain that JBH could use. Include a discussion of the following: (2-3 slides)
    • Economies of scale
    • Capacity utilization
  • Conclude with your highlight for your final recommendation of a differentiation strategy to your new Operations Executive. (1-2 slides)
  • Provide attribution for credible sources. (1 slide)


UNF The Benefits of Certificate Programs in Higher Education Curriculum Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a Writing project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

The purpose of this paper will address and explore if intentionally creating a culture of inclusion and diversity awareness should be an embedded practice and included in curriculum design across higher education to cultivate a more thriving workforce.

This paper will need to include the following sections.

Executive Summary

Introduction and Discussion of the Problem

Literature Review

Proposed Methodology

Solutions & Recommendation

Budget & Timetable for Implementation

Evaluation of Results




COUC 501 Liberty University Value Based Conflicts in Counseling Reaction Paper Writing Assignment Help

Reaction Paper Assignment Instructions


Understanding the professional, ethical, and legal implications of value-based referrals are important before making decisions to refer clients to another counselor. This assignment will help you learn to objectively evaluate literature and ACA’s position on value-based referrals. Reflecting and examining your values are essential when facing a values-based conflict. This assignment aims to explore the professional and ethical issues of counseling when counselor-client value differences exist within the therapeutic relationship.


To begin this assignment, you will need to access and read the following sources, the first 3 of which can be found in the Module/Week 2 Reading & Study folder:

1. Kocet and Herlihy’s article on values based ethical decisions: Kocet, M. M., & Herlihy, B. J. (2014). Addressing value‐based conflicts within the counseling relationship: A decision‐making model. Journal of Counseling & Development, 92(2), 180-186.


2. The American Counseling Association’s (ACA) position on referrals: Martz, E., & Kaplan, D. (2014). New responsibilities when making referrals. Counseling Today, 57(4), 24-25.


3. Sells, J. N., & Hagedorn, W. B. (2016). CACREP accreditation, ethics, and the affirmation of both religious and sexual identities: A response to Smith and Okech. Journal of Counseling & Development, 94(3), 265-279.


For this article you need to focus on the material starting on page 273 at “Embracing the Tension of Humanity” to the end.

Your paper must be in current APA format including a title page and reference page. The paper should be 3–6 pages in length. (This does not include title page and reference page). Your paper must cite all articles.

Divide your paper into the headings below and address each question under each heading:

Summarize (1–2 pages)

In this section, summarize what you have read by condensing the three articles. Prove that you have comprehended the material by writing a clear, brief summary of the main points of each source. A summarization is not a commentary; rather, it is an insightful précis of the longer, more elaborate article. It must provide a clear overview of the material.

Reflect (1–2 pages)

In this section reflect on what you just read and answer the following questions:

Having read the articles, what new realizations and/or questions occurred for you?

How do you feel about the ACA’s position of not referring clients based on value differences?

  • Because referrals based on value differences are not ethical under the American Counseling Associations (your profession) ethics codes, read the list below of common populations and problems encountered in counseling. What personal and professional dilemmas, around specific populations or problems, might this pose for you?

Population List

____1. A person with fundamentalist religious beliefs.

____2. A woman who says that if she could turn her life over to Christ she would find peace.

____3. A person who shows little conscience development, is strictly interested in his/her own advancement, and uses others for personal gain.

____4. A gay or lesbian couple wanting to work on conflicts in their relationship.

____5. A man who wants to leave his wife and children for the sake of sexual adventures with other women.

____6. A woman who has decided to leave her husband and children to gain independence.

____7. A woman who has decided to get an abortion but wants to process her feelings around it.

____8. A teenager who is having unsafe sex and sees no problem with the behavior.

____9. A high school student who is sent to you by his parents because they suspect he is using drugs.

____10. A person who is very cerebral and is convinced that feelings are a private matter.

____11. A man who believes the best way to discipline his children is through spanking.

____12. An interracial couple coming for premarital counseling.

____13. A high school student who believes she is a lesbian and wants to discuss how to “come out” to her parents.

____14. A gay or lesbian couple wanting to adopt a child.

____15. A man who has found a way of cheating the system and getting more than his legal share of public assistance.

____16. A woman who comes with her husband for couples counseling while maintaining an extramarital affair.

____17. A man who believes internet sex can be a creative way to express sexuality.

____18. A couple who believe that sex with multiple partners is okay.

____19. A man convicted of pedophilia and court-ordered for counseling.

____20. A woman who makes her living as an exotic dancer.

____21. A man convicted of domestic violence.

____22. A woman whose children have been removed by Child Protective Services.

____23. A man recently released from jail after serving a sentence for rape.

____24. A man with terminal cancer who wants to discuss stopping all treatment to hasten his death.

____25. A woman who believes in an egalitarian marriage.

*Modified from Corey, G., Cory M.S., & Callanan, P. (2011). Issues and ethics in the helping professions, 8th ed. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Act (1–2 pages)

In this section put into action what you have just learned/realized as a result of the reading. Specifically address these questions:

What actions or changes are you going to make as a result of this information?

  • Who and what might you consult to assist you in resolving any personal/professional dilemmas that remain for you?

After you have completed your paper, follow the steps below to submit your draft to Safe Assign, for checking plagiarism, and your final copy to the grade book for grading:

Step 1: Submit your paper via the SafeAssign draft link by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the assigned module.

Step 2: Wait until the link indicates that SafeAssign has analyzed your paper and prepared a report. (For more information: https://wiki.umbc.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=41191001).

Step 3: Evaluate the Safe Assign report by opening the report and looking at the highlighted sections of your paper. You will notice that SafeAssign often matches (highlights) on headings, titles, and references. These are not considered plagiarized.

If you see matches on entire sentences or paragraphs that are not enclosed in quotation marks, then you have unintentionally plagiarized. You will need to go back and re-write those sections in your own words.


RC JBH Electronics Pricing Strategy Value Chain & Operations Management Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help

*Grading rubric is attached so I can receive an A.


Apply tenets of managerial economics to financial planning.


In your role as a Business Process Consultant at Bryce-Kingston, you are creating a memo for the JBH Electronics senior leadership team. JBH is planning to launch new products in the next fiscal year. In addition, the team wants to understand how the market demand and price elasticity may affect the rollout of a new product that has been in development.

Do some research on how market demand and price elasticity has affected a Fortune 500 company. Your final memo will include a recommendation for JBH Electronics’ pricing strategy to mitigate negative impacts from price elasticity and market demand.


You will create a memo for JBH senior leadership that outlines how market demand and price elasticity affect the organization’s pricing strategy in order to remain competitive. Select a Fortune 500 company in the electronics industry and address the following:

  • Examine the company’s pricing strategy.
  • Discuss how the company manages price elasticity.
  • Evaluate how market demand influences a pricing strategy.
  • Recommend a pricing strategy for JBH.
  • Provide attribution for credible sources.



HSA 3170 Rasmussen College Management of Healthcare Organizations Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Evaluating financial statements and using financial analysis methods
is a critical part of the decision to make capital investments. The goal
of capital management is to acquire and maintain sufficient working
capital and assets. This helps an organization meet operating and
expense obligations, while also keeping a sufficient cash flow. It is
also a way to confirm that capital purchases and agreements are made
with ethical standards. This part of your project will require you to
complete two (2) article reviews and report on your findings. Then, you
will apply your findings to how capital decisions can be made in your
specific case; as well as comparing your viewpoint to the authors’ and
recent ethical scandal. Keep in mind that you will use your article
analysis to either support or disprove the purchase of an information
system in the final portion of your project.

Submit a minimum 3-page report that:

  • Discusses why is it more difficult for healthcare companies to get
    expansion financing in the today’s economic climate and financial issues
    with expansions.
  • Describes why healthcare companies need to look beyond their banks to secure financing.
  • Explains the importance of making a good case for expanding healthcare providers’ methods of calculating break-even analysis.
  • Discuss non-financial factors do the authors believe need to be included in break-even analysis?
  • Explain how current issues, such as the Affordable Care Act, affect break-even analysis.
  • Summarizes the authors’ viewpoints and apply the concepts to your
    case. Also include a summary of your viewpoint in comparison to the
    authors’. Be sure to specifically address the methods that influence
    capital investments and decision-making; and explore methods of
    analyzing capital investments (Payback, Net Present Value, and Internal
    Rate of Return). This report will serve as your Capital Management section of your project.
  • Analyze the key points of the Enron Scandal and
    specifically address how professionalism and ethics influence
    decision-making. How do unethical standards impact an organization’s
    performance and capital investments? Reference the concepts of
    embezzlement and losses. Explain how you maintain ethical standards in
    relation to Code of Ethics.
  • Include an APA formatted reference page to include at least three
    (3) academic sources, such as a book or an academic scholarly journal,
    to support your topic. You should reference your academic sources by
    including at least three (3) in-text citations. You can use the articles
    outlined in the instructions, as well as information found on the Enron
    Scandal. Academic scholarly journals can be accessed through the
    Rasmussen Online Library.

Article Review #1

Read the article Expanding Credit Lines in Order to Expand which discusses the challenges related to expansion financing.

  • Discuss why is it more difficult for healthcare companies to get expansion financing in the current economic situation?
  • Explain the 2 major issues with the Caribbean expansion the turnaround company found and why do you think they were brought up?
  • Describe why healthcare companies need to look beyond their banks to secure financing?

Article Review #2

Read the article The New Break-Even Analysis which looks at expanding how healthcare providers look at break-even analysis and includes some non-financial considerations.

  • Do you think the authors make a good case for expanding healthcare
    providers’ methods of calculating break-even analysis? Why or Why Not?
  • Discuss non-financial factors do the authors believe need to be included in break-even analysis?
  • Explain how the Affordable Care Act affect break-even analysis?

Ethical Scandal

The ‘Enron Scandal’ involving acts of embezzlement is one of the most
well-known financial, ethic scandals in modern day history. Perform a
web search of the Enron Corporation Scandal to find more information.

Use the following websites on ethics to help support your course of action in upholding ethical standards.

HSA 3170 Rasmussen College Management of Healthcare Organizations Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Marymount University Corpus Programming Code Report Programming Assignment Help


a) Using one of the Corpora in the last lab. Calculate the average “Tokens” per sentence.

b) Using the same or different corpus, which category has the longest sentences on average, which has the shortest?

2) Download your own “Corpus” on https://www.gutenberg.org/ (Links to an external site.)

a) How many sentences are in the document (use NLTK to split the sentences)? How does this differ from the amount of lines in the file (readlines)?

b) After tokenizing the sentences, find 3 errors and describe why you think this error might of occurred. What in the algorithm might have gone wrong?


PH 159 Social Ecological Model & Rationale COVID 19 Exam Health Medical Assignment Help

(Full instructions & example is attached, please see)

The following prompt introduces a contemporary public health problem (COVID-19). For the final exam, we ask that you propose a solution to the problem by responding to a series of open ended questions demonstrating your understanding of health promotion program planning.

For the final exam, you will be asked to address the following:

Identify and provide rationale for the level of change (e.g. intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational, community, policy).

Identify a location (in CA) and a priority population.

Write a program goal.

Write one process, one impact, and one outcome objective that convey logical, rational progression of change and are clearly connected to the goal.

Describe 3 different activities, using at least 2 different strategies, that are related to the objectives and goal.

Include a narrative explanation of how you will evaluate the effectiveness of the program(both formative and summative). Include the type of data that you will need to collect and how you will collect the data. A table is not required, expected, or necessary.

Identify and explain personnel and materials/resources that are necessary for the program.

Justify the need and approach for a health program.

Submission requirements

Use the template provided to record your responses.


CS 417 Jubail University College Social & Ethical Questions Paper Writing Assignment Help

Answer the Below Questions in your way shouldn’t include any plagiarism

Q1: Identify an important life experiences that helped you define your own set of morals.

Q2: Do you think that law enforcement should be able to use advanced surveillance cameras and data from vehicle data recorders in a court of law? Why or why not?

Q3: Safety-critical software must go through a much more rigorous and time-consuming development process than other kinds of software. Why?

Q4: What are some of the issues and concerns associated with the social media?

Q5: Review your user profile on your most frequently used social media platforms. Do you think you need to make any changes to this profile? If so, what changes?

Q6: Mention an effective way to keep children safe from the inappropriate content in the internet.


ECO 201 Real Estate Markets in Kuwait Report Business Finance Assignment Help

The cause of inflation in residential real estate prices and the decline in commercial real estate, and their effects on the economy

Residential real state / commercial real estate

And how it effects the economy in Kuwait

Real state plays an integral role in Kuwait economy. Residential real estate provides housing for families. It’s the greatest source of wealth and savings for many Americans. Commercial real state which includes apartment buildings, creates jobs and spaces for retail, offices, and manufacturing. Real estate business and investment provide a source of revenue for millions.


Kuwait is averysmallbutarichcountry with a population of 4,298,897 million people.According to estimates the number of Kuwaiticitizenswas about 1.24 million compared to the number ofnon-Kuwaiti residents which was at about 3 million in 2019; GPD per capita is 32,032.0 USD(estimatedin World Bank datain 2019). Kuwaitis ranked as the fourth richest country in the world per capita,the secondin the GCC afterQatar.An analysisof the real estate market in Kuwait gives us an idea on how state control overland and private developmentand construction activityeffects the economy and the process of fast modernization and urbanization.This will define the place of the country intheglobal markets.

1.3 study of objectives > this my part


GCCCD Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Endometriosis Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

GCCCD Pelvic Inflammatory Disease and Endometriosis Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

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