George Mason University The Kurdistan Independence Essay Humanities Assignment Help. George Mason University The Kurdistan Independence Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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The ability to write brief, concise evaluations of a selected case study is a critical skill. During each assessment period, you will write a FULL 2-3 page essay; i.e., there must be at least two full pages and the paper can “spill over” onto the third page or take up as much of the third page as desired—but there must BE a third page (but no more). Paper should be an MLA format.
should one or more parts of Kurdistan be independent under one central government with regional/provincial arguments at the sub-national level? Whatever your proposal, what would the implementation of your proposal look like and how would it function domestically in regard to political structure and internationally in regard to economic trade relationships? How would a Kurdish state and/or enhanced Kurdish rights in an existing state or states interact with the surrounding region and with the international community?
George Mason University The Kurdistan Independence Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UOC ?Covid 19 Open Research Dataset Challenge Presentation Writing Assignment Help
COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge (CORD-19)COVID-19 Open Research Dataset Challenge (CORD-19)
Description: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the White House and a coalition of leading research groups have prepared the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19). CORD-19 is a resource of over 44,000 scholarly articles, including over 29,000 with full text, about COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, and related coronaviruses. This freely available dataset is provided to the global research community to apply recent advances in natural language processing and other AI techniques to generate new insights in support of the ongoing fight against this infectious disease. There is a growing urgency for these approaches because of the rapid acceleration in new coronavirus literature, making it difficult for the medical research community to keep up.
Call of Actions: We are issuing a call to action to the world’s artificial intelligence experts to develop text and data mining tools that can help the medical community develop answers to high-priority scientific questions. The CORD-19 dataset represents the most extensive machine-readable coronavirus literature collection available for data mining to date. This allows the worldwide AI research community the opportunity to apply text and data mining approaches to find answers to questions within, and connect insights across, this content in support of the ongoing COVID-19 response efforts worldwide. There is a growing urgency for these approaches because of the rapid increase in coronavirus literature, making it difficult for the medical community to keep up.
In this project, you will follow your own interests to create a portfolio worthy single-frame viz or multi-frame data story that will be shared in your presentation. You will use all the skills taught in this course to complete this project step-by-step, with guidance from your instructors along the way. You will first create a project proposal to identify your goals for the project, including the question you wish to answer or explore with data. You will then find data that will provide the information you are seeking. You will then import that data into Tableau and prepare it for analysis. Next, you will create a dashboard that will allow you to explore the data in-depth and identify meaningful insights. You will then give structure to your data story by writing the story arc in narrative form. Finally, you will consult your design checklist to craft the final viz or data story in Tableau. This is your opportunity to show the world what you’re capable of – so think big and have confidence in your skills!
MKT 316 University of Nevada How Much is a Satisfied Customer Worth Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the Marketing Matters insert on page 99 – How Much is a Satisfied Customer Worth?
A firm’s sustainability is dependent on building loyalty with its customers and having them continue to support the brand for years to come. What are you worth to your favorite brand?
First, calculate the lifetime value by multiplying the average value of a sale, the average number of transactions, and the average customer retention period.
Lifetime Value = Average Value of Sale × Number of Transactions × Retention Time Period
Customer Lifetime Value = Average Value of Sale × Number of Transactions × Retention Time Period × Profit Margin
Or simply:
Customer Lifetime Value = Lifetime Value × Profit Margin
1. Based on the purchasing behaviors of your favorite brand, what are you worth to that
brand? Think in terms of the average price of the products you purchase and the frequency over the next 30-years.
2. Are you surprised by how much you might spend with this brand?
Post your response to the questions to this link and comment on at least one of your peer’s posts.
Grading Scale
Opinions and Recommendations
Opinions and recommendations are based on facts not just merely agreeing or disagreeing with the question or statement. Posts to peers’ posts acknowledged peers’ position of the issue and build on the post with additional context.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
The content of the post is substantive and relevant to the question asked. The position statement is supported with facts and detailed comments. Often used a reference to textbook content.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
Grammar and Timeliness
Proper grammar and punctuation used in the posts. Posts submitted within the allotted time frame.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
CLO #1 – Understanding the Marketing Mix
Understand how the 4 Ps (product, price, promotion, and place) plus positioning interact and influence each other’s effectiveness and change over the course of the Product Life Cycle.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
SJSU Writing a Vision & Mission Statements for an IT Company Writing Exercise Humanities Assignment Help
The Vision and Mission Statements are essential for a company or an organization to plan for a brighter future. The Vision is typically a sentence or two to define the desired future state as the strategic goal. The Mission Statements define the actions that would carry the company or the organization to reach the visionary state of future.
Now, assuming that you are the IT Director of a large engineering company, responsible for engineering and business databases development and maintenance. There are dozens of data bases residing in different hardware and software platforms spreading around within the company. For many engineering tasks, the user has to retrieve data from different systems and them manually combine for the needed data. The database users in the company are becoming more and more unsatisfactory on the data system that they are using. As the Director of IT, you want to initiate a project to overhaul the data systems to improve the operation for productivity improvement. It will involve company’s initial investment but it will pay off in few years as a result in cost savings.
Your manager, the VP Engineering, wants to see your Vision and Mission Statements for review.
Your Task:
With the background stated above, please develop your Vision and Mission Statements. You can bulletize the Mission Statements and brief explanations as needed, like a Power-point chart,
RCSC 150b University of Arizona Discretionary Expenses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
For a detailed (easy-to-follow) explanation of assignment requirements, please see attached Latte Factor Project PDF. For grading of this assignment, please refer to the grading rubric for the Latte Factor Project.
Or, watch this video for a step-by-step guide to this project (optional for people wanting additional guidance on how to complete this project).
Basic Assignment Parameters:
This activity will open your eyes to the long-term impacts of your discretionary (non-essential) spending.
For this project, you’ll maintain a straightforward diary of all personal expenditures (i.e., every single penny spent) during a seven (7) day period. Once completed, separate your wants from your needs. Examples of discretionary expenses might include a latte at Starbucks, non-essential clothing purchases, dinner out with friends, a bag of potato chips from a vending machine, or a pack of cigarettes. Discretionary spending = your wants; Non-discretionary spending = your needs.
To complete your assignment, you’ll track your spending, and then complete the following calculations:
Using your spending diary, calculate a lump sum equivalent to one week of discretionary spending (do not include your essential purchases), then multiply this figure by 52 to simulate a year of discretionary expenses.
Using the annual figure of discretionary expenses just calculated, multiply it by 25 years to find out how much money you’ll spend on discretionary purchases over the next 25 years if current spending patterns continue.
Find out what your money would be worth if you invested your discretionary money instead of spending it. Do this by calculating the Future Value of an Annuity (see chapter 2 for details on how to make this calculation). Use 25 as the number of time periods and 6% as your interest rate (average annual return).
Because it is unlikely that you will be able to save 100% of your discretionary funds over the next 25 years, redo the previous calculation using a number that represents half of your annual discretionary spending figure.
Congratulations! Now you know what you are giving up every time you decide to buy a latte at Starbucks (or whatever your favorite treat might be). In 25 years, will you remember the experience of drinking that latte? In 25 years, what could you do with your Future Value sum? Pay off a mortgage? Pay for a portion or your child’s college education? Take a once-in-a-lifetime trip?
For this assignment, you must turn in three things:
a copy of your spending diary with discretionary expenses highlighted for the week (you can change description of an expense if you’d prefer to keep it private — just make sure the total costs remains the same)
Your calculations from items 1-4 above (including formula used to calculate future value of an annuity). Please show your work by walking through calculations step-by-step.
Short answer responses to the following six questions:
What did you learn from tracking all of your purchases and expenses for a week (list at least two discoveries)?
What does your spending say about you?
To what degree did your spending over the week align with your core values and priorities? To what degree did it deviate from your core values?
Looking at your wants, which could you easily give up? Which would be hard for you to give up?
Were any purchases hard to categorize as a “want” vs a “need”? If so, how did you decide?
Do you think this project will impact your future habits or spending in any way? *** All answers must be substantive and thoughtful and written as full sentences.
RCSC 150b University of Arizona Discretionary Expenses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
The College of New Jersey Organic Chemistry Questions Paper Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a chemistry exercise and need an explanation to help me study.
1)Draw expanded structural formula for 2-methylbutane
2)Provide the molecular formula for the following compound.
3)Provide the expanded structural formula for the following compound.
4)Draw correct structure of a saturated organic compound based on the following criteria:
Pace University New York Tolerance for Cultural Difference Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help
Continue your weekly reflection about the following: Do the skill-building exercises on pages 448 & 452 in your text and discuss your results. Remember to relate these exercises to what you’ve learned this week and how that has helped you grow as a leader.
Charting Your Cultural Value Profile (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-1) page 448, and My Tolerance for Cultural Difference (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-2) page 452 in the 7th edition of the text.
Charting Your Cultural Value Profile (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-1) page 456, and My Tolerance for Cultural Difference (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-2)page 460 in the 8th edition of the text.
Text Book: DuBrin, Andrew J. (2014). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills.
Cengage. Boston, MA.
COM 412 MUIS University Cultural Intelligence and Verbal Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing presentation and need support to help me learn.
Using resources found in this class (textbook and/or online), the library website, or reputable websites, please choose a culture other than the U.S. and identify three out of the six cultural dimensions and how these dimensions influence communication. The first four dimensions are: individualism vs. collectivism; higher power vs. lower power; high uncertainty avoidance vs. low uncertainty avoidance; masculinity vs. femininity. The last two are – indulgence vs. restraint and long term orientation vs. short term orientation. Please remember to include references throughout your paper, presentation, or slideshow.
Physics Question Science Assignment Help
Prepare and submit a written solution to Textbook Problem Chap. 4, #52.
Pretend you are writing an example for a textbook or preparing a presentation (written, in this case) to a class. Explain your setup and choice of equations carefully. Solution must be legible (it does not need to be typed).
Look at the solutions to the weekly study problems in Carmen to get an idea of what’s expected. Also look at textbook example problems.
I expect some questions. Start early and ask early. If you want to submit a draft for review a few days before the due date, that is encouraged. I’ll be glad to comment and make suggestions for improvement.
You may collaborate with other students on this assignment, but you must make your own submission, and the work must be your own.
[supanova_question] Provide an APA-formatted reference page for all resources used. Note: Do not send the letter. Submit your assignment.
MKT 316 University of Nevada How Much is a Satisfied Customer Worth Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the Marketing Matters insert on page 99 – How Much is a Satisfied Customer Worth?
A firm’s sustainability is dependent on building loyalty with its customers and having them continue to support the brand for years to come. What are you worth to your favorite brand?
First, calculate the lifetime value by multiplying the average value of a sale, the average number of transactions, and the average customer retention period.
Lifetime Value = Average Value of Sale × Number of Transactions × Retention Time Period
Customer Lifetime Value = Average Value of Sale × Number of Transactions × Retention Time Period × Profit Margin
Or simply:
Customer Lifetime Value = Lifetime Value × Profit Margin
1. Based on the purchasing behaviors of your favorite brand, what are you worth to that
brand? Think in terms of the average price of the products you purchase and the frequency over the next 30-years.
2. Are you surprised by how much you might spend with this brand?
Post your response to the questions to this link and comment on at least one of your peer’s posts.
Grading Scale
Opinions and Recommendations
Opinions and recommendations are based on facts not just merely agreeing or disagreeing with the question or statement. Posts to peers’ posts acknowledged peers’ position of the issue and build on the post with additional context.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
The content of the post is substantive and relevant to the question asked. The position statement is supported with facts and detailed comments. Often used a reference to textbook content.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
Grammar and Timeliness
Proper grammar and punctuation used in the posts. Posts submitted within the allotted time frame.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
CLO #1 – Understanding the Marketing Mix
Understand how the 4 Ps (product, price, promotion, and place) plus positioning interact and influence each other’s effectiveness and change over the course of the Product Life Cycle.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
SJSU Writing a Vision & Mission Statements for an IT Company Writing Exercise Humanities Assignment Help
The Vision and Mission Statements are essential for a company or an organization to plan for a brighter future. The Vision is typically a sentence or two to define the desired future state as the strategic goal. The Mission Statements define the actions that would carry the company or the organization to reach the visionary state of future.
Now, assuming that you are the IT Director of a large engineering company, responsible for engineering and business databases development and maintenance. There are dozens of data bases residing in different hardware and software platforms spreading around within the company. For many engineering tasks, the user has to retrieve data from different systems and them manually combine for the needed data. The database users in the company are becoming more and more unsatisfactory on the data system that they are using. As the Director of IT, you want to initiate a project to overhaul the data systems to improve the operation for productivity improvement. It will involve company’s initial investment but it will pay off in few years as a result in cost savings.
Your manager, the VP Engineering, wants to see your Vision and Mission Statements for review.
Your Task:
With the background stated above, please develop your Vision and Mission Statements. You can bulletize the Mission Statements and brief explanations as needed, like a Power-point chart,
RCSC 150b University of Arizona Discretionary Expenses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
For a detailed (easy-to-follow) explanation of assignment requirements, please see attached Latte Factor Project PDF. For grading of this assignment, please refer to the grading rubric for the Latte Factor Project.
Or, watch this video for a step-by-step guide to this project (optional for people wanting additional guidance on how to complete this project).
Basic Assignment Parameters:
This activity will open your eyes to the long-term impacts of your discretionary (non-essential) spending.
For this project, you’ll maintain a straightforward diary of all personal expenditures (i.e., every single penny spent) during a seven (7) day period. Once completed, separate your wants from your needs. Examples of discretionary expenses might include a latte at Starbucks, non-essential clothing purchases, dinner out with friends, a bag of potato chips from a vending machine, or a pack of cigarettes. Discretionary spending = your wants; Non-discretionary spending = your needs.
To complete your assignment, you’ll track your spending, and then complete the following calculations:
Using your spending diary, calculate a lump sum equivalent to one week of discretionary spending (do not include your essential purchases), then multiply this figure by 52 to simulate a year of discretionary expenses.
Using the annual figure of discretionary expenses just calculated, multiply it by 25 years to find out how much money you’ll spend on discretionary purchases over the next 25 years if current spending patterns continue.
Find out what your money would be worth if you invested your discretionary money instead of spending it. Do this by calculating the Future Value of an Annuity (see chapter 2 for details on how to make this calculation). Use 25 as the number of time periods and 6% as your interest rate (average annual return).
Because it is unlikely that you will be able to save 100% of your discretionary funds over the next 25 years, redo the previous calculation using a number that represents half of your annual discretionary spending figure.
Congratulations! Now you know what you are giving up every time you decide to buy a latte at Starbucks (or whatever your favorite treat might be). In 25 years, will you remember the experience of drinking that latte? In 25 years, what could you do with your Future Value sum? Pay off a mortgage? Pay for a portion or your child’s college education? Take a once-in-a-lifetime trip?
For this assignment, you must turn in three things:
a copy of your spending diary with discretionary expenses highlighted for the week (you can change description of an expense if you’d prefer to keep it private — just make sure the total costs remains the same)
Your calculations from items 1-4 above (including formula used to calculate future value of an annuity). Please show your work by walking through calculations step-by-step.
Short answer responses to the following six questions:
What did you learn from tracking all of your purchases and expenses for a week (list at least two discoveries)?
What does your spending say about you?
To what degree did your spending over the week align with your core values and priorities? To what degree did it deviate from your core values?
Looking at your wants, which could you easily give up? Which would be hard for you to give up?
Were any purchases hard to categorize as a “want” vs a “need”? If so, how did you decide?
Do you think this project will impact your future habits or spending in any way? *** All answers must be substantive and thoughtful and written as full sentences.
RCSC 150b University of Arizona Discretionary Expenses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
The College of New Jersey Organic Chemistry Questions Paper Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a chemistry exercise and need an explanation to help me study.
1)Draw expanded structural formula for 2-methylbutane
2)Provide the molecular formula for the following compound.
3)Provide the expanded structural formula for the following compound.
4)Draw correct structure of a saturated organic compound based on the following criteria:
Pace University New York Tolerance for Cultural Difference Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help
Continue your weekly reflection about the following: Do the skill-building exercises on pages 448 & 452 in your text and discuss your results. Remember to relate these exercises to what you’ve learned this week and how that has helped you grow as a leader.
Charting Your Cultural Value Profile (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-1) page 448, and My Tolerance for Cultural Difference (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-2) page 452 in the 7th edition of the text.
Charting Your Cultural Value Profile (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-1) page 456, and My Tolerance for Cultural Difference (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-2)page 460 in the 8th edition of the text.
Text Book: DuBrin, Andrew J. (2014). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills.
Cengage. Boston, MA.
COM 412 MUIS University Cultural Intelligence and Verbal Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing presentation and need support to help me learn.
Using resources found in this class (textbook and/or online), the library website, or reputable websites, please choose a culture other than the U.S. and identify three out of the six cultural dimensions and how these dimensions influence communication. The first four dimensions are: individualism vs. collectivism; higher power vs. lower power; high uncertainty avoidance vs. low uncertainty avoidance; masculinity vs. femininity. The last two are – indulgence vs. restraint and long term orientation vs. short term orientation. Please remember to include references throughout your paper, presentation, or slideshow.
Physics Question Science Assignment Help
Prepare and submit a written solution to Textbook Problem Chap. 4, #52.
Pretend you are writing an example for a textbook or preparing a presentation (written, in this case) to a class. Explain your setup and choice of equations carefully. Solution must be legible (it does not need to be typed).
Look at the solutions to the weekly study problems in Carmen to get an idea of what’s expected. Also look at textbook example problems.
I expect some questions. Start early and ask early. If you want to submit a draft for review a few days before the due date, that is encouraged. I’ll be glad to comment and make suggestions for improvement.
You may collaborate with other students on this assignment, but you must make your own submission, and the work must be your own.
[supanova_question] Provide an APA-formatted reference page for all resources used. Note: Do not send the letter. Submit your assignment.
MKT 316 University of Nevada How Much is a Satisfied Customer Worth Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the Marketing Matters insert on page 99 – How Much is a Satisfied Customer Worth?
A firm’s sustainability is dependent on building loyalty with its customers and having them continue to support the brand for years to come. What are you worth to your favorite brand?
First, calculate the lifetime value by multiplying the average value of a sale, the average number of transactions, and the average customer retention period.
Lifetime Value = Average Value of Sale × Number of Transactions × Retention Time Period
Customer Lifetime Value = Average Value of Sale × Number of Transactions × Retention Time Period × Profit Margin
Or simply:
Customer Lifetime Value = Lifetime Value × Profit Margin
1. Based on the purchasing behaviors of your favorite brand, what are you worth to that
brand? Think in terms of the average price of the products you purchase and the frequency over the next 30-years.
2. Are you surprised by how much you might spend with this brand?
Post your response to the questions to this link and comment on at least one of your peer’s posts.
Grading Scale
Opinions and Recommendations
Opinions and recommendations are based on facts not just merely agreeing or disagreeing with the question or statement. Posts to peers’ posts acknowledged peers’ position of the issue and build on the post with additional context.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
The content of the post is substantive and relevant to the question asked. The position statement is supported with facts and detailed comments. Often used a reference to textbook content.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
Grammar and Timeliness
Proper grammar and punctuation used in the posts. Posts submitted within the allotted time frame.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
CLO #1 – Understanding the Marketing Mix
Understand how the 4 Ps (product, price, promotion, and place) plus positioning interact and influence each other’s effectiveness and change over the course of the Product Life Cycle.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
SJSU Writing a Vision & Mission Statements for an IT Company Writing Exercise Humanities Assignment Help
The Vision and Mission Statements are essential for a company or an organization to plan for a brighter future. The Vision is typically a sentence or two to define the desired future state as the strategic goal. The Mission Statements define the actions that would carry the company or the organization to reach the visionary state of future.
Now, assuming that you are the IT Director of a large engineering company, responsible for engineering and business databases development and maintenance. There are dozens of data bases residing in different hardware and software platforms spreading around within the company. For many engineering tasks, the user has to retrieve data from different systems and them manually combine for the needed data. The database users in the company are becoming more and more unsatisfactory on the data system that they are using. As the Director of IT, you want to initiate a project to overhaul the data systems to improve the operation for productivity improvement. It will involve company’s initial investment but it will pay off in few years as a result in cost savings.
Your manager, the VP Engineering, wants to see your Vision and Mission Statements for review.
Your Task:
With the background stated above, please develop your Vision and Mission Statements. You can bulletize the Mission Statements and brief explanations as needed, like a Power-point chart,
RCSC 150b University of Arizona Discretionary Expenses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
For a detailed (easy-to-follow) explanation of assignment requirements, please see attached Latte Factor Project PDF. For grading of this assignment, please refer to the grading rubric for the Latte Factor Project.
Or, watch this video for a step-by-step guide to this project (optional for people wanting additional guidance on how to complete this project).
Basic Assignment Parameters:
This activity will open your eyes to the long-term impacts of your discretionary (non-essential) spending.
For this project, you’ll maintain a straightforward diary of all personal expenditures (i.e., every single penny spent) during a seven (7) day period. Once completed, separate your wants from your needs. Examples of discretionary expenses might include a latte at Starbucks, non-essential clothing purchases, dinner out with friends, a bag of potato chips from a vending machine, or a pack of cigarettes. Discretionary spending = your wants; Non-discretionary spending = your needs.
To complete your assignment, you’ll track your spending, and then complete the following calculations:
Using your spending diary, calculate a lump sum equivalent to one week of discretionary spending (do not include your essential purchases), then multiply this figure by 52 to simulate a year of discretionary expenses.
Using the annual figure of discretionary expenses just calculated, multiply it by 25 years to find out how much money you’ll spend on discretionary purchases over the next 25 years if current spending patterns continue.
Find out what your money would be worth if you invested your discretionary money instead of spending it. Do this by calculating the Future Value of an Annuity (see chapter 2 for details on how to make this calculation). Use 25 as the number of time periods and 6% as your interest rate (average annual return).
Because it is unlikely that you will be able to save 100% of your discretionary funds over the next 25 years, redo the previous calculation using a number that represents half of your annual discretionary spending figure.
Congratulations! Now you know what you are giving up every time you decide to buy a latte at Starbucks (or whatever your favorite treat might be). In 25 years, will you remember the experience of drinking that latte? In 25 years, what could you do with your Future Value sum? Pay off a mortgage? Pay for a portion or your child’s college education? Take a once-in-a-lifetime trip?
For this assignment, you must turn in three things:
a copy of your spending diary with discretionary expenses highlighted for the week (you can change description of an expense if you’d prefer to keep it private — just make sure the total costs remains the same)
Your calculations from items 1-4 above (including formula used to calculate future value of an annuity). Please show your work by walking through calculations step-by-step.
Short answer responses to the following six questions:
What did you learn from tracking all of your purchases and expenses for a week (list at least two discoveries)?
What does your spending say about you?
To what degree did your spending over the week align with your core values and priorities? To what degree did it deviate from your core values?
Looking at your wants, which could you easily give up? Which would be hard for you to give up?
Were any purchases hard to categorize as a “want” vs a “need”? If so, how did you decide?
Do you think this project will impact your future habits or spending in any way? *** All answers must be substantive and thoughtful and written as full sentences.
RCSC 150b University of Arizona Discretionary Expenses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
The College of New Jersey Organic Chemistry Questions Paper Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a chemistry exercise and need an explanation to help me study.
1)Draw expanded structural formula for 2-methylbutane
2)Provide the molecular formula for the following compound.
3)Provide the expanded structural formula for the following compound.
4)Draw correct structure of a saturated organic compound based on the following criteria:
Pace University New York Tolerance for Cultural Difference Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help
Continue your weekly reflection about the following: Do the skill-building exercises on pages 448 & 452 in your text and discuss your results. Remember to relate these exercises to what you’ve learned this week and how that has helped you grow as a leader.
Charting Your Cultural Value Profile (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-1) page 448, and My Tolerance for Cultural Difference (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-2) page 452 in the 7th edition of the text.
Charting Your Cultural Value Profile (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-1) page 456, and My Tolerance for Cultural Difference (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-2)page 460 in the 8th edition of the text.
Text Book: DuBrin, Andrew J. (2014). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills.
Cengage. Boston, MA.
COM 412 MUIS University Cultural Intelligence and Verbal Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing presentation and need support to help me learn.
Using resources found in this class (textbook and/or online), the library website, or reputable websites, please choose a culture other than the U.S. and identify three out of the six cultural dimensions and how these dimensions influence communication. The first four dimensions are: individualism vs. collectivism; higher power vs. lower power; high uncertainty avoidance vs. low uncertainty avoidance; masculinity vs. femininity. The last two are – indulgence vs. restraint and long term orientation vs. short term orientation. Please remember to include references throughout your paper, presentation, or slideshow.
Physics Question Science Assignment Help
Prepare and submit a written solution to Textbook Problem Chap. 4, #52.
Pretend you are writing an example for a textbook or preparing a presentation (written, in this case) to a class. Explain your setup and choice of equations carefully. Solution must be legible (it does not need to be typed).
Look at the solutions to the weekly study problems in Carmen to get an idea of what’s expected. Also look at textbook example problems.
I expect some questions. Start early and ask early. If you want to submit a draft for review a few days before the due date, that is encouraged. I’ll be glad to comment and make suggestions for improvement.
You may collaborate with other students on this assignment, but you must make your own submission, and the work must be your own.
[supanova_question] Provide an APA-formatted reference page for all resources used. Note: Do not send the letter. Submit your assignment.
MKT 316 University of Nevada How Much is a Satisfied Customer Worth Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the Marketing Matters insert on page 99 – How Much is a Satisfied Customer Worth?
A firm’s sustainability is dependent on building loyalty with its customers and having them continue to support the brand for years to come. What are you worth to your favorite brand?
First, calculate the lifetime value by multiplying the average value of a sale, the average number of transactions, and the average customer retention period.
Lifetime Value = Average Value of Sale × Number of Transactions × Retention Time Period
Customer Lifetime Value = Average Value of Sale × Number of Transactions × Retention Time Period × Profit Margin
Or simply:
Customer Lifetime Value = Lifetime Value × Profit Margin
1. Based on the purchasing behaviors of your favorite brand, what are you worth to that
brand? Think in terms of the average price of the products you purchase and the frequency over the next 30-years.
2. Are you surprised by how much you might spend with this brand?
Post your response to the questions to this link and comment on at least one of your peer’s posts.
Grading Scale
Opinions and Recommendations
Opinions and recommendations are based on facts not just merely agreeing or disagreeing with the question or statement. Posts to peers’ posts acknowledged peers’ position of the issue and build on the post with additional context.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvements
Does not Meet Expectations
The content of the post is substantive and relevant to the question asked. The position statement is supported with facts and detailed comments. Often used a reference to textbook content.
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
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CLO #1 – Understanding the Marketing Mix
Understand how the 4 Ps (product, price, promotion, and place) plus positioning interact and influence each other’s effectiveness and change over the course of the Product Life Cycle.
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SJSU Writing a Vision & Mission Statements for an IT Company Writing Exercise Humanities Assignment Help
The Vision and Mission Statements are essential for a company or an organization to plan for a brighter future. The Vision is typically a sentence or two to define the desired future state as the strategic goal. The Mission Statements define the actions that would carry the company or the organization to reach the visionary state of future.
Now, assuming that you are the IT Director of a large engineering company, responsible for engineering and business databases development and maintenance. There are dozens of data bases residing in different hardware and software platforms spreading around within the company. For many engineering tasks, the user has to retrieve data from different systems and them manually combine for the needed data. The database users in the company are becoming more and more unsatisfactory on the data system that they are using. As the Director of IT, you want to initiate a project to overhaul the data systems to improve the operation for productivity improvement. It will involve company’s initial investment but it will pay off in few years as a result in cost savings.
Your manager, the VP Engineering, wants to see your Vision and Mission Statements for review.
Your Task:
With the background stated above, please develop your Vision and Mission Statements. You can bulletize the Mission Statements and brief explanations as needed, like a Power-point chart,
RCSC 150b University of Arizona Discretionary Expenses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
For a detailed (easy-to-follow) explanation of assignment requirements, please see attached Latte Factor Project PDF. For grading of this assignment, please refer to the grading rubric for the Latte Factor Project.
Or, watch this video for a step-by-step guide to this project (optional for people wanting additional guidance on how to complete this project).
Basic Assignment Parameters:
This activity will open your eyes to the long-term impacts of your discretionary (non-essential) spending.
For this project, you’ll maintain a straightforward diary of all personal expenditures (i.e., every single penny spent) during a seven (7) day period. Once completed, separate your wants from your needs. Examples of discretionary expenses might include a latte at Starbucks, non-essential clothing purchases, dinner out with friends, a bag of potato chips from a vending machine, or a pack of cigarettes. Discretionary spending = your wants; Non-discretionary spending = your needs.
To complete your assignment, you’ll track your spending, and then complete the following calculations:
Using your spending diary, calculate a lump sum equivalent to one week of discretionary spending (do not include your essential purchases), then multiply this figure by 52 to simulate a year of discretionary expenses.
Using the annual figure of discretionary expenses just calculated, multiply it by 25 years to find out how much money you’ll spend on discretionary purchases over the next 25 years if current spending patterns continue.
Find out what your money would be worth if you invested your discretionary money instead of spending it. Do this by calculating the Future Value of an Annuity (see chapter 2 for details on how to make this calculation). Use 25 as the number of time periods and 6% as your interest rate (average annual return).
Because it is unlikely that you will be able to save 100% of your discretionary funds over the next 25 years, redo the previous calculation using a number that represents half of your annual discretionary spending figure.
Congratulations! Now you know what you are giving up every time you decide to buy a latte at Starbucks (or whatever your favorite treat might be). In 25 years, will you remember the experience of drinking that latte? In 25 years, what could you do with your Future Value sum? Pay off a mortgage? Pay for a portion or your child’s college education? Take a once-in-a-lifetime trip?
For this assignment, you must turn in three things:
a copy of your spending diary with discretionary expenses highlighted for the week (you can change description of an expense if you’d prefer to keep it private — just make sure the total costs remains the same)
Your calculations from items 1-4 above (including formula used to calculate future value of an annuity). Please show your work by walking through calculations step-by-step.
Short answer responses to the following six questions:
What did you learn from tracking all of your purchases and expenses for a week (list at least two discoveries)?
What does your spending say about you?
To what degree did your spending over the week align with your core values and priorities? To what degree did it deviate from your core values?
Looking at your wants, which could you easily give up? Which would be hard for you to give up?
Were any purchases hard to categorize as a “want” vs a “need”? If so, how did you decide?
Do you think this project will impact your future habits or spending in any way? *** All answers must be substantive and thoughtful and written as full sentences.
RCSC 150b University of Arizona Discretionary Expenses Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
The College of New Jersey Organic Chemistry Questions Paper Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a chemistry exercise and need an explanation to help me study.
1)Draw expanded structural formula for 2-methylbutane
2)Provide the molecular formula for the following compound.
3)Provide the expanded structural formula for the following compound.
4)Draw correct structure of a saturated organic compound based on the following criteria:
Pace University New York Tolerance for Cultural Difference Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help
Continue your weekly reflection about the following: Do the skill-building exercises on pages 448 & 452 in your text and discuss your results. Remember to relate these exercises to what you’ve learned this week and how that has helped you grow as a leader.
Charting Your Cultural Value Profile (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-1) page 448, and My Tolerance for Cultural Difference (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-2) page 452 in the 7th edition of the text.
Charting Your Cultural Value Profile (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-1) page 456, and My Tolerance for Cultural Difference (Self-Assessment Quiz 14-2)page 460 in the 8th edition of the text.
Text Book: DuBrin, Andrew J. (2014). Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills.
Cengage. Boston, MA.
COM 412 MUIS University Cultural Intelligence and Verbal Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing presentation and need support to help me learn.
Using resources found in this class (textbook and/or online), the library website, or reputable websites, please choose a culture other than the U.S. and identify three out of the six cultural dimensions and how these dimensions influence communication. The first four dimensions are: individualism vs. collectivism; higher power vs. lower power; high uncertainty avoidance vs. low uncertainty avoidance; masculinity vs. femininity. The last two are – indulgence vs. restraint and long term orientation vs. short term orientation. Please remember to include references throughout your paper, presentation, or slideshow.
Physics Question Science Assignment Help
Prepare and submit a written solution to Textbook Problem Chap. 4, #52.
Pretend you are writing an example for a textbook or preparing a presentation (written, in this case) to a class. Explain your setup and choice of equations carefully. Solution must be legible (it does not need to be typed).
Look at the solutions to the weekly study problems in Carmen to get an idea of what’s expected. Also look at textbook example problems.
I expect some questions. Start early and ask early. If you want to submit a draft for review a few days before the due date, that is encouraged. I’ll be glad to comment and make suggestions for improvement.
You may collaborate with other students on this assignment, but you must make your own submission, and the work must be your own.