GEN S420 Grossmont College COVID 19 Effect on People with Disabilities Discussion Writing Assignment Help. GEN S420 Grossmont College COVID 19 Effect on People with Disabilities Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Required Content
- Introduction –
A paragraph giving an overview of what you have researched and plan on presenting in your paper
- 3 References & Summaries –
Write a paragraph summarizing each online or hard copy reference (3 paragraphs total) and the main points or perspectives made with that reference. Within each paragraph, include the website link to the readings, blogs, and/or online videos you utilized in your inquiry.
- Class Connections –
In 1-2 paragraphs, make the connection between 2 of the following fundamental areas and how they relate to this topic:
- Ableism
- Social Model of Disability
- Accessibility
- Accommodations
- Assistive technology
- Disability rights
- Respectful language
- Eugenics
- Reflection –
In 1-2 paragraphs reflect on the following prompts:- I used to think that…
- Why did you think that?
- Now I think that…
- Why do you think that now?
- What changed in your thinking?
Closing –
In 1 paragraph, explain
how disability is a tool or a means of innovation?
How has the Covid-19 discussion evolved toward new
possibilities as a result of disability representation? Or how has it
not evolved toward new possibilities? Explain.
- Language – 1 point Throughout your paper, use of person-first language is required
Respectful language is required. Inspiration porn is unacceptable
GEN S420 Grossmont College COVID 19 Effect on People with Disabilities Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SMC World War Ii as A Good War to Fight a Common Enemy Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a history writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
World War II is often described as the “Good War” in American history, as a time that brought Americans together in a common purpose. Many Americans, presumably without wanting another such war, wish that the country could somehow reproduce the war’s unifying effect.
Here’s the question: If a major war broke out tomorrow, would Americans rally together the way they did in the 1940s?
Answering the question requires you to consider two eras: the 1940s and today. Were Americans really as unified then as the “Good War” description asserts? And for today: How deep are our current divisions?
The evidence you provide for the 1940s should be historical and specific. The evidence you provide for today will be more speculative. But feel free to cite recent examples of when Americans might have been expected to pull together – and did or didn’t
Assume that the war in question is a big deal, requiring a major effort, but not a nuclear war that kills half the U.S. population in the first two hours.
IND 503 Excelsior College Addressing Opioid Crisis Discussion Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a law multi-part question and need support to help me learn.
During this course, you will contribute a series of articles to a magazine published biweekly. Your series will address the opioid epidemic from the perspective of your discipline and your role in the community. Assume one of the roles below based upon your program:
Business Programs: You will assume the role of a current or prospective business owner.
Public Administration: You will assume the role of the city manager.
Criminal Justice: You will assume the role of chief of police. This is my discipline
Health Sciences: You will assume the role of the outpatient director at a hospital in Montgomery county.
Now that you are familiar with research in your discipline, focus on the opioid crisis in general. Define a specific problem related to the crisis in your discipline and role. Begin to determine a solution for your specific problem. Your solution should be specific, direct, and attainable (for instance, do not choose a solution, such as reforming the entire criminal justice system or replacing the city board of trustees, that is too broad in scope).
Locate a valid and reliable article relevant to your proposed solution. The article should contain data that contribute to a solution to the epidemic from your field’s perspective. Note that you may not find research on the exact solution you have proposed, but the article may contain data relevant to your solution. Do not submit an article with data about the opioid crisis only. The article should support your proposed solution in a meaningful way.
Statistics has a language of its own. Here is a great resource to help you with statistical symbols and their meanings.
Statistics Symbols Sheet (Links to an external site.)
Answer the following questions about your article:>
- Give the topic of the article and explain why it is pertinent to your specific role.
- Discuss why the statistical procedures and/or data are appropriate.
Govt Technical High School Muslim Lives Matter Movement Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a geography project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
An academic 3-page paper about the Social Justice Muslim Lives Matter movement. Talk about the Ughyur Muslims in concentration camps, the shooting of the 3 Muslim students gunned down in N. Carolina, hate crimes against Muslims in France, and the Christchurch mosques shootings. Requirements include:
- A detailed explanation of the Movement’s Platform (what it’s about and what it does)
- Why it is important?
- Who does it affect, directly and indirectly?
- How others can join in to support the cause?
- Your opinion must carry through.
- You must cite/credit all sources
MVCC Quantitative & Qualitative Techniques for Business Analysis Annual Review Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business writing question and need support to help me learn.
You must submit your Quarter Four Decisions prior to moving on this week’s Annual Operating Review assignment. With the completion of Quarter Four, you are responsible for completing your Annual Operating Review (AOR). This is a qualitative and quantitative summary of your competitive performance for the year. Once the PDF is generated in the simulation, you will then upload that document for grading through Waypoint below. This will have a similar look and feel to the QBRs but is a review of the entire year as well responding, as any business leader needs to your long-term and how you will create shareholder value. At this time, your Business Intelligence Dashboard (all of the graphics) should provide you with the data to critically analyze your competitors for the year and how they are positioned for the longer term. Note the Variance Graphics are of slightly different form to reflect your annual activities.
Through the Growing Your Business simulation,
- Evaluate quantitative and qualitative techniques for business analysis and decision-making.
- Assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats associated with the corporate strategy & policy process.
- Utilize tools from finance, marketing, information technology and human resources management to manage the profitability of overall business operations.
- Create specific business tactics to achieve organizational survival and growth.
The Annual Operating Review,
- Must be completed through the Growing Your Business simulation. Once the PDF is generated in the simulation, you will then upload that document for grading through Waypoint below.
- Must be completed and submitted using all of the data provided including
- Quarterly Pre-Tax Net Income relative to Plan for the Year
- Review the Pre-Tax Net Income Chart Explanation document
- Cash Flow walk
- Review the How To Read The Cash Flow Walk Chart document
- Pre-tax Net Income in Plan
- Quarterly Pre-Tax Net Income relative to Plan for the Year
- Must show that Hisco is on track to Meet/Exceed its Annual Net Income Commitment through an evaluation of both quantitative and qualitative techniques for business analysis and decision making.
- Must create specific business tactics to achieve organizational survival and growth.
- After completing, check the box and submit in the lower right.
- After completing the simulation, students must save the provided pdf from the pdf found within the Executive Summary tab of the Quarterly Decisions page and submit it through Waypoint. Verify your submission was successful.
- To access the PDF for submission, click on the QTRLY Decisions tab from the simulation home page and then go to the Executive Summary tab. Within the Executive Summary page, you will find a Download link associated with each quarterly decision you completed.
Govt Technical High Nuclear Power as Part of Energy Solution Informative Speech Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a article writing project and need a sample draft to help me study.
I need a speech that will meet these requirements: The main point will be TEACHING the audience something NEW in a way that APPEALS to them. We’ve all been through what we call “boring” lessons. This may be partially our fault, but it’s also the job of the speaker to make the information interesting to each particular audience. Even if the topic of the speech is the same, we don’t deliver the same speech to an audience of kindergartners as we do to an audience of adults. There is SO much information available on a very wide range of topics, it is your job to shift through the information and find that which is interesting and then RELATE that information to your audience- really MEET them where they are at.
Motivation in the introduction
Related material
Source citation (said within the speech)
Visual Aid
Practiced delivery!
Typed outline with works cited
4-10 minutes in length (aim for 5 minutes). Any topic is fine as long as it doesn’t contain any heavy political issues.
Govt Technical High Nuclear Power as Part of Energy Solution Informative Speech Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Walden University Change Implementation Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing presentation and need a sample draft to help me study.
Identify one change..This may be a change necessary to effectively address one or more of the issues you addressed in the Workplace Environment Assessment
Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following:
- An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (This can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment previously submitted, if relevant.)
- A description of the change being proposed
- Justifications for the change, including why addressing it will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace
- Details about the type and scope of the proposed change
- Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the change
- Identification of a change management team (by title/role)
- A plan for communicating the change you propose
- A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the change you propose. 5-6 slide powerpoint
ERAU Daytona Beach Airlines Are Facing an Environmental Dilemma Discussion Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a micro economics writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
After your topic has been approved, the next step is to research current articles and publications (within one year) and write an outline. You will need to use at least six credible sources that provide objective, authoritative, and accurate descriptions of your selected microeconomics topic. Two of your sources must be from academic journals. Your sources can include the following:
- Academic journals
- Financial and economic publications like the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, and industry-specific publications
- Newspapers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post
- Research databases like ProQuest
Do not use Investopedia or Wikipedia.
You may write a formal outline or present your information in paragraph form using current APA formatting. Regardless of the outline format, you must provide the following:
- Details that align with your microeconomics topic
- List of your sources
Two of the sources must be from academic journals.
ENC 1102 Palm Beach College Zombies & the Conceivability Argument Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english exercise and need an explanation to help me learn.
This turned out to be more fun than I had hoped. I went to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosphy online ( to get an idea for the prompt, hit “Browse” then “Random Entry”, and got — Zombies.
As you peruse the article, marvel at how the zombie concept has a very real use for considering philosophical issues. Check out that Bibliography! And its link to this one! Note that you will not be asked to accept cookies, no pop-up will request your email, and no advertising is present.
Then you may want to also look at the Centers for Disease Control Zombie Preparedness page, another use of the zombie concept.
Write a long paragraph based on your encounter with these readings. Make up your own questions.
ANT 1001 CUNY Bernard M Baruch College Participant Observation Anthropology Question Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a anthropology writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Final Paper instructions
Ethnography/ Life history of an Immigrant:
Each student will choose an individual who has immigrated to the US and conduct an oral history of their life with them. Through this assignment students will:
- Learn to conduct basic ethnographic fieldwork, especially conduct interviews.
- Increase understanding of the role of globalization and immigration in New York.
- Develop skills for analyzing systems of power at work in human groups.
This research project has four (3) components, the culmination of which will be the final paper.
1. Data Gathering
a. Participant Observation
Visit the person more at least twice and participate in their activities. Observe the activities carefully: the space, the people, the sounds, smells. Observe your own reactions. Take field notes to record details of what you see. Record your personal reflections and opinions, as well as ideas for follow-up.
b. Interviews
Conduct at least two interviews with the individual to get their life story.
Interview topics might include:
- Their life before they immigrated: social, economic, educational, family, cultural issues.
- Why they immigrated to the US
- Process of immigrating
- Where they moved to in the US and why.
- Process of starting a new life
- Challenges and opportunities
- Ties to their ‘homeland’
- Do they keep up culture, language, traditions from their homeland?
- Do they pass these on to their offspring?
- Issues of identity/Where do they feel they belong?
2. The Written Ethnography/Life History
(5 pages: typed, double spaced, 12 point font, one-inch margins)
Based on your fieldwork and interviews write up an ethnography of the person whose life story you have researched. This will serve as a final exam for the class. The ethnography should explore key concepts you have learned throughout the semester such as culture, identity, migration, class, race, and gender, and belonging but also integrate an analytical framework. This may include our discussions about the fieldwork process, power dynamics in human communities, underlying systems of power, and inequality such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, kinship, class, religion, and globalization. See the writings of Nancy Scheper-Hughes at the beginning and end of Chapter 3; the reading by Barbara Myerhoff; as well as Chapter 5 of God in Chinatown for examples of ethnographic writing.
[supanova_question], another use of the zombie concept.
Write a long paragraph based on your encounter with these readings. Make up your own questions.