GCU Susceptibility of Nurses to Infectious Infection While Providing Care PPT Writing Assignment Help. GCU Susceptibility of Nurses to Infectious Infection While Providing Care PPT Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a nursing writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
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- Discuss your topic and its relationship to your current (or future) practice. Discuss why the topic is important in healthcare informatics.
- What research have you have found on the topic? Describe how each scholarly article relates to the topic and your current (or future) practice. Describe what conclusions you have drawn based on your research of the topic.
- What ethical or legal issues does this topic present?
- Create a plan for implementing a change (or justify the need for no change). Who needs to be involved? What training programs are needed? Is there a need for on-going training? Discuss how you would evaluate the success of the change (or the continued success of what you are currently doing). What is the cost to implement or maintain this change? Who will be financially responsible? How feasible is this change?
- Finally, identify how changes in public policy and technological advances in the future could impact this topic. What would those changes mean to the healthcare industry?
Assignment Expectations
GCU Susceptibility of Nurses to Infectious Infection While Providing Care PPT Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Implementation of the Theory of Hierarchy of Needs in Patients Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
CRITERIA for Wk1: Theorist Comparison Paper |
APA: Title Page, Grammar, punctuation & intext citations present & correct, References- APA7 |
MUST Choose 2 theorists from our Varcarolis text (Chapter 3-Freud, Erickson, Maslow, Sullivan, Peplau, Watson, Skinner, Rogers, or Beck). Describe and list major ideas presented. |
History of the Person/ who developed the theories |
Compare and contrast similarities and differences |
Describe how each theory could be used in a specific patient example |
Conclude with your own thoughts on the theories. Body of paper is 3 pages; Grammarly report attached |
2 theorists from your Varcarolis text. See the rubric under module 1 for grading criteria. Use the sections as headings in your paper. Remember APA 7 format – Title page, citations and References. Attach Grammarly results to end of paper
If you are bidding, I am assuming you can finish it within 8-9 hours as I need it within 8-9 hours from now
Grand Canyon University Moral Injury Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a global health case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.
In this discussion, consider two situations, other than the one in the PowerPoint, in which a healthcare provider might be forced to make a decision that is against their moral beliefs, which could result in “Moral Injury”.
Include the following in your discussion:
- Describe, in detail, the healthcare situation that may present a moral injury to the healthcare provider
- Describe, in detail, two possible concerns that the provider may have regarding the situation with which they are presented.
- Cite at least two sources that provide support for your suggestions and cite using APA.
New York University Depression Era Photographs Report Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a history writing question and need a reference to help me understand better.
Before you begin this assignment, please be sure to view the following course lectures: Immigration and the Red Scare in the 1920s; The Great Depression and the New Deal; Art and Culture in the Depression.
Please examine these photographs (in the file) of the Great Depression. All of the photographs were taken by photographers hired by the Resettlement Agency or the Farm Security Administration to document conditions during the Depression. Please click here (in the file) if you would like to know the photographer and title of each image.
Please answer all of the questions listed below. Each question should be answered in at minimum 1-2 paragraphs. All answers must be written in complete sentences. Your answers should include specific examples from the photographs you are analyzing and from course lectures and texts.
Each photograph in the slide show is numbered; you may find the number in the lower right-hand corner of the slide. Please refer to photograph by number in your responses.
Please note: Students should complete this assignment by referring to the photographs, course readings, and course lectures. Students are strenuously discouraged from consulting outside sources. However, if a student does consult a source not included in course materials they must cite this source(s) and provide a works cited page.
Please answer the following questions:
Please select two photographs and describe what you see. Please specifically answer the following questions: Who is in the image? What do we know about the person/people in the image: what do their clothes, facial expression, posture, location, etc tell us about them? What other elements are there in the image beside the person/people? What do these elements add to the meanings of the image — to how we see the person/people, how we see their circumstances, how we make sense of the problems they may face ?
Please select two photographs and compare/contrast them to one another. Please specifically answer the following questions: do the images communicate the same perspective on and information about life during the Depression? What is similar about the view of the Depression that the images offer? What is different?
Please choose at minimum of one photograph and answer the following question: what information does the image(s) provide to us about life during the Depression? How is what we can learn from this source similar to/different from what we can learn from reading FDR’s inaugural address?
Please choose at minimum one photograph and discuss how it compares/contrasts to other forms of cultural expression during the Great Depression. Specifically, how these images compare/contrast to the plays, literature, public murals, and/or motion pictures of the period in how they respond to the crisis of the Depression?
This assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:
Does the assignment address all the questions posed?
Does the assignment demonstrate a close, careful, and thoughtful reading of the primary sources?
Does the assignment demonstrate a strong familiarity with course topics and themes?
Are all the claims made in the assignment accurate?
Does the assignment make sense? Are the ideas within it communicated clearly within it?
New England College Rackspace Co Challenges and Solutions Report Computer Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
For this project, select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage. Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges. The paper should include the following sections each called out with a header.
- Company Overview: The section should include the company name, the industry they are in and a general overview of the organization.
- Challenges: Discuss the challenges the organization had that limited their profitability and/or competitiveness and how they planned to leverage Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.
- Solution: Describe the organization’s Cloud Computing implementation and the benefits they realized from the implementation. What was the result of implementing Cloud Computing? Did they meet their objectives for fall short?
- Conclusion: Summarize the most important ideas from the paper and also make recommendations or how they might have achieved even greater success.
The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages. There should be at least three scholarly sources listed on the reference page. Each source should be cited in the body of the paper to give credit where due. Per APA, the paper should use a 12-point Time New Roman font, should be double spaced throughout, and the first sentence of each paragraph should be indented .5 inches. The body of the paper should be 3 – 5 pages in length. The Title and Reference pages do not count towards the page count requirements.
University of Phoenix Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a political science discussion question and need support to help me learn.
Whether you realize it or not, we are all impacted by public policy and the federal government agencies that create them. This week, we will investigate how these policies are established and how they can impact your life.
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
- Use the A–Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies page on the USA.gov website to identify a department or agency of the federal government that has the most significant impact on you personally or professionally.
- Discuss at least 2 examples of policies implemented by the organization you selected that impact your daily work or personal activities.
University of Phoenix Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ETHC 445 Moraine Valley Application of Utilitarianism in a Life Dilemma Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing writing question and need guidance to help me study.
- Read/ Textbook: Chapter 12
- Lesson
- Minimum of 5 scholarly sources (This includes the sources from the annotated bibliography. Additional sources may be included as appropriate.)
Return to the topic you chose in the week three assignment. Articulate a specific dilemma in a situation faced by a particular person based on that topic. The situation can be real or fictional.
- Summarize the dilemma.
- Define any needed key terms associated with the dilemma.
- Analyze the conflicts or controversies involved in the dilemma.
Revise and rewrite based on any feedback you received in your previous draft (week three). Reference and discuss any professional code of ethics relevant to your topic such as the AMA code for doctors, the ANA code for nurses, etc. State whether and how your chosen topic involves any conflicts between professional and familial duties or conflicts between loyalty to self and loyalty to a community or nation.
What in your view is the most moral thing for that person to do in that dilemma? Why is that the most moral thing? Use moral values and logical reasoning to justify your answer
Next, apply the following:
- Aristotle’s Golden Mean to the dilemma
- Utilitarianism to the dilemma
- Natural Law ethics to the dilemma
Which of those three theories works best ethically speaking? Why that one?
Why do the other two not work or not work as well?
Is it the same as what you said is the most moral thing earlier? Why or why not?
Use the 5 articles from your annotated bibliography to support your answers. (Additional academic scholarly research from the past 5 years can be included as well.)
Include a reference page at the end of your paper in APA format that includes your bibliography with the annotations removed and any other sources used in your final paper.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
- Length: 4-5 pages (not including title page or references page)
- 1-inch margins
- Double spaced
- 12-point Times New Roman font
- Title page
- References page (minimum of 5 scholarly sources)
Allied College Maryland Heights Vanitas Still Lifes Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a art Discussion and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
In this module, we looked at and discussed many different genres of painting including Still Life. Let’s explore a special type of Still Life: Vanitas Still Life.
Go to one of the following online collections, and select an example of a Vanitas Still Life:
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- The National Gallery of Art
- The Tate Museum
- The Walters Art Museum
- The Rijks Museum
Closely examine your Vanitas Still Life selection, and identify at least three objects within it. Describe what these objects are, and why the artist included them in the painting. Be sure to include a discussion of moral and ethical considerations.
Finally, attach a jpeg image of the painting, and be sure to include at the beginning of your discussion the title, the artist, the dimensions of the painting, and its date.
This essay fulfills the course requirement to conduct written research on a work of art or architecture, as seen in person. This work of art or architecture must be from the period covered in the course. Your topic does not have to be covered in the textbook, but it should be from the period of 1300 – Present. In your paper, you must provide a clear thesis and demonstrate your support for that thesis in your research.
This assignment combines the required skills necessary for investigating a work of art, and the necessity of actually seeing those objects to that research. Therefore, in this assignment, you will be required to write about a work of art you have seen in person (because of COVID-19, you can do a virtual museum visit). Access the Sources of Museum Visit link below. If you live outside of Northern Virginia or the Washington, DC Metro area, please contact your instructor for approval or ideas for museum visits in your area. You will need approval from your instructor to use online museum collections in lieu of an on-site visit. Referring to the museum catalog and/or label information (what contextualizes the important facts about the work of art), your research will expand upon one Important aspect of the work you learned from the museum. |
- 750 – 1000 words
- 3 to 4 FULL pages, double-spaced and typed, in 12pt. font
- Images should be submitted separately
- at least 3 sources (other than your text)
Information Literacy.
The following credible academic sources on the basis of your research:
- books
- dissertations
- interviews
- journals
- magazines
- videos
Websites and encyclopedic entries will not be counted as appropriate research sources. What is provided for you through the Research Resource Guide are the required, credible, peer-reviewed sources you will need for this assignment. If you are unsure of the legitimacy of any of your sources, please ask the instructor.
- You must provide a clear thesis, which addresses an important aspect of the museum’s context of the work. For example, the museum text may discuss a work of art’s relation to social and political ideas within society when it was created it. If it discusses the artist’s biography, you may discuss how the work of art related directly to that biography.
- Provenance is the history of ownership. In addressing provenance, you answer: Was the work commissioned and why? If not, why was it made? What were the artist’s intentions? Provenance is also an important aspect you will find in the museum’s information.
- How do factors like the historical context and location shape the meaning of the work?
- You must also discuss style. Remember that in discussing style, you are often referring to a period style or regional style. In order to discuss style, you must utilize formal analysis to communicate the work’s key features. Give attention to the materials and techniques the artist used to effectively communicate their ideas. Those materials and techniques are also particular to time and place.
- The possibilities are endless, but you must demonstrate that you understand the existing and accepted interpretations of a work of art architecture. This essay should be thoughtfully responsive to the museum’s research you encountered in your visit, and you will be expanding upon, or even arguing against, previous research.
- You must include MLA (Links to an external site.) citation style, with endnotes and a complete bibliography on two separate pages at the end of the paper. A full resource guide to MLA citation is also included in the Research Resource Guide.
Morgan State University Importance of a Nutrition Plan to Improve Health Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.
topic: excersise atleast 3 days a week
a.Background information on the behavior– keep this simple. Say what the behavior is and define and describe it.
For example: The behavior I wanted to change was my exercise habits. excercising is defined as…..
b.Your perspective on why you selected the behavior for your behavior change goal,
For example: I wanted to change this behavior because I think it will help with my overall weight and…….
c.A comparative perspective using scholarly evidence of why you should change the behavior,
For example: Studies show that from a psychological perspective while procrastination may be a normal and universal phenomenon (Doe, John 2018) it is more than just avoiding or delaying tasks (Smith, Captain 2013). There may be many underlying reasons for this behavior (Midas, King 2014) ………..
d.A comparison of your behavior compared to the US population, For example: I am a chronic procrastinator and do this behavior every day. According to one researcher between 80 and 95 percent of college students procrastinate on their school work (Einstein, Homer 2016). Compared to my own behavior………………
1)The paper should include 3-4 pages of text, 11 or 12 point font (Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman), be double spaced, with 1 inch margins.
a.You should have FOUR reputable sources with in-text citations in APA format. These sources should help you describe the behavior and provide the data used in the comparison calculations. You should also have a reference list for those sources. The reference list and any title page are not counted toward the 3-4 page required content.
Riverside City College Understanding the Affordable Health Care Act Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management report and need a sample draft to help me learn.
FINAL PAPER FORMAT & LENGTH: Please use 12-point font. Double-space. Seven pages, excluding bibliography page and Appendices page(s). One-inch margins. Use APA, or MLA, or other style of citation. Please submit in Word format. You must cite all your sources. Direct quotations, as used, must be cited with page number. Do not use large portions from your research text(s) as quotations. Remember that a bibliography comes at the end, and is not a substitute for citations in the paper itself. Ensure that you have some scholarly sources (journal articles). Refer to some of the concepts from your textbook to show knowledge of strategic concepts as appropriate. Spell-check your work. Check for grammar, and correct sentence construction. Please begin planning your paper immediately and begin working on it as soon as possible. Papers
TOPICS: You have 2 Choices:
The purpose of this assignment is to give an opportunity to develop, or analyze, a corporate social responsibility strategy for a corporation. Consider how you would strategize for CSR if you were in charge of strategy formulation. How would your CSR strategy impact the firm? What changes may have occurred in the behavior and processes of the corporation? Think about the videos you have seen for themes of environmental forms of CSR, or humanistic ones (involving stakeholders).
Title Page—Ensure your title gives the idea of what you are doing—do not use overly-long title
1. Executive Summary
a. Summary of your strategy for CSR
b. Key Opportunities, Issues, and/or Obstacles
c. Key Recommendations
2. Background of the CSR Concept from the Literature
3. Internal Resource, Industry, and Institutions Analysis (SWOT) Analysis
4. Implementation & Evaluation Plan
5. Conclusions or Summary on strategic impacts and firm behavior
6. Bibliography & Appendices
The purpose of this paper is to give you experience in writing a public policy analysis for a public policy that impacts a business corporation in California. Draw from Peng, Chapter on Institutions, and Porter’s Diamond, and other textual concepts. For example, you might analyze The Affordable Care Act, the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, or some other law, from both conceptual and implementation perspectives. How does the law you have chosen impact organizational strategy and behavior in a focal firm? Your paper would include the following elements:
Title Page- Ensure your title gives the idea of what you are doing—do not use overly-long title
1. Executive Summary
a. Summary of the policy
b. Key Opportunities, Issues, and/or Obstacles
c. Key Findings& Recommendations
2. Introduction
3.Describe your Data Collection Methodology
4.Data Analysis Methodology you used for analyzing the data – content analysis of
library sources, or interviews, or survey research, etc.
5. Findings & Impacts on the Organization in terms of Strategy & Organizational Behavior
6. Recommendations
7. Bibliography & Appendices