Georgia Military College Metacognitive Awareness Inventory Test Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Georgia Military College Metacognitive Awareness Inventory Test Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. Georgia Military College Metacognitive Awareness Inventory Test Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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Complete the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory being honest with yourself. Once you have completed it, discuss your highest and lowest scores with your classmates. Did you learn anything new about yourself? If so, what? Then, selecting the lowest scoring category, identify three strategies that you can use to improve that score and recommend at least three strategies to four other classmates to help them improve their lowest scores.

*And remember: please cite all sources – even those found within the discussion forum prompt or on the course page – in MLA format – at the end of your post.

will post my answer to the questionare when tutor is chosen

Georgia Military College Metacognitive Awareness Inventory Test Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Campbellsville University Financial Statement Reflective Summary Writing Assignment Help

I have attached the document with 3 questions and I need to answer them based on the topics below


Financial statement analysis is primarily used to evaluate a company’s financial health and future prospects for external stakeholders such as stockholders and creditors.

Goals for this module and their relationship to our course objectives

This module our learning materials, activities and assignments will help you achieve these goals:

  • understand how to interpret financial statements and financial ratios from a manager’s perspective;
  • calculate financial ratio problems;
  • interpret financial statements and financial ratios for managerial use; and
  • evaluate ethical use of financial statements and how to prevent accounting scandals.

which will assist you in achieving this course objective:

  • Differentiate between managerial and financial accounting and how management uses both




Georgia Military College Milledgeville Campus Chapter 3 Metacognitive Plan Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Using the guidelines in the Chapter 3 Presentation following the slide, “Creating a Metacognitive Plan,” you need to create a learning plan for something that you want to accomplish like receiving a good grade on a project, major assignment, or test.

  • Section 1 – Describe the details of the assignment that you want to complete, so others can understand what you want to learn. Include any instructions given by your instructor or in your syllabus. For example, state that you want to write a compare/contrast paper for your English 101 course and provide the instructions given to you.
  • Section 2 – Write a goal statement using Bloom’s taxonomy. For example, “I want to write a compare/contrast essay and receive an A on it.”
  • Section 3 – Break down and Identify all steps that you need to take to complete the assignment.
  • Section 4 – Outline a plan of action for completing each step.
  • Section 5 – Discuss learning strategies and resources that you will use to help you complete the project (refer to Chapter 3 of your textbook).


QSO 435 Southern New Hampshire University Journal Scrum Overview Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

need help putting this together.

assignment 1.

You have just completed your research on Scrum and how it is used with Agile. Create a journal assignment that explains in your own words the core components of Scrum. What problems do you anticipate in introducing Scrum practices to the product owners (previously a subset of stakeholders) of an organization?

Assignment 2

A project stakeholder, now called a product owner, is concerned about the entire Agile process, his role, and his new responsibilities. You are tasked with creating a short paper sometimes called a “fact sheet” or “information paper.” In this information paper, you will describe the process, role, and responsibilities of the product owner. The target audience is the stakeholder from a traditional project management environment who now finds that he is a “product owner” in Agile/Scrum project management.


CS 507 Southeastern University Security Vulnerabilities and Loss of Attainable Goals Paper Writing Assignment Help

Security Vulnerabilities and Loss of Attainable Goals

You have been hired to manage the organization’s IT department. The CEO meets with you and asks you to prepare a report pointing out potential information systems and computer security vulnerabilities within the organization.

Write a report discussing information systems and computer security vulnerabilities that can lead to the loss of their confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, and/or accountability.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

-Four to five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.

– Contain an illustrative table or a diagram created from properly cited external references. An example of a risk assessment table can be found on page 69 of your textbook. You can use Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel or Word to create this table or diagram. You can use this template Click for more options to create your table.

-APA-style guidelines, citing references as appropriate.

-You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading.



COUR 123 Liberty University Inefficacy in School Counseling Program Thesis Paper Writing Assignment Help

I will need the this part listed below in 4 days then the rest later

Title of the issue investigated:


Thesis Statement, Outline, & Annotated Bibliography


Your name here


Thesis Statement: Write your working thesis statement here. Follow the guidelines in the Module/Week 3 Presentation for how to write a good thesis statement and what to avoid in doing so.


Outline: If your assignment instructions from your other course do not provide ideas for outline points, please use or rearrange this structure for your outline and add to it or delete as necessary.Regardless of the outline points you create, every main point should have at least two supporting points or evidence (A & B) below it.Consult the presentation in Module/Week 3 for more outlining guidelines.


  • Introduction
    • Attention-grabbing opening sentences that motivate your readers to continue
    • Brief background of issue or controversy
    • Thesis statement
  • First Supporting Reason or Argument (backing up your thesis)
    • Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
    • Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
  • Second Supporting Reason or Argument (backing up your thesis)
    • Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
    • Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
  • Third Supporting Reason or Argument (backing up your thesis)
    • Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
    • Statistic, data, quote or paraphrase from source
  • Opposing Viewpoints
    • Statistics, data, quotes or paraphrases from sources
    • Acknowledgement ofstrengths of opposing views
    • Analysis of weaknesses of opposing views
  • Conclusion
    • Summarize main supporting points
    • Restate thesis in strong and unique way


Annotated Bibliography: As mentioned in the Module/Week 3 presentation, a good annotated bibliography should include the citations for each source (at least four) you plan to cite in your paper (all should be credible, scholarly sources), a 1-2 sentence summary of the source, a 1-2 sentence evaluation of the source (accuracy, recency, bias, reliability, etc.), and how the source is relevant to your paper (what point would it help support or opposing views does it reveal?). See pp. 3-4 of the Online Writing Center’s annotated bibliography resource as an example of how to structure your bibliography, though be sure to use your discipline’s own citation style. No abstract needed prior to your annotations.

COUR 123 Liberty University Inefficacy in School Counseling Program Thesis Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Computer Science Annotated Bibliography Computer Science Assignment Help

  1. Select five articles related to your area of interest from your top journals. Provide an annotated bibliography for each article and discuss how these articles identify a gap in the literature that you wish to address in your dissertation.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates
  1. ournal of the ACM
    Communications of the ACM IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
    IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
    IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
    Journal of Cryptology
    Software and Systems Modeling
    Journal of Machine Learning Research
    IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering
    Journal of Systems and Software
    MIS Quarterly
    Information Systems Research
    Management Science
    Journal of Management Info. Systems
    Decision Sciences
    Communications of the ACM
    Decision Support Systems
    European Journal of Info. Systems
    ACM Transactions
    Journal of AIS
    Information Systems
    ACM Computing Surveys
    Journal of Information Systems
    Journal of Strategic Info. Systems
  2. Information and Management
    Communications of the AIS
    Journal of Database Management
    Journal of Information Management
    Journal of Computer Info. Systems
    Info. Resources Management Journal
    Journal of Management Systems
    Journal of the ACM
    Journal of Info. Systems Management
    Journal of Information Science
    Human-Computer Interaction
    Operations Research
    Interfaces (INFORMS)
    Int’l Journal of Human-Computer Studies
    Journal of Information Systems Educ.
    Knowledge Based Systems
    Journal of Operations Research
    Journal of Data Base Administration
    Journal of Systems and Software
    Expert Systems with Applications
    Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
    Journal of Systems Management
    Expert Systems Review
    Journal of End-User Computing
    Behavior and Information Technology
    Communication Research
    AI Expert
    Journal of Software Maintenance
    Computers and Automation
    Computers in Human Behavior


ITS 736 University of the Cumberlands Week 3 Cybersecurity Dissertation Computer Science Assignment Help

An important component of your dissertation is the methodology chosen. Dissertation are helpful roadmaps that often give additional information on a method chosen, then would an academic journal. While academic articles always take priority, at times, dissertations can be helpful.

Visit the ProQuest Dissertation Database in the UC library, try to find a quantitative, a qualitative and a mixed-method dissertation that may be closely related to your own topic. Describe the method used, the sample, the population chosen, was there a survey involved, or a set of questions asked as in a qualitative study. Finally, can you identify the problem the dissertation tried to examine.


Saint Martin University Why Are Buses Late in Halifax Discussion Writing Assignment Help

this is for a social research course this will be two parts so first part:

  1. Discuss how an answer to the question raised in the application insight activity in slide #23 (How can we find a fulfilling career?) can be drawn deductively, and also inductively. [2 Marks]
  2. Discuss which one seems to be the most ideal approach “for you”, and explain why . (Please discuss whether you prefer “deductive approach” or “inductive approach”) [2 Marks]

i will attach a pp file of the slide

second part:

  1. Which type of data source (E.g., Primary data vs. Secondary data) was used in the experiment in the video, “Why are buses late in Halifax?” Explain your response by outlining the characteristics of the primary data and secondary data. (e.g., briefly define each) [2 Marks]

(Video Link:

  1. In the same video (“Why are buses late in Halifax?”, what methodology did they use to analyze the collected data? (Quantitative method vs. Qualitative method) And in what ways did they show their results from the data? Explain your response in detail. [2 Marks]

answer each question under the question

please use your own words


GRE 06755 Cypress College Your Typical Response to Stress Report Writing Assignment Help


  1. Open document and print or retype on a word document.
  2. Complete the Appropriate Response Scale 1.1 test to determine whether your responses are unhealthy, a direct violation of appropriate response, denial or ineffective. Complete Activity: Selective Awareness part I and Selective Awareness part II : “Stressors and Their Positive Aspects”. Record responses, score, and evaluation of your incorrect responses.
  3. On same document, type a summary of your thoughts about this information by answering the following questions below: What did you find most interesting about your findings? What does this mean to you in your stress management process and what would you change?


Georgia Military College Metacognitive Awareness Inventory Test Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Georgia Military College Metacognitive Awareness Inventory Test Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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