GEN 102 Ashford Wk 1 The Digital Revolution Futuristic Ideas Chosen from Futurism.Com Writing Assignment Help

GEN 102 Ashford Wk 1 The Digital Revolution Futuristic Ideas Chosen from Futurism.Com Writing Assignment Help. GEN 102 Ashford Wk 1 The Digital Revolution Futuristic Ideas Chosen from Futurism.Com Writing Assignment Help.

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Week 1 – Discussion

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

The Digital Revolution [WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2]


Prepare: As you prepare to write your answer to the discussion prompt, review Modules 1 and 2, read the Week 1 Instructor Guidance, and watch the video (Links to an external site.) above.

Reflect: Consider how the digital revolution has transformed your life. Try to think of unique innovations other than the common cell phone, laptop, or microwave oven. Reviewing what your classmates have already posted will help you avoid redundant choices. The more unique your response, the more conversation you will generate! Since technology is constantly evolving, think about how technological advances in the future might impact your life. What are some benefits and drawbacks to innovative technology?

Write: For this discussion, address the following prompts:

Your initial post should be at least 250 words.

Respond to Peers: Review your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by Day 7. Review the technological innovations your peer described and explain how their ideas may affect your life. Each peer response should be a minimum of 75 words.

Week 1-Assignment

Technology Self-Assessment

[WLOs: 2, 3, 4] [CLOs: 2, 3]


Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Modules 1 and 2 of your course textbook and complete the A Closer Look at Hardware and Software (Links to an external site.) activity. Review and familiarize yourself with the resources on the Digital Tools page, Microsoft Digital Literacy: Essential Skills with the Digital Literacy Curriculum (Links to an external site.), and in your Support U. Click Week 1 Assignment video (Links to an external site.) to view or visit Support U below to find resources each week that will help you complete your written assignments.

Reflect: Think about how we rely on electronic devices to maximize our experiences, solve problems, and enhance our lives. Consider how you will utilize the different resources available through Ashford University and leverage different kinds of technology to help you be successful.

Write: In a four-paragraph essay that is two pages in length, address the following bullet points:

  • Paragraph 1: Identify the types of devices you can use to access your online classroom. Describe the benefits and drawbacks of using each device for coursework. Which device(s) will you primarily use for school and why?
  • Paragraph 2: Explore the Ashford Resources and other tools (Microsoft, Folio, Textbook, and Canvas) on the Digital Tools page. Select one of the Ashford resources and two of the other tools and explain how they will help you meet your academic and professional goals.
  • Paragraph 3: Identify two types of data storage and discuss the benefits and potential drawbacks of each. Which one will you choose for your personal plan to organize and save your digital coursework?
  • Paragraph 4: Describe your strengths when it comes to being digitally literate. Explain the areas you are most interested in learning more about and improving upon to better prepare yourself for academic success and your future career goals.

The paper must be double-spaced and written in 12-point, Times New Roman font.

Upon completion of this assignment, you will need to save your assignment document to your computer as a Microsoft Word document (e.g., save as Smith Week 1 Assignment) and submit it using the Assignment Submission button.

Watch Introduction to Waypoint and Originality Reports (Links to an external site.) for instructions.

What if I do not have Microsoft Word?

GEN 102 Ashford Wk 1 The Digital Revolution Futuristic Ideas Chosen from Futurism.Com Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECE 642 Ashford University Wk 2 Evaluating Effective Lessons Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

Evaluating Effective Lessons

In the discussion forums this week, you learned about the important role planning plays when it comes to creating lessons and activities that align with a developmentally appropriate curriculum. “It is important to remember that educational value comes from the goals an activity addresses, the extent to which the components of the plan align with those goals, and how well the plan can be individualized to meet the needs of your particular children” (Kostelnik, Soderman, Whiren, & Rupiper, 2015, p. 87). It is this combination that makes effective lessons. In your assignment, you will apply the information you have learned about planning for instruction by evaluating a lesson in order to ensure that it is developmentally appropriate.

You will be using the Week Two Assignment Template to complete your assignment this week. Below you will find the directions needed for completing each step of the template.

Step 1: Choose one of the videos below to watch a lesson being taught to a group of children. As you are watching the video, record each of the parts of the lesson you see in the video on the Lesson Plan Template section of the Week Two Assignment Template. Use the Early Childhood and Child Development Lesson Plan Handbook as a guide to help you determine where to place things within the template. For example, if you observe the teacher activating the children’s prior knowledge, you will record what the teacher does to activate their prior knowledge in the introduction section of the lesson plan template. If a section of the Lesson Plan Template is not observed in the video, you will record Not Observed in that section on the Lesson Plan Template.

Step 2: Using the notes you recorded on the Lesson Plan Template, evaluate the lesson plan using the Activity Plan Self-Check section of the Week Two Assignment Template. For this section, you will place an X on the line if the characteristic was observed from the lesson you watched when completing the Lesson Plan Template in Step 1. If the characteristic was not observed, you will leave the line blank. Then, count up the number of Xs you have on the Activity Plan Self-Check, and circle the corresponding level for the lesson you observed on the Self-Check Scoring Key.

Step 3: Using the Lesson Plan Template, Activity Plan Self-Check, the Early Childhood and Child Development Handbook, your primary text, and at least two additional scholarly or credible sources, address the following regarding the lesson you observed in the Lesson Evaluation section of the Week Two Assignment Template:

  • Describe the steps of intentional planning that were evident in the lesson you observed and how the planning contributed to the success, or lack of success, of the activity.
  • Explain how the lesson was developmentally appropriate for the children in the group.
  • Discuss how the lesson plan is or is not aligned from the objective all the way through the closing.
  • Justify the score that you gave the lesson you observed based on the Activity Plan-Self Check. Make sure to cite specific evidence from the video that supports your justification.
  • Summarize how completing this evaluation activity will allow you to develop more effective leaders when it comes to developing lesson plans in your current or future work with children.

Research and Resource Expectations:
Source Requirement:

  • At least two scholarly peer-reviewed or credible sources. Please use the MAECEL Source Guide if you need assistance with how to locate scholarly peer-reviewed or credible sources.

Writing and Formatting Expectations:

  • Title Page: Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Academic Voice: Academic voice is used (avoids casual language, limited use of “I”, it is declarative) as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Purpose and Organization: Demonstrates logical progression of ideas.
  • Control of Syntax and Mechanics: Writing displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • APA Formatting: Papers are formatted properly and all sources are cited and referenced in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Assignment Length: This assignment should be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages).


Phoenix Dollar Tree Inc a Customer Oriented Value Driven Variety Store Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Analyze  the organization Dollar Tree. Apply leadership theories and approaches to support organizational change that aligns to the organization’s mission and values. You will be measured on how you justify your assessment of the leadership approach.

Write a 700- to 1050-word paper for your Leadership Styles Rationale . In your paper , complete the following:

  • Restate the needed change within the organization.
  • Analyze the various leadership styles you explored in Week 3 in the context of the organizational culture and proposed change.
  • Justify which leadership style or approach would best support the organizational change.
  • Discuss how this style will support sustainable organizational success.
  • Discuss how this style integrates the organization’s mission and vision.
  • Discuss how this style will increase value for stakeholders.


ECE 642 UArizona Wk 2 Application of Developmentally Appropriate Practice Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Week 2 – Discussion

Early childhood educators must ensure that through the curriculum decisions they are making, they are meeting the needs of the diverse learners they work with as well as helping children to grow across all developmental domains. “People are often surprised at how much planning it takes to ensure a productive, smoothly running early childhood classroom” (Kostelnik, Soderman, Whiren, & Rupiper, 2015, p. 75). It takes so much planning because we are making intentional decisions about what, how, when, and why we are implementing curriculum. Figure 3.1 from your primary text illustrates the process that teachers go through as they are preparing to plan lessons and units (Kostelnik, Soderman, Whiren, & Rupiper, 2015, p.79). Understanding this process is critical to being able to plan effective lessons whether you are working with one, five, or 20 children at a time.

Using Figure 3.1 (p. 79), Chapters 3 and 4 of your course text, and the Early Childhood and Child Development Lesson Plan Handbook, address the following:

  • Explain the intentional nature of developmentally appropriate planning. Make sure to discuss the downfalls of planning not being intentional.
  • Describe the process early childhood educators go through as they prepare to teach, including how learning differences influence and impact the planning process.
  • Discuss where within the planning process early childhood educators address the needs of diverse learners and ensure their planning is culturally responsive. Make sure to include information about adapting curriculum to meet the needs of each and every child.
  • Discuss the importance of differentiating lesson plans in order to meet the needs of small-group or whole-class instruction. Use some of the strategies shared in the text for teaching in small-group and whole-class instruction to support your perspective.
  • Explain how having a deeper understanding of creating effective lesson plans help you to be able to uphold the following sections of the 2009 NAEYC Standards for Initial and Advanced Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs. (Links to an external site.) Provide specific examples related to small-group and whole-class instruction lesson plans.
    • 4b. Knowing and understanding effective strategies and tools for early education.
    • 4c: Using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate teaching/learning approaches. (NAEYC, 2009)


UOTP Critical Issues in Policing History of Policing in The United States Essay Writing Assignment Help

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on critical issues in policing.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Discuss the history of policing as it relates to communication with the public.
  • Compare the historical interactions between police and a homogenous American society with today’s interactions between police and a multicultural society.
  • Explain potential problems in the current structure and design of police departments as it relates to building trust with the community.
  • Discuss the critical issues that police managers have encountered historically and compare them to today’s critical issues of immigration, use of force, technology, and policing in a multicultural society.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.



Our Paradise Invaded Article Review Humanities Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will be discussing Sam Boilier’s “Our Own Paradise Invaded” from
Tennessee Historical Quarterly (attached). The assignment should include your reflections on
the readings and can engage the content.
As you are thinking about your posts for these readings, it may be helpful to think about the
following questions, though you should in no way feel limited to discussing these points:

a. THESIS: What is this reading’s thesis? Does it have one major point? Or multiple

b. IMPORTANCE: WHY does this thesis matter? How does this book complement or
challenge the thesis presented in other works that we have read?

c. EVIDENCE: What evidence does the author use to support his/her thesis? What
types of evidence? How does this evidence connect to the thesis and any sub-points?

d. COGENCY AND CRITIQUE: What is MOST convincing about this book’s use of
evidence? What is LEAST convincing? Where might it have been improved? How
might you have improved it?

e. RELEVANCY: Would this thesis have been relevant if the author had been looking
elsewhere, at another time period?

Please proofread the assignment before submitting to me.

Our Paradise Invaded Article Review Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ELCI 6533 Grand Canyon University Week 3 SPED Student Concept Attainment Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

For your Week 2 Assignment, you will create a classroom scenario based on your content area as it relates to one of the models from the Information-Processing Family classification of models. Addressing the content you have chosen to illustrate in your model scenario, then develop an instructional lesson plan.

To complete this assignment, you will be assigned one of the models of teaching. The five information processing models included in this week’s instruction are assigned by students last names: (A-E) – Inductive Thinking: (F-K) – Scientific Inquiry; (L-P) – Concept Attainment; (Q-U) – Synectics; and (V-Z) – Memorization.


HCCC Argumentative Style and Commercial Advert Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Personal Style
1- Re-read some of your written pieces, used in this or other writing courses, and then discuss what you recognize about your style. What makes your writing style unique?

After reading others’ views, discuss which styles you may consider incorporating in your own.

P professor comment..Consider the patterns you recognize across different compositions. Do you have a tendency to use longer sentences or maybe you use rhetorical devices like repetition or metaphors? What about transitioning in between paragraphs or the use of personal experience for elaborating on points in analytical essays? These are just a few ideas to get you started with this discussion post.

A Look at Visuals
2- After having read chapter on Visuals, and as you prepare for your assignment on Analysing Visual Arguments, briefly discuss an image or commercial that has recently caught your attention.

Discuss what you believe to be the basic argument presented. Effective? How so?

Professor comment..When responding to this post, consider the images or advertisements you will be using for your unit 4 writing assignment.


University of the Cumberlands Marketing Management Reflection Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career. Assignment: Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Requirements: Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Here are my everyday roles and responsibilities,

Responsibilities included, but not limited to, inventory accounting, hiring, payroll, scheduling, discipline and training; managing junior managers and supervisors, leaded department stand outs and forecasting meetings.

Coordinated duties of hotel departments including Front Office, Housekeeping, Maintenance, and Food & Beverage Teams. Ensured employees were performing assigned tasks and reacted to staff & guest needs.

Structured and implemented training plans and standard operating procedures manual for the front office department which in turn increased brand compliance scores.

Focused on Problem Resolution to address any guest issues and trained staff in Problem Resolution, achieving best monthly score in hotel history in first full month on the job.

Responsible for all financial aspects of business; maintaining inventories, purchasing for all outlets of hotel, forecasting and budgeting daily revenues and expenses.

Managed guest feedback, comments, and complaints to maximize guest satisfaction, create memorable experiences, and increase guest return rate.

Coordinated daily Operations meeting to share information between departments and capitalize on key customer interaction opportunities.

Responsible for revenue management and being active and aggressive with online revenue producers.

Coordinated and implemented sales and marketing activities of the property. Communicated with existing and perspective clients to establish a strong professional relationship.

Reviewed and analyze monthly revenue numbers, stats, and guest comments and take appropriate action to improve.

Worked with the Regional Revenue Manager to drive ADR (Average Daily Rate) and occupancy to achieve the corporate.

Participated in on-going sales activities to bring in new business, build loyalty with established customers, and develop.

Budgetary responsibilities in creating the annual budgets, evaluating monthly Profit and Loss statements and assist with creating monthly variance reports.

Develop additional selling skills with associates on how to recommend additional products and services to increase sales.

Set up controls (overtime, safety deposit boxes, master keys, banks, etc.) and audit them on a timely basis to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all work handled by the front desk.

Supervised management of housekeeping, front office, security and building/grounds maintenance.


HCAD 600 United Medical And Dental College Week 4 Grief in A Pandemic Dicussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Please answer the peer. The artcle read is below:

The Kaiser article titled, The ‘Grief Pandemic’ Will Torment Americans for Years, by Liz Szabo of June 2, 2020.

This article tells the story of Rollins, a 57 years old mother from Jackson, Mississippi, who saw her 38 years old daughter, Shalondra, taken away in an ambulance after she developed difficulties breathing from a Covid-19 infection. She was called from the hospital an hour later, her daughter was gone. It articulates the medical – physical and mental, economical and family cohesion challenges that surviving family, two teenage daughters, a sister and a mother in Shalondra’s case, face with the passing of just one Covid-19 victim. It brings to light the emotional and mental struggles of surviving relatives of the 600,000 or so deaths from what the article says is now the leading cause of death, Covid-19.

Most media coverage of this pandemic – metrics, statistics, projections and infographics have laid emphasis on the rate of contamination and death. This article on the other hand, has laid emphasis on the 5 million mourning Americans, including 43.000 children who have lost parents to this global pandemic.

In an effort to curb the spread of the virus, Covid-19 patients were not allowed visitors and those who unfortunately died, were given hastened, restricted and off-the-cuff burials.

Grief can be hard to perceive. University of Missouri assistant professor of Human Development and Family Science, Bordere (as cited in Szabo, 2021) noted that grief is invisible, particularly if people are not aware of your loss. Researcher and surviving daughter of a Covid-19 fatality, Prigerson (as cited in KHN, 2021) stated that grief is unequivocally a public health issue, and the mental health consequences will have significant ripple effects. KHN (2021) put forward that pandemic-related grief could lead to higher rates of depression, substance abuse, suicide and sleep disorders.

This gives us an insight as to what the nation’s healthcare needs will be in the next decade. Restrictions like the lengthy lockdowns have taken away the social life of Americans and for some, the taste for social life to where even when socialization is possible, they would choose to remain isolated because of a new found passion – video games, programming or Netflix. In addition to the mental health issues these people become at high risk of obesity and other related complications.

In my opinion, this will generate a high need for healthcare administrators in behavioral and mental health institutions. New generation administrators who can interpret behavior patterns, design policies and procedures to address these grieving men, women and children, and make them contributing members of their communities.

[supanova_question] Provide specific examples related to small-group and whole-class instruction lesson plans.

  • 4b. Knowing and understanding effective strategies and tools for early education.
  • 4c: Using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate teaching/learning approaches. (NAEYC, 2009)


UOTP Critical Issues in Policing History of Policing in The United States Essay Writing Assignment Help

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on critical issues in policing.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Discuss the history of policing as it relates to communication with the public.
  • Compare the historical interactions between police and a homogenous American society with today’s interactions between police and a multicultural society.
  • Explain potential problems in the current structure and design of police departments as it relates to building trust with the community.
  • Discuss the critical issues that police managers have encountered historically and compare them to today’s critical issues of immigration, use of force, technology, and policing in a multicultural society.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.



Our Paradise Invaded Article Review Humanities Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will be discussing Sam Boilier’s “Our Own Paradise Invaded” from
Tennessee Historical Quarterly (attached). The assignment should include your reflections on
the readings and can engage the content.
As you are thinking about your posts for these readings, it may be helpful to think about the
following questions, though you should in no way feel limited to discussing these points:

a. THESIS: What is this reading’s thesis? Does it have one major point? Or multiple

b. IMPORTANCE: WHY does this thesis matter? How does this book complement or
challenge the thesis presented in other works that we have read?

c. EVIDENCE: What evidence does the author use to support his/her thesis? What
types of evidence? How does this evidence connect to the thesis and any sub-points?

d. COGENCY AND CRITIQUE: What is MOST convincing about this book’s use of
evidence? What is LEAST convincing? Where might it have been improved? How
might you have improved it?

e. RELEVANCY: Would this thesis have been relevant if the author had been looking
elsewhere, at another time period?

Please proofread the assignment before submitting to me.

Our Paradise Invaded Article Review Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ELCI 6533 Grand Canyon University Week 3 SPED Student Concept Attainment Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

For your Week 2 Assignment, you will create a classroom scenario based on your content area as it relates to one of the models from the Information-Processing Family classification of models. Addressing the content you have chosen to illustrate in your model scenario, then develop an instructional lesson plan.

To complete this assignment, you will be assigned one of the models of teaching. The five information processing models included in this week’s instruction are assigned by students last names: (A-E) – Inductive Thinking: (F-K) – Scientific Inquiry; (L-P) – Concept Attainment; (Q-U) – Synectics; and (V-Z) – Memorization.


HCCC Argumentative Style and Commercial Advert Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Personal Style
1- Re-read some of your written pieces, used in this or other writing courses, and then discuss what you recognize about your style. What makes your writing style unique?

After reading others’ views, discuss which styles you may consider incorporating in your own.

P professor comment..Consider the patterns you recognize across different compositions. Do you have a tendency to use longer sentences or maybe you use rhetorical devices like repetition or metaphors? What about transitioning in between paragraphs or the use of personal experience for elaborating on points in analytical essays? These are just a few ideas to get you started with this discussion post.

A Look at Visuals
2- After having read chapter on Visuals, and as you prepare for your assignment on Analysing Visual Arguments, briefly discuss an image or commercial that has recently caught your attention.

Discuss what you believe to be the basic argument presented. Effective? How so?

Professor comment..When responding to this post, consider the images or advertisements you will be using for your unit 4 writing assignment.


University of the Cumberlands Marketing Management Reflection Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career. Assignment: Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Requirements: Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Here are my everyday roles and responsibilities,

Responsibilities included, but not limited to, inventory accounting, hiring, payroll, scheduling, discipline and training; managing junior managers and supervisors, leaded department stand outs and forecasting meetings.

Coordinated duties of hotel departments including Front Office, Housekeeping, Maintenance, and Food & Beverage Teams. Ensured employees were performing assigned tasks and reacted to staff & guest needs.

Structured and implemented training plans and standard operating procedures manual for the front office department which in turn increased brand compliance scores.

Focused on Problem Resolution to address any guest issues and trained staff in Problem Resolution, achieving best monthly score in hotel history in first full month on the job.

Responsible for all financial aspects of business; maintaining inventories, purchasing for all outlets of hotel, forecasting and budgeting daily revenues and expenses.

Managed guest feedback, comments, and complaints to maximize guest satisfaction, create memorable experiences, and increase guest return rate.

Coordinated daily Operations meeting to share information between departments and capitalize on key customer interaction opportunities.

Responsible for revenue management and being active and aggressive with online revenue producers.

Coordinated and implemented sales and marketing activities of the property. Communicated with existing and perspective clients to establish a strong professional relationship.

Reviewed and analyze monthly revenue numbers, stats, and guest comments and take appropriate action to improve.

Worked with the Regional Revenue Manager to drive ADR (Average Daily Rate) and occupancy to achieve the corporate.

Participated in on-going sales activities to bring in new business, build loyalty with established customers, and develop.

Budgetary responsibilities in creating the annual budgets, evaluating monthly Profit and Loss statements and assist with creating monthly variance reports.

Develop additional selling skills with associates on how to recommend additional products and services to increase sales.

Set up controls (overtime, safety deposit boxes, master keys, banks, etc.) and audit them on a timely basis to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all work handled by the front desk.

Supervised management of housekeeping, front office, security and building/grounds maintenance.


HCAD 600 United Medical And Dental College Week 4 Grief in A Pandemic Dicussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Please answer the peer. The artcle read is below:

The Kaiser article titled, The ‘Grief Pandemic’ Will Torment Americans for Years, by Liz Szabo of June 2, 2020.

This article tells the story of Rollins, a 57 years old mother from Jackson, Mississippi, who saw her 38 years old daughter, Shalondra, taken away in an ambulance after she developed difficulties breathing from a Covid-19 infection. She was called from the hospital an hour later, her daughter was gone. It articulates the medical – physical and mental, economical and family cohesion challenges that surviving family, two teenage daughters, a sister and a mother in Shalondra’s case, face with the passing of just one Covid-19 victim. It brings to light the emotional and mental struggles of surviving relatives of the 600,000 or so deaths from what the article says is now the leading cause of death, Covid-19.

Most media coverage of this pandemic – metrics, statistics, projections and infographics have laid emphasis on the rate of contamination and death. This article on the other hand, has laid emphasis on the 5 million mourning Americans, including 43.000 children who have lost parents to this global pandemic.

In an effort to curb the spread of the virus, Covid-19 patients were not allowed visitors and those who unfortunately died, were given hastened, restricted and off-the-cuff burials.

Grief can be hard to perceive. University of Missouri assistant professor of Human Development and Family Science, Bordere (as cited in Szabo, 2021) noted that grief is invisible, particularly if people are not aware of your loss. Researcher and surviving daughter of a Covid-19 fatality, Prigerson (as cited in KHN, 2021) stated that grief is unequivocally a public health issue, and the mental health consequences will have significant ripple effects. KHN (2021) put forward that pandemic-related grief could lead to higher rates of depression, substance abuse, suicide and sleep disorders.

This gives us an insight as to what the nation’s healthcare needs will be in the next decade. Restrictions like the lengthy lockdowns have taken away the social life of Americans and for some, the taste for social life to where even when socialization is possible, they would choose to remain isolated because of a new found passion – video games, programming or Netflix. In addition to the mental health issues these people become at high risk of obesity and other related complications.

In my opinion, this will generate a high need for healthcare administrators in behavioral and mental health institutions. New generation administrators who can interpret behavior patterns, design policies and procedures to address these grieving men, women and children, and make them contributing members of their communities.

[supanova_question] Provide specific examples related to small-group and whole-class instruction lesson plans.

  • 4b. Knowing and understanding effective strategies and tools for early education.
  • 4c: Using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate teaching/learning approaches. (NAEYC, 2009)


UOTP Critical Issues in Policing History of Policing in The United States Essay Writing Assignment Help

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on critical issues in policing.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Discuss the history of policing as it relates to communication with the public.
  • Compare the historical interactions between police and a homogenous American society with today’s interactions between police and a multicultural society.
  • Explain potential problems in the current structure and design of police departments as it relates to building trust with the community.
  • Discuss the critical issues that police managers have encountered historically and compare them to today’s critical issues of immigration, use of force, technology, and policing in a multicultural society.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.



Our Paradise Invaded Article Review Humanities Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will be discussing Sam Boilier’s “Our Own Paradise Invaded” from
Tennessee Historical Quarterly (attached). The assignment should include your reflections on
the readings and can engage the content.
As you are thinking about your posts for these readings, it may be helpful to think about the
following questions, though you should in no way feel limited to discussing these points:

a. THESIS: What is this reading’s thesis? Does it have one major point? Or multiple

b. IMPORTANCE: WHY does this thesis matter? How does this book complement or
challenge the thesis presented in other works that we have read?

c. EVIDENCE: What evidence does the author use to support his/her thesis? What
types of evidence? How does this evidence connect to the thesis and any sub-points?

d. COGENCY AND CRITIQUE: What is MOST convincing about this book’s use of
evidence? What is LEAST convincing? Where might it have been improved? How
might you have improved it?

e. RELEVANCY: Would this thesis have been relevant if the author had been looking
elsewhere, at another time period?

Please proofread the assignment before submitting to me.

Our Paradise Invaded Article Review Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ELCI 6533 Grand Canyon University Week 3 SPED Student Concept Attainment Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

For your Week 2 Assignment, you will create a classroom scenario based on your content area as it relates to one of the models from the Information-Processing Family classification of models. Addressing the content you have chosen to illustrate in your model scenario, then develop an instructional lesson plan.

To complete this assignment, you will be assigned one of the models of teaching. The five information processing models included in this week’s instruction are assigned by students last names: (A-E) – Inductive Thinking: (F-K) – Scientific Inquiry; (L-P) – Concept Attainment; (Q-U) – Synectics; and (V-Z) – Memorization.


HCCC Argumentative Style and Commercial Advert Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Personal Style
1- Re-read some of your written pieces, used in this or other writing courses, and then discuss what you recognize about your style. What makes your writing style unique?

After reading others’ views, discuss which styles you may consider incorporating in your own.

P professor comment..Consider the patterns you recognize across different compositions. Do you have a tendency to use longer sentences or maybe you use rhetorical devices like repetition or metaphors? What about transitioning in between paragraphs or the use of personal experience for elaborating on points in analytical essays? These are just a few ideas to get you started with this discussion post.

A Look at Visuals
2- After having read chapter on Visuals, and as you prepare for your assignment on Analysing Visual Arguments, briefly discuss an image or commercial that has recently caught your attention.

Discuss what you believe to be the basic argument presented. Effective? How so?

Professor comment..When responding to this post, consider the images or advertisements you will be using for your unit 4 writing assignment.


University of the Cumberlands Marketing Management Reflection Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career. Assignment: Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Requirements: Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Here are my everyday roles and responsibilities,

Responsibilities included, but not limited to, inventory accounting, hiring, payroll, scheduling, discipline and training; managing junior managers and supervisors, leaded department stand outs and forecasting meetings.

Coordinated duties of hotel departments including Front Office, Housekeeping, Maintenance, and Food & Beverage Teams. Ensured employees were performing assigned tasks and reacted to staff & guest needs.

Structured and implemented training plans and standard operating procedures manual for the front office department which in turn increased brand compliance scores.

Focused on Problem Resolution to address any guest issues and trained staff in Problem Resolution, achieving best monthly score in hotel history in first full month on the job.

Responsible for all financial aspects of business; maintaining inventories, purchasing for all outlets of hotel, forecasting and budgeting daily revenues and expenses.

Managed guest feedback, comments, and complaints to maximize guest satisfaction, create memorable experiences, and increase guest return rate.

Coordinated daily Operations meeting to share information between departments and capitalize on key customer interaction opportunities.

Responsible for revenue management and being active and aggressive with online revenue producers.

Coordinated and implemented sales and marketing activities of the property. Communicated with existing and perspective clients to establish a strong professional relationship.

Reviewed and analyze monthly revenue numbers, stats, and guest comments and take appropriate action to improve.

Worked with the Regional Revenue Manager to drive ADR (Average Daily Rate) and occupancy to achieve the corporate.

Participated in on-going sales activities to bring in new business, build loyalty with established customers, and develop.

Budgetary responsibilities in creating the annual budgets, evaluating monthly Profit and Loss statements and assist with creating monthly variance reports.

Develop additional selling skills with associates on how to recommend additional products and services to increase sales.

Set up controls (overtime, safety deposit boxes, master keys, banks, etc.) and audit them on a timely basis to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all work handled by the front desk.

Supervised management of housekeeping, front office, security and building/grounds maintenance.


HCAD 600 United Medical And Dental College Week 4 Grief in A Pandemic Dicussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Please answer the peer. The artcle read is below:

The Kaiser article titled, The ‘Grief Pandemic’ Will Torment Americans for Years, by Liz Szabo of June 2, 2020.

This article tells the story of Rollins, a 57 years old mother from Jackson, Mississippi, who saw her 38 years old daughter, Shalondra, taken away in an ambulance after she developed difficulties breathing from a Covid-19 infection. She was called from the hospital an hour later, her daughter was gone. It articulates the medical – physical and mental, economical and family cohesion challenges that surviving family, two teenage daughters, a sister and a mother in Shalondra’s case, face with the passing of just one Covid-19 victim. It brings to light the emotional and mental struggles of surviving relatives of the 600,000 or so deaths from what the article says is now the leading cause of death, Covid-19.

Most media coverage of this pandemic – metrics, statistics, projections and infographics have laid emphasis on the rate of contamination and death. This article on the other hand, has laid emphasis on the 5 million mourning Americans, including 43.000 children who have lost parents to this global pandemic.

In an effort to curb the spread of the virus, Covid-19 patients were not allowed visitors and those who unfortunately died, were given hastened, restricted and off-the-cuff burials.

Grief can be hard to perceive. University of Missouri assistant professor of Human Development and Family Science, Bordere (as cited in Szabo, 2021) noted that grief is invisible, particularly if people are not aware of your loss. Researcher and surviving daughter of a Covid-19 fatality, Prigerson (as cited in KHN, 2021) stated that grief is unequivocally a public health issue, and the mental health consequences will have significant ripple effects. KHN (2021) put forward that pandemic-related grief could lead to higher rates of depression, substance abuse, suicide and sleep disorders.

This gives us an insight as to what the nation’s healthcare needs will be in the next decade. Restrictions like the lengthy lockdowns have taken away the social life of Americans and for some, the taste for social life to where even when socialization is possible, they would choose to remain isolated because of a new found passion – video games, programming or Netflix. In addition to the mental health issues these people become at high risk of obesity and other related complications.

In my opinion, this will generate a high need for healthcare administrators in behavioral and mental health institutions. New generation administrators who can interpret behavior patterns, design policies and procedures to address these grieving men, women and children, and make them contributing members of their communities.

[supanova_question] Provide specific examples related to small-group and whole-class instruction lesson plans.

  • 4b. Knowing and understanding effective strategies and tools for early education.
  • 4c: Using a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate teaching/learning approaches. (NAEYC, 2009)


UOTP Critical Issues in Policing History of Policing in The United States Essay Writing Assignment Help

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper on critical issues in policing.

Include the following in your paper:

  • Discuss the history of policing as it relates to communication with the public.
  • Compare the historical interactions between police and a homogenous American society with today’s interactions between police and a multicultural society.
  • Explain potential problems in the current structure and design of police departments as it relates to building trust with the community.
  • Discuss the critical issues that police managers have encountered historically and compare them to today’s critical issues of immigration, use of force, technology, and policing in a multicultural society.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.



Our Paradise Invaded Article Review Humanities Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will be discussing Sam Boilier’s “Our Own Paradise Invaded” from
Tennessee Historical Quarterly (attached). The assignment should include your reflections on
the readings and can engage the content.
As you are thinking about your posts for these readings, it may be helpful to think about the
following questions, though you should in no way feel limited to discussing these points:

a. THESIS: What is this reading’s thesis? Does it have one major point? Or multiple

b. IMPORTANCE: WHY does this thesis matter? How does this book complement or
challenge the thesis presented in other works that we have read?

c. EVIDENCE: What evidence does the author use to support his/her thesis? What
types of evidence? How does this evidence connect to the thesis and any sub-points?

d. COGENCY AND CRITIQUE: What is MOST convincing about this book’s use of
evidence? What is LEAST convincing? Where might it have been improved? How
might you have improved it?

e. RELEVANCY: Would this thesis have been relevant if the author had been looking
elsewhere, at another time period?

Please proofread the assignment before submitting to me.

Our Paradise Invaded Article Review Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ELCI 6533 Grand Canyon University Week 3 SPED Student Concept Attainment Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

For your Week 2 Assignment, you will create a classroom scenario based on your content area as it relates to one of the models from the Information-Processing Family classification of models. Addressing the content you have chosen to illustrate in your model scenario, then develop an instructional lesson plan.

To complete this assignment, you will be assigned one of the models of teaching. The five information processing models included in this week’s instruction are assigned by students last names: (A-E) – Inductive Thinking: (F-K) – Scientific Inquiry; (L-P) – Concept Attainment; (Q-U) – Synectics; and (V-Z) – Memorization.


HCCC Argumentative Style and Commercial Advert Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Personal Style
1- Re-read some of your written pieces, used in this or other writing courses, and then discuss what you recognize about your style. What makes your writing style unique?

After reading others’ views, discuss which styles you may consider incorporating in your own.

P professor comment..Consider the patterns you recognize across different compositions. Do you have a tendency to use longer sentences or maybe you use rhetorical devices like repetition or metaphors? What about transitioning in between paragraphs or the use of personal experience for elaborating on points in analytical essays? These are just a few ideas to get you started with this discussion post.

A Look at Visuals
2- After having read chapter on Visuals, and as you prepare for your assignment on Analysing Visual Arguments, briefly discuss an image or commercial that has recently caught your attention.

Discuss what you believe to be the basic argument presented. Effective? How so?

Professor comment..When responding to this post, consider the images or advertisements you will be using for your unit 4 writing assignment.


University of the Cumberlands Marketing Management Reflection Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

At UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career. Assignment: Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Requirements: Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment. You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Here are my everyday roles and responsibilities,

Responsibilities included, but not limited to, inventory accounting, hiring, payroll, scheduling, discipline and training; managing junior managers and supervisors, leaded department stand outs and forecasting meetings.

Coordinated duties of hotel departments including Front Office, Housekeeping, Maintenance, and Food & Beverage Teams. Ensured employees were performing assigned tasks and reacted to staff & guest needs.

Structured and implemented training plans and standard operating procedures manual for the front office department which in turn increased brand compliance scores.

Focused on Problem Resolution to address any guest issues and trained staff in Problem Resolution, achieving best monthly score in hotel history in first full month on the job.

Responsible for all financial aspects of business; maintaining inventories, purchasing for all outlets of hotel, forecasting and budgeting daily revenues and expenses.

Managed guest feedback, comments, and complaints to maximize guest satisfaction, create memorable experiences, and increase guest return rate.

Coordinated daily Operations meeting to share information between departments and capitalize on key customer interaction opportunities.

Responsible for revenue management and being active and aggressive with online revenue producers.

Coordinated and implemented sales and marketing activities of the property. Communicated with existing and perspective clients to establish a strong professional relationship.

Reviewed and analyze monthly revenue numbers, stats, and guest comments and take appropriate action to improve.

Worked with the Regional Revenue Manager to drive ADR (Average Daily Rate) and occupancy to achieve the corporate.

Participated in on-going sales activities to bring in new business, build loyalty with established customers, and develop.

Budgetary responsibilities in creating the annual budgets, evaluating monthly Profit and Loss statements and assist with creating monthly variance reports.

Develop additional selling skills with associates on how to recommend additional products and services to increase sales.

Set up controls (overtime, safety deposit boxes, master keys, banks, etc.) and audit them on a timely basis to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all work handled by the front desk.

Supervised management of housekeeping, front office, security and building/grounds maintenance.


HCAD 600 United Medical And Dental College Week 4 Grief in A Pandemic Dicussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Please answer the peer. The artcle read is below:

The Kaiser article titled, The ‘Grief Pandemic’ Will Torment Americans for Years, by Liz Szabo of June 2, 2020.

This article tells the story of Rollins, a 57 years old mother from Jackson, Mississippi, who saw her 38 years old daughter, Shalondra, taken away in an ambulance after she developed difficulties breathing from a Covid-19 infection. She was called from the hospital an hour later, her daughter was gone. It articulates the medical – physical and mental, economical and family cohesion challenges that surviving family, two teenage daughters, a sister and a mother in Shalondra’s case, face with the passing of just one Covid-19 victim. It brings to light the emotional and mental struggles of surviving relatives of the 600,000 or so deaths from what the article says is now the leading cause of death, Covid-19.

Most media coverage of this pandemic – metrics, statistics, projections and infographics have laid emphasis on the rate of contamination and death. This article on the other hand, has laid emphasis on the 5 million mourning Americans, including 43.000 children who have lost parents to this global pandemic.

In an effort to curb the spread of the virus, Covid-19 patients were not allowed visitors and those who unfortunately died, were given hastened, restricted and off-the-cuff burials.

Grief can be hard to perceive. University of Missouri assistant professor of Human Development and Family Science, Bordere (as cited in Szabo, 2021) noted that grief is invisible, particularly if people are not aware of your loss. Researcher and surviving daughter of a Covid-19 fatality, Prigerson (as cited in KHN, 2021) stated that grief is unequivocally a public health issue, and the mental health consequences will have significant ripple effects. KHN (2021) put forward that pandemic-related grief could lead to higher rates of depression, substance abuse, suicide and sleep disorders.

This gives us an insight as to what the nation’s healthcare needs will be in the next decade. Restrictions like the lengthy lockdowns have taken away the social life of Americans and for some, the taste for social life to where even when socialization is possible, they would choose to remain isolated because of a new found passion – video games, programming or Netflix. In addition to the mental health issues these people become at high risk of obesity and other related complications.

In my opinion, this will generate a high need for healthcare administrators in behavioral and mental health institutions. New generation administrators who can interpret behavior patterns, design policies and procedures to address these grieving men, women and children, and make them contributing members of their communities.


GEN 102 Ashford Wk 1 The Digital Revolution Futuristic Ideas Chosen from Futurism.Com Writing Assignment Help

GEN 102 Ashford Wk 1 The Digital Revolution Futuristic Ideas Chosen from Futurism.Com Writing Assignment Help

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