Georgia State University Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approach Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Georgia State University Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approach Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Georgia State University Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approach Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a business Other and need an explanation to help me learn.
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This is Literature Review.

Review articles attached that relate to the Sun Coast business problems . The articles you use should help inform your knowledge about the issues you are trying to solve for Sun Coast. The articles should also be quantitative research articles from primary and secondary sources. The article discussion should include the qualifications of the authors, purpose of the studies, research methodologies and designs used, results from the studies, and explanations of how the articles relate to Sun Coast’s problem. Ensure that you also describe how you believe the research made a positive organizational impact.

The six Sun Coast research problems included:

P1, Particulate Matter (PM)

P2, Safety Training Effectiveness

P3, Sound-Level Exposure

P4, New Employee Training

P5, Lead Exposure

P6, Return on Investment

Template is attached to help guide how to write this assignment

and articles to use is also attached. The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement for this assignment. This assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length, follow APA-style formatting and guidelines

Georgia State University Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approach Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UCI House Arrest with Monitoring System Based on Foucaults Idea Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.


part 1

  1. Select an aspect of contemporary punishment to analyze.
  2. Use a supporting source (news article, scholarly article, or legal decision) to exemplify the particular aspect you selected in part (a).
  3. Define the theory, highlighting what you determine to be most important.
  4. Use the theory to analyze your punishment example in order to present it in a different light.
  5. part 2
  6. Which of the 3 theories of punishment do you find most compelling and why? (1) Durkheim 2) Marx/Engels or Douglas Hay 3) Foucault)
  7. What is 1 way that you think the theory from part (1) could be improved?


ELA City University of Seattle Brutus Leader Candidate for Rome Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a english project and need a sample draft to help me learn.


Your group will create a campaign for one character of your choice from the play Julius Caesar,

one who you think would be the best leader.

As a group you will create the following items during class.

1) A campaign poster + A copy of the speech given by the “candidate”

Specific Requirements Checklist

  • Campaign Poster

______Contains original and creative campaign slogan

______Colorful, neat, overall effort

______ Details/image that relates to the character

  • One-page speech

______Typed, double spaced, FULL page, Times New Roman, size 12 font

_______Clear intro that states your candidate’s position

______Include at least three specific examples from the text to support the candidate’s points (what is their “platform”)

______After each specific example, provide an explanation to the listeners of how it proves that they would be a good leader for Rome

______Clear conclusion

Group Members:



EMU E Marketing Solutions Business Website Development Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business question and need an explanation to help me study.

Hey, I need your help to investigate and solve a real-life business

problem. I need an essay which requires you to explore various creative

ideas and make a range of
decisions regarding a business model.You need to have a strong rationale for the business decisions you make
and remember that your goal is to match your customers (businesses and

and their interests, traits and preferences with the right SMIs. around

2600 words to 3000. I have a template of required questions for your

I have attached.


SWM 5100 Educational Settings Child Protection Law Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a social work writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Field of practice case study analysis (2000 word)

For this assignment, you are required to utilise the framework we have been using to explore each field of practice area. You will apply this to a field of practice we have not covered in our unit content. You can choose from educational settings or income maintenance and employment. There will be one case study for each of those two fields of practice. Choose only one case study for your assignment.

This means you will have to do your own research on your chosen field of practice. This should include, but not be limited to:

  • The relevant legislation and policy within that field of practice
  • Service provision and practice within that field of practice
  • Ethical tensions and dilemmas within that field of practice
  • Intersections with the law or legal processes within that field of practice.

The relevant chapter from the core textbook will be an important place to start, but you will be required to also locate your own supporting literature.

This assignment will require you to build on the skills we have developed throughout the unit, particularly in the tutorials, to use critical reflection as a framework to navigate challenging case presentations. You will be required to respond to the case study as a social worker, imagining how you might consider the key issues and formulate appropriate decisions.

CASE STUDY ONE: Educational settings

Ms Smith notices that Jack, a 7 year old boy in her grade 1 class is acting differently than usual. He is not his usual bubbly self, he appears withdrawn and quiet. At school pick up one day, Ms Smith checks in with Jack’s parents who dismiss the observation, putting it down to a recent cold/flu that Jack had, which kept him home from school for a few days.

The behaviour seems to persist so after sometime Ms Smith refers Jack to the school social worker. The school social worker starts seeing Jack and after sometime he discloses that his 15 year old step-brother sexually abused him. The school social worker makes a notification to child protective services and an investigation is open.

Jack’s parents are in shock over the situation and the sudden involvement of protective services in the family’s life. They ask the school social worker to respect their privacy and keep the situation confidential. This is not only for Jack, but also because his step-brother attends the nearby high school.

Ms Smith notices that Jack’s behaviour continues to deteriorate. She is finding him difficult to manage in the classroom as he is starting to act out. She asks the school social worker for an update on the situation. The school social worker feels torn. On one hand, she thinks the information would help the teacher manage Jack in the classroom, but on the other hand, she needs to consider the implications on the family.

After reading the case study, respond to the following questions:

Legislation and/or policy (15%)

Identify and describe a key piece of legislation or policy that applies to this case study. Provide a rationale for why it is relevant and how it might apply to the case study. Include specific reference to the Act, where relevant.

Service provision and practice (20%)

A core part of social work practice is referring to appropriate agencies and services to support the people you are working with.

In relation to Jack’s situation, as well as notifying protective services following the disclosure, find one service or program that you would consider referring to. This service or program could be for Jack, his brother, his parents or the entire family.

Find an actual service that exists somewhere in Victoria (or in your state or territory if you are a distance education student). You can use online service directories, google and you can call and make inquiries to agencies.

Describe the service and provide a rationale for why you would refer the client to that service. In your response outline the goal of this referral (what do you hope it to achieve?) and any potential obstacles to that referral.

Ethical tensions/dilemmas (35%)

Would you disclose to Miss Smith, or not?

In this section, provide a detailed description of your ethical decision-making process and outcome (i.e. detail what you would decide and how you get to that decision). Identify the key ethical issues relevant to your decision-making, and provide a detailed rationale for your decision, drawing on AASW Code of Ethics and other relevant ethical guidelines in your response.

Intersections with law/legal processes (20%)

In this case study, the social worker makes a notification to protective services. Indicate in your response whether this is a mandated response or not and provide reference to a relevant source to support your claim. Provide a brief summary of when social workers are required to make a mandatory notification to protective services in Victoria.

In the absence of a directive towards mandatory notification, how would you decide whether to make a notification to protective services? Use at least one relevant source to justify your response.



CUA Psychosocial Assessment Treatment Plan Explanatory Theory & Client Issue Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science writing question and need guidance to help me study.

Components to be included in the Psychosocial Assessment (5 pages): Part II


  • Application of explanatory theory/concepts to the client issue
    • Using a theory from HBSE, explain the presenting client issue – do not resummarize the case.
    • In other words, why is the client as he or she is presenting now?
    • Students should include and apply accurately at least 2 concepts from the chosen HBSE theory.
    • Students should also consider how factors related discrimination and/or oppression could be contributing to the presenting problem or client issue.
  • Intervention plan description:
    • Using the problem-solving model (PSM) in your description, this section should demonstrate the link between the explanatory theory and the proposed intervention plan.
    • Here you should describe what you want to do with the intervention using the explanatory theory as your guide. In other words, how does the intervention plan you propose address the gaps/challenges/deficits/needs that you explained using the explanatory theory?
    • Include parts the PSM (i.e. brainstorming and other terms) into your discussion
  • Intervention plan:
    • ONE goal, TWO objectives (AEB) for the ONE goal, and 3-5 tasks
    • ALL parts (goal, objectives, and tasks) are written in SMART format
  • Prepare a termination plan
    • Evaluate the intervention:
      • Using your objectives from your goal above, explain why these methods would be good indicators of the client’s progress towards their goals. In other words, explain why you chose those particular objectives to measure the client’s progress.
      • At least one of the methods should come from your readings as a way to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention plan.
      • Essentially, provide a rationale as to why the objectives you chose would be appropriate.
    • Termination plan
      • While considering the evaluation method, prepare a termination plan that considers the client factors and circumstances, including but not limited to access to services and program limitations/requirements.
      • Include the importance of processing the relationship or other factors in your plan.

CUA Psychosocial Assessment Treatment Plan Explanatory Theory & Client Issue Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

City University of Seattle The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.


Write an explanatory paragraph that compares and contrasts the development of Brutus’ character from the beginning to the end of this act. Explain whether he is a dynamic (a character who undergoes significant internal change throughout the course of a story) or a static character (a character who remains largely the same throughout the course of the story), and why you think so. Be sure to:

  • Begin with a clear thesis that states your position.
  • Include textual evidence and commentary in a well-organized manner. Use No Fear Shakespeare Julius Caesar.pdf
  • Use comparison/contrast transitions to link ideas and details.
  • A reminder: Dynamic characters and static characters are opposites. While dynamic characters undergo significant internal change throughout a story, static characters stay the same.
  • TDQIE (Transition sentence, Dialogue Tag, Quote, In text citation, Explanation) See: Quote Sandwich, Constructing a Paragraph.docx


HSN 376 University of Phoenix Wk 2 Health Care Technology Terms Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing Worksheet and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Complete the Health Care Technology Terms worksheet. Download the worksheet, and write/explain your definitions right on the worksheet.

Select 10 of the 24 terms found on the worksheet. Your answers must include the following:

·Definition or explanation of the term and a description of its purpose

·An example of the term and a summary of how it is used in a health care setting

·Please include at least two references from scholarly sources for your entire list of terms, not each individual term. Only two references, in total for the entire assignment, are required for this assignment. Place the two references at the end of the worksheet.


CUNY Hunter College Silver Linings Playbook movie Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology Essay and need support to help me understand better.

~750 words (you can add more if you need to get your point across)


12 pt. Arial / Calibri Font, Double-spaced


Address these questions about the movie (you can address more, but you must address the below to get full credit). And please elaborate a little. Do not just say “Yes or No”:


1.) Brief synopsis of the film


2.) How do the “character’s” symptoms agree and disagree with the DSM classification of the disorder?


3.) What treatment (medication and psychotherapy if applicable) would you prescribe to the “character(s)” with the disorder? 


4.) Was this an accurate portrayal of the disorder in question? Why or why not?


Note: These will be graded more strictly than the reaction pieces earlier in the courses so make sure you follow and address all the above points in a descriptive manner.

Choose from these movies below:

Silver Linings Playbook


The Ghost and the Whale


Infinitely Polar Bear


Matchstick Men


As Good as It Gets


House of Sand and Fog


Mr. Jones


The Informant






It’s Kind of a Funny Story


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


The Hours


Prozac Nation






Donnie Darko


The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Girl, Interrupted


Benny & Joon


High Anxiety


Chicago Public Schools Comparison Between Pragmatism and Utilitarianism Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

300 words. Links and reading will be provided. Please let me know if you have any questions.

For the POLANYI reading, you should focus on the chronology of the breakdown the author gives us – what ideas were used as a springboard for the next set, etc. What role does the question of Truth play in the presented history? What axiomatic idea was actually challenged by the Darwinian claims? Is there a way to keep Darwin and the axiomatic idea?

For the PETERSON video, focus on the breakdown of the postmodernism: does it work? Where does Dr. Peterson suggest it might break down? What Implications can you draw out of it? How are the ideas of self, free will, truth, and objective knowledge related and where do these ideas break down in postmodernism?

For the NIHILISM video, focus on the problem of subjective values. What happens when the idea of right and wrong is up to every person? What can go wrong? How does this relate to the POLANYI reading (look at his historical trajectory of where that leads)? How does this relate to the ideas of self, free will, and the kinds of ideas about thinking we began the course with.



HSN 376 University of Phoenix Wk 2 Health Care Technology Terms Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing Worksheet and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Complete the Health Care Technology Terms worksheet. Download the worksheet, and write/explain your definitions right on the worksheet.

Select 10 of the 24 terms found on the worksheet. Your answers must include the following:

·Definition or explanation of the term and a description of its purpose

·An example of the term and a summary of how it is used in a health care setting

·Please include at least two references from scholarly sources for your entire list of terms, not each individual term. Only two references, in total for the entire assignment, are required for this assignment. Place the two references at the end of the worksheet.


CUNY Hunter College Silver Linings Playbook movie Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology Essay and need support to help me understand better.

~750 words (you can add more if you need to get your point across)


12 pt. Arial / Calibri Font, Double-spaced


Address these questions about the movie (you can address more, but you must address the below to get full credit). And please elaborate a little. Do not just say “Yes or No”:


1.) Brief synopsis of the film


2.) How do the “character’s” symptoms agree and disagree with the DSM classification of the disorder?


3.) What treatment (medication and psychotherapy if applicable) would you prescribe to the “character(s)” with the disorder? 


4.) Was this an accurate portrayal of the disorder in question? Why or why not?


Note: These will be graded more strictly than the reaction pieces earlier in the courses so make sure you follow and address all the above points in a descriptive manner.

Choose from these movies below:

Silver Linings Playbook


The Ghost and the Whale


Infinitely Polar Bear


Matchstick Men


As Good as It Gets


House of Sand and Fog


Mr. Jones


The Informant






It’s Kind of a Funny Story


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


The Hours


Prozac Nation






Donnie Darko


The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Girl, Interrupted


Benny & Joon


High Anxiety


Chicago Public Schools Comparison Between Pragmatism and Utilitarianism Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

300 words. Links and reading will be provided. Please let me know if you have any questions.

For the POLANYI reading, you should focus on the chronology of the breakdown the author gives us – what ideas were used as a springboard for the next set, etc. What role does the question of Truth play in the presented history? What axiomatic idea was actually challenged by the Darwinian claims? Is there a way to keep Darwin and the axiomatic idea?

For the PETERSON video, focus on the breakdown of the postmodernism: does it work? Where does Dr. Peterson suggest it might break down? What Implications can you draw out of it? How are the ideas of self, free will, truth, and objective knowledge related and where do these ideas break down in postmodernism?

For the NIHILISM video, focus on the problem of subjective values. What happens when the idea of right and wrong is up to every person? What can go wrong? How does this relate to the POLANYI reading (look at his historical trajectory of where that leads)? How does this relate to the ideas of self, free will, and the kinds of ideas about thinking we began the course with.



HSN 376 University of Phoenix Wk 2 Health Care Technology Terms Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing Worksheet and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Complete the Health Care Technology Terms worksheet. Download the worksheet, and write/explain your definitions right on the worksheet.

Select 10 of the 24 terms found on the worksheet. Your answers must include the following:

·Definition or explanation of the term and a description of its purpose

·An example of the term and a summary of how it is used in a health care setting

·Please include at least two references from scholarly sources for your entire list of terms, not each individual term. Only two references, in total for the entire assignment, are required for this assignment. Place the two references at the end of the worksheet.


CUNY Hunter College Silver Linings Playbook movie Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology Essay and need support to help me understand better.

~750 words (you can add more if you need to get your point across)


12 pt. Arial / Calibri Font, Double-spaced


Address these questions about the movie (you can address more, but you must address the below to get full credit). And please elaborate a little. Do not just say “Yes or No”:


1.) Brief synopsis of the film


2.) How do the “character’s” symptoms agree and disagree with the DSM classification of the disorder?


3.) What treatment (medication and psychotherapy if applicable) would you prescribe to the “character(s)” with the disorder? 


4.) Was this an accurate portrayal of the disorder in question? Why or why not?


Note: These will be graded more strictly than the reaction pieces earlier in the courses so make sure you follow and address all the above points in a descriptive manner.

Choose from these movies below:

Silver Linings Playbook


The Ghost and the Whale


Infinitely Polar Bear


Matchstick Men


As Good as It Gets


House of Sand and Fog


Mr. Jones


The Informant






It’s Kind of a Funny Story


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


The Hours


Prozac Nation






Donnie Darko


The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Girl, Interrupted


Benny & Joon


High Anxiety


Chicago Public Schools Comparison Between Pragmatism and Utilitarianism Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

300 words. Links and reading will be provided. Please let me know if you have any questions.

For the POLANYI reading, you should focus on the chronology of the breakdown the author gives us – what ideas were used as a springboard for the next set, etc. What role does the question of Truth play in the presented history? What axiomatic idea was actually challenged by the Darwinian claims? Is there a way to keep Darwin and the axiomatic idea?

For the PETERSON video, focus on the breakdown of the postmodernism: does it work? Where does Dr. Peterson suggest it might break down? What Implications can you draw out of it? How are the ideas of self, free will, truth, and objective knowledge related and where do these ideas break down in postmodernism?

For the NIHILISM video, focus on the problem of subjective values. What happens when the idea of right and wrong is up to every person? What can go wrong? How does this relate to the POLANYI reading (look at his historical trajectory of where that leads)? How does this relate to the ideas of self, free will, and the kinds of ideas about thinking we began the course with.



HSN 376 University of Phoenix Wk 2 Health Care Technology Terms Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing Worksheet and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Complete the Health Care Technology Terms worksheet. Download the worksheet, and write/explain your definitions right on the worksheet.

Select 10 of the 24 terms found on the worksheet. Your answers must include the following:

·Definition or explanation of the term and a description of its purpose

·An example of the term and a summary of how it is used in a health care setting

·Please include at least two references from scholarly sources for your entire list of terms, not each individual term. Only two references, in total for the entire assignment, are required for this assignment. Place the two references at the end of the worksheet.


CUNY Hunter College Silver Linings Playbook movie Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology Essay and need support to help me understand better.

~750 words (you can add more if you need to get your point across)


12 pt. Arial / Calibri Font, Double-spaced


Address these questions about the movie (you can address more, but you must address the below to get full credit). And please elaborate a little. Do not just say “Yes or No”:


1.) Brief synopsis of the film


2.) How do the “character’s” symptoms agree and disagree with the DSM classification of the disorder?


3.) What treatment (medication and psychotherapy if applicable) would you prescribe to the “character(s)” with the disorder? 


4.) Was this an accurate portrayal of the disorder in question? Why or why not?


Note: These will be graded more strictly than the reaction pieces earlier in the courses so make sure you follow and address all the above points in a descriptive manner.

Choose from these movies below:

Silver Linings Playbook


The Ghost and the Whale


Infinitely Polar Bear


Matchstick Men


As Good as It Gets


House of Sand and Fog


Mr. Jones


The Informant






It’s Kind of a Funny Story


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


The Hours


Prozac Nation






Donnie Darko


The Perks of Being a Wallflower


Girl, Interrupted


Benny & Joon


High Anxiety


Chicago Public Schools Comparison Between Pragmatism and Utilitarianism Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a philosophy discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

300 words. Links and reading will be provided. Please let me know if you have any questions.

For the POLANYI reading, you should focus on the chronology of the breakdown the author gives us – what ideas were used as a springboard for the next set, etc. What role does the question of Truth play in the presented history? What axiomatic idea was actually challenged by the Darwinian claims? Is there a way to keep Darwin and the axiomatic idea?

For the PETERSON video, focus on the breakdown of the postmodernism: does it work? Where does Dr. Peterson suggest it might break down? What Implications can you draw out of it? How are the ideas of self, free will, truth, and objective knowledge related and where do these ideas break down in postmodernism?

For the NIHILISM video, focus on the problem of subjective values. What happens when the idea of right and wrong is up to every person? What can go wrong? How does this relate to the POLANYI reading (look at his historical trajectory of where that leads)? How does this relate to the ideas of self, free will, and the kinds of ideas about thinking we began the course with.


Georgia State University Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approach Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Georgia State University Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approach Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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