Genetics Multiple Choice + Short Answer Exam Science Assignment Help

Genetics Multiple Choice + Short Answer Exam Science Assignment Help. Genetics Multiple Choice + Short Answer Exam Science Assignment Help.

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Please see the attached file. I can provide a textbook for the class and I would like at least a short paragraph per short answer questions. I can also provide previous worksheets which have a very similar questions that has already been completed and graded so you can see how things are graded. Please make sure there is no plagiarism as this will be turned through a system. If there are any questions, please leave them in the comments and I can ask those questions to my professor. I would also ask that the the grade for this to be at least 90%. Thank you so much. I highly appreacite this.

Genetics Multiple Choice + Short Answer Exam Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

One and a halph page on Substance Use and Abuse Health Medical Assignment Help

Discussion 7: Substance Use and Abuse

88 unread replies.1616 replies.

This TedTalk is interesting because it ties our last discussion on AIDS with our Chapter 7 work on substance abuse. Watch the video and then give a thoughtful response to the writing prompt below.

Link (Links to an external site.)

What are your thoughts on addiction? Some people say it is a lack of will power and the medical community lists it as a disease. Weakness or sickness? What is your reason for believing what you do?


Professional mission statement Health Medical Assignment Help

1. Create a professional mission statement (suggested length of 1 paragraph) that includes the following:

• a representation of your career goals, your aspirations, and how you want to move forward with your career

• an overview of where you would like to focus your time and energies within the profession

a. Reflect on how your professional mission statement will help guide you throughout your nursing career.

2. Complete a professional summary (suggested length of 3–4 pages) that includes the following:

a. Explain how the specific artifacts or completed work or both in your portfolio represent you as a learner and a healthcare professional.

b. Discuss how the specific artifacts in your portfolio represent your professional strengths.

c. Discuss challenges you encountered during the progression of your program.

i. Explain how you overcame these challenges.

d. Explain how your coursework helped you meet each of the nine nursing program outcomes.

Note: Refer to the attachment “Nursing Conceptual Model.”

e. Analyze how you fulfilled the following roles during your program:

• scientist

• detective

• manager of the healing environment

f. Discuss how you have grown professionally since the beginning of your program.

B. Complete the following within the section “Quality and Safety”:

1. Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your professional definition of quality and safety developed in Professional Roles and Values, including any necessary changes to your definition.

a. Discuss how the program assisted you in developing your professional definition.

b. Identify the artifacts in your portfolio that support your definition.

i. Explain how these artifacts support your definition from part B1.

Note: The artifacts should be attached within the portfolio.

2. Discuss the importance of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) certificate for your future role as a professional nurse.

C. Complete the following within the section “Evidence-Based Practice”:

1. Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your professional definition of evidence-based practice developed in Professional Roles and Values, including any necessary changes to your definition.

a. Discuss how the program assisted you in developing your professional definition.

b. Identify the artifacts in your portfolio that support your definition.

i. Explain how these artifacts support your definition from part C1.

Note: The artifacts should be attached within the portfolio.

2. Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your understanding of evidence-based practice and applied nursing research by doing the following:

a. Discuss how you are able to evaluate current primary research and apply the concepts to your nursing practice, considering the following:

• relevancy and believability of data

• differences between quality improvement and research (places and uses of each)

• differences between primary and secondary research and resources and the implications of each in clinical practice

b. Explain how your experience in the program helped you achieve excellence in evidence-based practice.

D. Complete the following within the section “Applied Leadership”:

1. Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your professional definition of applied leadership you developed in Professional Roles and Values, including any necessary changes to your definition.

a. Discuss how the program assisted you in developing your professional definition.

b. Identify the artifacts in your portfolio that support your definition.

i. Explain how these artifacts support the definition from part D1.

Note: The artifacts should be attached within the portfolio.

2. Summarize (suggested length of 1 paragraph to 1 page) your Learning Leadership Experience task by doing the following:

a. Discuss the importance of professional collaboration for effective nursing leadership.

E. Complete the following within the section “Community and Population Health”:

1. Reflect (suggested length of 1 page) on your professional definition of community and population health you developed in Professional Roles and Values, including any necessary changes to your definition.

a. Discuss how the program assisted you in developing your professional definition.

b. Identify the artifacts in your portfolio that support your definition.

i. Explain how these artifacts support the definition from part E1.

Note: The artifacts should be attached within the portfolio.

2. Summarize (suggested length of 1 page) your Community and Population Health task by doing the following:

a. Discuss what you learned during your Community Health Nursing task.

b. Discuss what you learned that led to your community diagnosis.

c. Discuss how your initial focus and diagnosis evolved after working with your population.

3. Discuss the importance of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) certificate for your future role as a professional nurse.

F. Provide an appendix to your portfolio by doing the following:

1. Include all the documents, prior assignments, and additional items that are examples of your best work to support your mastery of all sections given in parts B, C, D, and E.

2. Include the following materials:

• the attached “Nursing Conceptual Model”

• a link to the current IHI Course Catalog

3. Provide an updated professional résumé.

Note: If you have a LinkedIn account, you can take a screenshot and include a copy with the rest of your documents.

4. Provide professional references, using one of the following:

• a professional reference questionnaire

• a full letter of recommendation

• a list of four professional references

5. Include a copy of your IHI certificate of completion.

6. Include a copy of your AMNH certificate of completion.

G. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

H. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission


Genetics Multiple Choice and Short Answer Questions Science Assignment Help


Please see the attached file. I can provide a textbook for the class and I would like at least a short paragraph per short answer questions. I can also provide previous worksheets which have a very similar questions that has already been completed and graded so you can see how things are graded. Please make sure there is no plagiarism as this will be turned through a system. If there are any questions, please leave them in the comments and I can ask those questions to my professor. I would also ask that the the grade for this to be at least 90%. Thank you so much. I highly appreacite this.


Mini reflections on the experience of COM-1090 Business Finance Assignment Help

Interpersonal Communication




Worth 50-Points


1.You will write a 3-page Mini-Reflections on the experience of COM1090.

    • 2. A Reflective Paper is a reflection onwhat, you have learned. This includes an explanation of how you will apply what you have learned. Therefore, in responding to the questions below, your paper MUST describe what you learned in this course.
    • 3 To do that, you must be able to discuss and use the concepts learned and cite examples (preferably personal examples).
      • For examples that are not personal, you must find a video that can help you to demonstrate/discuss/applyyour response to your unique experience.
      • For every video that you use, you must includethe video link in your paper
      • You must have a Bibliography for all of them.
    • 4 Failure to do so will result in the video links not considered as part of your paper.

Mini-Reflection Paper

1.Please answer the following, IN AN ESSAY FORMAT, citing specific examples and using the concepts in the course to show application.

    • 2. All the mechanics of college-level writing are applicable in this Reflective Piece

How is this Interpersonal Communication course different from a Speech Course?

What was the most surprising thing you learned from this course?Cite examples using the concepts in the course

Discuss how you have been using the new knowledge gained from this course in your relationships? Cite examples.

How have you personally benefitted from the content of this course? Cite examples.

Which concept did you find most immediately useful in this course? Why? Cite examples, using the concepts in the course.

Discuss how will you continue to use this new knowledge in your relationships? Cite examples.


  • Would you recommend this course to someone else? Why? Why not? Cite examples.

Due Date:

A.Based on the due date of the paper but no later than the final exam date as set by the college for this class.

Important Information:

ØFor context, you must provide an introduction and background information so that I may be able to understand you. (Highlight any background information that you think may be necessary/helpful to this paper, and information that I would not have).

P.S. I have provided you with several pieces of information below that should assist you in writing a reflective paper.


  • Grammatical Errors

After the fifth (5th) grammatical error, the paper will be returned to you ungraded.

Paper Requirements:

  • Font size: 12
  • Font type: Times Roman
  • 1.5 spacing

Paper Format:

  • Essay Format

Concepts to be covered

  • Self-concept
  • Emotions
  • Perception
  • Non-verbal behaviors
  • Listening styles
  • Stage of your relationship
  • Disclosure styles
  • Communication Climates
  • Conflict



Genetics Short answer + Multiple choices Science Assignment Help


Please see the attached file. I can provide a textbook for the class and I would like at least a short paragraph per short answer questions. I can also provide previous worksheets which have a very similar questions that has already been completed and graded so you can see how things are graded. Please make sure there is no plagiarism as this will be turned through a system. If there are any questions, please leave them in the comments and I can ask those questions to my professor. I would also ask that the the grade for this to be at least 90%. Thank you so much. I highly appreacite this

Genetics Short answer + Multiple choices Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Building KPIs and MBOs Business Finance Assignment Help

To gauge the effectiveness of a business or department, measurements must be taken and progress must be tracked. There are several models that can be used to measure success. In this part of the course project, you will focus on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Management by Objectives (MBOs).

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurable value that demonstrates how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. Organizations use KPIs to evaluate their success at reaching targets. Management by Objectives (MBOs) are the “objectives” of the organization and the company, or department goals that must be achieved to reach the objectives. The management’s focus and concentration is on reaching the objectives–hence the term Management by Objectives.

The KPIs and MBOs work hand in hand. For a sales team, the KPI might be the volume of monthly sales and the MBO might be to sell 1,000 widgets a month.

For this project piece, you will create a systematic approach that the new operations manager can use to measure a department’s effectiveness and outline the KPIs. Create four MBOs for the new operations department and set goals for “Exceeding expectations,” “Meeting Expectations,” and “Below Expectations.” An example follows.


Exceeding expectations

Meeting Expectations

Below Expectations

Sell an average 1,000 widgets per month in a calendar year

Sell an average of <1,100 widgets per month in a calendar year

Sell an average of 991 – 1,099 widgets per month in a calendar year

Sell an average of >900 widgets per month in a calendar year

To complete this assignment, use at least two credible sources to prepare a 4-5-page document that you will present to the new operations manager. Include the following in your paper:

  • Provide an example of how HR measures the effectiveness of a department or team member.
  • Discuss the benefits of KPIs.
  • Explain how you would go about measuring and evaluating employee engagement, turnover, community involvement, and profit margins for this company. State your ideas for an evaluation plan in these areas.
  • Discuss the benefits of Management By Objectives (MBOs).
  • Create four MBOs for the new operations department and set goals for “Exceeding expectations,” “Meeting Expectations,” and “Below Expectations.”
  • Evaluate how these measurements align with Chip’s Widgets, Inc.’s business objectives.

Include in-text citations and a title and reference page formatted according to APA standards.


Discuss how the racial/ethnic makeup of the overall prison population and the death row population in Texas compares to the racial/ethnic breakdown of the general population in Texas. Writing Assignment Help

Answer the following topic for Writing Assignment 2. The writing assignment should be a minimum of 750 words. You may improve your submission by using additional sources (such as news articles or government websites). See the Writing Assignment Instructions for more information.

Discuss how the racial/ethnic makeup of the overall prison population and the death row population in Texas compares to the racial/ethnic breakdown of the general population in Texas. What might explain the racial/ethnic makeup of the prison population in Texas? Which regions of the country have higher incarceration rates and death penalty usage? What do you think explains the differences in the regional patterns of incarceration and death penalty usage? After reading Chapter 13, how do you feel about the fairness of the Texas criminal justice system? Are there any specific reforms that you would like to see adopted?

Online assistance for writing assignments is available through the Writing Lab in Blackboard. Select Enroll from the dropdown box by the EnglishTutor link. Writing assistance is also available through the Library.


Expository Essay 2 Humanities Assignment Help

  • Moral indifference is a central theme of Elie Wiesel’s speech “The Perils of Indifference.” Additionally, Wiesel’s speech suggests that we should continue to be on the lookout for signs of moral indifference in the contemporary world. Accordingly, for this essay, students should select a contemporary moral, social, or political issue that they think has been met with widespread moral indifference.
  • Students must then provide an argument for why others should demonstrate moral concern for this issue. In making this argument, students must provide adequate contextual and background information for understanding the issue they select, but this information should only occupy a small portion of the essay.
  • Here “make an argument” means that students must provide reasons that are intended to convince the reader; students should not merely state their opinion or belief about the issue examined in the paper.
  • The essay will be 3-4 pages, double-spaced in 12pt font, have a clear thesis, introduction, body, and conclusion. Descriptions will be supported with examples, testimony, and quotes, using APA format (for both format and citations). The essay will be graded with the Dialogues Written Communication Grading Rubric.


3 pages on international business startup Business Finance Assignment Help

Question #1 – around 2 pages

You have been quarantined in your parents’ house for the past 3 weeks with your Mom, Dad, and older sister Katy. She attended UCI and graduated in 2015 with a degree in Philosophy but is in the process of starting a business selling LuluLemon type sports clothes. She asks you for general help in this venture that seems to have many complexities. Katy states she has been working as a marketing specialist at the ABC Company for 5 years and has developed a passion for designing women’s athletic clothes. She feels confident in combining her marketing experience and design passion into a new start-up company.

Katy’s plan is to export clothing to the U.S., Canada, and possibly London, England. Clothes will be made by a contract manufacturer in Thailand to her design specifications. She envisions the operations being headquartered in Texas (a state with no personal income tax); and a sales office in Beverly Hills, California; Toronto, Ontario (Canada) and one possibly in London, England.

Since she has never been to any of these foreign countries, Katy asks you to explain what factors to consider including

a. What is the best form of organization to use for this type of operation including factors such as formation, stock ownership, board of directors, annual meetings, subsidiaries, etc.?

b. How will her unfamiliarity with the foreign locations impact her launch of this enterprise?

c. Does finance and accounting need to be considered from the early stage of her planning; the meaning of “Financial Statements”; and why her friends tell her to borrow all the money she needs to finance the company?

d. The meaning and significance of internal control systems; and

e. Any other factors of relevance, including general cultural differences.

Write an essay explaining what you would tell Katy.

Question #2: around 1 page

Katy, from Question 1, is very optimistic about this being a successful venture. She asks you the following question – “If, in say, 5 years I have a successful business with strong sales, profits and cash flow, what is the general rule on how to determine the value of my business? Based on the material in your International Business class, can you give me some general rules on how to value an ongoing business?”

Write an essay explaining what you would tell her. Include in your answer the significance of how the concept of the growth of GDP, or alternatively the decline of GDP, may impact the valuation 5 years from now.



Expository Essay 2 Humanities Assignment Help

  • Moral indifference is a central theme of Elie Wiesel’s speech “The Perils of Indifference.” Additionally, Wiesel’s speech suggests that we should continue to be on the lookout for signs of moral indifference in the contemporary world. Accordingly, for this essay, students should select a contemporary moral, social, or political issue that they think has been met with widespread moral indifference.
  • Students must then provide an argument for why others should demonstrate moral concern for this issue. In making this argument, students must provide adequate contextual and background information for understanding the issue they select, but this information should only occupy a small portion of the essay.
  • Here “make an argument” means that students must provide reasons that are intended to convince the reader; students should not merely state their opinion or belief about the issue examined in the paper.
  • The essay will be 3-4 pages, double-spaced in 12pt font, have a clear thesis, introduction, body, and conclusion. Descriptions will be supported with examples, testimony, and quotes, using APA format (for both format and citations). The essay will be graded with the Dialogues Written Communication Grading Rubric.


3 pages on international business startup Business Finance Assignment Help

Question #1 – around 2 pages

You have been quarantined in your parents’ house for the past 3 weeks with your Mom, Dad, and older sister Katy. She attended UCI and graduated in 2015 with a degree in Philosophy but is in the process of starting a business selling LuluLemon type sports clothes. She asks you for general help in this venture that seems to have many complexities. Katy states she has been working as a marketing specialist at the ABC Company for 5 years and has developed a passion for designing women’s athletic clothes. She feels confident in combining her marketing experience and design passion into a new start-up company.

Katy’s plan is to export clothing to the U.S., Canada, and possibly London, England. Clothes will be made by a contract manufacturer in Thailand to her design specifications. She envisions the operations being headquartered in Texas (a state with no personal income tax); and a sales office in Beverly Hills, California; Toronto, Ontario (Canada) and one possibly in London, England.

Since she has never been to any of these foreign countries, Katy asks you to explain what factors to consider including

a. What is the best form of organization to use for this type of operation including factors such as formation, stock ownership, board of directors, annual meetings, subsidiaries, etc.?

b. How will her unfamiliarity with the foreign locations impact her launch of this enterprise?

c. Does finance and accounting need to be considered from the early stage of her planning; the meaning of “Financial Statements”; and why her friends tell her to borrow all the money she needs to finance the company?

d. The meaning and significance of internal control systems; and

e. Any other factors of relevance, including general cultural differences.

Write an essay explaining what you would tell Katy.

Question #2: around 1 page

Katy, from Question 1, is very optimistic about this being a successful venture. She asks you the following question – “If, in say, 5 years I have a successful business with strong sales, profits and cash flow, what is the general rule on how to determine the value of my business? Based on the material in your International Business class, can you give me some general rules on how to value an ongoing business?”

Write an essay explaining what you would tell her. Include in your answer the significance of how the concept of the growth of GDP, or alternatively the decline of GDP, may impact the valuation 5 years from now.



Expository Essay 2 Humanities Assignment Help

  • Moral indifference is a central theme of Elie Wiesel’s speech “The Perils of Indifference.” Additionally, Wiesel’s speech suggests that we should continue to be on the lookout for signs of moral indifference in the contemporary world. Accordingly, for this essay, students should select a contemporary moral, social, or political issue that they think has been met with widespread moral indifference.
  • Students must then provide an argument for why others should demonstrate moral concern for this issue. In making this argument, students must provide adequate contextual and background information for understanding the issue they select, but this information should only occupy a small portion of the essay.
  • Here “make an argument” means that students must provide reasons that are intended to convince the reader; students should not merely state their opinion or belief about the issue examined in the paper.
  • The essay will be 3-4 pages, double-spaced in 12pt font, have a clear thesis, introduction, body, and conclusion. Descriptions will be supported with examples, testimony, and quotes, using APA format (for both format and citations). The essay will be graded with the Dialogues Written Communication Grading Rubric.


3 pages on international business startup Business Finance Assignment Help

Question #1 – around 2 pages

You have been quarantined in your parents’ house for the past 3 weeks with your Mom, Dad, and older sister Katy. She attended UCI and graduated in 2015 with a degree in Philosophy but is in the process of starting a business selling LuluLemon type sports clothes. She asks you for general help in this venture that seems to have many complexities. Katy states she has been working as a marketing specialist at the ABC Company for 5 years and has developed a passion for designing women’s athletic clothes. She feels confident in combining her marketing experience and design passion into a new start-up company.

Katy’s plan is to export clothing to the U.S., Canada, and possibly London, England. Clothes will be made by a contract manufacturer in Thailand to her design specifications. She envisions the operations being headquartered in Texas (a state with no personal income tax); and a sales office in Beverly Hills, California; Toronto, Ontario (Canada) and one possibly in London, England.

Since she has never been to any of these foreign countries, Katy asks you to explain what factors to consider including

a. What is the best form of organization to use for this type of operation including factors such as formation, stock ownership, board of directors, annual meetings, subsidiaries, etc.?

b. How will her unfamiliarity with the foreign locations impact her launch of this enterprise?

c. Does finance and accounting need to be considered from the early stage of her planning; the meaning of “Financial Statements”; and why her friends tell her to borrow all the money she needs to finance the company?

d. The meaning and significance of internal control systems; and

e. Any other factors of relevance, including general cultural differences.

Write an essay explaining what you would tell Katy.

Question #2: around 1 page

Katy, from Question 1, is very optimistic about this being a successful venture. She asks you the following question – “If, in say, 5 years I have a successful business with strong sales, profits and cash flow, what is the general rule on how to determine the value of my business? Based on the material in your International Business class, can you give me some general rules on how to value an ongoing business?”

Write an essay explaining what you would tell her. Include in your answer the significance of how the concept of the growth of GDP, or alternatively the decline of GDP, may impact the valuation 5 years from now.



Expository Essay 2 Humanities Assignment Help

  • Moral indifference is a central theme of Elie Wiesel’s speech “The Perils of Indifference.” Additionally, Wiesel’s speech suggests that we should continue to be on the lookout for signs of moral indifference in the contemporary world. Accordingly, for this essay, students should select a contemporary moral, social, or political issue that they think has been met with widespread moral indifference.
  • Students must then provide an argument for why others should demonstrate moral concern for this issue. In making this argument, students must provide adequate contextual and background information for understanding the issue they select, but this information should only occupy a small portion of the essay.
  • Here “make an argument” means that students must provide reasons that are intended to convince the reader; students should not merely state their opinion or belief about the issue examined in the paper.
  • The essay will be 3-4 pages, double-spaced in 12pt font, have a clear thesis, introduction, body, and conclusion. Descriptions will be supported with examples, testimony, and quotes, using APA format (for both format and citations). The essay will be graded with the Dialogues Written Communication Grading Rubric.


3 pages on international business startup Business Finance Assignment Help

Question #1 – around 2 pages

You have been quarantined in your parents’ house for the past 3 weeks with your Mom, Dad, and older sister Katy. She attended UCI and graduated in 2015 with a degree in Philosophy but is in the process of starting a business selling LuluLemon type sports clothes. She asks you for general help in this venture that seems to have many complexities. Katy states she has been working as a marketing specialist at the ABC Company for 5 years and has developed a passion for designing women’s athletic clothes. She feels confident in combining her marketing experience and design passion into a new start-up company.

Katy’s plan is to export clothing to the U.S., Canada, and possibly London, England. Clothes will be made by a contract manufacturer in Thailand to her design specifications. She envisions the operations being headquartered in Texas (a state with no personal income tax); and a sales office in Beverly Hills, California; Toronto, Ontario (Canada) and one possibly in London, England.

Since she has never been to any of these foreign countries, Katy asks you to explain what factors to consider including

a. What is the best form of organization to use for this type of operation including factors such as formation, stock ownership, board of directors, annual meetings, subsidiaries, etc.?

b. How will her unfamiliarity with the foreign locations impact her launch of this enterprise?

c. Does finance and accounting need to be considered from the early stage of her planning; the meaning of “Financial Statements”; and why her friends tell her to borrow all the money she needs to finance the company?

d. The meaning and significance of internal control systems; and

e. Any other factors of relevance, including general cultural differences.

Write an essay explaining what you would tell Katy.

Question #2: around 1 page

Katy, from Question 1, is very optimistic about this being a successful venture. She asks you the following question – “If, in say, 5 years I have a successful business with strong sales, profits and cash flow, what is the general rule on how to determine the value of my business? Based on the material in your International Business class, can you give me some general rules on how to value an ongoing business?”

Write an essay explaining what you would tell her. Include in your answer the significance of how the concept of the growth of GDP, or alternatively the decline of GDP, may impact the valuation 5 years from now.


Genetics Multiple Choice + Short Answer Exam Science Assignment Help

Genetics Multiple Choice + Short Answer Exam Science Assignment Help

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