GEB 3422 Rasmussen College Week 12 Credit Risk Management Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help. GEB 3422 Rasmussen College Week 12 Credit Risk Management Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help.
I’m working on a Management presentation and need support to help me understand better.
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Differentiate the dimensions of credit risk and their impact on the aggregate economy.
Risk management practices within the financial sector are of particular interest to regulators. This is because the failures within this sector disrupt the functionality of the financial system and derail economic growth and efficiency. A historical reference point is the subprime meltdown of 2007 because it is the most prominent example of a massive risk management failure. In this assignment, you will evaluate the consequences of such a failure.
You have been hired by the board of Financial Leaders to facilitate a presentation on this topic. You must submit the items you intend to cover to the event planner by next week. Your presentation should be in PowerPoint and should address the bullet points below. You must also submit your presentation notes that you intend to use during the presentation using the Notes feature at the bottom of the PowerPoint slides.
1. Thoroughly and accurately discusses why credit risk management in the financial sector is so essential, using specific examples.
2. Multiple valid arguments on why so many banks failed to properly manage risk prior to the 2007 financial collapse backed by specific examples are given.
3. More than two valid consequences of failed credit risk management that include specific examples are given, and the affected parties thoroughly discussed
4. More than two risk mitigation measures are explained with examples of how they would work.
GEB 3422 Rasmussen College Week 12 Credit Risk Management Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
IND 301 Excelsior College The Future of Journalism Argumentative Essay Mathematics Assignment Help
choose one of the topics from this list (this list also appears in your webtext Chapter 1). Each of these topics relates to our course theme of the future of our society as well as to one of Excelsior’s General Education Career Competencies. You will learn more about these competencies in the coming weeks and learn how to articulate your newly acquired skills in these areas to employers through your e-portfolio, where you will submit your completed final project at the end of the term.
This week, your job is to select a topic and do some preliminary thinking about it. Click on the link for your topic choice and read the linked “research starter” article.
While you may have some initial gut reactions or preformed opinions about this topic, consider other ways of thinking about it, even ideas you may think you disagree with at first. When you begin a scholarly research project like this it is crucial to start with an open mind. Trying to remain objective and skeptical allows you to let the sources guide your argument instead of the other way around. If you start with a pre-set opinion, your biases may influence your source selection so that you only choose sources that confirm your point of view.
“Note: The topic you choose for this research project should be used ONLY in this class. If you are taking other classes that also require a research paper or presentation, the topic(s) you choose for them should be different from the one you select here. See Excelsior’s Academic Integrity Policy (Links to an external site.) for more information.”
Submission Instructions
Now that you have read about your topic a bit and considered multiple perspectives related to it, you are ready to put together your Module 1 assignment.
The following components should appear together in one document in your submission. Use the Milestone 1 Template to assemble your finished product:
- The topic you selected (it must be one of the choices in this list).
- One source from the Excelsior College Library on your topic. (This does not need to be in APA format but must include the title, date, author, and a link to the source. Your source cannot be the associated research starter article linked in the chart above. It cannot come from a Google Search.)
- To find a source: Go to the Excelsior College Library (Links to an external site.) and use the OneSearch tool on the homepage by putting in a few keywords associated with your topic. View the OneSearch: Basic Search Video (Links to an external site.) and the Library searching tips and tricks (Links to an external site.) to learn more about this searching process.
- At least three interesting or troubling facts about the topic that comes from your source listed above. (These should be written in your own words and not copy/pasted directly from the source.)
- At least three questions you have about this topic and how it might impact the future of our society. (You do not need to have answers to these questions yet, just pose the questions for now. Aim for “why” questions rather than “what”. These are the questions that will drive your research in the next few weeks and help you to find the most useful sources.)
- A short paragraph (approx. 200-250 words) reflecting on this process. (Consider the following as you reflect: why did you choose this topic? Do you think you have any biases toward a certain perspective on it? How will you try to minimize your own biases as you conduct research? Did you find it difficult to find a source or come up with questions about your topic or to think about how this topic relates to the future?)
Put all five components into the Milestone 1 Template and submit the finished document to the dropbox by Sunday night of Module 1. Scroll to the top of the page to locate the submission button.
You will receive feedback from your instructor during the first half of Module 2. Make sure to read and utilize that feedback as you work on the next milestone in Module 2.
Final Project Topic Choice |
Associated General Education Career Competency |
The Future of Journalism/Digital News (Links to an external site.) |
GECC-1 Oral and Written Communication |
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Human Communication (Links to an external site.) |
GECC-1 Oral and Written Communication |
GECC-2.1: Mathematical Reasoning |
GECC-2.1: Mathematical Reasoning |
GECC-2.2 Scientific Reasoning |
GECC-2.2. Scientific Reasoning |
GECC-2.2 Scientific Reasoning |
GECC-3 Information Literacy |
GECC-3 Information Literacy |
GECC-4 Cultural Diversity and Expression |
Gender in Gaming and Gaming Communities (Links to an external site.) |
GECC-4 Cultural Diversity and Expression |
Celebrity Advocacy and Influence (Links to an external site.) |
GECC-4 Cultural Diversity and Expression |
GECC-5 Global Understanding |
GECC-5 Global Understanding |
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Warfare (Links to an external site.) |
GECC-5 Global Understanding |
Affirmative Action and College Admissions (Links to an external site.) |
GECC-6 Ethical Reasoning |
The Future of Genetic Testing and Reproduction (Links to an external site.) |
GECC-6 Ethical Reasoning |
GECC-7 Professional Presence and Self-Awareness |
GECC-7 Professional Presence and Self-Awareness |
HRMN 395 UM Business Market Position & Market Positioning for Total Reward Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
A) Provide two examples that illustrate the difference difference business market positioning (how you differentiate your product/service from your business competitors) and the market positioning for total rewards (how you differentiate your total rewards from that of your competitors). Describe the importance of aligning the market positioning for total rewards to the business market position. B) What elements (i.e., factors or criteria) should be considered when setting compensation? Some examples can be found 5 essential factors for determining compensation and Factors Affecting Employee Compensation. In your opinion, what are three top elements to consider when setting compensation and why? |
UCB Harmony and Confucian Understanding of The Family Paper Writing Assignment Help
The required course readings are:
Xinzhong Yao, An Introduction to Confucianism (Entire book by Week 4)
Assignment requirements:
Choose and answer one of the following (cite lectures and Xinzhong Yao, An Introduction to Confucianism (Entire book by Week 4)
for all answers)
1.Explain the paradox of proper order and illustrate it
2.Explain the Confucian understanding of the family
3.Explain harmony
This assignment should be 5-6 pages
Use standard formatting (points will be deducted otherwise)
• Double spacing,
• 12 Times New Roman,
1 inch margins,
• No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,
• No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.
Cite lecture and class readings where appropriate (points will be deducted otherwise)
• Include a bibliography page at the end of your paper,
• Include in-text parenthetical citations throughout the paper (including lecture dates),
• Please do not use footnotes unless absolutely necessary,
• Please do not use outside sources,
• Do not copy/paste lecture notes into the text of your response (this is plagiarism),
• Please do not simply paraphrase the lecture notes or the book,
• Again, plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) will not be tolerated. Turnitiin can detect similarities
to papers submitted for previous versions of this course and outside sources.We will report any
violations to the Academic Integrity office, and the University will assemble a team to assess the
incident and determine consequences.
CSU Hailing a New Era Haier in Japan Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the case study, Hailing a New Era: Haier in Japan, from the Deresky textbook Part 2 Comprehensive Cases. Analyze the content and prepare a paper addressing the following prompts.
- Identify and discuss changes with Haier since its creation in 1984.
- Determine what is special about Haier’s current management system and why the system was created.
- Discuss the role CEO Zhang played in Haier’s development.
- Describe CEO Zhang as a leader.
Be specific with your responses and validate with research.
Your assignment should be a paper 3-5 pages long, not including the required title and reference pages. Adhere to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.) . Include at least three scholarly sources (you may use the recommended readings) to support your answers.
Cortiva Institute The Confucian Understanding of The Family Paper Writing Assignment Help
The required course readings are:
Xinzhong Yao, An Introduction to Confucianism (Entire book by Week 4)
Assignment requirements:
Choose and answer one of the following (cite lectures and Xinzhong Yao, An Introduction to Confucianism (Entire book by Week 4)
for all answers)
1.Explain the paradox of proper order and illustrate it
2.Explain the Confucian understanding of the family
3.Explain harmony
This assignment should be 5-6 pages
Use standard formatting (points will be deducted otherwise)
• Double spacing,
• 12 Times New Roman,
1 inch margins,
• No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,
• No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.
Cite lecture and class readings where appropriate (points will be deducted otherwise)
• Include a bibliography page at the end of your paper,
• Include in-text parenthetical citations throughout the paper (including lecture dates),
• Please do not use footnotes unless absolutely necessary,
• Please do not use outside sources,
• Do not copy/paste lecture notes into the text of your response (this is plagiarism),
• Please do not simply paraphrase the lecture notes or the book,
• Again, plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) will not be tolerated. Turnitiin can detect similarities
to papers submitted for previous versions of this course and outside sources.We will report any
violations to the Academic Integrity office, and the University will assemble a team to assess the
incident and determine consequences.
Cortiva Institute The Confucian Understanding of The Family Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SNHU Importance of Good Communication in Workplaces Discussion Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Choose one of the following audience and communication combinations to focus on in your initial post:
- Audience: Shareholders; Communication: Company annual report
- Audience: Users; Communication: Quick start guide
- Audience: Coworkers; Communication: Progress report
- Audience: Manager; Communication: Presentation
- Audience: Current client; Communication: Brochure
Research the audience and communication so you understand who the audience is and what the communication requires.
In an initial post:
- Discuss the possible purpose that you would have for creating the communication for the audience.
- Determine what would be the best channel for distributing the communication to the audience and explain why you chose that channel.
In a response to two peers:
- Identify a possible purpose you would have for creating the communication for the audience that was not identified in the initial post.
- Discuss whether you agree or disagree with your peer’s choice of channel for the audience.
PART 2 :
Case Study: In 2019, one of the largest data breaches in history occurred when First American Financial Corporation, a real estate title insurance company, exposed over 885 million records on its public website. Included in these records was information such as Social Security numbers, bank account information, images of driver’s licenses, mortgage statements, tax documents, and wire transfer records dating all the way back to 2003. The company was not aware of the problem until it was notified by security expert Brian Krebs, an outside source.
A real estate developer outside of FAF first noticed this concern when they found that anyone who knew the URL for a valid document could then access any other document simply by changing a number in the URL. The company’s website,, was leaking hundreds of millions of private documents not intended to be viewed by just any user. This means that any individual who had previously been emailed a link from FAF could possibly gain access to a plethora of sensitive and private documents. No authentication was required in order to access these documents, nor were they protected in any other way. This left a lot of personal and private information exposed for those with malicious intent to use in nefarious ways, for example, identity theft.
When FAF was notified of the breach, it shut down its website and immediately conducted an internal review. The initial findings noted that there was a “design defect in an application that made possible unauthorized access to customer data” (Newman, 2019). The identified defect could be referred to as a business logic flaw, which is “a category of vulnerabilities specific to an application and business domain . . . [It] allows an attacker to misuse the application by circumventing the business rules of the application” (Conikee, 2019). Only a user with an appropriate link would be able to access these documents. However, a user would not be asked to verify their identity. Therefore, access was easy and unauthenticated.
Conikee, C. (2019, July 26). 3 takeaways from the First American Financial breach. DarkReading.…
Newman, L. H. (2019, May 24). Hack brief: 885 million sensitive financial records exposed online. Wired.…
Supporting Materials
These articles will provide you with greater insight into the scenario provided and help you prepare for your response to the case study questions:
- Hack Brief: 885 Million Sensitive Financial Records Exposed Online
- 3 Takeaways from the First American Financial Breach
- Understanding the First American Financial Data Leak: How Did It Happen and What Does It Mean?
Guidelines for Submission
Security professionals should take the time to reflect on past incidents in order to prevent similar problems from occurring. Respond to the case study questions below related to the Module Two case study. Your submission should be 1 to 2 pages, double-spaced, and submitted as a Word document (.docx). Resources must be appropriately cited using APA style. You are allowed, although not required, to use resources outside of those provided within Module One, Module Two, and the Supporting Materials section.
Your responses should be in complete paragraphs and should contain the following:
- Answer all of the case study questions thoroughly and completely. Write out the questions in your submission.
- Make direct connections between the issues identified in the case study and the concepts covered in the provided resources in Modules One and Two, as well as the Supporting Materials.
- Support your answers with appropriate examples and facts drawn from the case study.
- Use correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, and demonstrate an understanding of audience and purpose.
Case Study Questions
- How did this breach occur? Briefly summarize the incident.
- Which pillars of the CIA triad were explicitly violated, given the scenario?
- What kinds of security controls could First American Financial Corporation have put in place to defend against this kind of data breach? Why?
Imagine you are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company, Optimum Way Development, Inc. Your director has called for all development teams to submit product briefs detailing their current projects. The director plans to share the most promising product briefs with clients at an upcoming meeting. You have software design documents (…) for two projects your team is currently working on.
Since communications must be targeted to a specific audience, before you can create a product brief for a client, you must know more about the client. Your knowledge of the client will inform the decisions you make in the client brief—from the type of language you use to how you present data and graphics. To begin this milestone activity:
- Choose one of the software design documents to focus on for both 2-1 Milestone Activity: Audience Persona and Project One: Non-technical Audiences.
- Consider all of the different groups of people (audiences) who are likely to use that application.
- Choose one audience to focus on for your persona.
- Choose a stock picture and name for the persona that will serve as the representation of your chosen audience.
- Identify demographics and psychographics associated with this audience.
Resources are not required, but any resources used must be appropriately cited using APA style. The following resources may help support your work on the project:
- Resource: Defining Audiences and Creating Personas
- Shapiro Library Resource: APA Style: Basics
Guidelines for Submission
To complete this activity, you must submit an audience persona.
Your audience persona must:
- Be at least 500 words
- Be single spaced
- Be submitted as either a Word document or PDF
- Completely address all of the requirements in the Prompt section
The audience persona can otherwise be formatted/organized in any manner.
UMUC Security Mechanisms for Software Requirement Analysis Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Internet shopping sites (clothing, shoes, books, music, or others)
Project Deliverables
The project requires students to perform three phases: (a) requirements analysis, (b) system and database design, and (c) a project plan. Note that in the phase 3, students are required to use the MS Project software for their project schedule.
You are to submit one file (Microsoft Word) for this assignment. All diagrams and charts are to be embedded (copied and pasted) into your Microsoft Word file submission for this assignment. Please make sure they are large enough and legible. I need to be able to read them.
The following layout/format including the title page and all three phases is recommended for the project.
Title page (project name, author, and date)
Each item below is to be labeled as below and addressed individually. No topics are to be combined.
The following layout format covering a title page and all three phases is recommended for the project.
Title page (project name, author, and date)
Phase 1: Requirement analysis
A. Problem definition
B. Issues
C. Objectives
D. Requirements
E. Constraints
F. Description of the proposed system
G. Logical model design
- Context diagram (with an accompanying written description).
- Diagram 0 (with an accompanying written description).
- Diagram 1 (Diagram 1 is optional) (with an accompanying written description).
- Descriptions of processes in each diagram
- Descriptions of outputs/inputs/performance/security or controls
- The physical layout for each input
- The input design and procedures
- How data will be output from the system?
- The physical layout for each output
- The output design and procedures
- Database tables with their attributes should be presented
- Primary key(s) should be identified in each table, if any
- Three steps of normalization should be included. (You are to show each step of normalization to 3NF – Be sure to identify each step in your normalization process)
H. Specific requirements, if any (interface, operational, resource, performance, etc.) (You should not ignore any special interface, operational, resource, performance, etc. issues – All are to be addressed here).
Phase 2: System and database design
A. User interface
Design an overall user interface consisting of screens, commands, controls, and features to enable users to use the system.(You are to design the screens that will be used in your project- they are not to be copied and pasted from other sources).
Be sure to include a written description for each of the items that corresponds with each screen and the input/output procedures.
B. Data design
Develop a plan for data organization, storage, updating, and retrieval.
- Database design
- Entity-relationship diagrams You are to draw an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) complete with Crows Foot notation. Remember that when reading ERDs the Entities and Relationships are read in both directions.Be sure to show the minimum and maximum cardinality for each direction.
- Data file storage and access
C. System architecture
Determine the architecture of the system as Web-based interface, client/server architecture, Internet/Intranet interface, network configuration, etc.
Phase 3: Project plan
A list of tasks or activities needed for implementing the proposed system
Estimating completion time and costs (cost includes a breakdown of labor, hardware, software, etc.)
A project schedule for performing those activities (Gantt charts or PERT charts)
References are expected and are to be in complete APA format.
Note that there is no other required software package except the MS Project software in this ITEC-630 course. As a result, you are only required to use the MS Project software to handle the scheduling part of the project and for other parts, you can use any word editing software or any drawing tools software.
Individual Project Rubric
The individual project will account for 20% of your total points possible and students should use the APA format for the format of the individual project reports. The following rubric will be used when grading your individual project:
Qualities and Criteria |
Poor [0-80) |
Good [80-90) |
Excellent [90-100] |
Format/Layout § Presentation of the text and structuring of text in an organized and thoughtful manner § Follows phases requirements (Weight 20%) |
Follows poorly the requirements related to format and layout. |
Follows for the most part all the requirements related to format and layout. Some requirements are not followed. |
Closely follows all the requirements related to format and layout. |
Content/Information § All phases of the project are addressed and contents in each phase are adequate § The project proposal is technically sound and realistic § The project is done using techniques covered in this course § MS Project software is used in the project plan § The project design can be implemented in reality § Activities and information are constructed in a logical pattern among phases to support the solution (Weight 70%) |
The project does not cover all phases and it is not done for the most part with techniques discussed in this course. The required software is used poorly in the project plan. The project proposal is hardly realistic and the tasks proposed can not be done easily in reality. Activities and information among phases are badly designed and do not support the solution. |
The project covers all phases with adequate contents in each phase for the most part and it is done with some techniques discussed in this course. The required software is used in the project plan for the most part. The project proposal is relatively realistic and some proposed tasks can be done in reality. Activities and information among phases for the most part are designed to support the solution. |
The project covers all phases with adequate contents and it is done with techniques discussed in this course. The required software is used in the project plan. The project proposal is realistic and the tasks proposed can be done in reality. Activities and information among phases are designed to support the solution. |
Quality of Writing § Clarity of sentences and paragraphs § No errors and spelling, grammar and use of English § Organization and coherence of ideas § APA style compliance (Weight 10%) |
The project is not well written, and contains many spelling errors, and/or grammar errors and/or use of English errors. The project is badly organized, lacks clarity and/or does not present ideas in a coherent way and it is somehow APA style compliance. |
The project is well written for the most part, without spelling, grammar or use of English errors. The project is for the most part well organized, clear and presents ideas in a coherent way and it is somehow APA style compliance. |
The project is well written from start to finish, without spelling, grammar or use of English errors. The project is well organized, clear and presents ideas in a coherent way and it is completely APA style compliance. |
* Some parts of this rubric are extracted from Dr. Stella Porto’s posting for ITEC-610.
ENGL 1020 ETSU Discrimination Against African Americans Research Humanities Assignment Help
ENGL 1020-946: Critical Thinking and Argumentation
Part I: Additional Research
For the final phase of the research project, you will conduct additional necessary research, refine your working thesis, and formulate supporting arguments and rhetorical strategies appropriate to the audience and discipline. You will then assemble and incorporate evidence from secondary sources, taking care that such sources support rather than supplant your own argument.
Part II: The Critical Essay (300 points)
The result of your semester-long research and preparation will be a formal, critical essay, 8 to 10 pages in length, in MLA formatting, with a works cited page. In your introduction, be sure to summarize your research topic and introduce your thesis statement. Use quotes only when necessary and relevant and not as filler or a substitute for your own argument or interpretation. Paragraphs should have topical and transition sentences, and the essay should be organized in a logical format, ending with a well-written conclusion. Use in-text citations for all quotes, summaries, paraphrases, and ideas that are not your own—anything less is plagiarism. Remember: show rather than tell; be specific; use active verbs; point, evidence, analysis. Godspeed!
ØYour Research Paper Rough Draft is due to the dropbox on D2L by 11:59 pm on Tuesday, November 10. It should be at least 5 pages plus a works cited page. (50 points)
ØWhen you submit your rough draft to the dropbox November 10, you should also post it to the peer review workshop under Week 13. I will then provide you with a questionnaire and put you into groups for online peer-review, which will be completed through the discussion board on Tuesday, November 17. (25 points)
ØYou will also need to participate in an email conference with me no later than Tuesday, December 1. After receiving your rough draft from me by email with comments and questions, you will need to respond with your own questions (at least two). (25 points)
ØYour Revised Research Paper is due Tuesday, December 8, by 8:00 pm to the dropbox on D2L. It should be 8 to 10 pages plus a works cited page (with 8 to 10 scholarly/peer-reviewed sources) and also counts as your final exam. (250 points)
ØBoth the Rough Draft and Revised Research Paper will be submitted to to check for originality. Late papers will not be accepted.
ØPlease send me an email ( if you have any questions or concerns.
Creating a Business Credit Policies and Collection Policies Discussion Economics Assignment Help
What will be your credit and collection policies? Why?
You must have an original post that will consist of a minimum of 10 Pertinent sentences. For example, merely repeating the question does not count as a sentence. You should use correct grammar and punctuation. The font size must be 14 points or higher.You should have a descriptive subject. Your content should be clear and concise. You should compose your discussion post in Word or a similar word processing program. Save it and then copy and paste it to the Discussion. For your posts, you should use Standard English grammar and punctuation. You should avoid slang, use standard spelling (no texting or Twitter spelling)
[supanova_question] if you have any questions or concerns.