GEOL 1305 University of Houston Victoria Geology questions Science Assignment Help. GEOL 1305 University of Houston Victoria Geology questions Science Assignment Help.
I’m working on a geology question and need guidance to help me understand better.
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Calculate the Rate of Seafloor Spreading from the Age of the Seafloor
TECTONIC PLATES ON EARTH move relative to one another, diverging along mid-ocean ridges, converging along subduction zones, and sliding past one another on transform faults. Relative movement of the plates causes most earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and explains the present distribution of continents. A key aspect of plate tectonics involves seafloor spreading, where two plates move apart relative to one another, generating new oceanic crust in the process.
Figure 1 shows the age of seafloor as determined by the measuring of the magnetism and assigning ages by comparing the magnetic patterns to the geomagnetic timescale. Ages
are also determined by collecting and dating samples of rocks and sediment from the seafloor. The youngest seafloor is colored orange, intermediate ages are yellow and green, and the oldest is blue and purple. No seafloor is older than 200 m.y. old because older seafloor has been subducted into the mantle at some point in the past.
Mid-ocean ridges are represented by the dark lines within the most recently formed seafloor (shown in orange). Note how the color patterns representing the age of seafloor are symmetrical with respect to most mid-ocean ridges, such as those in the Atlantic Ocean. The age patterns are locally truncated in the Pacific Ocean where subduction has consumed the eastern part of so e plates. Examine the patterns in each ocean.
Analysis and communication
1. Can you tell which ridge segments are spreading more rapidly than others? (Write a complete answer by using subjects, verbs and appropriate explanation)
We can determine the rate of seafloor spreading if we know the width of oceanic crust that has been generated in a specific length of time. Width divided by time is the rate of spreading:
Spreading Rate = Width of Oceanic Crust / Time During Which That Crust Formed
For example, if a width of a belt of oceanic crust is 80 km, and it took 10 m.y. to form that crust, the equation is:
Spreading Rate = 80km wide/10m.y. duration = 80 km/m.y.
For seafloor spreading, we generally refer to rates in centimeters per year, so we need to convert our units from kilometers (km) to centimeters (cm) and from million years (m.y) to years (y). To convert km to cm:
1 km = 1km · 1,000 m/1km · 100cm/m = 100,000cm
so we multiply km by 100,000 (1 x 105) to get centimeters. To convert millions of years into years, we multiply our value for m.y. by a million (1,000,000 or 1 x 106). The spreading rate equation becomes:
Spreading Rate (cm/yr) = [width (km) · 100,000 cm/km]/[Duration (m.y.) · 1,000,000 (yr/m.y.)]
When you cancel out the zeros (100,000 over 1,000,000) there is one zero left over in the denominator, so to get from km/m.y. to cm/yr, we simply have to divide by 10. Thus, the total process is:
1 – measure the width in kilometers;
2 – note how long it took that oceanic crust to be formed (the duration);
3 – divide the width by the duration;
4 – divide by 10 to get cm/yr.
For our example the result is 8 cm/yr, a typical rate.
Spreading Rate = 80km wide/10m.y. duration = (80 km/m.y.)/10 = 8.0 cm/yr
Representation and manipulation
On the map in Figure 1 there are thick lines across mid-ocean ridges in the Atlantic Ocean (A-D) and Pacific Ocean (E and F).
Table 1 lists widths represented by each line and the duration over which the oceanic crust within that width was formed. Calculate the spreading rate in cm/yr for each line, show your calculations and write your answers in the table.
Table 1. Spreading rates of the oceanic floor
Line Width
(km) Duration
(m.y) Spreading Rate (cm/yr)
A 1050 55
B 5850 180
C 4530 120
D 6130 135
E 3350 20
F 5420 100
2. My calculations:
Analysis, assumptions and communication
3. Which part of the Atlantic Ocean opened first and is that segment’s spreading rate faster slower or the same as those for the other three lines across the Atlantic? When writing your answer use appropriate grammar and use the data in the table to support your statements.
4. How do the two spreading rates for lines C and D compare? Can you explain the difference in rates and why the age widths (and ocean) widen to the south? When writing your answer use appropriate grammar and use the data in the table to support your statements.
5. How do the spreading rates in the Atlantic Ocean compare with those in the Pacific Ocean? When writing your answer use appropriate grammar and use the data in the table to support your statements.
6. The correctness of this exercise relies on a series of assumptions. Order them by the most (1) to the least (5) important:
[_] The endpoint of every line in Figure 1 at some time in the past were in the same location
[_] The spreading rate that we compute is an average between burst of higher activity and dormant phases
[_] The same geologic processes as today occurred millions of years ago
[_] Dating method of the ocean seafloor are reliable
[_] The location of plate boundaries is accurate
Interpretation, analysis and communication
– Look carefully at the location and distribution of colors along the line F
– Look carefully at the location and distribution of colors along the line C
One line is in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean and the other line is in the Atlantic.
7. Use two concept sketches to show the geometry of plate boundaries along line F and line C. Can you identify the spreading centers, the location of a subduction zone and passive margins? Remember to include labels and short sentences explaining the key geologic processes.
[Take pictures of your sketches and insert them on this document. Add pages as needed, make sure all the labels and sentences are clearly readable. If you prefer you can draw on a printed version of this file.]
Concept sketch 1 – Plate boundaries along line F
Concept sketch 2 – Plate boundaries along line C
GEOL 1305 University of Houston Victoria Geology questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UOP Agencies & Patrol Human Service Practice in The Criminal Justice Field Worksheet Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a criminal justice question and need support to help me study.
Police Agencies & Patrol Worksheet
Part 1: Agencies and Levels
As you have been learning and discussing, policing has many variables that span on multiple levels. A career in policing might occur at the local or municipal, state, or federal level. In this part of the assignment choose an agency at each level and share what you have learned.
Answer each of the following questions in 45 to 90 words minimum. Use your sources to support your points.
- Identify police agencies at the federal, state and local levels.
- Explain the difference between the scope and responsibilities for each agency you identified. Provide an example that illustrates the scope and responsibilities of each agency.
Sources Used:
Part 2: Patrol
Patrol work is considered the backbone of policing as patrol officers interact with the public throughout their shifts.
Answer each of the following questions in 45 to 90 words minimum. Use your sources to support your points.
- Explain the difference between patrol and other roles within a police department. What are three functions of patrol work? Provide an example of each.
- Describe different types of patrol and how each impacts crime and community relations.
- Identify at least two improvements or innovations that have been incorporated to aid in patrol. How does each improve police patrol work?
Sources Used:
UP Utilization of EHR to Improve Medication Administration Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing project and need support to help me study.
Assignment Content
Create an 8- to 10-page Practicum Project Proposal. It should provide a thorough explanation of the 5 W’s (who, what, when, where, and why) and H (how) in regards to your project:
- Why is there a need for the project
- What is the project and what do you intend to accomplish with it
- Who will be participants in it and who will be impacted by it (stakeholders)
- Where will the project take place
- When will it take place
- How will you implement the project and how will the intervention address the need
The aim of the proposal is to secure the buy-in of your project. The proposal should sell itself. The more comprehensive a plan you present in the proposal the greater the odds of buy-in. You will want to use this at your kick-off meeting to gain consensus among all stakeholders and to set the expectations and common objectives for your project.
Your final practicum proposal should contain the following elements:
- Title Page
- Table of contents
- Introduction
- Align to organization’s vision and mission statement
- Background of project’s impetus
- Literature review
- Gap analysis/needs assessment
- Project charter, scope, and objectives
- Implementation plan
- Define the processes and procedures involved
- Work units, tasks/activities
- Define project deliverables
- Define the metrics that will determine success. How will you know that change is an improvement?
- Timeline and schedule
- Budget
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Identify all resources needed (tangible and intangible)
- Risk management plan
- Reference Page
- Appendices
Note: The expected length of the final practicum proposal document is 8 to 10 pages, not including the title and reference pages or appendices. You may incorporate some of the tools you completed in order to strengthen your proposal. All remaining work that you completed for your project should be included as appendices to the proposal.
Provide in-text citations and references for all sources cited.
Format your paper, including the reference page, according to APA guidelines.
SU Wk 5 College Student Focused on Attaining the Higher Grades Letter Example Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Steps to complete: In Week 5, complete and submit your assignment in Blackboard using the following steps: Step 1: New Word Document ● Open Microsoft Word. ● Create a new blank document. ● Type your name at the top of your letter. ● Type the date below your name. ● Address your letter as “Dear Professor,”. ● Save your letter in your Documents folder. (Note: It’s important to save your file before getting too far into your writing so that you don’t inadvertently lose any work. Then, Word will autosave for you—if you have Word set to autosave, that is!) Name the file: Lastname_CIS101_A1 Step 2: Navigate, Select, and Use (Paragraphs 1–4) Remember: Your goal is at the center of the DPP because it’s what each step in the process (Navigate, Select, Use, and Review) is working toward. Before beginning the first step of the DPP, you need to identify your goal, which is provided for you above in the “Your goal for this assignment is to” section. ● Paragraph 1: Share a little bit about yourself. (2–4 sentences) ● Paragraph 2: Share your experience, thoughts, and feelings about being a college student so far. What have you liked? What have you wished was different? What are you learning across your courses so far? (3–4 sentences) ● Paragraph 3: Share any lessons learned or goals that you have as they relate to pursuing a college degree. (2–4 sentences)CIS101 – Navigating a Digital World ● Paragraph 4: Search the Internet for two digital tools that are used for communicating virtually—one web conferencing tool and one instant messaging tool. Describe both tools and make sure you also share links to both websites. (2–4 sentences) Step 3: Review (Paragraph 5) ● State how learning the digital proficiency process has helped you to think about and use technology. (2–3 sentences) ● Conclude your letter with “Sincerely,”. ● Add 4 blank lines and then type your name. Step 4: Use – Formatting ● Right-align your name at the top of your letter. ● Right-align the date in the paragraph below your name. ● Left-align the rest of your letter. ● Single space the paragraphs of your letter. ● Bold the date of your letter. ● Select all of the text and change the font to Times New Roman. ● Select all of the text and change the font size to 12. Step 5: Use – Editing ● Use the Check Document feature in Word to find and correct any spelling errors. ● Proofread your letter and correct any grammar or capitalization errors.
ECON 202 University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Macroeconomics Theory Questions Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a economics question and need support to help me study.
Macroeconomics theory – Econ 202 – 2 questions
Question 1: Over recent decades in the U.S. economy there have been a set of changes that,
together, have reduced worker bargaining power (reduced ‘z’). These changes include declining
unionization rates and a declining inflation-adjusted minimum wage. (15 points)
a. Use the baseline version of the labor market model (i.e. in which the markup depends
only on the degree of competition between firms and not on relative bargaining power) to
graphically analyze the effect of these changes in labor market institutions on the natural
rate of unemployment and real wages.
Because our labor market model is based on the relative bargaining power of workers and
employers, a reasonable extension of our model also allows the mark-up to change when
bargaining power changes.
b. If the mark-up also depends on bargaining power, does the mark-up increase or decrease
when worker bargaining power falls? Why?
c. In this case, show the effect of declining unionization rates using the graphical labor
market model. What happens to real wages and unemployment? Explain briefly.
d. Compare your answers to (a) and (c). Which version of the model do you find more
convincing and why? (Explain in 1-2 sentences).
Question 2: Describing the relationships in the Phillips curve (10 points)
Consider the following general form of the Phillips curve:
π” = π”
$ + (m + z) − αu”
a. If there is an increase in the markup, what happens to inflation? Explain why.
b. If there is an increase in unemployment, what happens to inflation? Explain why.
Question 3: Anchored versus adaptive expectations and the Phillips curve (15 points)
Suppose the Phillips curve is given by:
�. = �.
/ + 0.1 − 2�.
a. What is the natural rate of unemployment?
Assume that inflationary expectations are anchored at 0%. Suppose that the rate of
unemployment was initially equal to the natural rate. In year t, the authorities decide to bring the
unemployment rate down to 3% and hold it there forever.
b. What is the rate of inflation in years t, t + 1, t + 2 and t + 5?
c. Do you think that, in year t+5, people will still expect inflation to be 0%? Why or why
not? (Hint: think about how people are likely to form expectations of inflation).
Now suppose that in year t + 6 inflationary expectations become adaptive. Suppose that the
government is still determined to keep u at 3% forever.
d. What is the inflation rate in years t + 6, and t + 7?
e. Continue to assume inflationary expectations are adaptive. What happens to inflation
when unemployment is kept below the natural rate of unemployment? What happens to
inflation when unemployment is kept at the natural rate of unemployment?
Project Documenting Diversity Religious Perspective in Oral History Interview Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a humanities multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.
This project will include two parts. The first part is your reflection on an interview of your choosing from the project Documenting Diversity: Religious Perspective in Oral History. After listening to and taking notes on your chosen interview, you will write a 600 – 700-word report to include the following:
- The name of the interviewee.
- The religious background of this individual. As best you can, relate this to specific material we have covered this term. How do you think this person’s ethnic, socio-economic, racial, and/or gender identity have influenced their views on religion?
- A description of how this person’s ideas have changed over time.
- Your own reflections on the person’s story: what did you learn, what did you find interesting, what points would you agree with, where might you disagree?
- A description of what questions you would like to be able to ask this person.
The second part will involve applying the method of the first part. Based on questions from the above interview, conduct your own oral history interview with someone you know. It might be particularly interesting for you if it is a family member from another generation. Write a 600 – 700-word report to include items 1-4 above.
Project Documenting Diversity Religious Perspective in Oral History Interview Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Moorpark College Successful and Unsuccessful Political Ideologies Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length double spaced (not including work cited).
You must use at least 2 credible outside sources to prove your points.
Include a work cited page.
Use a standard font and margin spacing (Times New Roman, Calibri).
Your header should be single spaced, include your full name, and class.
Include a title.
Be sure to cite when you quote or paraphrase.
Your paper should be written in a clear and concise manner. If your grammar or phrasing distracts from your work you will be marked down.
You may use internal citations, footnotes, or endnotes.
Please use a professional style of citation
Discuss why some ideologies have been historically successful and others have not. Be sure to give historical examples to back up your claims.
This is a research paper. You are using historical examples to prove why one ideology has been successful and others have not. For example, you may claim that Liberalism is the most successful ideology because of the success of the United States and that Communism has proven to not work because of the failure of the USSR. Obviously, you will want to go into more detail than that.
There is no technical right answer, you will be graded on how convincing your argument is and how well you researched the topic.
AAAS 288A Abram Friedman Occupational Center Week 1 Autoethnography Fieldnotes Journal Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need support to help me study.
Assignment Summary
- Five 600-word entries in a fieldnotes journal
- Content focuses on everyday “autoethnographic” observations related to the provided prompts
- Writing style is open to student choice; illustrations, etc., welcome
- Must meet provided Minimum Requirements to be accepted for credit
- Grading based on a provided rubric
- Final due date on December 10
Assignment Overview
Each week, students will write fieldnotes observing the role of their online activities in their own lives. These fieldnotes will be “autoethnographic,” which is a phrase that combines “auto” and “ethnographic.” “Auto” means “self,” like in “autobiography.” “Ethnographic” means, literally, “culture-writing”; ethnography is a genre of qualitative social science writing central to cultural anthropology, sociology, education research, and many other fields. We can gloss autoethnography as self-culture-writing. One of my favorite definitions of autoethnography describes it as “an approach to research and writing that seeks to describe and systematically analyze (graphy) personal experience (auto) in order to understand cultural experience (ethno)” (Ellis, Adams, and Bochner 2011, 273). I like how this definition interprets the “writing” part of the word as description and systematic analysis. I have coordinated the fieldnote prompts with the ethnographic readings (as well as the wellness activities) to help you produce a description and systematic analysis through your autoethnography. Our ultimate goal is to systematically analyze our own personal experiences online in order to understand the broader cultural experiences characteristic of the current moment.
There are two main goals of this assignment. The first goal is to become more aware of the cultural aspects of our own online activities. The second goal is to integrate the concepts and evidence from the ethnographic readings through comparison with our own cultural milieu online. A tertiary goal is to provide students an introductory experience of ethnographic writing and analysis.
American Military University week 6 Humanity Contraceptives Use Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a humanities question and need support to help me understand better.
First, watch this Sperm Durex Commercial.
Compare a contraceptive’s perfect use with its typical use. Identify some factors that prevent people from engaging in contraception use or use that is not perfect. What solutions people can use to overcome these challenges. How can these solutions be conveyed?
Note: in this Discussion, students often reveal their own preferences for contraception. That’s perfectly OK, but rest assured– there is no need to disclose this kind of personal information if you’d rather not. We respect your privacy!
Please review the Discussion Guidelines outlined in the Course Overview.
Important note: Posts are accepted only in the week in which they are due. Early or late posts to the discussion are not accepted for grading. While you may prepare a post ahead of time, you may only submit it during the actual week of the discussion.
HIST 110 University of California Los Angeles The American Civil War Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a history discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Prompt: Talk about What specifically struck you about the Civil War?
then answer the question and remember to follow all discussion guidelines per the syllabus.
- 10 points: The discussion posting demonstrates excellent understanding of the material by completely answering the entire discussion question, and considers the implications of the question. Posting gives thoughtful analysis. Posting has excellent synthesis of material with proper citation where appropriate.
- 8-9 points: Posting demonstrates an above average understanding of the material by completely answering entire discussion question. The posting gives good analysis. Posting attempts to synthesize materialwith proper citation where appropriate.
- 6-7 points: Discussion posting only answers the question by doing the bare minimum required. Offers little to no analysis.
- 4-5 points: Discussion posting is below average. Does not meet the minimum requirements. No analysis, nor synthesis.
- 1-3 points: Posting is an attempt to merely complete the assignment. Summation or regurgitation ofthe reading and/or other students’ posts.
GEOL 1305 University of Houston Victoria Geology questions Science Assignment Help
GEOL 1305 University of Houston Victoria Geology questions Science Assignment Help